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>so basically
>big archeology
>Gobekli Tepe
*slow motion walks up steps*

Whoa... this really opened my eyes
Why did Flint Dibble lie about the shipwrecks?
Not as funny show as ancient aliens but kinda same vibe
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Dibble owns ya!
>>Gobekli Tepe
Did they report on it being buried and forgotten by the establishment?
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Kek hi Graham. Friendly reminder you got Dibbled raw on JRE
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>I'll get you to pull up slide 792,499,241 please Jamie
>now Joe if you look at the bottom of the image you'll see the second layer of soil is black
>they say this is the stuff the Mayans used to grow their DMT plants for the Nephilim
>they were drug dealers for giants
>hmm interesting let me look into this guy
>dude sonic sonic levitation bro

Is this nigga serious?
This is what getting Dibbled as a kid gets you
You have to be really fucking stupid to not see through this guy and realise he's obviously a charlatan who probably doesn't even believe 90% of the thing he says and just does it for the grift
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*intellectually destroys you and laughs almost everytime you speak(
Why do redditors seethe so much about this guy
oh no fred dribble is on the case
What the left desires most of all is complete control of the narrative, even harmless nuts like Hancock become a threat to them because there's a tiny possibility that someone might believe them.
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Not so fast, Han... cock!
The right is incapable of critical thinking and accepting evidence which contradicts their worldview. That is why there are no right wing archaeologists. A right wing archaeologist could never accept the fact that Europeans were not the most advanced cultures in the world for the majority of human history.
It's no coincidence that all of Hancock's fans are right wing.
Man I love workaholics
The oilkikes really fucked up in proportions far beyond what was probably planned when they eroded public trust in experts. Now there's a good 75% of the population (everyone with an IQ of 110 or under) who are more likely to believe something if it is presented as something that they SHOULDN'T believe/that is the opposite of what the experts believe. It'd be so fucking hilarious if it weren't also so sad and is going to have some awful consequences
>big archeology
Does he really say that?
back to plebbit my friend
Why do you insist on gatekeeping 4chan as the domain of dunning krugerite retards?
>no right wing archeologists
So you’re aware of the political opinions of all archeologists yeah?
One of the hallmarks of modern archaeology is a marxist historical materialist approach. Really you're not going to be finding a lot of them. Academia is inherently incompatible with the right.
>One of the hallmarks of modern archaeology is a marxist historical materialist approach.
This isn't anyone's approach to anything outside of marxists'. People in fields like archeology care about finding evidence, not about grand stories of humans being destined towards something.
>grand stories of humans being destined towards something.
that's not Marxism
Marxist archaeology forms the basis of post-processual theory.
You do know what post-processual archaeology is, right?
Marxism is a literal grand narrative. It posits that throughout time humans lived under different organizational structures, but which contained inherent contradictions, and the latest iteration of which, capitalism, would lead to increasing perpetuation, which would inevitably result in a revolution which would bring about communism, which would be the resolution of those contradictions. You don't know what you're talking about.
What a bunch of cooks espouse is not what forms the basis of modern archeology.
Sour grapes cope holy shit. I don't even disagree with most of you retards that archeologists have their own biases and egos. But exactly because of ego, the idea that they'd pass on the recognition of making a groundbreaking discovery because it doesn't fit into their marxist worldview or whatever is so fucking hilarious. If I asked you to explain what you even actually mean with that, you'd probably struggle to expand on it because you're literally just regurgitating lines fed to you by the oilkike. Good fucking job, you slobbering retard
>What a bunch of cooks espouse is not what forms the basis of modern archeology.
You don't know anything about archaeology. Imagine saying that post-processualist theory is for crooks holy shit.
This crosseyed fag used all these archeological studies, digs and years of work as evidence to say they are lying. But it's their published findings in the first place?

