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>Oh man, they finally gave Ito a proper, faithful, high-budget adaptation!
>Just finished episode 1, this looks amazing! It's like my imagination of the manga was being made real! Even though there are some corners cut and the pacing's a little too fast, things are supposed to slow down and really thicken with each episode being longer than the last! The last episode's supposed to be 40 minutes, I can't wait to immerse myself in this awesome series!
>Friggin sweet! Episode two premieres on the 6th, can't wait! Anime's finally kino again!
I still can't believe that WB fucked this up at the same time Joker flopped lol
Poetic justice, completely deserved.
I give it a year before they're sold to Apple.
You think Apple would be any better?
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Just enjoy the animation.
No, but at least the slop will keep flowing
I never got duped by the 20 second promo four years ago so I don't care.
Yes you did lmao
>Anime's finally kino again!
thanks to Dandadan
Fuck uou,
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I do not understand your pic
He look up her skirt as he block le kick
> Naming your series after a globally known manga protagonist

I hope Kishimoto sue this faggot. Imgine if someone made a series called Goku. Just as retarded
is this real?
Literally who?
Every result for uzumaki is junji Ito so maybe your irrelevant character should just get a name change
That's worse than the YouTube story channels
It's like having all semester to work on a project and you wait till the day it's due to even start it
I don't know what this is. Why are you triggered about episode 2?
episode 2 is legit unwatchable

and i dont mean the art, everything from directing, pacing to how scenes are edited
everything is just so shit
no joke you could just pay 10 half decent youtube animators and give them a full year instead of fucking 10 different outsource teams and it would look much better

chinks are cheap ... as long as you fucking get one team to do it, the credits for episode 2 look like a joke, 12 directors and 40 key animators from a dozen studios
I bought the whole hardcover manga at a bookstore before I knew this shit was even airing. Should I read it?
Bro you already bought it, why the hell are you asking
Episode 1 didn't look good. It looked like a lazy cgi fest.
>watched episode one, loved it
>saw the webms for episode 2 on /tv/
>dropped instantly

At this point my backlog will take years to get through
Why does that make dandandan bad? That is what I mean by I do not understand
dont worry, id ep 2 looks this bad, i expect we gonna get a special treat for ep 3, i expect even better webms and salty threads
I don't care for Dandadan personally, not that it's particularly bad or anything. I just think it's a funny visual.
Did the same. Had a hard time believing the leaks were real last Friday but holy shit did I dodge a bullet. Sad too because I thought it'd be a fun one to watch after I finally got a chance to see e1 last night.
It'll be hilarious if they do the snail sex scene
You should, it's kino.
They did deliberately lie about the budget to the guy making it
No, but it's close
I worked on Uzumaki for years. The problems with the show are 100% down to Shogakukan being the shittiest licensor you could imagine.
Not surprising.
How much did the WB producers have to do with the fuckery surrounding the show (assuming you're not talking out of your asshole)?
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>I worked on Uzumaki
Yeah and my Uncle works at Nintendo and my Dad is Roebrt De Niro
Feh. You kids today with your crap modern animation. You don't know how good quality was back in the golden age of anime.
Not a huge amount. At the end they just wanted to release the series after years of delays. The primary problem was that Shogakukan had ultimate approval on every aspect of the project. Their expectations and demands were unrealistic as they are the rights holder, not an actual animation production company. So even when Williams Street and Production I.G. was trying to move the show forward, Shogakukan just dug in and dragged the whole process out. To put it into perspective, the show had seven different internal release date starting with October 2021. It missed all of them before landing on the late September 2024 date. All of this was because Shogakukan wouldn't approve shit on their side, or would take months to give notes, or would come back with notes that required full reworks.
Yeah, it's not possible people who work in the entertainment industry talk anonymously about their experiences.
Anime has gone to shit. We had such amazing shows and OVAs back in the day.
That's what I was getting at. Dandadan looks like a flash cartoon with its fps while having shit generic backgrounds like all post-00s anime. The first episode of Uzumaki even though it used CG harkened back to the days of shit like Wicked City and Perfect Blue.
>Shogakukan had ultimate approval on every aspect of the project
Fascinating, definitely a different angle than the popular one of it being fuckery on WB and AS affiliates' end. I've heard similar things about meddling from publishers and rights holders for stuff like Berserk 2016 and some other flops. Is this common in the anime industry?
>just dug in and dragged the whole process out
What are some examples of Shogakukan taking issue with the content or what was being produced, and what are some details about the budget disputes?
theres a little difference between slop made in a week and a budget of tens of dollars and something that took a modern studio 6 years to make and millions upon millions of dollars
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It's really obvious that somewhere the budget fell apart, and they were not able to actually complete the show. it has zero inbetweens, and only the key animation done. So it's not some stylistic choice, or just incompetency, it's just the thing is literally only half done.

