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He won.
Television & Film?
He was in Supersize Me, so yes, you retarded underage faggot.
igma what?
Love it he is the perfect example I always use to defend a long happy healthy life on an autistic diet of goyslop
My sister was in Supersize Me, should I be posting her all over /tv/?
Fast food is fine if the local franchise is owned and staffed by high-trust conscientious White people. That's why Chick fil a is so successful
Is she the one getting checked out by lookin good Jared lmao
Then you talk about that. That should be your focus. That's how this works.
Here's a brief overview of the nutrition for a Big Mac in the U.S.:

Calories: 550
Total Fat: 30g
Saturated Fat: 10g
Trans Fat: 1g
Cholesterol: 80mg
Sodium: 1,000mg
Total Carbohydrates: 45g
Dietary Fiber: 3g
Sugars: 9g
Protein: 25g

Vitamins and Minerals: Provides small amounts of calcium, iron, and potassium.

Keep in mind that these values may vary slightly by location and preparation.

I don't get what's wrong with that if he's only eating one per meal, it's actually much healthier than what most Americans will eat
I'm the taco bell guy in the film

Lord I wish there was a Chick Fil A near me. Never had bad service there a single time in my life.
Even as a kid I saw this coming a mile away, fast food is fine. What fucked people over is the massive soft drinks they guzzle down probably 1k calories worth of coke for 80 cents + the giga fries. but then its their fault for not knowing basic nutrition
Morgan literally featured him in Super Size Me, dummy.

It's not the macros it's the ingredients. Big Mac is the mac daddy of fast food preservatives. McDonalds' burgers are more filler than beef, their bread doesn't mold even under optimal circumstances, same for sauce, etc. I can't imagine eating one a day is that bad comparative to the average American eating the standard American diet considering most people eat several sources of ultra processed food several times a day.

It's absolutely horrendously bad for you, but if you only eat one a day and the rest of the time eat whole foods you'll probably live as long as an average American.

This guy strikes me as an old head hippy so he probably eats fine otherwise since most of those granolas believe in sustainable eating and whatnot and that's would explain why he's relatively health for his age.

Most people would have their health setback from doing what he's doing.
The big mac is a revolting sandwich
I've known of fat guinea grandmas who lived to their 90's smoking cigarettes and eating fatty greasy foods, and healthnuts who died in their 50's. It's all a lottery.
Nice spacing Rakesh
> McDonalds' burgers are more filler than beef

Shove it up your ass newfag.
This guy is having a conversation with himself. Embarrassing.
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>Trust me bro, my shekel wouldn't lie.
You are making shit up with zero evidence
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Which one of you retard wranglers lost your tard?
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Did they change something with the recipe or did my tastebuds change? I used to be addicted to Big Macs but now every time I crave one I end up regretting it once I bite in because the 3 buns to 2 thin patties makes it dry, the tasteless lettuce as the only topping makes it bland and the big mac sauce is too sour with the patties being too dry and not savery enough to require the acidity to balance them.
Anon 1 is me, asking chatgpt
Anon 2 is someone else
this isn't bad besides the sodium. Too bad they aren't actually good

Fast food gets a bad rap and although it is deserved overall, people tend to look right past food in restaurants otherwise.

Just look at a burger, chicken sandwich, ANYTHING in just about any local pub, gastropub etc. The calories and fat will be way worse. A man who eats a Big Mac every day will be far, far healthier than a man who eats at the local pub every day, and it’s not even close.
It's not just you they aren't as good anymore

There has been a bit of shrinkflation involved, but you probably just realized that burgers need to be bigger. A modern Big Mac should be two quarter pounder patties, not the McDouble bullshit patties.
You should, preferably her anus.

Incredible that you think the average local pub is grinding everything in house and using fresh local bread.

Yeah, eating a burger that's been ground up in house with local bread is way worse for you than something that has been optimized to travel very long distances and sit in refrigeration or on a shelf for long periods of time without spoilage. Trust me bro, I get paid from McDonalds everyday so I know.

Even if they aren't they're usually getting their meat from a local grocer. Don't post if your IQ is in the single digits.
shame about the food and portion sizes. Their chicken burger was smaller than the palm of my hand.
Why does he have such a goofy ass haircut?

