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From General

Would you voluntarily join Fromville edition
you just know some freaks will, just to find ghoulfu and jerk off near a window
Will kenny ever grow a pair?
Why is the OP so lazy? You could at least post a screenshot, not just an annoying poster
Donna is a glowie
>Would you voluntarily join Fromville edition
With a truck full of food, guns, beauty products, toiletries, little everyday luxuries. Establish myself as king of Fromville, lord over people who are willing to do anything for a packet of ketchup.
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Why not? I"ll get rich after I get out and make some movie and books deals
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OP you have been charged with being a faggot. How do you plead?
>grow a pair
>end up attached to the pool
kencels ww@
nobody would believe you. it'd just be another creepypasta
I just watched the latest episode and I swear nothing happened. I fell asleep. Should I rewatch it?
Damn right they are believing me because I am bringing the heads of everyone that has died in the town and I wouldn't say anything about monsters
Have they tested do talismans actually need a roof?
Like what if they build a huge fence around the town and put a talisman on it? Would it prevent the monsters from entering?
Monsters can probably do whatever. The rules are more like guidelines on how to play fair than actual rules.
will he ever get laid?
7 things happened:
>1. fan-favorite, Dale got killed
>2. Victor reunited with his father
>3. there was townhall meeting
>4. Fatima told Boyd's son she is eating rotten food
>5. Julie and the negro discovered mysterious polaroid camera
>6. they had townhall meeting where everyon shat on Tabitha
>7. Boyd told police woman to fuck off, and she is likely going to kill herself for it

A lot of things are happening at rapid rate and questions are being the answered
The talismans don't actually DO anything. Their purpose is to just give the prisoners the idea that they can be safe, in order to deepen and prolong their suffering.
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Is this actually good or just getting constantly shilled? Also is that Walt from Lost?
>fromville is a 50s set piece with tons of antique shit laying around
>we're meant to believe no one has any of these
>>5. Julie and the negro discovered mysterious polaroid camera
I'd guess they will start seeing the living doll Victor mentioned in last episode, and it will drive them crazy or something
look we can talk about this later ok?
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>talismans don't actually DO anything
>Retarded monsters couldn't get Randall while he was holding the amulet
>They had to give him bugs aids for him to drop talisman
Exactly. Just because the apparitions are evil it doesn't mean they're wrong or lying. Fromville doesn't want Victors who are resigned to never leaving. It's a game and it wants people to play.
did you miss the season one finale? they've already tried that, superstorm and house sucked into the ground and pissed off evil forest god
why do you think so?
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Wow questions are being answered like never before and new insights are being discovered with each passing episode
you mentioned the town meeting twice but that's okay it was very exciting rarely do we get these
They never show Julie's picture. It'll probably show something is off with her.

Elgin will try to take pictures of his ghost.

Someone will photo a monster and it'll be weird.

>no one takes pics with their cellphones
No, Jade had a 'huge genius moment" and spliced wires into the lightbulb socket. Point being most of these characters would know that adaptor since they're gen-x and millennials. Furthermore, there should have been lots of those adapters laying around.
i appreciate the recap.
felt like shit was ramping up in episode 4 and then I just fell asleep in episode 5. i'll rewatch it.
did you ignore the rest of my post on purpose? giant storm angry god house getting eaten? they have no lack of electricity. What exactly are you planning on doing with creating more electricity?
The town only has what it wants to have. I mean how many times does the show need you to tell you this?
The characters have little agency about what happens and there is nothing in the town that is not supposed to be there
They have things brought in with cars. There's a whole shed full of electric tools people brought in.

the only thing that were somewhat interesting is the mention of motel and removal of the bottles but then again why would anyone care if we either never see the followup or its a setup for 1 episode 2 years later

just like the removal of the totems by Jade, nothing fucking happened, no followup no hauntings, 0 difference whats the fucking point
>monsters are playing hide and go seek
>no one's tried playing red light green light, Simon Says, hopscotch, monopoly or a children's card game
>no one's played Poker or dueled them
the removal of the totems has released the thing that haunts the old huts near the vegetable lake, this is obvious
honestly you may think thats a joke but its in keeping with fae games so yes they really should be trying that
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pls don't kys cop lady
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Fuck was his problem?
I do wonder why it was set in the diner instead of church?
Think previous townhall meetings have been in the church.
abd? what do you think they should do with them? you still aren't explaining what the fuck you think people should be doing with this electricity because building a radio tower sure isn't it
annoying asian lady is gone
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Are they even on Earth? Where are they?
fairy realm
I hope we got Shining photo stuff, where it is revealed the Julie is a time traveler.
Just found out the theme tune is by Pixies. It doesn't sound like Frank Black singing though?
fuck you Tian Chen was based
in the fae, still earth just over the garden wall and past the hedge
Use a computer so victor can draw in photoshop.
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>small fairy

