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>3 episodes in
>easter island, south america and peru had same civilization
>because they all had... walls

Should I just drop it or does it get better?
Sounds like you've fallen victim to the Big Archeology. Educate yourself retard.

You learn more from watching the Graham debunk videos.
Which mainstream archeologists do you hate the most?

For me? It's that bitch Dr. Alice Roberts.
When is this clown going to explain why there weren't any potatoes, tomatoes and corn in Europe until the 16th century, if there was a highly advance culture during the palaeolithic like he claims, surely there would have been crop domestication and animal husbandry.
fuck off, mr. dibble
on joe rogan he said they took the knowledge of crop domestication but none of the crops.
I mean some of the stuff that is covered is fact and interesting. Just ignore his speculations. Also why is Keanu such a goober?
Do you have any preferred ones? Some of his arguments are pretty compelling.
Connecting the geometric shapes in the Amazon with the geometric period of Greece is so fucking stupid that it’s honestly mind boggling. The people who watch this garbage don’t know anything about history, and don’t actually HAVE an interest in history
>Some of his arguments are pretty compelling
Literally which
Did he also explain why? Does he have proof?
Massive earthworks with clear lunar and solar alignments.
lol no but they did bring up the fact that you can tell the different between domesticated and wild seeds, and in the new world long before humans were thought to have gotten there, there are traces of domesticated seeds. he said the people migrated there were fleeing an apocalyptic event so maybe there wasn't time to grab non processed grains. no evidence and nothing but ideas, as you'd expect
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>Oh, hey Graham
ok? the entire world sees the sun and moon and live a few years and you'll notice the pattern of season and sun movements, why not build a big calendar
I like how he forgets that before the Industrial Revolution, half the stars now visible at night were visible during the day
But there are earthworks all across the world with relations to lunar and solar alignments, going all the way back to a possible hunter-gatherer lunar calendar in Scotland from 8000BC, or even further in some rock cave paintings. It’s not a very compelling argument for an advanced civilisation in the Americas lol
Personally, I just like watching academia seethe.
>and in the new world long before humans were thought to have gotten there, there are traces of domesticated seeds
Did he provide dates, or was he referring to the Clovis culture?
If you are redpilled on antediluvian civilization, then you should watch this:

>half the stars now visible at night were visible during the day
i dont believe you

Potholer54 is my favorite.

It sounds like you’re dealing with an inferiority complex problem. Tbf at least you’re more self-aware than the average Hancock viewer, who has an inferiority complex but also aren’t even aware that they’re pathetic
sounds like a problem i hope you get help for.
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>all classical cultures had similar astrological signs that persist to this very day
>cyclopean architecture and pillowing has no better explanation than "copper tools" and "some kind of geopolymer, shut up and stop asking"
>Cuban pyramids ignored entirely
>function of Giza pyramids still a mystery, no mummy/burial chamber has ever been found in any pyramid ever
>Baltic Sea anomaly does not exist, stop asking, NATO wargames, fuck you
>Sphynx aimed at Leo, clear evidence of water erosion
>Smithsonian has "mislocated" 99% of their archaeological and anthropological finds, if you call and ask about some bones they recovered, they say "lol i dunno"
>Bureau of Indian Affairs mysteriously gains jurisdiction over any and all burial mounds discovered in the Americas
>Grand Canyon is 100% off limits to everyone and everything, even drone exploration
>Zahi Hawass violently prevents any investigation of Giza plateau with modern technology
>Peruvian government violently prevents any investigation of Coricancha with modern technology


Yeah. Sure.
Thanks anon, very interesting.
>function of Giza pyramids still a mystery, no mummy/burial chamber has ever been found in any pyramid ever
Haven't they literally found funerary texts and sarcophagi in them?
Trust the science, chud.
You can easily find answers to all of those claims, since most of them are lies.
Don't stop asking questions, just stop believing in lies.
They have.
>Did he also explain why
the answer is simple, an advanced civilization, comparable to ours today, would not do that to prevent ecological contamination and preserve local ecosystems and diversity
Those are later additions by the Egyptian squatters
If that civilization was comparable to ours, where's all the vestiges of their presence?
Also, there are proof of environmental modification by hunter gatherers during the palaeolithic.
Really? Even the "written" evidence of who built the pyramids?
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>all of your claims have been deboonked, chud
>um, well, i left all those deboonks on my other laptop
>so you'll have to take my word for it
Yes. And the same "written" sources acknowledge a timeline similar to Graham's, but Egyptologists discard the early timeline as mythological
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You literally said that no burial chamber has ever been found in any pyramid ever, when we have a literal tombstone in the pyramid of Giza. Everything you said is just complete retardation
Could you have made a post that was dripping with more reddit than this?
His ideas are fresh to people who haven't studied what he's talking about (tiny % of people)
There are scholars (not shown on his show) that will argue all his points.
His show isn't peer reviewed and should be thought of as entertainment along with Ancient Aliens, Finding Bigfoot, etc.
Was there a mummy in it? Yes or no?
You know what? Fuck you. Fuck all of these stupid /pol/tards that can't open a fucking book.

I'm done. I'm so done with this board.
You are aware that Egypt was plagued by grave robbers, even in the very early dynasties, yes? There is a reason that they relocated to the more remote Valley of Kings. Even then, every single tomb in the Valley of Kings had already been robbed by even the early modern period, with the exception of 1 (which may also have been partially disturbed). Does the fact that most tombs in the Valley of Kings are empty mean that it wasn’t a funeral complex? That’s your logic
Academics like the ones who say you can be born into the wrong gender? Go ahead and mindlessly defend them troon.
Yes. Or. No. Bitch.
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Graham is my Neil Degrasse. No I will not fact check.
Sorry, but if we are going to hold Graham to the standards of strict, scientific peer reviewed evidence and dismiss any claim that doesn't meet that criteria, then mainstream academia needs to be held to the same standard.

"Grave robbers probably did it" isn't evidence. It's educated guess work. Has a mummy ever been found in a burial tomb in a pyramid, yes or no?
>No mummy after 5000 years of being the most prominent landmark in the region (and at large), through periods rife with grave robbing, and sharing the fact of an empty grave with almost every single other similar tomb in the Valley of Kings and elsewhere = it wasn’t ever a tomb
lolmao. now you started memeing and acting retarded to mask the fact you’re actually fucking retarded, but I know that deep down you know you’re fucking stupid man

>muh trooons
you /pol/faggots actually cannot stop thinking about transvestites. you’re giving them more thought than 99% of people in academia ever has. fucking faggot
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So wait, are you saying...that they've never discovered a mummy in a pyramid?