So this is JUST LIKE Uzumaki in that the budget fell apart at some point so it was then rushed to be finished!
WB has had shit animation since 1960, most of us loved the 40's and 50's reruns but people grew up on decades of their shit contemporary animation. Disney at least had a Renaissance, what did WB have? SPACE JAM!
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>what did WB have? SPACE JAM!
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There's nothing wrong with this. I can't believe you guys got filtered by graphic novel style.
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>people died waiting for this
Most Japanese cartoons are all just poorly animated crap anyway.
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>Is this common in the anime industry?
Yes. Most anime have approval committees assigned to the IP. These committees are essentially cabals of out-of-touch Japanese businessmen that demand you do everything their way to get approvals, even when their way hurts the overall project. There is no arguing with them and I have seen projects that took five years of behind the scenes work ultimately cancelled by committee interference. In my experience, they are worse than any US entertainment approval entity, including film studios. Some are less a pain than others, but the worst ones make it essentially impossible for a non-Japanese entity to work with them. It's completely their way or the highway, and their way can sometimes be driving off a cliff.
>What are some examples of Shogakukan taking issue with the content
One of the four episodes airing wasn't approved by them as of three weeks ago due to a very specific "animation issue" that was not flagged in the previous four years. My understanding is that Production I.G. and Williams Street essentially told them it was airing no matter what as they had finally agreed to a release date come Hell or high water.
BAS is so well-planned but on the basis of one badly animated four season TV show and one film, would you call that a Renaissance?
0:26 is fucking wild.
>These committees are essentially cabals of out-of-touch Japanese businessmen that demand you do everything their way to get approvals, even when their way hurts the overall project.
So are these basically bureaucrats assigned by the company, with no experience in the production side of things with a lack of frame of reference for whatever thing you're working on judging whatever you're working on at any stage of the project? I knew anime was extremely corporatized, but that's incredibly retarded as a system for curating quality stuff. No wonder it's been nothing but slop for a couple decades now over there.
>a very specific "animation issue" that was not flagged in the previous four years.
Which episode was it on, and did they make you guys redo the whole thing before release? If so the awful quality makes sense for E2; though it's still dumb as fuck that I.G and WS made you guys shart it out instead of waiting given they knew it would be a turd.
>they were the lucky ones
what a fucking tragedy
It was crazy watching this and realizing I never liked that manga in the first place. The animation is hardly the worst part.
>several people turning to snails is considered mildly odd
>everybody is somehow overly hysteric and but also apathetic to the actual odd shit happening
>art pieces loosely held together by nonsense
i am glad i had no expectations when it was first announced. i like the stories but just for some reason i knew adult swim making an adaptation would end up being a trainwreck because of their incompetency. im even glad that adult swim ultimately scrapped the planned tf2 series since they didnt want to work on valve time
>So are these basically bureaucrats assigned by the company, with no experience in the production side of things with a lack of frame of reference for whatever thing you're working on judging whatever you're working on at any stage of the project?
Yes, it's exactly like this. These cabals exist almost everywhere in the Japanese business world and I personally think that the committee system is the reason Japan will never be a global titan. Japan's business world has other problems, but none so big as their insistence on adhering to the committee system.
>did they make you guys redo the whole thing before release?
This happened several times along the production path, which is way this is releasing now instead of in 2021 as planned. It's just gone on so long that it became a "shit or get off the pot" situation with the entire project. That's why it's being pushed out in the current lacking state. It was either this or no release and a load of legal troubles.
The fuck?
>Tiny Toon Adventures
>Pinky & The Brain
>Duck Dodgers
>Baby Looney Tunes
>Superman: The Animated Series
>Justice League
>Justice League Unlimited
>Batman Beyond
>Teen Titans
The town and its people are literally cursed. The part I find sariest is how the people just give up trying to make sense of things and just roll with it.