hell yes I would. Hang around all day, everything is free, no responsibilities. Just don't be a retard and go out at night or try to escape. Have cute monster-fu outside my window and make her do unspeakable things to herself while I fap furiously and never let her in. "Yo, bitch, if you want some of this you better rape yourself with a tree branch". "Ha ha, maybe next time whore."
Did they have a reason to live in a commune house? Other than to have the plot kill them all in there?
It seems like a horrible idea under the circumstances
Didn't they add a new guy after Deal left (again)? It's probably him.
There was a big rift in town after Boyd's wife went section 8. A bunch of them moved up there, resigned to their fate of being stuck and tried to build a community.
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Yes, I would be on the first bus in actually.
what's interesting? I think almost everyone since season 1 caught the name of the band and the things about fairies that appear in the show (there are fairies that can appear as a flock of crows, they like to play games, they grab you at night, etc)
All it took was one gooner falling for a tradMonster and their whole commune came falling down
No one said it was a great idea. That's the joke of the first season. They're all so paranoid about newcomers screwing up, it's actually the ones who've been around who cause all the real issues.
and this accomplishes what exactly? ethan already has an ipad drawing on a computer isn't difficult for them at all
Fatima is gonna turn into a ghoul isn't she? Fromville pushes the people to their edge and those who succumb to despair start eating each other and lose their humanity.
>how would power saws and drills and other tools be useful
The tools that come from outside have normal plugs which you can't use in the retarded outlets in the town
Its taken 3 seasons to get you fucktards to understand this is very obvious fae henomnenon, hilarious how you are trying to now spin it into
>well everyone knew that already since s1
NO I did and have been trying to explain why since s1, just because the lot of you finally accepted the obvious doesn't mean you idiots haven't gotten everything wrong and had ot be led by your fucking noses into the bleeding obvious, and now other sites are I'm sure copying my idea I've had since the beginning, and pretending like you that they understood this since the beginning when NOONE DID EXCEPT ME. I wouldn't mind so much except this nonsense of
>well everyone knew it was faeries since s1 right?
NO none of you fucktards did until I told you
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schizo retard post
you can use all those tools anyway, how is jacking into the towns magic electricity changing anything? what are you using these power tools for you retard?
are you the 40 year old loser?
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I don't think they are fae because they're undead.
yea figured you fucking idiot you didn't get anything until I told you and now you'd like to pretend you understood all along, you disgust me
undead humans*
are you the fuckwit who tires to pretend you understood anything until I told you?
they aren't undead however undead can also easily fall under the umbrella of "fae"
It's not fae.Too obvious.
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*from the dusty mesa starts playing*
yes you need meds, the kind that make you stop pretending and accept that sometimes you don't get shit until its explained to you like a child over and over and over again until you finally accept it, and then heres the trick, don't pretend you knew all along just accept you didn't and now you do and some people in this world i.e me are much much smarter then you
It is you lol. 40 year old family-less loser throwing tantrums that no one gives a fuck about your theory about a tv show
Why the fuck didn't they just get a sledgehammer to break Dale out of the wall?
the hardware store was closed that day
lol you all believe my theory and I have a family you just like to pretend I don't because you are so incredibly butthurt from being btfo over and over, and now that everyone has accepted that it is fae all you have left is butthurt and your made up crap to make yourself feel better about being a complete retard.
If Fromville is so good at healing, why didn't Dale grow his hair back?
how does a 40 year old man get this pathetic where they sound like a hysterical teenage girl that is mad that no one takes them seriously?
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Gyp Rosetti, the volatile and unpredictable gangster from Boardwalk Empire, would not take well to being told he can’t open doors at night in From on Epix. Given his aggressive and paranoid nature, he'd likely respond with immediate hostility, feeling challenged by such an order.

Here’s how Gyp might react:

Initial Confusion and Paranoia: Gyp would likely start by misunderstanding the situation, thinking it’s a personal attack or power play. He might accuse the person delivering the message of trying to control him or question their authority in a hostile manner, along the lines of: “What, you think you’re better than me? You got some kinda racket goin’ on here?”

