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Did they... y'know?
Of course they did. Hermione got KRUMMED. Things were never the same afterwards.
>weasley gets a hand-me-down vagina

didn't ginny get blacked? harry is worse off
I mean, why wouldn't a teen girl fuck an extremely famous sports star? And why wouldn't an extremely famous sorts star fuck an extremely hot groupie?
she looks like a fuckin gremlin
no, she remained a kissless virgin for Ron
Sure, he's a perfectly krumulent fella.
Didn't she go to second base with her date at Slughorn's party?
NTA, but could you please refresh my memory? I don't recall it happening.
because its nerd fiction. You can only be monogamous and with true romance involved. Casual sex is peak normiecore
Touch buttholes? No, probably not. That'd be pretty weird.
Do anal? You bet.
In real life the doughy slav gets the girl
Did he krum?

Yes. Doubly hard because of how retarded Ron was being. A spite fuck.
Absolutely, rowling is a rich feminist so fucking chad to make your beta orbiter jealous is a 100% girlboss move
Discuss how to dismantle Israel? Nah, this wasn't as popular as it is now.
Did he krum inside?
Hermione scraped the fetus out with her wand, so it was fine.
What, "stretch their legs"?
yea she god BB(ulgarian)C'd
>second base
can I have this in a golf analogy instead?
>Folds a piece of paper in half
>Punches a pen through it
Here's a wild one: Just because threads on 4chan are temporary, that doesn't mean you need to recreate the same thread every fucking day.
He used a 9 iron to slap balls around her holes for 4 hours
He ran her over in a golf cart.
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>be hermione
>get krummed inside by the most famous wizard athlete
>right after watching him play from the stands of the quidditch world cup
>years later stuck with pasty beta orbiter
>watch him fumbling in high school varsity tryouts
>have to use your superior magic skills to help him get on the team
Imagine how dry her pussy was in this moment
They tried but his Slavic BVLL cock was too big, so she went for the little celt*c dick instead.
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why does this make me seethe?
Are you a bong?
He wedged himself into her bunker
You forgot to turn off the stove and now your house is on fire.
he filled her with his Bulgarian yogurt, yes
I'm happy this is the only thing my country is known for on /tv/
He did what Chevy Chase's character did in the comedy classic Caddyshack.
Why did Rowling love the letter H so much? Harry, Hermione, Hogwarts, Hagrid, Hedwig, Horcruxes...
Brings to mind poignant scottish vistas
Getting KRUMMED and dumped made her feel insecure and traumatized, so she decided to settle for a beta, while secretly hating the beta and herself, and most likely cheating at the first opportunity.
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was this the first redpill for millenial dorks that the Chad always wins while the loser dweebs stay and wach from the side?
>Imagine how dry her pussy was in this moment
it's a Sisyphean struggle to make the temporary permanent, you wouldn't get it
Hermione was perfectly willing to go with Ron. He just took for granted that she was an option. Twice even!
>have to use your superior magic skills to help him get on the team
she did no such thing
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>He's so tall
Why is it like this bros?
She 100% did. She confunded McLaggen and made him miss.
>Maybe anon will notice me if I slip him a love potion.
>Just a taste, to get my foot in the door, so to speak.
>Maybe then he'll get the hint.
She would be crazy not to. Look at his beautiful pink lips.
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She hexes McLaggen
Kys faggot
You just know.
Why was he from Bulgaria out of all places?
As dry as a Je- a goblin's scrotum!
Lots of bulging bulges in Bulgaria.
How about you read the books, retard
Bulge area more like
>Krum is nice, but very physical
>N-no not like that he just watches me when we're alone in the library
Quotes from the movie. There's also the deleted scene where Snape walks around cockblocking students trying to fuck that night, the whole school was horns as fuck during the ball.
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First redpill for me was tom and jerry, when tom used to always get cucked by the chad cat
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Ginny is constantly getting dicked down by random dudes in the hallways.
>When Harry pushed open the tapestry to take their usual shortcut up to Gryffindor Tower, however, they found themselves looking at Dean and Ginny, who were locked in a close embrace and kissing fiercely as though glued together. It was as though something large and scaly erupted into life in Harry’s stomach, clawing at his
insides: Hot blood seemed to flood his penis, so that all thought was extinguished, replaced by a savage urge to jinx Dean into a jelly.
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Absolutely not