Do you really think local bread makes up for the additional 500 calories? Lol
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I miss it ;_;
To make (You) seethe.

Calories are less important than what you are putting in your body. 5 Shots of gasoline is healthier for you than a Big Mac by your retarded metric.
Type of calories do matter. It’s extremely easy to overeat fast food slop because it doesn’t have the right ratios you see in natural food. But yeah a borgir every once in a while is fine
Wouldn't it be incredibly funny if pic related died before him?
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>eat all the preservatives
>become consequently immortal
The sodium looks bad, but at 2 Big Mac's a day and nothing else, you're probably still consuming less than average

Ok, you know what, this changes my mind on the whole thing.

Anthony won





Restaurants and oubs add a shit ton of butter to everything.
They never use "local" bread.
Anthony won
I kneel
He's just a man doing what he loves. Hateful (and deceptive) Morgan Spurlock could learn a thing or two
This guy eats at McDonald's while Donald Trump works at McDonald's. I think we know who won at life.
based and burgerpilled
Still haven't seen anyone refute Cheeseburgers are one of the healitest meals you can eat
It's the perfect meal

lettuce, pickles, onions and tomatoes barely have any nutrients in the amount you eat them on a cheeseburger

also dairy is not good for you
>fatso's on the internet is super offended
>must protect my slop at all costs
>id haz vetagble in it is heelfy

Do you think pizza is healthy because it has tomato sauce?
fatty's never think about all that grease they are consuming,reused grease and the grease from all the other food being cooked on the same machines.
>Obese Dev Psych professor mentions Super Size Me as a good film to watch
a proper pizza is not unhealthy.
I wish I was this guy right now. Haven't had a big mac in years, now I want one and I want trump to serve the fries with it
I hate this third world understanding of food additives, thinking that because it didn't originate from their communal shit-water river, it must be unhealthy. Japan's food is loaded with fucking preservatives and additives and they have long healthy lives. In fact, Japan has far fewer regulations for food than Europe or the United States, and many Japanese foods, especially processed foods, have even more additives than the US.
Gasoline isn't edible, you retarded hillbilly. Nice false equivalence.
butter is good for you.
they always only either post the macros or the 100%beef patty. meanwhile here's an ingredients list for your typical mcdonalds bun

>Ingredients: EITHER:Allergen Ingredient: WHEAT Flour (contains Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamine), Water, Sugar, Rapeseed Oil, Salt, Yeast, Allergen Ingredient:WHEAT Fibre, Emulsifier (Mono- and Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids), Antioxidant (Ascorbic Acid). OR:Allergen Ingredient: WHEAT Flour, Water, Sugar, Rapeseed Oil, Salt, Yeast, Emulsifier (Mono- and Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids), Antioxidant (Ascorbic Acid). OR: Allergen Ingredient:WHEAT Flour, Water, Sugar, Yeast, Allergen Ingredient:WHEAT Gluten, Sunflower Oil, Salt, Baking Improver (Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate), Antioxidant (Ascorbic Acid). OR:Allergen Ingredient: WHEAT Flour, Water, Glucose Fructose Syrup, Rapeseed Oil, Salt, Yeast, Emulsifier (Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids, Mono- and Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids), Flour Treatment Agent (Ascorbic Acid). OR: WHEAT Flour (contains Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Water, Sugar, Cream Yeast, Rapeseed Oil, Salt, WHEAT Fibre, Emulsifier (Mono- and Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids), Pea Protein, WHEAT Starch, WHEAT Maltodextrin, Dextrose, Maize Maltodextrin, Maize Starch. OR: WHEAT Flour (contains Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Water, Sugar, Rapeseed Oil, Glaze (Water, Pea Protein, Dextrose, Maize Starch), Salt, Yeast, WHEAT Fibre, Emulsifier (Mono- and Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids), Antioxidant (Ascorbic Acid).
N.B. All the above may contain traces of sesame seeds*, milk, barley, and rye.
Everything you eat is GMO grown you know
Those are 4 separate buns that just listed together to make them seem a lot larger.

