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>In India Donaldson's insightful, piercing debut, 17-year-old Sam (Lily Collias) embarks on a three-day backpacking trip in the Catskills with her dad, Chris (James Le Gros) and his oldest friend, Matt (Danny McCarthy). As the two men quickly settle into a gently quarrelsome brotherly dynamic, airing long-held grievances, Sam, wise beyond her years, attempts to mediate. But when lines are crossed and Sam's trust is betrayed, tensions reach a fever pitch, as Sam struggles with her dad's emotional limitations and experiences the universal moment when the parental bond is tested.



There had better be another female character to make her lesbianism relevant
So what does the dads friend rape her spontaneously after being a family friend for years
>wise beyond her years

Girl so smart!
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he hadnt had sex for nearly a month

cut him some slack
>jacques black
You should beat him down. A man should never lower himself for a woman.
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But what race is the dad?
he says she can stay in his tent since she forgot her sleeping bag in the car and it's an absolutely devastating betrayal and the climax of the film

it took 90 minutes to build to that what the fuck
The male friend exists only to be a stand in for the father.
this is what women think is devastating to their psyche
Looks pretty good desu. My guess is either the friend tries to rape her or the friend and the dad are gay for each other or something.
She get nude in this?
Is there rape in it? Otherwise I will not watch.
I think cats also have skills I am more interested in watching that
>read plot on wikipedia
>literally nothing happens
Omg this is basically Deliverance with a female lead.
I will now watch your slop.
damn, I almost pirated this
thanks for saving my time
I mean this whole genre film is basically a Seinfeld episode. It's counterfeit profundity and pseudo intellectualism. Unlike a Seinfeld episode the nitpicking neuroses is devoid of humor.
can you please elaborate?
I refuse to believe this is the movie
nothing happens except quirky girl and dad go hiking and meet some other hikers and have a good time sharing feelings and then the one family friend guy makes a lewd joke offering her to stay in his tent if she needs some warmth sends quirky lesbian teen into a mental breakdown where she puts rocks in backpacks and the guy finds a rock in his backpack

roll credits

fuck you
Her being a lesbian implies she was raped.
This implies he was the rapist.

Thanks for saving me watching though.
only 25+ year old lesbians are rape victims, at 17 it's most likely a phase
>Matt responds by suggesting that Sam could join him in his tent to keep him warm. Sam sits in stunned silence before leaving.
kek, literally the most dramatic moment in the movie
how the fuck is that a movie? A guy makes a joke and she gets pissy? That's it?
Who funded this? Who thought this was a good idea? Why is it getting praised?
>all those plebs crying that a movie isn't some action slop
lol, don't you have a Joker rape thread to attend?
>/tv/ discovers mumblecore
WHITE people going outside? I'm going insane
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>movie with white people comes out
kek there's no way this shit is what actually "happens" in this move
>"Sam, wise beyond her years"
anon don't you know that women, especially lesbians, know more about the world than you ever will because...because we said so ok???
You shoudl watch Maine. A guy and girl do a trail and are 'friends' then he doesn't make a move. then they part and she gets fucked by a bearded trucker in a motel after he offers her a drink. The end, thanks Biden
Don't ever post my reaction imagine again.
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i cant believe not-jack black did that awful thing to the daughter. i am so upset bros
Modern white women are broken by a century of feminism, only beatings and corrective rape can fix them at this point
Meanwhile in Europe
That's a seriously fucked up thing to say, even as a joke
>only beatings and corrective rape can fix them at this point
they want this anyway
they can't believe men are giving them everything
ok redditor

I was being dead serious, btw
It does make you question whether the fat dude meant the compliment or if she was just calling her smart to get in her pants. Did he leave his sleeping bag on purpose to set up that one liner?
>directed by a woman
No thanks bro.
>James Le Gros
What kind of a stupid fucking name is that?
>he is... LE GROS!
Are you lost, boy?
James Le Gros played Roach, one of the Ex Presidents in Point Break.
Holy shit literally nothing happens
Thanks anon
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>director's name is India
>film is a big pile of shit
hahaha typical situation when woman has all bottled up sex energy and a guy does not make a move then she jumps on the first dick she sees
>named James Le Gros
>doesnt play the gross guy