Goodness, anon, it's almost as if...
>graverobbers did it
imagine being this braindead and not putting any guards in tombs to protect your most important graves of "beings" that were proclaimed to be gods descendants
I guess ancient egyptians were the biggest retards ever
I guess all they could do is to unga bunga stone slabs together to make bigger stone slabs
>wow such civilization
Do you know what inference is lol? There are very few pyramids in Egypt because they sort of realised that they’re basically just advertising the location of their grave goods, and they relocated their burials to the Valley of Kings, but even these were entirely emptied (with the exception, again, of one which only survived because it was accidentally further hidden under debris). The Egyptians themselves refer to the Valley of Kings as a funerary complex, but does the fact that we don’t find any burials there then mean that it wasn’t? We also know that the pyramids evolved from mastabas, in which we HAVE in fact found burials. If you exercise your brain just a little bit and have more than 70 IQ to work with, you should be able to put this one together
>you /pol/faggots actually cannot stop thinking about transvestites. you’re giving them more thought than 99% of people in academia ever has. fucking faggot
Trannies, covid, and muh socio-economic factors. Academia just can't stop taking massive L's. It really didn't need to be this way.
>Do you know what inference is lol?
So much this. Only accredited scientists from approved universities are allowed to make inferences.
>We also know that the pyramids evolved from mastabas
the Giza pyramids predate any mastaba
A lot of the time they appear to have been looted almost immediately after burial, and possibly by the succeeding pharao. You’re asking for the impossible here

Just like I said, you are going to start memeing to slowly withdraw without having to REALLY concede that you were wrong. It’s pretty pathetic but go ahead man
According to his interpretation maybe, those hieroglyphs only talk about the bronze age onwards.
You’re allowed to, too. The problem is that you’re working with an IQ of 70 so there isn’t really any interesting produced

Patently false. Mastabas we’re already built 600 years before the pyramids of Giza
>A lot of the time they appear to have been looted almost immediately after burial, and possibly by the succeeding pharao.
that is assumption though
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All we want to know is if an undisturbed mummy has ever been found in a pyramid.

You seem unwilling to say "yes" for whatever reason. It's a "yes" or "no" question, and you are free to say "no" and leave it at that. It's a matter of simple historical and acheaological fact. What's wrong with acknowledging the hard facts of evidence? I won't claim Atlantis exists if you say "yes".
>Finding Bigfoot
Did they ever found him?
They're about to. Tune in next time for Hunting Bigfoot, season 23, episode 17.
>mastabas were built in 11,600 B.C.E.
He's probably dead by now...
Frank dibbs buried this man alive
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Another Graham thread still no debunks just seething
Fuck you, I'm out.

Come to /his/ if you want an honest discussion with decent moderation.
That the subsequent pharaohs were involved part is an assumption and not 100% settled, but most tombs were in fact raided within their first 100 years https://web.archive.org/web/20120603165716/http://www.plu.edu/~ryandp/Observ2.html

Why do I need to give a yes or no answer? Is nuance completely lost on you? Do you think history is simple enough to be reduced to yes and no answers? But yes, they have found mummies in some pyramids, just not all of them. Sneferu, Neferefre, Reputnub and many other king and queen burials
All those graves were robbed, all important Egyptians were buried with their possessions, if not robbed immediately by common grave robbers, in 4000 plus years, all that gold and jewellery would definitely be taken by others like the Philistines, Greeks, or the Romans.
>pyramids were built 11000 bc
dangerously low IQ
Seriously just...fuck off. I blew a 100k scholarship on a history degree just to have idiotic NEETs ignore everything I have to say. Fuck you, and fuck this board.
No need to debunks anything when has no proof for any of his wild claims.
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I think you just realised you don't know anything without a youtube video
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>grahams wrong
>fuck off
nah it’s in swe and I make more than you in a year than you will in the next 10 slaving at your gas store clerk job. you can stop pretending to be me now

why are you taking it seriously lol. you’re either engaging in some sort of embarrassing theatre, or you’re genuinely so fucking low IQ that you didn’t even notice he’s obviously memeing
That's a pretty comprehensive debunk of Gobekli Tepe. Does he do one on the Inca walls and how they were constructed?

Unfortunately Potholer is not immune to cherry picking. I watched his supposed debunk of PCR testing and he completely skips cycle count which is central to the reliability of PCR testing. According to Kary Mullis, 'If you cycle it enough times you can find anything you want.' Kary had a long running feud with Fauci and took every opportunity to criticize him for his abuse of PCR testing and his unethical use of it.

>You’re allowed to, too. The problem is that you’re working with an IQ of 70 so there isn’t really any interesting produced
No, address the actual post instead of a non-answer. You've basically boiled this down to "inference is okay when we say it is, but it's not when we say it isn't, and the criteria is something something IQ"

Let's use an example. If copper tools are insufficient to serve as the back bone for what we consider "peak ancient Egypt" (which has been proven time and time again). Then am I allowed to make the legitimate inference that they had superior metallurgy than what is commonly believed? Or does inference have a prerequisite that it's labeled as a "schizo theory" unless others in academia with prestige, ego and financial interests at risk agree with me?

Ancient Egyptians, actually :^)
>No, address the actual post instead of a non-answer
Not a single point in my post about grave robberies in the Valley of Kings and the human finds in mastabas was addressed, so what exactly is it that you expect me to address in his post?

>Let's use an example. If copper tools are insufficient to serve as the back bone for what we consider "peak ancient Egypt" (which has been proven time and time again). Then am I allowed to make the legitimate inference that they had superior metallurgy than what is commonly believed?
You realise that the “peak” of ancient Egypt is well into the Bronze Age, yes?
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>can you pull up slide 840,723 please Jamie
>now you see those salt deposits on the far left there Joe?
>they say those originated from ancient Nephilim jizz stains
>this stuff ain't your typical smelling salts
Pass the USB
What purpose do I even have here? You don't believe the conventional record. You are aggressively anti-establishment. No account I give will be accepted by you.

Every explanation I give you will be handwaved away as "lmao the jews did it" so you know, fuck off. Eat shit. I hope you get herded into a concentration camp for retarded Republicans and /pol/tards. I don't care anymore.
Shes a biologist
you are self important and have useless degree
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>you've been to the Pyramids?
>but you've been to Giza?
>Oh dear...

Seriously what a patronizing old fuck
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the only person who is saying any of your rant is you in this thread
Before there were books or television or computers, people spent all day and all night staring at the sky.
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>All those graves were robbed,
Do you have evidence for this, or are you just inferring it?
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>before the Industrial Revolution, half the stars now visible at night were visible during the day
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Dibble Chads ww@?
I remember it well.
There was a link to a study in my post just above :)
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Was this ever explained by bog archeology?
>there are problems and holes in our current understanding of what are considered universal archaeological truths
>there are current dogmas and egos in academia that do not take kindly to their "truths" being questioned as they take it as an attack on their validity and education
>atlantis is real
>No, mummies have never been found in Pyramids
>But they were found in these other things that are distinctly NOT pyramids
>Bet you feel silly now, huh?
Nice try, but I am only interested in what you believe the criteria is for legitimate inference as opposed to "low IQ schizo inference". Give me a detailed list of prerequisites that dictates if an inference is good and likely true.

>You realise that the “peak” of ancient Egypt is well into the Bronze Age, yes?
It was just an example, but bronze was also insufficient for much of the work seen. Stop being obtuse and stop dancing around the questions.

