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Arthouse and classics

The Bog edition

>/film/ charts

>/film/ literature

Previous: >>204451057
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Queen of /film/
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Listening to Superstar. Feeling emotional.

Why not add the text and a crown to the image to match the Tsai one?
I’m not the Baufag but I’ve considered this before since it’s just a riff on the Tsaifag lol
This guy is great, though I haven't seen that Josh Hartnett film yet
Please do this for next thread
Lee looks different
>Sonic Youth
Excellent taste. I always liked their song Teen Age Riot:
>"4chan lingo"
This place truly is as faggier as reddit.
My favorite song from them is Schizophrenia (lol), but I'm not that big on them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWzFkVy3s14
For me, it's Incinerate
>is as faggier
*As faggy as. Sorry, typo.
Reddit moment
/film/ – Discussion of Arthouse and Music
I genuinely hope Kinskifag killed himself
You should listen to Magma, man.
Can we roll for FOTW?
>the time some ZOOMER came and said Lola Montes is mid
Me. I'm not a zoomer and I said Lola Montes is vacuous compared to other Ophuls films though.
>thread where people think John Ford is shit
Me. I said Ford is a baby playing pretend though.
>the Hitchcock backlash that has come recently
Me. I said I despise Vertigo despite recognising its brilliance though.
>Sonic Youth
faggy ass band
I think they would proudly agree.
Based, I have Magma in my top 5 prog. What’s your favorite song by them?
The entirery of the first two albums.
>big movie fan, loves to talk to and about directors
>every movie he makes is utterly boring
How did he do it?
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The greatest directors are those who hate most movies.
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They're not boring, you're probably just too young to appreciate them yet.
Just saw this:
>“founded in Paris in 1969 by self-taught drummer Christian Vander”
I don’t wanna say “literally me” but I taught myself how to play the drums when I was 15 so that cracked me up lol
lol I almost forgot again too. Yeah fuck it, let’s roll and see how hilarious the result is this week
I'm the "reddit moment" anon and I'm unironically going to link
right now, because it's an excellent thread on Bogdanovich that tells you what you want to know and more:
This applies anytime someone uses the b word
Vander was an open neo-nazi btw. The music is inspired by Wagner and such.
>I'm unironically going to link
Go fuck yourself
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Just like her!
Or you shit ass zoomers from /v/ should stick to anime and stop throwing your weight around /film/ with pants on head retarded takes about Lola Montes, to Catch a Thief, and Cobra Verde. Stick to Super Mario Bros or take your opinion to trannyboxd where you will can shout your opinion into the void with the other woke zoomers. We all know you fuck ass, are into woke identity politics, and would never say nigger on camera with your drivers license out. Know something before you talk bullshit about classic films.
Wagner is based.
I mean BAD boring, not good boring
She was more like a typical /film/ anon, I don't even think she meant being actively racist, more like racist depending on the ocassion and her hatred of the jew close to her lmao
We’re all pants on head retarded here.
>Stick to Super Mario Bros
Should I speedrun Lost Levels, SMW or Sunshine?
>I wrote long replies to both of you, realized how silly and faggy they were, and deleted them.
Whoever posted this, please go take a break for your own good. Having enough awareness to post something like that here is how you know you’re taking whatever all this shit is maybe just a little too seriously…
Based. Being self-thought is good because you come up with stuff in interesting and unique ways since you're not simply doing what a guy told you to do.
Half self taught is where it's at.
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Hell I’m just tryna speedrun Mario Party 3.
I like the story about his wife divorcing him over having Orson Welles living at their house for free for like a year
Saint Jack isn't boring. It's like OGF with all the autism removed
Is he actually a nazi though or was he just inspired by nazi aesthetics? I keep seeing this "Vander is a nazi" meme being thrown around.
Guarantee that you have pronouns in your bio. You don't belong here. Can't wait until jews send your generation into the meat grinder and we get the final genocide against zoomers.
I didn’t go to drum school- I went to drums
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Dead of Night- really enjoyed it, I have a soft spot for anthology horrors. The mirror story was probably my favorite, the wife in that one gives me an erection. Didn’t care for the comedy golf story, but love the idea of fucking while you cuck a ghost into watching. Ending to ventriloquist story was truly scary, and the ending sequence for the frame story was fantastic. Recommended classic British horror.
rolling for a movie to watch. 0 is viewer's choice
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is this any good? the country music setting looks cozy
>the final genocide
>When the gimmick is actually funny.
Chimes at midnight, delete the rest
I didn't go to guitar until I had 2 years of guitar classes with a local guitarist, then I just followed on my own. I feel he gave me the basis for good technique, then I developed my style. Nothing worse than conservatoryfags who can't improvise at all and can't be creative due to "it's just not right to play that way!" mentality.
You’re exactly right anon. For what it’s worth, Bill Bruford has been my favorite drummer for a good 10+ years now. Buddy Rich is another one of course.
Her Sketchbook
Maybe I will have my suicide on livestream so you can see how seriously some of us take the art of cinema, it is not a fucking joke to us.
The OP pic and this film are off topic
Based, post link when you do
We kill for kino in here.
>>204473848 -> >>204458158
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Listening to Mother Sky. Feeling tribal.