My beautiful wife would never betray me for a low forehead slav
I never noticed Krum's aggressive gay face.
he's definitely a fag, but that macho style Balkan fag
t. Bulgarian
Krum is ugly in the books so it's supposed to be even more insulting to Ron
>pumped and dumped by chad and settles down with a beta provider
was jk rowling redpilled or its just a coincidence?
its the experience of most women
thats quite literally the dream of every single woman on earth
why do you think those Twilight books were so popular
In the movie they make him out to be some handsome guy but he looks like some hispanic who works at walmart
Putting it in was a "happy little accident"
That's not the dream. The dream is settling with KRUM. The beta is the backup plan when all the KRUMs are gone.
Aah, the fetus deletus
>but that macho style Balkan fag
That's the best kind, probably a great bottom
do fetuses get the choice to become a ghost in the HP universe?
only if they have not fallen victim to the fetus deletus curse
didnt rowling say something like they have a simple spell to make pregnancies disappear? my theory is that they always coom inside because theres basically no risk, they probably dont even know about condomes. (imagine the amount of creampies ginny took from various guys before settling down with harry)
If you were a girl, would you go for the ginger geek or this guy? Be honest.
it's really crazy how he's an amalgamation of every Bulgarian male between 16 and 30
this guy, how is that even a question lmao
Never seen a more Balkan looking guy in my life
It isn't. I'm saying of course Hermione opened her legs for him.
id let him ravage me, no homo
He probably takes it up the ass and wants to cuddle afterwards. All those burly balkanoids do.
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This is what men are actually supposed to look like
What went wrong?
you sound very experienced, poofter
Sunshine, daisies, butter glue,
turn this stupid, fat baby blue!
I've been around. You too should try going outside once in a while.
>buzz cut
>vaguely homosexual beard trim
>strongfat build
>shoulder tattoo, probably of historical figure
>gaudy golden jewelry
>brand name t shirt, almost certainly bought on heavy discount
it's perfect. You just know he drives a BMW/Mercedes that costs just a bit less than his apartment
The media has been doing its best to make masculinity look bad since the 00s. Eastern Euros have a very conservative culture so they're resisting it somewhat, but the west has given in.
You don't know what you're talking about. We drive 20-year-old BMWs here, which reminds me that I need to change the oil of my E46.
this guy was in a Hollywood blockbuster, you're buying your BMWs from him
Yeah, but the previous posts were describing him as the personification of the average balkan guy, not him specifically. Of course he can afford a brand new BMW.
Did he even have a career after Harry Potter?
Look at how low his hairline is, he looks like a subhuman nigger desu
Look how high yours is! Lmao!
it's called high test, you wouldn't get it
he never had a career, just cashed out on this one movie and now I presume he just spends his days lifting and selling his ass to rich gay dudes in Bulgaria
lmao you norwood faggots are hilarious
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He's immune to balding. Seethe more.
Why Bulgarian out of all things?
Who do you need? A Mexican?
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>Look at that subtle off-white colouring. The tasteful thickness of it.
krum is slav perfection
she just randomly picked an obscure eastern euro country. She clearly doesn't know jack shit about Bulgaria given their ridiculous names. In fact she clearly doesn't know jack shit about geography in general since apparently every Asian magic user goes to one school
It's funny that in the book he was not a handsome gay Slav.
I think she was afraid of introducing a Russian school.
Are there magic schools in brazil?
1) Daddy figure
2) Tall men are naturally stronger in combat.
around fag clubs maybe, homo freak
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yes it's one of the, like, 8 schools in the world
they have the oldest slavic script they were once a great kingdom hes just meant to represent eastern europe not bulgarian myself but why not reminds the reader of the diversity of eastern europe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glagolitic_script
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Hey, what about Italy?
>decide to google him
>guy looks like a soiboy redditor now
also, like a bouncer in a gay club
you just KNOW hes zesty
>Italians, Greeks and Afghans don't have an school