But anyone with an IQ above room temperature should be able to parse out what those things actually are, and apart from the Glucose Fructose Syrup, there isn't much to object to in that....Maybe the rapeseed oil if you're an autist about sneed oils.
This guy eats big macs for breakfast lunch and dinner. There's hardly any variance, if at all. He's an anomaly. Basically no one else could do it, but his numbers are fine with his health.
I don't like the bad fat/protein-ratio. More fat than protein? Into the trash it goes. At least for most of my meals.
The reduction of foods to its constituent micro and macro nutrients is a big push by the food industry.

In reality, the health value of a food should be determined by how processed it is, with ultra processed foods being the most unhealthy.
>Those are 4 separate buns that just listed together to make them seem a lot larger
thats how they list it, I ain't gonna format it for them
>that....Maybe the rapeseed oil if you're an autist about sneed oils
you dont have to be autistic to realize rapeseed oil is barely edible and should keep being used for it was originally kept for, being machine lubrication, not hamburger bun fillers
the former were probably chill and the latter were probably neurotic and stressed. i think stress has a lot to do with it
> being machine lubrication,
And parsley used to be used solely for sprinkling on peoples graves and in practice during funerary rites. The reason it's used now in food is because we can filter out the erucic acid, dumb-dumb.
How much do you weight and how tall are you?
>pesticide ridden produce
>super unhealthy animals for meat and cheese(healthy animals cost too much)
>cheese is filled with microplastics
>every ingredient has bunch of additives(except lettuce and tomato probably) to make you addicted to the stuff
I could keep going but thats a start
>folklore and superstition about a herb is the same as adding an extraction of anti-nutritient toxins (not complete removal, mind you) into an already complex process of rapeseed oil production so corps can earn more money selling off refuse at the expense of your health long term
Anon, I...
I'm 179cm and have no idea how much I weigh. I need to lose some fat tho.
>not complete removal
It's erucic acid is also present in mustard, kale, and cabbage, you fucking blockhead.
are you drinking or adding mustard, kale, or cabbage oil (concentrate) to anything buddy?
it would but that'll never happen, save for a freak accident or smth
>In fact, Japan has far fewer regulations for food than Europe or the United States
Not necessarily true, Japan regulates individual compounds rather than the foods they are in
If X is considered safe then you can add it to anything you want in Japan while you need to get permission to add X to your specific product regardless if X is safe or not in the US/EU
That's also the reason why stuff like red bull don't have Taurine in them in Japan, Taurine is considered a medicinal additive and thus can't be added to carbonated drinks, energy drink companies can't get permission to add under the Japanese system they need to change Taurine's classification in it's entirety

Upside is that Japan only allows the safest compounds, downside is that when something is allowed you can do whatever you want with it
I'm so fucking glad I actually like water. And sparkling water is fine too when I need bubbly.
I have a beer like once a month (and usually hard alcohol once every couple weeks), but beyond that I haven't had a soda in three years, and the last time I tried was a mountain dew and it made me fucking sick to my stomach.
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No, he won
>Warren Buffett, the seventh-richest person on the planet, turns 94 years old today.

>One might expect that someone leading such a massive conglomerate since 1970 would adhere to a healthy diet to maintain his vitality.

>Surprisingly, many would consider Buffett’s eating habits quite the opposite.

>“I eat like a 6-year-old,” the CEO famously told Fortune in 2015, describing his love for Utz potato sticks and daily intake of five 12-ounce Coca-Colas. “If I eat 2,700 calories a day, a quarter of that is Coca-Cola. I do it every day.”

>In a 2017 HBO documentary called Becoming Warren Buffett, the billionaire revealed he stops at McDonald’s every day for a $3.17 breakfast made up of one of three items: two sausage patties; a sausage, egg, and cheese; or a bacon, egg, and cheese. Which he, of course, enjoys with a Coke.

