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Comfy Corpses edition

Previous >>204581640
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Third for eldritch horror.
lmfao as much as we laugh at them and even though they sang love songs and shit, one look at them and you can tell they had higher T than men today of the same age.
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how'd you like Eight Eyes?
It was decent. The way it was filmed to look like an old movie was cool and it had some cool moments but overall I didn’t really find it super memorable. Wasn’t no Hostel I’ll tell you what
You should meet Nicotranny kek
>when spergs collide
Wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
Would you spend the night for one million dollars in the house on haunted hill?
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yeah good production, avoided a lot of nu-horror pitfalls, I liked the 3rd act and classics homages.
was hard not to imagine you as the chubby cheeked Serb
Thats a jew isnt it? And no I wouldnt
the intro for this movie the best part, everything else is down hill
Ngl I was feeling pretty mogged by “mask baby” or whatever that fat naked guys name was. Dude looked at least 400 pounds but his tits were like half my size. Feels bad
how did they get down
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now that the dust has settled?
Wasn't Shudder's worst V/H/S entry, so not bad. That's about it.
Just put on Cannibal Apocolypse.
Which movie?
I felt it was miles above those last VHS movies shudder put out, a return to form if you will, I would go as far and call it V/H/S 4
Still not great, but I didn't hate it like the previous Shudder releases. It's almost like they were listening to all of our complaints about the other ones.
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I'm hopeful, but somehow I don't think they're gonna top this.
they copied that from The Taking of Deborah Logan
is that the star of The Adam Friedland Show?
No they didn't.
whats that australian movie from last year about an evil hand

is it good
Yes, it's based. It's also getting a sequel.
whats it called tho
Talk to Me
This any good? or should I watch >>204587612 instead
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Nothing good to watch. Terrifier 3 was a disappointment. VHS beyond was the surprise hit of October.
saw the revenant the other day and it ended with a possible return of the living dead reference
didn't save the scene because the movie was kinda ass
Just watched the cube trilogy for the first time.

The first one is easily one of my favourite movies, fucking loved it. The other two were so boring and ugly, I wouldn’t even recommend watching them out of curiosity. Some people say the second one is decent but i thought it was terrible and boring.

Any recommendations based off of me enjoying the first cube movie?
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Ghoulies 2 had a split-second Return of the Living Dead reference in it, which I did save because the movie kicks ass
This is gonna sound like a joke but have you watched Circle? It kinda gives off a similar vibe
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if you think those are bad wait until you've seen the japanese remake
>he didn't like cube 0
And rather cliche,in an endearing kind of way. Unfortunately,I do believe there is a penalty;a rather strict penalty for talking shit about Cube Zer0.
there are four movies ,not three
I’ve seen circle. It was good.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to appreciate V/H/S: Beyond. The found footage format is groundbreaking, a revolutionary step in the genre that shatters the boundaries between the viewer and the story. Each segment, a living nightmare, is a work of art that pushes the limits of fear and perception. The fragmented storytelling, the disturbing visuals, and the unconventional structure all contribute to a cinematic experience that’s not for the faint of heart.

V/H/S: Beyond isn’t just a horror anthology; it’s an exploration of the human condition, a meditation on existential dread and the fragility of reality. The way it bends time and space, manipulating the viewer’s sense of immersion—it’s something only truly perceptive minds can grasp. You wouldn’t understand it if you don’t have a background in psychological horror, surrealist cinema, or if you’re not capable of understanding abstract symbolism in media. Most people just watch it for the jump scares, but those with the intellectual depth can appreciate the deeper meanings at play.

