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Didnt see a from thread and was pretty sad.
where can i stream this? my mgm trial ended.
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can someone just write their own ending to this series
i can't handle this nothingness anymore
Get a new trial with a new email
Is the black union soldier torturing the confederate soldiers supposed to signify that the fairies are torturing humans because we enslaved them somehow? Maybe we trapped them in that dimension and that’s why they’re so hostile
Is season 2 worth watching?
Celebrate good times, come on!
World War III happens irl, and the world ends!
torrent it you freak
I suspect that the dead try to speak to the living through the jukeboxes. And, even tho it seemed like a cruel prank that someone was playing on Kenny i think its actually possible that it was his mom trying to tell him to celebrate their good times together instead of mourning.
is from not the tv show from 6 years ago about time traveling why does it have a general
Okay, so should I drop it?
Yes that’s when based Randall shows up
it's so fucking bad, Boyd is a complete hypocrite, he literally let a woman murder 5 other people and didn't come down nearly as hard on her as he did with the fem cop. Kill all the colony, I side with the others now.
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Fuck was his problem?
No ones makes it home. They’re trapped in the dimension but the monsters are all killed and they can live out the rest of their lives in peace and die without any new comers able to get trapped
>shot her dead
>less hard
>I dont watch the show

Fuck off faggot
He was an idiot. Let's face the facts.
>under smiley
>low ball tactics and he's confused by a a bus
>under cowboy hat
>multiple traps set for town folks and they can operate ambulances
Leadership was upgraded when he died. Boyd killing him was a mistake.
No supernatural ghost came out to tell Boyd he needed to trust the retard cop.
Clearly he was their peacetime leader, even monsters can suffer from ossified senior management
it was political
it had to be a statement on police brutality
the circumstances were totally different but ok
i thought her kneeling on the monsters neck and then a colony extra dying was a bit heavy handed
I'd also add that the "real world" is destroyed and that Fromville is actually a birth of a new world.
I'm afraid I cant answer that for you right now
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Season 2 in a nutshell.
So shitty it’s good
And season1 and season 3
Now I know everyone wants answers but it’s not that simple…
What happens if you masturbate into or poop into or pee into the magic tree?
I keep saying they need to throw their refuse onto the monsters to really piss them off
are there any good From theory youtubers?
good job, you just made cum or shit to clip into someone's body and killed them
Do we know if it will piss them off? Maybe they would like it?
it lands in Fromjabi, India
They're American monsters, not German
I dropped the show early in season 2 when I realized this shit probably wasn't going anywhere. Hows the halfpoint in s3 going? Still making more questions with every episode and zero answers?
The finale is called revelations so they’ll probably do 4 more filler episodes and then a huge exposition dump at the end to set up season 4
>why don't they le trap the monsters and le burn them??
It was already heavily and pretty much confirmed 2 episodes ago that the monsters (or whatever controls them) are or became omniscient at some point (probably when the talismans came into play but maybe since the beginning) and that's part of the reason why all of them disappeared when boyd was planning to observe them inside the bus to troll boyd.
They also knew when, where and how an ambulance was gonna come in and used 4 Froms to set up their own trap in advance.
The only way they could possibly get caught in a fire trap is if they allowed themselves to be caught.
Tabitha could have just gone to the police. They would not thought her insane, she has so much information on all the other missing townspeople in Fromville.

I mean think about it, she goes to the police, the FBI will get involved immediately because she has detailed, intricate information on what is likely dozens or more missing person cases.
Think about all the people she could name; Fatima, Father Khatri, Boyd and his family, Donna, Kenny and his mom / dad, Sara and her brother, ALL the people on the bus, I mean an entire bus of 30+ people going missing is going to create a MASSIVE news story.
Imagine being Tabitha, you're out, you're in the real fucking world and you don't mention ANY OF THIS INFORMATION to anyone except Victor's father.
and what, the police are going to believe Tabitha is just this insane person that made up all the info she has on all these missing people? Every single person in Fromville must have relatives / friends / coworkers that care about them on the outside. The bus literally just disappeared a few weeks later. All of those people had families. Randall was going to a family birthday party for his nephew. All of those people would want answers and Tabitha literally has them, and she did nothing to inform any of these people that their relatives were all still alive.

She doomed their families to suffer in torture and agony just like Victor's dad did for years.
The town had every right to be furious at her, every single right. She GOT OUT and did NOTHING except get right back.

