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This is actually a pretty cool movie. The production looked impressive and I was suprised by how much they were able to actually make Naomi Scott’s character’s life look like a pop star’s. Even getting actual pop songs written just for the movie.

The ending was kinda predictable and although I thought it was still good I wish they took a left turn. Something like her passing on the curse to the audience while saving herself, by killing one of her stage dancers and then going to prison or maybe living anonymously in a different country.

My biggest takeaway from the movie was that I wish that this sequel was fully focused on the cop from the first movie, instead of only covering his final day of the curse. His segment in this movie was so engaging that I think he would’ve been a more interesting protagonist.
I just watched it, and I didnt like how it ended. Its like i didnt watch the movie i sat 2 hours for.
You follow the plotline, there is some parts where reality distorts, but it gets recendered and you can immediately understand what was real and what was not, and then she teleports into a live stage. Im bothered by the fact that i dont know when it was the point where this mass dilusion strted.

Supposedly the guy who helped her didnt exist, so why would the monster tell her how to defeat him? also what was the brick all about?

For me it makes more sense that the revival plan didnt work and she just died, that extra shit at the end is her mind going through it. This is literally head cannon, but for me, its a better movie that way.
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Pls gib demonic smile qt gf... pls.
I turned the first one off like 15 minutes in because the story sucked and I couldn't stand the ugly mole faced lead. No interest in giving this a chance.
>le Joker face is the entire plot
Fuck off
actually the opening scene in this new one is the best part, so you got some more 15 minutes to watch
The songs actually were pretty good, especially the piano one.
>makes rules to break the curse
>breaks its own rules for teh tweest after the characters solve it
This is bad writing
the movie wants you to feel as gaslit by the demon as the mains character is, but it just makes me hate the writers as much as i hated the demon
They definitely could have handled it better. Making a large part of the movie completely in here head was a bit too much.
This movie was Satanic trash.
I really liked the first one and this one is even better until the ending - it was so obvious she was going to die on stage with thousands watching; I was hoping they weren't going to do it. Smile 3 is going to be tricky to pull off if it goes the "mass curse" route.

You just sold me on it. Anything that makes a christcuck angry is kino.
looks like shit
seen enough of the first movie on yt & that was shit too
The third one should have someone find out the true origins of the demon and preform a ritual to recreate it or make a "Frown" demon to combat it with
>Smile 3 is going to be tricky to pull off if it goes the "mass curse" route

completely agree and this is my biggest issue with the ending. too-big of a scale for the writers to cover while still meeting fan expectations for a third film
"Passing on curse to entire audience."

