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I don't get it
Unless you're rich, you must think of money for all or most of your adult life. The arts are for the wealthy, but it's always been this way to be honest
When you're young, you think about things that don't matter but make you happy.
When you're older, you think about things that do matter and make you miserable.
-George Schnedefille
was this absolute gremlin actually 36
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>Money is the reason we exist
>Everybody knows it, it's a fact
>Kiss kiss <3
I'll be retired by my early 30's. Embarrassing to think there's people that spend all of adulthood not figuring out how to do so early. Who the hell follows the "normal" route and is somehow perfectly ok with retiring when they're 65? Literally wasting your life away for some company that doesnt give a single fuck about you
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Never go up against a 36 year old when dignity is on the line
selling bussy isn't a life hack, Bruno. your asshole will be blown out long before your 30s
No, he was 28 when this came out
"Thinking about money" is called being responsible. Not thinking about money is how you get into debt for life and get your ass kicked out in the street. Why is he saying it like it's a bad thing?
and sciences originally which is now why there's lots of fraud in papers. people need funding
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Things would have gone a lot differently if they had just dredged the channel and built the grain pier
Because that's ALL he thinks about. The problem is he's lost touch with what he was passionate about in his youth. Imo part of the movie is about how we get stuck in ruts and how this compounds over time, even if we got in those ruts for good reasons in the first place. Andre has found a way out, and this wakes something in the other character, he wakes from his sleep just enough to realize he's lost touch with the things he really loved
not a simulation btw
You sound like one of the crypto bros over at /biz/.
Sounds like a skill issue. It's not hard to make a budget and stick to it. After that you literally shouldn't be thinking about money until you get a new job and even then you just make a new budget
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I was creative and more artistic in my 20s. Made my own games, played around with computer graphics, etc. Nowadays all I think about is how much more money I need to retire so that I can free myself from this misery of constant grind.

I'm sure it's different for people who have friends or family. But as loner, there is not much to life really.
>Shawn was born on November 12, 1943, in New York City, to a Jewish family.
>All I think about is money
Makes sense
Set aside time to get back into those things. If you have some determination they will take on a life of their own
That's not how it should be, fucking retard.
oh you'll be retired alright
this. please buy my course and i will tell you how i did it.
Because there's more to life than that. He's lost touch with the things he genuinely cares about. You sound like a low-IQ faggot who has never questioned the world around him and just accepts misery because 'that's the way it is, bucko.'
People would still worry about money since the funding isn't reliable. Academics all worry about having to show they need money every year so they don't get it taken away.
You can tell he's a dumb fuck from reddit who's never questioned the narrative in his life.
The Man From Earth
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>So that's what happened. That's what happened during My Dinner With Andre

I clapped
Are you fucking retarded bro?! That’s literally the whole point. Yes, what you’re saying is common sense amongst most, but what we are discussing is why people can’t just leave it at that. It’s consuming every single thought, it’s not about being rich or poor you absolute mouth breathing faggot. The discussion is about what the concept of money does to our humanity, no one’s debating that budgeting your finances or being fiscally responsible is wrong you disingenuous little bitch.
problem child 2
I don't appreciate that tone, anon.
Runaway Train
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>When I was young, all I thought about was tech and DSP.
>Now I'm 40, and all I think about is still DSP but I also deleted my passive income channel
Not that anon but in the same situation.
I dropped out of highschool at 16 and went to a trade school. Got an apprenticeship and was on good money an hour before most people graduated. A fella I met when I was working was flipping houses and I got in on that. Had enough money to start buying property and then covid happened and now all of my shit doubled in value.
Most of the people I know bought into the "they need engineers" grift only to find out halfway through their degrees that everyone else fell for it as well and now it is an incredibly competitive field.
Hence, Andre Gregory, the rich man attempting to shame Wally for his real nigga ways. Wally chads rise up!
It's pretty much impossible. my waking hours are consumed by work and on free time I have no energy to do anything
Really all I do is lament that I can't explode people with my mind
There are so many
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Life goes by so fast as you get older. You get lost in the hustle of it all
Waking Life
most malicious post active at this moment
>two old ass geezer bluds nonstop yapping for 2 hours where nothing happens
this was the most boring movie ive ever seen
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suggestion: please change your name to this
Delete this post
Lost in Translation
Moonstruck. That's actually Nick Cage, the same makeup artist did Penguin