In fact all this really tells me is that Tabitha really didn't get out, and that From is going to be some stupid experiment or simulation or some other bullshit.
If they just made it about human drama with a bit of a creature feature the show would be enjoyable. Unfortnately, they seem to be doing the whole mystery box thing.
Also, Tabitha had Victor's father on her side, he believed her. She had deep, intimate knowledge about a kid that disappeared 30+ years ago! She had his fucking lunchbox that his dad could corroborate was his! This is direct evidence she brought back with her to confirm her story.
Just because you put logic that refutes you ALL IN CAPS doesn't mean you refuted it you literal child. You got a taste of what would happen to her when the cop hand cuffed her to the ambulance
Victor's father was a broken man who would believe anything to learn about his son. What a retarded take
>Trusting the police
You are actually dumber than the characters in this show
Yeah. This season more or less proves nothing happens unless Fromville wants it to. The monsters could always find them when they were hiding. They just went after certain people, namely the ones who did something to give away their positions.
I dont get the monsters in this series. Theyre intelligent, sentient, and sadistic, but kill like feral animals and alway kill by scooping out their victims insides. The walk like slow walk like zombies even though they can run. They follow the rules of the talisman. Whatever explaination they can come up with doesnt seem like itll be satisfying
OK, let's say that she gets arrested by the police (what are the charges, officer?)
They then bring in a detective to interrogate her, to ask her about her family since she's a suspect in their disappearance, the detectives believe she is responsible for their deaths.
So they ask her questions, but she brings up many more missing persons. Use critical thinking, why would the detectives not question why this random woman has intimate detailed knowledge about people that disappeared from all over the US? She knows their names, what they look like, and likely personal details of many of the people in the town that could be confirmed by relatives.
At the very least, even IF Tabitha's story was not believed, the FBI would have to get involved because she has knowledge of multiple missing persons cases.

and? She had his lunchbox. His father knew it was his lunchbox. How else do you explain why Tabitha, a woman from a completely different part of the country than Victor, has the lunchbox of a kid that disappeared with his mother and sister decades ago?

The local police would be pushed aside instantly, this would become an FBI matter due to all the missing persons Tabitha has information on.
They don't have to believe her, but Tabitha would have helped the town far more by making this a story, by giving the families of all the other missing people in the town hope and in some cases closure that their loved ones are either still alive or deceased.
Tabitha personally spilling the beans to the police without actual proof of Fromville is probably the worst thing she could've done. She would've become the prime suspect for various disappearances and most likely incarcarated. She could've done sent a note to the police or called a radio station where she could've told everything without giving away her identity or position.
>trusting the FBI
you're not helping yourself here
>OK, let's say that she gets arrested by the police
You don't have to be arrested to be remanded for psych evaluation, retard. And screaming about a magic town is a pretty good way to get there, to say nothing of a bunch of missing people. The rational world is just going to suspect you killed them, like Victor's father.
they appear to follow the rules of the talisman, and also do they run? they seem to move rapidly when it came to attacking the box but not any even short distance sprinting
questions are being answered like never before
new mysteries are being revealed
this season is crazy
>this would become an FBI matter
Anon the show is quite clear about how Fromville will pull you back in no matter where you are or what you do. Are you actually watching the show or just shit posting?
It wouldn't piss them off lol the monsters would just smile like they do when they call them profantaties and curse at them. It's because the monsters know that they will eventually win and they're just enjoying toying with them. Sorta like how everyone eventually died when Victor was a kid. You can piss on them, shit on them, spit on them, throw cum at them, it's not going to magically make them angry. They'll just keep smiling like they always do.
they seemed pissed when smiley was killed, you can rile them up
>what are the charges, officer?
Cops make charges retard by locking you in an interrogation room for 60 hours straight repeatedly asking you "tell us where your family is Tabitha, you killed them right?" until Tabitha thinks to herself "well I did leave them behind essentially killing them so I will say yes to get out of this" and she gets locked up. I hate when you non American faggots think you understand how the police work here
Investigators aren't retarded. All of these missing people came from completely different parts of the country, many of them from before Tabitha ever arrived in Fromville. She wouldn't be a suspect in any of these cases except her own family.

