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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

This looks straight out of the Guernica painting edition

>/film/ charts

>/film/ literature

Previous >>204575406
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Still /nigga/ , still /nigga/
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Queen of /film/
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You only dislike Spielberg because he is popular.
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There are many queens of /film/.
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Take the Sono pill!
He is a technical master. No other director today can even get close to his blocking. Bridge of Spies is full of masterful direction from beginning to end. One of the greatest films of the 2010s.
the trve queen
His sensibility is too American.
His bad joints aren't even ass, not even Indy Jones and The Crystal Skull was truly irredeemable. When people think about the shittiest, most overrated directors that the US produced, they need to think of George Lucas, not Spielberg.
Sono is the true disciple of Cassavetes.
wrong i like lots of popular directors, spielberg is just too magoo.
How much of a fucking ultrarapist do you have to be to be cancelled in Sexual Harassment: The Country?
His problem is not always being able to pick good scripts, but even when he makes slop, he directs it far better than any other blockbuster director working today.
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queen of /film/
Sono got his style from Cassavetes. Look past the Japanese wrapping; the formal core is the same.
>technical master
Of boring straightforward garbage. Meanwhile I can also name countless technical masters in the arthouse realm that bring interesting and thought provoking ideas to blocking and direction. I prefer those to Spielbergs, I prefer those films to Spielbergs. A technical master of boring children’s bedtime stories still leaves you with a boring children’s bedtime story, I don’t give a fuck how they’ve mastered the techniques of it.
>His bad joints aren't even ass, not even Indy Jones and The Crystal Skull was truly irredeemable
You’re blind or retarded or both
This isn’t the admirable quality you think it is
oh no no nono
is this flick fun?
shame that women nowadays don't have bangs
Jaws is the only Spielberg film I've seen. I've also seen Poltergeist, heard it's a 50/50 between Tobe Hooper and Spielberg
Duel (1971) is kinda /film/
>Jaws is the only Spielberg film I've seen
Keep it that way.
I've never seen Empire of the Sun but it's based on a JG Ballard novel so I'll probably check it out at some point
Sugarland Express is his only one with the downbeat 70s New Hollywood ending
yeah duel is great and don't fucking let the dumbass anons here scare you away from spielberg... he's all-time in terms of cinematography
I will watch it someday
>he's all-time
All time boring straightforward garbage, can think of countless arthouse filmmakers who completely humiliate him in terms of cinematography and “technical mastery”
One is not like the others. Remove Farmiga.
I think it's far more retarded to give no explanation of your opinion while insulting other people for no reason
Any films that give the same feeling as Paris, Texas? Longing for a missing person, who disappeared out of their volition. Doesn't have to be a film, it could be anything, manga, anime, vidya, VN, book.
You can't.

It is when he can outdirect any arthouse director working today.
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No way.
>Longing for a missing person
The Sea of Fertility tetralogy by Yukio Mishima takes that concept up a notch
>Longing for a missing person, who disappeared out of their volition
Wait that's what Paris, Texas is about? I'm definitely watching it soon then. I wanted to watch it to start getting into Wim Wenders
No, remove Spacek. Replace with Linda Blair.
The Wind Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami is exactly what you are looking for.
In a Tokyo suburb a young man named Toru Okada searches for his wife's missing cat. Soon he finds himself looking for his wife as well in a netherworld that lies beneath the placid surface of Tokyo. As these searches intersect, Okada encounters a bizarre group of allies and antagonists: a psychic prostitute; a malevolent yet mediagenic politician; a cheerfully morbid sixteen-year-old-girl; and an aging war veteran who has been permanently changed by the hideous things he witnessed during Japan's forgotten campaign in Manchuria.
Burning (2018) was also based on a Murakami story and the second half of it and some bits of the first half are what you are looking for
The goofy thriller aspect ruins it.
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>no one can get close to his blocking

This is an incredible simplification of Spielberg'd genius. He is the Mozart of film craft. He isn't exceptional at one thing he is exceptional at every thing in every way, so much that it appears effortless.
He also is not one of those auteurs who repeats gimmicks for the lulz, ala Wes Anderson. Every Spielberg film is what it needs to be and how.
>He isn't exceptional at one thing
No one said that, Mr. Autismo.
Forgot about Burning. Absolutely loved it. Also read the short story Barn Burning after watching. The endings are different but both kino.
>I don’t like the thriller aspect of the thriller movie

God I hate the relentless dislike for this movie on here. Just nonsense criticism.
"The Spielberg blocking"!!!