Physical Intimidation: After feeling disrespected, Gyp would probably start threatening violence. In Boardwalk Empire, he’s known for flying off the handle for even the smallest perceived slight, so something as bizarre as a curfew would enrage him. He might grab the person by the collar or get in their face, saying something like, “Who the hell are you to tell me what I can’t do? You think I’m scared of some stupid doors? I’ll open ‘em if I damn well please.”

Destructive Behavior: Gyp is known for impulsively destroying things when he's angry. He’d likely try to prove he’s above the rules by defiantly throwing open a door at night, regardless of the consequences, just to show no one controls him.

Confronting the Monsters: If Gyp did encounter the supernatural horrors from From, his reaction would likely be a mix of disbelief and rage. Rather than backing down in fear, he might try to fight them in his usual reckless fashion. However, his stubbornness would probably lead to his demise, as he would underestimate the danger and refuse to listen to warnings, putting himself in harm’s way out of sheer arrogance.
Does anyone have a gif of Donna running towards Boyd with her fat gunt plopping up and down?
everyone takes me seriously its the pretending that you already knew what I explained to you that makes you so pathetic
we'll post about that later
this season is crazy
No one does thus why you are a 40 year old loser throwing a temper tantrum about faeries
Well I knew, but only because I study weird shit like this as an obsession. It doesn't appear to be one particular region's mythos, though (i.e. Scottish / Welsh/ Irish). A combination or maybe even cherry picking aspects and creatively interpreting the folklore is what it seems like to me. Still, it was pretty obvious from the jump and even some of those retard redditors figured it out early on. They may be sprinkling some bits of other kinds of folklore too, but predominantly Otherworld stuff regarding ancient Fae ideas.
nope I am always right and it makes you really upset because you just latch onto others ideas and try and pretend it was yours all along or at least you were part of it all along its very fucking pathetic
they should try to store as many watts as possible to make a weapon
Do you have this PDF saved, and can you post it?
If you wonder why you are 40 and alone I advise you to screencap this post you just made and keep referencing it
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>I am always right
oh yea completely agree its a hodgepodge of various fae mythos their is definitely some scot in their also some norse and some native american indian stuff too, my pint is I was saying this is what it was since s1 and now some jackasses are now pretending they were aware of this all along, I'm sure I'm not the only person to think it, just the first to connect the dots and try and explain thats whats going on.
not quite 40 and not alone but you keep thinking that, i'm sure it makes you feel a bit better when you think about how wrong you were about everything and now have to accept that as always I was right.
I do have that one saved, and I can probably find it again and link it. Give me a couple of minutes. It's kind of academic rather than say...something written in the 1800s or earlier which would be more of a believer of the lore standpoint. I find those infinitely more interesting, but this one is still neat imo.
must suck being always wrong, its ok you can as you always do just latch onto me and pretend you were right too
yea you fucked up last time we spoke admitting all of this you old loser too late to back track
I appreciate that anon.
>ESL: the post
no i didn't you just made shit up then put your fingers in your ears and ignored everything you hadn't made up to make yourself feel better for being so fucking wrong, and once again here you are just ignoring everything but what the voices in your head tel you.
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>Well Boyd, I'd let her go but she's a chink
What did he mean by this?
Where did you life go wrong to make you a sad loser like this?
This guy is a coping retard. I’m the one who said it was fairies first and now this guy is trying to steal my credit
their it is just ignore and pretend, too difficult to admit you were wrong, just put your fingers in your ears and chant "nah nah nah can't hear you"
Still working on your link to the other one, but here's a page or two with some more relevance to what we see in the show
Questions? ANSWERED
Mysteries? REVEALED

From is the SHOW OF THE MILLENIUM and I can't wait for even MORE MYSTERIES and MORE QUESTIONS
I know I know it makes your shitty life a little bit better to pretend that mine is shitty as well, sorry I can't pretend with you
nope I was but go ahead and pretend you did I'm sure it makes you feel like you've accomplished something
>pretend that mine is shitty as well,
You are a 40 year old loser arguing in a thread that you were the first to come up with something no one cares about. There is no pretending here
Here's a link as requested to the first one I posted the cap from

What this guys deal? He’s trying to steal that other anons credit, not cool man
If they kill Henry this season, I am going to stop watching the show. We know which characters need to be killed, and Henry isn't one of them.
lol you keep saying 40 as if that makes someone a "loser" you are so pathetic kiddo
>oh no you are older then I am that must make you a loser
no really rethink your entire existence
are you just desperate for a (you)? here (you) go
It makes you a loser based on how you are acting
Ah, the fate of any general
They replaced Kim Deal with a chick, who was then replaced with another chick. Maybe it's the drummer singing or Frank doing le spooky voice.
The fae thing is obvious after watching 'The Watchers', but I wonder if the whole town is a bunch of various myths stitched together. The drowned oriental lady being one, the locusts being another, and, of course, the fey. And these myths of the world are all trapped in that town.

