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Banned books that would be great films
This is banned?? It's in every public library I've been to.
Blood Meridian
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>Pulitzer prize
>Catler is ..... LE BAD...... BECAUSE HITLER WAS LE BAD, OK
Lmao, banned book?
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Directed by Uwe Boll
>Jews are rodents who spread disease
They'll find one school system that thinks it's inappropriate for fifth graders and declare it a banned book as an advertising gimmick.
He kinda did make this with his Rampage movie series
Yea this ain't banned lmao OP is retard
>nazis are portrayed by cool cats (based)
>jews are portrayed by disgusting mice (pests)
It feels like a joke
I was thinking of the Postal 2 Movie but taken to the extreme.
How would this not be animated, though? You imagine they'd stick actors in mouse suits and have them be all serious about the Holocaust and shit?
Kino. Cats just like that Broadway Cats musical with the buttholes and all
Le jews are the rats ?!? Projecting hard Spiegelbergowitz
it is deliberate
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I want a Rizzo the Rat version
My dad made a blog site for me and my friends to write Warhammer 40k battle reports and it got banned in my school since we kept showing people and it was distracting people during computer lab
Just some mouse ears would work
nowadays you'd have to make battle TikToks
So it represents different "races" of humans as literally different races? I don't know if that sends the message he wants.
They need to close this bookstore
Kite runner is one of the most disgustingly jewish books I was forced to read in high school. Something about a group of aryan boys that for some reason are living in Afghanistan, gang raping a disabled Muslim boy never sat right with me
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Your dad is based
I don't like it when people insult mice and rats by comparing them to jews
>Nothing happens: the book
Alexa Bliss really is Jewish and really does look like a cute fuckable rat.
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Banned in Germany by the Nazis during WWII.
Which is funny because there's a good chance that you'll be called a nazi if you say you like this book now.
>this past January, when Maus was banned from an eighth-grade English-language-arts curriculum by the McMinn County, Tennessee, school board.

ah it's banned in a thirdworld county.
"Banned Book" just means it's probably not going to be in school & local libraries because the administration doesn't want to get complaints.
A lot of librarians who think they're super-intellectuals will put out as many banned books as they can because they think it's rebellious and it'll "make you think", so they display it as a badge of universal praise.
1984, The Color Purple, Elfen Leid, Fahrenheit 451. All pieces of equal intellectual value because they're banned from certain libraries.
Wes Anderson doing it with stop motion would be good probably.
>living in Afghanistan, gang raping a disabled Muslim boy
They were just trying to fit in with the locals.
How is this banned? It was required reading in the 11th grade.
And it's banned in the 7th grade. Therefore it's a banned book.
I think it's funny how people like this will never roll out the actually edgy shit, like Mein Kampf, the Turner Diaries, Hogg, Charlie Hebdo, or anything else they think is either actually bad or would give them a bad name. If you're only against some banned books, you're not standing up for freedom, you have simply picked sides.
I wouldn't be surprised if jews didn't like this. Most jews don't like most holocaust media out there because it never represents it correctly enough for them.
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never reply to me again jew lover
That's actually where most of the contention around Maus comes from in Jewish circles.
Art Spiegelman's dad didn't like talking about the Holocaust for some reason, so when he wrote Maus, he just made shit up to fill in the blanks, and people noticed.
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I'm going to read this, though i'm already sceptical as it's written by an officer.



