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>record scratch
>curb your enthusiasm song
>So you’re probably wondering how I got here….
their are autists on here who think that was a totally normal reaction
>sir are you okay?
>ruin your life over a mid woman
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What body?
ruined? he's living it up
Was he watching Tate videos the whole time he was in prison?
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>This is the girl he killed
>literal 4/10 wh*tewoman
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Has anyone got the fullsize right pic?
how was it not? say he didn't do it. his friends missing, and the reporter just mentioned finding a body. why would you not freak out?
you wouldn't stop on a dime and say "THE BODY I CHOPPED UP DIDNT GO TO THE DUMP?????????"
Unironically why the fuck did he do it? Couldn't he just have stolen her panties and jerked off with them or something?
thats the correct grammar you retard
he got in over his head, the whole thing is an autist trying to jerk off, tries to rape, that goes wrong, she's dead, "I should google how to bleach a tub"
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He was in her room watching her while she was sleeping and she woke up and saw him and freaked out (obviously) so he killed her.
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That was before
Off-topic thread.
he was a volcel, probably couldve banged a fat colossal and gotten it out of the way
damn we got a 4chan Ranger here, go tell your mom lmao
Ok, junior! Now tell us why.
imagine if he just went like "really? fuck man..." and stares off into the distance for a little bit and ends the interview. he'd be off scot-free
except the garbage was blocked that morning so the cops found her body easily
Because he wasn’t faking it and he literally killed her and that’s where his reaction came from.
you missed his point, lets say he DIDN'T do it and then this guy hears that his missing friend was found all chopped up, is his reaction that far off from how a lot of people would react? i dont think so I'd probably need to sit down too and get quiet
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The one where it had the Twin Peaks music synched up to that video was kino
you wouldnt just stop and shit your pants you'd say "what the fuck really?" and ask for more info
this is an autistic person doing an impression of an actual person. its chris chan tier autism
>shieeet dis whyte boi alright
the news footage had nothing to do with him being linked to the crime
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they found his hair and dirty week old unwashed underwear in her apartment
that was me actually
isnt toe walking the healthiest way to walk?
toe walking is healthy if you are autistic because most of the autism-causing cells are in the balls of the feet and walking on your toes breaks them down beter
i believe you
If you HAD to murder someone, how would you get away with it?
Wear blackface
banana peel
do it while sleepwalking so I have a clean conscience
>act a bit weird
>suddenly ur the killer
fkn normalfags
>dumps the body in the dumpster outside their shared apartmen

If he didn't handle the interview so we'll he would be in the running for dumbest murderer ever
what's this dude's name again
don't forget the ankle deep water
I had to break such news to a person once and he straight up didn't believe me for like a minute unlike stayvun who instantly freaked out.
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Does this guy know he is a meme?
lmao that filename made me kek out loud like a crazy person
Bump your head good and you won't remember you murdered someone. Perfect crime.
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This just makes me sad when I look at it. Bro thinks buying himself this shit is going to make him happy baka
blood is on that camgirls hands.
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Stayvun was a dumbass who kept all the incriminating evidence in his apartment. He would break into her apartment and steal stuff. He made videos of himself doing it. He even kept the saw used to cut up her body. Needless to say, all of that shit should have been disposed of.
And with the rest of the body parts never being recovered, you have to wonder why the fuck he decided to dump the body in his apartment's dumpster.
>McDaniel's lawyers had filed a motion requesting an order from the judge requiring prosecutors to disclose information about specific Web sites reportedly visited by McDaniel, as revealed by an analysis of his computer.
>District Attorney David Cooke also said McDaniel visited a Web site with a story about the "dismemberment of a woman done to hide murder."
>Cooke said a gynophagia site visited by McDaniel includes an illustration showing a body in a condition similar to how Giddings was found.
all this because he was hungry?
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they're extracting his hair in there, the source of his power
Aren't these fake?
stop, they don't get it.
I'll give it a shot for the autists among us:
>your friend is missing
>you are getting interviewed, talking about how your friend is missing
>during the interview with a mic infront of you and a camera in your face the reporter casually mentions the body beeing found, meaning the friend who was persumed missing was just confirmed dead, in just a split second during a convo that had a totally different energy
any fucking reaction in that moment would be justified. That beeing said, he totally did it, but that's not the point
Why do americans still use their dumbass imperial system?
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Body...? What body? *chuckling*
it's the superior system crafted by hundreds of years of practical, real world usage. Take your soulless metric system developed by murderous radicals in France and shove it up your ass.
He was born with a fucked-up brain.
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Well it's really a no-brainer who should play him in the inevitable biopic
Find me a person in the entire country that finds fluid ounces intuitive.
Some might go to auction but most will end up in a landfill
she was only 20years old YOU SICK FUCK
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How does prison make these creeps look cool as fuck?
No, anon; every prison commissary in the US has to stock raybans.
When I went to prison I worked out every morning and went for a jog every evening. I got in the best shape of my life, but I also didn't have a life sentence so I got to g
why did he do it?
did you have gay sex or is that a myth
he was hungry >>204681546
Just murder a random hobo in a medium to small sized town you don't live in.
you have a fixed routine that is literally forced upon you, and almost everything is taken care for you. If you don't get in shape under these conditions you propably never will
they became shot callers
I didn't go to prison in the US, but in a place that is very homophobic. The showers were single and we had a curtain so nobody would see you naked. The guards never stripped search (cause they don't want to be perceived as gay), so you could carry a phone in your boxers by your dick and they'd never find it. All in all, I consider myself lucky for not going to American prison, we actually watched American prison shows on TV while smoking weed and telling one another "Holy shit, can you imagine if it was like that here?"
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Oneohtrix Point Never in a darker path
His reaction was totally fine, it’s because he’s a sub 7 male
If Chad had reacted that way 8 rosaries would have ran to give him pity sex and the cops would have gave him a pat and the shoulder and said “don’t you worry son, we’ll find your friend”
I would listen
And that's what no one did