Leftist subversion. Postmodern drivel
Do they dp the lez out of her?
Thanks for cutting out the rape. You're the true Good One (2024).
>her gf is a black tranny
of course
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>think this is a joke
>it has a wikipedia summary
>read that
lmao, wtf is that ending?
Nigger sneed. This thread is now hijacked for rolling
El rollo
this, I was devastated by that comment
Seems awful
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akshually "le gros" means "the fat"
>literally nothing happens: the movie
>Box office $342k
lmao why did they even bother
Because they're trying to normalize something that can't be normalized. And it's investors money. Blame the investors.
I got down as far as "Matt comments that he should go on more hikes, and Chris condescendingly agrees" before I clocked that it had to have been written by a woman
>17-year old girl wise beyond her years
I swear I don't hate women, I had relationships before and had sex many times, but you are genuinely retarded or a woman yourself if you think that any female below the age of 30 is not mentally a child.
>India is the daughter of Mel Clark and director Roger Donaldson; she gained exposure to the film industry at an early age.[2][3]
well that's all we need to know about that
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>entire movie is just a female screenwriter seething and coping with the fact that she doesn't understand male bonding and hobbies
gonna fuck the lesbian out of her
>In India
Stopped reading there
before we get there, roll credits
Leftists no longer acknowledge the childhood sexual abuse root of adult homosexuality or lesbianism so screenwriter probably wouldn't imply that
Is this sexual?
>Box office $342k
it probably cost only $25k to make
>you are genuinely retarded or a woman yourself if you think that any female below the age of 30 is not mentally a child.
um anon all women are mental children until they die unless they have a strong father and husband to teach them how to behave.
If it doesn't end with them DPing her I'm not interested
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You call that slow cinema?
Watch this!
>Matt and Chris praise Sam’s wisdom and knowledge
>Matt calls her wise and praises her maturity
I wonder how much of the film is the other characters praising her self insert.
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Which one of you chuds wrote this?
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>le sensitive white girl
>le brutish insensitive white men
>le drama
>le drama
if only
it's just mild instances of passive aggression
funny but come on, men are supposed to be over women
Wow the west really has ended lmao
I don't agree with anons solutions but I do believe women are shit testing us on a civilizational level.
I’ll roll why not
>I do believe women are shit testing us on a civilizational level.
they are, and they literally cannot believe they are getting away with it that they keep ramping it up each generation to see when we are finally going to put our foot down and dominate them as we are meant to.
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>zoomertard discovers typical mumblecore film for the first time

Does he rape her or is there a threesome?
Is the friend able to turn her into a heterosexual girl?
Who the fuck greenlit that schlock ?
i literally called my therapist and then slit my wrists after reading his comment. im literally crying rn
artfag rewards, resume builder, and a new rung added to the ladder to make big corp lesbian kino
It's an indie movie, it probably cost less than 100k.
This is the first full movie I've seen in years.
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Americans have made a fetish out of psychological fragility. And the worst part about that is that Hollywood and trash movies like this are precisely the main vehicle by which the psychological fragility is disseminated and encouraged in the population.

The fact that such a trivially insignificant story was made into a film is an insult to the very idea of fiction as a mode of artistic expression.