>Yeah we have a death lazer light house. It's kind of a bother, but what ya gonna do?
I wasn't following this series at all, and readup about it when the first episode dropped and was all over the place. I was busy watching other stuff and doing other things until I finally watched E1 last night after hearing all about the massive disaster that was E2, and how the series turned into the Hindenburg of miniseries last Sunday. Real tragedy what happened, and I'm fascinated to get the details from this anon and others online about what happened.
At the end of the day people go to Ito for the zany concepts and the splash pages, everything else is just sort of there or not very good. It's why they don't need to be animated, what's the point when the best parts of them work perfectly as still images? It's preferable really because you can't properly appreciate something on screen for five seconds. Having the eyeball roll around in the first episode of uzumaki was cool but it really isn't necessary.
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Sounds almost impossible for somebody to navigate, especially a foreigner if you aren't familiar with it.
>It's just gone on so long that it became a "shit or get off the pot" situation with the entire project
I see, sounds bad.
>in the current lacking state.
So this brings me to probably my last group of questions about the Uzumaki disaster: Is the last episode going to be good given it's being done by the same team that worked on E1? Is E3 going to be dogshit like the second, or do you think both will be a patchwork of great and dogshit moments stapled together? What was the deal with the switch to the Chinese animation company, was that due to WB meddling or a decision by Shogakukan suits? And finally, what work did you do on the project?
Her boyfriend better at least have a 7.5 inch penis, a shame otherwise with that body
She's a tasteful pornographer with a homoerotic streak. Very popular in Japan and a meme over there.
Why are American produced anime shows so cursed?
The pacing is crazy I think the multiple cases happening at once idea is inspired but trying to execute it in 22 min episodes is so stupid. I wonder if they're gonna cut the entire second arc and just fastforward to the very last panel of the manga.
How do you go from this...
...to this?!
>man of shad.webm
If by "proper adaptation" you mean literally animating the panels of the manga, then yeah I guess. Even without the shitty animation, the whole stylistic approach is monumentally pointless.
I don't know why Netflix couldn't give them more money to animate the rest of the episodes as good as the first, show was gonna be huge and Netflix has a shit ton of money
>Is the last episode going to be good given it's being done by the same team that worked on E1?
He didn't work on the show you tard he's just roleplaying.
That's not even the worst part. It was the trashing of ideas and themes from SAC. I haven't bothered with the second season I just couldn't stomach the tripe I was watching.
What episode of Xavier: Renegade Angel is this?
Good old Netflix...
The mangas are amazing. The show is entirely separate from it. Did you think the manga was created after the show? It's from Junji Ito you retard.
>Is the last episode going to be good given it's being done by the same team that worked on E1? Is E3 going to be dogshit like the second, or do you think both will be a patchwork of great and dogshit moments stapled together? What was the deal with the switch to the Chinese animation company, was that due to WB meddling or a decision by Shogakukan suits? And finally, what work did you do on the project?

I can't say anything about the quality of the last two episodes because I haven't seen any finished material for them. I hadn't seen the finished product for e2 until it aired either. My guess is it's going to be stitched together because I know e1 was approved in a piecemeal way. As of April e1 was about 80% locked with 20% placeholdered out waiting approval from Shogakukan. The fact that I haven't seen anything for these episodes makes me think they aware being worked on until as late as possible and are probably crap. I assume the Chinese animation company's involvement is either from Shogakukan or a compromise lead with Williams Street, but I do not know that with certainty since I wasn't involved in those decisions. I worked on the administrative business side of the project in the US and was a fan of Uzumaki before being assigned to it. It sucks to see what's happened and to know it was the licensor effectively sabotaging the project. I'm all about giving WB shit, but this one isn't on them.
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You are posting the number garbage flop OVA of its time dude. Why? Nobody even liked this back then.
CGIshit is the worst thing to happen to animation
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eh. you just gotta roll with the times...
