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Previous thread: >>>>204370038

Thread themes: (The music that happens in the scene before the rape) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5JqPxmYhlo
(Music that plays during the anal rape) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxAVst1ELOk

Current Rotten Tomatoes Score: Critics: 33% Audience: 31%

Official Trailers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xy8aJw1vYHo

Official Movie Soundtrack Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YtnhhGehp0&list=OLAK5uy_kzo3iuehZtzts4jOzxCNljYL7rq5vpOg8

Rag Status: Off
Buck Status: Broken
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>You ever raped with ypur penis in my pale white ass?
Why did he do it?
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How did this board fall so far to the point where this is allowed
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it's qt and canon.
if i was in that prison things would have gone down a lot differently. there would have been a lot of blood (not anal) in that psych ward
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HOLY HOPPING HARES!!! The EASTER BUNNY?! YOU'RE HERE TO RAPE Harley’s EASTER CUNNY?!?! You're going to ABDUCT her and take her to your SEX-DUNGEON BURROW, where you will both BREED like RABBITS?!? MEANWHILE, I'll have to crawl through MILES of tiny tunnels to have but an INKLING of a chance to film your BROOD being FORMED??! YIPPPEEEEE!!! EHHH?!??! YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE A BUNCH OF RABBITS BITE AND CLAW AT ME WHILE I'M TRAPPED IN THE TUNNEL, CAUSING ME EXTREME PAIN AS A I WRITHE ALL OVER THE ROUGH STONES?! YES YES YES! And when I finish following the TRAIL of chocolates EGGS to the end, only THEN I will be BLESSED with the sight of my WIFE'S EGGS being FERTILISED?!?! Now THIS is the kind of EGG-HUNT that I like! HUH?! THERE'S MORE?!?! Once I am GIFTED with the sight of my wife's LATEST litter of CHILDREN, just as quickly as I come to LOVE them, you will RIP them AWAY from me?!?! You will cause the BURROW to COLLAPSE IN ON ITSELF THEREBY CRUSHING ALL MY BEAUTIFUL STEPCHILDREN TO DEATH?!?! Not ONLY that but I will be ENTOMBED in RABBIT SHIT AND CUM AND AMNIOTIC FLUID AND DIRT, NEVER to see the LIGHT of DAY AGAIN, and becoming FOSSILISED AFTER MILLIONS OF YEARS?!?!? I will be FROZEN in TIME at my most PATHETIC and DEGENERATE MOMENT; GOONING TO THE SIGHT OF MY WIFE'S CHILDREN BEING BORN?!!? YABBA DABBA DOOOOOO!!
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What's he thinking right now?
H-his lipstick is all faded. Did they....
Any thoughts to way male on male rape, particularly prison rape, is such a persistent trope in American popular culture? My theory is that the legal system, with its endless appeals, lenient sentencing, etc. goes too easy on criminals. Robbed of true justice, we salivate over some prison style crust bust in’ vengeance.
get woke, go broke
Explain how this is not on topic?
And Don't say it shouldn't be allowed cause muh tape. because people say the nigger word here all the time and that's way worse.
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You are overthinkink it. Its just that majority of prison population is black.
>latino anti-hero
>gets raped to death
wow thanks hollywood. I love movies.
So, will you explain or not?
That explains why it happens, doesn’t explain why prison rape is a plot line in so many films and tv shows
Lol get raped go jokes!
joker rape is the biggest cinematic event of the year
biggest cinematic rape of the year*
Tell me something bigger than the joker rape in cinema in the past 10 years
literally and figuratively
and this is the same year we had an alien film come out lol
If I post one anti-chinese thing I'll be banned instantly
Meanwhile these threads will stay up forever.
I wonder why?
Rape is really common in hollywood, its their most established fetish by far, but it's also their greatest fear for it to happen to themselves, even though they know they would deserve it. It's basically like todd phillips raping pheonix in real life and then feeling guilty about it the next day (rape regret which is also really common in hollywood.
>it happens
You answered your own question.
IDK how prevalent it actually is as I've never been in prison but it seems likely to me that it happens a lot.
I thought it was brave to stand up for rape like this. Most people wouldn't think twice about condemning rape but this movie forces the audience to ask hard questions about the rehabilitative power of rape and it's function in society.
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as an /asp/ and /pw/ veteran, it warms my heart to see rape memes spreading elsewhere
crust busting
I kind of feel bad for these big hollywood executives. you know the actors are basically throwing themselves at them all the time to try and get roles. and you go ahead and have a moment of weakness and rape a few guys and now suddenly you're the bad guy even though they were begging for it.
Glad the joker died with this garbage, just imagine the slop that joker 3,4,5,6 would have been.
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"I'm da joker now, baybee"
they will reboot joker in 2 years or less. they will not stop making batman and joker movies until there are minimum 5 box office bombs in a row. even then it will still get rebooted but it will just take longer before the reboot.
Dude how fucking dumb are you? “It’s a thing that happens, therefore Hollywood obsesses over it”. Millions of other things happen regularly that aren’t Hollywood tropes. Again I ask, why prison rape?