I might as well film myself taking a shit and go into a long soliloquy in front of the camera describing the intense and challenging psychic torment of those brief moments of pushing and straining over the toilet bowl. Sickening. Pathetic.
Not every movie made in America is a Hollywood movie, this wasn't produced by any major studio, and the distributor is a small independent theatre that set up it's own distribution company.
You're fucking retarded. "Quiet cinema" stuff very much started with Europe. Mumblecore started as an answer to typical big Hollywood film and oriented on European influences and also Cassavetes of course.
Stop nitpicking. Media that exist to propagate ideas and values that are deemed acceptable and desirable by the powers that be are not in any meaningful sense "independent". It is by definition propaganda and I don't give a rat's ass who directed or produced it.
By that metric most art ever produced is propaganda because most art in history reflects the values that were mainstream at the time. This doesn't mean fucking shit. What's the point being made here. Your post is specifically some rent free seething about muh Americans.
>See all the praise online.
>That "ending spoiler" is le Gut wrenching
>I bet it's about rape.
>It actually is.
Kek, admittedly it was an easy guess as it's the only topic that can get normies to care about something.
Any armpit hair scenes?
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>most art in history reflects the values that were mainstream at the time.
? lolllllllllllll
nigger sneed
There are many masterpieces of film and literature about the trivial and insignificant though.
It all depends in what nuance you can extract from it.
Having big heavy themes doesn't imply making good powerful art and vice versa.
You can have a movie about war or genocide, be the dumbest most trite, bland thing ever (see Benigni's La vita é Bella), and a movie about a divorce be gripping or devastating (see Bergman's Scenes from a marriage).
Hank Hill tier.
No thanks.
This is so based. What's the ffmpeg one liner?
How is that wrong? So Christianity was some underdog shit when Da Vinci painted The Last Supper? "Transgressive", "anti-establishment" art is a not exactly a 20th century invention but it only became widespread then. For most history art was divided into folk art which reflected the beliefs of the regular people and high art which was a combination of artists own interests and the interests of various aristocracy and the Church who were the commissioners of such art. This was very true for painting, music and to a lesser extent but still true for most literature. Something like De Sade's Salo was a massive outlier for it's time.
Haha imagine they spit roasted her
This is absolutely terrifying I just can't!!
You think a movie like this is aiming to make millions of dollars?
It's 3 unknown actors talking in the woods for 90 minutes.
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I think you exaggerate. If what you says it's true there wouldn't be any changes in art. Western world was always revolutionary compared to other civilizations.
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What was his problem?
Not everyone has to settle for every roastie that shows interest.
Some can actually maintain standards.
Until recent history changes were extremely slow. Civilizations existed in a relatively same state for hundreds of years. The whole concept of fast exponential progress and progress / revolution as something inherently good is a new thing. Most art reflected the popular values of the societal layer it represented. Decadence in aristocracy produced things like Canterbury Tales. Church commissions produced religious paintings, frescos.
Also changes in art don't require being le fighter against mainstream socio-political views and shit. It's about formal change, not thematic change. Art is about how you present something, not as much what you present.
Anyway, my point wasn't about this even. Call it propaganda, whatever. The point was that wtf does America specifically have to do with that shit. Slow cinema about extremely slight issues is something that emerged in arthouse festival circuit in Europe and only then sprung up in American cinema. America didn't invent this.
Is the point of the movie that she would've been safer with a bear?
Chill Muslim
If you couldn't understood the movie shows how women can not trust in anyone.
Your answer just gives legitimacy to the script.
Leonardo was a gay pedophile who literally painted Mary Magdalene as Christ's wife.
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>2/10 would not bang
>I maintain standards you know
>17y old
literally a phase
Even if we assume the gay shit about him is not made up he never painted anything explicitly homosexual, his paintings themselves weren't "anti-establishment".
You can say that about practically anyone from that time, for most history 14 was the age where people were fucking already, girls or boys whatever.
>a 17-year-old gay boy goes on a hiking trip with his mom and mom's friend
>the mom's friend jokingly asks if gay boy wants to sleep in her tent and keep her warm
>gay boy laughs and isn't a little bitch about it because it's not a big deal

Why are women such cry babies?
Probably because even a 17 year old twink could take on two bitches while a 17 girl wouldn't be able to do shit if an adult man tried to force himself on her.
I get the writers point
Still retarded
>friends nubile fuckable 17 year old daughter
>goes on a trek randomly with me
>she wears short shorts on the hike
>she keeps stripping down in front of me
>she smiles at me when i compliment her
this movie will make an excellent doujin.
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people here have no empathy