Kill myself afterwards
Are these real
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what body?
oh shit, i was gonna post that
wait what? i do this all the time. that cant be a sign of autism
murder suicide
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fucking kek
If I HAVE to do it, then it would be justified and there won't be a need to "get away with it". Something similar happened to some kid in Kenosha.
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polonium-in-the-ole-coffee never let me down yet
It makes you wonder how many Stayvuns have gotten away with it over the years...
Puddle of water on the floor and broken glass on the outside of the window.
I have (nearlyish) attempted two murders and would've gotten away with both; clarity follows:
>be me
>enraged at ex
>decide i'm gonna smoke her after discovering she's home for Xmas 1997*
>get a hacksaw, rubber bag, and gallon jug of formeldahyde to keep her head
>get a toilet to crush up the tank lid to get porcelain crumbs to quietly shatter sliding glass door and make entry after pulling the drop line from the exchange interface so they can't dial 911
>had a MKIV-SD in a tanker's holster under my jacket to smoke them
>presume dad would've come downstairs to confront intruder
>blast him; ex and mom now cornered upstairs
>blast them; take head


>as i'm walking up the street one block west
>car passes
>circles and rolls up on me
>it's this dude I went to high school with put delivering pizzas
>'what's shakin my dude wow doesn't Angela live like a block from here nuts man I thought you guys broke up'

So I just went home not having yet actually broke any law.

>*was gonna get that tattooed on my fingers and skulls on my hands resembling her and her mother (hairstyles and glasses frames) as a public taunt as I 100% would've been a suspect

Ameriburger delusion. Metric is what all engineers use. It's just way more intuitive
Some years later, realize the guy she cheated with lives in the same city as I:
>break into his apartment via the balcony during the workday to scout for security, roommates, etc.
>appears to live alone but there's some evidence he has a girlfriend who occasionally spends the night
>decide i'll just zip-cuff her if she's there
>him i'm going to butcher with a K-Bar
>go back the next day
>wait at the end of the hall for him to get home
>someone comes in the house, relocks the door, throws keys on kitchen table, enters hall to go to bedroom
>it's her
>step out behind her
>she hears the floorboard creak, turns to look at me, and collapses to the floor like a fainting goat
>she's so fucking scared she can't even scream
>i'm wearing a balaclava with the mesh of a trucker's cap sewn over the eyelets
>i have a roll of duct tape around one wrist, four zip-cuffs around the other forearm, and the K-Bar in my hand
>like some living nightmare
>decide i don't wanna terrorize her any further
>tell her i have the wrong house and leave
>pull off all my murder gear and stuff into duffle bag i had under my oversized track jacket to reveal brightly colored clothes by the time i get to the bus stop
>see like five cop cars scream by as i'm on the bus headed in the other direction

That was a close one. I decided not to press my luck again but I'm still pissed about the first effort.