I can't wait for the debunk videos, they are much more entertaining than the show
Dude what are you rambling about? All I'm saying is that being in academia requires you to have an open mind to new ideas from all perspectives. That is inherently contradictory to conservatism. There are indigenous, marxist and feminist schools of archaeology. Does that sound left or right wing to you?
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Hancock still hasn't said a word about this
It's been debunked
what pissed me off about this show is that the pathways to the various parks that we're probably made by modern teenagers were more impressive than most of the archaeology being shown. everything they showed looked like it was made by primitive non-advanced cultures. like seriously, LOOK AT THIS HECKIN MOUND IN THE DIRT! MUST BE ancient AYYSS LMAO
Fuck off back to your commie classes and leave fields that focus on EVIDENCE alone. Marx himself was already being proven wrong when he was writing das kapital, since people under capitalism started establishing things like workers' unions and negotiated for better working conditions. And the "increasing misery" and reduction of the Bourgeois in numbers to ones holding more and more power that he predicted didn't happen.
Keking @ your seethe. What is evidence? How do you interpret evidence? Every artefact has an object biography.
You fundamentally know nothing about archaeology, way to out yourself as a Hancock fanboy.
Hancock is a cook too. Just him being one doesn't prevent faggots like you from being detached from reality as well.
You're just proving my point. You're incapable of opening your mind to new concepts and ideas that challenge your worldview. Academia, and archaeology, is inherently incompatible with a conservative like you. You can't even consider how material expressions of class and production might be important to archaeologists.
>You're incapable of opening your mind to new concepts and ideas that challenge your worldview.
I am. But I also know to filter out things that are bullshit. And there is a lot of bullshit flying around these days. Don't be so open minded that your brain falls out, and you start rejecting evidence-based research in favor of constructing appealing stories.
>a conservative like you
If you knew how wrong you are, you'd be embarrassed.
You are such a pseud it's pathetic
>Marxism is a literal grand narrative. It posits that throughout time humans lived under different organizational structures, but which contained inherent contradictions, and the latest iteration of which, capitalism, would lead to increasing perpetuation, which would inevitably result in a revolution which would bring about communism, which would be the resolution of those contradictions.
>You don't know what you're talking about.
You're actually too stupid to know how stupid you sound.
Do you have anything meaningful to contribute, or do you just like to express exasperation?
Academia hasn't been open to "new ideas from all perspectives" for decades now, the entire point of it is to shut down new ideas and only promote a very narrow scope of progressive dogma.
So you don't. Cool. Now fuck off, and don't forget to dilate.
Did you ever go to college
Kek you're quite possibly the best example of dunning-kruger I've seen on this website.
You're actually incapable of engaging with any points. You can just go "pshh, you dum lol". It's really embarrassing.
Fuck this has to be bait
Vaxxed science worshipers hate this guy, so I automatically like him.
>Hurr durr! The right is incapable of critical thinking
>Durr hurr! They can't accept evidence which contradicts their worldview
Meanwhile, your post is the opposite of critical thinking (sweeping generalization? lol) and contains zero evidence supporting your worldview. Are you trolling, or just stupid?
i want him on the skinwalker ranch show...
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don't bother. leftoids are incapable of critical thinking because they offload their minds to daddy institutions
Every single healthy person before 1900 was right wing. Archaeology has existed for more than 120 years.
> right wing archaeologist could never accept the fact that Europeans were not the most advanced cultures in the world
Holy kek. Archaeology is about much more ancient things than "europe" as a cohesive cultural civilization. The most racist man alive would not give a shit about movements of peoples in India.
I watched him and the reddit Indiana jones guy knowing nothing about either of them, and Graham got raped and gaped.
>we haven't excavated the entire Sahara yet
>if techno Atlantis was nearby in the past it would have had an effect on all the peoples around it
>nuh uh
I mean nogs in Africa have cookie monster T shirts.
Piri Reis, Younger Dryas-bros are we being destroyed by a man in a crushable Indiana Jones fedora??
>>Gobekli Tepe
Not to defend this guy, but that entire site did rock the boat.
And the current claim that the place was build by hunter&gatherer smells like bullshit to me.
Sure, but why was he so cringe while doing it?
It's because of statements like this and people like you that most right wing people dont reveal their political believes and just tell they are leftwing to stay out of trouble.
Your the problem.
Because laughing every time your oponent speaks is pure autism and something someone does when they lack any and all confidence in themselves. It’s used in place of real confidence.
Post Processualism and anything that came after Binford is fucking bullshit dude. I remember learning that shit in class and thinking how retarded it was.
maybe, i'm not a fan of hancock, but the whole time he was in that back and forth with that rat i really was rooting for hancock.
Would be entertaining to see giorgio tsoukalos and graham hancock to argue if something was aliens or ancient super civilization
>America's calling card: projection
>accuse Chinese of being bugs
I hate joe "stoolfucker" rogan so much.
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>"hey this doesn't make sense and you guys have no logical explanation for it"
Why do they always do this?
Academia is an institution like any other. It doesn’t require you to have an open mind or any shit like that, you have to brown nose your superiors and regurgitate what they think in order to succeed until you finally get tenure and can say whatever you want. Really everyone in academia is an NPC.

