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I think this series nose dived after the first 3.
wtf? I stopped watching Tv and movies when there was only 3. How they hell have they made so many
milking a dead cow
Is this a series that is best to watch in order from the first movie?
There's eight of these pieces of shit? Only the first one was good.
I'll keep watching them all until one of us dies
Where can I pirate vhs7
holy shit there are 7 of these?

I only seen the first 3
Who asked for this
I like the cult one in 2. The eye implant one is kind of cool too.
beyond might be the worst thing i've ever watched, top 5 easily
beyond was literal dogshit
Why won't they stop?
The first VHS they released without titties was the exact beginning of when the series went to shit.
Which one is the one where the guy visits some weird dojo complex in Asia and then gets chased by a Godzilla monster? Is that the one you're talking about? Because that one was good.
which is the best one to watch first?
2>1>>>85>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>all the other shit
That one where the guy goes to another dimension in 3 was one of my favourites, the Indonesian cult was where the series peaked though.
They fucked up using so many years as titles mow they'll be doing future sci-fi horror slop
They should unironically do one set in the year the original VHS was released
Any other news from New York comic con? Wish there was a NYCC thread. Maybe someone there can post pics of celebrities and artists out on the street.
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ill take care of that
1, 2, 94, and Beyond are worth watching.
this guy is wasting your time
i'm the only correct anon on this board. Watch who you're speaking to.
Any order really, but the production changes are interesting across time
The third one was easily the worst out of the seven movies so far though. That's why the series went on hiatus for 7 years; because VHS Viral was that bad.
they're not connected but i'm gonna say yes anyway
85 was the only great recent one. 94 played it way too safe with the premises across all shorts, and the wraparound fucking sucks
Hail Raatma.
Yeah I hear a lot of people say they don't like it but I liked the alternate dimension, the magic cloak and the skateboard summoning.
>94 played it way too safe with the premises
does this just mean guaranteed to be entertaining? as in you're looking for "different"? because that's gay and 85's only good bit was the vr technology god.
>Where can I pirate vhs7
it's called vhs beyond
I remember not liking it at the time, but I saw it a decade ago when it released. I didn't really like VHS Beyond either aside from the final segment with Alanah Pierce getting taken in the UFO, but I don't recall liking any segments in Viral.
i haven't watched any other VHS movie but beyond and on that alone i can factually state you are either a total retard with a horrible opinion or making a goof and listing off what might be the worst in the series just to waste his time. either or both of those could be true so i just made it simple - you are WASTING HIS TIME. beyond was seriously the worst dogshit i've ever seen in my life, and like 1/3rd of it or more is some gay kike pretending to be interviewed for a fake documentary, and a bunch of YOUTUBERS. a whole portion of the movie is a bangladeshi rapist with a camcorder running around in the dark going "SAR PLEASE SAR... MADAM PLEASE MADAM PLEASE SAR HELLO?" the first one with the alien bird was supposed be one of the GOOD ONES and it is about on par with a youtube short film, as in, it's terrible