imagine living in a world where half of the people look like this and you are a skinny manlet who can't build muscle. You just have to trust them to be nice and obey the law.
the phrase "17-year-old (girl)" always wake up my penis
>Sam repeatedly has to leave the trail to change her tampon
Do women really?
well wtf did you expect
people seething about the film itt but i get the point
be little girl, father takes you on a fucking hike with his friend who you don't know, not really a female activity, father doesn't give a shit about you, the friend makes what seems like a sexual advance to you, it could be a joke, but it's a fucking forest and you're all alone so anything could happen
Brown people shouldn't have a voice in these matters.
in your fantasy reality do dudes just magically gain 200lbs of muscle the moment they pop out of a girl's butt?
You’re hopelessly naive.
just marathoned Good One, what should I think of it?
>but it's a fucking forest and you're all alone so anything could happen
>“Welp, we’ve crossed the city limits, so now I can rape and pillage to my heart’s content!”
I’m still sitting here in stunned silence.
it is easier to get away with raping someone when you're in bumfuck nowhere, yes
the point is not so much that the friend did something fucked up, but that the father took a female teenager to something completely not suitable for her
Most people aren’t sociopaths. Civilization is deeply ingrained in a person; it doesn’t just vanish if you’re in the woods for a couple days. Not to mention the fact that his oldest friend is 10 feet away.
And what year is it? Plenty of girls love camping. My brother and his wife went to Yellowstone for their honeymoon.
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i probably need to watch the actual movie itself but i'm assuming from what was said ITT that the implied context is that she is brought on a trip she is not interested in by her father who doesn't give a shit about her and only decided to bring her along as a way to imitate caring, and that throughout the whole trip his friend is behaving weird and her father doesn't give a shit about the daughter being bored and uncomfortable which culminates in a what could or could not be a sexual advance towards her
i can very much understand why this would cause someone to think the worst shit, she is in a third wheel in the situation
this shit has nothing to do with what i said, hiking isn't inherently bad
Looks like a really good use of a hiking trail to film a comfy hiking movie.
Also looks like 15 minutes of watching a girl text
Seems like a lot to project onto a film you haven’t seen but I haven’t seen it either

>culminates in a what could or could not be a sexual advance towards her
Shrodinger’s pick up-line. Often times, men say things that are jokes, unless you happen to be into it. I’d say it’s like 80-90% a joke, but there’s still that
in the back of his mind. Is it inappropriate to make such a joke with the young daughter of his longtime friend? A little bit. He probably wouldn’t have made it if he wasn’t drunk.
But even if there’s a hint of sexual advance to his comment, there’s no reason to think sexual assault. She could easily laugh it off and call him a creepy old man or something.
Cute butt desu
I assume the point isn't that it's sexual assault but rather that it opens up a possibility of something like that happening in a mind of a nervous teenager in a situation where she is helpless. It's not saying he wanted to rape her, it's saying that the entire situation was just shitty for her mental well being and trust. Her father shouldn't have taken her on such a trip, or at least should have made her more comfortable there being a responsible adult. I assume a lot of reviewers are overreacting with it being "devastating" but I can see how such a situation can definitely cause problems of trust in a teenager. And especially if such events continue. I think it's an interesting theme about poor parenting.
so is that just a money laundry scheme?
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>he never painted anything explicitly homosexual
nigger sneed
She’s 17, not 13. I think you’re infantilizing her too much.
>where she is helpless
Because she’s in the woods? It just seems too innocuous of a comment to jump straight to “I’M NOT SAFE HERE!!”
I’m not saying that means it’s bad writing, but it’s kinda weak as the climax to your film.

start by beating your wife
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>a film by India Donaldson
What kind of deranged lunatic names their child India?
While legally there's always needs to be an arbitrary age that's considered adult, people are often infantile up until at least around 25. I ain't advocating for shit like "age of consent should be gorillions of years" just saying that 17 olds in casual environment can't be treated the same as a 25 or 30 old woman. Even physically, there's still puberty going on and hormone imbalances causing emotional distress and fragility.
Comment could've been innocuous in a vacuum, but again, I'm guessing there's an entire context where the movie is building up her feeling uncomfortable and unsafe because her father clearly isn't giving enough shit about her to be protective enough. And again, it seems she doesn't know her father's friend, he is practically a stranger to her.
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Thanks for letting me know.
Fuck jews.
Fuck feminism (a jewish psyop to weaken the west).
read the beginning of the paragraph, he says that jokingly while drunk and it still traumatizes her kek
>up until at least around 25
We really need to retire this meme. Some people are infantile throughout their entire lives, but there needs to be some level of accountability and maturity by a person’s late teens, or we need to radically reshape our society.
>I got home from a double shift and didn’t have time to vote, BUT MY HORMONES ARE OUT OF CONTROL AND I NEED CONSTANT PROTECTION
Just doesn’t work.