You Tony Zhou ass bitch. he has destroyed so many filmmakers with his "analysis"
Beautiful, Ugly hag
Weird cute, Beautiful
His blocking is indeed great. Tony who?
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Cope and die faggot. Ten million views for Tony Zhou and Spielberg.
>calls my favorite actress beautiful
>calls my second favorite an ugly hag
I'll take whatever wins I can during these waifu wars.
Who the fuck is Tony Zhou?
Yes and...? You realize that's Tony Zhou's job right.
A shining example of millennial Asian excellence.
Is he an Asian grifter/race traitor?
To create pseudo intellectuals and try to turn film into a soulless academic science? Yes that is his job, he is proto-letterboxd and birthed the cancer that is modern film analysis.
>stunt show kung fu
wtf I hate Tony Zhou now
>the cancer that is modern film analysis.
Red pill me on it
We’re all California Dreamin’ here.
A film must be made from the heart, not from the mind.
I take back everything good I ever said about Tony after seeing his top 10 films from the 90s list. He should be considered an enemy of Asians.
Depressing ass song.
People who don't know about 50s-60s Cahiers think that the pseud way of evaluating film is a recent thing
Harperposter and Farmigafag are the same person, huh. That means I now hate Harperposter and wish for him to get euthanized.
I was Farmigabro for years before, friend.
Means I've hated you for years, little brother. Worse taste than Gadonspammer.
What is the pseud way of evaluating film?
Finding this out saddens me as well, he was one of my favourite guys on /film/ and /hor/ but now that i learned he's a Farmigafag i don't know anymore. I feel like i lost a friend.
The Jean Douchet "you can never overanalyse a film" way.
This is stupid. Spielberg does not repeat gimmicks. He breaks down scripts visually and decides on the best way to tell a story. Often he invents it on the spot. This idea that directors are only auteurs when they repeat motifs and have a trademark gimmick is the worst of the vulgar auteurism. Many directors such as Bresson and Tarkovsky have argued that a director should never repeat himself, for that is turning himself into a cheap brand. Bergman once said that he always studies the actors first in the rehearsal, and then decides on the visuals based on the performance. All the true directors understand that cinema is theater first and revolves around the peformances.
Eh, I believe in balance; no overanalyses in the sense of forcing some interpretation when the film doesn't give hints of said interpretation, but I'm also against basic ass formalist analyses of the "in this shot you can see a extreme close up of the girls hands, which was very novel for its time; on the next one, there's a medium long shot to represent the president and the interviewer being on the same hierarchical level". Film analysis needs both formal and theoretical analysis going on simultaneously, in a equilibrated manner.
>This idea that directors are only auteurs when they repeat motifs and have a trademark gimmick is the worst of the vulgar auteurism
It's terrible, and happens in art of all kinds. Some "auteurs" discover that repeating some style ad nauseam makes them recognizable and memorable, so they just repeat the same shit all of the time until they achieve fame, and sometimes the art critics let them get away with murder by praising them instead of questioning their ability to go beyond their gimmick(s)
What’s with the Farmiga hate? Genuine question.
I don't champion basic ass formalist analyses, but some guys see things that are only in their head and not the film. You can say something deep and perceptive about the film but something that's actually there and anybody could see, and be direct, guys like Lourcelles and Skorecki do that.
Can't stand her face.
That's what I was saying.
she's an awful actress who has never been in a good film, plus she's just extremely average looking
Shit career, bad actress, and 4/10
I know, i'm not arguing, we're just having a conversation you autist.
>Worse taste than Gadonspammer.
no one deserves that comparison you ass
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Who’s your waifu?

>never been in a good film
Come on now…
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>I'll just insert binaural transcendental language in my sound editing so people will subconsciously think I'm more powerful than the Holy Spirit
Lynch is an evil man.
>so people will subconsciously think I'm more powerful than the Holy Spirit
No one thinks that though.