It really does take a lot of time and passion can only keep you going for so long. I mean, getting decently good at any art (or craft) takes a lot of time and implies sacrificing many things people that experience "regular happiness" consider a given as one just doesn´t have the time or the money. Keeping passionate about it it´s also pretty hard, specially considering how the world´s changed.
Its Ghost, the train scene
jewish nonsense from a jewish movie
American Psycho
I'm sorry but I can't find any meaning if God doesn't exist. And I don't believe in God. And I'm just so tired. I just don't care about palestinian kids dying or Ukranians being raped by Russians. I realised that if my parents died, my life would improve. And if my brother died before them, it would improve even more. But without God, one cannot say I am an evil person. It's all pointless. And I won't try anymore
pleb. stick to nolan flicks.
I'll just fucking kill myself. Option of suicide is a tremendous liberation. Imagine become a cuckold and getting married and do all of that gay shit. Fuck that. I'm gonna give one shot at making career in art if that's not going to work out then I am going to blow brains my out after my NEET deadline.
retard. you're not-alive for virtually all time, what's your hurry? Life is one tiny piece of the whole
Thanks. I am not in hurry. Just having the option of suicide gives me "peace"
> Unless you're rich
Kek. Rich people think about money more than anyone.
What a faggy world view. Enjoy your lack of existence when I keep reincarnating and getting to do whatever the fuck I want
>The arts are for the wealthy
false, you need to start outsider artist maxxing NOW!
what level of irony are you on?
>dude next time im alive will totally be awesome !!
hahah cope
It's awesome right now. You're the one coping that you need to make the best of it right now or you're a failure. And that other guy is planning to an hero over the same ideal. It's faggy.
His Lunch With Pedro
Incorrect, arts is for the wealthy, science is for the religious, only Christians should be able to practice science, they are the only one with the proper ethical code and science was first made by Christian monks.

The fraud nowadays is due to the moral relativism due to atheism, atheists are not interested by the truth and have no ethical code, hence they cannot practice science. This isn't "edgy", you know this is correct, we just have to look at history to compare.
my life is just fine. but reincarnation is as big of a cope as heaven
Whatever hylic. You'll be begging for God's mercy at the end like all of them. If He gives you a chance for such a thing and doesn't snuff you like a flame.
Leave him anon, he's probably old as fuck
>noooo im a pneumatic im special you dont know how it really works im being born again!!!
cringe bro
even if one is born again, what does it matter without memories? the "soul" is the same? That's like saying we all have the same soul.
>And that other guy is planning to an hero over the same ideal. It's faggy.
What other options do I have? I have no degree, no work experience, I can't do hard labor, I am mentally ill, I live in a 3rd world shithole etc. I can cuck myself into arranged marriage but what would be the point of pining yourself into sbmission of another person and kids for the rest of your life. I don't see any point in that shite
Pusher 3
that sounds awesome. In the first world, people are encouraged to kill themselves specifically because there's no arranged marriage option. Your ego won't submit to change, it would rather murder your body than admit ignorance.
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>Your ego won't submit to change, it would rather murder your body than admit ignorance.
Why you have to do it me like that
kek I see the resemblance
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>"because I love you Anon"
Children of Men
I think it's one of the matrix sequels
Congrats, you got extremely lucky. Still, there is a large literature documenting that the gap in earnings between college graduates and non-college graduates is huge and has only widened since the early 80s. You're on the far right tail of the distribution for people like you, but the average engineer, IT grunt or business major earns almost 50% more than your average trade worker.
Me when I lie
movie releases 1981
wallace born 1943
pretty close
My Second Breakfast with Gandalf
Unironically better dialogue gameplay than Fallout 4
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I gotta be honest bros this film was just stupid and had very little to say.
If you actually watch the film this is a small and passing line of dialogue that is treated with little-to-no importance.
You meet "Andre" and he's just a fuckwit who lies and babbles on about schizo retard shit.
I have a degree in Calculus and another in Logic/Philosophy. Nothing is lost on me, and moreover there is nothing here.

This movie is the equivalent of "if you keep talking people will think you're smart if you never stop"
>young: thinking about stuff he can't make himself.

