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This movie was great. Just dystopian action with a hottie sidekick. Imagine if demolition man or speed had a hot female lead! Why did it fail?
Had that 40k vibe
it pains me watching this movie cuz she looks like the first girl i ever fell in love with, i never had the balls to ask her out and now she's married to some scrawny cuck... i could have been happy
I get why the did it for budgeting reasons but they left out megacity one which is a character in itself and set it in a tower block
it was based af. Shame that the whole dredd vibe died and nobody saw it in theatres.
>dredd is a non-compromising sarcastic killing machine
>minimalistic sets and confined dense grimy atmosphere
>judge anderson is capable but no a true girl marry sue
>main antagonist isnt some redeemable anti hero strong womeme, just a bitch who got high on her own farts
>dredd literally throws her out of the building in the end
>judge anderson is a capable and hot rookie, without overshadowing the main character
oh what could've been
shut up
>Dystopian setting that needs the strongest cops they could possibly have
>Has a female cop who somehow hasn't been raped on her first beat
>>>/reddit/ is that way
She's psychic, nigga
>Nooo, she's really smart and a girlboss, this somehow makes up for being weaker than every criminal she'll encounter
You have to go back
did you miss the part were she wasnt able to do shit without dredd, got kidnapped and managed to escape only because crooks didnt know about gene-coded guns?
This and TRON Legacy were flukes which turned into personal comfy favourites
>oh what could've been
It was.
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That part doesn't explain why the fuck she'd be a cop in the first place
She was found as a sole survivor and wanted to be a cop. The judges need everyone who's capable cause of them being way outnumbered. What the fuck don't you understand?
>The judges need everyone who's capable cause of them being way outnumbered.
Except she's not capable and a deadweight

Stop shilling woke shit and go back to X/Reddit
She was chosen for her psychic/psychological abilities, not her physical strength. It's been a while since I've seen the movie, but isn't she part of a pilot program that paired people like her with Judges?
>Nooo, she's speshul and a girlboss, don't you get it?
Speaking as a casual judge dredd fan, read some of the comics, liked the games even the Stallone movie. Dredd 3d just doesn't cut the mustard. It was too cheaply made, script wasn't tight enough, no big name actors. Etc. I want to see judge dredd succeed but the for the reasons I've mentioned is why the average movie goer didn't like it.
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Have you seen who they let be a cop now?
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>Except she's not capable and a deadweight

She literally saved Dredd's life in the movie
Oh so she's just an unrealistic girlboss, got it
This movie is a tad overrated.

It is a solid action B-movie. Nothing more, nothing less, and nowhere near as good as The Raid.

It was also marketed as a 3D movie from the outset, which was a mistake.

