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Post nuclear kino
Those graphics are dated now but when the movie came out, we were blown away. Even the vector displays of the time couldn't make anything like what were on the screen in NORAD.
Getting it out of the way
>Those graphics are dated now
in what way?
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Mogged by Lumet
The 2000 live remake is such a weird thing to do
These graphics will always be satisfying, I love going back to the Defcon game every so often to see
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This will always be far more spooky and haunting than any photorealistic cgi will ever be. I felt more watching those dots slowly move than I felt during the T2 judgement day or Grave of the Fireflies shit.
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Technically, it's not nuclear, but still.
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>be Stanley Kubrick
>successfully sue the makers of Fail Safe and win, forcing the competing film to be released later
>everyone remembers Strangelove or is at least aware of it, only real film buffs are aware of Fail Safe
One party mogged the other, that's true. But you are confused as to who mogged whom.
I can't believe this book and movie are real.
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Does this count?
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Just this scene.
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Sure does
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lmao i rewatched this movie a few months ago and it's a giant turd, fucking awful film with an amazing theme

It's not about "the" Manhattan Project. It's about a kid who makes a nuke.
>not showing the Russian nuclear response
nice propaganda
I didn't know about Fail Safe before, but a quick search makes it look like Kubrick is a pissbaby using corporate copyright lawfare to bury the independent competition. The story makes Kubrick look like a fucking faggot and made me lose a lot of respect for him.
Those cornfield silos show up in tons of media. Are/were they actually real?
Yeah, the government would build ICBM silos in the middle of nowhere because they would be the first targets in a Soviet Nuclear strike.
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This is one of the most shocking and vile movies of all time. Great flick.
Also outdated is how it doesn't show some cities that weren't major yet, like Charlotte
I guess I'm just looking at it from a post-MAD and post-satellite world where 'hidden nukes' seems counter-productive.
Fun fact: in the 1990s, a teenager in Michigan tried to build a nuclear reactor in his backyard but got busted and the government dismantled it.
Yes, there used to be a lot of missile silos in the Midwest/Great Plains of the US, but they’re mostly decommissioned and abandoned now.
The missile silos weren’t hidden and the Soviets knew where they were (and we knew wjere their silos were).
Ballistic missile submarines are the real hidden nukes.
yes, they even pull them out with these trucks for maintenance