I'd travel through her time, if you know what I mean :)
lol acting like I'm sick of fucktards like yourself pretending you also knew it was fae? when everyone said that was nonsense untill I had to point out all the reasons in detail, reasons that have just continued to build each and every season until the evidence was so overwhelming it had to be accepted, you didn't think it was celtic lore in s1 you didn't think it was in s2 either just be honest I told you why it was I explained why over and ver pointing out similarities to celtic fae legends over and over until you finally got it, be honest did you or did you not think it was a play on celtic fae stories in season one?
That's what the adapter is for.
I think that one is heavily misinterpreted and assumed to be Asianic, but isn't. Good luck convincing anyone their knee-jerk reaction was wrong on this website though lol
I like the idea but it sucks shit that they're obviously going the route where we get to see none of these fantastical creatures due to budget restraints which makes the show feel incredibly dry.
>40 year old makes a whiny teenage like rant about faeries
lmao man act your age
They literally make it a point that they can't, anon. That's why Boyd cuts wood with a fucking handsaw.
its funny to me that you keep bringing up that movie is that really your first encounter with celtic fairy stories? haven't you ever heard of rumpelstiltskin? or the practice of leaving out bread and honey? or to never accept a gift of food from a stranger in the forest?
There is absolutely zero basis to the "the talismans don't do anything" schizo ramblings
>Originally I was gonna kill you and have her watch, Boyd, but her eyes are always closed.
fae stories are interesting the fact that you think "fairy" stories are only for children just proves my point, and maybe why I caught on to what was happening in this story so quickly and you didn't
I am just thinking out loud anon
Yea you're right, it's quite the opposite actually
I only brought it up once several weeks ago. I am not whoever you are talking to.
No the way you are throwing tantrums about faeries in this thread is what is pathetic
Yea I get ya, I'm just putting that out there for lurkers to consider.
yes I know you did, and its funny to me that that is what mde you realize that From is based in the same mythos, once again I ask and i'm not being mean or factious here, is hat your first encounter with stories of the fae? did you seriously never hear the story of rumplestilskien? or the witch in the well or hansel and gretel? I am genuinely curious because its bizzare to me that these stories are unknown, but I suppose they are.
you think I'm "throwing a tantrum"? ah any show of emotion is "throwing a tantrum" for you? got it
This old fairy faggot should fuck off already
we should do this for every episode
>you think I'm "throwing a tantrum"?
Yes You are whining about how you came up with this theory first because of weird low self esteem you are projecting meanwhile no one cares. You are 40 dude, get your shit together
>stop talking about things I don't understand
Season 2 was the worst, Season 3 any better?
I'm annoyed by you pretending you wer always on board with this idea when you only latched onto it once it gained popularity, in short you are a disgusting leech who follows any trend and then pretends they were always involved, to make it clear you should go back
Fascinating, thank you. Saved.
>a white gown or shroud is her main wardrobe. The skin of is often wet and slimy as if she had just been pulled from a moss covered lake. They are rumored to be the ghosts of women who died in childbirth and will continue to wash until the day they should have died.