>old: thinking about stuff he can't make himself.
I work full time and also make music on the side, not that hard.
Check out Leonardo the Renaissance man ova here!
and somehow wallace shawn did that idea a whole lot better in a single scene in the princess with the battle of wits, but that actually has a funny punchline and a far better way of conveying the message for retards.
5/10 bait
Andre talks about being in Poland, but during that time Poland was part of the Soviet Union & was under the Iron Curtain. The chance of him being admitted to Poland as a westerner to do literally fuck-all is 0% during that time.
The "100% complete" ending for viewing this film is realizing Andre is just a retard and so is his friend. And the only thing to draw from this is that it's an elaborate joke on the viewer to make them believe something has happened when in reality, nothing of importance or meaning was said.
It's like I'm stuck in a holocaust of New York City!
Uncle Ted said this
>Andre talks about being in Poland, but during that time Poland was part of the Soviet Union & was under the Iron Curtain. The chance of him being admitted to Poland as a westerner to do literally fuck-all is 0% during that time.
I don't care.
Oh so you were just /riveted/ when he talks about "we threw a giant teddy bear around!"
>Andre: Anyway, after about an hour of this wild hypnotic dancing Grotowski and I found ourselves sitting opposite each other in the middle of this whole thing and we threw the Teddy Bear back and forth. You know, on one level you'd say this is childish. And I gave the Teddy Bear suck suddenly on my breast then I threw the Teddy Bear to him and he gave it it suck on his breast. And then the Teddy Bear was thrown up into the air again at which was another explosion of form into something. It was something like a Kaleidoscope. Like a human Kaleidoscope. The evening was made up of shiftings of a Kaleidoscope!
Cringe mf.
>And I gave the Teddy Bear suck suddenly on my breast then I threw the Teddy Bear to him and he gave it it suck on his breast
"Then I acted like a troon in a made up impossible scenario"
>The 60s were the last gasp of real Human Beings, and all we have now are Robots walking around.
"Then I said only boomers are cool"

Shut the fuck up cringe fag.
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>Andre: Exercises meant nothing to me anymore. Working on scenes from plays seemed ridiculous. I-I didn't know what to do. I mean, I just couldn't do it. So he said, 'Why don't you tell me anything you'd like to have if you did a workshop for me, no matter how outrageous? Maybe I can give it to you.' So I said, 'Well if you could give me 40 Jewish women who speak neither English nor French. Either women who've been in the theater for a long time and want to leave it but don't know why, or young women who love the theater but had never seen a theater they could love. And if these women could play the trumpet or the harp, and if I could work in a forest, I'd come... '
Jews Rock!
great argument you fucking idiot
>I have a degree in Calculus
you have a degree in a math class? what?
ive always stayed away from this movie because roger ebert championed it
he liked a shitload of movies. just because he said it's one of the best of the 80s?
>Andre: OK. Yes, we are bored. We're all bored now. But has it ever occurred to you Wally that the process that creates this boredom that we see in the world now may very well be a self-perpetuating, unconscious form of brainwashing, created by a world totalitarian government based on money, and that all of this is much more dangerous than one thinks? and it's not just a question of individual survival Wally, but that somebody who's bored is asleep, and somebody who's asleep will not say no?
Oh wow it's the ONLY LINE people think "damn dats fuckin deep". Except it means nothing.
>the process that creates this boredom that we see in the world now may very well be a self-perpetuating, unconscious form of brainwashing, created by a world totalitarian government based on money
It's unconscious and self-perpetuating, but also, some-how was created by a spoooky government, and then people just perpetuate this spooooooky process.
>all of this is much more dangerous than one thinks
What is? He doesn't say. This is just an emotional nonsense line. "All of this", all of what?
>it's not just a question of individual survival Wally, but that somebody who's bored is asleep, and somebody who's asleep will not say no
Say no to what? Again, this is just fucking nonsense that sounds cool and is meant to be something your brain naturally finishes on its own and says "oh yeah I get where they were going"
No you don't, asshole. You're just assuming that some fragments of conversation have some sort of meaning and that it's all spoken very "hush-hush" because it's so /deep/ and /meaningful/ but it's the opposite. You're listening to someone use a tone of voice like a school teacher, poet, flight attendant, police officer, etc. use.
Most people responding to this utter shit are just simply monkey-see-monkey-do dipshits who think anytime people talk for a long time in a hushed tone it MUST be meaningful.
Guess what fucknut? It is not.
every phone has a record function if you want to hear yourself talk, buddy
you're on a forum, dickhead. this is what outsiders used to do before the internet. hang out at cafes etc with different peer groups to talk about certain shared interests and muse on life etc.