I still take umbrage with this word. It feels like an excuse to overreact to situations. You feel unsafe if there’s a credible threat to your person. If someone is bearing down on you menacingly with a knife, you should feel unsafe. If someone makes a joke you don’t care for, you know you’re safe.
There's a difference between constant protection and some sort of protection in a form of maybe telling your friend to act more politely or not taking your daughter on a trip with your best friend she doesn't know and no one else. Overreacting to something is a problem with a cause. The cause here is that she was basically forced to spend time with a cold handed father and a stranger who was getting on her nerves. That's the point, shitty nagging situations like this build up annoyance to a point one becomes neurotic while people around fail to notice this and don't check what they say.
People don't become neurotic and have low trust just because. There's either a genetic component of some sort, or poor upbringing. I assume the point is that this isn't the first or the last time her father did something like this (as in put his daughter in an unfamiliar situation while disregarding anything she says about it).
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this is a remake of a 1977 movie with the same name.
the original succubus actress was born in 1960, so do the math
But what race is her dad???
So you’re saying young women will start overreacting to things if you drag them on camping trips?
Not watching unless they spit roast her
A ytboi sexually harrassed a stunning and brave LGBTQ++ queen, chud. He's lucky she didn't call her Black friends to beat his weird melanin-deficient ass.
well if you drag a teenage girl somewhere she doesn't want to go, with someone who she doesn't know, with no one else around and ignore your friend behaving inappropriately around your daughter then yes, this will cause mental problems down the line, especially if you have always been giving your kid a cold shoulder
Lol fuck off retarded snowflake.
This is absolutely false btw.
The friend's dad is the one who forgot his own sleeping bag. He makes an advance on her by asking "unless you wanted to keep me warm"? She feels sour after that, she can't articulate it well to her father, and then the movie ends. So that's the conflict: how her, a teenager, should deal with unwanted advances from older men
Hm, interesting theory
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right, there's only one India. Those who remember remember.
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>somewhere she doesn't want to go
>with someone who she doesn't know
>with no one else around
>and ignore your friend behaving inappropriately around your daughter
He was asleep
>you have always been giving your kid a cold shoulder
>this will cause mental problems down the line
Some needs to tell her “suck it up, buttercup.”
Nigga chuck
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You cannot attack women from the standpoint of being a straight cis het white man. You have to do it from a more oppressed class. Take the citibike karen incident. As long as it's about minorities or trannies you can say things like "white women tears"
Built to shit
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so are movies about the female experience just people talking? did women evolve to just sit around and talk?
Taking your friend's side if he makes a pass at your child is a bit weird desu.
Film name?
This is the future of cinema, and its awesome. Give as little attention to watching as they did making it.

Shouldn't you be in school right now?
Sounds like he might be sick of her being a whiny little gay bitch. She already ruined his life by deciding to be a homo, and now she wants him to cancel his best friend? I don’t blame him for wanting her to just shut up.
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Yeah this is a man's world and women have it tough. There's an easy solution though.
Women evolved doing domestic shit and talking while men were busy gathering food and building empires.
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This can't be fucking real. I refuse to even check.
What in tarnation.
This must be like, a 20 minutes boring section of the movie, not the whole goddamn plot.
This is where we are now lmao
show me the last five empires you built incel
thanks anon I'm sorry you had to watch this shit.
Almost marathoned the whole thing in one go