I haven't finished it yet but figured something like that would happen. But then I guess it would scare people from going to "Pop concerts" irl lol
>why would the monster tell her how to defeat him?
To build up her hopes only to destroy them, breaking her spirit and making her into a vessel for it.
It's the same thing that happened in the first movie, only instead of pretending to be an allegory for Trauma it pretends to have rules you can bend to defeat it.
Smile is a deconstruction of "defeating the monster".
Right, have it be from the perspective of some Ed Warren type who investigates the root cause of the myth and tries to defeat it with some ancient ritual, and then the Entity mocks the guy for thinking it came from anywhere and kills him just like all the others.
So if you can reallocate the curse by mudering someone and traumatising a bystander, is it a coincidence that the cop from Smile 1 who got hit by the car left a blood trail in the shape of a smile?
It depends on how many more of these they want to do. If the third is the last I’d like an ending where Smile pulls off the mass slaughter, but it ends up drawing the attention of an even bigger entity that eats lesser ones which it turns out Smile is. A whole dimension with its own set of laws and food chain and Smile wasn’t even at the top. One of the apex predators of that region just casually devours it like a great white breaching the cosmic water’s surface. It seems like a point where you should cheer, but the thing that eats Smile is totally indifferent to humans implying there could be all sorts of even worse shit that might now find its way into Earth and that’s the ominous note the series ends on. Humans getting a glimpse of their true place on a cosmic food chain. If they want to keep doing these in perpetuity, they’ll have to just go with more of the same.
>Smile pulls off the mass slaughter, but it ends up drawing the attention of an even bigger entity that eats lesser ones which it turns out Smile is. A whole dimension with its own set of laws and food chain and Smile wasn’t even at the top. One of the apex predators of that region just casually devours it like a great white breaching the cosmic water’s surface. It seems like a point where you should cheer, but the thing that eats Smile is totally indifferent to humans implying there could be all sorts of even worse shit that might now find its way into Earth and that’s the ominous note the series ends on. Humans getting a glimpse of their true place on a cosmic food chain.
Fascinating. I feel like the methodology of Smile utilizing the human tendency to create narratives as a means to break their spirit wouldn't work with this idea, but maybe it would depend on this Bigger Fish entity taking advantage of some other psychological aspect of human nature in order to destroy Smile.
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I wanted a sequel in which we see multiple people get the monster. I would've been happy if we just got 20 minutes of the police officer and cut out 14 minutes of trauma story from the main character. The ending was way too predictable. I just want:
>more lore
>actual psychological, sanity horror like the first
>1 big twist
It would've been cool if some mentally deranged stalker tracked the singer down and killed her and ended up inheriting the monster, trapping the monster in a mind that is already far beyond fear. Maybe the monster would adapt and figure out it could control the guy into killing people and inflicting trauma on random people, creating copies of itself. This ending just made the 3 film way harder to make. A doomsday scenario would be boring.
the first movie was kinda copying the ring and it follows... unfortunately the second movie does kinda go in a different cheaper direction and it saddens me, second movie is ok but not as good as the first
Even the first movie's best scene was stolen from Aterrados
And mirrors
I’m surprised someone knows that movie but me
How much did you liked that one? It’s one of my favorites as of late
Alfredo is literally me/10
I think it depends on where they want to go with the series. Smile to me is like It/Pennywise. It’s some entity that feeds on psychological energy from humans. It/Pennywise fed on fear, Smile feeds on misery. If you went this route, you’d just have to flesh out the nature of this unseen, barely comprehensible world. Who knows though. If I were them, I’d just keep playing it safe and printing money for as long as I can and introducing Old One style energy monsters from a non-physical reality complete with predator-prey relationships might just be a bit too needlessly complicated for a series where they could just go “it’s just a demon and we’re going to make 6 more of these movies at least.”
It just redid the same twist of the first movie but BIGGER BECAUSE MORE PEOPLE SAW IT!!!!1 Fucking sucked. If the movie was at all clever the twist should've been the creature loses because people are so desensitized to violence that whatever trauma it tried to inflict on the spectator(s) failed.
I liked it a lot but kind of the same problem with Smile in that fighting against them needs to be balanced with some success, not all failure all the time IMO. Still a good movie, and the weirdness was more varied.
Is the smile monster a representation of nyarlethothep? It kind of reminds me of it
Also I should get royalties because whoever is the hack that writes this garbage is probably going to use this idea.
>smile 3: pandemic
Would it be kino?
What rules did it break?
>Is it a coincidence
Yes. They needed more kills in a horror movie that is pretty much stuck with only being able to have one at the start and one at the end which isn't good for audience engagement.
The rules of storytelling by sucking massively.
Which rules of storytelling?
Thou shalt not suck.
That's literally the ending of the second movie.
>anons proposal for Smile 3 is Hellstar Remina
nah, they should just stop at 2, it was really good and there's no reason to force another.
No, I mean the whole movie would have the Ed Warren guy discover all this rich lore to the Entity, some Subsaharan or South American tribe that passed down legends about the thing, and he'd devise a ritual based in Myth on his own to try and combat it, which would differ from how Skye needs to have her hand held by a man of Science to try and find a loophole.
The two are similar, but not the same.
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The instant they made the protag a popstar with a coming tour the ending was obvious.
The whole “oh it was just a dream” thing was old when Lost did it.
The jump scares wouldn’t work if it wasn’t so fucking loud.
Movie wasn’t scary just exhausting.
The gore and violence was such cheap cgi I almost laughed.
When they did the pic rel from the ad I fully laughed.
Some dude was full on snoring halfway through it even through the overly loud soundtrack.
Shit was a 4/10 at best.
I’m glad my date paid for the tickets.
the movie seems to be doing well and receiving critical acclaim, so it's guaranteed they will do another one, but I doubt the writers can handle the massive cursing angle, they will probably soft retcon that ending adding real lore, like only a few at the time can be cursed or expand more about the week it takes to mature the infestation, maybe they could come up with a way to neutralize it by having 2 or more cursed people killing themselves with no other witnesses, to ''traumatize'' the trauma entity itself and kill it finally, or going the generic way and find an exorcist.
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She should have got naked
the movie itself was pretty meh, really it was a rehash of the first one but bigger with that ending, which makes it really predictable, what I really didn't like was the reveal that pretty much three quarters of the movie never happened and you're supposed to just accept it.
what I did like was naomi scott, she really carries the movie hard and I was actually rooting for her, wanting her to win, it's a shame her character dies because they will go back to the bland main character(s) for the next one, like in the first one, and I doubt they'll have someone with the charisma and expressions she had.
What are you trying to say in your post?
Cop gets hit by car. One drug dealer watches it happen. I guess the curse passed to that drug dealer.