I will never not laugh at this picture. It is blessed.
You sound autistic and retarded. No wonder she left you
You're a mad bastard. Very entertaining post.
>get a toilet to crush up the tank lid to get porcelain crumbs to quietly shatter sliding glass door
that wasn't quiet
Yeah, I didn't say silent.
More quiet than smashing it in with a hammer, retard.
>>tell her i have the wrong house and leave
Hilarious but why would you risk life in prison over a (statistically likely) mid or low-tier woman?
Revenge, of course. It's not her as such, I've had better since, but she really twisted the knife and it just drove me mad.
Get a girlfriend, get cheated on, then see how you feel afterwards
This guy describes it correctly. Obviously he did it but in that moment I could have reacted the same way. Note how it is not a family member or even someone close (supposedly) but a friend from his university. It is as if someone you worked with once, ma6be twice but see every second day or so at uni dies. Shocking, not world shattering.
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Just move on ya loser
rise above pettiness and bitter feelings
Grant is so interesting. Literally the most humiliating life possible. Its not like he killed them right when they discovered what what going on, it was like 2 years of them trying to get him help and send him to rehab. He lived with his family knowing he stole hundreds of thousands from them to send to a bulgarian camgirl for years, his dad was slapping him around about it, and ALSO his room looked like this.

Related to the room, a fascinating wrinkle is you would think his being so into anime would kind of "protect" him from what happened. A live action camgirl is such a loser normie thing to become obsessed with, as opposed to a loser autist thing. You'd think the anime would have sort of fenced off his sexuality into, yes, a dysfunctional area, but an area where the exact thing that happened to him wouldn't have quite that allure. When Saber is the perfect woman for you, you'd think random a eastern european real life woman would not be able to completely enslave you and drive you to such life ruining extremes for so little in return
Also, the cam girl isn't really the kind of real life girl you would think would so maximally appeal to this kind of guy. They tend to go for "cute" rather than a girl trying to look like a playboy model.
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The fat detectives trailing off and just personally attacking him because he wasn't saying anything really elevated the whole thing
no lol no one wears the same underwear for a week straight haha
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Why are shows about murder so fun?
Who is the bombshell on the right?
she's bald, anon
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Joey King

