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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Homestuck edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

prev: >>204521457
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Queen of /film/
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Passin' thru
We're all passin' thru here
farthouse niggas gon have this in the background while they play subway surfers on the phone then rate it 4/5 on letterboxd
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holy cringe
Walker series is based as fuck
From where comes the pic from OP?
Ey, I'm walkin here!
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Queen of /giallo/
I haven't watched it but it's probably my favorite film of all time. I'm that anon who posted about Brief Encounter in the previous thread. I'm glad we are finally starting to realise what good cinema is, seeing people here shit on garbage like Hitchcock and Ford really makes me feel that /film/ has finally evolved
Tsai is arthouse not farthouse. Farthouse is the highest good. Remember that.
>>204535820 #
>Vibes to me transmit emotion and real thoughts.

I am not outright dismissing vibes but they are fourth or fifth in importance, even after sound design. Zoomers have made them number one because they don't understand cinema but they want to shut off their brain and zone out. Vibes offer only a primitive aesthetic experience. The vibes bullrun is ending and soon directors like Caroline Fogart, Harmony Korine, and Coppola are no longer going to be able to scam their way into Cannes with vibe fests. Film is soon going to resemble literature and music with its fluidity between thought and execution. Even AI can emulate vibes. Vibes is the bare minimum even a ten year old can execute, see the liminal spaces. Vibes are destroying cinema. Vibes are bad.
Cool, thank you.
Also wanting to "get something" out of Joker 2 is an indulgance. Joker 2 is not Crumbl Cookies. It is not there for your pleasure. It is a total subversion of capitalism and the west by undermining its most powerful monument: the capeshit icon, the merchant of chaos. The film is telling us all to grow the fuck up. Your distaste of Joker is part of its greatness.
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What do you make of these vibes /film/?
>Arby’s arthouse
Cum and See (porn parody)
>Hitchcock is bad

Have you seen Rebecca, Vertigo* or To Catch a Thief? Hitchcock can be lyrical and poetic as well as anybody when he wants to. It just tends to not be his priority because he knows story comes first.

*Vertigo was rated by both professional critics and directors as the greatest movie ever made in the history of the cinema artform.
What should I watch? Shock?
She cute
>Have you seen Rebecca, Vertigo* or To Catch a Thief?
Much like any David Lean film, those pale in comparison to a film from Tsai's 'Walker' series, Avengers: Endgame and Interstellar
Watch something starring Sarah Gadon
Some Hitchcock joints like Vertigo are for me intellectual counterfeit money compared to another viewing of The 39 Steps.
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Only one queen of giallo
She hot
What is your favorite Gadon film, Gadon poster? I haven’t seen much.
Something like Hitchcok or Ford is for me boring boomer slop when compared to Lee Kang-sheng walking around dressed up as a monk for 60 minutes.
life with derek
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934)
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)
And finally, The Girl Who Knew Too Much (1963)
Can you please suggest a film for me. I do not want to watch tv, especially a shitcom.
But I haven’t read the source material yet. Is that okay?
Haven't seen any Cronenberg after Spider. I've heard that aside from History of Violence his newer stuff is not very good
What went so wrong?
sorry gadonfag's orders
Literally what the fuck even are most of those, I only know 4, 6, 7 and 8
Godard was an underground man.
all those suck except last picture show
Billy Jack is fucking awful
crimes of the future was aight
I’ve heard Sweet Sweetback’s Baadassss Song is good. They showed it once at my local art cinema.
bedknobs > mary poppins
I know the epigrams on the shirts are GG Allin lyrics, but what's the provenance of the photo?
The dialogue might filter you.
Cronenberg's best films are actually the three he directed starring Sarah Gadon.
It's not. I snapped off Cosmopolis right after the whimsically neurotic Asian made his day trades in the limo.
You fucking child, fuck off out of here, the grownups are discussing /film/.
Do not reply to the stalker weirdo
nice bum
it's not
only famous because the real sex scene
What did I think of Holiday (2018)
Name one bad film that you love. One that you recognize as being low quality, but care for nonetheless.
Been here since the beginning
Baywatch Panic at Malibu Pier
i'm not a cuck so if i like the movie i believe it to be good and don't give a shit about what others think
Riki Oh
I really like Kubrick's Killer's Kiss, it has that loose, elliptic, improvisatory New Wave feel. I also love Cassavetes' Shadows for the same reason.
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My most recent is Coppola’s Twixt. It was a mess, but still it seemed to come from a good place.
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Killer's Kiss is good
Yes, it sucks major dick
Is the pic related to Twixt?
Yes it’s taken from a shot in the film.
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Too many to count:
>Plan 9
>Troll 2
>The Room
>Amon: The Apocalypse of Devilman
>A lot of Hammer horror films, Universal monster films and kaiju films
>The Doom Generation
>Troma films
>The Doom Generation and Debilman
low quality how?
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Amon: The Apocalypse of Devilman is nothing compared to the first 2 OVAs; they went full in on the gore and erased the gothic vibes. The artstyle is also ugly in comparison to the original 2 OVAs, and the ending is extremely rushed. I still like it due to my enjoyment of violent imagery, but all in all, it's a bad film.
The Doom Generation is just a cult film for edgelord gays I suppose. I think it's not that good, but I like it for much the same reasons as Amon.
nta, but I saw The Doom Generation recently and it's laughably amateur and juvenile, no joke I even interrupted my viewing midway to check the director's age and chuckled at seeing he was 36 when he made it
that said, I can see why someone could like it, it looks quite nice and stylish at times
All Antonioni
All Carax
All Kubrick
All Dreyer
I got doom generation confused with nowhere, I really like nowhere
More zoomer smugness, circle jerking about their good taste like Billy Zane in Titanic, they take credit for a system they cannot hope to understand. Film is no different than Crumbl cookies to you. It is wholly catered to your perception as the chosen one, a fantasy you can only play out by putting down others.
>being low quality
Of course by low quality you mean unpopular, as you couldn't tell good from bad if your life depended on it. Often you resort to cheap aesthetic cliches. When in doubt you merely get to resort to letterboxd, imdb and rottentomatoes consensus.