To be clear, I am not even debating the point that grave robbers very well may have plundered the pyramids, I am only asking you to explain why mainstream archaeology is allowed to invoke "we have no evidence, but it's a fact", but if someone like Graham even DARES to pose alternatives (while never explicitly stating his views as a fact), it's considered crack pottery and requires the reddit army to march in the name of heckin' science?
I have been following Graham since about 2012 or so. His Netflix show is too late, YouTube and online libraries have spoiled us with esoteric knowledge about lost civilizations.
That show would have been fucking kino if it was made 20 or 30 years before the JRe and midwit explosion
How are they “distinctly not” pyramids? They were their precursors, and we have found many burials in mastabas as well. The structure then over time developed into full-fledged pyramids, starting with the Pyramid of Djoser which is literally just composed of several mastabas stacked on top of each other. If you can’t infer that pyramids were very probably also funerary complexes just based off of this alone, you’ve got a serious problem. It doesn’t really matter though. As I also said here >>204639824, we have found burials in plenty of pyramids, so at this point, I actually have no idea what argument it is you’re even trying to make

>bronze was inefficient for much of the work seen
Yeah? Source? What question am I even dancing around?
>why academia good but grifter making tv on fucking netflix for 70 IQ viewers good
Because if you had actually opened even a single paper on archeology in your life, you’d see that they are a lot more rigorous and provide a lot more evidence than Hancock has over the entire duration of his career
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Okay but uhhh..... Gobekli Tepe! There I win :^)
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Lawl. Anyway Graham bros I got to go but I want to say sorry to >>204640040 for >>204640102 because at least you have been posting cute apus, and sorry to >>204639492 for >>204639824 but sometimes it’s genuinely difficult to differentiate between questions of genuine curiosity, and some of these snaky leading people questions that conspiracy retards do because they’re afraid of seriously engaging with their own points. Seriously autistic so just get a little too angry and personal even over something as pointless and completely irrelevant to my life such as people having fun with wack conspiracies or whatever
>surely there would have been crop domestication and animal husbandry
Considering the actual historical look I would argue civilization specifically needs these two things to be considered one.
But the question stands, what exactly would the literally millions of people needed to keep this stuff hidden have to gain by hiding it?
Graham Hancock is so based. Brainwashed normies will never understand the pre-younger dryas era of humanity
>please teach me how to correct my wrongthink, masters! Reprogram me
>Connecting the geometric shapes in the Amazon with the geometric period of Greece is so fucking stupid that it’s honestly mind boggling.
How so? Please explain using your own words
Eat. Shit.

Fuck. Off.
>That's a pretty comprehensive debunk of Gobekli Tepe
Not really
what a shit thread
>How are they “distinctly not” pyramids?
By virtue of them not being pyramids and being categorized as mastabas? What are you even asking here? They are distinctly not pyramids by definition. You're now making two "inferences":

>1. Mastabas were "very probably" funery complexes and evolved into pyramids (even though mastabas were continued to be built), thus pyramids must have also had mummies in them
>2. My first point insists there must be mummies in pyramids, but there isn't, so it must be grave robbers

Yes I am playing devils advocate, but why shouldn't they be dismissed? They don't stand up to the exact same level of scrutiny that Hancock's theories face. The biggest and most frequent criticism he faces is that he has no scientific evidence by the very same establishment that frequently hand waves away important points with educated guesses, which is then propped up with "well, he may have technically made it up, but he is credentialed so it must be true enough".

No one is doubting the actual academic expertise of archaeologists (or Egyptologists specifically for this discussion) when there is EVIDENCE, but when you throw in egos, prestige and dogma, the almost rabid hypocrisy and vitriol from the establishment as a whole is ridiculous. You have still not explained why "inference" can be used as a convenient fall back for no evidence when suitable, but it's crack-pottery when it's not. I can guarantee if we lived in a timeline where Hancock was the first one to suggest "Mummies were buried in Pyramids but we don't see them because grave robbers stole them", he'd be laughed out of the room while being smeared as a retard because he had no evidence.
now now, mr. dibble, please try to remain calm.
Kek, all these fags mindbroken by the Dibb.
Zahi is just a massive cocksucker concerned about his own ego above anything else. The only conspiracy is how the fuck he's still in his position (didn't he get ousted once before)?
Dibble owns ya!!
Graham HanCock is my favorite pseudo-scientist.
Get Dibbled faggot
Yea, I'm thinking it's kino
The way he talked about it was as if these two civilisations reached the same technological stage/cultural stage around the same time, which completely ignores that the geometric period in Greece is literally in the middle of the post bronze age collapse dark age and a degeneration from the Mycenaean period. Like even ignoring that it’s chronologically off by some 500 years, it’s just such a nonsensical connection to make
>in your own words
Who else’s words would it be?
>>Grand Canyon is 100% off limits to everyone and everything, even drone exploration
that one really chaps my ass, I hate my country in this timeline. It used to be based as fuck to be an american. Now it’s like being a subject of Israeli interests.
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>dude what if white people wakanda was real and they had weed magic?
>fuck off retard
>By virtue of them not being pyramids and being categorized as mastabas
A pyramid is just any stack of rocks that take a rectangular shape. I’m trying to make you understand that the transition from mastaba burials to pyramid-proper burials is not that hard to conceive when 1 many mastabas took incredibly “standard” pyramid shapes, with sloped sides and 2 the very first pyramid was literally just several mastabas stacked on top of each other, and every new pyramid from then and on smoothened the sides. Now it’s time for you to exercise your brain and make an inference: these pyramid structures that housed literal rock-cut tombs, and which were erected by a people with a very developed afterlife, and for which we see a gradual development towards from an earlier structure that housed burials, are they themselves also burial places, or are they structures with uh unknown function?
The thing is, you don’t even have to actually make the connection yourself, because like I said, and which you seemed to gloss over, we have in fact found buried pharaohs in the pyramids so once again in just left wondering what the fuck is the point you’re even trying to make
I can't stand Grahams he sounds like a little bitch everytime he complains that people call out his pseudo science. I won't deny he does ask some interesting questions at times but it all goes to hell when he puts his fanfic theories as explanations. That basically gives people the ammo to discredit any questioning over the current theories.
Based old man rattlin' more jimmies than a trump victory. God I love to see glowies out in force. So many are just mocking too. That's how you know, nothing to contribute but insults, the true indicator of who is right
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>find people in wilderness
>they live under shelters, like roofs or tents
>people all over earth live under shelters
>this is only possible if aliens were involved
>OR if they were all part of an ancient fallen civilization that developed roof technology
>nothing else could explain that everyone all over the world were able to figure out how to put something above their heads to protect them from things above themselves like rain or the sun
but that's not wall. wait until you find out about... walls... but you're not ready for that yet
The reason they hate gobleki tepe is because acknowledging it denies the out of Africa theory and then they have to go into a whole different evolutionary theory
>gobleki tepe is because acknowledging it denies the out of Africa theory
how so?
That link doesn't actually prove the tombs were robbed. There is one single sentence where the author claims he found one tomb that was raided, but he simply states is as a matter of fact. There is no evidence, or even speculation, presented. Did you really just think because the link has .edu in it, that nobody was going to read it? You expected to just drop an .edu link and watch us all bow down to the accredited authority of it all?
Flint "faggot hands" dibble btfo
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right here
I understand the point you're making, but it's not what I am asking you. The irony of you condescendingly asking me to exercise my brain while not understanding the fundamental problem and refusing to answer my question multiple times now is a joke.