Good theory.
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it's joker time has a whole different meaning to it now.

come here joker. it's time.
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mods are just brewing coffee
It is extremely common within imprisoned negroids and russians. White people don't do it outside slanderous Jewish movies/tv shows.
>why prison rape?
I'd say maybe to add shock value, and to make prison seem more awful than it already is. I'm sure it's less prevalent in reality than in movies/TV. Also, maybe because writers are generally lazy, and if there's a prison sequence, or even talk of prison, adding in rape is an easy way to create drama rather than having to write well-done characters or storylines.
faggot retards in this thread I swear you bitch ass keyboard warriors have never been molested IRL, let alone raped thats why you tihnk its funny to just make up shitty rape jokes (that isn't true in the firstpl ace because the Joker was NOT raped) like literal 9yo retards. I really wish you'll get a taste of what it's like and then suddenly you'll become all quiet and depressed as hell and reflect upon what a shitty person you were
so do we know canonically was it one dick specifically that cures being a joker or is it any dick? this could be an answer to why batman can't just rape joker to stop him. only that one dick can rape a joker to lose his powers.
Rape is easy drama.
Sure people use the toilet and browse /tv/ and do all kinds of regular ordinary things every day but that doesn't make those things interesting.
Rape is always going to be significant in some way.
did they explain why his compulsive laugh disappeared in the second film?
there's three guards so at least three dicks
similar amount of dicks andy took in shawshank
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It's got to be 3. 3 dicks of power is what it takes to break one joker.
you don't know it wasn't that one dick cured the joker curse and the other dicks didn't do anything. are there any clues in the movie which penis went into joker's asshole in what order?
I don't think they dicked him
just sodomized him with their batons
Does Bollywood or French cinema feature prison rape on a semi-regular basis? This is all logical, I just wonder why it seems to be a particularly American obsession. Maybe I’m wrong and prison rape is a universal topic among all or most nations cinematic outputs.
french cinema has a lot of rape. bollywood doesn't have black people.
it's this easily hidable thread or the entire catalog, your choice
>3 dicks of power
>three were given to the clown, wise-cracking and insane
>seven were given to the vodka lords, who hobbled away in their selfish needs
>and nine, nine cocks were given to the blacks, who above all else desire bussy
>but there was another cock that came in secret
>in the lands of gotham
>in the fires of blackgate
>the dark lord prison guard cast his mighty specimen into the tight hole and into it went his penis, his balls, and all the jizz he stored up for the past week
>one penis to fuck them all
What is this? Have Joker and Batman turned Aztec? Is Batman, not satisfied with merely plundering Joker's anus, going to violate him in the utmost way, to remove his heart? Is Batman going to fuck Joker's ass, offer his heart to the sun god, and then fuck Joker's heart hole?
I remember back in college we used to play batman and joker with all the bros. hah. good times. cool to think you zoomers are keeping this alive. would love to get into this again.
it didn't disappear
So canonically, Andy from the Shawshank Redemption is a much more powerful character than the Joker, whose ego was crushed by one rape.
>no replies
I realize it sounds ridiculous but the Joker rape will probably be one of the biggest cinematic events of this decade.
>I remember back in college we used to play batman and joker with all the bros. hah. good times
Is this a euphemism for raping all your fellow students?
All it takes is one big dick to rehabilitate insanity.
I've watched some Bollywood movies but I don't think any that I watched had anything to do with prison.
Anyway there are some things that are extremely taboo in India, IDK why, maybe legal restrictions, but that's why Indian slasher movies for example don't really exist.
Would it have been bad if they Retconned Murray's death to be part of Joker's imagination too?
>only good part of the first movie never happened
It's the only thing they could have done to make the movie even worse.
Yes unless they did it in service of Murrey raping the joker
The three Spidermans meeting each other. I cried so hard while watching that historic moment. my wife and her boyfriend still make fun of me about it sometimes. But it doesn't get to me at all because of how iconic it was.
Russia is the country with the largest white population. LMAO.
>the Joker was NOT raped
What did they do to him then? Why did they take his clothes and start taking their own clothes off? Are you just going to claim some retarded shit like they were just going to all take a totally platonic shower together?
Is there any proof Joker was actually raped? I mean if he was getting railed surely he would have fought back hard!
he was too skinny and smol
i came in his ass, how's that for proof?
no we actually don't know. this is the genius of the film. it's implied that joker is raped to death but you have to look at all the cinematic clues to figure out if it really was him getting raped to death or something else entirely.
I bet the Joker told you to rape me when this thread is over
No I'm supposed to rape the bus driver
>Joker 3 comes out
>It's revealed that Arthur switched places with Gordon and raped him into believing he was the Joker until he got stabbed
>Harley rejects him because she knows he's not the real Joker but doesn't say anything because she doesn't want to interfere with his plans
this is almost correct but it's slightly more subtle than this. in the movie joker gets raped which causes him to loser his joker powers which sets in motion the events that lead to his death. but he doesn't actually get raped to death, which leads to the question as to whether joker can be raped to death or can you only use rape to weaken a joker into a point where they can be killed.
was it not joker rape depending on what the guards identified as at the time?
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>Joker 3
not gonna happen
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what is a folie a deux?
In dis world you either rape or be raped
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hollywood hates to see a successful latino
It's French for "big rape"
>what is a folie a deux?
A kino X-Files episode.
>Jared Leto Joker begs black man to fuck his GF
/tv/ doesn't care
>Arthur Fleck gets assaulted in an ambiguous way
/tv/ in an uproar