>Anon the show is quite clear about how Fromville will pull you back in no matter where you are or what you do. Are you actually watching the show or just shit posting?
Then you just proved my point buddy. If she went to authorities and told them about what happened in the town and THEN disappeared again, it would at least give the families of the missing people hope that their family was alive and would return to them, or at least tell them they were OK in some capacity.
Even if she just got back to fromville while in transit from one police station to another or whatever.
what would happen if you just lived in town, like just went across the road to the shops on occasion and never went further away, can't pull you back in then
They don't run because they don't need to. Their goal is to terrorize, but also leave a sense of hope.
>they don't run so we can get away and live another day
If they operated at true capacity, there would be no hope. And that's what the town feeds on.
>and? She had his lunchbox. His father knew it was his lunchbox. How else do you explain why Tabitha, a woman from a completely different part of the country than Victor, has the lunchbox of a kid that disappeared with his mother and sister decades ago?
I am telling you that it's easier to convince a broken man who wants nothing but to see his family again versus cops who want to do nothing but lock you up and tie you to the disappearances of multiple people so they can get a promotion you retarded European
truth be told, I just wanna do Tabitha in the bum
this but julie
I feel this way about Julia when she has the sideways ponytail
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milk truck arrive
Yes because they actually killed one, I'm saying throwing water or piss on them isn't going to do shit. I don't think they were expecting Boyd to have worm blood or whatever the fuck or to be able to actually harm them. Retards are talking like throwing buckets of cum on them or slinging shit is going to magically make them angry or something. Also, even if it did piss them off, why the fuck would you want to make them angry when they can tear you apart like wet toilet paper? It's clear as day they're just toying with their food. They had Boyd right there and let's be real, if they killed Boyd, it destroys any and all leadership, the entire community falls apart as nobody is going to listen to Donna's fat ass. So if they genuinely wanted to kill everyone and be done with it, they could've just killed Boyd and watched everything collapse from there but they didn't. The same way they didn't just outright kill that chick with the nail in her head, they're toying with them now. Same reason why they let Bus Retard live instead of killing him. It's all just a game to them. I would not be surprised if we found out the Talisman were BS and it was just a game to toy with them into thinking they were safe.
God damn that was some horrible CGI at the end of the episode
They couldn't spare one hour and a bucket of mortar?
>if we found out the Talisman were BS and it was just a game to toy with them into thinking they were safe.
could be a good episode if it shows them invading a house that was properly warded and then maybe not even killing anyone, just looming around the place and leaving
>I'm acting !!!
inb4 it's a Lost sequel
This, but with the dump truck blonde cop
Worst character. Crying and get cucked is his entire character arc.
>puts hand on your back
I know you don't want to hear it... but what happened wasn't your fault, OP
>takes a few steps back towards the door
I'm so sorry....
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Just watch this.
i wonder if you could edit that so Boyd is in the driving seat
you get hit by a car and then the ambulance that carries you end up in Fromville. Did you even watch the episode?
rent free
I think he might be the most cucked character in TV history. He also has the absolute worst arc out of anyone while also having lost the most.
>dumb crazy whore let's monsters tear his dad to shreds
>LOL never even got a follow up with the supposed voices that were telling her to help the monsters or anything
>is forced to live in the community with this stupid bitch EVEN THOUGH SHE STILL HASN'T BEEN PROVEN TO BE HELPFUL AT ALL
>Boyd gets his mom torn to shreds because he couldn't just let the monster have the animals
>community ends up kiling the animals for food anyway LOL so people died for nothing
At this point they might as well just kill Kenny off, that faggot has suffered enough. Although I would like to see Boyd's son or the pregnant bitch get the axe next but something tells me it'll either be the ex-druggie or Ellis. Ellis is for sure dying at some point since he got that chick pregnant.
Think Story
>everyone calls you crazy or even better, thinks you're the reason they've disappeared and locked you up
>tell them the story of this imaginary place and fairy tale monsters
>get committed immediately
You literally have 2 fucking examples of people literally not believing her. If it wasn't for Victor's lunch box, his father would have had her arrested. He literally had called the cops already. And then on top of that the cops on the ambulance literally handcuffs her and call her crazy after being warned multiple times. You can yap all you want but realistically, they wouldn't have done shit. They would've arrested her, not gotten any solid proof whatsoever, and then she'd be stuck in prison for however long it would've taken to clear her name and the best part is that even after she got out, they probably STILL wouldn't have believed any of the shit she said.
yeah but that was due to her freaking out, i'd imagine that was a genuine accident, and not fromville's schemes
Um, she built a fort
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>No dad you can’t just go into the woods looking for answers! You have to stay here and babysit! It’s your fault mom died! I’m gonna give you the cold shoulder from now on because you stepped up to be leader and are trying to save us all!
>you need to stop standing around with your thumb up your ass and do something! Someone’s gotta find answers and it ain’t gonna be me so chop chop!
What’s his fucking problem?
it's clear the intent was to bring her back, you have no media literacy
>the monsters (or whatever controls them) are or became omniscient at some point (probably when the talismans came into play but maybe since the beginning) and that's part of the reason why all of them disappeared when boyd was planning to observe them inside the bus to troll boyd
That's not why that happened. Jesus christ you're a fucking tard.
They didn't appear on time because they knew the ambulance was coming and had to lure the people outside. That's why one of them was lying on the ground pretending to be injured.
death of the author, retard
Anyone else lost all motivation to keep watching after the death of our hero Dale?
The boy in white brought Henry back for a purpose, probably so that victor could remember something important about his life before fromville
>What’s his fucking problem?
Black dad to be with literally nowhere to run
>you can get people arrested just by calling the cops on them
wow, great country you got there
He wouldn't know. He doesn't actually watch the show.
>the ambulance that carries you end up in Fromville
just don't get health insurance then. it's a scam.
Boyo you're so fucking stupid.
>you can get people arrested just by calling the cops on them
I mean she was inside of his home, retard.
I would write time on rocks in 5 minutes intervals(like 12:00, 12:05) and throw them in the tree every 5 minutes to then map out how teleportation moves.
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the monsters are probably controlling it
I don't think so, boy in white doesn't work for ghouls and he knew how it works
I hope not because thats the answer for everything at this point
>Did you ask her to leave?
>Well no... But I shouldn't have to!
>How did she get inside your home?
>Well I invited her inside after she showed me a lunchbox
>We've heard enough. Take her away boys
Did you miss the part where he had some casual relationship with the cop and were on first name basis? He even went to the door with a loaded gun which is a quick ticket to deathsville in America
Maybe theyre trying to be realistic with the human behavior under crisis and pointing fingers, but it's starting to get old seeing:
>bad shit happens
>"what the fuck, boyd! youre such a bad leader in this hopelessly fucked situation. Do better and find a way for us to get out of here"
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>did you ask her to leave?
>How did she get inside your home?
I don't know she was in here with my missing son's lunchbox and screaming about magic trees or something I don't know. OR she said she needed help and when I let her inside she started yelling and screaming crazy shit about trees or something and telling me that I needed to go with her, that's when I called the cops for help.