It’s not just a film—it’s an experience, an invitation to confront your deepest fears. But honestly, unless you’re mentally prepared to question everything you thought you knew about reality, it might just be too much for you.
Yeah. That’s how physics work.
The Japanese remake was not as bad as the sequels.
they butchered the entire premise that the originals set up
and they have a robot in there with them for some reason????
Since Late Night with the Devil is technically a 2023 release, I'm gonna and use that and say that I have a new favorite 2024 horror movie: Stream.
It has several well-known, endearing horror faces (and a voice), an excellent balance of tropes and all in all something for everyone, from the standard slasher viewers to those who enjoy layers of narrative, meta approaches and even some surprisingly fresh/honest drama.
It's very gory (Damien Leone did the
visual effects), has nudity and ZERO woke nonsense. On the contrary, it goes deliberately against them and some of the movie's twists will come across as fresh.
Not one single second is dull and its b-movie location/acting is charming. Horror kino.
>google stream movie 2024
>results are a bunch of streaming websites
great choice for a title
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>How is smile 2?
It ups the ante in terms of pace and violence, the actress is good, but without the basic mystery of what is happening it feels like a re-tread.
semi-spoilery: It sets up an interesting sequel, but that really should have just been this film.
Then you should check out Triangle
>ZERO woke
lmao. Who were the villains in the movie and what happened to the father at the end of the movie?
>Day 16: Annihilation
Fucking brilliant. This is definitely my favorite movie so far this month - and strangely, the scariest too. End-of-world shit always hits me harder, and Annihilation's strangely beautiful apocalypse is an absolute treasure. This might be the one and only example of Cosmic Horror done right, without devolving into tentacle slop. Reminded me of the Color Out of Space, obviously. Great performances, super creepy towards the end, and it looked fantastic. Shit, I loved this movie.
Watch the movie. Pay attention.
I gotta check this one out soon. Been on my radar for a while
I did. You didn't answer the questions.
>funny drunk guy walking into a ladder and Felissa Rose out of nowhere
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what a silly movie.
for whatever reason I expected it to become a serious film at some point, or at least have a serious ending. something to subvert the ole expectations as they say. it was entertaining enough, the 80s aesthetic forced me to feel a slightly positive feeling somewhere marginally above tolerance.
if somebody forced me to place it in the series it'd at least be above Viral. it was at least more worthwhile than recent years.
sir this is not the capeshit thread.
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Probably one of the worst films I've seen. CGI slop, all-wahmen cast in absurd gender flipped predator type scenario, butchers the book, humanoid alien because general public can't imagine anything else. 0/10 purely for spite.
Your questions are retarded. No spoonfeeding.
It subverts the wrong expectations:
-lack of nudity (a few secs from X on a tv screen, a terribly lit one and another that's the opposite of sexy: 2 corpses
-utterly improbable girlboss
-needless kill/ridiculous ending that tries to glorify the killer
yeah it's a great psychological movie, BUT, honestly it would have worked much better as an anime and I think the audience of anime would have received it better as well. they're much more accustomed to that sort of thing in their entertainment.
Damn this started off genuinely scary and then becomes laughable at light speed
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>Breaks out the non-sequitur buzzword because you can't form your own answers
I already watched the movie, what's to spoonfeed?
spot on with the ending. I kept expecting a single, ultra hard hitting, full blown terror shot of her waking up in a nut house or something along those lines to wrap it up in a neat little ugly bow. alas, after it's all said and done, I came to realize I simply went into it expecting too much. the setting and premise made me think it was going to flirt with an attempt at something Lynchian.
I disliked it too. It was the beginning of Garland's humiliation ritual/kowtowing to shitty wokeness which became even more pathetic w/Men and Civil War. The interracial relationship is on the nose, the all-women expedition is bullshit and the movie's effects and pace are weak
Yeah saw that too
>I kept expecting a single, ultra hard hitting, full blown terror shot of her waking up in a nut house
Very clever take, exactly: the ending should have been a type of delirious Mulholland Dr/Sunset Boulevard descent into madness as she's committed to a nuthouse.
I had high expectations too and the movie had a lot going for it: setting/cast/genre (gialloish erotic thriller) but it was all squandered bc of a ridiculous anti-men slant
I trust these opinions because they can talk about the movie without doing the sub50 iq "describe everything you dislike as slop" thing like this >>204588762 retard
Yeah it seems like a huge slide from Dredd, maybe that was just a foot in the door.
I do remember seeing a few black people in the camera crew back stage.
Shitty woke film