Can unironically created Slint in 1971 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iTRsIzzGWQ
Give me a fucking break.
Very good favourite drummer to have.

Boiling Point.
Can did the soundtrack for this.
well bogdonavich is cool to listen to... always improves discussions due to being a genius

Reading lots of praise for this, actually any good?
One of the greatest films ever made in the UK.
Lost Levels FDS version 100%, beating the game 8 times and then beating Worlds A-D as well
What exactly did the Kinskiposter do to you? He’s a good guy.
Yes but I really like Skolimovsky in general

He always seemed the kind of guy who was more interested in the idea of being a director and the perks that come with it, instead of actually making genuinely great movies. He made couple good ones, but overall is filmography is pretty mediocre and I'd say the most interesting things he did were mostly the interviews he did with great directors. He also was very good at breaking down films and talking about them, pretty much like a critic, but his own work never really measured against the people he admired. I don't think it also helped that critics lauded his early work, which perhaps stroked his ego too much and also made him lazier. He also lucked out in his early career by meeting Roger Corman.

He also was a notorious pussy hound and kind of a douchebag, again something that the director lifestyle allowed him to do. He enjoyed the hedonistic aspects of his career.
Fug, I don't think I'll make it. Never played Lost Levels before. I struggled with Crash 4, am I fucked? I thought Crash 4 was one of the hardest platform games I've ever played, made OG PSX Crash 1 look like a joke.
I just realized he also toured with Roy Harper… lel so many coincidences. Who’s your favorite drummer?
He was a critic before becoming a director, same as De Palma
Idiot how much does a director have to do? Last Picture, Targets, Paper Moon are all 5/5 and all his madcap films are all entertainment. You have a two dimensional view of cinema. I bet you hate Mike Nichols post-The Graduate filmography too
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I didn't even know anything about Bogdanovich, but this poster is based as fuck.
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Movies with this vibe?
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If you watch one Bogdanovich film, make it this one.
New posters never have that much text anymore. Shame. Could be used very effectively. Nowadays they just design posters as icons for streaming services.
Never played Crash 4 but yeah it is pretty hard

I know, De Palma had a much more longer and succesful career though. Though his fizzled out as well, but out of the famous 70's movie brats I'd argue Bogdanovich had the shortest career with fewewst amount of genuinely good movies. Him and Lucas.
Did you speedrun FDS Lost Levels yourself?
I avoid anything with that Jew Barbara Mandela or whatever the fuck her name is
Lucas had one (1) good film, and that is...
The Phantom Menace

Actually I think you are completely right about what I think about Mike Nichols and I'd go as far as to say that he's one of the most overrated American directors EVER, who mostly coasted on The Graduate for like 4 decades.

I don't argue against the fact that Bogdanovich made couple of genuinely really great films, but I also believe he could have made more, if he had more discipline and passion. But I guess also Cybill Shepherd prime pussy was too good.
Oh no I'm not into that type of stuff
My favorite Bogdanovich short

American Graffiti, THX 1138 and Star Wars are all good. Also many of his student films are unironically very interesting and good. It's ironic he became known as the hero's journey director and for being such a hard on merchandise capitalist, when in film school he was the guy in his class who was deepest into arthouse filmmaking.
>I thought Crash 4 was one of the hardest platform games I've ever played
Who the fuck is Mike Nichols outside of The Graduate, even? I thought that movie was like a one off success or something
My three favourites are Han Bennink, Milford Graves and John French.
Tell us more.

