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>astronauts went 10 years earlier to check planets
>they will send data in that time whether planet is good or bad
>"lets first go to the one where 1 hour equates to 7 years on Earth"
why did no one point out they only had just over an hour of data?
nasa is full of jeets and women and trannies in fact the whole agency is satanic
Nolan is a terrible writer and director.
A lot of Insterateller is just nonsense. Saw it recently at the kinoplex for the 10 year anniversary and it's still insane kino.
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>How did they not notice the waves on approach?
>Why did they land so far away from the signal?
>Why does the black box need to be physically retrieved?
>Why didn't they just send CASE to retrieve it?
Absolute stupid as shit fucking Batman v. Superman tier writing.
CinemaSins school of criticism.
the film where the main astronaut of a mission to save humanity asks wtf is a wormhole many months into the mission when they're about to cross it and is explained with a pen a paper analogy?
I also never got why interstellar was so hyped so he flies into a black hole or some shit which would immediately kill you and then he psychically talks to his daughter in the past or something what a load of shit
The waves looked like mountains
They were fairly close. The debris field was scattered by the waves
They weren't going to retrieve the black box. They were going to rescue the astronaut who went there initially

Nolan made kino
yes and the OP question?
how did 5 astronauts miss a glaringly obvious problem?
why would they even suggest the new home of humanity is a planet extremely close to a black hole?
A fucking woman suggested it.
All the men wanted to go to a different planet.
it's even revealed she only suggested it because she had a crush on the guy
wrong planet. that is Edmund's planet.
the one with the 7 years = 1 hour is Miller's planet. If anyone of them pushes for the planet its american beauty astronaut
She actually wanted to go Edmund's planet. Black hole one is Miller's.
Part of the reason to choose the planet also had to with being near the black hole, so Romily can study it in hope he could help Prof. Brand to solve gravity.
>best living astronaut lives a few miles away from the NASA base and they just never think of contacting him for their final mission until he shows up at their doorstep
Bravo Nolan
its dark by the time they arrive at the place. Id say its a few hundred miles
I was gonna say that they probably didn't even know he was alive or where he was... but society still seems somewhat functional, and both his kids are in public school, with all the staff knowing that he was an astronaut.
>first scene is about he crashing a ranger
>it's implied he left also because nasa was ordered to carry genocide
did no one proofread this shit?
I spent 3GB of my bandwidth downloading this movie and quit within two minutes on the first scene. It was the faggiest opening I couldn't continue. I have to believe people who talk about the movie have no self respect.
I like hoy Cooper's personality constantly goes from brilliant astronaut to inbred flyover Cletus
this might be the most midwit filtering movie
You also don't need to land on a planet to see if it's habitable or not. In fact, it's much easier to map and study the planet from orbit.
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the reason they're all dumb is because corn is all that's left to eat
why didnt they eat fish?
Why didn't Alfred just send robots to find a planet?
>inb4 he was lying to Coop and it was a one-way trip
Yeah, yeah but I mean before that. In the years prior to the last ditch effort. Just send robits through the space anus and back. Who the fuck needs Hugh Mann?
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>Who the fuck needs Hugh Mann?
>"I thought I could be on my own for 10 years but hey Im only Hugh Mann"
reading 6 pixel heat maps doesn't make for a movie
This. Space travel is demonic. God never intended man to leave the ground.
>land on planet
>waves the size of mountains
>"no I have to retrieve to data to know if this planet would be a good replacement for Earth. I need to retrieve the data and I won't leave without it!"
Retard kino.
>have the advanced technology that can go to other solar systems
>but instead of drones or anything that would make sense humans need to physically land on a planet to determine if it's livable
Not him but I think the bigger issue is just how obviously uninhabitable the planets are. If it was more of a genuine mystery, I.E. they go from planet to planet and everything seems fine until they actually find something wrong and move on, it would work. But each planet is an extreme, because this movie is just screensavers with music.
I wonder if there's a fan edit with all of the dialogue cut out? Just a half hour of watching some neat visuals and none of the dumbass story to bog it down.
anon your forgetting that there are people right now that would choose to live on Mars, Venus & Pluto
I like the part where the wall moves out of the way and there's a huge rocket behind them
Interestellar is one of my favourite movies and I don't like when you chuds shit on it. And always with the same "love is a dimension" shit or whatever. For godsake, the woman was going crazy and none of them listen to her.