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Let me guess, you soulless goofs also hated the movie's soundtrack?
Hitting my 75th horror movie today and playing my 3rd horror video game while reading my 3rd horror novel and an episode of my first horror mini series of my Halloween marathon. I'm rocking it hard this year.
Sadly I was unable to talk a chick into going to a haunted house attraction this Saturday.
What do you mean? Did you work in the movie/visited the set?
There is a couple of black people onscreen (and not just 2 random black actors) but the way they're portrayed is very, let's say, specific. And the annoying effeminate zoomer mutt is utterly humiliated/ridiculed
The Dentist was some delirious paranoid cuck nightmare kek, kind of reminded me of Chabrol's L'enfer.
There were black peoples in the movie.
Just like the many dozens of characters in the movie
>Hitting my 75th horror movie today
Damn, since the start of the month?
>playing my 3rd horror video game while reading my 3rd horror novel and an episode of my first horror mini series of my Halloween marathon. I'm rocking it hard this year.
That's good, Anon. Make the most of it while you still have time.
>Sadly I was unable to talk a chick into going to a haunted house attraction this Saturday.
Forget about it. Women just get in the way of your spook potential
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I love that shit
I know the feeling. Girl I dated all September stopped answering after Oct 2nd..
Not at all because the movie has a moral compass, not everyone is the same nor are all their fates the same.
Why are some ppl such superficial/filtered viewers even when it comes to a movie's simplest plot elements? Is this why there are those cringe remedial lesson "movie-so-and-so EXPLAINED" videos on youtube?
I just said that. Are you ESL and/or drunk?
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> There is a couple of black people
She ghosted you heh
The scariest thing to happen to me all night. Its is truly SpookTober...
It should be
>Are YOU ESL and/or drunk?
you ESL or drunk person
one day a couple decades ago, my whole neighborhood packed up and left on account of this
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>he autistically deleted his post
Are drunk and/ or ESL?
Who cares? Women don’t age well.
So I just watched for the very first time VHS 94, it was ok, the third segment was really nice, but there is something I started to notice about this franchise, there is almost always women killing men, in every single movie,(or as far as I remember) there is a segment of women killing men on camera, its kinda stupid isn't?
sensible chuck'el
bitches be crazy, man
I really liked her and she similar interests.
That's called missing a word. Only an ESL type (or perhaps an undereducated native English speaker) would assume not including the pronoun is an ESL mistake
There is. Literally in fact unless I'm missing some side character. Mind you: not a black couple, a couple of blacks
haha well I know, but it feels unnatural, women overpowering men? c'mon.
Oh boy time for women staring into a camera making soifaces and everyone pretends it's scary.
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>can't even type English properly and he's calling others undereducated
Be careful, anon, he may compare you to Beavis and Butthead!
It happens the other way around too in other episodes/movies. The wraparound story and the militia episode are both woke but Storm Drain, Empty Wake and The Subject are all great though
Don't condensend me man. I'll fuck you up!
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took a break last night to see Smile 2 but it's back to the marathon now.
tonight, Puppet Master X: Axis Rising (in space)
I could but I was thinking about it and realized that it'd be insulting to Beavis & Butthead to compare them to you both (if you're not a samefagging dumbass that is) because B&B were occasionally insightful
Empty Wake and The Subject were good. I do hate when they put christianity on a bad light, but other than that how was it woke?
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look at this fool. look at this retard and laugh
>Talk to Me
It's dogshit.
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The militia episode's (Terror) wokeness is self-evident: le evil uncouth white rednecks etc. And the wraparound is not just blasphemous but anti-men too w/ the 2 treacherous female cops berating the guy for selling guns to the aforementioned militia etc
>tfw no horror sitcom where the premise is similar to The Odd Couple
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Have you seen this one? Not quite horror (more of a gruesome dark comedy thriller) and it's a really enjoyable, pacy movie:
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I haven't seen this since the days of VHS. What release is this from?
and that’s why I don’t call peoples ESL
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Huge 2nd weekend drop incoming. No wonder this is getting dumped in January.
what we do in shadows, kind of
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Any other good horrors starring kids? R-Rated preferable but I like kiddie horror too.
tfw the wolf man is not literally me and I bought all this fur and glue for nothing
I thought this would be terrible but it was actually pretty good.
Always bet on Full Moon.
Yeah it's gorgeous quality. I think it's from The Black Cauldron bluray. you can grab it here if you want.
>we want the It Ends With Us audience