American Graffiti is a masterpiece, Star Wars I think was trash since day one. I guess he just sold out.
Watch it, I guarantee you’ll fall in love with babs. Love that film.
What? Absolutely not, make it The Last Picture Show.
I’m into retro cinema, and I’m also into retro gaming. You unironically need to play more games kiddo, NES platformers would rape your asshole
THX, then Coppola seduced him into selling out. One of the many reasons I wish I could travel back in time and eliminate Coppola
Star Wars 1977 because Alec Guinness
why is there a harper thread on /co/ and how is it still up?
What is Closer
What is Wolf
What is Angels in America

The rumors about that Tarantino film critic movie where that at the end he main character would kill George Lucas

could have been kino, though I think it should have been Lucas and Spielberg. Not sure about Coppola
>getting filtered by Delaney & Bonnie of all things
Tarantino loves Spielberg so he probably would've never even considered that.
I really liked The Last Picture Show.
>NES platformers would rape your asshole
I also like retro gaming, but I'm not a gamer, mostly play League of Legends only nowadays. I'm sure stuff like Holy Diver would fist my ass two handed, but the other "hard" games that people mention are cake to me (Crash Bandicoot series, Super Meat Boy, Castlevania series, Mega Man series). I actually surprised my brother once because I was able to finish Mega Man X2 100% in like an hour and 5 minutes on a casual playthrough, with just one death. I just think I'm too good at gaming, unironically. Rec me games that you think will rape my ass. Never played Ninja Gaiden, Battletoads, etc.
Literally, what is all that
He likely didn't want to validate and all these shit ass journalists on social media and letterboxd who deserve nothing but contempt.
>Last Picture, Paper Moon
Still need to see these, loved Targets.
I'd like to hug her.
Take her husband's cock out of your mouth, you degenerate simp cuck.
Yes, go watch it RIGHT NOW you faggot.
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This. Nice repeating digits btw
>I just think I'm too good at gaming, unironically
lmao. I know you’re talking about platforming, but start going for 1cc and then high scoring in shmups. You’ll quickly find out you don’t know what you’re talking about in terms of “difficult” games.
I’ll concede both are good choices, I’m just partial.
Both bands are great, but I cannot really hear Slint in this.
Have you 1cc'ed shmups? I think the real difficult games are those cheap ass old school arcade fighters like Super Turbo, but they aren't even enjoyable due to difficulty consisting only of memorizing patterns and exploiting weaknesses in AI.
>soft loud dynamics
>clean guitar into feedback squealing
>spoken word vocals with screaming in climaxes
>dissonant guitar riffs preceded and followed by silence
Tell Gadonfag to kill himself?
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It's fucking UP!!!
>inb4 spoonfeed me Mega
I will NOT upload a 40GB file for you retards
I love Sarah Gadon
I have, some of the classics and “easier” ones. I gave up on Ketsui and Garegga after months of grinding.

>difficulty consisting only of memorizing patterns and exploiting weaknesses in AI
lol, already crying and making the same tired predictable excuses everyone does. I’m not going to enter down this shithole in /film/, this convo is way off topic
haha jokes on you I was intentionally being retarded: the movie
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Implying we would want that.
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Let me just say that you're a massively insecure and pedantic faggot, but I seriously doubt you could even do the shit you're saying you can do. I'm pretty sure I'd bag your body in KOF, Street Fighter or any other fighting game, would rape your ass high scoring Touhou, or speedrunning Lost Levels. Why are you so insecure and afraid, always trying to pick up a fight over literally nothing. Just end your bitch ass life right now, piece of worthless scum.
Based, is that Rebels?
Volleyball Becky pajeetbait sundress tradwife parody
Yeah, it is
At least link it if you’re gonna call me out.
Nice Karloff kino. By the way, does the anon who had a crush on Karloff still post here?
Man, I know it's from Rebels of the Neon God but I haven't watch it
You should, it’s good
Very good*
Yeah it does look good
/film/s should feature more arcades. An underrated location choice. All those bustling CRT screens look great on film.
>All those bustling CRT screens look great on film.
No joke I'm a little bit creeped out by this
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? is his best by far.