>tl;dw i skipped to the end
Tell your masters to stop making shitty movies.
This movie looks gay as fuck.
Saw it available when I woke up this morning, not even worthy of a torrent.
Feminist whining is not my cup of tea.
this must have been the main inspiration for the movie right?
that's true. i spent my teenage summers on an unhauling job with big beefy guys. one time it was so hot and i was unloading boxes only wearing my boxers and this dude stopped and stared at me with his dilated rapey eyes. his face was in a trance like i could tell he was making calculations in his head where he would drag me or how long the buttrape should last for him to be able to get away with it.

i knew what 'ick' was before that event but it's something you need to experience to be truly able to understand. you need to feel that fear , , the vulnerability, the distrust and attach it to the concept of ""ick" to truly get it. most males will not be placed in that situation so it will be hard for them to empathize
Was thinking the same thing.
lmao@ you boys getting so triggered and crying over this
male egos are so fragile
It is way, way more likely for this to be just neuroticism on your part rather than the guy actually having made "calculations in his head to rape you".
>Symbolic castration anxiety refers to the fear of being degraded, dominated or made insignificant, usually an irrational fear where the person will go to extreme lengths to save their pride and/or perceive trivial things as being degrading making their anxiety restrictive and sometimes damaging. This can also tie in with literal castration anxiety in fearing the loss of virility or sexual dominance.

You've probably been exposed to internet porn at a young age leading to brainrot.
You know you wanted it.
Wu suo zhu / Abiding Nowhere probably, haven't watched it
>a mental breakdown where she puts rocks in backpacks and the guy finds a rock in his backpack
What the fuck?
dumb argument
half of the men in the world could beat up the average man by definition
most violent crime is committed against men, so statistically you are less safe if you are man
even the strongest man in the world can be killed by just about anybody if they have a knife
even if you are a man all you can do is trust that others will be nice and obey the law
>you're all alone
except your literal father in the tent right next to you?
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if it was merely neuroticism i should be constantly getting that feeling from the other beefy dudes i work with but no. i recognize an animal when i see one
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She should politely say "no thanks" and go about her day?
I've been on the other end of this.
More like he was suffering from a bout of syncope and was trying to get his body back into order and your body happened to be in his eyeline, and then he did a split mental calculation in his head thinking: " I should look away right, it might make the young lad uncomfortable, except I'm not even ogling him or even focused on where my eye is looking such that I won't even remember it once I look away, it's just like looking at anything else and I'm not remotely gay anyway, so I can't be fucked to avert my gaze since I'm trying to get my body back into order, besides there's no reason to, the young strapping lad isn't some insecure bitch anyway."

tl;dr, get over yourself. Old people have seen hundreds if not thousands of people hotter than you and stares mean nothing.
Blackout drunk because he gave him booze. All according to keikaku
more like suffering from cope. stop giving kids the rape stare
I knew I recognized that name
you may not like it, but you're a fucking loser if your underage daughters friends(including the lads) don't want to sit on your dick
how exactly does on become a seventeen year old white lesbian
stop projecting your gay fantasies faglord
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What’s the deal with lesbians?
That grooming victim is still sucking cocks I'm the bathroom of her college/place of work
the rocks are symbolic of the weight that patriarchal society places on women, so by placing the rocks in the bags of the men she symbolicaly makes them feel the pain that shes had to endure.
Their worthless except as holes to ruthlessly fuck but never impregnate.

I mean goddamn.
>Movie made by India
>Stars a white woman
I am shocked sars
That is the dumbest goddamn thing I have ever read this week.
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>the trad girl became the most fucked up in the end
the only winning move is to never have a daughter.
:O And the noodles. He cried not because Dylan was not there but out of sheer joy that he can have her black noodles all for himself
I can't make sense of the female species. I just can't. I want nothing to fucking do with them. It's arrived at a point where the Japanese guys marrying their pillows are the sane people in this equation because willingly dealing with these people takes an unsalvageable level of mental insanity.
Damn, blonde chick was literally perfect loli.
He’s the kid from Phantasm 2.
>treats woman like a man
>it mindrapes her forever
we should put more women in positions of power, they clearly can deal better with tough situations
Written by a Jew, directed by a Jew?
She was and still is being HEAVILY indoctrinated in college.
Shell carry on the dyke act till she hits 30 then fem up and fail miserably to secure a man.
The slut will go full predator and LARP as a decent woman and become the house whore of some beta/naive decent man. Till he catches her getting dicked or strap-on fucked by a random and he loses half his money and the bastards she convinced were his...who he still has to pay for. Shell die alone or at the hands of some punchy bulldyke
Brian Dennehy, how could you?
I'd love to kiss that pert little derrier until the cows come home
>inb4 warned/banned for 3 days for rolling and having fun.
Suck my dick jannies
If she was that much of a whiny retarded dyke maybe he thought a good dicking could actually help her become normal?
By being a molested white 10 year old white girl
>People let their teen girls be taken into the woods by multiple grown men alone purely for recreation.