The truth is the Japanese like this animation. That's why it keeps happening.
Because American producers fundamentally misunderstand the appeal of anime
its just cheaper
This is a joke meme video, right? No corporation would release this.
you mean the japanese exsecutives of the companies that invest in ybe shows do?
though i guess sone animstors ate into playing with the 3d models. just wish they woyld stylize it better in more cases.
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Well, it is Netflix
You don't see cheap 3d animation so ubiquitous, or in high budget enterprises (Berzerk films) in other countries. You simply don't. The japanese like it.
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its extremely cheap and faster
most of the popular western cartoons are cgi
>most of the popular western cartoons are cgi
Now find me "quality" (now there's a pretty meme, exquisite) moments in that dog show on par with anything we've seen from japan.
lets compare the budget of Berserk to a disney flick
I didn't ask about Berserk's budget relative to Disney's. I said find me quality as in dogshit moments in that dog show on par with anything we've seen from Japan, say in Knights of Sidonia, or UZUMAKI.
I worked on the Uzumaki manga for years. Let's just say the Ito being diaper fur rumors are substantiated.
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>The fact that I haven't seen anything for these episodes makes me think they aware being worked on until as late as possible and are probably crap
Man, the way you describe this shitstorm it makes episode one sound like it was a miracle it got out and was a success at all. Seems like episode 3 and 4 (if they air) will either be experimental masterpieces or unfinished sketches thrown together and vomited at the audience even worse than E2.
>I assume the Chinese animation company's involvement is either from Shogakukan or a compromise lead with Williams Street, but I do not know that with certainty since I wasn't involved in those decisions.
Indeed, it seems like it will forever be one of those great corporate secrets that will only be released in the years after the dust settles and nobody's paying attention.
>I worked on the administrative business side of the project in the US and was a fan of Uzumaki before being assigned to it.
>It sucks to see what's happened and to know it was the licensor effectively sabotaging the project. I'm all about giving WB shit, but this one isn't on them.
It really is never as clear cut as people like to think. Here in America, we love to give our entertainment companies shit because they so often deserve it (WB raping the Joker comes to mind), but sometimes things are quite literally out of our control: we jump the gun and point the finger at someone or something established as a source of ridicule when reality is more complicated. It's fun to have a scapegoat, it's part of our psychology, but the reality of the Uzumaki disaster truly exposes the deep and systemic problems within the anime industry, and how American attempts at extending an olive branch to said industry ultimately resulted in a spectacular disaster.
As the host of this special edition /tv/ sausage-making special, I'd like to say good night, god bless, and thank you very much for your time.
Anyone who says episode 1 was faithful hasn't read it. Faithful isnt just shoving different scenes from chapters with their own pacing together. Sure the scenes they do mash together are mostly accurate but changes the entire pace and format of the story,
>he doesn't know Ito denies the Nanjing massacre and is a powerful underground leader of Nippon Kaigi
>he doesn't know Ito fucks his cats and has a secret porn page on TOR
It's not 1:1 in terms of replicating the story at the right pace reflected in the manga, but it is absolutely faithful in terms of replicating the atmosphere and aesthetic of Ito's work while still being gorgeously animated; which is an impressive achievement in and of itself given how artistically dead and aesthetically uniform the anime industry is.
All animation sucked from around the 60s until the 90s because it became too expensive to produce. It only got good in the 90s because thanks to Korea it became cheap again. During the 80s, producing stuff in Japan improved things somewhat, but it was still pretty crappy.
it captured the aesthetic great but id argue the truncating changes the atmosphere.
>All animation sucked from around the 60s until the 90s because it became too expensive to produce.
I don't think I've heard the full story on this, it would make a fascinating documentary if it concerned the fall of WB and Disney animation in the 1960's, and the rise of Anime, as well as the rise and fall of the Disney Renaissance in the 2000's. It would be interesting if Disney Animation still managed to have its Baroque and Enlightenment periods, lol
The thing is that Western TV shows have never looked good, Japanese ones have.