Why is Philippe Grandrieux so based?
You could make a kino film about a shut-in schizoid like that.
I don't know, you tell me.
The spoken words and screams in Can is very different from those in Slint. It is definetly the case that Can must have influenced Slint, directly or indirectly, but this influence is a bit distant imo.
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Was Welles right about Woody Allen?
>I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man. He has the Chaplin Disease; that particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge. Like all people with timid personalities his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he loves himself; a very tense situation. It's people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it's the most embarrassing thing in the world - a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Every thing he does on the screen is therapeutic.
>Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant.
Kek, this is very true.
Because he's one of the few genuinely original directors at the moment
Reminds me that Woody Allen is now unable to get funding even in Europe. He planned to shoot a film in Italy this fall, but that just got cancelled. Seems like his filmmaking career might really be over now.
How long has it been since Allen's films have made any fucking money whatsoever? I'm surprised he's been coddled by Hollywood this long. Well, not surprised given his heritage but you take my point.
>How long has it been since Allen's films have made any fucking money whatsoever?
Irrational Man in 2015 was still successful, and he had a bunch of financial hits in the early 2010s: Midnight in Paris, To Rome with Love, Blue Jasmine, Magic in the Moonlight.
Why didn't anyone tell Welles to shut the fuck up? Serious question
I agree.

Huh, the guy from 12 Angry Manes was Da Wrong Mane?

I would bet Slint listened to Can. They also are influenced by King Crimson, Big Black and old blues music. And Bo Diddley.
They were afraid he would eat them.
They had respect for him -- an experience your ignorance exposes you've never had yourself.
What ignorance?
Of why no one was telling him to shut up, dingleberry.
The quote that destroyed /film/'s ego.
Why don't you end your life, dinglefucker? You do know that you're exactly the kind of person that Welles was criticizing, right?
Man, you really ARE illiterate. Tell you what, I'm just going to stop this here because I can tell you're one of those "nah you are" guys who will just go on forever in an attempt to get the last word. So, let's nip this in the bud.
Based timid jew making the loud fat obnoxious irishman seethe this much
Ignorance is being memed into thinking that Citizen Kane and Jeanne Dielman are the best films of all time, sorry
I don't think any film is "the best of all time" because hierarchical thinking as applied to film is only for the middest of midwits -- people with very little appreciation for art.
Why don't you suck my cock, then with it on your mouth, take a gunshot right up your brain? I'm not even the guy you were flaming, I'm just tired of egotistical manchildren such as you. You really need one real man to beat up your ass irl to learn some manners, seems that all that bullying at school really didn't correct the fuck out of you, "arrogant and timid man"
Out of all the films directed by women, I don't get why the critics colluded to vote for Jeanne Dielman in particular. The film's reputation was kind of ruined, because so many just see it as a meme now.
Idk, maybe because she was a woman, feminist, french and jew? Getting those minority points up, I suppose?
At least Jeanne Dielman was in top 100 before, 35th-40th place in 2012 I think. Many films like Cleo from 5 to 7 jumped into it out of nowhere.
>35th-40th place in 2012 I think
Really? I thought it just appeared out of fucking nowhere in the 2022 poll
Oh shit
>Cleo from 5 to 7
Very good film, actually. Not top 100, but top 500 imo
The Substance is shit
Nasty postmodern crap
>8-Man With a Movie Camera
>9-La passion de Jeanne d'Arc
So fucked lol
I thought it was mediocre. When women get disoriented they become curiously passive and phlegmatic, almost sedated - this is what the film's form reminded me of, radically contrasting with its content. What did you like about it?
Great film, incredible writing and performances of course
What I'll never understand is why anyone cares about the critics' poll over the directors' poll. Most of the critics are complete nobodies selected arbitrarily. 2001 A Space Odyssey got the real top spot in 2022.

Who could've guessed.

When in doubt it is always this, no exceptions
What I don't understand is why anyone feels they need a pole, or some sort of ranking of films instead of navigating by the compass of their own tastes?

