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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Dogme 95 edition

>/film/ charts

>/film/ literature

Previous >>204602079
Today was the first day of the film festival I am attending. Last year was comfy, it was all white and asian volunteers, and was professional. This year I enter the venue and see a bunch of black volunteers. Okay, fine, whatever, I’ll just hand my ticket to someone else.
Go into the screening rom. The screening I went to today was being introduced by one of those angry looking sheboons. it walks up to the front and could not even start speaking without whipping out her phone and reading her introduction off her phone, which literally was the name of the movie, the film festival, and the amount of days it will be held for. That was it. Angry fucking sheboon stumbled through the notes that were on her phone, then wiped that stupid scowl off her face and started nervously laughing and smiling. Paused for a minute, then finished the introduction and left. No one clapped (which is usual custom after intros) no one said anything. It was baffling, literally a retard could have done a better job introducing the film. Every day is a struggle not to hate niggres and their angry smug faces that waver the moment the moment they are intellectually challenged and then you see the stupid smile on their face and try to remind yourself that they are only here because their ancestors were slaves, and it just takes every ounce of strenght not let these niggres ruin my comfy film festival.
The greatest director of the 21st century
People are complaining on twitter I took too long asking my question to Carax at the Q&A and pissed everyone off :( I just wanted to make sure he knew Pierre ou Les ambiguites is finally finding an audience & good reviews given his late wife and mother of his kids is in it + it got trashed at the time
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Marchioness of /film/
We're all latinos here.
still latino
Just came from work, movie for this feel?
still latinX*
wheres Tsaifag?
I'll work where he's working!
AIDS finally got him.
died by spam

damn R I P
why is it so slow all a sudden
What film festival? I'm also attending a festival that started today.
Recommended /film/ filter list:

French New Wave
Agnes Varda
Sarah Gadon
Tsai Ming-Liang
Sion Sono
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Alien Quadrilogy is /film/
Lol, was that you?
Is there a way of watching Sachi Hamano movies? Preferably not her porn stuff.
This thread feels off.
just watch Bakky videos
dogme was such a based movement. why haven't people tried it now? We have very cheap cameras that can do this, even the new iphones could film something similar
yeah its because I bullied all the spicks off the thread while drinking a box of Yoohoo cholocate milk, and now they're too busy crying to waifufag.
Yeah I'm getting some bad vibes too.
Spam finally killed it, good. Take something mildly funny then beat it into the ground ad nauseam for weeks, well done
that post is 6 years old you absolute friendless loser.
Cursed. Might have to sit this one out
this is getting out of hand
How about neither?
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>No Kinski or Beineix
Um yeah, I'm thinking we're back
I’m surprised at the lack of waifus outside of Gadon.
Holy kino.
I asked the 2nd question, about Pola X:
How badly did I drop my spaghetti? Is it over? Should I kill myself?
Kek, based.
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Akshully, no one likes reviled legal dogfucker and Israel supporter Sarah Golem.
Fuck yeah.
Ban kinskifag.
Ban gadonfag.
also the harperfag for having such abominable tastes
>Israel supporter
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Still upset I see.
Gadonfag fell off
Can we talk about Targets now
Lame lame fucking lame movie brought down by the Boris Karloff/ Bogdanovich/ chink bitch scenes. If it were only the Tim O’Kelly scenes it would have been 10/10.
Check out her "aryan" husbando. Also fair warning, gadonfag got so mindbroken that he posted his tiny pecker.
You're so dumb it hurts.
You are so lame it hurts. No one goes to a spree killer movie to watch Boris Karloff bitch that he is too old to star in movies any more.
That's a very weird pinga or just cucked by the camera angle.
It provides a juxtaposition between the old fashioned karloff horror with the modern horror, between the old fashioned haunted house horror and the urban violence, between film violence and real violence. Without the Karloff stuff the film wouldn't have the same effect, it wouldn't make the same points.
I can't, I'm brooding while listening to depressive metalcore (Unbroken), and thinking of watching Cowboy Bebop.
>it wouldn't make the same points.
Exactly. It'd just be a movie. Wouldn't have the same impact at all, probably wouldn't even be as remembered. And it'd definitely be less good. Not surprised Roger Ebert had the same dumbass opinion as that anon.
1. 2001: A Space Odyssey
2. The Shining
3. Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
4. Barry Lyndon
5. Paths of Glory
6. A Clockwork Orange
7. Eyes Wide Shut
8. Spartacus
9. Full Metal Jacket
10. Lolita
11. Killer's Kiss
12. The Killing
13. Fear and Desire
QRD on the chink bitch?
EWS criminally low. Best asses presented on Kubrick's catalogue are there, I like the redhead prostitute.
Cowboy Bebop is so fucking overrated, half the episodes are boring as fuck.
Space Dandy mogs it, even Champloo is better.
This is pointless. I have been ranking Kubrick since 2009 and every year the positions are always changing.
1. Eyes Wide Shut
2. Barry Lyndon
3. 2001
4. Clockwork Orange
5. Shining
6. The Killing
7. Full Metal Jacket