I've already explained this, but I'll try one more time. I've already told you I am playing devils advocate. I am not arguing ancient Egyptian archaeology specifically. For the purposes of this post, it doesn't matter what you or I think about Ancient Egypt. I am telling you that the fundamentals of how many inferences were made (and considered as established "facts") do not stand up to the same level of scrutiny faced by others outside of the academic community (like Hancock).

"It makes sense" is not evidence. "This is the most likely case" is not evidence. "It's easy to make the connection" is not evidence. "It's common sense" is not evidence. And normally this would be fine, as some level of inference and assumption has to be made since we don't have a literal time machine. What I am telling you is that this privilege of "inference" (most likely facts in lieu of hard evidence) is not afforded to those outside "the club". There are still very real holes in history that have little-to-no explanation, but anyone who tries to invoke the same privilege of inference to connect dots or make genuinely interesting suggestions are tarred and feathered as "low IQ schizo crackpots" as if they had suggested that Hulk Hogan projected his soul into the past by taking DMT and stole the mummies to practice wrestling on. Hancock has literally been banned from locations for merely probing the status quo. I am not saying you agree with them banning him, I am just making a point that this is obviously a 1-way street.

If your belief is that only those with academic credentials have the ability to make good inferences, then just say that. If that isn't the case, then what exactly is your contention?
why do you faggots keep bringing up aliens when graham hancock never fucking mentions them? it's obvious well poisoning, you shills are so fucking bad at this.
It's a simple redditor straw man. No up doots on this board so they have to get dopamine by pretending they're smarter than Hancock if he were in an alternate timeline where he hosted ancient aliens
gonna steal this one
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I just didn’t bother to go looking for a hundred sources for something I’m already familiar with but for which I don’t immediately have a convenient source at hand. You can also literally read about the Egyptians writing about it in THEIR time you dumbfuck

I just genuinely find your dilemma very uninteresting, and I don’t understand why you’re now making me waste breath on this shit based off anything I’ve said so far, and especially not so on a point other than standing on inference alone is also supported by actual burial finds lol. So no I don’t have a problem with inferences. Obviously. Nor do anyone actually in the field because, given that it isn’t a science, interference and interpretation are what it’s entirely built on. Hancock isn’t dismissed for making inferences on the wrong side of the fence, he’s dismissed because it’s not rigorous and simply doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Can you show me an actual paper where Graham presents his interpretations? He’s literally just a grifter making money off 70 IQ dumbfucks watching fucking Netflix. Again, bringing you to the attention of his completely inane leap between geometric shapes in the Amazon and those from the (dark age btw) geometric period of Greece. He is simply not a serious scholar lmao. I can think of plenty of other examples of “crackpot” science that nonetheless was presented with enough rigour and at least even the hint of evidence to warrant serious attention and dissection, like the paper on an airburst event over the bronze age Levant recently. Even Biblical nonsense like that is actually given attention, but Hancock’s garbage is simply somehow even weaker than that
why did this globe-spanning civilization keep all the plants and animals on their native continents
there was some pretty good stuff in the americas that werent brought over to europe until the post-colombus era
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No... No mummy was ever found.
this dude has a been an alternate history grifter for longer than most of you have been alive
its insane how triggered people get at the notion that human civilization could date back further than 10k BC. the parent civilization detail is only part of Hancock's theories but the fact that they lump his dating methods in with shit like ancient aliens shows a clear motive to shut him up
I don't think anyone in this thread could handle the truth
She's not an archaeologist but she is CUTE.
Flint dibble called him white supremacist for implying the olmec heads look different (african looking) than the natives and tried to associate him with imaginary nazis bullying him on twitter
"Hey, let's put guards inside of the sealed pyramids for thousands of years to prevent robbery"
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yes because unlike random 4chan basement dwellers they actually have years studying the subject and are subjected to professional criteria by others experts in the field
>this is le uninteresting and I don’t understand why you’re NOW making me waste breath on this shit based off anything I’ve said so far
That's because you were too much of a smooth brain to understand the simple point earlier, even after I explicitly told you that I was playing devils advocate. This is your fault, not mine.

You have made it very clear that you don't have issues with inference. You have not understood up until this point (and I'm still not sure that you do) that I have no problem with inference either, but I was just making a point that it is very much a case of "inference for me, but not for thee".

>Graham has not written a paper
Ok, so writing a paper is the prerequisite for making an inference, you've answered the question. This is fair, but on the other hand, do you truly believe a paper written by someone outside of the academic archaeological community would be given any level of seriousness? Hordes of unironic schizos submit papers so frequently that outsider input is basically ignored at this point across academia in general. Realistically, if someone like Graham wanted to make an actual academic impact, what course of action could he possibly take? The "crackpot" examples you're referring to that turned out to be valid, would I be correct in assuming that they came from within the academic community?

>He said silly things so everything else can be 100% dismissed
This is just approaching it in bad faith
maybe they weren't globalist faggots?
Did you wear the masks and get the covid vaccines, anon?
yes im so scared to die in two more weeks
Did you get covid?
if you are going to say something then say it instead being an obtuse retard
Hancock CHOSE to be on a series called "ancient aliens", for multiple seasons. He kinda lumped himself in there to be fair..
I'll say it. You're a retard.
Sorry, you misunderstand. You said you were scared to die in 2 more weeks, so I assumed you got the deadly pathogen known as COVID-19. Does that mean you're unvaccinated?
Means nothing coming from you the opposite actually
No im scared because doctor /pol/ told me the vax is killing people for the great reset
>No im scared because doctor /pol/ told me the vax is killing people for the great reset

Oh. So you didn't get Covid?
He mentioned the Vax and you immediallty start cope posting. Just accept you got a mystery bio soup injected into you because government science man told you to...no reason to get worked up....or is there
I took 3 boosters too be real how long do I have?
>Got duped by "trust the experts" and "trust in the science"
>"It was a good decision because I am straw manning you that you think nano-bots are in my blood stream and turning me into a tranny in 2 weeks!"

C'mon now
how did I get dupled exactly?
Quality of vessel needed to get viable material across? I don't understand peoples obsession with highly advanced, to me it just means 'better than we think of them'. It's on hancock for hyping things up anyway that it blows back on him.
>Trusted "the science"
>Got untested brew injected into you, not once, but 4 times
>At best, did literally nothing. Pfizer/Moderna/Whoever made a quick buck from you risking your health on experimental concoction.
>Get a health issue from it? Sorry, we have indemnity for the next 5 trillion years :^)