>For lunch, the business tycoon often stops by Dairy Queen for a chili-cheese dog and an ice cream sundae with cherry syrup and chopped nuts, and frequently snacks on See’s Candies. Buffett is also known for his excessive use of salt, so much so that former Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf compared it to a “snowstorm.”
Don't believe everything you read on the internet, son
Literally just don't drink soda or milkshakes and McDonald's is fine for you.
All boomers eat garbage like this. Entire aisles of shelf stable pastries exist only for them.
I suspect that's all bullshit or at least highly exaggerated. If he did that every day he'd get cancer, heart disease, or at least be a fatass. he's not working out at all. this is just part of his cultivated image.
Virtually all foods have carbs, protein, and fat
As a burger fan that can at least enjoy a Big Mac from time to time this dude disgusts me because there's simply much better burgers all around the world than a fucking big mac. Chilis has a Big Mac knock off that's 10 times better than the authentic one and only costs like a few dollars more. I also have an odd psychological disgust for picky eaters/eating disorders like this.
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I have never once finished a big mac
the god damn stupid ass sandwich falls apart about halfway through, I don't know if its the fault of all that sauce or the second stupid ass bun.
I like bicmacs but I can never eat the whole thing, you look like drunk hasslehoff eating a bigmac
This. Is. Embarrassing.
This guy proves that diet trends, nutritional science, etc. is all bullshit.
>Does that food have CHEMICALS in it?
>Ugh... Goyslop
Warren Buffet owns $28,000,000,000.00 in Coca Cola Company shares. You are reading marketing.
This guy has some rare disease that makes his blood pressure super low so he has to eat salty foods
probably doesn't tell you his doctors on stand by or maybe meds that he takes with his meals. didn't that one maruchan ceo say he ate those noodles everyday of his life and he's in his 90s too
Plot twist. He dead.
>nutritional science
Is still legit. He eats 2 big macs a day. No fries, no sugary soda.
Macronutrient wise, he's pretty much spot on. Decent amount of protein. Some carbs. Some leafy greens and fruits.

It's the fries and soda that fucks you up. Otherwise it's just a sandwhich. A shitty, processed sandwhich, but still a sandwhich.
>dairy is not good for you
maybe not for you brown people.
>lets just have this candidate that has had 2+ assassination attempts in the last few months just walk into a random mcdonalds and have any nigger with a unlicensed hi-point interact with him in the drive-thru.
Although I do love a good brick oven "authentic" pizza people really need to stop seething about pizza in the US and it's dominance. It's basically not even the same thing.
Give this man a booster!
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what's with this samefagging?
are you OP too and this is your way of keeping your gay thread up?
>b-but I already posted the screenshot with the missing (You), HA!
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You're missing the point. Not just that twitter's screencap's point, or that anon's - Trump's point.
>store was closed
>literal actors "ordering" food
>look mom i "worked" at mcdonalds
what did she do?
post your supersize me slampig sister already
taco bell used to be so kino
You mean he isn't really a McDonald's employee?
Moe Howard lookin ass
he's not pigging out, just eating a single delicious sandwich every day
also he's not a lying alcoholic
so yes, he won
Pizza in Italy is unironically shit.
Wtf, are you a toddler?
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You're the one missing the point that no sane person of any value gives two goddamn fucks about your retarded nothing point

We all fucking know Trump doesn't actually work at McDonalds you fucking brain dead parasite on humanity

The entire functional world laughs at Kamala for lying and showing blatant shallow sociopathic narcissism by lying about something as stupid as McDonalds just to try n relate or whatever, the kinda shit Hillary did that lost her the election despite her cheating against Bernie which is the entire damn fucking reason any of us are still dealing with this orange fat cat, so said orange fat cat then literally goes to a micky d's and handles fries and "serves" people as a big fat fuck you and to get more people to vote for him and it works

That's literally fucking it.

fuck you and every person like you to hell forever
you are so fucking oblivious and retarded
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>my first word as a baby was apparently "soda"
>grew up overweight and miserable
>cut sugary drinks out of my diet as a teen - get thin in just a year or two
but the damage was already done. Really wish things could have been different
Meanwhile there are 50 fishtank threads a day where people just post skibidi memes. Gorske has been in both television and film, but this thread bothers you?
This, seriously. The average American is so dumb they dont know what Mono/Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters are.
capo, dame una hamburguesa, dejate de joder
nta but people really dont realize just how awful soda is for you. i lost 40lbs from cutting it out of my diet in my early 20s. now i dont even enjoy it anymore and only drink it if its mixed with booze.
Dumb esl poster
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Wendys could revive their "WHERES THE BEEF?" campaign, but they too are price gouging like everyone else.
they aren't price gouging, they have to pay worthless employees twice as much as they used to
No one's drinking rapeseed oil, you dumb fuck.
Three Mexican dudes in the bathroom of IHOP
>The McDonald's was closed
>the customers were fake