Like are you actually this retarded or do you think it's completely impossible for him to lie to the cops? He genuinely doesn't know her and when they run an ID check on her they'll realize that she lives nowhere fucking near that state and that her family is missing? Maybe she's trying to claim another victim?
the ghouls did it
don't you mean the faeries?
>They didn't appear on time because they knew the ambulance was coming and had to lure the people outside
Only some of them were part of the ambulance trap
Every other from that wasn't involved with the ambulance had no reason to disappear
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Dalebros, how are we looking?
The other monsters weren't there because the plan wasn't to kill them. If that's the case they would've just had monsters waiting outside as soon as they got out of the ambulance and just killed everyone in the truck. They wouldn't have just maimed Randall and let him live, he would've been dead.

The real question that you should be asking that I haven't seen anyone else mention in any of these threads is WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT VOICE ON THE PHONE. Are they friendly or are they just toying with that retard Jim??? Because they literally warned him that his wife was in danger and that the ambulance was coming back. How are they getting this knowledge??? Are they a monster themselves??? Or are they apart of the weird Jap ghost shit??? It doesn't make sense that it's actually Jim's kid because the kid didn't die there and doesn't have any ties to the town so I don't actually think it is his actual kid, maybe they know his child died so they're taking the form of someone/something he trusts???
How much sex did Julie have on her first night at Colony House?
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glowies probably
The voice on the phone is just another mystery box that wont get touched upon until the next finale or so
it's the voice that was on the radio
I never realized how cucked the community is for this show outside this site. You hear the same arguments
>you evil toxic horrible lazy people rather have all the mysteries be solved in one episode rather it be a slow burn
when in reality it isn't a burn at all and it will all be solved in one episode, that one being the last episode implying it doesn't get cancelled.

The phrase "let them cook" has been a disaster for making excuses for terrible shows and video games
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jasper finally secured
Maybe try being a decent human and let people enjoy things??? don’t like it, don’t le watch perhaps? Not like you have the media literacy to understand what’s happening anyway. You’re probably a trump supporter so ya, that tracks
People like you should be put in jail and given the death penalty
>2 seasons worth of mystery box
>2nd season ends with someone getting out. Will they find a way to get information, communicate with the from town, or get help?
>she ends up back in town immediately, not knowing how she got in/out
It's almost comedic how much this show hates progression. Streaming services will take just about anything if this managed to get 3 seasons
yeah go back a full season and the only thing that has changed in the whole show is that victor's dad is now in there
we're in this for dumb fun okay? we know what we're watching.
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this is one leafy ass tv show. as far as I know everyone except Boyd, Tabitha and Jim are fucking LEAFS
Im surprised this show has a defense force with how shit the writing is. This is an egregious case of mystery box writing where they just make shit up as they go. Not even Lost was this obnoxious with their mysteries.
>Ah well I'm now going to arrest someone in this large city on your testimony. It's good thing there aren't people who would easily be able to argue and have this case thrown out, who literally work for free. So that's great, we can now put her in jail forever
Again, what a great country
They all had to disappear so that the ambulance wouldn't get spooked.
It's not much of a trap if there's a huddle of people wandering around 20m away.
it was all a dream
The voice on the phone is the architect/wizard. He's the guy who enacted the ritual 70 years ago and created the monsters from the townspeople. He's also the guy who locked the kids in the tower.
I assume he's messing with Jim because of the radio shit
boyd used to read word up magazine
Again he was friends with the cops. They would probably plant drugs or a gun on her. Also she wouldn't get out because once they ID her the "where is your family" questions would start
i guess he found concrete proof you can't just teleport out of there
why is he hanging them up as if to dry? Is he stupid? Polaroids instantly develop
plot twist: Fatima will birth Jasper. through her ass
reminder about a year ago one of the directors or producers mentioned the motel being absent and said there's a reason for it
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From Reddit:

(the FROM entity really is a nasty trickster type of intelligence)
According to legend, glass bottles had the power to attract and capture evil spirits at night. Spirits would become mesmerized by the bottles' vivid colors and reflections, trapping them until the morning sunlight destroyed them. Bottle trees were placed near homes and gardens for protection and good luck. The tradition comes from the south, and jade saw the confederate soldiers were strung up dead like some mockery of a bottle tree, and they were killed by a black guy. Guys…what if the real monster all along was racism?
>she almost enraged the wrath of someone who was friends with cops meaning her life would've been completely ruined with no possible recourse
Once again, what a fantastic country
Also didn’t Donna mention passing a motel with her sister on her first night in fromville?
All countries have corrupt power abusing cops retard. We aren't even the worst in that regard. Go fuck with South American cops and see what happens
So they just slow walk? How can anywone die. Just walk faster or run lmao
Speaking of, I haven't seen anyone mention the point Victor's dad made which is where is the fucking motel?
Is there actually a plot thread there or is it a red herring by the writers to make the characters seem like they're thinking?
Teleported probably somehow and they will find it somewhere else
They’ve been planning the motel thing since season 1, whatever it’s gonna be
The town itself was piecemeal abducted?
I think this was the writers way of reminding you this was a thing before they do something with it
>When they give a nobody character a scene and finally tell us their names
>omg no way that newly introduced nobody just DIED to the MONSTERS
Dale's been in it quite a lot since at least s2 (maybe s1? can't remember). He stabbed Ellis by accident.
Nikki is more random but she's still had a fair few scenes this season before she died
They already referenced the pool in a previous ep. Victor's dad talks about the motel only.
>He stabbed Ellis by accident.
totally forgot about that lol, seeing at it hasn't even been three weeks Eliis is doing remarkably well for a stab victim
Not talking about Dale. Nikki is one, or that chick from season 2 that died in her sleep. She randomly gets a scene in that same episode where her and her bf yell at Sarah. Several other minor characters are both named then killed in the same episode too but I can't think of them right now.
Yea you see the pool almost every episode but the motel never. I actually forgot it wasn't a thing
maybe, I'll have to look back on that
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I'm trying to finish season two.
I hate that I started watching. It was good in the first few episodes of season 1. Oh boy was I wrong. I literally can't stand all these characters anymore. I want to punch every single one of them in the face. I just want them all killed off already. I don't want answers anymore. I don't care about answers. Just kill them all.
Season 1 and Season 2 and 3 are like completely different shows
These dialogs... it's just beyond retarded. Why do they all seem so retarded
Cop girl has nice thighs, probably killer ass
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>”it was right before sunset. We had already been driving half the day. There was a motel a few miles back I said why don’t we grab a room start fresh in the morning when the tree is cleared?”
Idk could be a hint about Donna or it could be she just saw the sign.
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eternal bliss
Could be she saw the sign, could be talking about an actual motel they passed before the tree
Boyd, Donna and Victor are the only good characters. The other characters are just fillers.
Jesus fucking Christ. I can't. I just can't anymore
>he's trying to force his unfunny webm again
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kek. I take it you never watched Lost? Either you enjoy the journey or you'll hate these shows.
What's the deal with the whale?
They don't watch any shows. They just watch youtube vids about shows and spew shit on /tv/
I think the season will end with morning not coming and just a permanent night and they’ll have to travel to the lighthouse because the monsters are repelled by it the same way they are the sun
I only remember her talking to Jade that one time and then when she got glass in her eye
She ate all the food in the first episode of season 3.
No, I've never watched Lost.

I have to admit she's probably one of the best characters, she's great in her role.
Sara best murderfu
She glows in the dark
Don't worry, Season 3 just hit the halfway point. 5 episodes left and usually the last 5 of a season are the cream. I've been told we'll finally get some answers, and new mysteries will be revealed.
Coomer brainrot. Your dopamine receptors are permanently damaged.
In season s3e1 or 2, she is shown with a massive cut of beef the size of a microwave. It's quite funny. I think it's lame and unrealistic that she hasn't been called out for being an obese disgusting freak when their food supply is/was dwindling and they're all on rations. She's the elephant in the colony house.
The whole point of the tree is possibly that it is some sort of fairy ring that teleports people based on coordinates. The bottles arranged hanging in a circle, the numbers in the bottles being messed with by jade leading to someone being teleported to a point in this “dimension” that is now paved over as a pool. The only reason I would go with a sort of fairy ring is this place was created potentially by these fairies (the monsters) and the lore behind that is backed by the same thing they based that “watchers” movie on.
She could be a recent arrival. Donna, on the other hand, has been there for years.
I don't think so I remember seeing her in early season 2 if I'm not mistaken. Donna.. I have a half-assed theory that Randall was right and Donna is in on it. She shuts down so many attempts to investigate things or even just brainstorm. Has she ever even had a near death experience?
>I have a half-assed theory that Randall was right and Donna is in on it
Every redditor spams this, and it's retarded. Why would she be mentally breaking down and crying to boyd all the time if she was a glowie
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you now remember SEXO
There is no baby I was right all along
what is Tabitha seeing?