I can't wait for you all to get drafted like the vaxxed unthinking cattle that you are. You have no intelligence or soul, you intellectually lazy cowards deserve nothing but slaughter.
chill out we just wanted to talk schlock
Are you the God gimmicker or the Lola Montes gimmicker on the next stage of insanity?
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I like it because of aesthetics, shoegaze soundtrack, gore and boobs, but yes, it isn't the best film ever or anything. Plus the fact that it has Frank from Donnie Darko in it. OG Donnie Darko is one of my favorite films (because of similar reasons).
B-but, I'm unvaxxed!
Yeah I understand.
Fucking based, best post in awhile
Cringe manchild
What is it with you and crumbl cookies?
Fun fact: Nowhere is the best Ride song, with my favorite lyrics by them ("but the heroes are gone, and all that's left is you and me") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxGAC5inulE
Fuck I forgot about ride, I used to play them to my stoner friends in high school ( along with loveliescrushing and slowdive), too bad most of those people became addicts or burnouts
That is medsanon, he told us once he is an actual schizophrenic.
This was intended as a joke. I just thought the visual of dancing penguins was funny.
Sure. I’ve never even seen that one so I guess I’m doing that later.

Very cute.

I like her too so I respect your choice.
Why do you like it?
that's a man
You'll like this then, most underrated OG shoegaze band ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yu3veSIn_T8
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thanks, already a fan though, I found them in some lain fansite before the troon deluge
>the troon deluge
What do you mean?
in the lain fanbase
Me liking it makes a film good
It was predestined to be that way, I guess. I still got the lainzines from back in the day 4chan
I like and care for the one film where Sion Sono takes a shit on camera, but it is certainly not a good film. I wouldn’t like it if I didn’t like him as a filmmaker.
I'm not from America and barely use anything outside of 4chan on the internet so when people started telling me tha Lain and Yume Nikki are for troons it made me really surprised, began like 6 years ago when some things started being considered for trannies
NTA, but I don't really care if things are "for trannies", what makes me mad is shit that was originally for autismos popularizing itself outside of its original fanbase, like Yume Nikki being "normie" now. In a few years, normies will probably take something like Caligula or Saló and turn it into a aesthetic in TikTok or something like that lol, kinda like what happened with old games like LSD and SMT.
any link for Trois Places pour le 26? in 1080p, torrents are dead
The troons into those are by far the least annoying I find
Yume Nikki isn't normie now, it's a bit more popular but it means more 2kki maps so I don't care
Are these good remasters ?
At least where I live Salo has always been popular as a shock film, like that pig fucker film Vase de Noces
>I don't really care if things are "for trannies"
Same and honestly I don't care about things becoming popular either. The only annoying thing as that sometimes when you mention something like Lain here some tryhard newfag who hasn't even watched it inevitably pops up and starts sperging out because you like a thing nu 4chan told him to dislike
As batshit as you sound, I actually kinda agree with you.
Based angry schizo.
Shout out to guy who recced Litan on the previous thread, it's a very eerie dreamlike labyrinthine film, if you like that sort of stuff you should definitely watch it. Mocky is very underrated.
This guy is wrong.
This guy is right.
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There are some guys that have the film on Soulseek, only one private. Maybe you can get it from there.

>Yume Nikki isn't normie now