You have taken the view exactly opposite to the one that you ought to have taken. A man uses the weapon at his disposal in order to win, and he wins. And you bristle at this because of muh honor, or some masculine code or something. In any case, you view of the thing is deeply stupid.
You’re speaking gibberish. Missile silos are placed away from population centers for security purposes and to keep them away from… population centers. There are many “secret” platforms but silos are generally not among them. And we are not post MAD or satellites so I suppose you mean in that era, which is fucking zoomer history, educate yourself faggot. Satellites and the concept of MAD evolved at the same time as nuclear weapons, there is no separation for you to be referencing there.
>A man uses the weapon at his disposal in order to win, and he wins.
Sounds like you're a jew.
yes a jew used the legal system to give his shittier art a leg up despite its lower quality, how jewish, very "based"
Fags like you that defend the weaponization of copyright law are the worst think to have ever happened to the arts.
That's what happens after the russian attack saar
>what happens after I eat at Taco Bell
I'm amazed I lived to see such a kinky tale
Yes, but why the need to nuke civilian targets?
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one of those movies you watch once and never want to see again
What part of Mutually Assured Destruction aren't you understanding?
Soldiers were civilians before they signed a piece of paper. And past that, currently in the US military, there are 9 non-combat personnel for every single soldier on the ground. The actual boots on the ground are the least important part of a conflict by far.
Now it would read
Food Services
Nobody has seen a Russian nuke in 40 years, they can't even fly anymore.
>Nobody has seen a Russian nuke in 40 years
What do you mean by that? Nobody has seen any nuke for decades because of the test bans, only North Korea has done anything recent
>they can't even fly anymore.
They do launches all the time lol, meanwhile the last 2 trident tests done by the UK both failed
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>Wasting nukes on Chita, Archangelsk, Makhachkala, Kyzyl and Omsk
The nukes are likely targeting military sites in or near those cities. Archangelsk has an important Navy base.
Cut short by 3 mins due to 911.
Testament 1983. tells the story of a town thats not hit by the bombs but slowly devolves as everything around them falls apart.
Total rusgroid death
>the progressive sickness
>a dead baby
>group suiciding in the car in the garage
tense and grim
I would love to see what the full scene would look like with the storyboard edited in.
The War Game is the best
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It was definitely different than what I expected. Based Ellison.
Yeah, cause it sucks and it's boring.
Imagine watching ever major city world wide engulfed in conflagration.
>t. zoomie that has a panic attack if he doesn't look at his phone for 5 minutes
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>nuke Glasgow
>its an improvement
Please tell me they nuke Aberdeen too
>They do launches all the time
may we see these tests, we had one some time ago and it ended up being a nice creater.
Umm you can see ICBM launches on youtube
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>will someone give me a cigarette?
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>The Day After
>Fail Safe
>Countdown To Looking Glass
>Special Bulletin
>When the wind blows
>The War Game
>Thirteen Days
>By Dawns early light
Jewish ritual sacrifice
China did one 3 weeks ago.
>Those graphics are dated now
nah they are alright
Just because that hack Stanley got his movie out first doesn't make it the better film.
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if you haven't seen this, watch it
it's unique
Favorite fictional weapons
>Ray guns
>Light sabers
>Nuclear bombs
Ha, i see what you did there.
They are targetting police officers which are in every city.
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Strangelove being the better film makes it the better film.
so what do you call this artstyle?
What tactical advantage do you have to blowing up civillian centers, or bumfuck nowhere country towns?
nukes are a meme, they work only in very specific circumstances
you can nuke a modern 10 million pop city and still be left with 1 million you can not get rid of no matter what
with small towns it's the same deal
the sweet spot is somewhere between 10.000 and 100.000 pop
Criterion presented these as a double feature and its so good as a double feature
In a lot of ways I like Fail Safe more
>same deal
I mean that it doesn't matter strategically, not that ol pop benson and his three chicken survive while everything else is vaporized
>Watched like an hour of this movie
I never did find out if there really was going to be a nuclear strike or not. I should finish it some time.
your comment reeks of retardedness which forces me to think you are an underage getting your informations from youtubers and tiktok reels
what, is vermouth free where this guy is from?
>In a lot of ways I like Fail Safe more
like for example? I watched it back in the DVD era and remember liking Dr. S way more
maybe he should've done nothing and won fair and square by selling the better product rather than putting fellow artists down, its certainly not noble what he did and if you dare say having things like honor is a weakness than you don't understand what it is to have a human soul
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The Sum of All Fears third act. Picrel.
your reply reeks of living in a city between 10.000 and 100.000 pop reeking of glowies, contractors, and a few military bases, with a shit ton of retired personnel
enjoy your nukes and make sure to remember to dilate your neovagina
i appear correct
he made the superior movie and the people financing his lawyers thoughts so too
end of story
i finally quit WoW for good right after Vulpera were released, mostly because they moved the AH long boy to the black market when I had been saving up for it for a year and was very close. i was one of the people that hoped we'd get fish goblins instead because they matched Nazjatar and were actually a twist on goblins rather than a new race altogether since most allied races are just palette swaps
I am sure that will make you nuke-proof lol
like that negro that rubbed lemon juice over his face thinking it will make him invisible
go cower
is this GPT3 or GPT4?
i think it is entirely realistic that using the nukes at the end of WW2 allowed us to see the damage they can do and in doing so have made countries much more weary of using them because of the risk of nuclear war, had we not seen their destruction first hand whether it was the cold war or a modern conflict someone would be more likely to send them off
no way an AI is going to talk about quitting over the long neck auction house mount, I've heard other people whine about it but never heard someone that took it as personal as me cause I'd been farming vials of the sand and selling them for over a year working my ass off doing very little else in the game
>blowing away a city made of wood
>test footage of it blowing away hamlets literally made of cardboard
oy vey i am pissing myself behind 10 layers of commieblocks... not
if you want me to care give me some nice home with no filthy gypsies or negroes in a 10km range
so you are just a malfunctioning autist shell? ok, so that is like GPT2 then?
amazing film BUT I can never bring myself to believe the ending is in any way possible
Nuking a city with a modern nuke is the end of that city. Likely the end of the entire region as all communication and power and internet are destroyed. Fucking Covid made all panic and fucked the economy. What do you think a 3 megaton nuke going off in a major city would do? Use your head, idiot.
only way it happens is the kikes with their Samson option ( which probably doesnt exist)
if I was malfunctioning I'd still be playing WoW and eating the shit they put on my plate, instead I did what was right and finally cut all ties
Fail Safe is extremely suspenseful, and it has a more interesting message to think about on the topic of nuclear war. To me at least it's a more shocking, powerful portrayal of what might happen, which is undercut by Strangelove's levity.
>going from "everybody dies" to "ugh there will be no broadband internet"
I hope you realize how stupid the point you try to make is
>Fucking Covid made all panic and fucked the economy.
yeah because it was practically a chinese biological suicide-attack and biological weapons are VERY hard to clean up... that's why russians were shitting themselves with all the american biolabs in ukraine
Holy shit how stupid. I haven't played in years and the fucking pandas were stupid too
What a fucking lame game they managed to turn it into
imagine living in the deep suburbs or country outskirts of the city and so youre out of reach of the payload, you're fine as long as you can get food but now you have to handle the swarm of radioactive refugees who are so fucked by the blast that they don't care who you are theyre just gonna try and get whatever resources you have, id probably pack up my car with all the food and drive out into the woods asap, most of the survivors won't be driving or searching the woods for supplies so ill be safe if I get into the real woods, be kinda cozy when you think about it
plus George Scott's character is 100 percent correct
seems to me you quit too late and now have schizophrenia
maybe you shouldn't have quit
maybe you should shank the people who made you quit
wolves and pandas were one thing but the introduction of Vulpera made it clear that there was going to be a large playerbase of furries who make that their identity and thats why you don't make an animal race like that
depends, if youre going into Northern New England youll be fine, if youre going into the woods of Missouri you'll be surrounded
seems to me you're a fucking retard who doesn't know what hes talking about, maybe I should shank you
>it's suspenseful!
>it's interesting!
>it's shocking!
>it's a powerful portrayal of what might happen!
>it's dead serious!
yeah you just convinced me that everybody who prefers Fail Safe superior should go to the coal mines for at least 20 years... and I say that without levity
god I wish that were me
is that cause the Missouri woods is too small and surrounded by population centers? i live in oregon and I don't see refugees being a problem in most of oregon's nature
it was always a trannoid game you just were late to the party
missouri might not even have woods for all i know
the fact that I don't entertain your schizophrenia doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about
it's you or them buddy, you did it to yourself
its a big state and me knowing the scope of american states especially ones not in the north east I would bet that Missouri has plenty of thick and deep swampy woods that victims of nukes would scarcely be able to delve into
ironic considering how schizophrenic your posting is
Charlotte is still fairly unimportant from the kind of utilitarian perspective NORAD would have. Charleston is about the same population wise, but is far more important because of its port. The importance of cities in an all out war isn't in their population numbers, but in what industry and transit they have.
>Russian nuclear response
Tell us what's so mindblowing about Strangelove then.
im a big kubrick fan and I actually think Strangelove is one of his weakest (easily beats Lolita) some of it is very funny and a bit of the cold war commentary is intriguing but for the most part it feels like a movie that fails to achieve anything
>my posting
now you are starting to get it
Russia would take the moral high ground and choose not to retaliate, for the sake of saving the human race from extinction.
did I say it was mindblowing? just like >>204678232 says, it's fairly mediocre but it's a good movie and I wouldn't mind watching it till the end if I caught it on TCM or smth
can't say the same for Failsafe
>Great acting
>Great animation
>Great effects
>Absolutely depressing dialogue and plot
look at time zones, it was at night in Russia, they were sleeping
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>the perfect martini
>more vermouth than gin
kubrick was ultimately correct and nukes are barely even a thing anyone cares about outside of trump getting the nuclear codes every 4 years
Joking aside, I wonder if this could happen. One side launches a first strike the other chooses to abstain out of pure altruism.