Children of the Corn
Trick r Treat
The Innocents (1961)
Return of the Living Dead part 2
Let the Right One In
Monster House
Pet Sematary 2
Village of the Damned
Alice, Sweet Alice
It was a fun watch. One of my new to me watches this season.
You say John Carpenter, I say Rob Zombie
You say Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I say House of 1000 Corpses
You say Halloween (1978), I say Halloween (2007)
You say Jessica Harper, I say Sheri Moon Zombie
You say kino, I say FUCKING kino
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people always seemed to joke about Full Moon in here but after watching a bunch of their films I agree.
they also have a bunch of those "sci-fi comedy but it's so violent it's almost splatter/horror" movies.
Oh yeah, and the IT mini-series of course
The post 90's stuff is lastinkadora though
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Jason if he figure
They work with low budgets but they always have a great understanding of what their audience wants and just delivers entertainment without any pretension, with surprising quality for the type of films they make. They're way underrated. I put them up there with Universal and Hammer.
Is it worth watching Friday the 13th Part 3 with a shitty red and blue 3D glasses?
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Horror franchises for this feeling?
This guy fucks
Mr. Vampire
Body Bags John Carpenter is boring
The next person ITT to get dubs has to watch the entire Children of the Corn franchise
Terrifier has one decent movie sandwiched between two bad ones.
>with surprising quality for the type of films they make
that's really it. I watched Dollman the other day and thought huh for a film about a shrunken alien cop this is almost threatening to have a nuanced take on gang violence.
Just a reminder that there are literal women here in /hor/
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Trannies aren't real women
One of Stream's main characters is a kid and his role is essential to the plot. There's also a Mexican movie called Tigers are not Afraid (social+magical realism with some horror aspects) and the main characters are a group of children. This one I didn't really like but it's a somewhat original movie.
And ofc (big spoiler) the classic Ils/Them
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Present them
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>there are 11 of them
how does that even happen
I'll never watch a movie with those cornfuckers