Its popularity on Glitchwave tells me it's already normiefying itself or on the way to normiedom

Don't know

>At least where I live Salo has always been popular as a shock film
I was talking more about normies taking a film such as Saló and "normiefying" it into something commercial and safe, like a trend. Last time I saw something like that, was with some posers on Facebook that were talking about BDSM and De Sade trying to make themselves look cool for knowing about him without even having read a De Sade book in their lifetimes. It's kinda like the difference between being actually edgy and just pretending to look cool. Nothing wrong with it, but I just hate inauthenticity and fakeness with a passion, can't fight with myself over that. Be what you really are is my motto, don't try and become something different than what you really are for clout, fame or style points; it's all very lame in my eyes.
What else would you recommend from him?
I need meds? Why because I'm not like you? Because I can think for myself? It's you who has skin deep impressions about film. It's you who judge films entirely based on their reputation. You are not an original thinker. You are trash.
I have zero clue what Glitchwave is but I believe you.
That place is a niche within a niche , even rate your music has a fraction of IMDb or letterboxd's userbase
You are trying to look cool on an anonymous forum, let that sink in. ANONYMOUS forum
To be fair- he’s the coolest poster in the thread right now, WAY above you
Les dragueurs. L'albatros.
>That place is a niche within a niche
I've noticed that whatever gets popular on RYM, 4chan and Glitchwave is only 6 months to a year into becoming video essayed by the typical youtube zoomer "anon" that "exposes" the underground to normies, like this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71xU6uUpIzk
I remember a time when Grausamkeit was actually super underground and known only by the most enlightened black metal patricians on /mu/ and RYM, his most known albums had like 40 ratings at one time, but alas, TikTok came and now Grausamkeit is a completely normie name within the scene, with shitty video essays explaining how his music was "the most extreme" (lmao) underground black metal from 90s Europe. At least they still haven't discovered Bethlehem. What annoys me is the cultural appropiation side of things, like, obviously the guy that made the video isn't one of us, he isn't a 4chan regular or an anon with a history that shares our traditions and lore, he is just a poser that has taken our symbols and used them to make money on Youtube. I kinda understand how blacks feel when some Taylor Swift ass looking bitch takes their twerk dance and some black elements to make the most diluted version of hip hop / R&B music possible and gets all the credit for "inventing" something that blacks have been doing for decades. You get my point.
so this is the first leak from this year's Locarno, only in 720p and there's an english hardsub
no idea where the rip is from, the film doesn't even have a poster yet, assuming there were no non-festival releases
maybe a screener but those usually have watermarks on them, and this doesn't
>Rebecca, the daughter of missionary Lawrence Byrne, was declared a “miracle” after she survived a plane crash as a child, deep in the Amazon Forest. Years later, Rebecca, who became a famous healer in the region, and her father find themselves embroiled in an escalating conflict when illegal loggers invade the land belonging to the indigenous people they are evangelizing.
>kinda understand how blacks feel when some Taylor Swift ass looking bitch takes their twerk dance and some black elements to make the most diluted version of hip hop / R&B music possible and gets all the credit for "inventing" something that blacks have been doing for decades.
So, is it any good?
Looks like slop.

