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>I have to come to claim the right of Prima Nocta
>Prima Nocta
me on the top
Not a real thing
No, it's a movie
I suppose.
>Prima Nocta
Why are historians obsessed with proving it never happened? They always deny it and get really weird about it
>noooo!!!! impregnating virgins is bad actually!!!
Also, people didn't stop bathing regularly till the 15th century.
midwit historians call anything that isn't legally documented a "myth" as if lords would leave official written evidence about raping their subjects
They wouldn't have an official word for it then, would they?
Also, it would upset the Church
i'm starting to doubt mel gibson is even scottish
the catholic church was just another arm of the nobility filled with the younger sons and homosexuals
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>people in positions of power would never sexually abuse people below them, it's a myth!
Protestants are fucking evil.
That's got NOTHING on fucking blood libel, which actually fucking happened
>let me make sure all my bodyguards and soldiers hate me for sleeping with their wives, that will guarantee my long and safe reign
Not that nobles raping commoners weren't a thing, just that it wasnt institutionalized with the local lord coming in and declaring it like a law.

You'd probably pay a prostitute or rape someone out in a field, not get the peasents all hot and bothered by publicly cuckage at a wedding ceremony.
>just that it wasnt institutionalized with the local lord coming in and declaring it like a law.
oh, nobody claims that, but the droit de seigneur meme could well come from real cases of nobles raping married peasants
Who the hell cares? You pseudo historical scholar are some of the most annoying people
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>throws fags out the window

Why am I supposed to hate him again?
This was the most retarded thing in the movie. Almost ruined it for me. People watched Braveheart and actually thought this was a thing that happened.
>People watched Braveheart and actually thought this was a thing that happened.
is it really so far fetched? The British fucking hated the Scotts
scots are british
lol, tell that to the next Scott you see
I doubt you actually care
the right of prima hawk tuah

spit on that thang
I have a Scottish friend and he doesn't mind being called British
I dunno, but there is something really weird about there being a written law in a Christian Kingdom where a man can fuck your wife before you do because he is of a higher station.
The English almost certainly raped Scottish women because it's standard practice of an invading army, and Longshanks probably ordered his men to do it because he was a brutal bastard

they literally voted to remain British
nobody said anything about a written code of law, just the general practice of nobles sleeping with commoners
You are a liar.
your mother sucks black cock
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>He expelled my tribe from England, so, yes, you must hate him, silly goy!
If it's not written down anywhere how do you know it happened?
masculine intuition
Of course nobles fucked commoners. What they didn't do was take time out of their day to ride to a wedding and interrupt the proceedings to announce to the guests and local priest that he gets to fuck the bride before the groom does.
you can't prove that never happened
yes yes very funny
It still astounds me how much that movie got wrong. Everything from the people to the dates to the equipment. You have to actually put forth effort to be that wrong. The Scottish campaign in AoE2 does a better job.
Everyone here but me is retarded
historical accuracy is overrated and makes for boring cinema
It astounds me people still think this movie was based on historical facts and not the myth
>you cant prove that never happened
Graham Hancock has entered the chat
I wish it were.
Are you a 13th century British noble?
I remember that godawful statue that got thrown up after this film got released. William Wallace was not a kilt-wearing tribal he was a Scottish nobleman.
movie was pretty fucking good though
Because it's an anglo thing
Same reason why they obsess over burning down the church scene in the Patriot
Yeah we killed bilions of people worldwide but that one time we didn't actually burned down the church
Fucking red coats
Who lost the war?
Was it the british or Americans?
Who fucking lost all the colonies?
Red coats are the biggest losers ever
Which language you speakin lad?
Would you consider the romans victors in the 1600s?
I wish I was.
I still consider the Romans to have been a great success. Literally the greatest empire of all time. How many Americans could point to it on a map, I wonder

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