also the saw theme is kino
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Same thing as the Hellraiser and Amityville franchises
For some feral incels, that's the real horror.
Probably just a male feminist
this but the opposite
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the true saw theme is whatever nu-metral track they play at the end
Two bad movies are sandwiched between a good movie and Terrifier?
Yup this is the female or male feminist. Kek
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Terrifier is just Braindead but lower quality and for fags
>male feminist
It's this guy >>204588762 He's always defending woke shit in his retarded pseudposts.
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>those who don't appreciate kino
>don't deserve kino
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>I don’t like being called out for being a chick so I will call him incel hoping like this is reddir, I will somehow win the argument.
No lie male feminists creeps me out more than convicted rapists.
Hit a nerve huh
epic #pwnage
incel chud status: btfo
Hit your nerve lol. I hear that enough whenever I diss girls that I know they’re triggered.
X wasn't compelling enough for me to check out Pearl but i might give this a watch because it involves strippers
It’s this guy, yeah. Movie was shit. A whole team of 90lb women. The only good part was when they were all tied up.
haven't seen Maxxxine but Pearl is a lot better than X (which I hated).
See >>204590701
Why do extreme incels are so easily triggered by the mere mention of women?
X was awesome. My girlfriend loved it.
right? extreme incel status: triggerd
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Could be some post wall roastie.
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What horror films go best with a negroni?
You don't say. 2 quick questions:
-at what age in your doubtlessly informed opinion does a woman hit the proverbial wall?
-how would you write "Nell Tiger Free is a roastie" in hindi?
just saw The Haunted House in the Hills have Eyes Wide Shut for the first time. surprisingly decent horror parody.
Thx for proving my point. You can calm down now.
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Watch a horror movie. Watch two.
Perhaps the spammer would go away if you guys ignored him and didn't feed him (You)s and attention?
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What is it, another week and October's over?
Heard all the cope from women about this before. “Women actually get more confident with age, incel”
Little does she know, men aren’t attracted to confidence. Women project what they find attractive in men and think that as they get older, they pretend more men will find them attractive. Lmao.
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we must intensify the spook
"Bud the Chud"? Or should we say...Hall Monitor?
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Kek lol. Should make it 30 causes that’s a terrible age for women to hit.
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Any good horror films about Squirrels?
She should be eating the cereal out a cat bowl lol
Oh how I have missed you. Please try not to get banned until at least the weekend's over so that I can fully enjoy your wisdom on women and related subjects.
Have you seen Azrael and The Substance? If not pls do and report back
for me it's Billy Zane in the 1995 american black horror comedy film Demon Knight starring Billy Zane of Demon Knight (1995)
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This girl should have been in some horror movies instead.
Nuts! (1988)
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what'd everyone think of daddy's head?
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Think she stopped making movies once she got married. Funnily enough, she legit looks post wall on her wedding day. Imagine marrying her exactly when she hit the wall.
Kek that is pretty funny, I fucking hate that Lainey weirdo
Imagine being her, and knowing she herself has hit the wall and then her boyfriend marries her. How could she ever respect someone like that? Like she walks down the aisle post wall and her cuck fiancé is like
> yup, I hit the jackpot.
Could be a scene in Terrifier 4 where Art kills her and rolls her body body down the aisle.
going in blind. been watching too much zoomer slop. hopefully this has some tits at least
As mentioned above Maxxxine seems to be better than it actually ended up being. Pearl has no nudity but it's a well-rounded horror melodrama
Have a rec:
Have 2:
You seriously underestimate this kino
I literally only know this for the tits.
best slasher deconstruction?
for me it's tucker and dale vs evil
Leslie Vernon
The most openly meta with step by step exposition: You Might Be the Killer
The most meta in a show don't tell way: In a Violent Nature
Shitty movie
That's like the cover of Transcendence by Crimson Glory
Let me guess: fully naked, gorgeous Mathilda May made you throw a hissy fit?
huh. it literally is the same cover. wonder if they bought the rights or the label just stole it.
good album though.
A little toothy
>The front cover artwork was made by Japanese artist Takashi Terada, which was featured on the Japanese poster art for the 1985 science fiction film Lifeforce. Following some of the album's themes of mysticism and divinity, the back cover features a Kabbalistic Tree of Life. This is superimposed by a series of runic letters which, when decoded, spell:
whats this?
Frown (2022)
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Another rewatch for me tonight, really excited to revisit this.
>two horror 'tubers i watch sometimes say they've been converted and they're terrifier fans now
I think the phrase is transitioned
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Why is /hor/ (and /tv/ in general) so slow compared to previous years? Even last year /hor/ was pretty fast. It's slow as hell this time.
I'm starting to think this board only has like 200 or so regular posters. The rest are likely bots and people who only post here once in awhile. Maybe that's why they took the poster count away. The real question is why? Where is everyone going and why are they leaving?
Horror films for this feeling?
/tv/ has been bleeding users the past two years and it's gotten much slower this year.
Based and Billy Zanepilled
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
i mean, trump isnt really different from other republicans in the past and a lot of these presidential canidates come from some sort of money. stefan könig probably got his inspiration from reagan and the likes
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less is more
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most of us aren't going anywhere anytime soon
ehh when joker 2 came out it was faster than usual, it's just nothing good or controversial is happening currently
X was better than Pearl because in Pearl was completely bogus in terms of the period details. Why is a film set in the 1910s a technicolour pastiche instead of black and white? Pearl acts nothing like a person from the 1910s and it's impossible to have sympathy with her. Humping the scarecrow was tacky. The covid references were tacky.