The blood trail looking like a smile... I guess that happened because the cop was infected with the smile curse, got killed, and since he was infected, he left a blood stain that looked like a smile.
>The whole “oh it was just a dream” thing was old when Lost did it.
but by that point he’d passed the curse on to the drug dealer, so why would he still have “symptoms” of the infection if he’s been absolved of it?
So was it actually just "trauma" or a real demon? I think the movie can't decide what it wants to be.
100% a real demon
I actually really liked it for a good hour and maybe fifteen? The fake outs were too many and the end isn't that crazy because he always could have done the sacrament in front of more than 1 person.
The cop's death for one was total fucking bullshit
the movies are inconsistent about what they want to say, during the first one, it's kinda implied that the people with past traumas are directly linked to get the curse, the main doctor saw her mom commit suicide when she was little and the girl who infected her was a mental asylum patient so it's assumed she also experimented something bad in her past, same for naomi scott, she saw her bf die during the car crash, so the movie kinda tells you how not overcoming past traumas can ruin you and completely take over your life, but then, the cop gets infected, even tho he's never shown being tormented by anything and then not only passes the curse to the drug addict, who also doesn't seem to suffer from previous events, but dies right after that, it was really jarring.
if they simply wanted to write kyle gallner out, they could have killed him offscreen in between the movies and just skip to the junkie having it at the start of the second one.
It was basically the last movie but this time it was hard to care because there were no stakes since we know the demon has absolute control from the start and you can't do anything it doesn't want. Plus it was just too much misery porn for me, especially after it's clear nobody actually cares about the mc. I do think it would've been interesting if she had realized this and actually embraced the demon, killing herself as a final fuck you to everyone around her so at least she could get some kind of emotional victory.

The sequel might be interesting but bird box already did an apocalypse where everyone is killing themselves so idk
Anyone else thought the girl on the ceiling was the best part? With the "Be Mine" writing on the wall? Yes I know it makes no sense at all but it would have been the most fun plotline to go with. I think the finale of just her killing herself with the mic was kinda tame and bland compared to the other shit
>most fun plotline to go with
Not sure what you mean. That was herself. We followed that plotline the whole movie.
Do not tell the same story twice.
Also, I felt like the ending was a little hard to believe, which makes me wonder if it was even supposed to be real. Like don't they always have medical staff on standby at concerts? If she was convulsing like that they would've been all over her and definitely would've restrained her from offing herself.
Oh fuck you're right.
Drug dealer saw the cop knifing the guy, so drug dealer should have been infected, then the drug dealer got shot, and that should have killed the smile demon. Lol they either broke their own rules, or this one didn't count because the drug dealer died so shortly after witnessing the murder, and the smile demon didn't transfer.
>the cop gets infected, even tho he's never shown being tormented by anything and then not only passes the curse to the drug addict, who also doesn't seem to suffer from previous events,
I think that a cop and a drug dealer both have high chances of having past trauma
Yeah now that I think about it, it was a cop out
The best way to look at it is that the fight is already over before she gets fully taken over. At some point the Smile parasite has full control over her mind and can just make her hallucinate anything. When it gets to that stage, it has already won.
I'm not going to watch it. The first one was awful. The protagonist was a white woman dating an N so I didn't care at all what happened to her or whether she survived. Leftist garbage.
I didn't see this movie since I'm scared of horror. I did read and hear a few things though.