In truth, it looks like a Netflix production
You haven't seen the movie, have you?
She failed the exam though.
imagine how wet she was
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>Karl Urban was a big fan of the comics and only agreed to take the role if he got to keep the helmet on for the entire movie
>He's busy filming The Boys so we can't get a new Dredd movie or a new Riddick movie
>mfw I have this picture saved twice
>once with the file name "Dredd approves"
>once with "Dredd disapproves"
She has MIND POWERS!!!!!
>only agreed to take the role if he got to keep the helmet on for the entire movie
So he's the opposite of that Wicked actress?
good thing he hid his face I can't stand this spic faggot
we need a porn parody of her getting BLACKED
it didn't it was an independent production and didn't make quite enough money to get a big studio to pick it up for a sequel
anderson is always a subpar judge in the comics as well as the movie her value is being the strongest psychic and their only hard counter to judge death, also her primary role is acting as dredds jimmey cricket, shes his conscious
>It is a solid action B-movie. Nothing more, nothing less, and nowhere near as good as The Raid.
I'm apt to agree with this. I still would have liked a sequel though, I'm not above B action movies.
It was an ugly looking movie. Have you seen it again, recently?
its was perfect, its suppose to be ugly they are in a giant slum ffs
I mean like bad coloring, cinematography, cheap sets, costumes, etc.
It looks like it was made for YouTube Red
>wow look at all this soul, so bad!
oh you like marvel shit, got it
Judge Dredd is 2nd tier Marvel dude
Sorry dude, people don't like your movie.
yes you already explained you like capeshit no need to double down
Right before Dredd launches Ma-Ma off he asks how she pleads and that psychic shimmer hovers over her. Who was reading her mind? I kept thinking she was gonna be revealed as Andersons Mon
he injects her with the slow-mo drug you idiot its not the physic shimmer its the drug taking effect why are you so fucking dumb?
Wtf do you think judge dredd is? You fucking retard...
>40k autist tries to go a single thread without bringing up his beta male power fantasy series challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
I blame the stupid "3D" marketing. It was even called "Dredd 3D" at one point. By 2012, people were sick of the 3D gimmick.
I'd rather watch the first 10 minutes of Stallone Dredd 1995 than 2 hours of Dredd 2012. The same thing happens in both anyway
>Imagine if demolition man or speed had a hot female lead!
Is this a Sandra Bullock hate thread or was this just mistyped?
It failed because Dredd never showed his face
If it was released now it would make a billion. It was just the wrong time for that kind of movie.
That's kind of like if I said it had Cyberpunk 2077 vibes, which is does, but it's really the game that was inspired by the movie
clearly I know and you don't I have literally read every single dredd comic in existence, you've read some panels posted on reddit, you fucktard
Bragging about having judge dredd street credibility on /tv/ is pretty fucking gay. No one cares. Reevaluate your life.
This is a good post.
You're a good poster.
15 years in iso-cube, get fucked lawbreaker.
40k used the grimdark aspect from 2000ad. Arbites are literally street judges. The dark judges and dimensions being accessed through mutant psychics like Anderson inspired chaos being accessed by psykers. Plus a bunch more.
You're a low iq nigger, it's literally explained after dredd melts the dude's face in the beginning.
Nope. Dredd passed her.
>Wtf do you think judge dredd is?
I know what judge dredd is you do not, trying to say judge dredd by stallone was in anyway real dredd while trying to shit on Dredd is peak retardation from idiots like yourself who have never read 2000AD shut the fuck up kid
No, he was sucking aids cock at the local mexican gloryhole.

Are you serious?
I don't give a shit about judge dredd lore, faggot. We're talking about a movie here and dredd 3d was lousy.
>It is a solid action B-movie.
Which mogs all the modern entertainment industry combined.
Dire times, eh?
nah it was great and very faithful to 2000AD and Dredd in general you are just a massive faggot
Brother, you're fucking autistic.
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Are you wasting precious disk space, then? Do you have anything say in your defense?
The fact she refuses to wear a helmet (to make sure you know it's a strong woman with OP skills) took me out of the movie. At least have Dredd lose the helmet if you're going to go that route.
I've finally watched it on Friday night now that it's streaming with ads on youtube. Very enjoyable movie. Probably going to watch it again this week.
know you're trolling, but the whole point is she's a failure and doesn't meet standards, except she's a psychic who can mind fuck with suspects. the police are losing their fight with the gangs and are willing to try anything.
She is getting high off of slowmo
>*Mama takes the hits*
>Dredd: "Your defense is noted"
>Guy from The Wire gets movie role
>It's playing another gangster
>Spends 90% of his screen time being dragged around with no lines

Everyone knows psychics don't wear helmets because it blocks shit out, thats movies 101. She doesn't really wear it in the comics either
plenty of fish in the sea brother
he's not a particularly good actor, idris elba blew him off the screen in the wire
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>Is this a Sandra Bullock hate thread or was this just mistyped?
Let's just say as far as Pretty Women she's more of a Miss Congeniality... OH GOD IVE WATCHED SO MUCH BULLOCKS :(
If she's married to a cuck just ask to be her bull.
he looks like a dirty spic
imagine the blowjobs
I saw the movie all by myself in a big theater screening room. Why did it fail? Timing and poor marketing. It came out in the US on September 21, 2012. Really bad timing. November 2012 you had Twilight, Skyfall, Wreck it Ralph. Big competition. Maybe it would had performed belter with a later release date and more advertising?
It was marketed as a 3D movie when nobody wanted to go see 3D movies.
If they'd just called it DREDD it would have been good.
>"She's a pass. Yes, she lost her gun which is an automatic fail, but I decided to make an exception for no reason"
Uh... not guilty?
If you could have, you would have. But you weren't. As such, accept your mediocrity.
Yeah, people should really do a quick google search on their favorite franchises. Judge Dredd was 1977, WH40K came out 10 years later and had a LOT of Dredd influence.
His superiors would've ignored him and passed her anyway because she's a psyker. It's established when she's being introduced that her condition allows her not to need to meet certain standards. He's told she barely didn't pass the Academy finals but was passed anyway which he objects to, he knows what he says doesn't matter
not watching it
She doesn't wear it in the comics, and no one else wears it nearly as religiously as Dredd does. It's one of the things that set him apart.
She is for soft cuddles, keep your dirty paws off her!
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>B Action Movie
Best Genre.
Were the 3D effects any good in theater? I'm guessing all the slow motion and sparkly effect shit was all 3D.
>"3D Movies"
I'm so glad the era of blatant 3D is mostly over.
This reminded me a bit of Fury. By the end she was was one tapping bitches as good as Norman. She killed a dirty cop and saved Dredd. I'd be cool with it either way actually. As hard ass as Dredd is he also gave the vagrant a chance.

