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>have a diverse case in the 90s and 00s
>nobody gets mad
>have a diverse cast in the 2010s and especially the 2020s
>people lose their fucking minds
what went wrong?
Diverse casting is done now for explicitly anti white reasons.
also inb4
>b-but things back then were good!!!111
kys. people get mad now before ever even watching the shows/movies
We slid.
Out of all of those shows, the only one that I recall having a race baiting episode was DS9 with the scifi magazine episode. Outside of that, black characters were basically white people with dark skin.
>give me a view before complaining about this thing that we loudly advertise will be in it
Nah, no views for you.
it also had that vic fontaine one where sisko acted like a giant weenie about the entire thing and everyone just told him to stop being such a downer
see >>204611393
people judge these shows and get mad about it before even seeing any episode. also ds9 had a bunch of episodes touching on modern day racism, sexism, etc

he also hated the rat pack singer because it gives a false sense of how society was back then
Shit tier b8
its not the cast its the plot
>basically white people with dark skin.
define how a white person acts
Fun episode. I don't know why people complain about it. Sisko realizes he was wrong and puts aside his pride for his friend.

He just wanted some historical accuracy in his historical entertainment. What's the difference between Sisko and us here on /tv/ when we complain about historical inaccuracies in our film and television?
see >>204611393
None of them are trying to talk about the issues of the writers. Star Trek is set in the 24th century, therefore the characters don't bitch about 21st century politics.
>Suburban family in the 21st century
>Complains about the bubonic plague and the privileges of the clerics
>the characters don't bitch about 21st century politics.
Identity politics, to be more specific.
>Quark plays an annoying jew
what did they mean by that?
In the vast majority of these kind of mixed casts there was still a white male lead or secondary lead.
Again, just the one episode out of a combined... what? Four hundred?
However, anything Trek related since 2015...
And species mixing was less taboo than racemixing
It was the same back then, just less on the nose.
Civilized, something brownoids haven't evolved to yet
>nutrek apologist thread
NuTrek is dying and the shills are mad
Because the order of operations is fucked and makes for shitty movies and TV shows.

>90s and 00s
>We have a bunch of interesting characters
>Cool, we need diversity so make one of them black

>10s and 20s
>We have a bunch of diverse people
>Cool, figure out how to make them characters, and make one gay
>his real name is Armin Shimerman
Anon, I …
>just less on the nose
what wierd take in a thread featuring startrek and other 90s sci fi shows with a milllion episode where the lesson at the end of the episode was some progressive talking point about how diversity is good and racist is bad and fascism is evil and blah blah blah

in babylon 5 the main cast is literally a bunch of anti fascist rebels who literally call the bad guys "fascists"

in enterprise theres literally an entire two- parter where the villain is a crazy ethno nationalist who captures two of the characters baby and threatens to kill everyone as part of some giant terrorist plot to end race mixing

how does it get more on the nose than that exactly?
Tried rewatching Sliders and it was just lefty propaganda in heavy doses it was so weird. Every episode has the cast forming a guerilla unit of freedom fighters to fight the establishment. They even get so wrapped up in it that they'll periodically decide and fight to the death on reality #3385294965 instead of sliding.
It staggers me that the window has shifted so far that some would call Star Trek conservative. It has pushed the envelope of progressivism since its inception. Ffs the first interracial kiss on network tv was Kirk and Uhura (and yes I’m jealous, prime Uhura a cute). The pendulum always overshoots
>can you tell me more about your genitals?
>It staggers me that the window has shifted so far that some would call Star Trek conservative

i mean, the people doing that are just stupid. there isnt a single thing modern progressives push for that startrek didnt already push for, from transgenderism to race mixing
diverse used to mean some aliens and a black guy
now its all fags and dykes. they are not the same
They didn't rub your fucking nose in it as much when they had diverse casts in the 90s and early 00s. It'd come up, but it wasn't a 24/7 thing.
it was fine before long nosed individuals and barren old hags decided to browbeat everyone en masse in to agreeing with their politics. also the thing where they have no problem race swapping a white character but freak out if someone does race swapped fanart of a black character on twitter. also never shutting the fuck up about george floyd
>They didn't rub your fucking nose in it as much

aah yes, "Sisko has a mental break down because of racism", an episode called "Storm Front" where the nazis are the bad guys, "terrorists want to blow up earth to stop race mixing" etc etc
these were all good shows except for voyager don't @ me it's been a long time getting from there to here
I want to say social media and pandering to the most vocal element has a lot to do with the shit we get foisted on us now
Weird how a show can do something as milquetoast and inoffensive as "Nazis are bad" and yet people will always come crawling out of the woodwork to shout "THIS IS AN ATTACK ON ME!"
because the modern cast of characters are written to be insufferable. the characters from the 90s and 00s had something going for them. if the writers didn't, they end up like Mayweather from Enterprise who's basically a glorified extra.
You’re on to something. Like when I think of Levar Burton as Geordi, the fact that he’s black is less relevant to his character than that the character is blind. The focus has shifted
Because they were characters first and their race/culture second. Well, for the most part, Sisko and especially Chakotay had some shit moments.
People moaned about PC culture and diversity in the 90s too.
I believed we’ve solved it gentlemen. Now if only we could pass this knowledge onto Hollywood writers somehow. Bulletin boards at some LA synagogues?
DS9 sucks. Why do only use that one for your example?
every Chakotay episode was literally just Akoocheemoya ad nauseum. Probably one of the reasons why most of the episodes in the end became focused on Seven of Nine because the characters, outside of Janeway, were thinly written.
In addition to the actor not giving a fuck they botched his character from day one. He let not one but two spies infiltrate his super-secret Maquis cell, including the chick he was shagging. That and the whole notion of feather Indians persisting into the 24th century is goofy on multiple levels
>the end of the episode was some progressive talking point about how diversity is good and racist is bad and fascism is evil and blah blah blah
Babylon 5 has an episode that shows that religious freedom must be respected, even if it involves not doing a life saving medical procedure.
We are not the same.
It's done with malicious intent now. And the ethnic character is always humiliating white characters
>Sisko has a mental breakdown because of racism
1 episode out of 176

Nothing's wrong. Viewers and Trekkies have embraced the diversity of Star Trek, especially in New Trek. Ignore the ranting of racist incels bleating to each other on the one social media site that hasn't banned them.
Who's this nappy headed sheboon?
Ratings/sub renewals say otherwise.
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> Ratings/sub renewals say otherwise!!!

81 million Paramount+ subscribers, and -- this.
There's a difference and you know it
I like that Avery Brooks shut down this kissing his ass for being the first black captain and said the character was more than his race.
Which you have a few black actors, coaches in sports, and other things who feels like that trivializes their work because it's ignoring the other aspects of what they do by zeroing in on race.
Nigger fatigue
Why was Discovery cancelled if it was so popular?

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