probably not
Harlan Ellison is the GOAT
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pic rel is a good nukie movie with proper diversity and no woke shit shoved up your nose
the reason the lawsuit happened is failsafe was too similar to red alert to the point that it could have been contested for plagiarism, and since kubrick had the authorized adaptation of the book made, he and the author pushed the lawsuit forward.
>Ballistic missile submarines are the real hidden nukes
this is a truthpost that everyone will ignore
>thinks that something the size of a city and weighing ten times as much, 99.9% of that weight being made up by FERROUS METAL, can be hidden
Strangely very is superior, one if the best comedies if all time even.
Fail-Safe has a ludicrous ending, the military commanders would've used the opportunity to follow through on first strike as the President hasn't had sole launch authority since Eisenhower.
The nuclear "football" is pure theatre.
Japanese anti nuke propaganda. Good but grim movie.
>the President hasn't had sole launch authority since Eisenhower
what the hell, that can't be true
>shat themselves with kennedy and decided to stay in the bed instead of going to the toilet
but I guess it keeps Canada from getting nuked
Huh? Half of these are US targets back when the USSR was still subjugating half of Europe.
Jericho, The Last Ship and Revolution. They're not peak but they're comfy kino shows, especially in the earlier seasons. Might as well throw the 100 in there, it jumps the shark so many times but the initial premise was still great. I found it so retarded it was funny in the later seasons.
>nuking ex-commie countries that are full of commie-blocks which basically stop any airburst advantage relegating nukes to bunker-busters
>ex-commie countries probably have sprawling nuke-proof bunker-cities
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mournful war room.
war room? do they fight there?
Surprised this still doesn't really have traction as a respected movie.
Miracle Mile
>female director
>at least one flaming faggot actor
probably commie propaganda
>After Hours but with a nuke and GTA mixed in
if the writing & the actress was a bit better (not even hotter, just less grating) this would have been a top100 movie without question
They’re two fundamentally different presentations. What age are you that you still struggle with the concept of differing opinions?
son, I have seen both movies and read Level 7
in my opinion no human being should shit away his precious time on Earth by indulging in anything between Level 7 and Dr S.
is that clear, faggot?
Imagine waking up as a Russian the next morning and it looks slightly worse than normal.
Yeah, you’re clearly a feeble minded terminally online cretin. A living embodiment of
>stop liking what I don’t like reeeeee
Somehow you manage even TYPE like a fat, ugly cunt.
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go read Level 7 instead of mouthing off on the internet calling others terminally online
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all nukes are fake
Nukes are real but for some reason most movies about nukes suck
That’s right, porky, you go ahead and avoid the point with the same energy you do in avoiding salads. Fat cunt.
what point, shitcuntqueef?
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Uhhhhmm, soon? I guess. The script is ready btw.
>Israel bombing Iran
>Iran bombing Israel back really hard
>Jews start screaming about holocaust 2.0
>Murifatland sends army to Middle East and bomb the shit out of Iran
>China says fuck it, we would do whatever we want, and thus WW3 started
So, many thanks to “god” chosen people.
Can't you two read? Or did you not watch the entire thing because there's no subway surfing video underneath?
Sure is reddit at this popsicle stand
for nukes to be real you need some really pissed off dudes
>Western Block claiming that they are better than Russkies because they respect private property... while confiscating all private property of Russkies they can get their hands on
>Russkies claiming they are better than Western Block because they get over history and focus on the future... while calling "fascist" whom they like and executing them on the spot
I dunno anon, they seem really pissed off at this very moment
There have been 2,121 nuclear tests done since the first in July 1945, involving 2,476 nuclear devices. As of 1993, worldwide, 520 atmospheric nuclear explosions (including eight underwater) have been conducted with a total yield of 545 megatons (Mt): 217 Mt from pure fission and 328 Mt from bombs using fusion, while the estimated number of underground nuclear tests conducted in the period from 1957 to 1992 is 1,352 explosions with a total yield of 90 Mt