it is actually trash and i'm actually not going to debate it with you. anybody that liked beyond is an honest to god, dip-tested, signed and notarized RETARD. the movie is some sort of meta-retard filter that lets you tell who's the idiot in the room when discussing horror
>i haven't watched any other VHS movie
>and it is about on par with a youtube short film
yeah that's the whole series, why are you here
That's basically what VHS is. 5 shitty shorts and a stupid wraparound short playing between segments. Even the first and second one aren't that mind blowing, and they are the best ones.
this one is appallingly bad and is up its own ass about a self-perceived level of quality it never hits and couldn't maintain anyway even if it did. why am i here? because the shills are, and where niggardly creatures roam, i follow them in the hunt
he should have recommended those then and stopped there, instead of for some reason including the newest and seemingly worst entry to a newcomer
I liked the short from beyond that was basically delta green
VHS 1 and 2 are legitimately good and of decent quality production wise.
>this one is appallingly bad and is up its own ass about a self-perceived level of quality
this doofus is posting about the intro and interludes, who cares
>he should have recommended those then and stopped there
you'd be just as offended because you don't know what you're talking about
>worst entry
99 and 85 and viral were worse
This is like finding out The Crow is on its 5th movie
Who the fuck have been watching these shits past the 1st three?
>Who the fuck have been watching these shits past the 1st three?
Many users of /tv/? Me?
Most of /tv/ are bottomfeeders
This doesn't suprise me
I would rather watch VHS movies than the Disney capeshit you discuss.
retarded fans of horror shlock me
VHS 2 > VHS Beyond > VHS 85 > VHS > VHS 94 > VHS 99 > VHS Viral
'nuff said.
you're a strange lad
which one had the immortality lake? wish they'd go back to that one and the doomsday cult daughter. also the one with the two guys that go to hell was fun. beyond was pretty good save for the indian one which was just out of place.
V/H/S Beyond is way better than the last 3 movies we've gotten. Feels like they've actually put some money in it
The girl in Phase I Clinical Trials from part 2 is fucking boiling hot, bros.
The v/h/s series is inconsistent because every segment has a different director and writer(s). Best thing to do is just watch them all while keeping the current movie's wiki open, and when a segment is good, take note of the director.
Timo Tjahjanto had two extremely well done segments in V/H/S2 and 94, and apparently he'll be directing Nobody 2. Can't fucking wait.
Once it got on shudder they make one like every years now
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you are all wrong about 94. It was awesome.
>first 3.
lol, shut the fuck up dude
VHS Viral was dreadful and killed the series for like 7 years, 94-Beyond has been mixed but none of them as terrible as Viral

1 and 2 are not that great either, it's never been that quality a series
>hasn't seen them, implies he is confused there are so many
>declares "the first one" is the best anyway
The cloak one completely abandoned both horror and the found footage format with an impossible omniscient camera and just action nonsense with no plot. The skateboard one then went too far in the opposite direction by being very found footage, but being just obnoxious face cams for 90% of it.
The wraparound in Beyond just absolutely sucked, not just for the cheesy branded cameos but by not even attempting any kind of horror apart from the final scene, and having no plot at all, just plodding documentary bits about nothing. The one from 85 was pretty engaging to pop back into between shorts, and ironically did more with an "alien" premise then the supposedly sci-fi focused Beyond did.

Shorts wise they're always 50% decent and 50% rubbish so whatever. Beyond's modern digital look was a weird choice, I get trying something different but you called it V/H/S, you gotta commit.
Since the revival they seem to have a very straight pattern of "darker entry, sillier entry". 94 was darker with more straight horror shorts, 99 was way campier and more comedic, then 85 was much grittier again, now Beyond was very pulpy and comedic.
94 had a lot of good ideas but was missing the "last step" to become actually great, like the second story would have been so much better with just 1 camera/POV but nope, multiple cameras it is...
medusa, funeral home and skaters vs skeletons were fun.
after 3rd v/h/s always have only 1 story of all in the movie that is entertaining
Great news! Beyond was a return to more objective storytelling and shed the woke bs from some recent episodes. The airplane ep was great and so was the final bedroom scene shown to the experts.
I will now briefly chime in on every short

>Amateur Night: Very good, good use of the found footage and just the right length
>Second Honeymoon: Bad. Plot makes no sense and it's not scary, why are they even filming?
>Tuesday the 17th: Ok, very short but the glitching killer is sort of neat.
>The Sick Thing That Happened to Emily When She Was Younger: Meh, just sort of boring
>10/31/98: This is fun, especially the scene of the house morphing around them

>Phase I Clinical Trials: Good premise but REALLY short, feels like it's barely scratching the surface then it's over
>Ride in the Park: Dopey but amusing
>Safe Haven: Excellent, even with it getting silly later and having some moments of awful dialogue the freaky tone and setting makes up for it
>Slumber Party Alien Abduction: Killed by the terrible alien costumes, I couldn't take it seriously.

