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>This was considered a realistic couple in the 1990's
They were on a break!
Who mogs?
why would ross be with a gentile
She had shixappeal
Shiksa gf is an essential edgy Jew accessory.
to dab on the goyim
57 year old here, and it was realistic:

>grow up in the same neighborhood
>go to the same schools
>she’s his sister’s friend
>meet up several years later
>begin dating, get married, etc.

That is in fact how we did it back then.
Jennifer. She makes David look like a skinny Jewish turtle just peaking his head out for the first time in a decade to take a family picture.
Rachel was Jewish you retards
The Joker got raped
>jennifer aniston isn't jewish
>her most known character she played is
i didn't know
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>rachel green(e)
>from Long Island
>nose job in high school
>dad is obviously a Jewish doctor
>supposed to marry a Jewish dentist
>calls her grandma “bubbe’
It’s all there
why is ross not properly jewish?
His maternal grandmother is a goy
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These are considered realistic couples in 2024.
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Holiday Armadillo? Jewbros?
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Obviously Rachel.

And to make things even more complicated:
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A curious trend
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Times you acted like Ross?
One must simply differentiate between his real life kikery and the kikery of his characters. He’s an actor after all
Many eligible paleontologists in the '90s
They're pretty well looksmatched. The simple fact that Jennifer isn't obese elevates her appearance by about 3 points by today's standards, but in the 90s a non-obese woman wasn't as rare as it is today.
If this were today, she'd be 30 pounds heavier and dating a ripped 9/10 Chad, and Ross would either be an incel or dating one of those Oompa Loompa proportioned women with tattoos and that weird puckerlips + dead eyes face.
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this is considered a realistic couple in the 2020s
he's tall and not bald, that's all it takes
Imagine how much pussy this guy got thrown at him after this went viral.
My boss ate my sandwich at work the other day so I killed him.
I forgot to mention at the end of my post but I am transgender (mtf) btw
More like a jewish wish fulfillment couple, which is the most common type of couple in Hollywood.

See: Every Woody Allen and Adam Sandler movie ever.
Are you shitting me? David Schwimmer wasn't even in peak Aniston's sport let alone her league let alone looksmatching her. You're high.
Seth Rogan movies also fall within the "Hebrew bangs a blonde" genre.
If you really think about it or were there for the 90s it was, at least looks wise. Of course Ross was a retarded pussy but that was infinitely more forgivable then as well.
ross was a professor, had his own place, and had a decent personality. yall need to realize women dont care about looks as much as men do. this is true in the 90s and is true now.
All the Must See TV shows had ugly guys with hot wives. See also Mad About You.
Facially she's a bit above average, same for David. You're just so used to absolutely ogrish fat women that anything which doesn't look like a walking pile of excrement is an automatic 9/10.
Why would she go out with a guy that has a two foot tall head?
> she's a bit above average, same for David

you legit have brainrot if you think this.
>slightly above average
so he's not actually Jewish and just pretending? wtf, is this allowed, Jew bros? sounds like cultural appropriation desu.
>black guys aren't aggressively grinding or outright raping
More like Rachel Greenback
Monica>Ursula>Phoebe>powergap> Janice > Rachael
What a peculiar thing to say.
dumbass genestealer showing off her prey to the world before securing a wedding ring
Monica = Rachel > Phoebe > Janice
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The way this board manages to make everything about jews is astonishing.
He is /tv/. Nobody here in teevee watches teevee.
I never bring them up, but the Jews do manage to force/insert themselves into literally every part of show business, they're way overrepresented in tv/film.
American jews are mostly regular white people. Only difference is they celebrate hanukkah instead of christmas.
This guy won the lottery of life
>Total Chad looks
>From these short clips, seems like a well adjusted personality
>Loving and adoring kawaii Asian gf
Quite Friedlandian
Honestly, I would a Janice.
>give it up for the "Ben Stiller's Dick is Small" Dancers!
God I would Jennifer Aniston still sp bad
Armadillo's are bubonic plague carriers. Jews spread the Black Death.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we got 'em.
Lisa Kudrow is the only one I would in 2024 because she's the only one that looks like she aged naturally. Also frankly I find her particular GILF phenotype insanely hot anyway.
Damn Courtney Cox hit a wall, true

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