What gives?
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They tried to keep down the joker, pin him down and instead they created the "raping mentally ill people fixes them meme". Todd tried to own the chudds and empowered them with the rainbow joker flag that's anti LGBT flag.
Jared was going to kill Common regardless
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Arthur can be sympathized with by many because he is relatable and Jared is not.
how does a hispanic man getting raped in prison own the chuds
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a delusion shared by 2 people
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> Todd tried to own the chudds
He literally did not.
The moral of the movie is quite different, namely that no one sees sick people as people. They see them either as empty space or as a symbol for the realization of their own madness. None of them really wants to empathize with the suffering.
The movie is about Arthur and how they tried to put labels on him that he never wanted.
Joker rape is a canon event. Every joker has been raped.
the real joker would have won in hand to hand combat vs a few normal human guards, bro is like a turbo meth strength freak
what was the delusion?
Not if he was going to be raped. Rape attempts are a weak spot in the jokers armor.
idk how many times I have to correct this. joker has never been raped. AFTER A JOKER GETS RAPED THEY LOSE THEIR POWERS AND STOP BEING A JOKER. so if you see a joker in full power you know they have not been raped. you guys are laughing it up with your rape jokes but the canon is that if they are currently a joker THEY HAVE NOT BEEN RAPED.

BEING RAPED CURES BEING A JOKER. holy shit it's not complicated.
post an anti-chinese thing here, then
it's actually Occitan and means "rectally yours"
do you think if he had decided to want it and performed as a good power bottom he could still be a joker
>The Joker is portrayed as skilled in melee combat, from his initial appearances when he defeats Batman in a sword fight (nearly killing him), and others when he overwhelms Batman but declines to kill him
he doesn't have a sword................ it's just him and the guards who rape him............................. I don't think he had any sword nearby....................... I realize sword is a kind of slang for penis but the only penises were the ones going into his ass hole........................................................
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>that he never wanted.
>When you call me out, can you introduce me as Joker
>Pic rel
But what if the Joker rapes someone else? What does that do to him and the rapee? Does he level up in power or madness?
an unarmed joker should absolutely still be wrecking the shit of a few nameless guards
>be me, retired vigilante
>got tired of the capes and tights, the endless nights
>decide to do something truly noble, something mundane
>become a top tier toilet bowl janitor
>first day on the job at Gotham's most exclusive spa
>it's a one-way ticket to normalcy, or so I think
>spend my days in the bathroom, scrubbing away, no heroics required
>people don't recognize the Dark Knight in a janitor's uniform
>they laugh, they cough, they pretend they don't see me
>but I'm still Batman, even in my rubber gloves and safety goggles
>one day, a particularly stubborn stain catches my eye
>it's Joker's handprint, still fresh after all these years
>fucking Joker, always the last laugh
>grab my trusty scubbing brush, it's time for payback
>hiding in the shadows, just like old times
>Joker walks in, doesn't recognize his old nemesis
>laughingstock of Gotham, not the fearsome Batman he expected
>he's there for a "private spa experience"
>haha, little does he know
>time to pull down my pants and sneak up behind him
what if they were currently balls deep into his ass?
Yeah. He wanted attention and recognition. But in the end, those same people made him their tool and ended up treating him no better than the man he shot.
They all wanted to use him. It's just taking him too long to realize it because he's not sane
but WHY did they rape joker?
He was too zesty for his own good
>scott was a drinker...and a fiend
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>Nothing I could do
>My pants were down and I was unarmed
>You know nothing of violence
>12 mangy dogs can rape a lion