Yet the planet barely noticed. Would nuclear war just kill us pesky humans off while the planet shrugs it off in no time at all? Is that what (THEY)'re planning?
>knew that a subway surfing video underneath would help
>did not put a subway surfing video underneath
>teases us for it
ok anon you won now get over your slavic ego and put in the subway surfing video underneath so we can have a real conversation..
Are you having a stroke?
no I delegated it
I did read it, triple nigger. Everything after this point is a US target against commie controlled areas. Not Muscovian targets against Europe.
because it went from holy kino in the beginning to the shittiest possible fear mongering propaganda in the end
Totally still holds up.
This shit was super gay. Even 16 year old me walked out of the theater feeling lame about having seen it.
yeah? then tell me the exact location of all russian submarines currently operating in the oceans
Why are these observation rooms always really darkly lit in movies? Not exactly a suitable working environment.
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So you watch only some of the clip and totally missed the point just like the retarded AI camera in the very clip you skipped? lol
>slavic ego
I'm not a fucking pumpkin headed serial alcoholic slav god dammit
No one is confused about this. It's the title of the movie also. But thanks for specifying, faggot.
You're just a bitter contrarian who doesn't appreciate Kubrick because of your low intelligence. Your post drips with it.
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>9 out of 10 people die in an instant
>This is fine somehow even without the power grid and raging fires literally everywhere
Imagine the last major wildfires and the haze they cast over entire states. Dust storms from Africa haze our skies. Imagine what happens when every city bursts into flames at once. People. Cars. Gas stations. Rubble. Even without the complete and utter collapse of modern society, every place within hundreds of miles is fucked.
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No, but incidentally it is the better film. Anyone who'd call Kubrick a 'hack' doesn't understand or appreciate film in the slightest.
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I heard of this new schizo conspiratard theory. It's pretty fucking retarded as expected. They have a few crackpots out there shilling for it like flat earth and obviously as we see here people are falling for it.
they probably haven't moved since decades anon thus no disturbing of magnetic field
>not knowing russians
they probably prepared for 100 years in advance anon, even if it makes Putin cry
Lemon juice? Tell us more.
Thanks for sharing.
being stuck on a still nuclear submarine for 40 years
imagine the smell
Thanks Anon - I knew there was a reason why WIki showed I had clacked out the plot. Download now.
you think they still have noses? they probably had babies out of gay copulation by this time :(
wages of war
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It's just like that scene from Wargames.
Every nuclear country has a samson option you idiot
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Covid made who panic? You mean the two days people thought they'd run out of toilet paper and then no one even did? lol, early covid was so comfy. Then I got $20,000 worth of checks from unemployment. I'm still pretty much quarantined. Never stopped getting groceries delivered. Never got covid. Never got a cold even. Friends still come over and everything is normal but I just don't go in stores anymore. When I finally get sick I'll probably stop staying home but there's really no reason to at this point. Everyone comes to me.
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>this is the USS Enterprise
>yes in fact we are a soviet submarine
>one mention
Kino of the highest order right here
I wish I knew the names for music so I can search for it better.
I don't know if this is a whole "genre" but the twinkling part of this song is very beautiful and when you tie it to the rest... I don't know. Like I said, I don't have the right words. I just wish I could find more of it.
Thanks for reminding me this exists. I've wanted to watch this.
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You're retarded. A submarine is like the length of a football field. Underwater even other submarines have trouble locating them. Do you have any idea how enormous the oceans are? Do you know ANYTHING at all? FFS...
I have that game still on an old desktop PC in my basement. I play Red Alert 2, Total Annihilation and Defcon on it. I remember reading a review of it in Playboy Magazine actually and that's why I bought it.
>but they’re mostly decommissioned and abandoned now
Fat lot of good that will do us when the missiles actually fly.
>"Hmmm. Should we trust the enemy report that they dismantled these silos? We still have 9,999 nuclear warheads and 300 of them are already heading to new york and DC."
You're a man with style and taste!
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With Powers Booth? That shit sucked.