I don't know what sources they are using, but it feels like a loose interpretation.
>I'm annoyed
Yea we know which is not healthy for a 49 year old loser.
Theyre not real fairies. Theyre corrupted projections of a child’s memory of fairies from a story. Imagine if Ethan had powers to manifest his thoughts into the from reality, we would see evil comenockles and dragons. Kid victor made fromville with his franklin richards powers out of stories his mom told him. The story about the ankghooey who got trapped in fairy land after going through a faraway tree and had to save the lost children from the evil spider
careful with all that projection you might blind yourself
I'm sure next week boyd will capture a fae.
Not in my opinion, yet at least
>n...n...no u
I am not a angry loser in my 40's
It's basically the same where weird shit happens and new characters are being introduced but the actual plot is still stuck knee-deep on mud. So yeah, it's still a very frustrating show.
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>ep 6
you really can't accept reality can you? you have to make shit up to cope, its really sad
Did she tell him about the civil war before he was even a 10 year old, while they were living in Maine? A better way to think about this idea, I feel like, is to imagine that he might have seen her drawings and paintings and stuff and made it real but still the question of how and why it's deadly remains. I don't think it could be something like that. Also, it was happening before they got to Fromville, so...
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I did accept reality. Some 40 year old loser is throwing temper tantrums about his retarded fairy theory. Grow up dude. Go find a wife and have kids before it's too late
This is why victor doesn’t talk about anything, he’s afraid of manifesting bad shit. Like when Ethan told him about his baby brother dying and victor said don’t tell me things like that. As soon as victor heard that Fatima got pregnant and now her kid will die
What if these monsters knew all along where the people were hiding before the talismans and didn't do shit just for fun? They know everyone's names so they probably knew their hiding places fucking nigs
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Probably told him about the bottle tree tradition or they even had one back at home. Its history is tied to the antebellum south and was a superstition among slaves. She might have even told him of the boo hag
nah there is plenty of evidence against this not the least of which is the flashbacks which aren't presented as stories by victor, just things that happened in the past, its possible but doesn't seem likely considering all the things we've seen
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Women love the bad boy charm.
But yeah the pictures are a big hint whatever the reveal is. Ethan says “there were so many drawings on the wall. The spider came down into the lake of tears and everyone screamed”
I have a wife and kids as I said you are projecting because you can't accept being wrong its sad and weird
They don't seem to have a reason not to slaughter everyone, there's not like a shortage of refills on people. So far the only ones they seem to hesitate to kill is Victor and Boyd. They're not even the only creatures there either.
thanks anon
>I have a wife and kids
Anon you are throwing an incel tier temper tantrum about your fairy theory and this isn't the first time you did this. No one is buying this
Do fairies give you nightmares and kill you in your dreams in the lore?
It would be a nice twist if the monsters are also trapped there and doing shit against their own will which is why they try to avoid harming anyone actually useful.
the theory is set now everyone "buys" it, sorry your shitty alien simulation crap didn't take off maybe pay attention next time ok
No problem. Again, there are better ones, but I'm sure if you peruse around and skim you'll find more than a few connections and possibly predictions for what's coming. That's what I'm trying to figure out, the direction its all heading. There's what? 5 seasons right, so I know they're not putting everything in there. I'm trying to figure out what specific big bad it's all building to
The cute monster did say something like “I didn’t choose to be like this. We’re trapped here just like you”
Isn't the actor queer? He's safe to them.
oh that is definitely happening, did you see the way monsterfu was acting? the ghouls are trapped their too, the curse/spell that fucked everything got them as well
Yeah, I'm sure that old lady was the kid's grandma, too.
It's not about the theory specifically it's how you are throwing a tantrum about how you discovered it first and are whining about this as a 40 year old loser. Even now you are so angry and gone you are trying to label me like a schizo tying me to other theories.
>So far the only ones they seem to hesitate to kill is Victor and Boyd.
Randall too. Maybe because he had the flies in him last season.
no definitelynot, the kid even said
>you aren't my grandma
the ghouls are just trapped in the same cursed realm as everyone else and are making the best of it the granny was just acting like she/it thought a granny would act
Jesus Christ. how many fags on are this show. Sara and Christi are both lesbos IRL too
that would explain the hat
lol so angry, accept the fact you were wrong and move along, I do find it entertaining you find me so upsetting but you really should let it go kid
Or they are both just lies to get idiots to let them in.
>falling for "Jasmine's" lies
I don't know if he is. I read it here on /tv/ so it could be bullshit.
thats what I mean, the ghouls lie all the time of course, they are making the best of a bad situation, by tormenting the residence of fromvile
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>the fake talisman ends up working because the drawings are the same
>the real talisman you stole becomes invalidated because the town can only accommodate that exact number of talismans
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The gods of the natives were there first. The Vikings from Iceland brought the fairies with them to America and were trapped by the spooky red thing
The best manipulations always have a sliver of truth in them
the ghouls are trapped the same as the townsfolk, some ancient fae magic fucked them all
>n...n...no u
there is again. Alzheimers must be getting you early
you are so boring last (you) kiddo learn to take a loss
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if this is all in victor's head im throwing my tv through the fucking window tbqhwu
kinda weird how no one has entered the town from Canada or Mexico, like its arbitrarily restrained to the USA
it isn't can't be this town fuckery existed before he showed up
I accept your concession old loser. This thread isn't your place to project how much a failure you are. Please stop treating it as much. Thanks.
>in b4 he replies again and again with a no u
Fuck no. What kind of fucked up question is that. Unless it's just a simulation for people who are already dead, pressing problems to take focus away from confinement and give them something to do. Maybe get them used to a fucked up future where aliens fed on the past prey on people, dressed up for older eras, which enticed them from afar to venture here, aliens in reality being fine, but simulation/govt wanting people to treat them as monsters.
the spell/curse respects boundaries/borders its how the talismans function
who you talking to buddy?
It also makes me think that maybe the lighthouse is how the realm kidnaps the monsters / fantasy creatures? In the same way it kidnaps humans by luring them in with the tree? And the ways are reversed when escaping to their own realms. This theory also reminds me of conjuction of the spheres from the Witcher where different universes merge together via portals.
There's not much I've read about of this nature, aside from sleep paralysis followed by abduction to the Otherworld. There's like some communication here and there in dreams, but I don't remember any particular creature that does that specifically.
No it was actually me who said it was fairies first.
I considered this, that they may actually be trying to escape like the BiW to the human world. It could be that they were banished there and are looking for someone who can set them loose again.
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His mother first dreamt it up on an acid trip and went insane, eventually kidnapped her kids and disappeard in search of that place, eventually somehow Victor's sister died and then the mother also died of got lost and the cummulative trauma made him invent this nightmare world based on her ramblings, her art, and multitude of scrap memories and items. He's now sitting catatonic in looney bin and Boyd Stevens, who is still trying to solve the case of his mother's disappearance is trying to get to him, except Victor is now adding him to the fromville population in his mind.
Sure but they're liars too, they keep saying that the people would be alot happier if they let then in or came outside and that's a trick. The first one we see lies and says she's the little girls grandma just to get her to open the window
She's a monster
It's so obvious
Did people really have to wait until season 3 to realize that?
I knew it the moment she gave the morphine and the way she acted in that scene.
They didn't hesitate to fuck him up, but the thing is the lady monster literally said "you can have the keys if we can keep Randall" so...they're replacing the smiling one with him peobably.
The world of From is a giant dreamcatcher that takes inhabitants dreams and uses them against the occupants.