Lmao wtf is this general
do we know if joker sucked 'n' fucked the guards or did they only fuck his ass?
What was being done to Phoenix's anus.
Thats why Batman recruits multiple boys as Robin and put them in spandex. Batman is building a rape army
KinoJames was always ahead of his time

>saying and using tropes unironically
only kid ledditors and retarded femcels do it
>ruining the joke by problematizing non-p.c. subject like some humanities graduate desperate for attention
Yeah, youre a femcel
Post your tits or gtfo, landwhales aint welcome here and we all know you want to be Jonkled too
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Director was a fan of the Buck Breaking movie
he fed and sned them
I don't think they even gave him a reach around
Can a joker lose half his power if the rape is interrupted
You know when a little kid does something that makes the adults laugh, so the kid keeps doing it over and over again for diminishing laughs as it quickly goes from funny to obnoxious, until the adults have to tell the kid to stop which it doesn't and starts seeing the annoyance of the adults as funny, and ultimately the kid breaks down in a tantrum when the adults have to punish the child to make it stop this behavior?
Don't you get tired of being the little kid with every new joke?
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>"And so, regretfully, I did what needed to be done."
the main clue we have about this is that they took off his pants but didn't make him take off his upper clothes. we can't say for sure if he did or did not suck 'n' fuck the guards but the information we have leads us to believe they probably focused on his asshole.
The character in the movie is clearly not the same character as in the comics.
Good question. Does rape actively drain Joker's power, does he lose Joker power with each thrust, or does being raped instantly drop his Joker mojo to 0 at the start?
We only partake in serious discussion in this thread.
we don't have the information to answer this, I guess it would have to be explored in a sequel or spinoff series
what even are the jokers powers
That right dear children, if you don't behave I'll fuck you in the ass.
back to r*ddit, fag
I'm gonna go ahead and say it's actually when the first load gets blown into joker's asshole that he loses his powers and stops being a joker
Yes, thats why hes immortal in the comics, he raped Barbara Gordon in the Killing Joke and also Gordon and Jason Todd, and technically Harley Quinn is retarded so she counts as a half-rape
>Trying to cope a shit movie with the weakest possible wannabe explanation that the movie itself denies
Todd is a known brainlet. Literally the Rick and Morty meme.
he sort of has the power of chaos, he can do anything and get out of any jam the bat man puts him into through his ways. getting raped completely re-orders this chaos and causes a joker to die.
They really raped one of the most iconic characters in American pop culture. Is this the highest value intellectual property character to ever be raped on film?
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Arthur Fleck. Can we rape him?
spare the rod, spoil the child.
the power is he tells jokes and can escape batman like the other anon said
You drink water, he drinks anarchy
>speaking like a landwhale
Fat virgin woman hands wrote this post
We get it you wanna be raped too and Mr. Fleck is hogging all the penis, leave the adress first
this character was never the joker, joker was defined by playing off Batman
They were covering their tracks by changing each others clothes.
in terms of merchandise sales probably yeah. I really can't think of another character you can find millions of kids toys of that has been raped in a major hollywood release.
Why are you so mad?
it's just another form of repression
marge simpson x quagmire
he was the joker baby. he inspired the true joker by getting raped to death, giving birth to bat man's joker.
The only other one I can think of is when Homer Simpson got raped by a panda
I dont think marge simpson has anywhere near the merchandising that joker does. but also marge simpson getting raped wasn't the main plot point in a major hollywood movie.
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>Why do guards
>Suddenly appear
>And cum in your rear?
>Just like me
>They long to be
>Raping you