In my headcannon these three ancient lands were the place of wizard extermination
>diversity of eastern europe
ur all the same discount russian mongoloids, everyone east of berlin, shut the fuck up
>hey bro I've decided to live in the west
>you'll regret this, they'll assimilate you
>I'll be perfectly fine
calm down jewboy
shitalians are too lazy to do magic
>Japanese school name just literally means "magic place"
Rowling is such a hack
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I mean the British school is just "Warthog" backwards so
these are the people you think are mongoloids now post your dysgenic ass
Based Jokic
literally a mongoloid
fuck shitaly
Fuck you!
I've never seen this thread before.
Please post at least three (3) examples from the archives.
Wtf is a grawp
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It's a grawping grawplin
the sound your asshole makes when it grips around a cock
Throatsing? Yes.
Those movies are fucking dogshit and its baffling to me that all millenials are obsessed with them
Baldcuck cope
i always forget its supposed to take place in our world, but this reminded me of something. is it true that in fantastic beasts, the bad guy is trying to stop the holocaust and the good guys are trying to stop him from stopping the holocaust?
italians used their magic to invent pizza and then they never bothered to learn any more magic because the mafia forbade them from practicing magic
In fantastic beasts Rowling goes into great detail about how Auschwitz was actually a disguised magic school.
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>Look at how low his hairline is, he looks like a subhuman nigger desu
wow, im assuming it was an evil school, or was it a special school for jews?
he recognizes that muggles will become more powerful than wizards so he wants to subjugate muggles
She got mad at people calling it insensitive and said: "well it's just an idea"
Damn, Meriadoc Brandybuck got BIG
Weren't they also introduced as being from the north or something? That part always confused me.
Those are the wrong pants to wear with that get up
you can excuse that by saying the school itself is somewhere in Scandinavia (except it clearly has Russia vibes but has a German name so it's a total cluster fuck)
underages can't have sex
the age of consenting is 18
Look at the map
>bulgarians and norwegians go to the same school
>so do mexicans and canadians
>and chileans and costa ricans
Bitch obviously is clueless about geography or distances. Unless they have a magical hyperloop, the logistics would be retarded. And we see in the flicks that it takes Harry a whole day by train and thats just in Bongistan, so apparently no magical fast travel
Why do HP threads attract so many homosexuals?
Why are there so many of you on /tv/ anyway?
that pink school serves about 3 billion people. Even if 1 in 1000 is a wizard that's 3 million. Even if 1 in 5 is of school age that's 600,000 students
Not if I have something to say about it!
Yeah, but thats asia, they already live like ants, its believable
Harry Potter is one of the most balanced fandoms in terms of gender distribution. And if women like it, gays like it
But why are you on /tv/, homo
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He's had numerous phases now. He turned into a gay Viking rapper at one time. Don't know what he's up to these days, but this was his best look.
homo website
I know no women on 4chan yada yada but unironically there's femanons ITT
I'd actually be terrified at the thought of a woman (female) that browses 4chan, just makes no real sense
Girls like movies, books, games, anime and jokes too. I've met a few, they were pleasant.
but they don't like being called retard, seeing gore and extreme racism and graphic pornography
Just like his clothes!
He definitely ate her pussy and drove her wild with pleasure, she felt things she didn't even know existed. BUT, she was still thinking about Ron. Funny how love works
>BUT, she was still thinking about Ron.
She'd probably instead be thinking about getting KRUMMED that one time while being with Ron.
She got a Krumpie
No, because she didn't even get to look at his cock, so she doesn't know if he was packing heat or not. Ron would have had no competition on that end.
>didn't even get to look at his cock
Was she KRUMMED in the dark or something?
Lot's of fags in this thread. What's happening?
Are all of you 13 years old? Why are you so obsessed with Harry Potter. I haven't watched a Harry Potter movie since middle school. Grow the fuck up
'tis merely a hoot. Don't get your panties in a twist.
I'm playing a HP porn game now so the franchise is on my mind
No, he just ate her pussy and it ended there, he was a gentleman and knew her mind was elsewhere. This was BEFORE the ball.
I doubt that. She definitely got KRUMMED.
I don't see none of those things here, retard.
The bulgarian male and force him to give me 10 children and pay for all of them as I am a housewife.
Uhh... I block! *makes a smug face, looks at the camera and grins*
She wouldn't be acting like she does in the ball if she had just lost her virginity. She wouldn't even notice her two nerd friends, let alone throw a bitch fit like she did
Are you saying that she must have gotten KRUMMED earlier? Dios mio...
true, the site is so much more sanitized now. Still remember 2010 /b/ and how risky it was (and even then the site was in a decline probably)
He fingered her butthole and made her smell it.
You're retarded
Now we're talking. That's a very real possibility. We used to do that to girls with my friends when we started going clubbing in our late teens. And that was 20 years ago. I can't even imagine the degeneracy that goes on now with all the porn and shit
Ron was her settling.
After getting her pussy Krummed, she knew that things would never get better, so she didn't really care.
It's with Uagadou.
I want to PENETRATE her VAGINA with my PENIS and repeatedly THRUST until I EJACULATE, if you know what I mean.
>What's happening
its harry potter
In English, Doc
>We drive 20-year-old BMWs here
Yeah, that cost a bit less than your apartments
>You're retarded
Nuh. Me smart. You dumb.
Now it all makes sense. Pottery.
Nah, it teached that if you snooze you lose. Both Harry and Ron missed out because they didn't act in time. Ching Chong got taken because Harry was slow, and Ron because he treated Hermione as the last choice.
I live in a house with a yard which I inherited from my great grandmother, actually. I'm also heir to my parens' flat and my grandparents' farm because I'm an only child. People don't have to buy property here because we pass it down to our children. Americans hate their families and just don't get it.
Also, a new apartment costs upward of 150-200k euros these days. That's far more than most brand new BMWs
I don't know. Care to enlighten me?
>open thread
>gay sex
yep, its harry potter alright
In the book Ginny tells Ron that Hermione "snogged" Krum, much to Rons dismay
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>here's your sex symbol, bro
he got to hole 2 with her
It's just the lighting making her head look elongated. She cute. Believe me.
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>8 hours
100% confirmed that this spam is warner brothers marketing spam
any other movie or show that gets a thread like this gets deleted within minutes