Could this >>204725982 fat bitch fit in the tree?
Something that belongs to Thomas
Probably just Thomas hallucinations
God I hate tech illiterates
I haven't watched season 3 yet, but it's just a 10/10. It's the fucking way they write the script
>Tabitha's baby is dead
>It's gonna be Thomas
The bus driver should have went through the tree instead of Dale
Do ambulances have ultrasound machines in them? Seems kinda retarded.
These two posts were made at the exact same second so it must be true
Fatass wouldnt fit in the tree
What would the monsters do if the town went cult crazy and started butchering their own in a ritual bloodletting orgy?
>Americans are learning how the rest of the world lives
Surely there is a faraway tree that's an oak and not a yew so the fatties can teleport into stuff too right?
Is Dale being cemented the most physical suffering any Fromdude has felt so far?
Why does Julie always look like she's confused as to why her debit card just got declined?
I'm under the impression that the town only brings in new people if a sufficient number of others have died, with Tabitha and Victor's dad being an exception to the rule. I guess the larger implication is that there's two competing entities, one calls people in to be freed and the other calls people in to be tormented or stop the other entity from being freed
What happens if you cut down a faraway tree and block the road with it and then drive in the opposite direction
Pretty Tame compared to the boiler plate drawn out torture
wait I actually forgot about her
what was her name again?
Because the only reason she was hired was because of her milk factories.
nah, pretty quick death overall. Better than being tortured, skin ripped off alive by the monsters like they did to tian chen
Trudy iirc
Just assume they all got chosen to go to fromville as part of a eugenics program. They all act retarded and they never communicate when something important happens.
"I gotta go" is fan service done right
oh right, that's it
think she had some great bazonkers as well
the japanese woman appears and wanks you off
>Say. My. Name.
>ankooey ankooey! ankooey! ankooey!!!
>No it's Heis-what the fuck! Get off me!
I chuckled when they dropped the anghkooey this last episode
it was like seeing an old meme you had almost forgotten by now
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Why does no one simp for Sara? She's actually helping Victor uncover crucial memories.

Why is everyone simping for Julie, they know she's a kid, right?
Sarah is the patrician's favorite Fromgirl whilst Julie is the common coombrained retard's favorite.
Sara is out of their league. She looks very cute this season.
She has always been my Fromfu.
"Elena Koshka"
What the fuck are you talking about, she's the best girl
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you need to find Victor's dad for reasons that will be explained
maybe in terms of storyline
Tabby is still the cutest
Don't tell me that kid still mysteriously shows up in season 3.
you see him in S03E01
why the fuck is the guy clipped inside the pool triggering my trypophobia?
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The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again
didn't Bloyds actor say he had to film something that was triggering his own phobia? Do we think Dale was that or is it yet to come?
He said it was in episode 6 I think.
his phobia is unfinished storylines
its fucking nothing
trypophobia isn't something you are ''scared'' of, i just feel disgust
cozy and firm
You come off as someone who introduces themselves by saying "I'm 25 I was born in (city) and I have bipolar disorder and anxiety"
Dis nigga scared of holes lmao
disgust of what?
Still can't get over what a dumb ass name "from" is for a show. Did they think about how annoying it would be for people to search for this show or how someone would try to share the show by word of mouth.
>the a show called "from", it's kinda like lost
>"from it's kinda like lost" is such a weird name
Don't google what From means in irish
From translates to far in Irish. It's all faeries all the way down.
Which current storyline do you think is going nowhere?

I say the ANKHOOEY kids. Totally unneeded
why do the micks suddenly matter?
Jap ghost
I think the first ep of season 1 did an amazing job of establishing shit in the first couple of minutes:
>man in a small town ringing a bell for curfew before nightfall
>worried woman praying towards a weird rock hanging at her door
>a creepy granny is trying to convince a little girl to let her in
>the granny turns into a monster and you only see the gory aftermath of a woman and child with all their insides scooped out
It establishes the tone, setting, and mystery all within a couple minutes. The rest of the show feels like everything it at a complete halt because these writers clearly know how to write a competent script but from is just them trying to milk a premise that probably only lasted 2 seasons into 7+ with shit and repetitive character drama
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this nigga slaps your gf ass what do you do?
Civil war
although I guess they kinda dropped that a while ago

the desecrated scarecrow
check out the film The Watchers
niggers ruined From by releasing the plot in a different movie
Why has nobody tried to rape Sara? Given her pariah status it's unlikely there would be any consequences for doing so. I think she lives alone, and you could enter her home just as the sun goes down so she is forced to spend the entire night with you.
She killed a person already, people are scared of her. Why would they risk getting killed by the weirdo
the town feeds on hope? That's the stupidest shit imaginable, glad I dropped this piece of shit show for mongoloids
actually she killed like 4 people if you count Jade's gay lover, the chinese crazy guy and the nurse
>Why would she be mentally breaking down and crying to boyd all the time if she was a glowie
because she knows the mystery is about to be solved and she wont get her paycheck
but thomas died because a drunk tabbers let him fall off the table
>jeets stealing European folklore and unabashedly releasing it two years after a show about the same folklore started
I hate jeets so much
Jade's not gay you faggot.
yes he is lol.
self-injecting your faggotry into the show doesn't make Jade gay. End of discussion.
how do we know it's actually the same source material? surely the from writers would come up with their own version of things
Watch it and you'll see. It has too many parallels. Monsters (fairies) that only come at night, mysterious forest where mysterious things happen, they live in caves, they watch humans to become like them