Don't remember Paths of Glory or Dr. Strangelove enough to rank them as i only watched each once as a teenager, and i didn't watch the others.
Idk, never seen it, think I'd rather watch Bakemonogatari atm
EWS is one of Kubrick's worst. Shit movie.
>Eyes Wide Shut
It is his most /film/ film the amount of film craft he uses in that film rivals the scope of Alfred Hitchcock's greatest works. The problem with Eyes Wide Shut is that Kubrick is not Lynchean enough. Mulholland Drive destroyed that film. EWS lacks in lyrical, poetic vibes.

>Barry Lyndon
Everyone knows that this is his best movie at this stage. It is a fully realized cinematic world on screen that has never been surpassed. Even films that were inspired by Barry Lyndon were great (The Duellists, and Tess). The film has successfully adapted the literary into the cinematic. Kubrick's slow, psychedelic style he developed creates evocative mise-en-scene in the context of a costume drama.

Ok fine I'll bite, this is my 2024 revision, but it'll probably change by next year.

1. 2001
2. Dr. Strangelove
=3. Full Metal Jacket
=3. Barry Lyndon
=3. Eyes Wide Shut
6. Lolita
7. The Killing
8. A Clockwork Orange
9. Paths of Glory
=10. Spartacus
=10. Killers Kiss
12. Fear and Desire
Ties aren't allowed.
No one is going to complain about having 2001 as his best movie, but I feel he did not entirely put the anamorphic frame to use in the best way. Everything is static. A Clockwork Orange is the first film that he achieved total cinematic mastery.
says who? those gay ass niggas at See and Hear can do it.
Says me, the president of late night /film/.

Pleb take.
business idea: /film/ starts Dogme 24
Dogma fell off
Art collectives are lame. Also,
>Adhering by a strict specific set of rules
Gay beyond imagination.
>dogme was such a based movement
>>dogme was such a bad movement

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I feel that Yorgos Lanthimos took the best of Dogme and applied it to cinematic formalism.
Aiiieee don't yell at me
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The subplot of the film is that she is in a relationship with Bogdanovich’s character but he doesn’t like her very much and talks down to her and she is leaving the country to England with Karloff who she is into for some reason and flirts with throughout the picture. It takes up like half the movie’s runtime and doesn’t add anything to the other plot of the movie which is about a spree killer going nuts in a movie theater.
nah that nigga you worships movies look like some dumb woman's beige ass instagram account
wow I always knew Bogdonavich was weak, but he is looking from a C tier filmmaker to a D tier filmmaker.
That is the artistic explanation post-hoc. The real explanation is that Bogdanovich had license to use film clips from The Terror (1963) and he needed a way to blend the Karloff scenes from that old b movie into the new movie plot somehow and he came up with some lame idea that Karloff’s character is an old guy experiencing existential crisis. The movie didn’t do it for me.
Terayama green
Lanthimos beige
Roger Ebert hits the mark for once.
how can someone fuck up a mass shooting movie so bad, someone should have shot Bogdonavich on set and rid the world of his stupidity.
Based collection, I also like that greek nigga's work. Idk why, but Emma Stone's face on Poor Things really gets me diamonds.
Lemonade out of lemons.
Fuck you samefag, that pleb should trade all his Yorgoslop for a file of John the Violent.
May I suggest the far superior The Sniper (1952).
Terayama purple.
I've downloaded that, i think you're the one who recommended it to me after i praised Losey's M.
>The Sniper (1952).
got a mega?
It could have been anyone because the Sniper has turned up occasionally on TCM’s noir alley the past few years.
It is because she is both dolled up and stupid/submissive to her man. You got to keep her away from other women so they can't teach her about feminism.
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so you got it or not you FAT BABY BACK BITCH
>It is because she is both dolled up and stupid/submissive to her man.
You might be onto something, I'm usually into very sexually submissive (yet proactive) women.
>You got to keep her away from other women so they can't teach her about feminism.
Seems wrong, I'm not against feminism. I'm not a kidnapper bro (yet)

This fucking image is one of the funniest things I've seen posted on /film/ lol
Got a torrent from ThePirateBay.
>You might be onto something, I'm usually into very sexually submissive (yet proactive) women.
you mean you don't like your women fat black and covered in tattoos with a bone in their nose.

Thanks for the polite reply, but I think you may be placing too much emphasis on pure camera work. Clockwork Orange was done on a budget and runs long. It's not just camera work, but the overall completed film.


That's the whole fun of the discussion. In consensus, death.


Which one? There were lots.