Real Genius is the best. It's really more about lasers, but it feels like a nuclear movie somehow.

"Kent, this is God. Stop playing with yourself!"
Sounds interesting, grabbing now. Thanks!
What movie?
I can't believe I'm turning into a "nukes aren't real" guy.
I'm not a flat earth fag, I'm not a fake moon landing fag. I do deny the holocaust though.
>lets ignore the meds they have suffered enough

pretty classy.
>I'm turning into a "nukes aren't real" guy
You would be suprised what you can make at home with basic stuff. Nukes are real. Right about everything else
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if you know you know.
they are real but there is no point in keeping a hugeass arsenal just for intimidation if you could just make it a tiny arsenal and pretend to have a bigger one.

so yeah Russia and the US probably got a handful of working ICBMs and some derelict bombs layign around and thats pretty much it.
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You want points for being only schizo about some of the retarded theories you hear about?
You're ignorant. Go to /pol/, nazi shitbag.
Damnation Alley.
sensors detecting stuff like massive amounts of ferrous metals could have been easily deployed since the 70s
would USA sub crews mind staying there for 100 years? fuck yeah. would soviets? 1000 years minimum we got all the science fiction novels we need general!
>submarine is like the length of a football field
yeah I admit it, u r right, I exaggerate and imagine suburbs as superior to NYC mea culpa
yeah not having LEDs for accelerated growth of weed is a serious chokepoint on my theory
If you’re a sciencefag the manufacturing of nuclear weapons is extensively documented, how could they not be real?
Probably because I'm not a sciencefag and I've been convinced by people going, "Look at this video, look at that. Look how stupid that looks."
And a whole lot of:
"Oh yeah? An ICBM just flew over my house! May I see it? Just show me one detonation that isn't from 1945."

Like, we should have stunning, beautiful 4k HD footage of an explosion in 202X, right?