>Why do guards
>Unzip their flies
>Every time you walk by?
>Just like me
>They long to be
>Raping you

>On the day you were on TV the guards got together
>And decided to make a dream come true
>So they sprinkled loads of semen in your hole
>And came loads of jizz in your eyes of blue

>That is why
>All the guards in town
>(Guards in town)
>Rape you
>(Rape me)
>All around
>(All around)
>Just like me
>They long to be
>Raping you
Its known that after rape Joker either dies or goes back to normal, Superman raped him in Injustice instead wich caused both.
Johnny Carson got divorce raped for half his money pretty late in his career when he was absolutely loaded
>ctrl+f 'rape'
>88 results
And then they posted about rape again, funniest shit I ever sen
that doesn't count if somebody writes raping, like "the guard is raping the joker"
i imagine this set in a similar style to pure imagination and it's perfect
>barely one rape per two posts
We need to rape those numbers up
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> Is this the highest value intellectual property character to ever be raped on film?
It depends on whether you regard cartoonish and humorous rape scenes as real rape or not.
there's more to talk about in joker rape general than just the joker getting raped over and over again
>unzip my pants, pull out my shining tool, ready for action
>mount up at the speed of sound
>tear open his sphincter like I'm breaking through Krypton's atmosphere
>fly through the sky, his ass wrapped around my dick
>feel the G-force, like riding a cosmic comet
>his screams carry on the wind, a symphony of pain
>drop him back into his cell, mission accomplished arthur was his name
Joker just joined Luke Skywalker, Indiana Jones. Funnily enough Darth Vader got away
Are you retarded? It's obviously Close To You
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>Re ur last picture. U need Ur rags ripped and 3 BIG GUARD DICKS in ALL 3 holes at the same time!!! Way up ur bussey and Way up Ur ass as far as they will go but even farther. And the thickest cock goes down Ur throat so it makes U gag and convulse as those big guard cocks pound away it feels like from the start Ur being assaulted but it's made U cum nonstop. Just one continuous constant orgasm and just before U pass out those big guard dicks squirt their loads of cum inside U ! As U lay on ur stomach the cum is coming out of all Ur holes, i'll turn U over and jack off all over U

Jesus Christ, even for an R-Rated movie this was too much...
This would work better if the white shirt pic wasn't also in the dystopic white painted cinderblock room.
Kiff wasn't raped he stuck to the ceiling
Zapp and Fry clearly consented
AS ALWAYS, Nolan was ahead of his time.


Like static field in Diablo 2
how the fuck should i know what nigger songs you have in your head
even if you count the futurama guys getting raped to death, I don't think they are as valuable an IP as joker is.
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Darth Vader gets raped in Chapelle Show
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What's he thinking right now?
he read and approved a script where his character gets raped to death
>posting on /tv/
>has never seen the Simpsons movie
About the globohomo speech he'll give when this movie wins an Oscar or Golden Globe
Guts and Casca

Also, Petah Griffith gets raped every second episode nowadays
Joker cannot defend against rape. If you intend to rape the joker it is a joke that he cannot help but be the punchline to.
bro i watched that movie in theaters and haven't seen it since then
probably this. he I still under their control, no matter what he thinks
what was the joke at the end of the movie?
I was too distracted by how shittily written the impending death scene was that I couldn't concentrate
even actors this famous have to beg for roles. they utterly own him.
damn bratty clown
rape correction needed!
if joker had had the courage to identify as a women quickly he would have been a protected class and therefore safe
anybody actually see this in person? wonder what the audience reactions were like. I pirated it and knew it was coming so it didn't hit the same way.
does a joker turn a normal human into a joker if he rapes them?
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No. Corrective rape works only in one way.
>In #Krefeld, police shot a man after he attacked multiple moviegoers at the CINEMAXX cinema, striking them on the head with a hammer.
it's probably a Muslim, but just pretend it's a butthurt Joker fan
what about nigger rape
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What is the mechanism of rape that cures somebody from being evil?
joke status: broke