Don't really have one, i like many, i love Jessica Harper almost as much as you.
I like Spielberg THO
Duel, Jaws, Close Encounters, AI, that one Columbo episode he directed... all masterpieces
Would rather take a cyanide pill than the Sono pill
Jurassic Park, Amistad, Munich, Bridge of Spies... all masterpieces.
what's the FOTW?
Bridge of Spies
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>i love Jessica Harper almost as much as you.
She is the absolute best so let’s focus on that instead. No one agrees with everyone on everything, that’s just life.
Music > Film
>you autist.
Can't talk without having to insult people? Do you think you're better than others for acting with arrogance?
I hate music.
My dick in your ass
Cheatanon died, there will be no more FOTW. RIP.
sorry. been busy lately. does anyone want me to roll now and then roll again on Sunday, or should we just skip this week?
Kek how did you appear so quickly?
Das rite
lil bro too busy to roll one joint
Damn, you came back from the grave. Imo, roll for this week, for tradition's sake.
Don't be so serious man.
*queen of Jewish cock
>This is the truth
>This is what's real
As real as Natural Born Killers
Overall, not that good of a "classic". I think Fresh is more unique with the Vaporwave soundtrack
why is everyone on /film/ in a bad mood today
Fake nose.

Seriously? Ive never seen that much of a contrarian take before.
>Spielbergs television work as a 20 year old is actually his best cinema you know

Hipsters know no limits
I don't take shit from people, man.
What are some kino on Tubi to watch? Was thinking of Lily-Lily Chou Chou
>Was thinking of Lily-Lily Chou Chou
Just go for it.
alright, rolling. last three digits mod 66 again for October
Regular here reporting, I'm alright. Gonna eat some chicken with rice, red beans, beet salad with mayo and some kombucha. Life's sweet.
Hood films by white directors are dishonest filmmaking.
Perfect for Jewish seed.
reading through the posts its a particularly ugly thread
Zoomers will never just praise ET, they have to look and see early 70s Spielberg is okay to like because Cahiers praised it. But nothing after Jaws and definitely
nothing after the 90s. They will even praise Columbo before giving Minority Report or Munich its due. The hipster mind is too easy to predict.
Imagine her sucking on her husband's egg-shaped circumcised jew cock. So hot...
>Lily-Lily Chou Chou
Amazing film, never seen something similar.
No idea but I felt it too lol
Nothing to do with hipsterism, those are just the Spielberg joints I've seen. I guess I saw ET and Jurassic Park as a kid but even back then I didn't really care for and I doubt that would change if I were to rewatch them now
It's a pretty dramaticized story, and not that good as a movie, but it has charm. Menace II Society is straight up blaxploitation with the "but it's a serious work of art" tag to make it look less exploitative of black stereotypes. It's a movie made for money only being made to pass as something "conscious", and so I think it's more disingenous than Fresh
I'm sorry then, i didn't mean anything by it. But if you're gonna lose your shit over a soft an insult as "autist" you shouldn't be on 4chan.
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I'm not. But it is ridiculously hot here and that pisses me off.
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Sono isn't talked about enough on /film/. Let's change that!
We already talk about American cinema all the time. Same thing.
should have been mod 65 because apparently there are only 65 horror films on the list now. anyway, 689 mod 65 is 39, which is Fascination
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I take the apology, don't think the rest of the reply was necessary. I think people can act in a civilized way, even on 4chan. I act the same on 4chan as in real life, and as I said, I take no shit from nobody.
Nothing to talk about. Movies made for David and João who grew up on anime and Japanese video-games.
Sono is a coomer
I hope it's not at Chipotle because me and my buddies there take turns jacking off in their frijoles.
Tell me about it, was playing guitar a few hours ago and sweating like crazy. There's also some construction guys just outside my window that make me feel like I've got no privacy. I'm gonna kill a small animal.
Literally Tarantino-tier slop.
Very cool, thanks. Haven't seen that one, and Rollin is amazing.

Nah, I'm at my house.
But anon, you are small animal
Quentin Tarantino invented Zion Sono.
Oh shit, guess I'm fucked.
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NTA, but the most /film/-tier hood movie is easily Belly by Hype Williams.
Japan is so quirky and weird! -grift. It was everywhere in the 90s and 00s. Tailor-made for western youth. It was replaced by the Hallyu grift during the 2010s.
Rest in power my nigga DMX.
Fascination is great, Rollin's second best after La nuit des traquées.