They probably are real, but then there's the biology fags. I've said it before but biologists weren't sure if we could absorb more than 40 grams of protein in one sitting... You know, when predators who eat once a month sometimes exist. Scientists don't know shit about fuck about how the human body works so why should chemistry be any different?
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Just read up on the technology if you want to understand.
>sensors detecting stuff like massive amounts of ferrous metals could have been easily deployed since the 70s

By all accounts they haven't been. The militaries of Russia and USA aren't open about what they do and don't have, but we know that sonar is only so helpful in pinpointing subs. Water makes conduction of anything tricky. I don't know if you think satellites or magnets or cameras or what kinds of sensors are just able to know where big moving chunks of metal are deep under the enormous oceans, but from everything I've read no one has the technology to do that at this point and subs are our most covert mobile arsenals on the planet. I don't know what you're talking about staying under or staying still for hundreds of years. They're humans like us and they need food and water and oxygen replenished regularly. They can stay down for months if they have to, but the crew doesn't like it.
It's fiction, but read The Hunt For Red October if you want an entry point on submarines. There are plenty of historical novels about CIA missions and espionage carried out over the years involving submarines, but Hunt is an entertaining primer.
But at the moment you seem to be rather clueless on the subject.
Reaction pics often have nothing to do with the post. You shouldn't assume there's any relation to the argument. Welcome to 4chan.
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Jesus, is this what's happening to trust in everything? You see some dumb and short video clips of some rando casting doubt on some established science or technology and then you look at some other thing where a scientist was wrong once and apply that thinking to science as a whole?
Yeah, we're in big trouble when this is how people think and are this easily convinced that everything is a lie. Holy shit, anon.

Leave the science to the sciencefags and trust them. Unless you're willing to actually learn it for yourself DO NOT trust the grifter who made the clips and the dumb arguments. Assume the fucking history books and experts are not lying to you.

I'm actually going to screenshot your post and save it just to remind myself that it really is happening and this is how and why. Whenever I am appalled at some confident ignorant dipshit I'm going to refer to your post, anon.
>ur theory aint true because they say they just can't because like water and magnets and shieeeeet air and earth and... fire?
Trust the science.
Trust the media.
Trust the government.

How about NO. Too many lies.
But no one is setting off nukes in 202X because we fucking know better. Why should there be footage? There were dozens of tests in the 40s and 50s and you can see films of them.


Start there. Please educate yourself. Don't hang out with people who push stuff like conspiracy theories.
sad thing is that autistic word diarheea like that actually works with sub-85 IQ peoples... east arabs basically paid west arabs to shit words like that for "you are part of the club bro" just to throw them under the bus
quite sad, they could have probably written great novels in a few 100's of years
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we are in an era of schizophrenia. I recently had an argument with my friend over whether or not eating more fiber was a psyop from big fiber. Its like nigger the fucking research exists for this shit, we've had microscopes for 120 fucking years there is just a direct correlation between eating more fiber and getting less colorectal cancer. we will hit a critical fucking mass in like 25 years where people wont believe fucking anything unless it is right in front of their faces. people will start calling chemistry invisible jew nonsense or something
Your theory isn't true for any number of reasons. Why don't you read up on it instead of just dreaming up fantasy posts and then doubling down on their likelihoods with a bunch of nonsense. Did you take a metal detector to the beach one time and assume that there just must be some high tech similar gadgetry floating in the ocean? You don't know jack shit about anything. Why are you still arguing and making yourself look even more idiotic?
>But no one is setting off nukes in 202X
North Korea does tests all the time
>because we fucking know better.
> Please educate yourself. Don't hang out with people who push stuff like conspiracy theories.
faggot talk
The only non-gay anime I know of besides Ninja Scroll. I don't know why you guys always lean towards the schoolgirl pedo cartoons when they made a couple decent ones.
Nukes are alright but biologists can fuck off.
>Don't know why we yawn
>Don't know why we get those random sharp pains that make you reflex hard
>Don't know why we get goosebumps
>Vague guesses why our skin wrinkles ("it's le evolution to grip things underwater!")
>"Here take this vaccine with heavy metals in it."
>Every drug is just the main 4 drugs in different doses
>"Umm actually I guess nobody did any studies after that one guy said fats are le bad because he went to Italy for 4 days. Sorry we made you eat corn syrup for 30 years."
>Watch Wolfpack345 on youtube
>Lots of naval sims
>LOTS of sub sims
>Find out that radar and sonar aren't things you can just turn on and everything lights up like a Christmas tree.
>"Oh shit, here's 12 anti ship missiles that we didn't pick up all in a pack heading towards us, USS Fuckshit hard to starboard, get those guns in arc!"
Schizo anon here.
I'm this fucking close to calling it invisible jew nonsense.
Why not? Everything else is a war against Christ because they hate Him.
>Be the 1960's or whatever
>"Hey we dug up these bones, we think they're giant lizards."
>"Oh cool!"
>"By the way don't believe in God anymore."
>"That's a strange thing to say."
i finally watched Wargames and man that was pretty goddamn rough. based ai scientist going full on fatal nihilist though

based defcon players
The first 90 seconds of Terminator Genisys was 10/10
Anything after that is 0/10