What colour are the loggers
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>he is just a poser that has taken our symbols
Hate to break it to you but that's how most of 4chan has been for almost 10 years now. That's why the quality of posting is so low and why there is so much shitflinging even by 4chan standards. This site is 50% actual AI bots (not into conspiracy theories but this is the truth) 30% newfags now, it's basically dead. Browsing 4chan nowadays feel like booting up your favorite MMO from the 2000s and running around an empty server feeling really lonely
>Browsing 4chan nowadays feel like booting up your favorite MMO from the 2000s and running around an empty server feeling really lonely
That seems comfy. I don't care about newfags if they are nice and have good intentions, but honestly, people like him just remind me of the grifter meme but for real.
>tfw when the 4chan grifter releases another bastard video
I'm kind of new to film my favorite films are Burning, Poetry, Upstream Color, Ash is Purest White, Platform, Mountains May Depart, Unknown Pleasures, The World, A Touch of Sin, Pickpocket, Toni Erdmann, Everyone Else, On Body and Soul, Simon the Magician, Story of My Wife, Loveless, and Leviathan. Do you have any recs for me? I'm only 21, so please no bully.
>Do you have any recs for me?
Ask for a specific type of rec.
Disaffected person in the modern world that is slower without being slow cinema.
>Ask for a specific type of rec.
Well, i like films with Sarah Gadon.
The only American film I put is Upstream Color, which was made outside of Hollywood. I am tired of Hollywood's lies and need an alternative.
Yi Yi
Daughter of the Nile (1987)

Her home videos where she sucks her Jewish husband's cock.
Yes, this actually looks perfect. Thank you!
Il sorpasso.
>Daughter of the Nile (1987)
Wow another great rec, thanks. I'll check out Yi Yi and this. Looks exactly what I was looking for.
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5 great films out of 10 isn’t too bad.
I believe 1971 was a relatively lowkey year for film. However, Broadway was hitting its stride at that point – one example would be the production of Hair, including many then-unknown actors such as Diane Keaton, Jess Harper, Shock Treatment co-star Cliff DeYoung, Keith Carradine, Melba Moore, and Meat Loaf:
For kinskifag
>Keith Carradine
Don't know who this is but fellow Fordfags know that surname
Why? it says it's an Italian Comedy from the 60s. The other 2 seem like the same films I loved just made 20-30 years before.
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It's about a disaffected person in the modern world and is made outside of Hollywood.
Kinski if she furry
He's in such kinos as
>The Duellists
>Pretty Baby
>Southern Comfort
>Maria's Lovers
You're not selling it the right way man. It's about alienation and a man that refuses to grow up. A sad story covered in glaze.

Why is Tsai so comfy? His photography is always so nostalgic.
Oh Nashville, I've never seen it but it's on my watchlist. The Duelists too
Carradine is probably the most well-known of the ones I mentioned, though you’re obviously referring to his father. David starred in Nashville and Pretty Baby among other things.
Keith* not sure why I thought of Kill Bill kek
>you’re obviously referring to his father
Yeah John Carradine, one of the most memorable faces and voices in all of classic Hollywood
>can everybody please walk around me and only use half the staircase??
>i'm making a film about fucking harmony here okay, now swerve
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The female director grift has been going on a long long time. Why do we even allow it? What does a woman possibly have to show any of us with their 40 % lower brain mass and conformist psychology?
He always nails the color and lighting for a natural feel. Even when his films use additional lighting, it's made to blend well with natural light or practical sources.
It's not really a comedy, it has some funny moments yea, but it's full of very introspective moments. It's a good recommendation, actually, and if you asked mine: I think you will like Stromboli (1950)
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Larisa Shepitko mogs your favorite male "auteur"
Ida was great though.
Damn that looks kinda cute. She is standing behind a camera, with a cigarette and a serious face like
>I'm a serious filmmaker too >_<
Add Europa '51 for the full italian pain combo

You nailed it, pun intended. Other directors who have photography similar to Tsai? I'm desperate
Anyone can be a director.
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That's like saying anyone can fly a plane. Only the best of the best have any business standing behind the camera. Once there were filters in place to make sure of that.
What Time Is It There? (2001)

>Other directors who have photography similar to Tsai?
Apichatpong Weerasethakul. Lots of static camerawork with wide framing, and use of naturalistic lighting. Check out his film Syndromes and a Century. He's a big Tsai fan, and the influence is clear.

