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2 hours of Namoi Scott screaming at the Camera. Thats it, thats literally the entire movie. Just her screaming in terror into the camera in the most annoying way possible.

How do people find these type of boring and stupid horror movies "good"?
I watched the original yesterday for the first time because I unironically wanna watch smile 2
That sounds hot as fuck
Who are these people saying she looked hot? She had a dyke haircut and looked fat.
How do people even watch this? I saw the trailer in the ads and it looks like something only a kid would find scary. >omg people are smiling at me I am going insane

horror fans are such slop consooomers they will literally watch anything it feels like
I liked the first movie but I'm 45 minutes into 2 and struggling to get through it. It feels like a movie made for women.
Because she is in distress the whole movie
Thats literally all it is. All these big new "horror movies" are so fucking boring and nonsensical its insane how anyone can willingly sit through them. For example The Terrifier 3, those dumb V/H/S movies, just fucking HORRIBLE. Like it boggles my mind how they even get made let alone watched by people. Is everyone so fucking dumb now they will just stare blankly at any screen with flashing colors put in front of them? Or is it they just see theinternet says "this movie good" so they just pretend to like said movie b/c of the fake bots online saying how GREAT said movie is?
she gets up on stage at the end and kills herself infront of an entire audience and then I assume "infects" everyone who sees it? lol this movie was anything but scary, it was boring, and slow slow slow af with zero character development, zero story, zero logic, just like a complete retarded movie akin to something AI would make. No soul, no depth, just cringe worthy scene after scene of her screaming in panic and crying.
Seriously just go to the very end if you want right now. You will literally miss ZERO story line or anything. The ending is retarded and not scary as well.
>It feels like a movie made for women.
that's literally all horror movies
Smile 1 was good
Smile 2 sucked major balls. There was no need to have so much complex choreography dancing, singing, lights, etc. It's obvious the director just wanted to make some music garbage and producers bought the whole "let's appeal to Taylor Swift and music fans!!"

FUCK MUSIC!! FUCK ARTISTS! I don't want a horror movie where the main character is a multimillionaire music super star living in a super expensive apartment. Even the drug dealer was super rich. The people who make these films never stepped a foot outside Hollywood
>2 hours of Namoi Scott screaming at the Camera
*sigh* Here we go again. Post the camrip, niggers
i thought it was pretty good.
i loved the first one and this one did not dissapoint.
way better than that cheesy ass Terrifier shit
I noticed half the deaths aren't real in smile
the terrifier is very gory but makes no sense because there is no rape
I thought Smile 2 was fun but flawed. I liked some of the scares and appreciated the way they toyed with the idea of hallucinations, even if it doesn’t hold up when you really analyse it. Some of the scenes with the Smile hallucinations made me wonder why the demon held back in its aggression (eg the dancers in her flat), but I suppose you can chalk it up to the demon slowly chipping away at Skye Riley’s mental stability until she has no energy to resist the end.
should probably clarify that when I say the demon held back in its aggression, I don’t understand why all the dancer demons stopped when Skye stopped and then slowly moved when she did. Why not just all jump on her straight away? I didn’t get it but whatever
>2 hours of Namoi Scott screaming at the Camera.
Okay retard, ill watch your movie
is she a pooinloo or just part colored girl?
part of her is an actual pajeet although she is seriously good looking. Dont know how that happens. There are rare cases like Disha Patani
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If the Smile monster can just make people hallucinate, why even bother with whole process of torturing them for 7 days?
good actress
Who is this dude?
Are you retarded? It feeds on trauma so it fucks with its victims inducing trauma in them you low IQ media illiterate mongoloid
first one was good as a standalone story
really the only thing you could do to add to the concept that would actually be "interesting" is to come up with an actual way people could fight back against the monster, but that could also be boring if done in a boring way
that's the problem with lovecraftian-type horror, past a certain point there's too much dread to be invested and so all the "scary" stuff just comes across as tryhard
>le unbeatable monsters wins anway because it's unbeatable
You can only pull off this once but the sequel will be fucked forever if you do the same formula
It's supposed to be creepy
Why only 1 person per 7 days though? The monster could easily trap multiple people in a room and hallucinate all of them and time compress 7 days into a few hours.
That probably has something to do with it.
She looks sexy in the ads so all I know of what the woman looks like is from the trailers.
Id smash youd be gay if you were single and she wanted to fuck you and you say no. You can do your mental gymnastics to tell yourself otherwise
>Why only 1 person per 7 days though?
It's not one person every seven days the first film establishes the maximum is 7 days and the minimum is 4, I suggest you watch the film without scrolling through tiktok or jerking off to your tranny porn
>The monster could easily trap multiple people in a room and hallucinate all of them and time compress 7 days into a few hours.
You're assuming it can be in the mind of multiple people at the same time which given it goes one by one would suggest it can't
Smile 1 sucked what do you expect from the sequel
its better
It wasn't terrible but it wasn't great either. It could've been worse.
The biggest issue with the Smile demon is it's too OP and all the attempts to beat it are completely pointless so the whole movie just becomes boring.
Unironically they should do this like one more time and then just do a movie where the Smile demon inhabits some complete NEET degenerate who has seen all the worst gore and shit imagineable and who is immune to the demon's attempts to traumatize him so the demon just spins its wheels and goes crazy.
If they go for Smilepocalypse from the end of this movie, for one that doesn't seem to make a ton of sense since I'm pretty sure murders/suicides from the Smile demon have had multiple witnesses before but it only transfers to one person, and also Pulse from 2001 already did a similar concept basically perfectly and would absolutely mog any attempt at Smile doing something similar.
I've already watched the first film entirely. Even if it only can manipulate one person at a time, it still makes no sense why it needs to drag out the process that long if it can make the person see anything it wants. It seems like the monster is just playing with its food before eating it.
Because the modus operandi is that the demon fucks with you psychologically, humiliates you, makes your life hell, and then it just kills you violently. It’s pretty grim, but it’s a principle that has been done in other movies before like Drag Me to Hell. The demon likes toying with its victims.
I’ve actually thought she was a pretty bad actress (though appearing only in shit films didn’t help) but she’s actually pretty good in this. Reminds me of Toni Collete in Hereditary where the main actress's performance is superior to the movie it’s in.
There’s nothing Lovecraftian about this movie’s concept, retard.
the idea of an all-powerful entity that has total and complete control over your fate and you are completely and utterly helpless against it, with the only thing you have being a HOPE of defeating it which it itself grants to you as a means of fucking with you, ISN'T lovecraftian?
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>Why only 1 person per 7 days though? The monster could easily trap multiple people in a room and hallucinate all of them and time compress 7 days into a few hours.
The monster is not American

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