Nolan is so much more intelligente than you guys that you simply get filtered by all his movies
Why did Cooper ignore the magic dust trying to tell him something the second time?
Is he stupid?
They were well aware of the shenanigans that were happening. They knew he would appear.
>which would immediately kill you
and you know this how?
That's people just spitballing about the future of terraforming. In the film, there was no plan to terraform. They were looking for a Class M planet. Spoiler alert: a basic bitch atmospheric scan would reveal that none of them fit the bill.
Then again, who gives a shit? The plot devolves into every action essentially being the will of the force, so fuck it.
>Earth-like atmosphere with liquid water
Those are extremely rare in the entire universe and very worth exploring.
"yeah we're just going to fire cannistets of astronauts onto planets without even checking the composition of the surface. oh, it's all water? whoops lol"
it's okay to admit you're a midwit
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Imagine trying to be smarter than Nolan kek
good morning saaarr!
Look, guys, everytime you think about a Nolan movie and feel like saying "gottcha" just don't. Nolan is way smarter than y'all.
Retard, a huge number of the most highly regarding American Intellectuals and writers spoke with southern accents.
Not when you literally do not have the time to explore it.
The only thing Nolan is not very good at is at expressing feelings. He is probably so smart, maybe even autistic, sometimes the relationship between his characters feel too cold. He should have a partner that helps him with that. Like the man Cooper forgot about his son and everything. Also Tenet.
If aliens existed, would living on a planet where time passes extremely slowly for you and extremely quickly outside of your system be an advantage or a disadvantage? I kind of feel like it would be an advantage because your species is effectively frozen in time and thus immortal
I dunno, I feel like the relationship between the two main characters in Tenet was pretty compelling but that may just be because Robert Pattinson is overpowered as fuck as an actor
relativity isn't fucking real. you're telling two twins would age differently on different planets? "oh yeah my twin brother died at 88, I'm only 19 though"

fuck off with this jew shit
Yeah, relativity is like quantum physics, just an excuse to get government money and destroy the human spirit. Oh dude, everything that could happen, happened, there are like infinite universes and infinite (you)s so nothing matter hahah, go have gay sex, DMT, mushrooms and do fentanyl, nothing matters haha.
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What does time measure?
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>I kind of feel like it would be an advantage because your species is effectively frozen in time and thus immortal
And also doesn't progress as fast. Research and economic output are all slowed down relative to others. And even if that's not an issue, you've still got less time until the heat death of the universe.
cant believe he ripped off Gunbuster
>why did no one point out they only had just over an hour of data?
IIRC they say in the film that communications were very limited and that they could effectively only receive a "yes" or "no" signal.
Who said Nolan can’t write dialogue
Magashitters have an empty brain
Did Trump tell you this?
my dad works for black holes
>don't cum
i think his point was they already knew about the time dilation, so if they took like five minutes and actually read the script they might think
>Hm, yeah, this is retarded
At the very least, you land, realize the scientistman is dead, the planet is inhospitable, and just leave. Who the fuck needs the data? It was just an incredibly poorly directed scene to try and add tension and to kill off retarded generic white male scientist.
SEND THE FUCKING ROBOT TO GET THE DATA, STAY ON THE ROVER, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, it's like the "scientists" were pulled straight from deleted scenes from Idiocracy.
How would any planets even exist within sight of a black hole?
Speedforce is a dimension though. How else is Flash able to run faster than light? That nigga run so fast he outran instant teleportation and death!
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>can have clean air and soil to sustain all of humanity in a gigantic space station
>can't do the same on Earth inside greenhouses
earth has a spiritual blight and the space station doesn't so long as it has a clear objective of where it's headed
>cooper comes back after impregnating anne hathaway 1000 times and starting a new civilisation
>everyone dead from blight
Obviously the visuals are compacted for the sake of the medium, but it's been theorized for decades that planets can orbit black holes. There's even a term for them, Blanets. A little on the nose in my opinion, but still. Hell, our galaxy (if not the known universe) is theoretically orbitting a black hole we either can't see, or more realistically don't know about. I.E. we might actually be seeing it, but don't recognize it due to our lack of information concerning the Milky Way itself, let alone Andromeda.
>we don't need to think too hard about this or seek a real astronaut, God is watching over us and put a wormhole there so we already know that everything will turn out fine
I like how trying to defend the movie you actually make it seem even dumber
I think most viewers had a very different picture in their head of what the film was going to be going by the initial announcements and hype around the film.
literally who?
>earth has a spiritual blight
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>tfw born 4,500,000,000 years too early to witness the Andromeda-Milky Way Collision
Theoretically planets could form within the accretion disk. It takes a stretch of the imagination though for them to be anything like Earth. Or if the black hole is a stellar black hole, the mass change during a supernova could be enough to disrupt the orbits but it also could change little (there's already proof of planets near neutron stars). But stellar black holes don't have accretion disks so the planets would just sit there in darkness for eternity.
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>I do not care about my son
they left most nigs behind
>Lets go live on the planet where the universe will die much much faster and we might even see it before we can advance further to get off of this time eating planet.