From has all the same elements. Then
>From is "Fae" in irish
>in S01E01 Ethan keeps talking about faeries, about the lake of tears, cromenockle,e tc
>Show features a song by "THE PIXIES"

Did they abandon the Town and Colony House dichotomy from season 1? Seemed more important then, but doesn't seem to be a thing at all now.
Donna gets pregnant. You now have to pay child support.
Most of the colony house people were slaughtered in season 1
After the attack when that coomer let the sexy monster in yes. Not sure why so many people don't realize this.
you're reaching so fucking hard

My sister looks exactly like Dakota Fanning and is nearly the same age. I mean exactly like her, hairline, height, eyes, everything. It was always really weird seeing her in movies as a kid.
That's odd. My brother always said I looked like Dakota Fanning, but he's just a face blind autistic fat virgin retard. Oh well.
He isnt a clown though
My sister knows I am not a virgin.
Boyd is also a name with Irish origins
>I'd play needle in a haystack, with rocks except the "haystack" is an entire town and forest and everything underneath it.
You do you.
the rags are coming off
There hasn't been one instance in the entire show where someone goes pee or poo or even mentions in.
I remember Jade peeing in the snow in season 3 episode 5.
Which means Jade is the only real human in the show and everyone else is a Westworld robot confirmed
Theres no fucking way there not doing this i gotta go shit on purpose its almost like they read these threads and keep doing it as a laugh. I hope they tie it into the plot somehow.
I'd rather suffer in Fromville than live my actual life. At least there would be a vague goal to work towards.
Just move to Palestine or something and call it a day? There are plenty of ways of forcing horror upon yourself to give yourself the goal of survival

At the end of the day it's all the same shit
The Watchers is directly adapted from a book. From may have been inspired by folklore but is supposed to be "original."

But anyways the fromsters aren't faeries.
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>Ballerina girl
>Japanese Kimono girl
What creepy out of place female occupation hallucination will be next? Im going with exotic bellydancer.
>Spiders were considered to be creatures of respect in Celtic myths. Traditionally the Irish were to never kill a spider as it would bring bad luck. They were also associated with weaving and spider webs were considered part of traditional medicine for curing disease and healing broken limbs.

>Celtic Spider Goddess Cailleach is a revered and feared deity in Celtic cultures of Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man. Associated with winter and cold weather, she is depicted as a veiled or cadaverous old woman with a single eye and pale or blue skin.

>Her ability to shape and transform landscapes, creating majestic mountains in Scotland and Ireland, is a topic of intrigue among commenters.

NEVER, under any circumstance google where the show is filmed
No I want 1950s small town Boreal forest kino-horror. I'd start by stealthily killing Boyd, Elgin, Tabitha, Ellis and Bus Driver Nigga. Then I'd take all the women under 25 and put them in my house. I'd hold a town meeting after that asking for people's input on what happened and use that a demonstration. Who disagrees? "Well I think that's re-ACK" Who else disagrees? I'd crucify the boomers but surround them with fall traps so the monsters either leave them alone or fall in the holes. I'd make a perimeter of crucified boomers+fall traps around my house. I wouldn't try to figure out the mystery, I would just become the King. You?
You can't do any of this. We as humans need either religion or any actual failsafe to prevent people from fucking you up, for one single reason: you will sleep sometime.
If you are alone and everyone is scared of you, even if you have guns or whatever, at some point, you'll sleep. And that's when you die

You don't have a king mentality, you have a chud mentality.
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What is the confederation of New Brunswick?
I like her character but the actress is so fucking awful at reading lines. When I watched season 1 I assumed they casted a shitty cheap actress because they were gonna kill her off during the bottle tree and spider adventure but nope.
I can and would do all of that. You think it's hard to scare 4-5 guys into following your lead? Donna was picking random tall guys to handle the guns in season 2 and one random skinny freak just waltzed in and stole one. Assume you're at my town meeting, what do you say or do? How do you overthrow me, little fella?
>this is what full retard looks like
>banjo music plays softly in the background
You go to sleep and it's over. How do you protect yourself from that? I would say nothing. You can trust anyone if they just "fear" you. At some point you're gonna get killed
How Canada was created? 1867? I don't know, spit it out.
Just challenge to a fight.
It's called Nova Scotia you dumb fuck
Okay I go to sleep. Now what? How do you break into my home without waking me? Do you really wanna do 10 replies of "and then I do this, and then you do that" or can you just tell me?
Ok I mixed those two up who cares it's Canada you homo
>go outside
>open break your windows or open your door
>go back to my place
>monsters enter and rape you