Foucault, despite his faggotry, was mostly correct about academia, knowledge, etc.
I'll take my 3 hours of comfy schizo rants to go thanks
because he's an ugly dysgenic faggot
>archaeologists haven't excavated every millimetre of the earth's surface so you don't know there *wasn't* a paleolithic mega-civilisation! My theory is confirmed.
That's literally all he has, aside from "this rock looks sort of square, it must be a 100,000 year old Atlantean temple." What a faggot.
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Mad at the Dibbs?
lies and magic are more fun than the boring truth of history
why don't they just fly that lidar drone over whole amazon if it's that easy
I hope he gets to guest in Season 2 with Keanu.
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Listen up, Edboy, firstly a lidar drone doesn't find everything, just gives you some indicative geophysical data. Secondly, you're suggesting flying a tiny battery-powered drone over the entire Amazon, which is 8x the size of Texas. You're fucking retarded.
I hate professionals deboonkers. They always come off as naive bootlickers. Never knowing or acknowledging the flaws of [Current model].
but in the show they found smallish shit instantly like magik.
big city should be even easier. they could do like co-project with military. loan some super drone that can do that and military gets good press for helping finding atlantis in the amazon
so use a fleet of them over 5-10 years. its a process. nobody is saying to get it done in a week.
if reddit was an actual person
if you actually listen to him, all he's really doing is asking questions and pointing out that there is a ton of shit that we dont know. there are a details about various places that dont seem to make sense, and strangely similar themes across the globe. is his theory correct? doubtful. its cute that it provides the answer to all of the questions, but reality is rarely so convenient. im sure that somebody could come up with some other explanation too.

also, you're not supposed to just "believe" him. go out and find the answers. get into the sciences, get into the field, or get wealthy and provide funding to those that are, and get answers. there is too much that we dont know, and too many clear directions on places to look for answers that we just arent allowed to due to government or bullshit.
you are seriously mentally ill
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I agree.
crazy how even people here on 4chan get so buttblasted at the notion that civilization dates back over 12k years ago, its really not such a big stretch and hancock has plenty of evidence from carbon dating among other things that suggests civilization was well past hunter gatherers in 10k BC, his theories regarding the sea level changes burying lots of ancient evidence is convincing aswell, the parent civilization teaching everyone is a bit of a stretch but thats not the entire theory
Casting doubt on the legitimacy of science is obviously pretty harmful unless there's a very good reason to do so.