Why does a film need to be "the best film of all time" instead of "my favorite film?"
There's something of the ego there, wanting to confirm your taste as if you're insecure in its merit.
Yeah, probably. Don't forget it's a Jew from the 70s, ie a personal protege of Pauline Kael.
Anon, no one actually believes the poll determines the greatest film of all time. It's just interesting to see what people vote for and why.
Very fun story about anxiety. I just like the FNW and Left Bank too much, it seems
No there's still decent films being made occasionally but in general older films were better made and even bad old films are better than bad new films
it do be like that doe
It's interesting to see what the general consensus is, also helpful for people getting into cinema
i dont even like her but it is a commendable effort >>>/co/145876713
>What I don't understand is why anyone feels they need a pole
Because they're fun to read, and to discover new stuff, and see what other people think about kino
>or some sort of ranking of films instead of navigating by the compass of their own tastes?
Why not do both?
>There's something of the ego there, wanting to confirm your taste as if you're insecure in its merit.
Only insecure fags do this, and they do it always in cliques. They can't stand the heat alone
Fair enough. But I think you're underestimating how many people will see a poll like that and just assimilate it as their own tastes at a 1:1 ratio.
You too will get to the point where you'll just want to watch 30's and 40's cinema because 60's and 70's (or post WW2 really) will just start looking too modern for you
Well look at this thread alone. People are intellectually lazy and most of their opinions conform to group think.

>Mike Nichols sucks after the Graduate
>Coppola was only good in the 70s
>eww Bogdonovich made comedies?! NO! Serious canonical films ONLY!
>Mike Nichols The Fortune!? This is not a serious masterpiece like Chinatown NO!!!

The true crime of those lists however is how they snub actual beloved films in favor of woke nonsense. Where is Peter Greenaway, where is Alex Cox or Nicolas Roeg. Where is PTA's The Master?
Anxiety in the content, yes, with none of it in the form, even though the film begged for it. While the Cahiers guys and even relative unknowns like Deville and Costa-Gavras were making excellent pieces of fast cinema, Varda was condemning herself to the flow of production circumstances. Seriously, watch Sleeping Car Murder or Adorable Liar from around the same time and you'll see what I mean.
Usually happens when you're younger or a tastelet. Time will either heal them or show them that kino ain't for them.
I'll watch them, but I just don't think that the intention of the film was to be too serious about anxiety. More like a black comedy about hypochondria, really.
The reality- 99.9% of all art in existence, past/present/future, is complete shit.
Form is the soul of the film.
And that makes it worthy of being in the top 500?
I have an autistic habit of 'dividing' cinema into eras, I think the spirit of classic pre-WWII and wartime era films had still been lingering up until the late 50s. Late 50s-late 60s is sort of a transitional era. After that young cinephiles followed in the FNW footsteps and started making their own kino
My own top 500, yes. Personal preference.
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No I don't like those
60s - 90s was peak cinema and peak humanity peak everything it was the last time we were human
Early 00s were comfy.
I prefer this version:
For me it's Guy Gilles, the most underrated FNW director
The 90s were dreadful for film.
Early 2000s was running off the fumes of the 20th century
Russian and East Asian films were great in the 90s
Correct, the last real days of humanity
i strongly disagree
thanks for the recc
Cinema is the continent and storytelling is the content.
Cinema... is an enema. A cathartical experience.
Constipated anon here. Can confirm.
This is what Godard was going for with Numero Deux
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If a story doesn't give you a hard-on in the first couple of scenes, throw it in the goddamned garbage.
Karen Carpenter is kino. RIP
Explains The Substance.
my first vacation romance looked like nico but more fat and she was indeed racist
if a story doesn't give you a hard-on with the movie poster*
From the twisted mind of Coralie Fargeat.
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Cinema is not the train, it is the station
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after falling for the meme and watching half of his filmography i realize Wong Kar-wai sucks and his movies are gay
only good film ever made is tron
whoa is this Gadonfag being mad at all the AMWF posters who seemed to take a liking to gadon.
Congratulations on overcoming the orientalist grift.
toro frankenstein will fail hard.
I like his early films (pre-Stardust Memories of course), however I find this quite funny because my mom HATES Woody Allen humor. I might get her to watch one eventually when they’re in town. Love and Death + Annie Hall were hilarious and I stand by that.
>Model Shop is my favorite Jacques Demy joint
what type of person do you imagine?
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>Dont fall for the demoralization propaganda. This is my wife and our son and they are the best things in my life.
this has to be gadonfag mad at all the Asians hijacking his waifu, right?
80s Terry Gilliam
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I enjoyed it, made me wish Griffith did more serious acting.
It’s about time they found out.
Bruh could never fool me, too