They might not be the optimal way to read it but they're what I found. Also note yandex.com returned results at the top. Other jewish search engines like duckduckgo.com only showed things for sale.
it's banned in red states
it's an anti-bildungsroman novel, an autistic like you wouldn't be able to understand it
if there's one book you have to read in your life it's this one
European here, can anyone explain me why this was banned in schools? I didn't finish it because it was quite boring, but I guess that the mc was "edgy" for the time?
Never heard of this and I don't see any mention of it on Google, do
you have any source?
Why the fuck would anyone ban 1984?
>why this was banned in schools
sexual content
Because soccer moms and boomers thought it brainwashed kids into becoming serial killers. That's it.
I've read it, it's very good. Junger got promoted later, and rose through the ranks after volunteering at the start of the war, so don't expect a posh and sentimental view, even if he has quite a few philosophical inclinations. Very objective view of the war, and reads more like a war journal than a dramatized retelling like All Quiet.
>Why the fuck would anyone ban 1984?
americans thinks it's anti-capitalist it was also banned in russia for being anti-communist
Catcher in rye made a retard kill John Lennon.
t. Fellow euro
Really? Maybe I should have kept reading. How explicit are we talking about?
Ah yeah I heard of it before. It's funny how boomers have always found some media to put the blame on for their kids being schizoids.
>americans thinks it's anti-capitalist
Why the fuck would they think that? The book is very obviously about Stalinism.
>do you have any source?
Mostly the scraggly old Jews I grew up around, my friend got his old Polish grandpa a copy in like 2004, and his grandpa literally started wacking the shit out of him with the book after reading it, apparently the rest of the crusty old yids didn't like it either, but their kids & grandkids loved it.
the book is about the suppression of information
>I'm going to read this, though i'm already sceptical as it's written by an officer.
he was more of a direct frontline NCO than a high ranking officer. he starts as a squad leader and ends up commanding a stormtrooper platoon at the end of the war IIRC
>why ban 1984?
I don't know, but in modern Britain a poster or something shown by /pol/ tells people that anyone known to have read it could be a terrorist and to report them.
It's a pretty accurate summary of government and psychology, except for it's bleak and inaccurate ending where it's main character is defeated entirely. The movie shows some hope and is a better way to experience it.
So it's just a bunch of people not liking it, nothing about evidence of the story being made up - and of course some things were probably fictionalised, ai don't think it pretends to be a documentary.
Yes but Orwell was mainly aiming at that. Animal Farm was all about that.
why is it inaccurate?
>I don't know, but in modern Britain a poster or something shown by /pol/ tells people that anyone known to have read it could be a terrorist and to report them.
I refuse to believe this, it's just too retarded.
>inaccurate ending
What do you mean with "innacurate"? It's just a sad ending.
NTA, but what the hell was that faggot thinking? WWII sure as shit wasn't a walk in the park for a Polish Jew, and I couldn't conceive of one enjoying their life-long trauma treated with funny mice pictures regardless of its actual veracity. If it's making shit up, all the less so.
One of the few actually legit depictions of what happened to german and polish jews. No rollercaosters into ovens, no bear and eagle fight cages, no masturbation machines, no over the top wacky shit that makes no sense logistically outside of the mind of a jew.

Just simple real life depiction of them being forced into camps during a war.
orwell was a known anti-capitalist and anti-stalinism/marxist-leninism
animal farm was about authoritarianism
prior to the revolution the farm was run by a corrupt capitalist oppressors and then after the revolution it's run by corrupt marxist-leninist oppressors
>funny mice pictures
How can anyone get filtered so hard by the most obvious metaphor ever?
>list of banned books
>all the books are top sellers and available literally everywhere
>every one of them has one or more feature films made about it
Is claiming that your book is "banned" a marketing gimmick to increase theater sales?
Did you not read my post? Are you just looking for shit to feel smug about?
a book being banned doesn't mean it's banned from being sold (unless it's meinkampf) it just means that school kids can't read it
They didn't like it because it barely resembled their own experiences, a lot of which were pretty universal for Holocaust survivors.
They didn't like the Holocaust rat book because it was basically a story about them where half of it didn't happen.
At best I'm willing to concede that it meant to show that one isn't better than the other, but the story is mostly focused on the hypocrisy of communism. Think about the most famous line from the book.
But even if there was a part of criticism towards capitalism, the main takeaways are others and definitely nothing worth banning even at the peak of cold war.
obviously this would be nonstop kino from the first jewish-negro raid to the final mushroom cloud.
yeah they do that "it's been taken off a required reading list=banned" bullshit to try and gin up some Streisand effect for otherwise lackluster system prescribed slop. makes boring generic seen-it-a-trillion-times shit seem edgy and high status if you're a styrofoam brained normie (which the overwhelming number of people are)
I did, and anyone who looks at maus and thinks "funny mice pictures" isn't worth of consideration, be that some polack boomer or (you)
Why would 1984 be banned? I could see how Brave New World might not be appropriate for younger kids because of all the drug use and sex, but 1984 is about as milquetoast as Animal Farm.
I think it would be best animated with all of the cats talking like cool 70's Black Jazz musicians and all the mice talking like Fran Drescher.
>half of it didn't happen.
I'd like to know what was exactly made up. He told the story of just his family not the whole fucking Poland. Also, in multiple points of the story he specifies that some details are unclear and not fully reliable.
God damnit forgot pic and this nigger said the same thing>>204717963
>someone who was alive to experience the Holocaust is a boomer
>a comic is more accurate than real life experience
Anon, I already thought you were retarded. There was no need to confirm it this hard.