Kohei Oguri, specifically his last three features.
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>Nas and JoFo linked up
Kino. Every other film she's in has some weird sex shit, you gotta love it.
>pic very much related
Thanks for the recs. Already wanted to check Apichatpong without really knowing why.
>Once there were filters in place to make sure of that.
Yeah, then things changed and talentless frauds like Godard showed everyone that you could shit out literally anything and with enough Cahiers shilling everyone would eventually start praising it. Absolutely based
We're all in some weird sex shit here.
I unironically am, for one.
>What does a woman possibly have to show any of us
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>Cinema has an industry behind it and thus a market to consider, so it has to be close to the public. But if the existing value system is devoid of the cultivation of virtue and aesthetics, this money-driven mentality will become another kind of Iron Curtain that imprisons you.

>When my films are put in the context of the Hollywood system, people question them. You’ll have a jury member at the Golden Horse Awards saying, “We don’t encourage personal expression,” or a film critic in Hong Kong complaining that Tsai Ming-liang is becoming more and more self-indulgent.

>Just the other day, a Taiwanese government official said to Henri Loyrette [the director of the Louvre], “It was very bold of you to choose Tsai. Even I don’t understand his movies.” Loyrette replied, “When Picasso first showed his paintings, people said they didn’t understand them. So he told them, ‘Learn to understand.’”

We're all directors here.
Love how on /film/ good always triumphs over evil.
She got Polanski'd
Selling your soul to the devil has its benefits.
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He can't keep getting away with it
Anamorphic was a mistake.
AAAAAAAAAA this shit is unbearable I want to be all lovey dovey with a girl like Nastassja even though I find this to be cringe but with someone like her I'd be like that!!!
Still this hurt about Coraline Fogeart huh.
That's not her name.
/film/ has memed Tsai so hard over the years I look at unironic interviews like this and become perplexed that people outside of here like Tsai too and then I suddenly wonder how normie Tsai fans would react to /films/ autistic devotion and adoration for him
Class of Nuke Em High pt 2
It’s Ferraroean
Didn’t this nigga get cucked hard by Bruce Lee
We're all cucks here.
IKTF bro.
Also what the FUCK was Takeshi's problem?
I wonder how Tsai would react. If I ever visit Taiwan, I'll let him know.
Takeshi was honest about his feelings

Apparently Cassie will be watching this movie this week. Pretty excited for it now.
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This was the most kino movie I've seen in years. Maybe I should give Asian cinema another chance.
Imamura is good.
Is that the Mishima guy?
Yes. The film is called Vengeance is Mine (1979)
Thank you fren. Added to the watch list.
We're all on the watch list here
I have this one sitting in my hard drive for years already. Might watch it soon.
So true.
>white knighting this hard for the french extremity grift