I don't understand why this guy has become a darling of the online right anyway when you guys chastise the left for misunderstanding or abusing science so often anyway.
Yup, nothing wrong in this. Modern archeology is all about protecting name legacy and the 'trust the science' crowd has been duped into defending them
this is exactly how dishonest hancock's dissenters are, the bulk of his theories has nothing to do with their being some ancient euro civilization that was better than the others, most of S2 is entirely about the americas and thus about either pacific islanders or ancient natives from asia
>get into the sciences, get into the field, or get wealthy and provide funding to those that are, and get answers
He does nothing but complain that archeologists are an echo chamber that won't accept new ideas, he just won't come out and say he opposes them.
because asks reasonable questions and doesn't just "trust the science"
whoa whoa whoa you can't just baselessly accuse people of revisionist history, chud
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So the seethe is from jews because hancock dares to suggest that the original humans may have been goys, right?
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Say what you want about Graham and some of his more outlandish ideas about a global, highly advanced precursor civilization with magic technology, but there are a few things that absolutely hold true. Around 10-12k years ago there was a global catastrophe. Massive floods washed over huge swathes of land and deposited vast amounts of sediment. Sea levels rose hundreds of feet. This event was so catastrophic that it was burned into the human psyche and myths from all over the world speak of this cataclysm. Any trace of human civilization from the period in history would be incredibly difficult to find. Given that we know the myths and we know the events they were based on actually occurred, we should do our best to investigate. The city of Troy was thought to be just a myth until it was discovered. Should assume that we already know everything about history and there's nothing left to be discovered? Until the (((scientific establishment))) gets off their asses and does their jobs I don't mind any investigation into the subject no matter how outlandish. If they're so butthurt about Graham Handcock then they should get out there and prove him wrong.
Jews benefit from the kind of post-science cult of personality grift this guy is pushing because scientifically the Exodus narrative is bullshit, totally undermining their claim to Israel.
It also lets them establish the truth via the media and not something that at least tries to be objective.
and this show is supposed to illustrate that there are questions that NEED to be asked and answers that NEED to be found. if he can get more people to speak up and demand answers, especially from somehow IN the field, then maybe something can happen. instead of just sitting on these found sites and not DOING anything with them, we can continue excavating and exploring them instead of settling for some initial theory shit and turning the site into a tourist trap.
why so worry about defending the guy when hes already attacked from all angles by people who can't handle different archaeological perspectives
Casting doubt on science is whole point of science
just for the future maybe don’t use “we” so much in your posts
Those sites are investigated by actual experts. No one is sitting on anything in an attempt to not learn in order to preserve their reputation. That's dumb as shit. If you cared about your reputation, you'd spend all of your time trying to overturn the old theses so you can be the hot new guy.

Graham Hancock defenders will never acknowledge that he has way more incentive to lie and mislead than any academic.
he's not lying though. he's asking questions and pointing out connections. you're just angry that you dont agree.
Casting doubt on the veracity of scientific claims is one thing but he's directly attacking the underlying mechanism for rejecting his viewpoint.
True, from now on I'll use "the goyim" instead of "we".
>No one is sitting on anything
lmao even
exactly and how would they remember this if civilization didn't exist prior to the flood
does poor job of it then. mostly just made up shit without real evidence and hancock guy getting angry at people who say something that goes against his "speculations". kept them minimum of course in the show.
even with the people who some what agree with him, they obviously cut the parts so it looks like they're full on board or the questions graham asked were dishonest and misleading.
it's just highly sensationalistic entertainment product. fun for entertainment but not to be taken seriously
"Asking questions and pointing out connections" invariably means that he's trying to imply a gigantic conspiracy to cover up the truth of history. If he actually gave a shit, he'd become an archeologist himself. He has infinitely more incentive to lie and misrepresent things because he has a show worth millions of dollars.