child sex posting=perfectly okay if you pay proven again
first being betty from sam hydes fish tank posting cp and openly allowed to ban evade
He walked her home gently
Discord trannies are literally running an astroturfing campaign here the last ~6months trying to get a foot-hold. I've been here since 07 and there's a very obvious demarcation. They do this on discord channels as well, seen it a number of times. They basically just try to insert fag commentary constantly, always driving the conversation back to that, keeping that or tanny talk in the limelight even when the topic is completely different. Watch out for shit like this, it is an active campaign by these people to try to turn the site's userbase into something less antagonistic.
mental illness
It's Hagrid's giant brother, who's a retard.
Wait a minute. You've just unearthed a memory of mine. Didn't he want to essentially rape Hermione?
No, that wasn't a memory, that was a fantasy you've had.
I'm pretty sure he did.
He 100% didin't. it was merely a fantasy of yours.
The black cat wasn't a chad. He had chad mannerism and such, but he was a stray, a poor cat if you will. Tom on the other hand was a house cat. If anything this implies that rich girls will fuck niggers before giving an actual hard-working man (or cat) a chance.
Fucking roasties.
But he definitely interacted with her, and did nefarious things to the trio.
Have you been to the UK? That's an 11 over there.
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I will love her foreheadever!
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Why does everyone keep saying he's gay? Dude's married.
You're not allowed to love her! I love her!
dis nigga has a chinchilla
>Tall men are naturally stronger in combat
Not against a gun.
We get it, you're a seething nerd.
The dream is to get chad to commit.
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>Lot's of fags in this thread. What's happening?
I feel like I've been seeing weirdly over the top and barely restrained homolust in a lot of threads across multiple boards recently. Some of these posters are thirstier than any coomer I've previously seen. I've just been assuming that the latest crop of zoomies finding the site are just ultra gay after all of the constant 'pride' talk in the current media.
great choice of pet

cliff was chad before it even started

read transcripts of his autobiography
>The black cat
brehs... we were being programmed for almost a century now...
>what is a beard
shut up, cliffy
Do you think she swallowed his krum?
I thought wizards could sense when others used magic
He left his witcher medallion at home
The actor is a 5'10 manlet so, no.
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>Siberian school
>"Cold Storage"
>hard-working man (or cat) a chance.
Tom was a house cat, but he wasn't hard working and was overall a lazy entitled house cat if anything.

He only let in work when ti was time to fuck with Jerry and he always failed.

Tom desires for the white female cat >>204652701 is entitlement more than anything.