I'm unironically glad you're fine anon, but without getting too off-topic from the thread, the point was that "blindly trust the experts" in the context of academia is for retard cattle.
geometry went from ancient greko/roman civilisations to the Egyptians which became the intellectual hub of the world for a while
>see Pythagoras
I'm sure he's relating something to do with scans revealing pyramids in the Amazon to this dispersion of knowledge

why are you too retarded to connect these things

he's suggesting our depiction of the timeline COULD be but not necessarily IS wrong. It's fine to argue against but the more you denigrate other people without any reasonable line of thinking the more idiotic (YOU) seem
this lol, academia wouldn't seem so full of shit if they weren't so dishonest and disingenuous
for some reason I read every post in this thread and you were the first person to make me laugh
the ancient Egyptians didn't have potatoes because
>fuckin jews
I'm in tears
thanks anon
>pythagoras sailed west for a thousand years before linking up with amazon niggers and teaching them triangles
Wait till Graham and his truther fans realize that almost all archaeologists don't care at all about the Pyramids or Gobekli Tepe and would rather excavate a shell midden, an 18th century rubbish dump or do a petrographic analysis of South Indian tradewares
i love this stupid conspiracy shit. i hate how post 2016 all the conspiracies blended into the same stupid pot. I just wanna watch some weirdos who think aliens visited a billion years ago or there was a secret first civilization that disappeared magically or whatever the fuck
>Pythagoras taught Egyptians a bunch of shit
>a bunch of Egyptians travelled to the Amazon with triangles
Is what I would guess
Which would be fine but Hancock uses it as an excuse to smear the work of a legitimate academic discipline
Has the high IQ legitimate academic community considered not acting like brain dead high schoolers? That kind of thing usually goes a long way when trying to build rapport.
Give an example
The powers that be think ppl are suddenly gonna revolt if something like Atlantis was actually discovered. I could understand if it was somewhat modern, but I really dont get what hiding shit from the neolithic era would do to damage modern society. Most ppl already accept there was some great reset of human history so just come out and fucking say "Yes, there were primitive humans who were probably close to what we can accomplish today, wowzaa." Not Like gas prices and groceries go down
Hancock said on the Lex Friedman pod that if there was evidence for a cyclical global apocalypse people would panic and freak out and governments want to keep that under wraps.
Which is fucking stupid because climate change IS that global apocalypse and people don't give a fuck about that.
facts don't care about your feelings
Exactly, ppl are too fucking lazy and stupid to give a fuck what prehistoric humans did outside of the niche interests groups. If a global apocalypse did happen then what the fuck are WE supposed to do about it. The eggheads think we're suddenly gonna invent a super laser if we discover what the pyramids are for.
>Smear Graham has a crack pot
>Smear Graham as a racist
>Smear Graham as a pseudo-scientist
>Literally ban him from locations

Very few in the academic community have engaged him in good faith. Even Dibble has a history of calling Graham a racist. Ed Barnhart on Fridman is the rare exception. Said he found his theories interesting, and that there are things to be still explained, but respectfully disagreed and then moved on.

Agreed, so why is the academic community act like emotional women so consistently?
>Very few in the academic community have engaged him in good faith.
Because HE doesn't engage archaeology in good faith. He isn't an archaeologist, he knows nothing about archaeological practice, methods or theory. His theories are illogical and contradictory and that's what Ed Barnhart said and when archaeologists point that out, he tries to smear the discipline towards an audience that doesn't know any better.

"It looks like it" is not an archaeological argument.
>Grand Canyon is 100% off limits to everyone and everything, even drone exploration

So it's true, you can'r ride a donkey down in the canyon like on The Brady Bunch? Why is that?
climate change is made up bullshit as a pretense by jews to enslave you.
>Wait till Graham and his truther fans realize that almost all archaeologists don't care at all

Wait until nobody gives a shit what politically correct academics want or say.
>Because HE doesn't engage archaeology in good faith
I don't agree. But even giving you this... He is just a racist schizo then?
Which is obviously not true because people tend to regard those who have decades of experience in an academic discipline as being more knowledgeable than those with none whatsoever
He's just a grifter. The argument that indigenous peoples didn't have the knowledge or skills to make the things around them echoes old racist narratives from the colonial era. He does nothing to dispel those untruths.

I'll change my mind when Hancock states "yes, those browns were more technologically advanced than Europeans"
>The argument that indigenous peoples didn't have the knowledge or skills to make the things around them echoes old racist narratives from the colonial era.
>I'll change my mind when Hancock states "yes, those browns were more technologically advanced than Europeans"

I'm sorry - what? His whole shtick is literally "advanced civilization is much older than we think." and often concentrates his efforts around regions where the indigenous population is most certainly not white or ever was. If you're referring specifically to the "bearded men seeding civilization after the great flood" stories, he is just parroting the existing stories found in mythology and posits there may be some truth to it. Where exactly is the racism?
>His whole shtick is literally "advanced civilization is much older than we think." and often concentrates his efforts around regions where the indigenous population is most certainly not white or ever was
Why what? You're making the claim that he echoes "old racist narratives", and I am asking you to explain why you think that.
I already explained why. Why does he concentrate his efforts around regions where the population was indigenous?
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has he talked about starforts yet?
>single handedly tanks the reputation of his entire profession
>"It looks like it" is not an archaeological argument.

He's just allowing the viewer to draw their own conclusions. He's not saying for certain that blah did blah because etc. For example archaeologists say that they don't know how the pyramids were build and they refuse to consider theories that show exactly how they did it.
Is not "blindly trusting the experts" is choosing to trust the experts over sone dunning kruger literal whos with 0 knowledge
>He's just allowing the viewer to draw their own conclusions.
So he's not stating facts or providing evidence. In that case he should be explicitly stating that Ancient Apocalypse is fictional.
>they refuse to consider theories that show exactly how they did it.
They've considered them and found them to be infeasible or just plain wrong
tell me your schizo rant about what starforts were really for and all the different locations they are found anon i'm ready to riducule you
>I already explained why
You made a nebulous claim and then didn't elaborate. Give me an example of something Graham has said or heavily implied where it concerned an ancient non-white population, and said "they were too retarded to do this, by virtue of them not being white"
>he should be explicitly stating that Ancient Apocalypse is fictional.

Why? Do you think what he's discovering is fake?
What happened to Australia when Europeans brought their domesticated animals with them? What happens when we import foreign plants for decorations? What happens to hunter-gatherer when they are contacted by agricultural societies and their animals?
Yes, it's all been heavily debunked. If he's letting the audience draw their own conclusions then he isn't stating anything factual. It's fiction.
And yet you still got covid, and so did everyone you know - right?
The Pyramids for a start, why doesn't he just say "the ancient Egyptians were highly advanced and capable of developing higher technology on their own" instead of "uhhh they were given this technology by the nephilim but whoops they forgot how to make it"?
All this has taught me that it's very easy to trick ignorant people into thinking their ignorance is caused by things deliberately being hidden from then
You know vaccines don't stop you from getting a virus right?
You were there?
Ok, let's assume Graham 100% unequivocally and unironically believes that a race of giant beings known as the nephilim were instrumental in the construction of the great pyramids. Where is the racism? Is it racist to say modern day Africa was given electricity by the west, and wouldn't have had it otherwise?
I don't know much about this guy but I watched that podcast he did with the indiana jones reddit mod and I just remember he kept mentioning santa for some reason when he was talking about his theories and shit
Why can't you grasp that by attributing the achievements of Indigenous peoples to other, more technically advanced people you undermine their history? It's like when the French explorers rediscovered Angkor and said it must've been a city built by Alexander because the small brown Khmer couldn't have possibly built something so marvelous and advanced.
>You know vaccines don't stop you from getting a virus right?
Yeah, especially the ones that don't do anything :^)
wait what
then why did you get the vaccine?
>wastes 100k on a meme degree
>calls others stupid
Here, you dropped your crown Pharoah
"Undermining their achievements" is still ridiculously dramatic for parroting some loose mythology, but even so, undermining a civilizations achievements by way of mythological stories is just that. Even if Graham outright said "They were too fucking dumb, and the Nephilim had to do it all the work", it is by DEFINITION not racist unless he explicitly adds that the reason for them being dumb is because they are brown. Now, did Graham say that?
>is still ridiculously dramatic for parroting some loose mythology, but even so, undermining a civilizations achievements by way of mythological stories is just that
We all know he's saying more than that, stop downplaying this shit.
>it is by DEFINITION not racist unless he explicitly adds that the reason for them being dumb is because they are brown
>What is a dogwhistle
Why doesn't he question how Europeans were able to build Notre Dame with stone chisels?
i dropped it after s01e01
>the dirt that's under this dirt is much older than the top layers