1984 presents sex as rebellion and the torture scenes are thought to be inappropriate for young adults.
>They didn't like it because it barely resembled their own experiences
no they didnt like it because it mirrored their experienes TOO well. it hit too close to home. All the lies of the holocaust that they were telling for reparations might have fallen through. Jews dont like when they cant get free money.
Sorry nigher but I'm not the one who got filtered by fucking maus.
Reminder that Maus will never be adapted or pushed like other acclaimed comics because the mangaka was critical of Israel
You got filtered by mild sarcasm, you autist.
Sure, now go back to you mickey mouse books, nignog.
>caution tape, wavy letters
It's clearly a joke.
No idea, I didn't get involved in the internal politics at the local synagogue when I was a kid, I just got the runoff from my friend whenever he'd get his ass whipped by some old shithead.
I thought the concentration camp part wasnt that bad desu
You're an idiot. Polish jews had it easiest in WW2. The rest were killed, disabled, raped or tortured. Don't expect your stupidity to succeed here.
The author himself doesnt want this comic to be adapted into a movie.
>"noooo you can't just refuse to buy weird schizo ramblings with conspiracy theories and furry nudity for 3rd graders"
>this is now a cool 'banned book' with street cred among academics

ZOG is insane.
but that's not even true. it just means school kids are no longer required to read it.
stop occupying white countries first
>side with le vermin over cats
No, I don't think so.
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>Banned in Germany by the Nazis during WWII.
Why do you lie?
Are you jewish?
It’s was banned in some elementary school because there are penises and vaginas
The mice deserved it. I'm guessing they didn't cover the part where the mice destroyed the cats' country and declared war on the cats first.
This. The cats were justified unlike the real world nazis.
The funny things is that they put part about Jews trading on black market in the book, while cryinf oyy vey i didn't do nothing.
Imagine writing a comic book about your criminal race of people, showing their crimes and still having audacity to play victim card. Fucking jews
Maus should be banned for perpetuating the so-called 'Holocaust' lie.
This. The primary holocaust nazis committed was on white people while simping for third world savages.
Best way to sell a lie is the pepper it with truths
Banned book means literally nothing. It means there's at least one library that doesn't have it. You could call every book ever made a "banned book."
>that would be great films
Congrats, wrong on all counts.
>The primary holocaust nazis committed was on white people
I mean, if there was any ethnic cleansing in nazi germany, it wasn't jews (whom are not white, by the way, ask any jew), but predominantly Roma people. And the middle eastern were mostly 'used' by Germany as canon fodder in the African fronts.
>whom are not white, by the way
Some are white, some aren't. Depends on the person.
>but predominantly Roma people.
It was predominantly Europeans and Americans. Arguably Germans too since you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet, or in this case a couple of million.
Is the baby in a pouch or is it sitting between the legs?
I read it and it was such a depressing and fucked up book it ironically deradicalized me.
>the mangaka
Dumb fucking weeb.
What was HIS problem?
>Depends on the person
More like it depends of the convenience. Whenever jews play moralizers, they're white, but they stop being white the moment it's time to act as a victim. The only other fucking scabs that do that are Italians
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>unlike the real world nazis
Literally 0 (zero) upsides to that government except very early on, solely thanks to the person in charge of finances.
Rest of the regime is like a chain of failures.
>The only other fucking scabs that do that are Italians
In their defense, DNA evidence basically says that Ashkenazi Jews are 20% Levantian and 80% southern Italian.
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>antisemitic character
>resembles a rat
What did God mean by this?
but enough about the current form of government

First results from yandex.com search using the words: britain 1984 suspicious
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>purposefully posting the photoshopped version
The author made a point of showing that his dad was kind of a dick even though he did survive the camps.
A Maus movie would never be made because it would cause so many /pol/ memes to be made and make Zoomers think the Jews were awful assholes because of the father character (remember, Zoomers are retarded and think if you wrote a flawed character than that character is either the villain or someone you 100% support).
Zoomers already hate jews and white people, not much would change.
>read this
>it's literally Oscar Castro 'La vida simplemente' but more puritan
Americans are huge pussies if that slog was enough to scare them.
I still remember that time they censored the nudity in a renaissance painting in "Hannibal". All the gruesome murders and gore were okay, but god forbid someone spots a nipple in an old painting!
Nice try kike. How about animal experimentation banned. Sex changes etc banned. Turns out finance is fine without the predatory and parasitic practices of your "people".