Also what was up with the retard who chose the landing site that was all water?
How the fuck are we going to live there?
Everything about this movie is complete slop aside from the OST, which is pretty good. I get the feeling that midwits just get swept up in the music and pay no attention to what is happening on screen, it's peak retardation from start to finish.

McConaughey somehow actually believing he'll get back to see his daughter at any point in the movie is absolutely absurd to a comical level, even the dumbest NASA retard would understand the trip is almost certainly one-way. You think he's just telling his daughter he'll be back so she won't worry and can learn to cope with it over the years, but no, he actually believes it despite all evidence to the contrary.
I'm pretty sure the movie explains that the 4th or 5th dimensional humans helped us go past this step so we could become 4th or 5th dimensional humans.
Everything is going to miss.
Literally nothing will happen.
There's so much more nothing than anything.
Realistically a planet so close to a black hole would have insane radiations coming from it that made human life impossible. But this is a fantasy/sci-fi movie that doesn't give a fuck about science or logic if they get in the way of the spectacle.
>Relativity is real! Black holes link to alternate universes!
>*bunch of math shit on a paper*

It's funny when he finally sees her again, he leaves after 2 minutes.
Nolan is a dumbshit that bends the story in order to have "moments".
The retarded water planet happened because Nolan came up with the scene of Cooper watching the years of tapes and being the same age as his daughter. He needed that scene, so he wrote a fucking retarded plot to get there.

