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Positive policy to protect the public health, or another step on the path to Global Sweden™?
When I watched the camrip of Joker's Rape there would be a "SMOKING KILLS" popup in the corner any time someone had a cigarette on screen, which was most of the movie.
Is this a thing in some countries?
I know Euros get the gore pictures on their cartons.
smokers stink like shit and look miserable irl
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yet the UN does nothing to protect the children from the pedophiles who rule us, I wonder why
Yeah the entire impetus for the UN campaigning against lolisho art is to distract people from actual child traffickers and abuse who run every single government institution in the world
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We already had a movie about this topic starring Harvey Dent
>Anti-smoking antagonists spend the movies montage editing movies to replace the cigarettes with bananas and sosuch
Even their blues helmets raped kids
yes, they should also have warnings for woke bullshit and alphabet agenda
smoking>troons and sugar
You just know that ciggie companies secrectly put up a lot of dosh for many movies and shows probably the entire budget for some.
Hhmm like some kind of rating system to indicate if it's alright for kids to watch.
What a great idea thats been already implemented since the 60s that dumb fuck neglectful Karen's refuse to spend even a second looking at
>dumb fuck neglectful Karen's refuse to spend even a second looking at
Because it doesn't matter and there's no such thing as inappropriate content
except for rap music
on screen smoking seems like a much greater risk to ex-smokers than kids
The demonisation of smoking lol
>Stop stimulating your brain goy!
Films with on-screen lgbt+ should carry warnings to protect children - Common Sense.
Holy Based.
Reminder that drinking alcohol is 100x worse on your health than smoking.
>this poison is less bad for you
What kind of children entertainment from this century feature's people smoking?
No it doesn't lol. Cigarrettes are literally cancers on a stick
Friendly reminder that Sweden rejected mass lockdowns. What say you to that my freedomburger loving friend?
>muh movies
Parents who smoke usually have kids who smoke.
Who are the retards who come up with this shit?
[citation needed]
Burgers love being oppressed and have been begging for it over 20 years now. Politicians learned that if you just say something appealing, that's enough to trick people.
The Patriot Act is a prime example.
So why drag the Swedes into it? They used to have a top tier bikini team back in the day
Is just camrip distributor. Slotslight must have been outbid by SMOKING KILL
>This is what consumers of their own coffins nails actually believe
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>Friendly reminder that Sweden rejected mass lockdowns
Only temporarily at the start of the pandemic.
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Warnings that you'll look fucking cool.
They got to King Carl? Those sonsabitches
The entire Indian subcontinent and all of its inhabitants is a health hazard to the entire fucking world and the UN is worried about fucking smoking in movies?

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