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Wow, another voice of sanity on 4chan at the same time as me?? We're already just about there, anon. With this mindset and the technology there is to manipulate photos and video it's already over for so many of them. Space is fake, the earth is flat, school shootings aren't real, covid isn't real, poisonous vaccines ARE real.
Measles is back in my state because 9% of the kids have non-medical exemptions because their parents are these schizo fucktards. And they're never wrong. They don't misremember; it's just the 'mandela effect'! I saw a tweet earlier where someone had convinced a bunch of people in some southern state to vote for Harris if they support Trump because the voting machines were switching the votes. People will believe ANYTHING if they trust the person telling them. And like you said they won't believe objective fucking facts unless they witness them first hand and in person. Because "everything can be faked with CGI". They can just go to that whenever they don't like what they see.
Makes me want to fucking vomit. Or just teach them all one by one how to think for themselves and learn to judge what is bullshit and what isn't. Are scientists and doctors always right? No, of course not. Does that mean they are usually wrong? Fuck no.
And it's that kind of thinking we are dealing with now. Because of MK Ultra and Operation Mockingbird every fucking theory on the table is perfectly probable to them. Doesn't have to make sense; the whole fucking world is covering it up and they'll never believe otherwise.
>battlestar galactia pilot not posted
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They detonate underground mostly. Also they're highly secretive. There's simply nothing to see. We know about their tests because of seismic anomalies. They'd be retards to set off nukes with giant mushroom clouds in the atmosphere where the land would be uninhabitable because of radiation for hundreds of years.
The fucking intelligence level of some of you is astoundingly low.
>faggot talk
See? How mature is that?
So now you're just trolling as a churchlady?
watching this now, I wasn't expecting an interesting movie with a transvestite.
God is real and the jews will do anything to stop you from accepting the free gift of eternal life.
Based kino appreciators. Its on youtube btw.
Read the manga, Tokyo gets nuked like three times over the course of the full story.
By dawn's early light. It follows the crew of a B-52 bomber during the first hours of a nuclear war. Highly recommended viewing.
>all of the midlands and london is destroyed
>most of wales, norfolk and the north/scotland survive
I see this as a win
pre-apocalypse is underrated genre
two more weeks shitskin /pol/tranny
Its nothing compared to Threads
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I'm pretty sure Jews believe in heaven too, anon. I know you've got a boner for hating them, but you don't even know why. You just believe memes and stuff. You're ignorant.
I am reading it. I read the first 3 volumes over the summer and now I'm taking a break.
really, i mean REALLY, is there anything wrong with nuking the uk? is there even nature to preserve over there?
You're assuming the 12 year old edgelord you're responding to even knows what the Warsaw pact was.
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I hope this comfy thread doesn't die; Miracle Mile while cheesy is enjoyable and I want more suggestions.
There was a simple game that used these exact style of graphics that came out nearly 20 years ago called DEFCON and it's held up.
> two more weeks
Yes. Israel need Trump and Republicans in power to start war with Iran.
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Any ICBM silo/bunker kinos that Are not le scary spooky The Thing like horror?
10 Cloverfield Lane with John Goodman and the PUTA.
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haven't seen that but i've heard about it and it sounds a lot like the S01E02 of Metal Hurlant Chronicles. Girl wakes up in a fallout shelter with her older neighbor who tells her the world is ended, then finds out he's a creep and obviously made up the story about nuclear annihilation and takes action.
pretty much except its real.
>that one in Marseille
Sanitary measure, thx
Imagine somebody shoves something or throws something (unintentionally) in front of him. How will they ever get it off that table lol. Do they have to crawl on it?
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It was live kino!
Saw it in high school history class.
Blast from the Past?
goddamn ye boy, get some sense in that head of yours. does the whole population need lithium or something what the fuck is going on
>So, many thanks to “god” chosen people.
it's much and Trump will bring peace to earth but keep dommposting little shit nugget

Kino cast

>Sam Elliot
>Don Cheadle
>Hank Azaria (Homer Simpson)


Just saw the trailer looks wholesome and awsome
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> Trump will bring peace to earth
Yes! Definitely!
>Metal Hurlant Chronicles
what the fuck is this? i've never heard of this shit before and i was definitely an adult when it came out. is it any good? also is that spike trying to brainwash the girl
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Why did they go for the Seinfeld logo?

