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Righto cunts. our Australian brethren are either in bed or nearly there so lets shit talk aussie cinema behind their backs ay.

Now I reckon that even with their clear intellectual shortcomings, Aussie cinema really holds its own and cranks out 24 karat kino on the regular. Its like they succeed despite themselves.
Why is this?

I just watched pic related and was stoked at how good it was! My only gripe is I don’t get why they had actors with Southern U.S. accents. Was it 'cause Patterson couldn’t nail a believable Aussie one? he's a weak cunt if that's true. I give it 8/10 instead of 9/10 because of this
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Chopper—one of the best examples of character acting in 21st-century Anglophone cinema. It’s hilarious as hell but also pretty tragic at the same time. The movie launched Bana from being just a comedian to being seen as a serious actor. easy 9/10.
Director made shit all of any worth since this. shame really.
Australians on the internet anonymous:
>Acts normal and blends in
Australians the moment Australia is brought up or anything Australian is mentioned

Please stop embarrassing us.
fack off you weak cunt
Agreed. The tryhard straya shit is pathetic.
Australian cinema is mostly shit. You get a couple of gems a decade, if that. Why is this the case? Because to get funding for your Australian film, you have go through the various state government industry funding hoops and checklists. This kills creativity and ensures diversity.

In the 70s and 80s, Australian film was privately funded but the investment was essentially a tax write off.

Don't even mention the subsidies given to multinational corporations to film in Australia. That should just be outright illegal.

If you were ever in any doubt that aussies were a bunch of sick fucks watch Snowtown. Pedos, troons man-on-man rape, incest,serial killers, torture and extortion. But what do you expect from a nation of imported crims?
Like Chopper, it features an awesome performance of a psychopath by a comedian. Genuinely chilling. 9/10

Into the barrel you go, m8.
classic. Ya get to see Jenny Agutter's muff. 9/10

I sometimes think of the outback as a representation of the Australian colonizers subconscious. Desolate, barren, amoral, windswept, empty. Abbos who can lead you to salvation hang around on the edges of your awareness, reminding you that you’re a genocider, but you can’t really face that. Even at the level of instinct you can't acknowledge your nation's depravity
Most of it is garbage but when it is good, it is really good. That's the tradeoff. You have to wait some time for something good to be made.
Riot of a movie. Loved every moment. This is what movies ought to be.
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>Australian cinema is mostly shit. You get a couple of gems a decade, if that
they have a higher hit rate than america, canada, new zealnd or the UK per capita. They are the best anglophone movie producers. They've got a third of the population of the UK for fucks sake.

They start them young and nurture talent
rover is one of me favourites
some obvious ones:
wolf creek has my rare waifu
The best western in cinema history isn't even American.
unfathomably based. No fuckin wonder they're trying to get Hillcoat to adapt blood meridian. The yanks don't have the fuckin talent
>wolf creek

never heard of these but they look awesome. This thread is already paying dividends
I found the music really out of place.

Just watched picrel. Was kino but jesus did we really need 20 minutes of kangaroo gore?
aw yeah fairdinkum pop another shrimp on the barbie m8
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>fack off you weak cunt
t. Suburban poofter who never talks like this in irl
course i don't talk like this irl you wally. I live in europe.
fack me
aussie movies are shit, just like korean 'CiNeMa'. also aussies aren't funny. are we all in agreement?
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>are we all in agreement?
they're ok in small doses
only good aussie film is The Propisition. And its a masterpiece

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