have you ever watched a hosted stream so you could join in the chat? we used to go to cinemas and do that.
>Andre: They've built their own prison, so they exist a state of schizophrenia. They're both guards and prisoners and as a result they no longer have, having been lobotomized, the capacity to leave the prison they've made, or to even see it as a prison.
This doesn't make sense and is just stupid.
"oh my god people react to the circumstances rationally and don't even REALIZE that they could completely do wacky shit that would ostracize them. WHY WON'T PEOPLE CHOOSE TO STAND OUT AND BE OSTRACIZED? It must be the brainwashing!"
Oh my god it's like I'm trapped in Dachau because you didn't read my post.
I'm literally Andre!
>actually anon you just sound like an annoying fag who assumes everyone has nothing going on but them because no one dialogue dumped on them in a few years
I'm literally Andre!!!
his endorsement of it always seemed too enthusiastic. dont even mind the guy
>Andre: Remember that moment when Marlon Brando sent the Indian woman to accept the Oscar, and everything went haywire? Things just very rarely go haywire now. If you're just operating by habit, then you're not really living.
Nothing EVER will be as CRAZY as that, said Andre, the boomer.
why would I read a post like that, you wouldn't. Self awareness.
I'm surprised you even remember what was said on ebert and roeper back then . . . or are you talking about someone else bringing up ebert to shit on him?
I can retire by the time I'm 40 and live off my savings and interest for the rest of my life but I could never afford to get married and have kids unless I keep working so thats pretty tough decision
chicago tribune

But you're posting Horus while talking about the wisdom of locking into "Set Learning".

Do you just apply your received knowledge or do you attempt to advance it?
>Andre: I wouldn't put on an electric blanket on for anything. First, I'd be worried I might get electrocuted. No, I don't trust technology. But I mean, the main thing, Wally, is that I think that kind of comfort just separates you from reality in a very direct way.
Boomers are truly fucking morons and this is the most boomery boomer movie there could be.
You have to really be a 120IQ midwit to get anything out of this putrid crap.
You mean wikipedia and 4chan. What you watch is determined by what wikipedia and 4chan say.
Is this some Fassbinder film?
yeah it's X-Men First Class
here it is (you)
no, you're right. Forgive me. You were sitting on your lanai with the Chicago Tribune on a crisp morning in 1987, when your eye caught a film review by Roger Ebert. Something was just uncanny about that review, too positive, and you decided not to see the film. Decades later, the memory is as clear as if it had been yesterday. Ebert is dead, Malle is dead, Andre is dead, Wallace Shawn is dead. . . but that moment will never leave you.
House flippers deserve to be shot and put into a mass grave
just fixed up another house and put it on the market because of your post.
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>working as web dev
>make more money than most of my friends and relatives
>work is absolutely souless and all I think is about living in a cheap shack by the sea and spending the day fishing and reading

I have turned into an automata and people praise me for "making it"
Just get a remote position dumbass.
Don't worry. You will be able to do that when AI takes over your job soon.
Plenty of people do more souless work and get nothing for it
there should be a play with andre's stories
if you guys fund me I can make it happen
that would sort of miss the point, no? You can't do a rote performance talking ABOUT people doing fun experimental theater
if you make it right it might be really cool. of course, some of the things can't be done, but overall it should work
>The arts are for the wealthy, but it's always been this way to be honest
and they degraded when they were opened up to the masses
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but enough about science
Nta, but Wallace Shawn is not dead.
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Neeuiok Ninja Monogatari
>Just be miserable and slave for us, goy.
neither is andre. bit of dramatic license I admit
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I wish I'd dropped out of school at 16 and learned to drive pic related instead of working to get to university then dropping out. What a waste of three years.
Same, but 36. I'm considering leaving my job, moving to my mom's apartment and just browsing Internet till I die.
The Mighty Ducks (1992)
It's the most pretentious wankfest film ever created. Andre actor must be insufferable irl
I've become increasingly persuaded to the idea that you have to be borderline autistic or more to be a programmer, and I think it involves doing something that has immediate results in the living world vs something abstract. Even if you program something that you can react to and play around with, it doesn't feel the same. I imagine being a warehouse worker, a construction worker or something that involves shaping the physical world to your liking would result in a healthier reward to the body and mind, as long as the job isn't literally breaking your body and the boss shouting at you every 10 minutes to increase productivity. Or maybe i'm just coping about something i'm not good at.
they were playing each other pleb
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When you grow up your heart dies
>Greek music playing
>wahh wahh I hate having to work I just wanna make art

if everyone had this mentality, society would fall apart.
I know everyone shits on minimum wage workers but they're unironically the backbone of society. We don't need artists, but we do need people to stock the shelves at walmart
captcha: 0SAMD
My brother used to say that too. He's 36 and still living with his dad.
>just get lucky
should’ve had a negroni
It's not from a movie. It's Rich Evans from RLM. This was one of their dumb skits.
there's zero chance this was posted by a woman and that really bothers me
An American Tale: Feivel Goes West

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