A real man knows women have no concept of loyalty or smart decisions in long term thinking.
A women will always take what's convenient for her at her most needed or opportune moment
Impregnate 15 year old girls. Launch 15 year old girls into the bed. Hold a 15 year old girl’s hand. Make love to 15 year old girls. Take 15 year old girls out to dinner. Hold the door for 15 year old girl. Smile and wave at 15 year old girls. Ask 15 year old girls out on dates. Raise a family with 15 year old girls. Nurse 15 year old girls when they are sick. Snuggle with 15 year old girls at night. Take 15 year old girls to the amusement park. Like 15 year old girls 'grams. Massage 15 year old girls shoulders. Tell 15 year old girls they are beautiful. Refuse to pull out of 15 year old girls. Hit on 15 year old girls at the gym. Take 15 year old girls to the beach. Go fishing with 15 year old girls. Watch anime with 15 year old girls. Workout with 15 year old girls. Go for a jog with a 15 year old girls. Wrap your arms around the small of a 15 year old girl’s back. Grab 15 year old girl’s asses. Elope with 15 year old girls. Lick 15 year old girl's buds. Shower with 15 year old girls. Take 15 year old girls on McDonalds dates.
What the fuck is that thing? A tranny?
only 5'7-5'9 freaks make posts like this
Film obsession is a traditionally gay hobby.
Book Ron was unironically a chad unlike movie version, where writers took a huge shit on him. Its kinda okay that Hermione settled with him in the book. He was tall, test induced asshole with a moments of brilliance.
that's a chinchilla mate.
Still got KRUM's sloppy seconds, thoughbeit. Can't outKRUM the KRUM.
U just know Emma lost her virginity on set with him.
mindbroken freak
I'm 6´1 and even that's too short.
It probably happened way before then with the Malfoy actor. She was obsessed with him.
He was still second to Krum or Harry for that matter.
I was really disappointed when Rowling decided to not pair Hermione and Harry, them seemed the most harmonious pair in the books. Hermione and Ron felt toxic as fuck.
Slavs are seen as austere and intimidating but Russians and Polish have too many political associations.
Good, because that's the age of consent in Bulgaria.
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Would a 15 year old girl like that I have a motorcycle?
>Russians and Polish have too many political associations.
This was written in the 90's.
>and polish
literally no one on earth knows what the fuck a pole is, get a grip
The USSR dissolved in the 90s and Russians were still seen as an enemy people
>nips and gooks in the same school
That house cup must be something else
if it's a crotch rocket then who cares about 15 year olds? you can get almost any 18 to 21 year old
>China doesn't go to school with North Korea, Russia, or even fucking Vietnam but has to go with stinky rapejeet niggers
>Anh Nguyen is going to class with Australian Abos
bosnian looking mf
I dunno, a lot of things happened on nazi and soviet occupied Polish soil during WW2. Some that are quite controversial, I'm afraid.
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its because it was written in the 90s and they had a really strong football team that almost won the world cup, which is always surprising for a small country. and quidditch is the equivalent of football in that world. if she wrote it again, he wouldve probably been croatian.
jk is that much of a basic bitch, her whole "art" is just changing the names of already existing stuff from real world or other works
He’s on the green but not in the hole
she said she regretted that didn't she?
If it was to bang I would rather have the 15yo (legal in my country btw), probably partly due to missing out on teenage love cope.
For a relationship I guess the 18-21 would be better as they are likely less retarded.