With regards to Japanese movies, OVAs and movies used to look really good, but you could also say the same thing for Western animation since older Disney movies genuinely look great. But Western animated movies leaned into the CGI thing and still look good
This is awful, can someone post a Popeye webm?
>The thing is that Western TV shows have never looked good
They've never been as not-fluid as the things we've seen form Japan, even from the 2000s.
>Disney again
I'm not talking about Disney holy shit.
>until the 90s
80s actually. Golgo and Nausicaa basically started a huge boom in interest for the industry that lasted until the late 90s/early 00s when all the bubble money dried up, digitization came in, offshoring started, and the industry became highly centralized around a few studios who had to pump out massive amounts of slop for cheap.
>They've never been as not-fluid
Watch ANY old Hanna-Barbara shit
I was almost in tears laughing at multiple points during episode 1.
If episode 2 and 3 are worse i can't imagine how bad they are.
The writing in anime has always been terrible. But the 70s 80s and (early) 90s stuff was still watchable despite that, because they were fun and had nice artwork and amazing music.
Honestly? That doesn't look any worse than anything else that's come out in the last ten years.
And What's New Scooby Doo didn't look like 60s Scooby Doo.
Why is this a discussion? What are you defending? Do you really think it's an accident that Japan consistently, consistently produces terrible CG animation? They like it. There's no other explanation. I hope this isn't too non-sequitur, but the new Star Wars media? We all know it's garbage, but it continues to be made because normalfags like it. Same thing.
Most of those take rank with the Flintstones Kids reboot and fail to reach the level of the older cinematic cartoons. Superman doesn't compare too well to the grounded nature of the Fleischer series but it went for longer-form storytelling that really built up the franchise; it's not necessarily lesser in quality but the latter Superman series was designed for authors and not artists, Batman is split about even between aesthetic and writing but it's clearly cheep Korean animation.
I'm talking about stuff from the 80s and 90s given that's the frame of reference we're using for this discussion.
>he doesn't know about how stockholders completely fuck the definition of profit in entertainment companies, thus incentivizing awful shit everybody hates because the money keeps coming in
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>I'm talking about stuff from the 80s and 90s given that's the frame of reference we're using for this discussion
I wasn't talking about the 80s and 90s. I specifically replied to a post related to new Berserk, replied to a guy talking about some western dog show which he failed to find examples of poor animation of.
>awful shit everybody hates
Yeah that's why the new Star Wars shit keeps getting made because people hate it. Normalfags eat it up, and you don't need to search hard to find evidence of this. Why is this a discussion? What are you defending? Do you really think it's an accident that Japan consistently, consistently produces terrible CG animation? You don't have to answer, but the last word is yours if you want it, I won't be replying. Absolutely bizarre discussion.
>Japan produces consitently shit 3D animation, ergo they like it
>Well no they don't because you see Disney and 80s and 90s
What the fuck man. Blew my mind.
A lot of those WB cartoons would have various studios from all over do different episodes, not just Korea. The best animated episodes were usually done in Japan.
No satan, I think though the guy put it front and center to where it caught my eye because he had heard about Uzumaki before I did. It's pretty crazy when you put yourself in other people's shoes, you can figure out so many problems in your life!
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>Normalfags eat it up
No they fucking don't, look at viewership for any of their series since Boba Fett. They make it because investors and stockholders like it as it boosts their ESG; likewise for anime Japs cut as many corners as possible in order to keep profit margins tight as possible and make their shareholders happy, which results in a race to the bottom that's been ongoing since the Lost Decades started.
All this results in perverse incentives in the entertainment industry producing shit everybody hates, because ultimately there's more fake money in the global economy flowing into the stock market than to working people, so the entertainment industry instead appeals to stockholders as opposed to normies.
There's tons of animation errors in Bluey lol, it's an infamously poorly animated series.
>What did WB have? Space Jam and Batman: TAS?
>They had all these other shows.
>No those don't count.
>And What's New Scooby Doo didn't look like 60s Scooby Doo.
Oh man, I ( >>204352980 ) totally forgot about the resurgence of Scooby-Doo stuff, too. Shame on me, I love Zombie Island and Witch's Ghost.
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For me, it's Mystery Inc.
Uzumaki might actually be kino if it were set in the 50s and had Clutch Cargo animation lol
Chalk it up to Japanese complacency and herd mentality.
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This bitch I know was bitching about how the first episode was trash, but not because of pacing or narrative reasons, but because she thought the animation was trash. Then episode two comes out and she felt she was justified for having that opinion that went against the grade. She won in the end, but, was she justified in her opinion after ep 1?
>ehhh the white screen hurt my eyes
>her literal reason for criticism in ep 1
Am I just sippin copium here or
Episode 1 is aesthetically megakino that filters younger Weebs for it going against the grain of what people have come to visually expect from anime. I guarantee if Perfect Blue or Wicked City came out today you'd hear similar complaints.
Well most of all the really old cartoon shorts were theatrical productions. They were later shown on TV, but they were meant for the movies so they could spend a lot of money producing them and the quality was very good from the 40s through the 50s. Animation in general was very expensive to make so to make TV animation in the 60s they cut a lot of corners. You had Hanna-Barbera streamlining things and many cartoons were simplified and abstract, but it suited popular art trends of the time. In the 70s they realized they could save a lot of money by having most of the production done in Japan which increased quality a ton, but was still pretty expensive to produce so in the 90s they shifted it towards Korea so save even more money and in general quality increased, but you also had a sort of revival of the 60s abstract style too.
Yes? Who the fuck still vitis 4chan if you're not a polcel or a brownoid DBZ fan?
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I entertained him.
I remember what I think it was a Junji Ito story where two girls went to some kind of hostel or whatever the fuck, they start to see weird shit then out of nowhere they say "k we're out, this shit's weird" and the story ended abruptly.
Was that an edit or was it real?
that second bit with the four of them reminds me of some other bad animation. i forget what.
They delayed this for like three years, and still didn't get it looking good?
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>Seems like episode 3 and 4 (if they air) will either be experimental masterpieces or unfinished sketches thrown together and vomited at the audience even worse than E2.
It's been done.
If you look itt you'll see I "interviewed" a guy who supposedly worked on it. His reasons check out.
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Maybe the final episode will have photocopies of characters.
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They could have just siphoned an extra million or two from the budget of Joker 2 to this but nope.
I just learned from watching baseball that this has a dub as well.
>three years
it was actually 4, announced in 2019 and was supposed to release in 2020.
What does sticking your dick in a spiral feel like?
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I remember reading something about the pandemic messing its production up a couple of years ago.
Finally a realistic fight between a man and a woman.
naruto moron
Did your ass get enough Uzumaki?
Hey I turned my dick into a noodle! I'm Noodle Dick!
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I don't care about some shit anime.
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>Shogakukan had ultimate approval on every aspect of the project
>Fascinating, definitely a different angle than the popular one of it being fuckery on WB and AS affiliates' end
A lot of retards were quick to blame Americans when it was the asian bugs that fucked it up.
Go back to /a/
He's taking the piss you sensitive little bitch
Buy an ad and go to