I kek'd
I have no idea. Gadonfag has never outright denounced her rice cooking shenanigans, but maybe in his mind she can do absolutely no wrong so he focuses on her white family.
1980s Woody is best Woody.
I hope Gadonfag gets the help he needs. Or kills himself. Either would be fine.
These were the best years of cinema.
None of you fags have seen A Face in the Crowd?

C'mon, gents, it's fucking Elia Kazan, not some massively obscure picture.
>those archive posts
How is Gadonfag both pro-mask and pro-Trump? Cognitive dissonance much?
How do you even end up like gadonfag? I never understood being obsessed with actresses or celebrities in general
too bad about the whole molesting his biological daughter and marrying his orher daughter part
Kazan is the only major American classic that I haven't seen a single film by. And probably never will. I can't get over the fact that he ratted out his commie colleagues.
you're probably right, the only reason I became a Gadon convert is because I kept on seeing the rice steaming webms.
Thoughts on Zelig?
Gotta separate the art from the artist, blah blah, etc.
You're missing out, though, guy did some quality work.
Thatsy one of the ones i haven't seen, yes. It's downloaded even, bit haven't seen it yet.
>I never understood being obsessed with actresses
It’s a very complicated situation, cousin Sonja.
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okay but Klaus Kinski was the best at raping his daughters of all time
Yeah but it's personal to an extent because I really like Abraham Polonsky who got blacklisted on Kazan's testimony.
>too bad about the whole molesting his biological daughter
>marrying his orher daughter part
Soon-yi was a korean orphan the insane hag Mia Farrow bought, she's not nor was she ever Woody Allen's daughter.
Sarah Gadon is quite popular and appeals to many different people from many different countries and political backgrounds.
Probably the best mockumentary ever made.
Trump himself was pro-mask and pro-vaccine.

Degenerate simp cuck.
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Check it out. Patricia Neal is pure sexo and everybody gives a great performance from top to bottom.

Walter Matthau comes across as a real fucking slimeball, underrated role for him.
I will eventually, everything i've seen from Kazan is nothing short of really really good.
Actually the best one was Alex De Benedetti raping Giada de Laurentiis, granddaughter of Dino, the famous producer. Lynch based Twin Peaks' Bob on him.
It's fucking creepy how he has pics of her kids. Mark my words she's gonna end up as a lampshade.
I suppose I get where you're coming from but I would never let personal dislike, even disdain or hatred for an artist keep me from at least seeing their work.

It's not like you're supporting Kazan by watching his films, pretty much everyone involved is dead by now.
You're right of course, I know it's an irrational psychological block. Maybe I'll get over it someday.
Gotta watch On the Waterfront at least
WAIT Giada was raped by her own father!!!? I used to watch Giada's cooking show on the Food Network back in like 2010-2011, it was comfy and wholesome, if this is true, I am very sad.
My god you people are right off the assembly line of reddit
>/JRG/ Joker Rape General #14
Did you even read the reply chain, for fuck's sake? I'm the one recommending the Kazan film and trying to talk about Face in the Crowd and I'm the one you're replying to.
I see now

You have shit for brains, the same idiot parroting film school 101 opinions about Coppola sucking after the 70s and Nichols being crap after the Graduate. You are AI. You are stupid. Everything in your head was planted there by jews.
That movie really broke people, huh.
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The kids thing is weird for me too. Everything else was weird enough but bringing her kid into it feels… unethical.
There is a board that does nothing but spam botted rape jokes 24/7 (/pw/) and I believe it's just that dedicated discord spamming on /tv/ to try and broaden their style of spam's popularity.
Apparently so. At least they have a containment thread now so there aren’t 50 Joker threads on the catalog.
/tv/ really got mindbroken by a 30 second scene in a capeshit flick
Sarah Gadon loves kids.
Lots of baseless assumptions. I haven't said anything about Kazan as a director and his films. I did say he's a piece of shit who betrayed his friends for his Hollywood career.
Are you implying Sarah Gadon is into /ss/?
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Yea I mean /film/ thinks hes another gimmick but he's not le wacky gadon man. Guy is Bjork's stalker level mentally ill, I was disappointed that he blended in here. He has been terrorizing /tv/ for over a decade and people learned to ignore him. Now he found his way here with fresh supply and no one quite realizes the gravity of the situation.
So I watched three movies that had to do with surveillance and murder. One was months ago, being The Conversation. Yesterday it was Blow-Up, and this afternoon it was Blow Out.