Can anyone tell me what was up with the Smile demon putting his hand or something down her throat? What happened?
>white woman dating an N
That's common now, unfortunately. It's not even unrealistic, so it's not even left or rightist, it's just real life.
People shitting every day is real life too but I'm not interested in watching a movie about it. If your main character is a coalburner then I don't care if they die. Good riddance.
That was part of some hallucination and then later she wakes up in a rehab hospital. They tell her she hit her head in her home and had passed out.
Weird. So it didn't mean anything?
The entire plot was poorly staged.
But the Smile movie isn't even about the relationship so your comparison makes no sense. You're just mad at something common and realistic because you're obsessed with politics.
I interpreted it as the demon taking 99% control over her, marking where the part of the movie that's 100% hallucination starts
>So it didn't mean anything?
None of it did. The only rule is "demon wins" so trying to pretend there's some kind of interesting "lore" or anything like that is pointless, because the demon doesn't have any rules other than it wins. Waste of time. The 3rd one will be the exact same shit. Writer is a retarded one-trick pony.
I'm talking about whether I care about the protagonist or not. If the protagonist is a degenerate that I'd rather see dead then I don't care if they survive. The central drama of the film does not move me or elicit care or concern. Is that comprehensible to you?
It was part of the smile demon's activities of creating hallucinations to torment her.
There's a separate event where a giant demon crawls into her mouth, like what happened in the first movie. And that meant something.
Oh that makes sense. At that point she's become his puppet. Bit on the nose if you look at it that way. His personal handpuppet.

That's an oddly specific detail you're asking about. Especially for a film you won't be watching, from the sounds of it. Tell me more, Anon - why do you want to know?
How do you feel about white men who mix with black women?
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Reminder that even fucking Terrifier, the normie-tier pajeet horror franchise of choice learned to shake things up a bit and added actual lore to its series. Added recurring characters that survive too. Sure Art comes back and we know he'll always come back, but characters can fight him effectively and actually do shit that matters. Smile retreads the same damn shit over and over, trying to create "rules" for itself then turns around and shits on them for cheap twist scares. Juvenile and worthless, and the fact Terrifier of all fucking things looks better in comparison is embarrassing.
I don't view black women as women and I've never found one even slightly attractive so I don't know what the fuck they're thinking. It's disgusting and they're throwing their genes down the toilet to make nasty goblin children.
>I just watched it, and I didnt like how it ended. Its like i didnt watch the movie i sat 2 hours for.
My exact thoughts
I am intrigued by the lore these movies sometimes have. It Follows was interesting as well for example but I never watched it because I'm a pussy but I could tell you all about how the demon works.

In the first Smile movie I don't think there's any scene of the demon showing itself before actually taking over its host. Then I read that for some reason it jammed its arm down the host's throat this time. I was under the impression as well that seeing the demon would make you go insane or completely catatonic. EIther way, I figured the demon finally showing itself was the last step of the process.
There is no lore, bro. The writer isn't intelligent enough to come up with any, certainly nothing with any consistency. It's embarrassing because even fucking Terrifier can. Smile's writer is a total idiot on the level of Shamalam that throws in dumb twists to make himself feel clever. Subverted expectations!
>protagonist doesn’t talk with and come to accept the demon and gain super powers and go fight other demons in hell
it’s like she’s never watched an anime
Show some respect, she's a virtuous married lady.
>Its like i didnt watch the movie i sat 2 hours for.
But you did watch it. Why does it have to take place in reality instead of taking place in the protagonist's head? It's like complaining that 50% of The Matrix didn't really happen
>In the first Smile movie I don't think there's any scene of the demon showing itself before actually taking over its host.
I think what you're talking about does happen, but it happens at the end of each movie.
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movie was a fun ride, i just feel they could have went with another ending or atleast made it so the mc doesn't fucking teleport there
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Felt like a youtube movie

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