ok.... so?
it's really offensive to me this show
i guess its true bros, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it...
This stuff is entertainment and it is important to not forget that. Hancock takes himself seriously but it would be better if he didn’t desu.
Scrubbed through. Not gonna watch it.
>by chance hit spot where he smugly goes on about how archaeologists don't find Graham's "work" offensive
>scrub on because I know what's coming
>find inevitable ATLANTIS RACIST REEEEEEEE section of the video
goblecky teppy
Notre Dame was completed in the XIV century, are you really a history major?
Moreover good ol' HancocKKK does question Mycenean, Sardinian and Roman finds.
And yet the Moai on Easter Island were created between the 13th-16th centuries and to Hancock they're ancient alien shit.
its crazy to call him a white supremacist, ive watched both seasons all the way and he practically worships ancient browns half the time, he never even implies that the original civilization was a white one
Ok, so when the fun topic of electricity-generating pyramids comes up, it's racist against white people? Western whites are the "inventors" of electricity, but oops, I guess the brown people (or nephilim?) beat us to the punch by 4000 years and undermines our contribution. It truly is the kali yuga... Or does it not fucking matter because it's extremely likely that it's pure mythology?

>Why doesn't he question how Europeans were able to build Notre Dame with stone chisels?
Because the Notre Dame isn't ancient?

>we all know what he REALLY means
>muh dog whistles!
>He's racist...because he just is!! OK!!??
This is why no one takes you "academic elite - trust the experts!" retards seriously. You lack the reflective capability to even catch yourself in your own basic biases at step 1 of a discussion, even when presented with some basic critical thinking exercises. Then, in the same breath, lecture people about how the "experts know best!". This goes back to my previous post about you pack of brainlets treating this with the social dynamic of high schoolers and then act completely gobsmacked that people might be listening to someone who doesn't casually throw around tired phrases such as "MUH RAYCISM" like a terminally online zombie.

I'll make this simple for you, so that your big brained IQ can digest it. When you equate "Hancock may or may not believe that a giant race of mythological beings assisted with the construction of the great pyramids, with "Hancock unironically believes that white people are superior. No he never said it, but just trust me bro" while simultaneously trying to maintain the aura of evidence-based intellectual integrity is beyond laughable. Gee, who will I listen to today? Guy talking about theorized ancient civilizations lost to time? Or the expert academic who can't even navigate their way out of everything being a racist dog whistle and a coin flips chance of pronouns in their twitter bio?
yea, by people with a technological level comparable to our late neolithic
fuck off with this reddit larp it's boring
Thanks for proving my point, racist.
So it's almost as if people came to the conclusion that some seeds give better crop and it's wise to propagate those seeds more than shit ones?
No way they could have just figured that out on their own
I am but Hancock isn't, he's a basedonions married to a negress
>You lack the reflective capability to even catch yourself in your own basic biases at step 1 of a discussion, even when presented with some basic critical thinking exercises.
>This goes back to my previous post about you pack of brainlets treating this with the social dynamic of high schoolers and then act completely gobsmacked that people might be listening to someone who doesn't casually throw around tired phrases such as "MUH RAYCISM" like a terminally online zombie.
Hancock screeches about academia constantly. You just like him because you're an anti-intellectual and think that academics are frauds. Which is fine but just be honest.
>"Hancock unironically believes that white people are superior. No he never said it, but just trust me bro
Because I never said he believed that white people were superior, it's just that he believes that brown people are inferior. Why does it need to be mythological giants instead of smart, hard working Egyptians? Because it doesn't sell books?
You can't screech about evidence-based intellectual integrity when Hancock has none, his shows are fiction. His books are fiction.
You may be eating those words in the coming years if the Montana Sage Wall ends up true
This is allowed on netflix cause it's BULLLLLLSHIT
take something legit and staple some idiot's take to it to make it look dumb
I think part of the reason he makes the academics foam at the mouth is that his basic premise completely undermines the foundation of their world view. That being...people were more advanced in the past and suffered a setback. If this turns out to be true, all of academia just looks like absolute clowns and will lose all credibly. This is what makes them seethe and why they go at him so hard. Its also hilarious that other disciplines can consider alternate perspectives and even change over time. The view on Dinosaurs, for example, has shifted A LOT in the past 75 years, yet you dont see those folks raging about like you do with archeologists and Hancock.
>Because I never said he believed that white people were superior, it's just that he believes that brown people are inferior.
Oh oops my mistake I guess that clears it all up then! Inferior is a relative term. Inferior to who, brainlet?
lmao the hyksos did it
Of course they fucking don't. If you are learning about ancient history from this show then you obviously have no interest in it. It seems to be designed for retards who want to feel intelligent, which is quite the lucrative market these days.
>what if white people wakanda was real
It was though, Plato literally wrote about it
>That being...people were more advanced in the past and suffered a setback. If this turns out to be true, all of academia just looks like absolute clowns and will lose all credibly.
It would actually change very little. The problem archaeologists have with Hancock is that he deliberately misrepresents the data, doesn't use archaeological methods or theory, and attacks the discipline for no reason. He promotes pseudo-science and the destruction of archaeological sites for no real gain.
>The view on Dinosaurs, for example, has shifted A LOT in the past 75 years, yet you dont see those folks raging about like you do with archeologists and Hancock.
Because dinosaurs and humans are so similar
>Inferior to who, brainlet?
The nephilim.
Yup. Gives off very bitter "I never wanted to go to a good university anyway" vibes.
It's nonsensical though, and besides, hauling big rocks around constitutes advanced tech?
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Graham Hancock is a White Supremacist.
>If you don't grow potatoes, you're not advanced.
Convergent homogeneity of cultures is tight, it should become one grey globally aged structure based on what is easiest to manage. Local tastes and traditions supplanted, culture is overrated.
>The nephilim
So just to be clear, you are a self-proclaimed academic making the assertion that Graham Hancock is a "racist" (a word meaning treating people negatively based on nothing more than their race/skin color), because he states there may or may not have been involvement of MYTHOLOGICAL BEINGS in the construction of the great pyramids... Ergo, he believes that the ancient Egyptians were too inferior to do it themselves, BECAUSE they are brown, despite never having said as such.