Three movies about guys who listen in or see something they probably shouldn't have. The first one has a guy who's contracted to do surveillance on others and it's a lonely life, only for him to discover that he isn't alone in the worst possible way at the end when someone wiretaps him. The next movie was a slow and muddling picture with too few good scenes to support the entire thing. But I appreciate the theme of a man who feels confident about his craft only to suddenly be in doubt when he captures a scene that contains more than he first realized, and later is at a loss and relents trying to take pictures of a group of mimes at the end. Finally, Blow Out was easily the weakest link. Snappy and better paced than Blow-Up, but it's investigative tone is undermined by the arch dialogue delivered by just about everyone, including the co-lead who literally proved herself too stupid to live. The Conversation wins out for me because of course I would prefer Gene Hackman to Travolta or Hemmings. He played against type and he did it well. As far as thrillers about snooping on others goes, Rear Window remains far and away my favorite.

Unrelated, but I also saw Blue Thunder. I've never seen a movie so torn between wanting to marvel at then-cutting edge tech in helicopters (so the movie claims at its beginning) and the perversion of that tech to ogle women, it's bizarre. Also, bonus points to this movie for having one of the most ridiculous lines I've ever heard. When the police captain chews out Lymangood, he says...

"I had twenty years in this outfit when your idea of a big time was sitting in front of the TV watching Bugs Bunny and gnawin' on your fudgesicle."
Should have just watched the convo three times over.
Reddit opinion
Blow Up >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Conversation > Blow Out > Klute
Watching Apichatpong Weerasethakul. Feeling homosexual.
How is he not banned yet or whatever
Ha Haha
Explain yourself.
Why? Because the Hollywood blacklist is a good thing because the people were le commies? Fuck you if yes. America could have its own New Wave a decade before the French if not for the blacklist.
No, Sarah Gadon simply loves the idea of motherhood and being a mother.
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I've always found Hemmings to be a bit of a nothing actor. Kinda wish Antonioni had gone with Terence Stamp like he originally intended to.
damaged frontal lobe
>what is ban evading
Rumor is that he is an actual 4chan moderator so he is in charge of banning himself, which is why it never happens
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Relevant video.
>civil discussion of film, music, and video games
>tasteful amount of waifuposting
Super comfy. This was the best /film/ thread in at least a few days.
He's gotten banned a shitload of times. He just evades his bans.
Baking rn
next thread we should have another Asian grifters thread. The amount of seethe it caused was legendary.
The simple answer is because Sarah Gadon is posted by many, many different people. It's delusional to think that only one person posts her.
At 304? Better be a damn good edition.
This. I have posted Sarah Gadon multiple times myself, it isn't one person, it literally is just her 4chan fanbase.
N-word edition
>I have posted Sarah Gadon multiple times myself
Well fuck you then.
I only posted Gadon once as an innocent and obvious joke and immediately was attacked by another waifufag. It made me realize how nervous waifufags lives are.
Exactly. Sarah Gadon is the most beloved and acclaimed after all.
if it makes you even more mad, I was the one who posted all her rice steaming webms in here.
Why encourage that bastard?
Have you seen those /pol/ posts? It's definitely just one guy
because he showed me the beauty of Sarah Gadon, the rice queen
Many are jealous and even seethe at Sarah Gadon's superiority
Easily disproven by looking at the flags
I agree with Friedkin on the potency of the themes, the premise is fantastic. I just feel like it's spread too thin. He did make me realize that there were no repeating shots. Interesting.
>what is a vpn
...already a stretch.
>there's still decent films being made occasionally
No, there aren't.
Not really.

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