The evidence for this is most obvious with the cicadas. Sara said Nathan was afraid of them. This is a completely random thing for anyone to have a fear of. Lo and behold, the very next arc features cicadas attacking people.
Nah, they did it to fuck with Boyd. Same reason they tortured Chen to death in front of him. Now Boyd has to deal with an angry Randall walking around reminding him he left him there to die.
she's sussy for sure
remember boyd swa a massive tower castle thing structure far out in the foest and it wasn't a lighthouse, or maybe he just didn't perceive it that way, various supernatural entities being trapped in the curse is definently something i'd think possible, sure the whole wicher conjunctino oft he spheres thing, which btw forgotten realms aka d&d did way earlier its the entire premise the forgotten realms was cast off from the rest of reality marooning all manner of magical and other beings. Fromvile being something like that a place that was cut off from their own realities...
I'm going to throw mine off my roof if it turns out Boyd is just Nu-Christ and has to die for all of them to live and end it all
nah that would be a crock of shit eh?
According to who?
>they're replacing the smiling one with him peobably.

That's actually a very good point which will probably happen. It's the perfect foreshadowing, giving Randall a halfway Glasgow smile.
I had that same thought. I'm not totally convinced, but she does do those 3 big things;

1) the morphine at the exactly wrong moment

2) The tarot cards incident

3) encouraging Fatima to eat the rotting food specifically put their for her changeling baby to eat
I assume the motel got demolished like Jim's house was, long ago.

Alternatively the motel moves like the trees and at some point (probably the season finale) someone will take a Faraway Tree and appear in a motel room
it's not faeries
Doesn't need to be the best, dude was dumb as fuck. That's what he wanted to hear, same with it having a human name.