People built pyramids all over the world because they're the easiest big shape to build, not because Hancock's fake super civilization taught how to. There'd be a ton of evidence of such a civilization existing if it actually had. He's just a charlatan who's smart enough to avoid directly saying these things because he knows that the ones who do talk about psychic Atlantis theory or whatever the fuck get shut down for being retarded.
>does poor job of it then.
you did a poor job listening then.
>it's just highly sensationalistic entertainment product. fun for entertainment
>but not to be taken seriously
there are a lot of questions asked and connections illustrated that are worth exploring. try actually listening. dont watch it with the mindset of whether or not his grand theory is correct or not. listen to the facts of each individual site. listen to what we know and dont know. listen to what makes sense or not. forget him and forget his theory. just listen to the facts and how they add up, NOT the speculations. listen to the questions asked, and what we DO and DONT know.

something that irritates the fuck out of me is the notion that everybody puts forward about how "hard" it would have been to move "massive" things. its not. tedious, sure, but theres plenty of time in the day and decades of life to get things done. you dont need extensive "technology" to do great builds. the only REAL question is motivation, and maybe precision.
>to be taken serious
plenty of his takes on redating places and structures should not be as controversial as people have made it, most of what he says about Gobekli Tepe is perfectly backed
>gigantic conspiracy to cover up the truth of history
see, now you're making leaps and assumptions. thats not something he ever said (at least i dont recall it in the show). its just people not thinking his theory has ANY credibility, and that its not worth reassessing the established understanding.

>There'd be a ton of evidence of such a civilization existing if it actually had
which is why his grand theory is extremely doubtful. however, to his credit, the cataclysmic events probably would have done a pretty good job of covering shit up and destroying it. another big problem is knowing where to even LOOK for such culture. his theory is unlikely and dubious AT BEST. however, the FACT remains that there are still too many things unknown, and too many strange connections across the globe. jumping to conclusions like aliens and ancient super people is pretty stupid. but there clearly are pieces that we are missing, and considering the size, scale, and sometimes precision of a lot of these sites, some pretty BIG pieces.

theories and hypotheticals that make sense (in the sense that they answer the question) can give us direction, but just blindly filling in the blanks with them is stupid. recognize the vastness of the unknowns in this subject, recognize the connections between the knowns, and recognize that there IS an answer somewhere. thats all. theres no need to put a celebrity on a pedestal. theres no need to just "believe". dont BE one of the retards suckered in, use your brain and think about the things that are actually important. forget hancock. ask questions and find answers. if he led you to start, GOOD.
i could be very wrong, and im going off of a vague recollection of a passing factoid, but isnt dating stuff a lot hard now due to nuclear testing blasting shit all through the atmosphere? so anything exposed on the surface is basically contaminated? or is that just modern stuff and old stuff is still fine?
there are factors that can change the accuracy of carbon dating including radiation, however when the carbon dating gives an estimate that is not obscene like 50k BC but more like 12k BC its definitely something to go off and research further, another problem with some of Hancock's research is that he'll date things like seeds that were found next to human footprints or other human markings and while that is certainly good to check out it is not completely verifiable, this is what triggers a lot of the mainstream archaeologists because hancock's evidence can seldom be entirely proven but when you're dealing with things so long ago you can't just say impossible every time the data is contrary to the current history
>Around 10-12k years ago there was a global catastrophe. Massive floods washed over huge swathes of land and deposited vast amounts of sediment.
Nope, sea level remained pretty stable throughout the YD. Most of the changes in SL occurred during the transition phases, for example:
This was hardly some huge flood. The changes in temperature were likely a lot more impactful for most humans, especially in the northern hemisphere.
>Should assume that we already know everything about history and there's nothing left to be discovered?
Are you retarded lmao
you seem knowledgable about dating stuff. how do they date when a thing was MADE/CARVED, and not how old the stone itself is?
well around the time gobekli tepe was built people had already domesticated animals and started cultivating plants. Farming was already a thing at that point. It wasnt hunter gatherers like 40000 years ago but it wasnt exactly Mesopotamian huge cities level of farming. its between the two

they already do that. drones using lidar are pretty much being flown constantly over those regions.
so it depends on what the material the carving is made of. if it is something like obsidian then you use a few different methods like Obsidian hydration dating (OHD) where you basically find out when it was chipped and the surface was exposed to the water in the air. For something like ancient cave paintings you can look at calcium deposits that cover the art and date those. then you know the object is older than that date. a lot of times you either look at whats on top of it and see if you can date that to get a range or with specific materials you have different types of high level science microscope shit. Most of the time its not archaeologists doing it but you send it off to a university lab in the stem department that has one of those million dollar machines they use for material science or physics or whatever.
>well around the time gobekli tepe was built people had already domesticated animals and started cultivating plants. Farming was already a thing at that point. It wasnt hunter gatherers like 40000 years ago but it wasnt exactly Mesopotamian huge cities level of farming. its between the two