yeah looks like how most animes are, but episode 1 had a really good animation so when you see this its just really bad.
They're making a Dandadan anime?
In all fairness WB's affiliates should've just manned up and taken the L given they spent relatively little on the project and the Asian side of things just wasn't co-operating. Now they have to deal with the double whammy of Joker AND this at the same time.
That sniff cost ¥50,000,000 prease understandu
A lot of Ito’s works are unadaptable anyway, mainly because they all lack a central story. Uzumaki’s plot is that weird shit happens for 3 volumes and then it hurriedly ends. Try adapting that into a coherent short series that has good pacing and doesn’t just feel like a bunch of separate events cut together. Can’t be done
>weird shit happens
>then it hurriedly ends
You just described David Lynch's entire filmography

>The manga was first published in 1999 in a Japanese magazine called Shonen Jump. It was also translated into English
Oh lol this is the irrelevant character you were bitching about?
>Written and illustrated by Junji Ito, Uzumaki was serialized in Shogakukan's seinen manga magazine Big Comic Spirits from January 19, 1998, to August 30, 1999

Ouch bro... Looks like your literally who is stealing from Ito
What if Joker's asshole was an uzumaki?
This isn't even B team animators this is like D team, this is "we'll fix it in the Blu-ray" levels of bad
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I like how the preview for the final episode is just a pan over a photo of the script. Bravo Anno-sama
Bait and switch
>First episode was decent
>the rest outsourced to chinks who outsourced it even more
>barely animated
>compressed to 4 eps
WB catching L's left and right
Junji-Ito deserved better
I look like this and I dress like this and I fight like this.
It's a fascinating disaster, real tragedy given it had all the potential in the world and the perfect release date.
>Junji-Ito deserved better
Man, made me think he was dead.
where do you download this shit? i can't find it on any of the torrent sites.
Is this a joke?
Even in the “well animated” first episode it didn’t capture the fear nearly as well as the manga.

The pacing just felt odd. Like all the weird shit happened at once rather than, you know, gradually SPIRALLING out of control as things get worse and worse

Instead they had like 3 different stories happen simultaneously

Also stuff like the people twisting together is laughable especially when the voice acting is so casual about it

Or when people at school are just like “damn it, snail boy is on the school wall again, get down from there!”

Like, why are people not acting surprised by this?
The manga is more like a bunch of short stories that happen to be set in the town so it feels less ludicrous that nobody reacts normally and just leaves (although they said the people cremated outside the town still had spiral smoke so you’re still cursed and fucked regardless of if you stay or leave I guess)

Seeing it stitched together makes it feel more silly.

I understand it’s just part of the curse and that’s why people aren’t reacting as they should but it’s not communicated directly so a lot of people won’t realise this.

Junji Ito was definitely not trying to write a great story with Uzumaki anyway, most of its stories exist to give a reason for the creepy fantastic visuals. They’re on the level of creepypastas storywise

A lot of his work is like that really.
is this real?
>everyone shitting on for the characters "zooming in"/getting closer while they are running
How the fuck else are you supposed to do it? Yes what a shocker, when someone runs to or away from something the distance changes.
>people are now pretending that Junji Ito's stuff isn't actually real horror™
is it because it isn't exactly like all other horror?
I feel like it's always been pretty blatant that his works are more about uneasiness and oppressiveness rather than trying to scare the viewer
your skin is supposed to start crawling from the visuals and you're supposed to become increasingly uneasy at whatever is going on; not shit and cum in pure terror
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Is this the kino animation thread?
Jesus man. That's ... bad.
his stuff isn't going to benefit from animation
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made me think of this, but possibly thatsthejoke.webp
>Just finished episode 1, this looks amazing!
Really doesn't, a few scenes look good but most of it doesn't, motion looks horrible.
The pacing is also catastrophic.
We don't need to pretend that the first episode was good. It wasn't.
Surely he could just walk to the door
Chinks were a mistake
>The Slop must flow …
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I am legit sad about this whole debacle
Episode 1 was really fucking beautiful and immersive, they nailed the art direction and atmosphere so well