Or the humans are in their land/realm and they're just free to fuck with them. Gotta find Oberon and make sure to have a church bell
It serves a dual purpose. But the way she said "klwe get to KEEP Randall" is the tell-tale sign of why he's not dead yet
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don't know why but I found this really funny
What's going to break Boyd more? Then killing Randall or rubbing it in his face that he literally made a bargain to turn Randall into something worse than death
nta but thanks for reminding how retarded this show's name is. It's so hard to tell other people about it. It practically turns into a "Who's on first" skit. And fucking no one knows about MGM/Epix as a streaming service or tv network. Also doesn't help they have by far the worst streaming app in the history of streaming apps that it's always preferable to pirate over torrenting even though I have access through my parents' cable.
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What are they going to see?
They made it look unrealistic on purpose not to trigger the actors that play Dale and Donna
the outside observer aka us, the flashbacks ar presented with no narrative unti the last epidoe or so when victor finally started talking up until then he is just getting ptsd flashbacks completely an internal perspective
And how did Boyd kill Smiley? A Glasgow smile to put his blood in. They Glasgow smile Randall and take his blood out to re-up the balance of nature in that place. Tit for tat
sure gotta find titania and oberon
Those are all played as victor's flashbacks since child victor is always in them

I don't think "it's all in victor's head" is the answer because that would be dumb and boring but there's no concrete proof that it isn't since all "proof" we have is based on victor's perspective (his flashbacks)
Are they turning him? He's the only one to survive an attack thus far.
>same with it having a human name.
Now see this brings uo the interesting point that if they knew the names of the creatures they'd have some power over them. Leading me to believe that Anghkooey is a name and they should start calling them that or at least say it out loud to one of the creatures and get their reaction
We shall see
sure but its no as if they are stories told by him just flashes of what happened to him which leads me to believe they actually happened, supported by the things other people have seen aka the boy in white
its fucking faeries mate
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Previously on... LOST!
Anghkooey is the name of the evil entity summoned by the sacrifice of the 7 children
Maybe they are but they're undead fae. They don't fit the traditional description.
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ghouls fucking ghoul fae, foot soldiers
A void.
Maybe I'm misremembering but one of the flashes that are shown to the audience are victor with his mom about to leave and that is later revealed to be a false flashback once victor remembers Heloise (then the "real" flashback plays out) so I dont think theyre very reliable
I want to lick Julie's hymen.
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You telling me THIS is the thing running the show??
No way.
the dog as well, and no it isn't a false flashback with the mom she was trying to get to the lighthouse and an attack happened she tried to hide victor and his sister in the root cellar these events have been shown more then once
That's what i think that "we get to keep Randall" meant when she made that deal with Boyd.

>Fae will steal adults as well. They are particularly fond of musicians and poets and will take them away to their realm for their entertainment.

>They also take humans who offend them and transform them into strange creatures or keep them as servants.

Poor Randall
He remembered the night his mom left multiple times and his sister wasn’t there because he couldn’t remember and because he’s an unreliable narrator
Damn, it's going to be brutal. Boyd fucked up big time, he could've easily ran them over by going in reverse, that would given Randall time to escape.

>Regardless of the name used, the fae are generally understood to be more than mere mortals, but less than gods. They are associated with nature, have magical powers and an inclination to interfere with humans. Throughout history they were associated with ghosts, spirits, demigods, demons and devils. In Irish and Scottish folklore, they are known as síth, sídh, or sidhe – which are all pronounced "shee". They once lived in our world but were driven out to a realm of their own by humans wielding iron weapons. Some can still be found in dark forests, talls mountains and deep waters.