V/H/S: Viral
>Dante the Great: Just stupid.
>Parallel Monsters: Strong start with a cool premise but the second half becomes a farce
>Bonestorm: Annoying and goes on way too long

>Storm Drain: Not bad, but doesn't maximize use of the creepy location, felt like it needed to be longer
>The Empty Wake: Solid if unremarkable, should have just had one static unbroken camera view.
>The Subject: Great. Even with a few ropey effects, the campy gore and designs rock.
>Terror: Eh, it's there.

>Shredding: Alright, feels a bit underbaked.
>Suicide Bid: Good use of a few primal fears, but let done by some pretty bad effects at the end.
>Ozzy's Dungeon: Really good. Black comedy in more ways than one with some excellent effects at the end.
>The Gawkers: Pretty lame and suffers from some of the most egregious "why are you still filming" of the series.
>To Hell and Back: Also really good, fun comedy horror. Fine example of making the most of a neat looking filming location.

>No Wake/Ambrosia: Pretty good, taken together.
>God of Death: Also good, a collapsing building is an effectively simple setting
>TKNOGD: Bad, took an intriguing premise then had no ideas on where to go and just spluttered to a halt with "uh...there's a monster I guess".
>Dreamkill: The POV killer scenes shot on film are good, have that gory 80s faux-snuff vibe, the cop stuff is less compelling

>Stork: Action horror attempt but I just kept questioning why they had bodycam footage to use as the found footage format, but also had a cameraman there who was just there to be a cameraman.
>Dream Girl: Ok. Felt kinda underbaked.
>Live and Let Dive: Very original premise and the black comedy hits a few times, but the aliens having an interstellar spaceship yet just being roaring beasts is kinda lazy.
>Fur Babies: Couple of funny bits but doesn't really go anywhere.
>Stowaway: This was pretty cool, moved in an unexpected direction.
>Beyond's modern digital look was a weird choice, I get trying something different but you called it V/H/S, you gotta commit.
Yeah that first segment with the Stork was shot in crystal-clear 4K, they didn't even slap a VHS filter over it? Looked way too clean. But I thought the last segment Stowaway had a nice aesthetic with it being "filmed" on the woman's camcorder, even if it wasn't.
Apart from the last segment which seemed late 90s, Beyond was clearly set in the modern day, they had smartphones and everything in at least one of the segments.
It was kinda funny that at least three of the Beyond segments revolved around the protagonists being morons who were completely incompetent at their intended jobs.
I'll pass, waiting for V/H/S/9 instead
Why don't they just obtain an actual 90s camcorder on cassette to film on instead of relying mostly on filters over digital footage?
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>movie suddenly halts to advertise Corridor Digital's youtube videos
>The cloak one completely abandoned both horror and the found footage format with an impossible omniscient camera
I don't give the slightest fuck. I enjoyed it.
>V/H/S 8
>I wasn't aware there even was a V/H/S 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
Which one is the Spanish guy that builds a portal to a hell dimension? Is it the second one?
the twist? It will take place in 8 A.D.
How long before we get D/V/D/
Then I did watch the 3, wtf. But the hell dimension story stuck with me the most for some reason, especially the dirigible right at the end.
Beyond wasn't even all SciFi
The one with the vampire bizarro world was one of my favorite storylines in a movie ever. I can't be assed to remember what the segment was called or which VHS it was. The 2nd one I think?
Truth it was not scary at all and the CGI was laughably bad. The only short that I did like somewhat was the last one with the alien ship, I thought the idea was cool. But that's about it
using this as a watch guide
>Why don't they just obtain an actual 90s camcorder on cassette to film on instead of relying mostly on filters over digital footage?
Not practical
Dunno why people hate this series so much. Sure many of the stories are shit but there are some decent ones, and at least there are original stories and they're not very long.
Yeah it doesn't take itself seriously. Is just dumb fun.
Just watch Creepshow 1 and 2, and Rec 1 and 2 instead. Jfc. Flush this V/h/s slop
holy based
I didn't know there were more than 2..
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seriously, why does Beyond have a good rating?
it's not absolute dogshit but it's not better than the previous ones either
Beyond was the first good one since it went straight-to-vod. Every segment had at least one element that made it worth watching, and the last one by Flanagan was KINO.

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