I thought I was so used to disappointment on every part of entertainment, but this shit is just sad to see
>I understand it’s just part of the curse and that’s why people aren’t reacting as they should but it’s not communicated directly so a lot of people won’t realise this.
This kind of kills the tension anyway. Can't really get invested if there's no chance for anyone to get away or realize what's going on.
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That movie is great
Why is this fucking show popular?? Just read the manga, damn.
muh swirlies
the inside of an anus is also a spiral so why didn't that guy's mother cut her own anus hole out?
why did you write all that flavorless green text drivel. just say "what happened?" like a normal outrage thread
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Anime website, deal with it.
But Pop Team Epic did it better.
Why is berserk so cucked in terms of adaptations?
>only the end and eclipse in 97’ is good
>the movies are mediocre
>2016 is dogshit
>lost children will never be adapted
I watched 7 seasons of Buffy so people not freaking out about a town full of weird shit was the least of my problems with it
This isn't naruto
Somehow Netflix has figured it out with Cyberpunk and Dungeon Meshi
it's the focal lens and composition that makes this look like shit
You say that like americans are the ones animating the shows...
This is hilarious
They don't animate them but they don't know how to tard wrangle Japanese companies either, which is the crux of the issue
Westoids were a mistake.
I guess you're right. Maybe it'll get better once zoomers start getting high positions at netflix and similar companies.
The japs need to get it through their heads that their 12fps shit does not work with CGI, it's like only MF Ghost and Majestic Prince understood this.
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Bad animation? Clear signs of cost cutting? A rushed schedule? Back in the day we called that SOVL
The 3DCG anime movies did the post-eclipse scene with guts perfectly at least, but the rest of those movies were pretty w/e

97' anime is a perfectly fine entry point to the series, it doesn't omit too much and the artstyle is nice enough that the lack of animation doesn't matter too much plus it had a great soundtrack.
You mean those shows made entirely by renowned anime studio Trigger, one of which being a manga/LN first? Netflix just threw money at it.
>Implying the overwhelming Zoomers have any frame of reference for how anime is made
And they say anime can't be kino
What I disliked most about 97’ was them omitting wounds. Those chapters made the eclipse even more painful and solidified casca’s and guts relationship
>No niggers a lbgts, no money to you
Lost children has an animated manga version on yt.
2 nukes wasn't enough
Leave it to China
It's already a meme
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anime is an artform
The animation is bad, though. Fake hand-drawn is so stupid.
The first episode is already out. Episode 2 comes out tomorrow. The first one was extremely faithful.
Okay but is soundtrack at least good? Only part I'm interested in.
>Fred is a /b/tard
Who knew?
He is an oldfag after all
>anime can't be ki-
Say what you will, it's a very unique take compared to other anime
Still better than FLCL Grunge
Colin Stetson's music is the best part of the show.
Yes? They produced them. That's what a good producer does.
Demarco produced the last two shitty FLCL seasons and Ninja Kamui series too, and is ALSO doing the shitty looking new LOTR "anime".
>only the end and eclipse in 97’ is good
wrong, the entire anime is good and you got filtered
>Colin Stetson
Oh shit. "Reborn" from Hereditary is one of the best songs I've ever heard.
WB's share price at 5 YTD is horrific lol
>I'm going to short them soon as the next Superman is released
It's time to cash-in on these retards
Don't watch the trash ones then? Not like there isn't still endless slop coming out of japan too
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>bricks are drawn over the stairs
what in the fuck
clearly it is non-Euclidean geometry of Lovecraftian horror... I'm going insaaaaane!
Oh so when Kemono Friends does it it is SOUL but not here?
5 years
quit nitpicking. the animatiors are good.
Obviously, but that's besides the point.
This dude does not produce good results or have a good track record.
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Kemono friends is silly fun with cute characters not meant to be taken seriously.
This on the other hand is supposed to be an atmospheric horror series with an emphasis on visual detail.
>itt: OP interviews industryfag who worked on the show, bad anime shitposted for all to see
This is a great thread, real quality
Some people just don't learn
Shut up Chang
Stealing this
the JAPANESE animators were