He was an asshole. Dude also verbally abused his second wife, and probably did the same to the first wife that ended up killing herself and not even leaving a note.
>being mocking and dismissive of his only living son that takes care of him in his old age while deifying the long-dead son that managed to live for about 4 years or so
Haha, wow,yeah that's some REALLY edgy shit anon, do you also have a t-shirt with a wolf howling at the moon?
>for some reason

Yeah, so strange. Why wouldn't you like to remember all the fun times you spent in a concentration camp?
>your ancestors crying
I think it was the FBI who made him shoot John Lennon.
Even in the comics Jewish female characters can't resist interacting with melanated characters.
oy vey they actually made us woike moishe! it was a holocaust!
Because nothing happened and saying nothing happened contradicts the current mainstream narrative of 6 million jews dying in the 'holocaust'
Tried reading it but couldn't get into it because the writing was garbage.
Maus being talked about so often as a banned book is so retarded
>Some school somewhere banned it
Maybe kids should read an actual book not a comic
>Some countries banned it
Because they don't allow depictions of Nazis
Mate explain this more, this sounds hilarious
The nazi regime led to the worst war in human history you retarded nigger.
There isn't just a single story in the book, but rather a big picture view and a collage of stories. I don't think it'd make a good movie.
Do people ask you if you are retarded often? I mean currently.
Communist planning the invasion of Poland despite their treaty with Germany is what lead to that war.
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no, i've been eligible to join mensa since I was a kid
you're just a midwit with DK who thinks they're smarter than they actually are
many such cases
The only way the author could come up to bring forth a white ethnostate was by nuking most of the world. It honestly feels like satire.
>by "banned", we actually mean it's not allowed in some schools
So it isn't banned? In fact, you're selling it in your store, legally, and no one can stop you.
Oh ok, so you ARE retarded
jews are arts, the book

jew writes kids should wander around the city alone, and maybe incestual pedophile?
And to think, all that France and Great Britain had to do in order to not get invaded and attacked by Germany was not declare war on Germany.
>this shocks and disquiets the redditor
Where is this banned? I saw it at the library in Utah
my favorite part was when a literal jew shipping in from israel is in charge of torturing the main character for information
>though i'm already sceptical as it's written by an officer.
officers had high death rates in the war on both sides. either way it's a bad criticism since Junger was a front line soldier literally charging into trenches with grenades and machine guns himself
>the book is about the suppression of information
midwit. orwell was a socialist and the book is a masochistic exercise in watching the "authoritarians" ruin real socialism by lying to everyone. it's functionally the same as animal farm
Art's wife isn't actually Jewish.
well in all fairness they both spread diseases
This perfect day by ira Levin who also wrote rosemarys baby and the consequentially wrote mid somer. Or a canticle for liebowitz by miller. Michener hailed him in space, and Tom hanks ripped him off.
That makes it even more of a Jewish fantasy.
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Why is there a "culture wars" obsession with banning books in libraries? Kids dont read. When did a book ever turn a zoomer into a troon?
Its a bizarre obsession.

Social media, anime and autism leads to lgbtq bullshittery.
>Why the fuck would anyone ban 1984?
A staggering lack of self-awareness probably
>canticle for liebowitz
When was it banned?
Anyways, a HBO miniseries (6-8 episodes)directed by terry Gilliam would be unfiltered kino.
Because 1984 isn't appropriate for kindergartners. But the librarian will stock it anyway just to get it "banned".
>88 results
>Where are the tubas and clarinets? Hey, wait a second, these aren't band books!
You're getting conjecture confused with reality.
That's literally what happens though. They try to push it into elementary school libraries, when the book isn't for elementary schoolers. They are literally not interested, the book has sex and a lot of disturbing imagery, so surprise surprise parents complain to the school board.

Did you have a fucking stroke?
What are kindergartners going to do? They can barely read any words. Most kids I see these days, even teens, won't read shit unless they have to. Even then, they highlight everything and use TTS to listen to it like a podcast.
>What are kindergartners going to do? They can barely read any words. Most kids I see these days, even teens, won't read shit unless they have to.
Not a real argument. Don't stock inappropriate books.
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i don't feel so good..
It'd make a great mockumentary told after the end of western civilization by the people who succeeded it. It could never happen, tho.
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>"banned books" display at local bookshop or library
>none of the books featured have been banned ever.

