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What did I think about this movie?
you havent heard of it
Not enough male nudity. Slava Ukraini.
I just saw it. I was wondering which parts were fiction and which were reality. I thought the sets, makeup and costume design and acting were great. I thought the cinematography was pretty good too. Now the actual plot itself I’m not so sure of.
you asked me what you thought of this movie. you havent heard of it or seen it.
What would someone who saw it think about it?
they would think it was uncompromising with rich thematic exploration of uhhh corporate culture?
if it would go beyond the surface level truth about him he would have sued.
What are you insinuating at?
Election interference!!
How so?
Digital when? Probably after the election right?
The second half felt this way. What are some good moments in Donald Trump’s life it should’ve included instead of what it did? Which parts of this half were accurate?
A lot of it is also based on hearsay obviously as well. How can any of it be termed as actual events. Ya it may have been based on actual events, but what actually transpired in them? I’m not even a Trump voter, but it seemed unfair.
The second half basically depicts him as a monster who has lost all humanity. Surely, that can’t be true? At this time, he was also a father. His kids have spoken out about how good of a father he was. He must’ve also performed acts of charity in earnest. So what was that second half? Why create a drama about a person’s life, and leave it so one dimensional at the end. Abbasi should’ve just focused on the political and legal aspects of Trump’s life or better yet not made the film.
All my local theaters are only play this movie at 11am, no other times. Pretty weird if you ask me
I went today, and it was me and a bunch of senior citizens kek. It was pretty comfy ngl. I wish I could’ve gone and hung out with them afterwards.
I want to watch it but i don’t want to pay for it. Is it on 123movies yet?
Didn't Hollywood also released some anti Trump movie with Jeff Bridges in 2020? Also,Wonder Woman 1984 with Trump looking antagonist was planned for release right before the 2016 elections. Guess we will get another movie with Trump in 2028.
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Trump at one point gave Roy Cohn a pair of incredible diamond cufflinks as a token of his regard and respect for the man.
After Cohn's death, the estate had them appraised they were worthless fakes.
Trump is an incredible sociopath with absolutely no regard for any other human being on Earth.
Does Abbasi know Trump personally? Where is he getting his information from when it comes to portraying a human being in a film for everyone to see? Anyone can take all the low points of someone’s life, and make a drama about them villainizing them? Why does this movie show Trump without a conscience? Why pretend to be a drama about his life when this is purely a political film shitting on Trump. I’m not saying that he hasn’t done awful things and hasn’t done the same thing to others but, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.”
I don’t know how their relationship unfolded. There must’ve been more to this situation than him just being a sociopath.
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>Why does this movie show Trump without a conscience?
Trump has literally cheated, and I mean LITERALLY, every single business partner, bank, contractor, lawyer, employee, student, SPOUSE, and basically every human being he has come into contact with. He's currently stiffed a bunch of cities that were positive about having his rallies in their States. The only people left that he hasn't swindled at some point are his children, Bibi and Putin. Probably because he plans to flee to one or the other when his swindles catch up to him. He is Le Legendary Swindler, and heartless about it.
He would steal candy from a baby, and find reason to sue the baby afterward.
Please someone call me retarded and prove to me I’m wrong. Show me how this film is justified, or fuck off! I’m ngl I’m very druk rn so it should be easy for you.
So what you are saying is Trump is incapable of displaying love and kindness to anyone without something to gain from it? Do you know him personally?
Trump's long catalog of shitty behavior is a matter of public (and court) record, he's been famously notorious for longer than you've been alive.
I'm saying that if you don't receive payment in advance, he will reflexively fuck you. Go ask Rudy, someone who's had his back since he was Attorney General, shielding Donald from mafia investigations (Donald was thick with them at that point). Rudy has had Donald's back most of his life, and Donald will neither pay him nor even spit on him.
So was this a good movie in your opinion? What is his endgame?
Fuck everyone, acquire Shekels, enter the Legend.
Did you know that the Japanese pronounce Donald Trump as “Donadadoe Trumpuh”? Just and interesting factoid for all those who are curious.
This shill thread again?
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>Run for President
>Promise hundreds of times to "end stupid forever wars, bring our boys back home" in first 100
>Actually win Presidency
>Have absolute, uncontested power to pull troops out
>thousands of days pass
>Not my problem now
>Young men die in a poorly organized pullout
>Drive up to Arlington
>Set up campaign stunt after Army says "please do not go to Forever War graves for political purposes"
>Fuck that, stand over graves, flash best shit-eating grin, flash some thumbs up "this will own my old nemesis Joe, I hope he's seething"
>Compassion, Respect: Not Found
This is everything about Donald in a single pic.
i am sad that people like this exist. It makes me want to cry if this is true. That is why I’m trying hard to see good in him. I want to believe that he does love and care about something. That he is passionate about something other than acquiring currency. I have lost. I am going to go cry now.
Does Trump truly not weep at the sight of animals in captivity? Does he not feel a pain in his heart when he sees a dog in a shelter after being abused all its life? Did Bresson’s Au hasard Balthazar not make him question himself, and vow to be a better person while simultaneously sobbing because of the evils of the world one cannot do prevent. Goodbye /tv/!
announcing a lawsuit during campaign season would only bring more attention to the movie. not really a smart move.
nothing everybody already knows about.
If he was only interested in money, he wouldn't have run for president. He's the only one to have leave the office without getting richer. The damage to his brand and business is not worth the speaking fees and book deals that come after.
>inb4 muh rusha/saudis/jews are just paying him secretly and all of the worlds journalists and power brokers just haven't caught him yet.
How were the Epstein Island sex scenes with minors?
It's the ego boost of being a president, my kan.
Small peepee
This movie came out like 3 years ago anon, it's only getting a theatrical run now because it's convenient
>randomly brings up Putin
Opinion discarded

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