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>entire movie is dedicated to ridiculing Arthur
>he gets bullied, forced to kiss other men, laughed at with no retribution, graped and even killed at the end of it all
>his first time losing his v-card to someone he loves ends in 5 seconds as he prematurely ejaculates, to which lady gaga looks at him disappointed
>during the court scene, he gets emasculated by his neighbor who just outright calls him a virgin and someone who has never had a girlfriend in his life
>finally get ass fucked the moment he decides to be something in life besides a mewling victim and in need of a strong lawyer (woman btw)

Does it get more on the nose than this? I've never seen more contempt put against a movie character and his main audience before lmaoo. I think only Attack on Titan comes close, and even that I don't think was intentional like this was
You know it's not like the character was a Chad in the first movie.
>I've never seen more contempt put against a movie character and his main audience before lmaoo
I like how the director said this isn't the case and he already explained what the movie was about in interviews, but low-IQ redditors keep on repeating this meme.
he was defined and found a purpose by the end of it, and then the sequel stripped him. They don't even explain how he got arrested again despite being surrounded by hundreds of fanatics
His purpose seems to just be murdering people.
well, he left a trail by being on tv and killing people he knew. also the second one takes place 4 years later. nobody knows what happened those four years butt Todd
he said it's reducing toxic male influence first (rape is toxic, no?), then he toned down the antagonism.
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The filmmakers could have made him a chad in the sequel to inspire young men around the world to better themselves.
He's an insane murderer stuck in either a mental institution or a prison.
How do you become a Chad in those circumstances?
Yeah but the first movie kinda set up this idea that Joker and other villains would start to appear.

Joker 2 is really just an excuse for Warner Music to oblige Lady Gaga in some kind movie contract. It's why that Velma show got a second season and then immediately cancelled, becusee of contracts.
>breaks out
>is found by his followers
>starts a criminal gang
>turf war against the Italian mafia
>wins because he's crazier
they even bait you that maybe something is going to happen with the courthouse being blown up only for him to be unceremoniously caught off camera and returned to prison
I really take issue with people trying to somehow connect this character to some other character who's more like the Joker from comics when it's so obvious that they can't possibly be the same.
>a crazy man fucked over by life can't turn his life around and become a feared crime boss

El Chapo is 5'6, illiterate and got regularly beaten as a kid
I didn't see Joker 1 as like an actual Joker at all, but it told a fine enough story. Joker 2 just seems like WB pushed it and Tood and Phoenix figured they'd at least get paid so they did but only if they could push it even farther away from capeshit and made it a le musical to cover up that theyre making a forced sequel.



I thought the idea was to replace him, the male Joker with Gaga who will be a female Joker. She is more like a Joker than like Harley Queen.
And they clearly made these shots to be iconic meme material like the ones from the first movie.
The dance on the stairs shot, the closing elevator door shot, the menacing subway walk shot, etc. Except all the similar Gaga shots have failed to become memes lmao.
Show me the article where he said that. You got fooled by a fake article pic bro.
yeah its no secret the movie is an anti-chud film its peak TDS film making.
It doesnt even make sense because joker is liked by more tranny leftards than chuds
the movie paints her as a manipulative shallow liar though, doesnt make it good and maybe youre right about the promotional material. but the movie didnt paint her that way, doesnt stop it from being shit
The first movie was trying to make a point about the kind of person who is created by a sick society. It even had some sympathy for the person, realistically portraying his attempts to get help from many different angles, and being completely ignored until he transgressed.

Joker 2 seems to be about why the society was right all along, and the only mistake made in the first film was not locking him up when he started asking for help.

They both work as a kind of epic social tragedy, but one is mean spirited and doesn't work by itself. If they make a trilogy that is again sickly triumphant in showing the Joker being Joker, that could legitimize the whole thing.
>imbecile doesn't understand the genius behind this movie portraying social injustice and thinks it was made to "own the chuds"
The whole point of this movie is that there is no justice, no karma, no greater good. People who are already down, whether it be due to poverty, illness both physically and mentally, or other unfortunate circumstance, will simply continue to get trodden upon by everyone around them. There is no solidarity among whites, everyone pretends to be a temporarily embarrassed millionaire and will step on the heads of his peers the moment opportunity arises. He is the mirror of realism to Batman, who was left orphaned as a child yet mysteriously managed to become one of the world's richest people, who claims moral superiority because one bad thing once happened to him while he lives surrounded by unimaginable luxury.
Maybe James Gunn's notes had an effect on this movie or maybe Todd Philips did this on purpose because he didn't want to make a sequel in the first place and knew the fans wouldn't like it. Either way WB loses money and I am happy about that.
>The first movie was trying to make a point
That is the mistake of the chuds who idealize the first movie.
The first movie was a cheap ripoff of Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy, some nice cinematography, competently made, with some good acting. And they leaked a part of the script, the one with the studio scene, as a smart marketing move, immediately making it seem deeper than it really was. The only reason it was such a surprise hit is because the Hollywood movie landscape overall is bleak for the male audience. The film is okay, but I wouldn't call it a masterpiece.
The second one is dedicated to humiliation and dismantling of the Joker as a popular image, because they accidentally made him an icon for all kinds of dissatisfied men, just like he is in the movies, so meta. And they also made the woman look more like a genuine "cool rebel character" than the male who is just a sad pathetic loser, a very feminist take.
All this talk about Chuds. I hate to be the barer of bad news, but all the Chuds happen to be woke fat ugly incel men and some of them incels even identify as women just to score with ugly feminist women who dress like men. It's truly bizarre, but that's how desperate they/them are.
Chuds and wokesters both refuse to understand the first film. They think it can't possibly be sympathetic to a character without saying they were in the right. The only real flaw they ever want to examine is 'bad person', and if they decide the character has this they can interpret everything else they do through this lense. Even if it's obvious that they were good but then turned bad, everything they did before has to be interpreted as proof they were always bad.