Might be different in some of the shit-hole(bible belt) parts of America, but everywhere else its a bad marketing stunt.
Are Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn included? Because they're more censored than anything there
This. Also most are just banned because they are “obscene” according to flyovers. For instance Maus has nudity in it which is why it was banned. It has nothing to do with the actual ideas contained within.
I am surprised those haven't been reprinted with more "modern" language that doesn't cause black people or white people with mental problems to chimp out.
the whites won't read them because they're problematic and blacks don't read
Where did the librarian touch you? People with master degrees tend to be smarter than the average Anon.
Only if you include the scene where the real life dad is racist against niggers (schvartzers)
plenty of graphic novels have nudity in them, yet none of them are banned
That would defeat the purpose of the book in its entirety. You can find English profs telling nu college kids that they're going to encounter things that may be disturbing on youtube. My dad was an eglihs teacher and even in the 80s you had people asking if these books were 'okay'.
>shows the Polish as gigantic asshats and Nazi simps
How did he get away with it?
I went to university in a red state and Maus was literally required reading.
The idea is that it's banned somewhere, because if ruffled feathers. It's not a market plot, if it was it's a terrible one. People who sell or deal with books for a living might actually be passionate about the concept. A horrifying thought I'm sure.
Given that it's literally a single panel and like half a tit, I doubt the tit was what did it in.
>no, we don't want to have this book which borders on gay pornography in our elementary school library, you can get it literally anywhere else though
>REEEEEE other peoples' kids must have unrestricted access to these books starting at the age of 6!! No I don't have children in public school, or even any children at all, why do you ask?
>African American Jim
Jigaboo Jim
Yes, and allowed in blue states. The part when the old rat complains about his son giving a ride to a black dude... delicious.
Yeah I see these books in front section of every Barnes and Noble, I'm not sure how uncensored you can be then that. Once they keep copies of Mein Kamph stocked then they can pretend to be brave and rebellious
It's a hollow song and dance to pwn the chuds. Just like how the heckin valid rebel atheists will move Bibles to the fiction section, but wouldn't dare relocate a Quran.
This article has nothing to do with 1984.
Yeah, for SOME REASON the south doesn't want kids learning.
Fahrenheit 451 being banned from libraries is beyond ironic lmao, muricans are so cucked
>the south doesn't want kids learning.
... about graphic gay sex.
it makes you also doubt the veracity of his story, you don't know if he was a dick even before the war and that probably he drove his wife into suicide
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I always remember this part when I think about this comic
It's great.
Note: There are several versions; Junger kept refining it throughout his life; by the end it was way less descriptive of blood and gore, and (IIRC?) his more youthful thoughts of war. Read the final version first, then check out some of the other versions that interest you (if you wanna).
A fukkin MOOLIE
I think to an extent he unconsciously liked to harm or kill his wife, the author makes a point about how he little seems to care for his deceased wife, at least on a deeper level
It's banned in some schools cause it has nudity. The author went full kike whining as expected.
>Elfen Lied
You fucking weebs always have to reveal yourselves don't you
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>for sale
what did they mean by this?
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Most of these books are banned for low quality
>Nazi regime forms to oppose communism which has been overthrowing governments and slaughtering people in the east
>Hurr durr the Nazis started WW2
The real irony being that communism has caused more deaths on its own than WW2, proving that the Nazis were 100% justified in opposing communists.
>all of the fucking retards seething over the concept of banned books
How fucking dumb are you? Have you "people" ever even set foot in a library?
Banned Book Week has been an official thing forever, the American Library Association pushes member systems to run the promotion. Everyone knows what the term means, you could say it's a bit of a misnomer, but the libraries post information about the term in their little promo setups. Is it grabby and sensationalist? Sure, but it's just marketing.... The library exists to foster an interest in reading and provide free knowledge without discrimination.
Trying to turn this into your latest retarded culture war shit is just fucking pathetic and reveals your own ignorance.
Protocols of the elders of zion
That's great it wasn't banned and it wasn't read at least by (((you))) and (((you))) didn't mention this perfect day chip. Ass
Stroke of fucking genius compared to your turds for words nincompoop
you just made that word up

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