Questioning the idea of fibre is dumb seeing how you can easily observe the difference by just adjusting your own diet. But it's not entirely people's own fault for questioning more and more shit. The media does frequently lie or very very strongly misrepresent things and the more and more shit you get bombarded with in the current era makes it harder and harder to actually verify anything yourself. So just rejecting everything is an understandable reaction for some people.
Twenty years ago was more than twenty years after the movie's 1983 release.
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Part of the treaty that reduced the number of nuclear warheads is a requirement that the old silos have their blast doors and covers removed so the inside of the silo can be photographed by satellites passing over.
What movie?
Hate to be “that guy” but Hank is a lot of people but not Homer. Also: checked
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it's pretty cheap and shitty. an anthology series, so every episode is its own thing. i found it had its moments, that shelter ep was really good, but i wouldn't blame anyone for just calling it a pos and moving on.
>Trumps terms was the most peaceful time on planet Earth
>DemocRATS terms is the most chaotic time on planet Earth
you're not a doing a good job on shilling for your party.
lol ameriniggers will always do the worst, most harmful to innocents and destabilizing thing possible in geopolitics, it doesn't matter which one of your meme parties is in control
Rewatching Damnation Alley after 30+ years... I forgot they (Fox) thought THIS was going to be the blockbuster and that Star Wars was barely going to earn a profit.
nooks aren't real
are you talking about zelazny's damnation alley? they made a movie from that? lol. i mean it's fun and clever because zelazny writing is fun and clever, and i'd probably take it over mad max but i would not consider it a potential blockbuster.
how's the flick?
I wish they were
Yep, with Jan Michale (airwolf) Vincent and George (A Team) Peppard and the black captain from Wrath of Khan.
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The Bed Sitting Room (1969).
the middle east is a shithole beyond anybody's control anyways
cucking russia in ukraine is based
Its a holdover from WW2's strategic bombing. Back then the way you compensated for bad aim with lots of bombs, in the cold war they compensated for bad aim with smaller amounts of big bombs. Civilian centers were around the targets because it was typically factories and shit like that in both cases and ended up being hit. Expand the blast radius enough and those civilians centers are inside the blast radius regardlss of what you do.

Since developing better aiming methods, the concept of strategic bombing has largely fallen out of favor.
Season 2 of 24
cities are where the factories, seaports and airports are
Then there's ICMB which is a spiritual sequel, and it has its own sequel coming out soon™.
>at least in our hollywood propaganda we are winning and the good guys
what a terrible thing to say...
I was too young too see the soviet union collapse but in time to see russia collapse again lmao, and I bet you live in a western country like a good pathetic vatnik
Ben Affleck's best movie desu
I finally got round to watching Patriot Games the other day and it's actually such a fucking letdown after Hunt for Red October
I'll give it a download - thanks!
Oh thank god they'd get Bristol
Nah, Dr Strangelove is the worse film. Kubrick's military films are all overrated as fuck. Both were utterly mogged by The War Game (1965) anyway.
>Both were utterly mogged by The War Game (1965) anyway.
The War Game is a masterpiece
20 years ago

>Look it up
>He's right

Fuck I'm old.
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>admitting you're a retard and wrong
>not only admitting you're a retard, but outlining various reasons as to why you're retarded and wrong so that nobody has to waste their time correcting you
How considerate.
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>I recently had an argument with my friend over whether or not eating more fiber was a psyop from big fiber.
>big fiber
Top tier TV kino
austriachads just keep winning
There's literally nothing to match its sheer energy and terror to this day. I wish young William Friedkin remade it in the late 70s with Sorcerer tier budget.
We should identify specific NAFO members and beat them to death.
not really faggot that shit looks so cheap. fuck you
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Panic in Year Zero is a very comfy post-apoc flick. Pretty sure it was produced with the support of the US government to give people some idea how to survive in the immediate aftermath of civil breakdown.
better request, any movies about surviving any bombing. Bomb Away Le May is far more scary than nooks.
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>saving up for it for a year
The US missile silos where located as far away from the soviet sites as possible. This usually meant in the middle of the US. This made the chances of a soviet missile scoring a direct hit on the silo (or close enough to cause launch prevention level damage) as low as possible.
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Assuming you're dealing with first world (US, Russia, EU) nuke launchers and limited exchange the targeting order is:
Civilians are (directly) targeted last, although may be collateral damage from proximity to the above three target groups. No first world country is nuking civilians first.
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>have technology to lift whole states thousands of miles into the air
Wouldn't that violate the treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons in space?
Do American sub commanders have "letters of last resort" or is that just a UK thing?
Defcon: Everybody Dies, is an amazing game.

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