It was possible to suspend your disbelief with X because it was much better at capturing it's era, but Pearl is just too modern, and from what others have said about Magazine, it sounds like there's a similar problem there.
jn real life? yes
in the movie world? fuck no, those idiots were determined to fuck up and release the darkness and once thats done doesnt matter if you sat against the exit door all night yer dead
*Maxxxine, not Magazine, of course
>bogus in terms of the period details.
lol who gives a shit. she could have pulled out a cellphone for all I care.
Both /tv/ and /hor/ are doing fine. About the latter, one thing that we seem to be correctly doing is shushing those boring types who attempt to curtail discussion of movies they disliked or which have filtered them.
Wanna talk about Terrifier 3? Do it. A Ghost Story? Go ahead. Cabinet of Doctor Caligari? Never Let Go? Nu Scream? Talk to Me? Eggers? Danielle Harris? Linnea? Poe Goblin? Do it, all on-topic discussion belongs here
Are you the hall monitor?
Pearl wasn't meant to be a docudrama
Not at all, he tries to limit something that I enjoy from time to time: bant, chatting w/ the weirdos or so on. What I mean is that there's no such thing as "noooo don't talk about A24 or VHS let's just reminisce about slashers" etc etc
You're replying to him.
That's your prerogative. Fundamentally psychos don't belong in a period melodrama.
I always think this pic is the end of Antiviral
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you are aware murder isn't a new invention?
you are aware that old timey people weren't actually in black and white?
What was it meant to be? It's neither fish, nor fowl. A Millennial abberation.
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too busy watching kinos maybe, or it's off hours for americans. but you're right the spirit feels more faint around here than usual.