For me it's the "emotional" ending of Cooper leaving the space station to "find Brand" despite him traveling ~100 years in the future by entering the black hole. Anne Hathaway will be long dead when he gets there (somehow, without the wormhole)
>gunbuster invented time dilation trope.
why are annofags so retarded?
it's a tesseract
look it's hard to explain but the tesseract is a physical structure in more than 3 dimensions. i think it was interesting, even though it violates causality and probably isn't possible in reality, not matter how advanced the future human race is.
Also all the extended family doesn't give a fuck about this man who crossed space and time and experienced unimaginable things.
>ripped off Gunbuster
There was no 14 year old girl faling in love with a pedo coach
>14 year old girl faling in love with a pedo coach
i will now watch your anime
let's face it, Interstellar is flawed as shit and only indisputably kino thing about it is hebe foy.
>immediately kill you
>hasn't read enough scifi
The concept of extra dimensions is explored, and much better, by the person who wrote the 3 body problem series in the final book.
>He thinks anybody cares about literal collisions of planets/stars
It's about the affects of the gravitational pulls of the galaxy's, specifically their respective black holes, and how stars and planets will be ejected from the newly formed galaxy.
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It's this. Any planet with those is going to get explored and they would only give up in the most extreme circumstances, just as it happens in the movie. >>204425558 is acting like they had hundreds of planets in their database to bounce around to like a video game
Nolan's trick is that he always moves the story forward at such a quick pace with such frantic editing that you don't notice all the stupidity and the plot holes unless you stop to think about it after the movie is over, which is something that most people never do.
Nothing it's made up by man. Only the present exists
you should just read hyperspace by the cool pop-sci author michio kaku.
it has detailed exploration of what higher dimensions might exist.
>is acting like they had hundreds of planets in their database to bounce around to like a video game
They could have spent 7 years exploring the other two planets and 1 hour would have passed on the water planet.
Considering they had the ability to efficiently travel to the edge of the Solar System, through a wormhole, and utilize the gravity well of a black hole, it's unrealistic they only had three planets.
Again, just bullshit for melodrama. More fiction than science, paired with crappy dialogue and acting.
My present is different from yours.
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Was the tesseract inside.the blackhole?
Interstellar is a poorly written pile of trash and you should've realized it when they were growing corn in the pre-apocalypse, and it was made abundantly clear when they were growing corn in fucking space.
The ayys plucked him out of it and put him in the tesseract instead. Now, the question inevitably becomes "if they had the ability to do this why didn't they just tell humans the black hole macguffin calculations they needed to control gravity", but the only explanation for that is that future humans are essentially gods and just like fucking with people, so they decided that one guy needed to suffer needlessly instead.
I see but why future humans? It could be aliens like in the kubric movie
it was on the event horizon and intercepted the character on his way down
look it can violate causality, it can literally do anything. black hole is nothing; tesseract don't care.
They were ordering NASA to bomb hordes of starving people. Fucking NASA. I'm assuming a nuclear war wiped out the air force.
So confusing. You really need to be a gigabrain to get it
Because they needed a reason for ayys to help humans. Why would you help a cosmic competitor?

You do tests on monkey intelligence, you don't try and bring about Planet of the Apes.

A funnier question is why they didn't even bother displaying the protagonist in time. It could've easily been done, he does it when he gives Hathaway a handshake floating through the "timestream". If the argument is that his kid needs to do the calculation shit first, at least dump him off when she's an adult instead of an old granny. It's just a dick move.
It's already been explained why they chose which planets and when
>it's unrealistic they only had three planets.
They have to find the planets. On top of that time wasn't exactly on their side
She is so beautiful. She should have done a Lolita movie before this one.
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nolan didn't want to get accused of ripping off kubrick
his film is obviously Shots Fired in regards to 2001 as THE definitive art movie about space. unfortunately Nolan or his writers are midwits with a superficial grasp of these topics. and that was with kip thorne advising.
Funny how y'all shit on this movie when none of you are intelligent enough to get it. Even reddit gets it.
she's no nymphette anon
the 1997 version is definitive
>Part of the reason to choose the planet also had to with being near the black hole, so Romily can study it in hope he could help Prof. Brand to solve gravity.
but that wouldn't work due to the time dilation. Prof Brand would be dead in a couple of hours from their perspective.
Even worse is I heard black holes are just stars we can't see yet. So the faggots don't even have a magic hole. It's just a star.
>I also never got why interstellar was so hyped
It's a spectacular cinematic experience in IMAX. If you only ever saw it on a tv or laptop through cheap speakers or earbuds I don't blame you for thinking it was nothing special.
>It's already been explained why they chose which planets and when
yes but the explanation doesn't make sense on the face of it.
oceans are polluted and fished out.
Why didn't they kill the Indians and Chinese?
That would be racist
they obviously did, or else it would be pajeets and chinks going through that wormhole
Early drafts actually had chinks and their evil robots on Mann's planet.
lol that would have been funny
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>the right answer doesn't fit my broken narrative so I'm just going to continuing arguing like a woman
Robin's hair doesn't work for Chris Rock.
This is just plain true for all space travel, but then these will make for boring movies. We're going to keep sending drones and robots to Mars for a long long time and send a probe to Alpha Centauri before a human. The radiation aside, needing to send food, water, air is just too damn much work. Robots are gonna be the way. It is science FICTION tho, so it's about humans doing it.
This, he needs to do some other related thing
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Why did they need a regular rocket to go to space when they had a scifi small ship that can land and leave a planet just like that? And don't tell me the graivity of Earth is bigger than the gravity on that water planet, lmao
The Rangers and other ships still use fuel. Even with an exotic plasma thruster, you're going to want to conserve every drop for a multi-decade sojourn to another galaxy.
Wouldn't anything that close get sucked in?
Competency crisis
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Because Nolan wanted that Apollo moment. The Rangers were basically 'flying box' Star Trek shuttles. If they have this technology nobody needs a rocket.
>1 hour on planet equals 10 years outside
>radio signal's wave length is redshifted into oblivion by a factor of nearly 90,000 and nobody can even receive the message
>This. Space travel is demonic. God never intended man to leave the ground.
If God didn't intend for us to leave Earth, he wouldn't have made all that free real estate up there.

