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Mental illness.
yeah but if you lived off grid with no internet or cable, this would come in handy.
something which literally no one has to do anymore due to instant internet everywhere in the world
Making the same thread every fucking day? yep. that's mental illness
>netflix BTFO the physical media collector
>Mental illness.

Massive DVD collection


Streaming services that censor problematic movies.
If you lived off the grid you wouldnt have time for this shit. You think pioneers said "gee its nice living in the middle of the nowhere, Im going to read books all day? fuck that
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>Cheering Netflix
very true. It is like all those preppers who put videogames in their bunker as if they are going to be having comfy times while the world is demolished around them.
Seriously, just take a fucking sledgehammer and destroy all the blurays and slop discs you own as soon as possible.
slop factory
You've never lived in a third world country or rural America/Europe.
>Netflix doesn't have the collected works or pornographic actress Kay Parker
>I do
>In 4k

Explain to me how Netflix won.
Horror fans are the worst when it comes to this. Like why the fuck do you own every Halloween movie? What's wrong with you?
why do you care?
Beardfat consumerists are a societal issue
collecting physical copies of films is cool (unless we're talking about shitty nostalgia driven formats like VHS).
The only problem I have with huge collections like that is that they are probably filled with a lot of mediocre movies that they are not worth owning.
No, junkies robbing all the stores in my neighborhood so that everything is now closed is a societal issue.
You need real problems
>>Just stream everything. don't own anything. No I'm not a shitshill.
We all know who the worst people are.
Groypers worship a Mexican that hunts cum because he's a fag
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Why are anti-physical media fags like this?
Except for your daily McDonald's courtesy of America First sponsored by Qatar Airways, you will own that!
>Mcdonalds meal
>Phone with porn websites, edited streaming services, ads, and reddit open on it
>Pin that says "I'm vaccinated"
What, you need more?
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Mental illness.
That looks fucking awesome. Have you not leaned anything from the last 5 years of streaming, bro?
had a friend with a library larger than this, three basement walls, projector. was a lot of fun to browse, pick, watch. dont think it'd hit the same with everything streamable
kek remember when Richard Spencer shilled the jab
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I own every Halloween movie on blu ray
My only problem with this is: Are you going to repurchase the movie when the best medium to view it on changes?
How many people had mountains of VHS tapes only to have it made completely obsolete by DVDs and then blu-rays?
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I own every Kubrick and Tarantino film on Blu-ray or 4k.
I organized my record collection once and it was a pain in the ass to do and a pain in the ass to maintain
Or you could spend your time doing something productive.
Why do you care if he cares?
Why do you care if I care why he cares?
>Says the man posting on the Chinese cartoon website
I'm downsizing all my collections. So far I have over $1,000 in revenue via ebay and I still have well over half my collection left. Honestly, it feels really good to sell the stuff. So much of it just sits on my shelf, rarely used. I just don't have that much time to replay games or rewatch movies. I like the idea that someone is buying my copy, giving it a better home and getting more use out of it than I was.
>falling for the blu-ray meme
el o el
That's nice cuck
As a horror fan, I have to agree. There are so many horror movies that get multiple rereleases for silly reasons like gimmicky repackaging or the latest transfer, to say nothing of how much undeserving trash is out there getting fancy boutique releases just because horror fans will clamor to buy them.
Some years back I went through my collection and pruned out a lot of stuff I had duplicates of just for "collecting" purposes, and got rid of things I had just to have them. I also stopped browsing boutique catalogs just to constantly stay on top of the latest releases.
I still collect physical media because I'm a physicalfag, but I only keep what I want to watch instead of hoarding shit for the sake of collecting.
You will own nothing.
ive got double that
I think if you want to have ownership, that's fine. But you should think about the density of your collection. These disks are just 1s and 0s. You can download the same 1s and 0s to a high-density hard drive. That entire wall of disks could fit on a few hard drives.
But why would you want porn in 4K? 480p is good enough for porn, some things are better left to the imagination.
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>Op the kinda dude that walks into a library and thinks "burn it down"

Couldn't be me senpai
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fun fact bluray players if connected to the internet can actually revoke the license to play movies for a variety of reasons. You are not safe from DRM tyranny even with physical media.
>Don't connect blu-ray player to internet
U r gay, plus it's 70s 35mm porn.
I never get it when people say this... It's porn. the whole point is that people want to see it all. Maybe *you* don't want to see it in HD, but isn't it obvious that some people will?
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women find this icky because youre donating time to movies instead of a woman
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>shits all over you
One of the few things I really enjoy collecting are films.
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Funner fact. My physical property can and will be modified to do what i want it to do and there's nothing the internet can do about it.
You can't play this disc because you don't have the latest firmware. You have connect to the internet to install it.
So what if it's shot in 35mm? Do you think because it was shot on 35mm that it necessitates 4K?