i'm a "once in awhile" poster but often post later in burger hours. watching romulus. wasn't expecting it to top thw first two and of course it won't but so far it's enjoyable and enjoy the atmosphere, cailee being cute also helps.
is there a good jack the ripper horror moober or tvshow/episode?
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The first and the third act were good, the middle part was a bit weak. But overall a good movie.
So has there ever been an actual accurate Lovecraft movie adaptation?
There's a few good ones like Re-Animator but they aren't really faithful to the original stories lmao
Any kino that's similar to Warlock (1989)? Something that's centered around magic or sorcerer.
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the HPLHS made two faithful adaptions, The Call of Cthulhu and The Whisperer In The Darkness. low budget but good.
There are several exceptions:
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane
Sunset Blvd
Kill Baby Kill
The Witch
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>Kill Baby Kill
Mario Bava's Ring
I was gonna watch this movie with my mom since it was way more tame than the first Italian horror I watched with her, but it turns out she already watched it. But she saw it under the title “curse of the living dead” What are the odds?
Pearl's a period piece horror melodrama without a strict adherence to the prevalent (but not only) social norms of the time.
Read for instance about this notorious case:
Finally got around to watching saw x.
The ending pissed me off so fucking much. The movie was unsatisfying and very melodramatic
I went on a tour of her house once.
what is paul dracula's end game
Based. There's a graphic novel by Rick Geary which retells the story in a very interesting, subtle way.
What an ignorant take.
Fair enough, I'll concede that there are contemporary examples. Pearl didn't work for me, because she is the focal character and she's a rotten psycho.
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Horror’s saved y’all
Her insanity is very intense. That odd final image was according to Mia Goth
improvised and shot in only one single take btw
Elephanted horror
Is Smile 2 any good?
The first one was dogshit so I expect nothing from 2
>ups the ante in terms of pace and violence
Sounds good to me.
You sound very qualified to opine on a movie you haven't seen and whose previous installment you didn't like
we are going to be seeing so much torture porn in future /hor/ because of terrifier
you sound like a balding redditor
It's always interesting to find out decades later that the movie you and all your friends loved as kids was absolutely destroyed by critics and is considered a shit film
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horror films in general have been getting far more violent. I think it's actually because the SFX teams now are really good, very realistic dark blood and better modern materials. sometimes it's almost out of whack with the tone of the film.
Doesn't even have to be decades later.
>watch movie and enjoy it
>go on imdb right afterwards and see it has a 4/10 rating and everybody hates it
Happens all the time to me.
kek that just happened to me with Creepshow 2 in one of these threads, I remember it fondly but it's been decades since I've seen it so I accept it's probably not really that good
all movies that are now considered classics were originally shat on by critics
I'd rather have torture porn than the shit possession obsession and grief horror of the 2010s
new hostel and saw installments soon?
people dont know what they want
Saw XI is already in production and coming out next year. Roth is doing Thanksgiving 2.
Gorechads won.
Saw XI Sept 26 2025, written by the guy who co-wrote/directed The Collector
Critics are fags.
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hell yeah
>has cancer
>the really bad kind
>is still alive 20 years later
John dies in the third movie.
if dead why alive
>trioxin theme intensifies
disappointed. post the regular clip faggot
Reminder that Stream has several brutal gore scenes with practical visual effects by the guy who directed and supervised the effects of the Terrifier movies
well it's either that or clowns, either way i'll be happy
Just watched both of them again last night. Really enjoy them.
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I want it to be good.
Is it good none of the horror reviewers I follow have reviewed it
It's good
If Terrifier was made in the 1980s, nobody would give a shit about it. People only like it as they're desperate for modern horror that isn't "da real monster wuz trauma/sexism/racism"
I might watch this today. Either that or The Substance.
Cody Leach said it was good.
it's weird that they would remake a movie that basically only existed because the dude that made it got some cool new filming equipment and wanted to try it out and get good with it. the movie is really stupid. i do like the butterface azn grill. something about her makes my little monkey brain go wild. either way, i guess its not a dumb idea to remake something that wasnt really good to begin with, because your end product will likely be better if one gives even half a shit.
But I love 80s slashers.
Who’s Cody Leach I just follow the two redhead hags, Jahns, Stucks and FishJelly on YouTube
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It has sovl.
It's up!!!



Not as hot as spookyastronauts
I don’t like His vibe after 2 minutes why is he so popular
They both are very thorough and fair in their analyses and often have surprising takes that get me a little more interested in watching whatever they are reviewing.
Just seems like a normal guy to me.
Also, as a retired hater, I still get visceral enjoyment out of how cutthroat and acidic PossessedByHorror can get on a movie when she doesn't like stuff about it. Absolute venomous bitch and I fucking love it.
The scene that saved the horror genre
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>did nothing wrong
>Deadmeat :/
>Deadmeat, but female :O
Not really, you’re probably weird
Unironically is this worth a watch? Looks kinda cool.
Yes, it's a gem
>no need thread
The fuck is going on? Wake the fuck up and bake some new bread. Make it spooky.
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Make the next one about Frogs
I'll do it right now if nobody else is.
You're the first to call it. It's yours
New bread
post the campiest movie with hot bitches getting killed you know.
Doghouse has the spirit but kind of falls short, I recommend regardless
Fuck this roastie, this is the only review of Terrifier 3 that actually talks about the film

Movie is not the best but it represents a time in NYC that is basically gone.
Haha, well, here it is.
The tranny face was scarier

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