>Anderson: Vagrancy: three weeks iso cubes. But prioritize murders?
>Judge Dredd: Correct.
I miss these types of films. Shit like this and Demolition Man with a CyberPunk and even tongue-in-cheek potrayal of the "near future.
Oh yeah I do remember when the main villain was falling after inhaling Slo-Mo was awesome to see on the big screen - made my eyes watery.
The sex imagination scenes are hot as shit.

Too bad the girl has such a small rack IRL. She was cute in Juno.

you're both missing the point, she saved his life during the fight against the corrupt judged and he realised they need all the good ones they can get
>If they'd just called it DREDD it would have been good.
But it was just called DREDD.
3D is mentioned on the poster but I'm not sure people paid attention.
Poor marketing i suppose. Stellar film though. Urban as Dredd is spot on and he nails it. I thought I would despise the sidekick girl but she's really great. /blog
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Shut the FUCK up

Actual Oldhammer grog here. 40k heavily borrows from 2000AD.

I mean, Citadel miniatures (GW) even did a range of Dredd and Chainsaw Warrior and other comic's miniatures, before they made 40k in the mid 80s
>scrawny cuck
post body, big guy
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even IF dredd 2012 got a sequel

we are never EVER gonna see the dark judges
they're just too goofy for the dystopian and "realistic" style the movie was going for

that and dredd 2012 only has a passing mention of judge hershey so its automatically shit
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(((opinion))) noted.
It's the second best Judge Dredd movie.
>I still would have liked a sequel though
If you read comics, there's a prequel, and a series of sequels. They even have a crossover between comic Dredd, 90s movie Dredd, and this Dredd.
If you'd have read the average Judge Dredd comic, you'd know that the 90s movie was more like the comic.
CBA reading the full thread, but it flopped because it ONLY came out in 3d, which costs a few quid more, so normies didn't bother going to see it
She was a whore in Mega City One. How many STDs did you want to get at once?
>it flopped because
Because Judge Dredd is more popular in the UK, not America. They had to strip so much of it out.
They would have done better, without it being tied to the 2000AD brand.
Do the Judges all live in the Hall of Justice? I imagine there wouldn't be many other safe places for Judges to live in Mega City One.
>Do the Judges all live in the Hall of Justice?
I don't think so. The Hall of Justice is the entire government building, afaik.
It is seriously unreal to me that anyone is bringing up this mediocre shit 12 years on. Is there really no better marginal low budget action movie from the last 15 years /tv/ can bring up? In an age of dollar store movie quality cameras, nobody is making some cheap punchy shooty movie that can interest someone?
What a terrifying crime boss
You sound like an effeminate homosexual. Dredd stands out for the same reason 300 does, they have that "i ought to start lifting" effect.
>Is there really no better marginal low budget action movie from the last 15 years /tv/ can bring up?
Nice list faggot. Also no. Most of Hollywood is shit.
John Wick and Hardcore Henry are about it.
I liked it
Don't limit yourself to hollywood, anything is fine
>actual paypig here
>bitch that no one's talking about new action movies
>has none to suggest
Why are you like this, anon?
the movie was cool and made me want to take the drug they sell in the movie, it looks like a pleasant experience
i like that frog
>makes the body feel like time is moving at 1 percent of it's normal speed
imagine jerking off on slo-mo, the orgasm would last for ages
P gud
top kek
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I don't know any, I'm asking
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>even a plot as simple as Dredd befuddles this faggot
Maybe stick to Power Rangers and FNAF lol
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she's okay, cool

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