Let me guess; you want to see the girl's herpes-ridden warzone pussy up-close in crystal-clear 4K otherwise you can't jerk-off to completion?
It never does. Also with a projector you basically fall in love with movies again because you really start to see how the majority of these old kinos were framed and shot for giant screens.
I was poor so I had like 4 VHS tapes that I watched over and over (empire strikes Back, return of the Jedi with Spanish subtitles when Jabba was speaking, some porn movie called Indecent Proposal, and Spiderman).

I also bought DVDs but not enough that I had a huge collection. I probably have over 100 Blu-rays and about 30 4k discs. The only movie I rebought on the better format are films that I like to rewatch, so I definitely have the Tarantino's on DVD and Blu-ray, got Kubrick on Blu-ray and 4k, some Scorsese on Blu-ray and DVD, some Cronenberg on Blu-ray and 4k.
>I like the idea that someone is buying my copy, giving it a better home and getting more use out of it than I was.
This is the truth on the matter. Someone down the line will look for a movie and it's yours that they buy and basically you found it, enjoyed it, and are now sending it off to someone who wants to enjoy it. What they do with it after is up to them but you're responsible for bringing that entertainment to someone.

Can't really say the same about torrents and streaming. (Which I also have)
Werks on my offline machine. Also it has a secret all region code to watch foreign movies.

Yes, because a 35mm digital scan is about 6.2k which no TV does at the moment. (Inb4 fake 8k that is just four 4k images being processed). It is closer to an actual film print than dvd or Blu-ray.

So I at least get a 4k scan of Kay Parker in her natural goodness. Yes, I WANT to see her wet hairy pussy and big veiny tits in 4k becuse I'm not a homosexual.
this is the important question
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my 4k copy of Trick r Treat is coming tomorrow
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nice try kike
>fuck rare
Torrents win again
Sheer stupidity. A decade from now it will be like trying to get someone to watch a fucking laser disk
Without reading the labels, what percentage of those films you figure are available to stream on netflix at this exact moment? (even with a VPN and switching between US, UK, and Australia, etc.)
Guarantee I can torrent or DDL at least 95% of what's on that shelf. Fuck netflix
At least post a higher resolution version so we can read the spines you fag
that's a really nice collection, there's a lot to be said for optical media. in good storage conditions those discs can last decades. ideally it's underground where sunlight cannot penetrate.
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>Not having a sweet LD player to watch some kino on

Do people really?
i would only collect LD if i had unlimited discretionary income
fuck me if these aren't expensive as hell now.

whatever happened to the guy that married the tranny
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>he unironically believes that people back in the day had to toil 16 hours daily non stop
even those pioneers had barely anything to do during winter
kek jewdawgs sent this one for a tizzy fit
there is LITERALLY no difference between this and collecting funko pops
there is a huge difference, and you are being disingenuous
once you get the enormous taste of building your cabin there's nothing to do lol. you pace around talking to squirrels for 4 hours then shoot them, maybe dig a hole for your rubbish out of your burn barrell if you're lucky
>get to watch kino any time you want
>can watch kino with freinds and family
>or can have action figures in boxes
no it wouldn't i can't kill myself with those
Worth getting Panasonic DP-UB820?
>Mental illness.
Yes, your level of jealousy qualifies as mental illness. Work on that.
you could replace all that with a handful of hard drives
If you have a large and tidy storage space it's fine. But yeah if you are a horder like my dad without proper storage space you can call that mental illness. I can't believe all the shit I'm going to have to get rid of somewhere down the line and how long it will take.
What kind of absolute pearl clutching faggot do you have to be to regard Indecent Proposal as porn.
That's it?
meant for >>204708790
Yes. I have the 420 and it's great (I don't use the smart features, but it has tons of settings for TVs and projectors, HDR settings (I don't use HDR because it's gay), hz, res, gamma, etc, dedicated to player plus it reads discs pretty quickly. You can also watch some types of media files on it through USB. Uspcales DVDs into 4k wonderfully. Also has a secret controller button sequence to switch playback regions. I don't usually buy Panasonic stuff but the 420 is a great tech piece. The smart features stuff and apps was fine, but I have a PC connected to the TV so I never use that stuff.
No, dummy, it was literally a porno titled Indecent Proposal that was a poorly acted parody of that movie.
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