cum in pussy cures all ailments
learn to antialias the magic wand/fuzzy select tool my man
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Is it possible to unrape the Joker and make him less gay again?
I would rape that guy he kissed, he was kinda cute
better version of that song and more joker fitting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI-nYyTE0qc
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I think it's just a permanent thing now that jokers get raped every movie. audiences will be expecting it.
What was the point of these?
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Definitely sucks a mean dick.
I've always been partial to the original classical version, but I could definitely see that as the anthem. It's important to have music in the background, whether it's Entry of the Gladiators or Singin in the Rain.
I thought it was cool that joker got raped. it really made me think about what it means to be a joker.
fraid so
thats right, this new lore gives him a weakness
Can I just ask, who was this movie even made for?

Who likes seeing somebody get raped by prison guards? Who does this even satisfy?
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frens have some oc to spam the normies with
Lord of the Dicks
it was actually so fucking stupid that nothing ever worked on joker and he could get out of every situation. getting raped being his weakness actually makes sense and fits the dark themes of the batman universe. dc has always been edgy and it actually works pretty well in terms of story.
the movie is made for people who self identified with the first movie, to stomp on and spit on them. they didn't even try to make a profit, it was purely to shit on the people who felt like joker was a character they related with and the liberal world order maybe fucking sucks.
>implying it was made for anyone
Therefore they must be raped
Todd Philips enjoying prison rape and seeing somebody be humiliated in the worst way possible is the only explanation I can offer.

He's a sick fuck.
man, dont remind me of mcmahons shit ffs
>A fucking /tv/ meme becoming canon after all these years

I'm in tears, bravo
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>Afraid so, chum. One of the most diabolical men in the city had his booty forcefully plundered by several prison pirates... we should do our best to err on the side of caution and remain clandestine as to not have ourselves befall the same fate...
It’s ancient Roman wisdom that actors are whores, but lower than whores
does it have to be raped or if joker has gay sex of his own choosing does he also lose his joker powers
Always appreciate the rundown Satan
I mean ed helms gets raped by a tranny in one of the hangovers, not new ground for Todd I guess
Sir this is a rape thread
>WayneTech (Utility Gadjet 101)
>Peace Maker: Lubed Explorer
the joke is that there is an unraped joker within all of us
Right now a calf is being taken away from its cow mama
How is South park going to reinact this joker Hollywood rape scene
Holy fucking shit lmao, that ai blocks so much stuff for me
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this joke literally doesn't make sense. Gay rape fixed the joker. In the last panel he should be normal
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Solemaini will be avenged once SpongeBob is raped on film.
The next day after the rape, a prisoner comes up to him and asks for a kiss because the guards told him that the Joker is a great kisser. And the joker kisses him.
pretty much this. it's about being utterly petty & spiteful and tearing down the role models of those big bad white incel nazis or whatever. Meanwhile we're laughin it up while tinseltown burns.
Wrong it's cannon that joker raping people turns them into joker
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Why didn't he just rape the joker? Goddamn rookies
>Critics noted that the film was a work of metafiction designed to intentionally antagonize audiences who were fans of the first film. Rather than capitulating to expectations of the predecessor's fanbase that Arthur would fully embrace his Joker persona and go on to become Batman's archenemy, the film serves to rebuke those who idolized the character of the Joker after the original movie. As a deliberate anti-audience effort, the film pushes against the notion of fan service, instead creating a self-aware narrative that is a commentary on its own existence

um based?
how do you know he didn't?
it started in 2009
He kisses him early in the movie.
Yes, unironically.
Be the change you want to see.
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>only that one dick can rape a joker to lose his powers.
do you think he's...?
no, it couldn't be
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Because rape rehabilitates
He tried but heath was prepared
> film was a work of metafiction designed to intentionally antagonize audiences who were fans of the first film.
It's not. This movie is about Arthur and the fact that people don't see him as a human being but a mere tool.
And he won at the end because he did not end up being neither lolcow for TV faggots, neither false icon for schizos.

He stayed true to himself and paid the price.
joker self inserts btfo is a good thing
imagine being this delusional
is this paid post?
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translates to
except I said it without all the bloviating pretentious bilge.