You luddites spit in the face of God by refusing to accept our rightful place as the rulers of the entire universe in His name.
Swain was too old.
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did the definition of kino change while I was away?
This is the second time I've seen an anon refer to something dumb as kino.
Are you just being ironic?
Like I get why anons refer to Interstellar as kino, but those same anons don't also consider it nonsense
How would this impact the observed day length from space and the experienced day length on the planet? Let's say the rotation period looks like one earth day from space. Then observers on the surface would experience days that last 2 seconds. And in the case the experienced day on the planet is 24 hours then the observed rotation period would be 168 years from orbit which means practically no rotation at all. This divergence would be visible from orbit or even further away. The light reflected by the planet would look strange.
Not that anon but I've come upon this chain of posts and I am posting just to call you a dumb retarded niggerfaggot Nolan cocksucking brainlet who can't even rub two braincells together to save his worthless waste of oxygen life.

Phew. That's all.
10g kills you usually
they spew out absurd amounts of radiation. you would be dead before you even got close to it.
The thing about movies is that they keep changing script and sometimes they have scenes made and need to write a story to connect them. Which is why there are so many retarded plots.
>>This is just plain true for all space travel, but then these will make for boring movies
Those people can go live in Alaska for starters.
>look we need to use time as a resource just like food and water
Am I suppose to believe that space station had enough food for one man for 23 years?
Well NASA was a nazi organization someone assumed they are fit for the job.
This. The twin paradox is just an artifact of Lorentz transformation. Nobody can explain it, they just use it because the math checks out.
I wish they did Fiasko, last sf book by the guy who wrote Solaris.
Humans go to aliens via wormhole to establish first contact and start war, with humans as space invaders. It had ship AI manipulating the crew, destruction of the moon, space laser wiping out nuke launching sites hidden in mountain chains and aliens that in the end were nothing human so all assumptions about them and the cause of war were wrong. It ends with mc discovering what aliens are and getting wiped out by human laser strike next second. Absolute kino.
. In 1971, physicists Joseph Hafele and Richard Keating took atomic clocks – capable of losing no more than one second every 30 million years – on a commercial jet, flying first west and then east around the globe before returning to their laboratory in Washington DC. There, they compared the time on their well-travelled timepieces to a set of clocks that had remained static. Remarkably, the clocks disagreed: the act of travel had seemingly altered the passage of time.

Another prediction of relativity says that gravity has an effect too. Get further from the Earth's gravitational pull, and time will speed u. Once again, the effect is incredibly small, but at greater distances from Earth, it becomes important. The GPS system that we all depend on to navigate, with its satellites 20,000km (12,400 miles) above the Earth, needs to take this into account in order to work properly.