Lolita too high, it's a bit dull really. Likewise The Killing. At least Clockwork Orange is interesting.


No, that's just contrarian revisionism. Barry Lyndon really does drag in spots. Very pretty though.
can you make a mega please?
Not right now.
when can you do it?
Nigga its on tubi if you want to watch it right now
got a link?
Is that anon disabled or something? Maybe he lost his hands from sepsis and posts via speech to text. Lynchian, Cronenbergian even.
How tf he gonna click the link? Or the play button?
I know there is enough technology for blind or otherwise disabled people to use the internet via voice commands. They can also get 4chan shitposts read to them by apps and so on. Hey disabled anon, if you're hearing this we love you here at /film/ classics and arthouse and waifus.
with restrictions you can be forced to make something creative. using only camcorders with no tripod and only real world sets made for cheaper productions and more intimate real scenes
no I am just black, autistic, and esl, sorry please be patient with me.
>Terayama green
>Terayama purple

Thanks doc
Please help me to watch the Eight Halves, I must see this masterpiece
Soon, very soon. Keep refreshing and look for it
ok refreshing now
Here it is:
The catch is that I’ve changed 2 letters and 3 numbers, it’s up to you to figure it out. You can do it, have fun!
Got it on the first try!
Good to hear! I’ll make it a little more challenging next time ;)
the fuck was that. holy fuck you fucking retard
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>“Begin the operations of the gas chambers, gas schools, gas universities, gas libraries, gas museums, gas dance halls and gas whore houses...”
Barry Lyndon is ruined by the actor who plays Barry, he cannot act and has the charisma of a wet rag
I like fat women, I like black women, I like women with septum piercings yes, very much indeed. I also like asians, whites, latinas, tattooed...

>Which one? There were lots.
The one that was "hooked" on morphine
I only watched TKOASD and thought it was shit, really predictable. I think his other movies must be shit too based on that movie
Jav is wild
Favorite is really good.
Poor Things is pretty good.
Kinds of Kindness is pretty enjoyable.
Lobster is crappy.
Ryan O’Neal? Watch love story and get back to me, chief.
ryan was an amazing actor
Ruan as in Ruan Lingyu? Or did you misspell Ryan as in Ryan O’Neal?
every thread lately is worst than the last
be the chang you wanna se in the world
whachu upto righ nough peeps?
ayyyy come on guy dont be so pissy, what if i told you shit is all fake come on guyyyy
Ostlund is Yorgos without any of the pretentiousness.
Don't care about Ostlnd. you got anything to eat?
I was switching between /film/ and javving out so shit got all mixed but I came and now my cum smells like really foul. Like a pungent sort of gun punch type smell. yuck.
any text to voice
no i mean voice to text nig uhs up in here?
ohhhhh sayyyy ycannnn youuu seeeeeeee
where yall at
hollar at me fr fr
I assume all this above is a samefag, holy shit. I'm really failing as the president of late night /film/ by allowing this nonsense.
niga night doh ledum bayd bughs bigh
Almost forgot my new gimmick, good night /film/.
I want to dream of her when I sleep /film/. Why can't I ever dream of her?
Are you the 33 year old guy in love with the girl from Uzumaki?
Good night man, I'm off to sleep.
Night Kinskibro.
That cartoon is perverse and creepy. I watch it but only cause I am a loser with too much time on my hands. It is really gross.
Some girl in second year uni that I saw in a humanities class. Never talked to her or know her name or anything.
Yes. But longer hair. She was Asian too. I'm starting to think she wasn't real or else I would have dreamt of her in 13 years. My brain just doesn't have a recording of her face.
We're all losers with too much time on our hands here.
You guys are cool. I also dream of girls from school from fifteen years ago.
Can't understand shit.
All my exes are either engaged, married, or divorced.
Real shit.
I've been one for over a decade now.
easy there
Quiet hours now…real nice n comfy…
You've let us all down, Harperbro.
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Good riddance coalburner
That coalburner has spammed over 150 threads with his coalburner...
A blight upon /tv/
Could be worse, at least he isn't spamming nasty jewlover Sarah Gadon.
doing god's work
For me it was when he posted his fat ass hand.
I bought some artwork for one million
Two years later, that shit worth two million
Few years later, that shit worth eight million
I can't wait to give this shit to my children
Thank you. We call out coalburner spammer whenever he spams his coalburner.
I appreciate the anon that recommended this, but I absolutely hated it. And it only captured the aesthetic I was looking for for about 10 minutes.
Wtf is that?
Sweet Movie. Couldn't find a quality poster.

I was looking for movies tonally and visually similar to 60s Scopitones.
A cutie I want to lick clean.
I was asleep. Thanks for thinking about me.
Oh ok, i'm aware of Sweet Movie.
keep cryin lil Timmy
He's a waifuspam faggot who wants to make this place similar to his trannycord.

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