Alas it's a dual sport. I guess they aren't impressed by hitting the trails?
pretty sure from some map i saw japan has its own and everyone else shares one one in china lmao
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>mexico and canada
>balkans, germans, butthurt belt, and scandis
>japan gets its own school
>pajeets and chinks
>aussies and south asians
>italians and greeks to lazy to wizard, afghans tossing them off rooftops
no one ever accused rowling of being a geographer i suppose
Then explain Ireland
shes a bong, they are the amerimutts of europe, she prolly knows like the name of 3 countries and thats the ones near bongistan
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Ginny got BLACKED, Hermione got KRUMMED, Cho got BLEACHED, the only one who stayed pure was Luna.
>Bitch obviously is clueless about geography or distances.
A lot of Europeans have no idea how big the United States is. I would assume its the same for Canada, Mexico, South America, China and India. They think that because they can go from 1 European country to another easily, it must be the same every where else. Arizona, the state I live in, is bigger than the UK.
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She took it up the ass from Fuckbeak
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its almost like the real world is also this retarded
more like buckbreak
Ireland's football fans are absolutely beloved across the world, so she probably wanted a match that could be "friendly" in its competition.
>Hermione and Ron felt toxic as fuck.
Are you a girl?
>Are you a girl?
No, just gay.
>most famous athlete Chad every girl in the HP universe cooms too
>did they fuck?
nah not at all man
ireland is luxembourg tier in football, the fuck are you on about
>>most famous athlete Chad
they are usually gay, so its a realistic question
And they were in the quarter finals of the 1990 World Cup and the last 16 of 1994's World Cup. Ireland was 6th in the world rankings when Rowling was writing Harry Potter, zoomer.
>them seemed the most harmonious pair in the books
Harry could barely stand Hermione without Ron as a buffer.
>them seemed the most harmonious pair in the books
80% of Harry's inner monologue about Hermione is how fucking annoying he finds her lmao
>What is that fish smell!
It's strange that the lowly mudblood gal didn't want to at least shag Harry The Famous Guy.
nah that was the pokemon episode where mewoth gets cucked
Now that I think about it, I actually had parked next to a moped and the semi goth girl riding it asked if I wanted to trade. Only one such case yet though.
What should I have responded?
Harry won.
>harry passed on asian trad wife and virgin autist pussy
Harry has only ever gotten sloppy seconds. Not really a winner.
Harry himself is sloppy seconds
They didn't make Hermoine unattractive enough in the movies for that scene to be the big reveal where Harry and Ron finally notice her as "a girl"
Harry is the famous boy who lived and a sports star. He deserved better than that.
those are not from Bulgaria. It's warm there, nobody is wearing thick clothes in Bulgaria
How was Luna sloppy seconds?
She's Anon's sloppy seconds
True. It felt weird to me.
>Oh wow! That hot girl is hot once more! Inconceivable!
He's never gotten with Luna
>Arab and Brit
Match made in Arab rape heaven.
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>china and india at the same school
bulgarians are euros
It's cold as fuck in the winter. Also, I don't know why OP is obsessed with that actor, we've pretty much forgotten he exists here.
DESU, most women have been with 30+ guys so it's probably best for a guy like Ron to take what he can get.
You sound like a jeet
He was supposed to. Honestly all other options for Harry were way better than the one she ended up going with
>In fact she clearly doesn't know jack shit about geography in general since apparently every Asian magic user goes to one school
There aren't as many of them since you need a soul to perform magic. All Bongs go to Hogwarts, Western Euros to Beauxbatons, All Eastern Euros and Scandis to Durmstrang, all Africans to Azkaban.
Only trashy girls and fags like this type. Truth is, the average nice girl would rather choose a slim and dorky ginger guy than a bulked and retarded mystery meat as their boyfriend.
It's right next to Greece and Turkey.
>Varna avg. temperature: 0 - 7 degrees Celsius
Yeah truly "cold as fuck"
Nothing east of Berlin is euro
you sound like a malding gypsie
Balkan begins East of Paris.
That makes no sense, all the gypsies are from eastern "europe"
absolutely delusional kek
So Germans and Scandinavians in Durmstrang have to larp as Bulgarians during their whole studies ?
Yeah, they're fed nothing but goat entrails.
gypsies hate Easterners, because they don't pamper their asses there
also there are lots of gypsies in Western Europe as well, sadly
you're the delusional one
If he's tall and has a cute face, he'll get more girls than a roided-up gymrat does
>Sturm und Drang, usually translated as "storm and stress"[2]) was a proto-Romantic movement in German literature and music that occurred between the late 1760s and early 1780s.
What a fucking hack.
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ok thats enough 4chan for today
Isn't it pretty much universally agreed on that she peaked in Prisoner of Azkaban?
AoC for Durmstrang countries:
Bulg 14
Norway 16
Sweden 15
Finland 16
Denmark 15
Iceland 15
Germany 14
Austria 13-14
Hungary 12-14

Uk 16

Hermione was 15 by the yule ball in Goblet of Fire. So you're right only in that she can't fugg Krum due to her own country's AoC, but wrong about literally everything else you're trying to convey with your post. Fuck your ethnocentric (american) gay bullshit
Luna got TARDED by Nevil. Longbottom refers to his family's long dicks bottoming out in cute hippy pussy.
Yep. Pure and pretty

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