Ok Mr. Take no shit from nobody, tough guy.
Knowing some Japanese people IRL it is weird. They act like they are anime characters. Their entire identity is geared toward impressing Americans.
We're all coomers here.
>La nuit des traquées
Good taste, that's my favorite Rollin too. Such a unique atmosphere.
We're all anime characters here.

whoa dude the vibes mean it's good
>Ok Mr. Take no shit from nobody, tough guy.
Yes, and I see no problem with it. Why should I be a enabler of other people's egos and repulsive attitudes? You clearly are just waiting for a real tough guy to crack some of your teeth, maybe that's just your path to learning respect.
>he can outdirect any arthouse director working today
You said it.
>the lmao of desperation
Spielberg could make the Walker series, but Tsai could never make the Fabelmans.
As the guy you’re talking about, reading this post saddens me because I genuinely enjoy posting here. Otherwise I would’ve fucked off long ago.
First decent pick in awhile. Already seen it, and already got a ton of horror shit to watch, so won’t be rewatching or adding new thoughts on it. But it’s recommended and worth a watch, worth a masturbation session too
I shudder imagining both
What’s with the Film Twitter basic bitch takes invading /film/ today? The director you’re all arguing about is fucking off topic anyway-stop it
We're all classic and arthouse here.
>The director you’re all arguing about is fucking off topic anyway-stop it
You're trying to fit in too hard. Back to whatever trannycord or subreddit you crawled in from.
Add these words to your filter list if you hope to save /film/:

Overnalyzing mainstream slop is an arthouse staple, going all way the back to the Cahiers and Hitchcock (and more recently the vulgar auteurism bullshit)
>You're trying to fit in too hard
If I wanted to do that I would’ve just called you a retarded faggot, which you are, so yeah. But your dumbfuck technique mastery discussion is definitely more suited to shitheads in Film Twitter, sounds like you need to leave instead of me.
Just add every director for completionism sake
Reddit-brained post
Unprecedentedly based.
And Truey on some hot nigga
Like I talk to Shyste when I shot niggas
Like you seen him twirl then he drop, nigga
And we keep them 9 millis on my block, nigga
De Palma isn’t one word, dumbass.
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What did I do between the last list and now to make you mad?
Add both just to be safe
You probably just posted her. That’s it.
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Cumgeniusly speaking, this is óptimo cine.
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Where the fuck is Cumgenus?
It's not that serious mr. tough guy.
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>Numerous times I lie in bed at night and imagine the cruellest torture. I imagine the most miserable ruining of that person's life. After that, I can fall asleep with a smile on my face. As long as it stays in the realm of imagination, the crueller the better - that's healthy. I'd like to recommend it to you all as well. I hope my films can help in any small way to help your imagination become at least a little bit crueller.
Just don't post Farmiga and we'll remain friends.
Wait, are you a fellow Pedrinho by any chance?
It is for me.
No, but equally as latino.
Too bad for you then, going through life being insulted at every corner by harmless words.
rolling for a movie to watch. 0 is viewer's choice
The southern hemisphere is cursed, we'll all burn to death.
Do you only watch asian films?
Well, I do what I can to change the situation; I give respect, and I demand respect.
Your posts of Kinski bait the Gadonfag which leads to a flame war that lasts for 100 replies
i am studying filmmaking and frankly this is a load of shit. either something/someone is in the frame or they aren't, there is no strategic placing of items unless you're intentionally hiding a macguffin or a person.
It’s finally time to format the entire drive
It's based, with the animals and the food and the women. I like it, I'm not a sudaca hater, but that might be because my country is pretty damn decent. I just think I'm also more optimistic than the average person, too.
Lil bro be like: I will only watch asian films. Indian cinema? EWWWW. Iranian cinema? YUCK. Give me japanese, southkorean and a sprinkle of hongkonese cinema. Inject that shit into my veins
Did you watch The Lover yet?
Kek Kek Kek
i suggest you watch a mel brooks film instead
Just watch the Kimchi Duck
Ed Wood films are kino

no but I'm reading a book on korean cinema so I'm trying to watch a large cross section of their films
You misinterpret playful name calling as disrespect. You're no fun.
meant for >>204608451
Are you uruguayan?
Real shit. And on the off chance they'll watch any other type of Asian cinema it's ALWAYS Kiarostami and the Apu trilogy and nothing else
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I watched Seconds (1966)
nta but this is fucking 4chan where people call each other faggot and nigger as both an insult and a term of endearment. sperg/autist is now part of that binary lingo too. if you can't understand that fuck off back to your sub.
Watch Park Kwang-Su's films, especially Jeon Tae-Il.
I'd rather be no fun than racist, annoying, narcissistic and insulting for "fun".
That's your choice, mr. no fun tough guy, but it's the wrong choice, enjoy picking a fight with someone irl over nothing and getting your head bashed in.