The main problem I had with Joker is that it didn't go far enough. It should have divided the wokesters on whether the Joker deserved sympathy, and they tried a little bit by having his victims be people the wokesters would normally dislike (up until the final act).
They would've made it when 4chan was going through the Humiliation ritual fad, it could've thrown off the writer.
>uuuh the director said that this isn't the case in an interview where he wanted to push people to watch the movie, so it must be true
>It wasn't the real joker
I hate this retard take because the director tried to damage control at how bad the movie is. He IS the Joker. He always was and he always will be. There isn't just one definitive joker in comics or media. Also yeah, Im pretty sure they were going to do the unimaginative thing of replacing Joker with Harley, because that's what woke Hollywood likes to do.
>Make Batwoman/Batgirl but make her black
>Ironman has to be a black girl
>Black Panther should be a girl
>Thor should be a girl
>Like Skywalker should be a girl
>Captain America has to be black
Etc etc, it's such a trope now that they fucked the point of a real sequel, and it's obvious that 1. There was never meant to be a sequel or 2. The sequel would have been about a dangerous Gotham City filled with anti social people.

But no, they went with the most pathetic route, forced it into a pathetic musical, forced Lady Gaga who is fucking ugly and a washed up, all under modern Zazlav dying Warner Bros.
>Batman, who was left orphaned as a child yet mysteriously
His family ancestry literally founded Gotham City depending on what canon you're going for.
It would still work fine as a second act in a three act story.

It's an origin story, and it's a tragedy. It has to be explicable why the Joker is both able to get accomplices and henchmen for years or decades down the line, and also why people are scared shitless of what he might do. And it also has to be explicable why the Joker is the kind of person who'd keep trying all kinds of different weird antisocial things, he might be a clown gangster this story, a serial killer the next story, an idealistic terrorist, a merry prankster, etc etc, and what kind of mindset would make him do that (he wants the Gotham audience to react in some way he can't predict).

The third film should be completely triumphant for the Joker, while making him seem even more pathetic than ever. He has to win, he has to get away with it, and it has to make him look like the worst person imaginable.
I felt that way when I watched the first one in 2019. Joker is the anthesis to Batman, he lives the fuck with Batman. Was Arthur Joker ever going to be a crime boss? no. Was he going to be ebin chaos man Joker? no, Maybe inspire goons to do that shit but thats not the Joker either.
Joker doesnt meet or fight Batman ever. Well this isnt Joker then and DC must be insane.
>Was Arthur Joker ever going to be a crime boss? no. Was he going to be ebin chaos man Joker? no,

He could do it as an act. People would remember he got famous as this loser who went nuts on TV, so they wouldn't believe it, but other people would remember that he 'stuck it to the man' that one time and they'd want it to work.

The same way he tried to make a mockery of the court in Joker 2, he'd make a mockery of being a crime boss or an ebin chaos man. It would even work out for a while, but when it all went to shit he'd just move on and not give a fuck.
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Arthur Fleck isn't the real Joker. He meets the real Joker (the Heath Ledger Joker) in the 2nd one.
Yeah. He would have had that celebrity status he wanted. He would probably commit more crimes because now he's on TV which is what he always wanted. Joker doesn't have to fight Batman all the time. Joker can even fight other villains, because technically there is no retarded thing like a League of Supervillains.
You guys are so fucking stupid.
It was very one note, just like the first one but the first one rewarded your patience with a payoff and felt like it had some purpose. Joker 2 is one note with no payoff and no purpose.

I really hated the score too which was literally one note and just continued throughout
No one "forced" him to kiss that man. He did it anyway.
>Attack on Titan

I guess you really do have to be an anti-social incel retard to get angry at seeing the genocidal psycho breaking down.
>The whole point of this movie is that there is no justice

fucking this.

How thick are people on 4chan? It's depressing precisely because it shows us that the "loser" often doesn't get a redemption or in this case 'villain' arc where he comes out on top. Arthurs Joker larp is something he cannot maintain, people like him when he's "alpha" Joker but when the short guy comes to court he breaks and reveals his vulnerability and gives Lady Gaga the "ick": If anything the movie is too realistic in the psychological sense.
he was doing fine until he got the joker raped out of him

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