She played a murderess in "The Act"
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That's shaved. Shaved is a hair style.
Many such cases, you'd be surprised how crazy guys can get for mediocre pussy. Just imagine what they'd do for actual great pussy.
anon, i....
no more comfy threads Stayvun
He's right though.
Shaved means there's still choices; bald means they're fuck out of options.
once again you need to stop believing everything you see in movies. are there instances of rape in large higher security prisons where gangs have large presences? sure. but that's not most prisons. most places you keep to yourself.
he never said that
no body
no murder
first off it has to be no one you know. an overwhelming majority of murders that have a person of interest/suspect within the first couple days are those that knew the victim. you also need to do it far from where you live. and in this day and age, then pray that you're not picked up on any camera as they've become quite ubiquitous
Throw mama from the train
>It makes you wonder how many Stayvuns have gotten away with it over the years...
It's more difficult now with cameras being everywhere, but a fair amount of murder and "missing person" cases never get resolved.
You're a weird guy
based as hell
BUH-BU-BUAH-BO-BO-BO- BODY??? OH ZOINKS I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE! *runs in place and zips off leaving a cloud behind him*
get rid of the body dissolve it, burn it and grind the bones, put it through a meat grinder, you get the idea
though it's pretty much impossible now when there are cameras everywhere and they can just follow the victim trough the cameras and easily figure out exactly when and where they went missing so they can connect it to you even if they can't find a body. it's impossible to get away with murder in the current year
What having one black friend will do to white guy
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There are people with farms or large rural properties who have tried that and still got caught with tiny bone fragments. Meanwhile some dumb fucks have dumped a body in a storm drain and police never found it until the guy led them there. Once the police are certain you’ve done it their going to find something.
Get them drunk and then push them down the stairs. It’s difficult to tell if it’s an accident or not
I don't get it
there's literally nothing to do in prison but work out and maybe read a book
its a reference to half life you zoomie
Been there, done that. At no point did I entertain the thought of killing her.
Women come and go and sometimes do fucked up shit. None of them are worth rotting in jail for.
Any amount of satisfaction you get from revenge would soon be washed away by the dawning realisation that you will be put in a cell and never accomplish what you want to in life.
>Locals have started calling the killer by a chilling name: The Meatball Murderer, due to his calling card, a mound of spaghetti dropped on each victim's floor. Police are currently unsure of the pasta's significance, but criminal psychologists suggest the killer is acting out trauma from early childhood. Stephanie, back to you.
Murder myself. The perfect crime.
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I might have said something even more "damning" in the eyes of these threads like "What? No."
Murder is bad, m'kay?
I bet she was soaking wet though
4 u
Guy would have gotten away with it if he hadn't agreed to being interviewed
Why did Stayvun do it?
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I don't know...
Nobody cares
pics or didnt happen
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>dang a body? that sure is a bummer! I feel bad for that woman and her buds.
>you guys see the Steelers game last night? wild game!
>killing your ex girlfriend
you wouldve gotten caught. especially if she cheated on you or something and people know about it
You know, Stayvun
chop up the body and bury them deep in the woods. put a metal plate over the body before refilling the hole so animals dont dig it up. its pretty simple
>play it cool, chris. they don't know shit. no pressure.
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The only criteria is you must've watched the recommendation you're giving and genuinely enjoyed it.
Jay Baruchel killed a bitch?
i hate how zoomers all write "bro" like this. they all try to act black
Absolute retard. Stop watching movies. There's a very small chance people die from staircase falls.
I sneak into women's rooms and rape them in skyrim all the time. If it was not for Skyrim I would probably have turned out like this guy.
"Baka" has also been a black term for like ten years now
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That certainly wasn't the case for Nikolas over here
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I'm writing a modern mafia murder story, and in my book the murderer steals a local pizza place's uniform, and some empty pizza boxes. He goes to the victims front door some time at night, hides the gun under the pizza boxes. When the victim answers the door he drops the pizza boxes in front of him to create a distraction and shoots him twice in the head. He goes to the car, which is a car he stole from a shitty trailer park neighborhood a night earlier. He drives it five miles out and switches it in a local park for another car, and then escapes in that.
I just watched the interview. If I didn't know he did it. I would assume that he thought his friend was still alive and was shocked to learn that she was dead. While on camera
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... or Richard Speck
Bro is actually mad about bro
They use it because it makes the math easier when everything is base 10 and they're mostly half retarded chinks who only know how to work a calculator.
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They don't really have culture like other nations with thousands of years of history, so they cling to these old systems because this is the only thing differentiating them from others.
I would do it like Chris Watts did only better. First I’d buy a ton of concrete. Then I’d use that concrete for some project in the house. Now I have leftover concrete and an alibi for having it. Then I’d wait for my wife to go on vacation. While she’s on vacation I’d buy some illegal drugs and dog a deep hole out in the middle of nowhere. Then when she gets home I’d give her my drugged drink. I’d wait for her to fall unconscious and then I’d strangle her to death. I’d be able to do it without any injuries to myself or making a mess in the house. Then I’d take her phone and throw it until it broke. Then I’d shove her body in a bin. I’d put it in my trunk along with her bags and drive out to the middle of nowhere while leaving my phone at home. Then I’d place the bon with her body in my pre dug hole with her bags, pour concrete in and around it, then fill it in. Pat the dirt down and try my best to cover it up and make it look inconspicuous. Then I’d drive home, wipe down my car to get rid of all dirt on the outside and wheels and meticulously clean the inside to get rid of any concrete. Then my alibi would be we got in a fight when she got home, she threw her phone at me and stormed out of the house. Then I went out to look for her later when I noticed her phone was still here and that I couldn’t find her. Then I’d call the cops myself in the morning or after I finished cleaning.
To spite obsessed retards who spend all their time on American anime websites
what are you talking about retard, he already said he was helping to search for her and suspected foul play. he was even talking about her in the past tense already.
in that situation if someone tells you a body was found the natural response would be something along the lines of "where? when? is it her?" - unless of course your mind is racing because the body that was supposed to go to the dump and never be found instead got found by police and is being forensically scrutinized.
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What if he didn't go to her room to help "looking for her" and if he didn't go to the interview - would cops even suspect him? Its so funny how he tried to put himself on the radar and it worked against him.
then the neighbor would still have the video evidence of wifey arriving home but never leaving (but you leave), and also her cell phone's final ping would be in the house. you would 100% be caught.
a lot of these comments making me realize the average person committing murders is 100% retarded.
i noticed 5 holes in your plan that would allow cops to zero in on you, but i won't point them out to her, because i don't want to help you in your stupid schemes. How about you put your mind to something usefull, like actually earning some cash and establishing a successful company, or making a video game, or creating some invention? Why do you have to use the brainpower on some destructive mission that will cut down both someone else's life and your own later, when you get caught?
they can look at the camera records to see that she never left
then they'd follow you through the cameras to see where you went, then they'd find the body
the dexter method seems the most realistic for serial killing. otherwise, i'd just be repeating what these anons already said