Checkmate atheists

Had they left Millers planet until last or avoided it altogether would Mann have still gone mental? His solitude would’ve been 12 years instead of 25. He planned for 10 years
a black hole only sucks stuff in past the event horizon. if our sun turned into a black hole, earth would not be sucked into it
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you braindead nigger
He had radiation shields.
I thought the point was they're all actually dead and just having flashbacks as their brain is dying
>Coop, you’re going home now to see your kids? Ok
>also I’m stealing your spaceship because I want to go home
What was Mann’s problem?
>10 year anniversary

Holy fuck that hits hard
that speech isn't about love being a dimension, it's about love being outside of dimensions. she's talking about her love being the ultimate driving force of humanity. stems reffering to her own love for the other astronaut but it parallels the future humans/wormhole aspect of the story: advanced humans from the far future can feel such love for people who no longer even exist, they will find a way to overcome the laws of physics and save them in the past, which is exactly what coop does in the tesseract with the dust in his daughter's room
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The absolute state of christkike larpers
Radiation shields are stochastic, they won't protect you from the amount of radiation coming off a black hole.
He is tasked with having to teach the audience about time dilation and black holes in a medium where this has to be shown to the audience rather than told to them. It worked.
Audiences don't need to be taught any of that. The people who don't understand those things already are called "women" and those people are going to be askin
> "what just happened? who is that? what did he say?"
the whole movie anyway
Did they ever explain the fat ogre shit scene?
>Audiences don't need to be taught any of that.
The strong radiation doesn't come from the black hole but material being compressed around it. A black hole that's not close to any material only emits Hawking radiation which is manageable.
You're a fucking retard.
It's not about literal teaching like education, you dumb fuck.
It's about your movie making sense as you get to your other set pieces.
murph at that point was basically a Christlike figure who solved the gravity problem and saved humanity. coop was one of many who went through the wormhole to find a new planet and was obviously presumed dead decades ago after all that time. i'm sure by that point he was known as a Gus Grissom type - an important figure in the history of space exploration but not someone the average person is going to know or recognize anymore. as for the family basically ignoring him, well they were complete strangers to him. how would you react if a guy half your mom's age showed up claiming to be her long lost legendary astronaut father? i'd call that person a lunatic, no matter how much resemblance he bore to the pictures. it's why coop leaves at the end to find Anne Hathaway - there's nothing for him on the space station except a hollow version of his old life.
>Society even in the future is comprised of vaccine getters and fluoride drinkers.
Fuck off
This bothered me more than 'the power of love' did but nobody talks about this.
You don't need to explain black holes and time dilation to anybody who pays money to see a science fiction movie. The ONLY people in the audience who don't understand that already are the women dragged along to see it, and they aren't going to understand the movie anyway.
Why are you so fucking retarded, nigger
It's not about education. It's about your movie making thematic sense with with you see on screen. Set pieces to build to set pieces. You want it to be some flat movie with dialogue and smart decisions that lead them to the finale scene unchanged?
You fucking homos will be complaining about how boring the first two acts of the film are.
dropping mcconnaughey back to when his daughter was an adult would be too Disney of an ending. the neat part of murph and coop's relationship is that she goes from loving him to hating him for leaving, to loving him again when she realizes he succeeded and comes to terms with why he left, and this all happens while coop is like a hundred billion miles away and they never speak again until she's on her deathbed at the end. Nolan used his true love (time fuckery) to rekindle the love between coop and murph
In other words, he's a fuck machine, and he has to have room to roam to find a new wife. He can't be handed a dead one. He has to hunt the cunt.
Why would you use exotic fuels and resources and put unnecessary wear on a platform on an extremely long duration journey into space when you've got shit like hydralox/methalox boosters out the ass on earth to get it up and out of our gravity well? Once you're out in open space you can use much lower thrust much higher Isp options for long term acceleration/deceleration and your unobtanium magic fuel for when you really need it taking off from other bodies where you don't have the infrastructure in place to boost it effectively for free.
>no argument
i accept your concession. next.
Getting back at all is too Disney of an ending to begin with.
You accept a lot of things up your asshole I bet.
If you can't deduce my argument, you're a fluoride drinker yourself, proving my point.
>relativity isn't fucking real

Relativity has been physically tested and proven using around the world jetliners as cesium watches.