Yes & check'd
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How realistic is police leaving one elderly officer to look over domestic terrorist?
Nolan is a such a lazy hack, holly shit
Joker 3 idea:
Arthur is transferred to an even worse place than Arkham after miraculously surviving the stabbing. There, after constant nigger gang rape he troons out and becomes Harley. He then successfully leads a revolution against Orange Man.
>Joker warns us that violence is baaaaaaaaaaaaad

Damn, warner bros is employing lazy retards

Tolkien is pacifist catholic and he told a grand and epic story with same message
the real problem is that the rape isnt graphic enough to be added to my goon sesh
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>even worse place than Arkham

So Arkham city where he is constantly beaten and raped?

An Arkham city movie without Batman.
Needed x-ray cam
Arthur was never the Joker. Arthur was just a loser clown who killed a few people and tried to play the idol of the crowd, but in the end he chose to remain human and repent, even though he realized that no one would appreciate it, that no one would forgive or pardon him, and that all the smeared edgelords would turn their backs on him. Little fuckers, of course, decided that it's a kind of weakness, but it's a much more heroic act than all the fun superheroes in this entire universe put together.
The Joker (Heath Ledger) is the psycho who plugs Arthur with a shiv at the very end, and then cuts his own mouth with a knife containing Arthur's blood, seen in the background in the final seconds before the credits.
Arthur even sings a song that has the phrase “I'm gonna have a son” in it.
But the local degros were too impressed with the assrape to pay attention to such trivialities.
A mirror movie, a detector movie.
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>I've been shitposting 'ere for threads, start the damn rape before I piss meself
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>but in the end he chose to remain human and repent

but why? What act inspired that?
Because the hero Gotham needed right now was actually rape man not Batman. Which I hope someone begins a webcomic of him defeating all of gothams villains with rehabilitation.
This is the same police force that sent every single officer into a tunnel
the film is called joker and he wears joker iconic face paint because he isnt the joker
okay you can go back into the corner now, thanks
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What is Zaslav and other shareholders thinking right now?
Time to rape Todd Phillips
I just think it's hilarious that the Joker got raped, because he's NOT funny, but him being raped is funny.
>If you kill your enemies, they win.
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Kek, I forgot that travesty. Is Nolan as retarded as Philips?
>Is Nolan as retarded as Philips?
two sides of the same coin
Yeah it was like one of the first prison scenes it was so bizarre
hey bros I haven't been to joker rape general in a while. what are the main joker rape updates I've missed out on recently?
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Could his writing have saved it from poor ratings? I hear he carries a lot of weight in the industry
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So he wanted it at some point before backing out like a bitch
now THATS a movie about hollywood
>The film features off-key musical sequences that contrast with fan expectations following the original film, during one such scene Joker acknowledges, "I don't think we're giving the people what they want". Lee Quinzel can be viewed as a stand-in for audiences who were fans of the first film, with her comments about becoming obsessed with Joker after having seen a TV movie based on his life reflecting the audience. Lee represents an affluent fan who desires the anarchy and exotic thrill Joker represents, and like the audience, is upset and disappointed when Arthur fails to live up to his Joker identity. The finale where Arthur's crimes are trialed and he is made to seem sad and pathetic represents an effort by Phillips to subvert and undermine audiences who saw Arthur as heroic in the first film, and the trial reiterates the events of the first film in a way that is intended to be dissatisfying and alienating to audiences.
Joker 2 ended with the Joker getting stabbed, the camera cut away before people arrived to fuck the new holes.
Because he is a good person. Unlike the people who tried to use him
It's called joker because it's fucking brand.
It has nothing to do with a DC universe.
Even in the first movie, all there is from DC is the name of the town and 20 seconds of the Wayne family.
This movie could easily be called Clown and nothing would change.
And even his costume is different from all the other jokers.
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>It has nothing to do with a DC universe.

todd phillips is a hack
this film will age like the sopranos finale, hated at first but loved 10 years later
10/10 nice cope
um what brand? oh yeah the uhhh the joker brand! woweee.
I already love it. I welcome this new kind of cinema. prison rape as a rehabilitation method is one of the most unexplored treatments we have access to. same with letting prisoners execute each other.
it was foreshadowing that the big irish fella had a thing for arthur. if you look at other scenes he he always stares at arthur weirdly long etc. that kiss scene was another bit of set up i guess
>"wouldn't it be funny if two guys kiss? as a joke lmao"