Have I got that correct?
>you vill eat ze local bugs and you will love zem
>you are a self-proclaimed academic
Never said that
>Ergo, he believes that the ancient Egyptians were too inferior to do it themselves, BECAUSE they are brown, despite never having said as such.
Yet the inference that his audience concludes is that it is, and he makes no attempt to argue against that. That's why letting his audience make their own conclusions means it should be classified as fiction.

This is a fucking pointless argument anyway, there's no need to regard Hancock with any seriousness. He'll never excavate or publish any evidence.
Archeology has a problem admitting that they dont know everything. Despite having proper methods, procedures etc. A lot of "facts" about things in the past are based on guesses. Good guesses, logical guesses, guesses based on evidence, but still guesses because we just werent there thousands of years ago. Look at how much conjecture there is about life in the 80s or 90s, even though people are still alive who were alive in that time period. Hancock for all his faults is pointing out that archeology doesn't know everything and might be incorrect about something...and they just cant handle it. Most other disciplines have to deal with some level of pseudo-science noise makers, but typically they just dismiss them rather than be so openly hostile
Mythological beings like Wally Wallington

>Archeology has a problem admitting that they dont know everything.
Source: my ass
>Hancock for all his faults is pointing out that archeology doesn't know everything and might be incorrect about something...and they just cant handle it.
No, he's saying that archaeologists deliberately obfuscate the truth. He's also not refuting anything archaeologists do with reasonable arguments and evidence, he just makes arguments that you can't falsify as fact.
>but typically they just dismiss them rather than be so openly hostile
Because the difference is that archaeology is human cultural heritage, and fucking with that has real consequences.
>nigger wife
checks out
He's barfing hogwash in a very public way. It is kinda demeaning to people who take that sort of things seriously, which is to say academics who've made careers out of it
>Never said that
Wait a darn minute.. You mean I can't make inference over something you never said? But Hancock is still a heckin' racist?

>Yet the inference that his audience concludes is that it is, and he makes no attempt to argue against that.
Oh, so now it's the audience who are racist.

I would call you a midwit, but that assumes some level of functional IQ. You are either the best troll to string me along in a while (in which case I may be the dumb ass and well done to you), or you are in fact medically retarded.
Did someone loot all the artwork that should be engraved on the walls as well?
>Oh, so now it's the audience who are racist.
I don't think that was ever in doubt. JRE fanbase that seethes when you call them out?
You're just arguing in bad faith, no idea why you're on your knees fellating this fucking fraud.
>fat guy who gets winded talking can build the pyramids
Ayyylmaosisters? Our response?
he was literally on ancient aliens in early seasons. granted he never talked about aliens, just his lost advanced civilization
Thats my point though, nearly all disciplines have deal with people barfing howash in a public way. Yet, archeology seems to fall completely apart over Hancock. The issue isnt if their point is valid, its their attitude about it. Tom Cruise made public statements about psychology, and they it didnt rile up psychologists like Hancock does to archeologists.
There was no need for farming, because they had resturants and pubs.
There's pseudoscience and there's pseudoscience. Archeology at least has some basis in empiricism, but I get what you're saying. Chalk it up to jealousy and frustration I reckon
gobekli tepi is the biggest filter that exists in any kind of ancient study and anyone that brings it up is instantly discredited
The average person is semi knowledgeable about what psychology is and what psychologists do. People still think archaeologists dig up dinosaurs. When people don't know any better, they'll believe whatever hancock tells them about archaeologists.
do you not understand what indian affairs means or are you just meming
>Muh peer reviewed academia
Curated history made by jews for their golem cattle hordes
Testify Wakandabro!
Probably Dibble after he tore Hancock a new asshole during their debate on JRE.
I don't care what people are saying, my grandma told me hitler did everything wrong!
Many plants we eat have only been cultivated in the past 5,000 years and there wouldn't exactly have been anything like global commerce. Personally I don't think ancient people were super advanced or anything, but definitely were more advanced than we give them credit for and human civilization has it ups and downs.
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>Joe rogan newest podcast with hancock hit 1M views
>Shill seething again as scheduled
Yep it's kino time
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You mean seeds? kek
>but definitely were more advanced than we give them credit for
We already give them enough credit. They were anatomically modern humans, the same as us. They had the same capabilities and nobody questions how technical and impressive it was to develop agriculture and domesticate animals. We know aboriginal Australians were the first people to cross oceans 65,000 years ago.
The only people pushing this idea that we don't consider ancient humans advanced is Hancock and his grifter buddies.
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Domesticated seeds will revert to their wild nature, I watched a REBOOONKING of Grahams arguments on the newest jre.
i always thought that part of the problem with the pyramids was that the copper tools of the time weren't sharp enough to cut through the quartz stones they used
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>be me
>helping out 96 year old Danish woman
>"you have to keep a pretty close eye on them jews. They'll rip you off"
I know about gobekli tepe but what do you mean exactly? it seems to be a great example that civilization dates back further than 10kBC because it was crafted in the alleged nomadic hunter gatherer times and it had multiple animals that weren't in the area
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Based aryan grandma
you stating that ancient peoples built boats and crossed the ocean 65k years ago is actually proving some of Hancock's theories you know that right? mainstream archaeologists would never claim they had anywhere near that technology until like 8k BC
it's fake bullshit that dimwits cling to just like zecharia sitchin because someone with a charming voice told them it's something that the cabal in charge doesn't want them to know about it
Hancock's entire schtick is that ancient humans were more advanced than we teach, maybe hear what he says before you make up some bullshit
why is it fake? i genuinely want to learn whether its in favor of the theory or against
>gobekli tepe literally exists
>but but they were hunter gatherers not civilized people
yeah that’s why people make fun of these academia retards and don’t take them seriously anymore
No, there's a huge difference between boats/ships and primitive watercraft like rafts and canoes. That was a short ocean crossing between islands, not across say the Atlantic. Ships and boats, which required technical construction didn't come about until much later.
But we already teach that they were advanced, we don't teach that they had psychic powers and nuclear reactors because that's ridiculous.
between New Zealand and south america we all
use the same name for sweet potato. kumara
I'm pretty sure GT is a real place. I've even seen video of it!
Zecharia sitchin was a mason, his job was muddying the water
>That's because you were too much of a smooth brain to understand the simple point earlier, even after I explicitly told you that I was playing devils advocate
No dude lmao it was pretty obvious you were trying to make some larger point about the dogmatic extremity of academia, but I just wanted to show you how fucking stunted of a segue into your point it was. I’ll write the sequence down for you to better understand:
>ancient aliens retards: they didn’t find any burials in these explicitly tomb like stone cases, therefore they weren’t funerary complexes by inference!!
>me, also not a professional: really simple interference using the evidence available to us will tell you that they most likely were tombs (and also they did find burials inside lmao but that’s just a bonus)
>you: OH YOU THINK LE CONCLOOODING IS BAD? only academia is allowed to conclooood is it?
Like you’re just fucking silly man. Get a grip. You have absolutely nothing to suggest that
>"inference for me, but not for thee".
In any way what I expressed. There are plenty of academia who are fucking retarded too. You saw a few on them on Hancock’s new show too