are you building yourself a bunker?
worst case scenario if you lock the door I put a car in gear and let it crash your front door. Anyone could also set your house on fire forcing you to go outside risking getting killed
>How do you ov-*bang*-ack
Open my windows? They're boarded up. Open my door? It's locked.
>Crash a car into your house
Like I said it's surrounded by crucified boomers with pit traps around them. Plus you don't think we'd move the cars like Victor did or remove the tires? You might as well have said "I take the gun you left on the road and shoot you with it"
>takes one (1) step outsids
>brains splattered all over the front of the house
Now its my turn to rule :)
I already said me and my boys took control of the guns. Plus I'm wearing a helmet.
Set design/"building the town"
ok buddy, this autistic power fantasy is getting a bit sad now
here have some legs.
she has nice legs
is she a dyke?
See, nothing. That's what you'd do.
>she's a typical instagram thot retard
>she's not even a trad murderer irl
why live
>I've already said me and my boys took control of the guns
>one random skinny freak just waltzd into the colony house and took one
>inb4 I'd up the security.
Then I'd win over your men by simply being less greedy then you. I take Julie and the rest of the men get the other women distributed to them.
>step into scheduled group meeting
>hi g-*bang*-ack
You can't time travel. I already
>took the guns
>took the women
>boobie trapped my house home alone style
>took the car keys
>removed the tires
Stop trying to change the rules. Or we'll burn every single house that isn't ours.
Like I said, I'd just win over the rest of your guys. It'll be easy seeing as I'am offering them some benefits atleast.
How do you avoid getting your house molotov'd?
Signs point to yes
Don't even have to molotov it. Literally just break a window and let the fromsters do the work. He's not a serious guy, which is why I will have to step up to the task.
sorry, forgot my image
You've now gone 3 days without food. You have no guns. You're getting weaker and weaker and you're parched. What do you have to offer my guys?
can they enter through broken windows? they didn't enter colonyhouse when the bullet broke the window and the wooden shacks likely have gaps between the logs and the doorframe
Who says I wouldn't be one of your guys. better keep some eyes at the back of your head ;) One wrong move and its *bang* time
When windows get broken the protocol is to board them up immediately which seems to work.
They entered the family at the beginings house from an open window.
don't worry about it too much, she's still cute
i suppose there's a distinct there between broken window and a window opened for them
also didn't the granny levitate or something, how was she up there
looks like a younger version of my moms boss
Also forgot to add that I'll just offer your guys one of the woman. All I want is Julie and they can split the rest. Its better then the NOTHING you're currently offering them.
oh shit we need a new thread
>I'd take all the women under 25 and put them in my house

They have rape privileges already. Also if you kill me (your gun was pre-jammed btw) you would not be able to escape the home alone house in the morning anyway.
The police in Maine are not going to know that there are a bunch of missing people all across the country. She starts spouting off names, the interviewing cop isn't going to be like "oh I remember a report about them going missing in Texas 6 months ago."
Instead the only thing the cop is going to think is "this bitch is off her meds and probably killed her family." That will be followed by the thought "I really don't feel like dealing with this all day, best just process her quickly and letting courts decide."
Innocence and truth are irrelevant to cops, just that they processed someone so that it looks like they are doing things.
>rape priveleges
You're not catching me mate. I'd offer them their OWN woman. Not everybody is a fucking cuck like you. Hell once I'm in power Ill even dedicate resources to monster hunter anons research. That way we'll have pussy to pass around to men of lesser status (slave cast) to keep them content.
Get in Here
New Thread
>Listen, I know we've all been raping these 5 women for a week but, how would you like your very own tradwife?
>The cuck is to fucking stupid to understand the allure of his own private living fleshlight.
Incredible. Just a reminder that not everybody is a disgusting freak like you.
Funding for the show runs out and the writers just write in a way the characters can break the spell on the town by combining 2 mysteries together.
The show ends with black guy being held in an interrogation office but theres some symbol from the town written on the wall.
I'm not a cuck you retard, you're projecting. Taking all the desirable women is strategy not sexual deviancy but I know you don't know the difference. I would've crucified you hours ago.
>taking ALL the desirable women is a strategy
Yes, a fucking retarded one. Do you know how human emotions work? Nobody, bar the lowest of the low (street workers), would want to share. Resentment will grow amongst your men, and I will be there to take advantage of that.
You've been dead for over 48 hours now. I won.
Im dead? You don't even know who I'am, or that I even exist. As far as you're aware I'm just one of your nameless NPC henchman.
It's revealed in the next episode, you died via a fagxercism. We buried you in the same hole we all shit in. Case closed.

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