speaking of which, the irish have a lot to answer for.
directors cut soon?
>walls of text
>hated at first but loved 10 years later
people still hate the sopranos finale you dimwit
why does everybody want to have sex with joker?
Rape is bad. Why is everyone in this thread a psycho?
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Already happened
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The hero Gotham needed was Rapeman all along, he goes around rehabilitating criminals, I honestly can wait for the first issue now we have seen the trios origin story.
just laughing at the chuds who had their self insert ruined
Todd Philips just showed us that rape is actually a tool of justice
rape literally cures being evil retard
Why so serious?
>driving with Joker
>he accidentally grabs my leg instead of gearstick
>we both laugh and he unzips my pants
>he parks the car while he's fondling my balls
>Joker is laughing because he knows IT'S JUST A JOKE
>starts sucking my dick in this empty parking lot
>almost chokes on my dick because he's laughing so hard
>I am also laughing my ass off
>Joker starts making train noises while yelling "BROJOB BROJOB! CHOO CHOO"
>I cum and he swallows it all like some stupid faggot
>kiss him and call him a faggot while laughing

Gotta love playing pranks on my friends.
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This movie feels like a yabbapost on /a/
times you acted like joker?
I like that a minute gets wasted watching meadow fail to parallel park like a stupid bitch
Woke ass Hollywood has been that little kid for 12 years. Stop acting like a week of punishing that child is a step to far.
We need to have a cytube groupwatch when the torrent drops.
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does two face need to be raped two times to turn good again or only one half of a rape?
oral rape
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Todd Phillips is a hack
>Inspiration for real joker
It was done in Gotham
he needs two rapes per half, so four total
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Depends out the outcome of his coin flip
>I just wanted to joke her
>joke her
It's three rapes per ass and he only has one, and half that ass isn't evil.
he can deflect incoming missiles with his sick sense of humor
you can't rape somebody one and a half times
Women enjoy rape though. There are multiple studies confirming this.
Just don't cum the second time.
so random!! xD
maybe if you did it in the half room from Willy Wonka
does that mean harley quinn cant be cured by being raped like joker was cured

what is harley quinns weakness if she is immune to rape
Common is objectively hot. To find Brendan Gleeson lighting your loins, you have to go back deep in the repressed memories (planted by tiny hats.)
polite rape and hardcore rape
I can't find a single reason that justifies the existence of this movie. Who saw Joker 1 and thought "I hope they rape this movie with a terrible sequel".
can somebody make a new joker rape general? I am busy "doing something" hehehehe
Nolan's interrogation scene, Todd Phillip's claims, correctly read joker as bottom for batman's alpha. unstoppable vs immovable.
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Here he is at 36 lmao, guess he was always a pudgy wrinkly Irish fuck
No you retard. If you rape two face over one week that would be 4 rapes total.
Sun: Mouth
Mon: Ass
Tues: Docking
Frid: Ass
Saturday: Mouth
Sun: Ass

8 times. 8 times for two face means he gets raped 4 times.
chill out, no chuds are here
but at what point does the raping cure him from being two face
will joker rape achieve same status with baneposting, sneed and buckbreaking?
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I hope yes
this man is clearly japanese (honorary aryan, therefore a honorary bwc haver) not a chink doe
sure looks like it
joker rape was already a meme before they literally had joker get the joker raped out of him in a movie
new thread >>204379575
yeah most of that checks out. also the "todd didn't want to do a sequel" nonsense is just that, nonsense. yeah he pitched it as a standalone film but as soon as it made money wb was ready to go for joker 2 and joaquin approached todd with his wet dream and todd was inspired to go for it, and he was able to negotiate for full creative control and more money, as well as an additional film that has yet to be revealed but won't be joker 3.
>chuds trying to protect their snowflake space
/tv/ has been carrying the site in the meme department it seems
>no chuds are here
I'm here though
is he jacking off in the background
"a rape is a rape. you can't say it's only a half."
-TF "Harvey" Dent
Since Batman isn't suppose to kill he should rape the criminals.
So... heads is consensual rape and tails is non-consensual rape? Getting both a heads and a tails will equal one and a half rapes since consensual rape only counts for half.
Why would you know that?
Talking about men (particularly black men) being hot while complaining about le Joos has to be the most /pol/cuck thing ever kek
Dead thread, dead meme
seething irrelevant bane poster.
First year in 4chan, zoomer?
It's nogs raping people in prisons, with Mexicans a close second.
Humiliation Ritual

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