your argument that "in da future, peeble won be as dumb as dey are now" is just as retarded and baseless as the whole of your existence, my spergy nigger friend.
>time dilation works while being on the water planet
>it doesn't work when he's inside a black hole, where it would be 1000000000% worse
If in the water planet it was like 7 years per hour, in the black hole it'd be like 5000 years per second. By the time he got out of the tesseract and back near Saturn or whatever, it would be close to the end of the universe
They left their planet behind because of an event they all believed to be happening. There is no obfuscation of facts shaping their perception of reality. They were a militant survivalist society. They weren't random dump truck load of city dwelling folk, you stupid fucking nigger.
Let's fly to the Sun and drop a super nuclear bomb into it to restart its engine
Somehow more retarded than Interstellar.
You better not ban the nuclear program, you stupid goyim, nor should you ban NASA BECAUSE BOTH ARE FUCKING REAL FOR POTENTIALLY REAL PROBLEMS
didn't the tesseract drop him back where the wormhole was, near Europa or whatever? i thought that's how they found him after he reappears, that spot would obviously be monitored 24/7.
In the singularity the dilation is infinite.
are you done your morning glass of lead paint? your reading comprehension is telling me you need to stop doing that every day.
They edited out her asking coop if she can play with his dick and balls one last time. It is in the orininal screenplay. It implies he cums.
Well, then by the time he got out, there'd be no universe. Which would have been KINO as fuck, but Nolan's a fucking coward
>I didn't address any point you made which is proof I can read and you can't.
Go project something up your asshole.
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>when you've got shit like hydralox/methalox boosters
Precisely for that reason. If you have the means to lift shit up in space with safely means, you don't use unsafe means to do it. Especially when it's the last hope of mankind. You wouldn't want your last hope to blow up because George was too exhausted and didn't screw that bolt enough, and John got into an argument with his wife and didn't solder his part to perfection. Because that's what a rocket is. A complete nut and suicide way to go into space.
he didn't enter the black hole, or at least he didn't stay there. the tesseract was a creation of the future humans and was presumably outside the boundaries of time and space, given he shows up 50 years in the future despite not aging at all
If he got anywhere close to the singularity he would've been torn apart. Anyone who isn't retarded knows the tesseract was essentially right past the event horizon, much closer and there's no way you're surviving spaghettification.
you seem... a little mad, anon. is that your 100 IQ crying out for something better, despite subconsciously knowing this is as good as it gets for you?
Given the absurd level of time dilation on the planet alone, getting closer to the black hole would increase the dilation exponentially. There's no way their trip to slingshot around it took a mere 50 years, it would've been thousands.
Address anything I said instead of act like a terrified bitch faggot because I disagreed with you, you terrified anal self-rapist.
So why don't they just create a big tesseract for all humans? It'd basically be like Heaven
Notice I specifically didn't mention SRBs :^)
>>How did they not notice the waves on approach?
They did.

>>Why did they land so far away from the signal?
100 m is not "far away".

>>Why does the black box need to be physically retrieved?
Instead of using telepathy?

>>Why didn't they just send CASE to retrieve it?
They weren't here for the black box, they were looking for Miller.
>how would you react if a guy half your mom's age showed up claiming to be her long lost legendary astronaut father?
I would think that that's fucking coll and ask him more about his life. They're all about to go into a wormhole this guy has already traveled through and returned so it's obvious that it's all real, not to mention the grandma recognizing him. Are you really such a soulless boring husk of a person that you would think Whatever and tell the guy to fuck off?
Why did that stupid bitch die anyway? It's just a wave, dude. Swim through it, or ride it. Oh wait, was she black?
This. Within the story, Cooper is torn between doing what's best for his daughter and being with her. In order to get to the point where his actions mean a sacrifice of his time with his daughter, you have to emphasize his distance (time included) from her, and so you have to see HOW that comes about. The whole movie is ultimately about Cooper's sacrifice. For me, not living with the brother I raised as I would a son, I feel empathy with him and so the movie has an emotional impact with depth. Cooper taking a few years to get back to his daughter would diminish that impact, and so shenanigans have to occur to increase that time spent coming back.
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i won't hesitate to destroy you
There have been a lot of tourists lately, to the point that it feels like summer break. "based" also now means any and every thing
Yeah, what people are really complaining about is the story wasn't written from beginning to end but from relatively all directions. Expecting this from a movie in an industry that follows formula is just childish, to put it simply.
I didn't need you to literally show me your anal rapist face. I already saw it in your words.
>why did no one point out they only had just over an hour of data?
They had no data at all due to the proximity to the black hole.
Or it's the opposite of childish I guess, to want to be off formula. It's not going to happen as long as Hollywood monopolizes the entertainment industry. Even with the progression into Streaming technology, they still follow formula, embarrassingly so. They just stretch the 3 act structure out indefinitely, invent new coincidences to reset the 3 act plot structure, give character breakthroughs to the supporting characters while delaying the main's.
It's all "trash."
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This is your brain on LOST
The movie makes thematic sense to anybody the movie will ever make sense to already. Sci-fi audiences already know what black holes are, just like race car movie audiences already know what cars are. Do race car movies waste time explaining what a car is? Hell no. Get a brain, moron.
>It wouldn't work because... uh.... IT JUST WOULDN'T OKAY???
Ultimately the film is propaganda to push the climate change narrative, so all this bickering is pointless.
What was the alternative?
Also obfuscating the language with "Plan B" being the actual backup plan for saving humanity rather than an abortion pill, while associated with the type of strong women that are spiritually barren in their womb that would need a lab of a cacophony of gene and birth tech to maintain society. Her perfect Sims life.
>Do race car movies waste time explaining what a car is?