Soft retcon.
Until recently everybody started foaming if you claimed that.
Why does this guy make redditors seethe so much though? Is it just because he's white? Is it really that simple?
he tells half truths, it makes normies think, they dont like that.
thats how science works. when new information comes out you change the books to reflect that. often the general public doesnt look at the most up to date information and instead digests the more palatable stuff, information thats written to appeal to nonprofessionals in the field.
>le burned into the collective psyche
Or the story of the flood was lucky. Just like how some stories and legends are more popular than others. 4 billion people believe in jewish prophets. 3 billion people believe in the story of a guy who sat under a tree. Doesn't mean they bent reality to their will
You say that, but men had their entire carreer destroyed because they came out with new research and they died poor&alone&ridiculed, only to be proven right in death.

I want these fuckers that made this happen suffer to.
Like who recently? yeah it happened in the 40-60s but that kind of stuff doesnt really happen anymore. almost everyone that is working in the field atm isnt part of that group of people. If you dont have evidence that overpowers the evidence we do have then your claim wont be accepted by the wider archaeological community. its pretty simple. if you have one piece of evidence that is different and goes against the current accepted timeline then you need to fully understand that piece and find others to support and give more context. this stuff takes a lot of work.
Yeah he's a scam artist, crazy that he got a netflix show tbqhwy.
>Like who recently?
>This event was so catastrophic that it was burned into the human psyche and myths from all over the world speak of this cataclysm
most ancient civilizations lived near water because it's necessary for life. it's just as likely that different peoples all over the world arrived independently at flood myths based on the pretty frequent occurrence of water-based acts of god (hurricanes, monsoons, tsunamis, etc.). thousands of people from florida and north carolina experienced flooding and catastrophe just in the past month. i'm not saying you're wrong, but there is just as much evidence for parallel genesis of creation myths as there is of an advanced alien civilization feeding forbidden knowledge to cavemen
Diddler won
True. But ancient stones are what convinced me.
The same style of ancient seamless megalithic stone walls in Ahu Vinapu (Easter Island), Sacsayhuamán (Peru), Alaca Hoyuk (Turkey), and Valley Temple of Khafre.
Parallel creation myths sure, but parallel stone cutting technology that couldn't be replicated centuries after to this day all over the world?
His son works as a producer at Netflix. It's the most blatant nepotism ever
Dibbleheads literally denying the great flood in this thread
>stone cutting technology
and what exactly is so hard about chiseling things away and sanding them down flat in order to fit tightly?
Did he at least make enough off his Rogan appearance to afford a tailor to fix his sleeves?
Look up these stones we're talking about.
First of all they're incredibly hard stone so cutting them is a feat without modern technology.
Second of all there are thousands of them per structure, so mass produced in a time without modern technology.
Third they're fucking massive, like each stone is roughly the weight of 20-30 elephants (128-200 tonnes) so moving them there is already insane.
Fourth they're stacked on top of each other.
Fifth they're carved so perfectly you can't fit a hair in betwen the seams of two adjoining blocks (you can't stand them in place and you can't exactly sand them, try the fit, bring them down again and keep sanding because moving them is so difficult).
Oh and you can't chisel these stones. They're too hard.
They know their target demographic for sure, the flat earthers and ancient ayyliens retards love it
There is nothing necessarily wrong with considering that human civilization is much older than accepted. In fact, it would help explain some various inconsistencies. But that means that current academia could be wrong..and they wont stand for that.
>this thread brought to you by Flint Dibble and friends
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>My eldest son, who is half Somalian

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