it's clear that if you're caught on camera in any way, you're fucked regardless of whether the body is ever found. police and family would be up your ass 24/7. And with the age of social media and tracking, it couldn't be someone you had digital contact with. traveling somewhere several hours away and mirking someone who's camping off-season in the middle of nowhere would probably be the cleanest way. Leave the bodies there. wear shoes that you never would normally, throw them away after. drive home, get new tires.
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Like this?
I have no neighbors, and like 20 acres of land all around me. There is sometimes homeless people who walk down the road close to my driveway and I think “how the hell would they find this person if I invited them up for a drink or food and just blew their head off and buried them in the woods?”

Hell I probably wouldn’t even have to bury them, would anyone even be looking for them? It just seems TOO easy. In minecraft
gee ya think? in modern society you need to think 50 steps ahead if you want to get away with it. and even then all it takes is a single camera/witness to get a glimpse of you and it's over.
I think realistically, you can only get away with it if you targeted someone completely random and disconnected from you. Like, a serial killer who only kills in an entirely different state. You'd be the first suspect instantly if it was someone close, and there's only so long you can hold things before you slip up.

That said, maybe getting someone very drunk, then drowning them in a pool? Call the police as soon as possible, after you've verified they died. Drink enough to have a hangover, say things got out of hand, you both drank to much, you went to bed and woke up to the horror yadda yadda. The question is, can you act convincingly? I think that's a hard part. All in roblox btw
Tell them wearing a white hoodie in the detroit ghetto is the new tik tok trend
Is that a d5k deutsche with a grenade launcher?
ironically, she would have fallen in love with him if she knew he was a murderer, then she wouldnt have been murdered
>The judge also dismissed additional charges discovered during the investigation, including one count of burglary and 30 counts of sexual exploitation of children

damn stayvun was busy
My hair grows like his but its not quite as long. Is it ogre? Slightly stronger chin and jaw but still big nose
That is the brother's room not the killers.
fucking kek
Oh hey a Strike Freedom
How did he grow the missing hair in his filtrum?
Coming up with elaborate ways of getting away with murder is the wrong way of going about it. Everything you prepare, every item you buy, every bit of surveilance, every second you have the body or murder weapon in your possession longer than necessary is just increasing the surface area of your crime. Each little bit of preparation has a non-zero probability of being the thing that gets you caught and all you're doing is creating more of them.

Ironically, gangnigs have figured out one of the better ways of getting away with it, steal vehicle, drive by shooting, throw gun in body of water, burn vehicle.
is that actually the case, or is it just that police don't want to put resources into bothering with nigs killing nigs?
its racist to jail blacks, even when they catch them they let them go free
Are you happy you didn't go through with it over mid?
why kill somebody you hate when you could just sneak onto their property at random days and times of night for years and leave greasy, monster-sized shits all over their property? hell, go to the next level and get one of those 10 gallon work buckets, shit in it a couple times, fill the rest with a hose, and then pop in one night and just paint a hole wall with the slurry. imagine trying to get rid of liquid human shit in that volume? even powerwashing it wouldn't help and after a couple rounds of taco bell combos you could have the whole house covered - shitler's final sopootion
which is why the ACTUAL best move to kill someone is to hire a nig to do it, as well as steal whatever is on the target as a bonus.
Just be Jewish and you'll get away with ANYTHING.
It's impossible to get away with murder today.

>You WILL leave DNA evidence behind.
>They WILL map your family tree to your great-great-great-great gradma because your 50th-removed cousin sold her DNA to find out how African she is.
>They WILL follow you home from one security camera to another.
>They WILL get your entire internet history and find this thread.

Unless your daddy is the mayor or something you're fucked.

>gets caught with crack a week later
>rats you out to cop a plea deal
Great plan, retard.
On the off chance this isn't a LARP, you are insane and should probably seek therapy immediately before you murder someone. You can't just kill people because they've betrayed you.

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