Well, I got my likes and dislikes, and I can sense the intentions of people even through text.
I never pick fights.
>No Bae Young Kyun

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Fuck Truffaut. /film/ is the new Cahier de Cinema
>three films a day and three books a week
unless he's able to read 300 pages in one day that shit ain't happening lol
Honestly, bôa mogs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCyfgSw3ups
what race are you?
There are 100 page books, easily achievable to read 3 books (or even more) with short books. I used to read like 3 novels a week in Uni, long novels too (300-400 pages)
Latino, but white. Too much race obsession in here lmao, like the third time I say this today.
100 pages is a short novel
that's cheating
>I can sense the intentions of people even through text
Bullshit, you wouldn't have gotten mad at me calling you an "autist" if that were the case.
no such thing as cheating, there are lots amazing works of literature in the form of short novels
it's cheating because he didn't specify short novels
I guess, I still "feel" like I sense people's intentions really well, though sometimes it might be a mistake idk

Nah, I'm from Costa Rica.
I told you to format the drive
Three TikTok reels a day, three /film/ threads a week and a non-stop binaural beats album would be enough to make me happy to the day I die.
Good. I liked it, what did you think?
and i told him to pick a mel brooks film and i got the roll >>204608580
so he has to skip his nip fetish and stick with the jews for tonight
Costa Rica looks nice, do you know of any /film/ from there to rec us?
Ok? That’s like saying the films he’s watching are 2 minute shorts and the records he’s listening to are singles. Who gives a fuck then?
HOLD UP, you are Latinx and NOT racist? Something does not compute, you people are literally the most racist.
Young Frankenstein and Spaceballs are some of the funniest films ever made
>you people are literally the most racist.
Factually untrue.
He is an outstanding director but I just don’t find the subjects of his films (action or thriller) all that entertaining anymore, not as an older adult. His non-action stuff is solid
you guys literally have a saying 'mejorar la raza' that your entire people live by lmao
>His non-action stuff is solid
Yeah it’s solid. A solid log of shit.
Also. its LATINX not Latin(0)
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Everything sucks, but the best film (very, very good) that I've seen from here was Salaryman, by Allegra Pacheco. Other than that, you might like Tengo sueños eléctricos (one of my friends acted in that joint), but there's some elements in it that only people from Costa Rica will truly "get".
it's pronounced lat in ecks dee
One drop rule doesn't exist here, miscigenation has been an accepted thing for centuries, we never a kkk, we never had jim crow laws etc.
>Even costa ricans are weebs
Goddman. But thanks, will look for both.
you seem to misunderstand I use the last digit of my post number to pick the movie since there are 9. If it's 0 I can pick whichever
bruh when the whites came to slaughter your brown population, you were all like, YEAH COME ON IN, and fuck our women too. You guys are cucks and now years later you think you guys are honorary Europeans so you act like stuck up bastards.

Is it like Disney XD but for spicks?
Are costa ricans just dumber mexicans?
>bruh when the whites came to slaughter your brown population
Retard, i'm not some mexican indio, you're really showing your american stupidity with this comment.
I bet your grandma practiced 'mejorar la raza' every day getting her pussy filled by these colonial niggas, and you over here trying to deny you guys are racist lol, nah man, you Latinx fuckers are trippin.
I wasn't invested in the discussion desu, and 300 page novels are not like shorts or singles.

There are racist people in here, but unironically, at least in Costa Rica, they are a minority and are usually social rejects that are shunned by society. People usually feel like being racist is retarded because the population in Costa Rica is highly ethnically heterogeneous; you can meet asians, latinos, europeans and blacks living in the city without any conflict in reality, and people know about colonialism and therefore instinctively reject racism because, what's the point? We all have black blood, white and euro blood in here, and also native american (indigenous), so being racist would be like self-hatred. That said, there are very stupid people that even larp as being german and stuff like that to try and feel superior to others, but they are a really, really small community of outcasts.