So just like Kamala eating at that shitty dive restaurant in PA?
what does "processed" mean to you?
He probably thinks all the ingredients are dumped into a big machine that PROCESSES it all, then spits it out, like a looney tunes sketch.
>no onions
Like the shoah all over again
I had two double cheeseburgers and 5 tendies as my first meal of the day. Shit was cash.
i never liked the triple buns who needs a third bun between two small patties and all the other shit its barely a burger, I usually eat 2 mcdoubles, feels like 2 mini quarter pounders to me
who the fuck wants leaves on their pizza like that, and if it absolutely must be on there they should be shredded/diced up and spread evenly across the pizza so every bite has some of it
>We all fucking know Trump doesn't actually work at McDonalds
You literally only know this because of brave journalists breaking the truth to the world. If the world were the way you wanted it to be, you would have never known that.
not enough grease on it, makes americans gag
>local grocer
Most places are gonna get frozen patties en masse from a restaurant depot, same for the bread and most fried crap
As for me it's the double McChicken
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>Not animal style
>animal style fries
>animal style double-double
>extra large animal style neapolitan milkshake
the madmen actually did that to my milkshake and i commend them
>2 pounds of frozen beef patties for 8 dollars
>8 buns are 3 dollars
>lettuce, ketchup, mayo, mustard, pickles will cost you another 10 dollars
you just made 8 burgers for ~ 23 dollars what would've cost you around 50 dollars for the same slop (probably tastes better), and it won't be touched by filthy brown hands
big macs suck
the humble quarterpounder is the burger for me
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>all this seething
>>204722187 (no beef)
>>204722465 (kys)
Way to ignore the first guys post and hijack it with some reddit faux niceties while undermining his point. He never conceded to it being bad, you dishonest retard. You assume it's risky and bad and it's a matter of genetic luck. He said he defended the food itself too which obviously is not congruent with your point. The fact of the matter is that there has never been a more nutritious, cheap, and readily available food as fast food in the history of civilization where most people have been forced to subsist on grains and slop for most of it. There isn't anything particularly unhealthy about it relative to almost anything other than buying beef and cooking it yourself, the seed oils he is exposed to from burgers being fried is minimal. The only real dietary harm has been the shift to chicken majority protein intake and isles upon isles of preserved foodstuffs that people subsist on. If you ever worked a fast food joint, you would realize fatties get shakes and sauce and tid bits to snack on. Fat people have a mental illness and they need to be treated with high dose naltrexone to block pleasure response. They blame the food because it absolves them of scrunity. Anyone who says fast food is unhealthy without elaborating precisely why and what about it is, is an absolute NPC. Something being "greasy" isn't a mechanism, it's a woman tier argument that you think people agree with because grease is ick in your mind.
You can't just look at the macro-nutrients. Even if it was the only thing that mattered it wouldn't be good enough because It's shit quality and cooked.

It contains no micro-nutrients, so you won't feel satiated and thus be more hungry and overeat, on top of that the beloved bleached and deodorized inflammatory seed oils that clog your arteries that binds to and activates the cannabinoid receptors. This is why you can eat two big mac menus and feel hungry an hour after.
Bread is just a sludge of baked grains that is essentially just sugar (carbohydrates) - and no I'm not implying sugar is bad, phytic acid (inhibits the absorption of minerals, humans don't have the enzymes to combat it like squirrels), and nowadays it's full of pesticides. If you're gonna eat bread i recommend making your own sourdough with high quality wheat.

The only "good" thing is the meat, which has been destroyed (cooked) anyway. You're just getting a tiny amount of protein and maybe some minerals that are not as sensitive to heat. No water-soluble vitamins such as K, C , B12 at all.
Outliers exist everywhere, doofus.
Whole leaves on top of food like that is just a trend that chefs do for "looks". I know, It's stupid. But real wop pizza is fucking delicious, I tried American pizza once and i did not enjoy it.

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