Your land deserve to be overtaken by muslims and mexicans and your women bred by blacks.
Anons who post underage JCon photos sure as hell are
Based Kinski
This is literally the same shit as niggaposting, wake up faggots, your vote matters.
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Robert De Noir
Having a high cringe and disgust sensitivity is a sign of being a weak woman who is at the mercy of social mores and the tribal opinion around her.
>Gadonfag testing if his ban evading shenanigans work
Coralie Fargeat, the woman who brought /film/ down to its knees.
Cinema is a window to new worlds.
Gadonfag is slow on the draw today
In a few decades, Coralie Fargeat will reach the top 20 of the Sight & Sound poll.
There are no women in the internet though.
THIS is why Hitchcock was master. He knew the essence of cinema. He respected images.
These threads aren’t for you
movies like this?
He didn’t recommend any Godard because it would’ve been over his head and too advanced for him
The films of Kitano, Švankmajer, Tati, King Hu, Bresson, Melville, Frammartino, Zeman, Tsai, Bay, and Dave Fleischer.
>You’ll have a jury member at the Golden Horse Awards saying, “We don’t encourage personal expression”
Fucking kek'd.
You could’ve seen him and spent time with him in NY or LA pretty recently.
Instead you plant your seeds elsewhere.
yet another instance of Tsai+Costa fusion, this is probably the biggest revelation of the latest threads.
lol but not excited when I post about it?? FUCK YOU.
Sadly my seeds are planted in Europe. At some point I'll probably just go to Paris or Berlin whenever he visits them again.
In a world where Barry Jenkins, Jordan Peel, Maya Deren, Agnes Varda, Spike Lee and Julie Dash are in the top 100 of Sight & Sound, while David Lean, Terrence Malick, and PTA aren't, yes, any woman, black, disabled, or trans person who makes a movie will get in the history books.
I muted Vertigo and had absolutely no fucking idea what was going on. Guess it was a shitty film (which I already knew it was)
They Drive by Night (1940)
They Live by Night (1948)
He Walked by Night (1948)
and finally, She Walks by Night (1959)
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I think I like filmed theater
No one here can actually explain what's wrong with filmed theatre
It's not cinema, but merely a recording of another art form. It's good for people who have no quality theaters near them.
A bit too much you sicko
Cope white boy, we are gonna breed the white race out of existence one BBC at a time. What little Timmy gonna do?
Are you the guy who made the thread asking for japanese films recommendations some weeks ago?
Charles Burnett is actually pretty good.

Killer of Sheep
My Brother's Wedding
Bless Their Little Hearts
To Sleep With Anger

So is John Singleton

Boyz n the Hood
Poetic Justice
Higher Learning
Baby Boy

All 9 of those films should be in any Top 250 list.
>Overtaken by mexicans
Pale hands typed this post.
Dreyer was one of the earliest generation of filmmakers, he made his first film in 1910s and back then basically everything felt like filmed theater to an extent. He sort of just stayed true to his roots, his sound films are good and I don't think anyone would disagree. Ordet is a masterpiece for me personally
New French Extremity. So what is Old French Extremity then?
Looking for erotic thriller or neo-noir recommendations. Preferably ones with a schmaltzy saxophone in the score. I watched Body Heat last night and loved it. Kathleen Turner, what a babe in her prime.
Absolutely nothing wrong, I greatly enjoy theater adaptations and even literal filmed performances of theater.
Body Double.
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You don’t wanna know…too extreme…
How is Tsai not filmed theater?
Please tell me, anon.
David Lean was sort of blotted out. He had been a respected filmmaker even before his huge epics and Lawrence was in the top 10 S&S at one point too. Shit like that happens sometimes and it makes me really sad
not even the best soviet female director, let alone the best. not even top 5.
Mostly bad, made a few good films


Beyond terrible

A More watchable Malick

PTA would admit Peele is better than him

>Maya Deren
Experimental films are a mistake

FNW was a mistake

>Spike Lee
He has some classics

Do the Right Thing
Mo Better Blues
Jungle Fever
He Got Game
Summer of Sam
Da Sweet Blood of Jesus

>Julie Dash
his entire egg shaped head would turn red and steam would start coming off him, and he'd start foaming at the mouth and then file a lawsuit trying to close 4chan because we pirated his precious films instead of planting the seeds and flying to Paris
Eyes Without a Face and Les Diaboliques
Filmed theater =/= Films with few cuts
Tsai's cinema is based on aesthetics unachievable in the world of theater. The use of real locations, natural light, and the composition of the images are key aspects of his fimmaking and its appeal. His cinema dances with the muses of photography and painting, rather than with the muse of theater.

>Brief Encounter

>Great Expectations

>Oliver Twist

>Passionate Friends
Probably his best film


>Sound Barrier

>Hobson's Choice
Very good


>River Kwai

>Lawrence of Arabia
unwatchable and boring

unwatchable and boring

>Ryan's Daughter
unwatchable and boring

>Passage to India
Unwatchable and boring.

