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/tv/ - Television & Film

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Can we talk about how 'general' threads are ruining this board?

They attract a certain kind of loser that enjoys a parasocial relationship with celebs and or other users which goes against the spirit of an anonymous image board. This behavior enforces in jokes similar to old reddit narwhal beacons. It also suppresses the formation of new memes since these users just interact in their generals snuffing out more interesting threads.

Perpetual generals should be banned
Generals are where jannies hang out.
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All reality tv generals, especially fishtank, should be quarantined to their own board. Video games have their own generals board, why can't we be free of them?
>makes an off topic general thread to complain about general threads
Seeing how you're this stupid, I'm forced to assume you're some slack jawed redneck sack of shit. Yes, I can picture it now. I bet you don't brush your teeth either.
generals were a part of the death of 4chan. it's a direct result of reddit. before generals, threads were more fun. the topic would flow from various things and would often tern into something different from the OP. more fun stream of consciousness conversations, more trying to make each other laugh. twitter sucked away a lot of that fun, and annoying reddit faggots saturated 4chan.
Not to mention my dick pics keep getting deleted.
general threads killed several boards already. how do they not see it?
this thread isn't a general, you stupid faggot. it's a thread about a singular, specific topic.
All generals are hives of reddit faggotry and that's nothing new
Generals only appear when the board already goes into a decline where we most threads are nothing but ironic shitposting and bait so there's a need to create a separate perpetual general to actually be able to discuss something specific. It's a symptom, not a cause.
Wrong shithead, it's a general thread
complaining about the board, meta threads like this are ALWAYS general threads and news flash -- they aren't allowed anyway! This thread is off topic and shouldn't be here.
generals for non airing shows were banned before november 2019
but some middle aged star trek fan infiltrated the moderation and keeps forcing them
generals are what results form excessive moderation
look at /a/. it's 100% generals now
It is a known fact that generals attract the most mentally ill posters on this site. Every single one that I've looked at, without fail, had at least one schizo who made it his life's mission to spam that specific general with whatever retarded psychobabble he decided to base his entire personality around. What I'm not certain of is whether the presence of generals serves to contain some of these individuals to just one kind of thread, thus preventing their psychosis from leaking out onto the rest of a board. There is certainly no shortage of mental illness in non-general threads. What I wonder, then, is if the problem would be even worse without them.
Inderesting. Would a 60s music general save /mu/ from the Nico tranny? And The Shittles spam as well.
those posters are paid
usually trannies. they get dimes for keeping generals up and creating the illusion of a "community"
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No one gives a shit about your opinion, reddit frog
Just look at /hotd/got/ generals. I absolutely despise what goes on in that place. I'm a bookfag and I wish jannies would care, but they're too busy jacking off.
I wouldn't mind normies getting interested in the lore, and if they'd just stay on topic, but /hotd/ has attracted the most disgusting homos and furry subhumans. and there's nothing i can do about it.
I've always suspected they removed post count for /ftl/ threads since they have low user interation.
Generals are so fkn r*ddit
I'm a fan of fishtank, and usually enjoy the threads because i actually have a life and cant watch it 24/7... but the fact that there are generals for it WHEN IT ISN"T EVEN AIRING is kinda fucking stupid.
*slams fists on table in anger*
>I'm a fan of Fishtank
Kill yourself. Strip naked, pour gasoline over yourself and light a match.
You're a retard.
Hiro allows one thread per board to talk about the board.
Fish tank general whatever the fuck is ruining this board.
Prove me wrong.
Generals are shit, but they are a symptom not a cause
If /tv/ wasn't so awful we likely wouldn't have generals, but half of /tv/ just wants to discuss the latest Netflix zogslop. Any threads about older films archive fast and rarely get many replies
I literally just did this
You got here in 2016 so your opinion is meaningless
generals are for fags but I dont get why they dont want a dopamine hit of replying to multiple threads and instead stay talking about nothing important
incorrect. 2005. what do you disagree with?
Why are you lying on an anonymous board
>talking about nothing important
That's all of 4chan
I mean 4chan, not /tv/ obviously. but okay, say nothing.
>say nothing
I already said it, you're a liar.
once we get rid of frogposters, we can get rid of generals too
frogs are 4chan
Tranime reaction pics will NEVER return.
I wish hiro would care about us bros
you are generally retarded
>I was here in 2005
So what, you fapped to CP and gore when you were 15 and that makes you an arbiter on what this board should be 20 years later?
I responded to
>You got here in 2016 so your opinion is meaningless
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Why can’t you fat fucking faggots stay on topic? Post generals
Regardless, your opinion is worthless. Don't you get it?
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>frogs are 4chan :)
not since 2016
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it was more of a comment, really
A very honourable addition
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>they get dimes for keeping generals up
Wait what? All generals? What about /vg/?
Normalfags also breathe so you should stop.
Fast boards shouldn't have generals. Slow boards like /his/ need containment threads for controversial topics
lol, that retard thinks that breathing is a meme
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>tfw I had a hand in killing the Star Wars generals
Disneyshills and Filonifags fear me.
Based comrade.

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