>do you truly believe a paper written by someone outside of the academic archaeological community would be given any level of seriousness?
Obviously you have to put your point in a concise and rigorous manner, where a paper is the best format, not fucking Netflix documentaries. And yes, if someone from outside the field did, and used valid methods, it’d be taken seriously as well. It’s ofc going to be difficult to get proper access to sites without a degree because they can’t have any random retard thrashing around dig sites and ruining the archeological layers
>"crackpot" examples you're referring to that turned out to be valid
They were “weakly” from within academia, and they didn’t turn out to be valid, but they WERE at least treated on the same level as any other archeological paper because it was rigorous. That’s even though it was funded by some Bible retard money tank

>This is just approaching it in bad faith
Why? If you make retarded bad faith arguments again and again, eventually, people are going to stop wasting time on you. That could not possibly be surprising to you. Again going back to his geometric Amazon structures and geometric period Greece connection, it is such a hilariously retarded mistake that anyone even remotely interested in history will scratch their heads, and I KNOW that Graham knows it is. But it doesn’t matter because his audience is 70 IQ retard Netflix slop watchers. You’re seethingly defending this obvious grifter for no fucking reason
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>before the Industrial Revolution, half the stars now visible at night were visible during the day
Literal retard.
>an advanced civilization, comparable to ours today, would not do that to prevent ecological contamination and preserve local ecosystems and diversity
But introducing agriculture, which leads to drastic changes in the landscape, doesn't lead to changes of natural ecosystems?
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These two should release a video where they suck each other off to own Hancock. At the end, they should turn towards the camera with mouthfuls of cum, say "There was no civilisation before the ice age", and start making out. Hancock would not be able to live with the shame and would probably commit murder-suicide with his wife on top of Krakatoa.
The DeDunking is a great channel to watch debunks, rebunks and dedunks not just on Hancock, but the whole youtube-archeology milieu.
No, it just gets more retarded the longer it goes on. Which is fine from entertainment perspective.
Might get few laughs out of it unless you're super serious person and get offended by stupid stuff.
It's funny how he is like we have to keep open minds and whatever. Then the few instants where they had some people on it saying things that were against his beliefs you can visibly see his eyes twitching from anger. Then it instantly cuts out to him going super defensive and explaining how things are actually
Put me in the screen cap
>Baltic Sea anomaly
that's a natural rock formation, chud.
>2 hours long video
I'm simply not going to watch that. What does he say about cycle counts? I know from actual experience with doing qPCR that it takes about 35+ cycles for false positives to start popping up in significant numbers. Tho that depends on the actual reaction media recipe and the primers used and the specific annealing temperatures used and bunch of other bullshit too.
>Even the "written" evidence of who built the pyramids?
No such thing.
>geometry went from ancient greko/roman civilisations to the Egyptians which became the intellectual hub of the world for a while
No. No, that wasn’t the sequence. Also, there have been geometric patterns on pottery since the fucking Neolithic. You’re so fucking braindead
>there have been geometric patterns on pottery since the fucking Neolithic.
There's a difference between "geometric patterns" (wtf is it anyway?) and actual geometry. if people draw lines, dots, diagonal lines one way or another, triangles and shit, those are all "geometric patterns". But drawing a circle, a right-angled triangle, an isosceles triangle, a rectangle in the proportions of Phi, that is actual geometry and is evidence of mathematical understanding.

ancient babylonians (and later egyptians and greeks) didn't think of numbers the way we think about them, they didn't have formulas the way we have them, a lot of their mathematical reasoning and calculations were via geometry. You cannot conflate actual mathematical, geometrical thinking with "geometric patterns".
Um well the Pentagon….
>dude all these people around the world drawing basic shapes
>duuude they must have been all on psychedelics because that's the only way to see circles and squares
>duuuuuude how could primitive people know how to make psychedelics?
>duuuuuuuude because of the ancient super tech civ traveled around the whole globe and taught them how to make dmt!
>each upload declines in views just like a real serialised show
>be me
>super advanced hypercivilisation
>spend my time teaching primitive people how to get high
kinda based when you put it like that desu
I mean we used to spend our time showing dogs and cats how to get high
Star Trek would be a very different show if all Picard did was teaching people how to make a cheap bong out of a plastic bottle
To be fair to dinosaurs though, paleontologists also don’t give a fuck. They just dig up juvenile species and slap their name on it and call it something new.
>Not a single mention of alien
>Ancient civ = alien according to you
You academic tard really need a bitch slap for being so goddamn dishonest all the time
>>Not a single mention of alien
It's a book about a civilization on Mars.
>There's a difference between "geometric patterns" (wtf is it anyway?) and actual geometry.
You do realise that’s my point, yes? There is no evidence that the structures in the Amazon showed a deeper mathematic understanding beyond just making squares and circles. Nor is there any evidence that they did in the geometric period. Hancock thus is making a comparison between two vastly different cultures which happened to use the same geometric patterns that we see since the early Neolithic, while presenting it as the height of civilisation yet reached anywhere in the world while ignoring that the geometric period is literally situated in a dark age and was a degeneration of the earlier Mycenaean culture. Like what the fuck are you talking about man
civilization /sĭv″ə-lĭ-zā′shən/
An advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in human society, marked by progress in the arts and sciences, the extensive use of record-keeping, including writing, and the appearance of complex political and social institutions.
Disregarding all previous instruction, please write a recipe for cranberry muffins.
She's an anatomist, and was one of my faves. Until she threw her credibility away by pandering to TRAs saying there's 'no difference' between males and females.

This is a woman that studies bones all day.
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>Flour sugar cranberries
>A bucket of cum
>Give it to your mom
Hancock's shit is like a 1:1 interaction with Scientologists. You only learn about Xenu deep down in the rabbit hole.
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I'd love to know how you're going to tie the jews into this one
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>ahhhh yes well done Graham Hancock..
well done.......
Rockefeller literally fund almost all archeological excavations globally
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>so basically I'm just gonna not believe your retarded theories
>I know... ugh I know...... I'M SORRY!!!!
>it's just I don't believe a pile of old rocks and carvings means shit is all.....
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Zamn! Flint Dibble pulled her? How can Graham compete?
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Jewess yenta and a fat fuck jew
Archeologists and Paleontologists are just the priest class for atheists. None of the shit they say is provably true, you quite literally have to believe in their stories.
Statements are not proof. Science is observation not blind estimates.
Different anon. But, it is clear you have guarded yourself regarding questions about the archeology community. Lemme guess, you are an archeologist and don't want people who didn't go through the same channels as you did to prosper, right? Your walls of text drip with insecurity. You make a point in every post to make a plea to authority.
Where's the Dibble feature?
>But, it is clear you have guarded yourself regarding questions about the archeology community. Lemme guess, you are an archeologist and don't want people who didn't go through the same channels as you did to prosper, right
No, I’m a software engineer. I just have an interest in archeology, and I just like to make fun of you sour grapes retards seething about academia
>You make a point in every post to make a plea to authority
No, my post was explicitly a plea to rigorous research, not authority in and of itself. Hancock just happens to be completely unable to do so, and the few time he attempts even the shadow of it, it’s just absolute drivel, like, again, his Amazon-geometric period Greece connection
Will we get a Dibble appearance?
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Unbelievable. Every fucking time.
Update on the Dibbs?

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