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>yeah he's just doing 99% computer beep bops at random and his entire catalogue gets mogged by one Vitalic song, but occasionally Richard James makes a heckin' quirky music video, he's a true artistic genius!
Those music vids were fun, but fuck me if Aphex Twin isn't overrated
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Aphex Twin is great. This will give you an even deeper appreciation for Richard's genius:

I can't listen to any of his albums in whole.
Vitalic is king
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>Dude, did you know if you get this one album and feed some of the random screeching a 'Twin album consists of into some computer gobbledegook, it makes a spook chungus image of a creepy man?
>Richard James totally didn't rip this off from Nine Inch Nails doing the same thing earlier!

I don't know who Vitalic is, and I don't care to know.

Actually I was aware of the Windowlicker thing (I've run it in software), and not your alleged NIN thing. Please feel free to specify the NIN one, I'm not asking google, I'm asking you.
I listen to his ambient because it's the best anyone's ever made, simple as.
Aphex Twin is just Steve Reich for hipsters with no taste in music
>be British technocrat
>cry about tea biscuits and shit
"Goon Gumpas"
No Pussyfooting is the best ambient album ever made
You do not understand electronic music if you think that, or you are in your 'I must dislike popular musicians because now I am a big boy' hipster phase. Selected Ambient Works and the Analord series are some of the finest electronic music that will be produced in our lifetimes, perhaps ever. Of course, to the mind of a contrarian this statement will only push you further away, but it's no loss.
Aphex Twin doesn't make his own videos, you idiot
The video the kid made was much better.
Richard winked at me at a concert.

That's all I've got.
>he named his album anal lord

Eww. Ick
I prefer trance
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I used to work nights for a couple of years. I would drive home around 3 in the morning across my small, empty, night time town illuminated only with the street lamps and traffic lights. Listening to Alberto Balsalm while driving and feeling that strange high you get when your sleepy put pushing yourself to stay awake was levels of comfy I rarely experience anymore.
I don't get how Britain manages to produce so many fantastic musicians, what's the secret sauce?
good culture of music education, same reason why they produce so many talented actors
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Go post on /mu/ you fags.
/tv/ would unironically be a better place for music discussion than /mu/ these days.
alien Romulus
Did you start making music?

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