Both ferrari movies wasted a lot of time showing the viewer why the ferrari is a super cool car rather than the plot.
Not write a dumb movie
love is the only physical force in the universe that humans don't understand, and by human i mean myself, mainly because i have never had sex
Every movie made after Star Wars is a dumb movie following formula. You just expected more because you thought you belonged to a sophisticated niche audience which was an erroneous position to hold. You're a dumb goyim.
But not this.

NASA is demonic because like everything else is controlled by satanic feds. Space travel is based although we will never find the "answers to the universe" out there because God became man and walked this earth as one of us and already gave us the answers. Space is just another frontier where we can see the glory of God's creation, and contemplate the mystery of His eternal majesty.
>ad spends time advertising product
>Space is real, and his name was George Floyd.
"plan b" has always meant the backup plan. the nickname for the abortion drug comes from the "backup plan" meaning.
No, shit. And in this case it refers to saving humanity through unnatural means without sex.
How does something that can suck in everything, including light, spew anything out? Sounds like nobody really knows anything about black holes. Almost like they don't exist and were only created to explain why Hawkings math wasn't adding up right.
They superheat all matter falling towards them. That superheated matter, having not yet fallen past the event horizon, emits radiation in all directions.
Also, black holes weren't "created to explain Hawkings math". They predate Hawking, being a consequence of Einstein's math.
> Sounds like nobody really knows anything about black holes
Sounds like you're projecting.
So you fell for the black hole psyop huh? The thing that didn't exist until Hawkings needed it to make his math work. Just like antimatter. I find it funny that people rightfully shit on flat earthers for making shit up to make their models work, but would never think to question verifiably unprovable science from a man pretending to have Lou Gehrig's disease.
If you haven't figured it out by now, watch Oppenheimer.
>The revolution is happening everywhere, why can't you see it happening in physics?
It was fake math published for explaining future events that they had planned. Atomic Bomb was a hoax to scare societies into submission to their governments.
It's truly a fascinating object. Like, how does it even werk, where does the matter go, how is this even possible.
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Nolan is like the pinnacle of propaganda production.
This scene from Inception is to plant the seed for the son to, through positive catharsis, destroy his father's empire to forge his own path in Wind Energy.
Anybody that believes in Climate Change or Green Energy is acting in reverse of their own interests by conflicting with their father's empire because Green Energy yields competitors to real energy production.
>Oh my fucking le God
>Le Science is le beautiful
>The thing that didn't exist until Hawkings
You are an absolute moron.
It just works.
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So you have no clue how to make an entertaining movie that people will talk about for years. Stick to your wikipedia articles and video essays while patting yourself on the back
Plot purpose, they had to create the narrative of humanity being desperate and stranded between stubbornness and personal feelings.
Yeah because chuds don't believe in climate change and think the moon landing didn't happen.

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