the chinese hentai animators were not
It's yours fren
>ctrl+f tranime
>0 results
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The term is flopping
What the fuck is this garbage and why should I care? Won’t be watching but I’ve never even heard of this who was excited about it and why? Some like warm horror manga who gives a fuck?
Every sane person with some semblance of taste recognizes that anime is the superior art form.
Then why do so many anime fans cut off their dicks?
Ok troon we get it, DBZ is enjoyed by straight men and doesn’t have any trannies in it and you’re mad. Fucking kill yourself for the good of all children on Earth.
naw its adult swim and their nigger lives matter tier work staff
It's what happens when someone says "we'll fix it later"
Alongside Joker it's one of WB's biggest flops going on at the exact same time.
Bruh, you obviously don’t know what Japan is like.
this but unironically
Ok thanks but the Joker is a big name and the first one was a big movie no idea wtf this black and white CG “anime” is. The worst part is how they don’t own it being CG and try to “pretend” it’s drawn. Doesn’t get any more soulless than that.
>mind immediately goes to cock
neck yourself youre literally broken
>no idea wtf this black and white CG “anime” is
It's the first serious attempt to adapt something from Junji Ito, a very famous and highly respected horror illustrator whose work is infamously challenging to adapt.
Basically whereas Joker was a big and highly anticipated failure for normies, for weebs and artfags they were more hyped for this and it also failed. It was particularly disappointing because the first episode was very good, but when the second episode aired it became clear the rest was unfinished, which became a huge scandal.
>they don’t own it being CG
It was very much advertized as using new animation techniques that incorporated CG in a way that hadn't really been done much before.
It was slightly too fast, but not to a degree that it ruined the story when the animation was that high quality and attractive.
When something is delayed that long, it means that it is in development hell and a lot of important talent is either just sitting around all day, or has been hired off elsewhere.
It does not mean that it was worked on continuously for years on end.
Chinks were a Bandaid.
Probably what happened was Episode 2 was simply just not finished at all, and they found the one studio that was willing to take it on at the last minute, with no promises of quality. And then that studio parallelized production as much as they could, even at the cost of coherency or quality.
Phoenix Animation Holdings, the main studio for Episode 2, is historically an outsourcing studio for 'tween art or some 2nd order key animation for mid-series episodes. It is not a studio that does full episodes nor was it meant to be one.
Yeah from what I've heard the dispute is between whether it was the Japanese side or the Western one that led to this travesty. An anon I "interviewed" earlier in the thread who supposedly did work on the project on the administrative U.S side of things pointed the finger mostly at Shogakukan's meddling.
Most people don’t get that ito stories are social commentary and uzumaki comments on the hellos Buddhist like fatalism and the actual horror of what nirvana really means
Nips are hilariously bad at CG and you really have to wonder why. Like something in their psychology can’t work with the absolute objectivity of computer graphics
That would be kino on comedy show.
>quick we must go to X before it closes
And this happens.
Netflix ito show was pretty good though
>ice cream ice cream ice Cree-eem basu
There’s one where they end up at a Buddhist cult compound. Hint it’s a metaphor that they died and are in the transition zone.
The Japanese can do 3D animation just fine.
It is almost always a budgetary and expertise issue. In Japan especially their relatively limited number of 3D anime-style animators are being pulled for work in the video game industry. Which can have far higher budgets for talent than most anime.
that's how it would go IRL between a man and a woman
this is amazing

what's the name of the show?
that still looks like dogshit
This looks like they accidentally used the storyboard animatics
His style is always going to better in manga form no matter how good they could make the anime. Slideshowing the pages while playing spooky Asian music would be better.
Different mediums, different rules. Simple as.
>Slideshowing the pages while playing spooky Asian music would be better.
Are you high?
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This just made me think of the scene from marquis where he bones the wall, Bravo!
Boku No Pico
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Toonami bros...
Ito's basically Jap Cronenberg
Toonami's done worse, they were the ones who raped FLCL to death after all
Nigger behavior.
FLCL's original series is still great and can be watched in isolation of the terrible, unnecessary sequels.

Uzumaki had this one chance to be adapted, and Toonami made a dog's dinner of it.
Yeah I got the sense that this project was poison after the first couple years and literally zero word or hype about it form Japan. It's just like the FLCL sequels, they had to scrounge up staff to work on these projects since there was no real enthusiasm from the mainstream industry in Japan.
I treat Uzumaki's first ep the same way. I didn't even get around to watching it until after E2 aired and evryone agreed it was dead and a postmortem was demanded. Judging by what I heard from that anon I "interviewed" earlier itt it sounds like it's a miracle E1 was as remarkably successful as it was given the circumstances.
>It'll be hilarious if they do the snail sex scene
Only thing I want to see in this adaptation.
So who went all in on the embezzlement? Who ever they are kept milking and ran away scott free.
Isn't this just key frames? Someone didn't have enough money/time to finish so they plopped it out. Modern failures go in the other direction where the tween frames are typically still done, but insanely off model/perspective is fucked. By comparison, I'd rather have that stop motion/keyframe only rendition of QUALITY.
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>mfw arcane is out in 2 weeks and the frogs are going to body the nips again
Is there anything on the inside of this? Like in this case they were targeting quality (I assume), but weren't getting it, so things snowballed with delays?

Do committees sometimes just give a work to the lowest bidder and demand they output something that would take 4x longer (be movie quality, but even THAT is in the toilet given some movies are basically just 3 episodes strung together in many cases over the last 6~ years), so the project is a dumpster fire, due to everyone just being spiteful in the end.
I'd bet good money episodes 2-4 were made in the last year and a half.
>they named the studio 'akatsuki'
it was doomed from the beginning
Truly the master of horror
They've been doing this weird-looking low FPS CG shit for decades now and they still don't get it.
I read the manga years ago, so I had no intention of watching an adaptation but how did they fuck it up exactly? Did they change some story stuff?
A complete change in the animation crew from one episode to the next. 5 years of production for 4 episodes and all they showed was a subpar animation.

So the general consensus is that this is shit?


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