It's definitely based on the folklore around Fae and anyone who dismisses it out of hand, without offering any examples of what it all could be instead is just a troll or literally retarded.
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more like this, this is fanart of a samhien, a 'white rose of the fae"
Fairy land got a bug infestation
it was still daytime when she left them in the root cellar, twilight
That's plausible. Someone should say it and play it backwards to see what it sounds like in reverse just in case though
>Did she tell him about the civil war before he was even a 10 year old, while they were living in Maine?
Do you think this is weird?
tell me how far season 3 is and if it's still nothing ever happens the show
fuck it, you can spoil it for me (but use spoiler tags)
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this is called an Abaasy, also known as a Sandman, don;t worry it eats the sand from your eyes while you sleep
I think it's been inspired by several different myths but isn't actually any of them.
Fae probably formed the basis for the story. Every element will be different than the myth that inspired it though. For example, I don't think the main monsters are actually fae, I think they're closer to zombies than anything else (ie reanimated/cursed humans from decades prior).
And I think that's the writers' way of being confident that no one will figure out what's going on prematurely, as well as giving them breadth to make up whatever shit they want
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Why would you ever let Randal back in the house after betraying him like that? He's gonna wanna kill you all, and killing everyone is as easy as opening a door
Isn't Samhain the name of the holiday?
yes its fucking faries, this is obvious
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>wearing a trilby
I guarantee you that every woman around him is dry as the desert in that pic
ots of holidays are based on the fae, thats one of the most famous hence why I chose it of course the most famous is from norse mythos, thursday, aka thorsday
Makes sense desu
cool art btw I wish she was my gf
>Show comes out around Halloween every year
It would be pretty kino if dressing up like a monster tricks them into believing you're one of them. We'd rewatch this show every Halloween. I might just rewatch it again from the beginning. Too much happens for one watchthrough.
no you don't I mean unless you are into extreme bdsm I suppose
You motherfucker
I celebrated Samhain semi-recently. It was pretty cool.
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>It's a Victor episode
Is there a single character more based?
I just realised we're half-way through the season.
he's an actor and does ghetto dancing. of course he is gay
Literally some of the fae creatures in mythology were said to be dead spirits bro we've been over this aspect
1. The actress is japanese
2. She's wearing a KIMONO
probably did, but they couldn't communicate with anyone, so they just died. victor definitely didn't speak spanish or japanese etc.
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Its getting really fucking annoying at this point how much they're letting Randall get away with shit. They should put him in the fucking box, that thing hasn't been used since season 1.
she's just an Other like on Lost. an ovvaseeah got sent in because Tabbers went too far with the digging
about to marathon the Watchers

what am I in for?
uhh juliebros who's that in the background???
a huge turd. 25 curics. all fermented and hardened because of the rotten food

or she hears Thomas warning them
It's still hilarious how they try to portray a few backpacks "full of food" as if it's enough to feed everyone.
Yea my guess is season 3 will culminate in Randall's turning to slave or creature and Fatima's baby being a kind of changeling
Yeah she's up to shady stuff, I don't think she's a monster though. Probably just some puppet for the forest again, its taken human forms before.
If she's my gf she wont harm me, we'll just cuddle in a meadow under the moonlight. After I fix her there will be kissing as well, when her mouth stops smelling of death.
>that thing hasn't been used since season 1.
yes because the creatures destroyed it
Yes, I do. It's not something you even get a history lesson on i the south until you're in middle school. I was born and raised in GA and the first time I saw Stone Mountai was a field trip in 6th grade. For someone in Maine, farrrrr away from the events it's even weirder to be something to teach a 7 year old
You're taking those reddit upvotes a little too seriously.
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Yes I do agree they're purposefully taking alot of creative liberty with it all specifically so no one can pin it down in a satisfactory manner
it's written by Hollywood city people. They don't know this stuff. that's why they brought back the greens on the carrots too instead of ripping it off. or look at the huge slab of beef the fat cyclops cooked in episode 2.
I wish the episodes were longer. Some have like a 40 minute runtime, unfortunate.
Boyd repaired it
it's the roots of the tree in the road. someone uprooted it which caused the electromagnetic magic to go havoc and move the town around and trap people
it means the hack writers wanted their own the ring moment and it will amount to nothing and be forgotten like boyds parkinson
Who's gonna repair Boyd? :(
Sara's sarussy
tiny Elgin
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Hole in feeling = tear in the fabric of reality
Roots = roots of different world trees merging in the void
I learned about it in elementary in Michigan. My father talked about it a lot too. Sorry your schools and parents suck.
It's OK for a directorial debut. Competently made film but it's not exciting, it's not scary, and the very little that you see of the monsters is a disappointment.

I think Shyamalan's other kid who starred in and made music for Trap is the better nepobaby at this time.
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Because i have a family i wouldnt voluntarily join BUT if it was just me absofuckinlutely. I'd mollywhop Kenny and take over his spot and basically just be Boyds muscle. I'd really technically be in charge but I'd let him be the figurehead. I'd clean up the bodies, I'd keep people in line, I would make those who live in the town join my daily work-out regimen, I would implement emergency plans for when the shit hits the fan, I'd put together a committee for gathering and sharing intel, and if there was ever a food shortage I would lead a raid against colony house to steal their supplies and possibly cannibalize them.
A film that should be much better than it is. It's enjoyable at times. But there's a lot of stupid moments, a predictable twist and a godawful final act.
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Jesus, is he ever going to stop whining or not
you think the creators of the show will add your name in the credits of the episode that will reveal it ?
>knew all along: anon
They literally told Randal that the talismans 'didn't work that way' when he tried to use them outdoors. He clearly had some expectation that it would work but it didn't so there is more to it than just belief.

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