Make it make sense.
Divorce made him despise women. Many such cases
shes seriously traumatized cause her dad's friend made a joke about you keeping each other warm in the same tent? STOP THE FUCKING PRESSES IS THAT A RAPE?
If only this was a French film them they'd have had a spitroast.
imagine if someone actually believed that and could share it on a website where others agreed with him? that place would be shut down so fast
>Nothing happens: The movie
Great home footage of a hiking trip though
That's fucking retarded.
She's a child, 17 is basically a 12 year old with tits and ass, until 24 or something she will continue to be so.
In her mind, the situation is "I'm in the forest and there's a grown man with me that wants to fuck me and cannot leave, plus it's nighttime and I'm tired from trekking all day" in the least generous tone you can imagine.
No benefit of the doubt, no shades of gray, it's black or white, either she's safe or she isn't.

Now, you've read my piece in incelese, I'd like you to read it as if it were a reddit post and my user was "FeministAlly04".
Yes but remember you ARE wise beyond your years
Something good
then why does the director go out of his way to tell me about a teenagers sexuality when their sexuality usually depends on who bats their eyes at them the best
can't wait for a year or two to pass so I've forgotten most of this movie and can watch it again. I've been tempted to rewatch it already (must be about 1 year now) but it's too soon. I know I would tune out because I know how every interaction ends the moment it begins. they should make a sequel.
If it was a young not very strong faggot and the woman is stronger, still same shit?

The possibility of physical violence is not the same as committed violence. Many female predators use that as justification for rape and metoo allegations.

A woman being chased around a gym by a poo tier rapist isn't the same as a woman feeling bad for being hit on by an ugly guy.

Loser bitches wanting to be taken it be thought of as hot enough to be taken and gay bitches have tricked into public discourse on something that should be cut and dry for clout and to protect themselves from reality and personal responsibility.

Imagine being a young boy in a world like that and those people who are larger stronger will hurt you and then be protected by those bigger larger people and s'then shamed for being upset for being raped.
Ill never understand this mentality. Every other country in the world 17 year olds have careers, education, maybe even the beginnings of a family, but sex? no way man, they cant hande the idea of dick in vagina for tingles
if you were a woman this would be a likely story but no rarely do men see teenage boys and fantasize about where theyd fuck you
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>>In India Donaldson's insightful, piercing debut, 17-year-old Sam (Lily Collias) embarks on a three-day backpacking trip in the Catskills with her dad, Chris (James Le Gros) and his oldest friend, Matt (Danny McCarthy). As the two men quickly settle into a gently quarrelsome brotherly dynamic, airing long-held grievances, Sam, wise beyond her years, attempts to mediate. But when lines are crossed and Sam's trust is betrayed, tensions reach a fever pitch, as Sam struggles with her dad's emotional limitations and experiences the universal moment when the parental bond is tested.
And shed be 14
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is this chart from the late 2000s? so much pseud shit from the 90s and 2000s.
The vagina monologues says it was the good kind of rape so I think it's okay.
it sounds like average horror plot nowadays
Jews need goyim to be college educated and buy houses and use services, you need money for that.
A teen pregnancy basically condemns you to poverty forever and that's bad for the economy.
So infantilism is a grown goddamned woman, men are evil and bad and normal sex am evil and scary,
Lesbian propaganda masquerading as a movie.
Actual 12 year olds with tits and ass are hotter

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