Aside from Passionate Friends and Summertime, what exactly is the tragedy here surrounding David Lean not being included.
Franju's a fucking savage MAN SAVAGE SQUAD NIGGA. Ice cold
>real locations, natural light, and the composition of the images
All of these are in Dreyer
Sound Barrier and Passionate Friends*
Lmao Sound Barrier and Passionate Friends are the only films of his I outright dislike, also In Which We Serve. And Lawrence of Arabia is one of my absolute favorites film ever
I believe you. I'm not the one saying Dreyer is filmed theater.
>The use of real locations, natural light, and the composition of the images are key aspects of his fimmaking and its appeal.
Perfectly applies to Rohmer and several of you retards here accuse him of filmed theatre.
I prefer Carol Reed and Sidney Gilliat
I'm not the filmed theater sperg.

t. Tsaiposter.
The Third Man is Brits' favorite film of their own
You're one of the sane ones then.
>t. Tsaiposter
Oh wait no you're not.
>The 39 Steps
I am going to see this in a vintage atmospheric-styled movie palace this month. I might also check out Cleo from 5 to 7.
Our Man in Havana is his best.

Our Man in Havana, Fallen Idol, Third Man

Night Train to Munich, Kipps, Young Mr. Pitt, The Way Ahead

>Very Good
Odd Man Out, Follow Me

Outcast of the Islands, A Kid for Two Farthings, The Key, The Running Man, Flap

Man Between, Trapeze

Agony and Ectsasy, Oliver
>Starring Alec Guinness and Maureen O Hara
I gotta see this, thanks for the rec anon
>why is there a guy mocking him in the end
Just having fun with him
>You've got money, you've got bitches, you've got cars... yet you can't love anything.
Films for this feel?
For Dreyer and Rohmer, all of those elements are incidental. Never the focus. 99% of the time their camerawork and editing are focused on communicating theatrical dramatics. Their scripts were essentially plays for the screen. All of them could be performed on the theater stage and very little would be lost. That evil Buddha-looking con-man Tsai is not cinema either but for a different reason.

Tsai is filmed painting. Not true cinema. Cinema focuses on communicating STORIES AND IDEAS THROUGH VISUAL MEANS but because Tsai largely rejects storytelling, his works are not cinema. The Walker films could just as well work as series of paintings in a gallery. Hell, they'd probably work better that way.

>b-b-b-but what is cinema then????
Buster Keaton.
I think they suck ass but Malick's Knight of Cups and Song to Song are unironically what you want
>Dreyer is not cinema
Zoomer thread
La Dolce Vita, also these >>204544815
The happiest people I know irl are the ones that married their highschool gf. Having a childhood friend wife/gf is the key to happiness.
Movies for this feel?
my diary
>Cinema focuses on communicating STORIES AND IDEAS THROUGH VISUAL MEANS
LMAO!!! opinion immediately discarded and rejected
>t. seething theaterlet
Who Needs Love? aka The Happiest Man In The World
>All of them could be performed on the theater stage and very little would be lost.
I’m literally laughing out loud at a retard (you). If that’s “seething”, then sure!
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>I’m literally laughing out loud at a retard (you). If that’s “seething”, then sure!
No, I have knowledge about Japanese movies. Have seen the classics such as Kurosawa, Ozu, Mizoguchi etc. but most of it didn't get me really hooked which is why I wasn't really invested in Japanese cinema. However, I hold Ozu in very high regard for his cinematography.
Dreyer compassionate
Ozu is just a mix of filmed theater and filmed painting. He could compose pretty pictures, but he never knew how to use them to communicate cinematically.
We're all a mix here.
Oh ok, i asked because an anon made a thread asking for jap recs and i recced Vengeance is Mine, was thinking it maybe was you.
Aren't our lives but living theatre?
We're all living here.
We're all baking here.
We're all on it here.
We're all more here.
Tell that to Tsai and Speedy Gonzales cinema
Thanks to these threads and the quote images, I’m sincerely beginning to think that Hitchcock was an extremely overrated idiot
Listening to one full interview with the guy would do that as well.
Thanks for the recs, particulary looking forward to watching Malick's.
He always had these stupid little quips and dumb puns and shit, Proto-Reddit garbage. Fuck Hitchcock.
Terminally online idiot with 4chan brainrot
We're all fuck here.
We're all fucked here.*
Someone bake.
bakin (for real)
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I like Vertigo and don't think it's overrated
I will bake
Cool take, I think it's overrated as all hell, still a 7/10.


We're all new here.

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