That's not present in all of Latin America. When I went to México people were saying to me "¡Hola hermano de Costa Rica!" every time that I mentioned that I was from CR. The phrase means "Greetings, Costarican brother". Same thing with colombians, etc.
Still latino
When Trump deports all you Latinx mufuckas back to Mexico and Costa Rica lets see how much longer that brotherly love lasts lmao.
Lots of weebs in CR, movie is not really weeb based, though, more of a documentary about japanese work culture and karōshi.
>years later you think you guys are honorary Europeans so you act like stuck up bastards
Only argentinos do this
Dude, it's pointless, americans only know fourth generation mexican-americans and think they represent and speak for the entirety of Latin America. Look at the retarded replies the guy was giving me.
still LatinX*
I can't help that :(
don't wimp out because you're terminally ill with yellow fever, enjoy your jewish kino
We're very different, I actually think that I got along better with mexicans than with ticos (costa ricans).
My grandmother was the daughter of portuguese and italian immigrants in the early 20th century, her husband was the son of portuguese immigrants.
>Only argentinos do this
nah, I was ricing a white Argie girl several years ago, she wasn't racist. desu I blame the Mexicans the most, but you all the color of poopoo on this side of the border.
I've already seen every Mel Brooks
>costa rican anon
>argentinian anon
>like 5 brazilian anons

/film/ is a LATINO general
Oh yeah, we Rollin tonite
Then you ain't even LatinX you dumb fucking WOP.
Always been.
>/film/ is a LATINX* general
See how fucking retarded you americans are.
lol, I just had to mention my ethnicity to cause a massive flame war plus /pol/ raid. Never change /film/
>Dude, it's pointless, americans only know fourth generation mexican-americans and think they represent and speak for the entirety of Latin America.
Maybe the most retarded of them.
>Look at the retarded replies the guy was giving me.
I think he was rage baiting you. Might be a CIA bot
we still beat your nations into submission tho
still latino
still LatinX*
too bad, watch one again.
Yo, I lived with spicks for 6 years, trust me, I know you people for who you really are.
All you know is force.
There's also a mexican dude.
all you know is spreading your legs to the white man.
>I know you people for who you really are.
Tell me who I am.
More than one couting cumgenius
Allies of /film/ and cinema:
>lil bros
>conceptual haneke

Enemies of /film/ and cinema:
Cumgenus is a spaniard.
No, he's another Mexican. He doxxed himself years ago.
He? Isn't she trans?
You too.
you can do better than that Pablito
nta, but your comment was funny considering you supposedly are from a 'white country'. Just facts and logic ;)
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He's talking about you /film/
I told you nigga, I lived with spicks for 6 years, I am not speaking as an outsider.
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>posts about the thread in question are off topic
Janniefags have lost their fucking minds.
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She should have roundhouse kicked her head instead of sheepily agreeing
do normies really think this? grim if true
Did I drive away all the Mexicans?
I can’t guarantee that.
Mega anyone?
Imma bake
Here's a remux, if someone cares for it https://kickasstorrents.to/fascination-1979-2160p-uhd-bluray-remux-dv-hdr-hevc-dts-hd-ma-1-0-bluranium-t5872925.html
Got a mega?
What digit gets you to format the drive?
Are you for real nigga?
>rich nigga
It's a remux, don't know what you expected. I will watch 52GB of movies in these days to be able to see Rollin the way God intended
The human eye can't see past 8gb
Honestly, 52gbs for Fascination isn't worth it. I really really like the movie, but if I'm sacking 52 gigs of space for an 80 minute movie it needs to be a 35mm scan and not a bluray remaster.
thspbp (three hundred sixth post best post)
I fucking hope so. I can't stand them married to a mexican btw
You download, watch, then delete.

Are you mexican?
I enjoy fucking latinas, but of course the downside is having to interact with the rest of their family and community.
>Are you mexican?
no. white(ish)
>You download, watch, then delete.
for a 52gb file? really nigga? that shit never feels good to me, if I am committing to downloading something that big I like to keep it as part of my collection. But I also have like 2 multi TB hard drives that are filled up.
God gives bread to the one who lacks teeth.
the fuck you on about nigga
it's a latino aphorism
>that shit never feels good to me
We're beyond feelings here.

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