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que sera sera edition

prev >>204749806
que sera sera
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That's all that happened to him??
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Episode 5 was such an amazing experience.. questions are being answered like never before.. new mysteries are being revealed.. this season is crazy
When I was just a little boy
I asked my father, what will I be
Will I be happy, will I be rich
Here's what he said to me

Que Sera, Sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be

When I was just a little brat,i asked my teacher
What will i be?
Will i be a mess, will i have success
This is what he said to me

Que Sera, Sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be

When i grew up and fell in love
I asked my darlin' what should we be?
Will i be happy, will you be sad?
This is what you said to me.

Que Sera, Sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be

Que Sera, Sera
>um yes im actually a doctor
look at the horrible stitching
From too leaked trailer
No though cookie like him is best to break psychologically.
He will now be reminded forever about the time he pissed himself and his lovely friends left him. There's no hope for him
I guess we just have to accept...whatever will be will be
>There's no hope for him
He's literally the hero of the mathews now
Yea I guess that's true
i can't talk right now.
She's not a doctor, is she? She's like an intern or something.
Sounds like fate to me
40 yo intern. the state of america...
she was a pediatric doctor, then a nurse, depending on the episodes
Such a lust for revenge
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I don't know. I don't pay attention to her at all.

Autismo Jade is back, bros.
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If she was able to bring back ONE item to the town what should it have been
he was hotter with shorter hair and less clothing
>>204754466 #
I learned about the Civil war in Elementary School. I am from Michigan and my father talked about it a lot too. Sorry your schools and parents suck...
her black dildo
>less clothing
its winter you retard
I miss the parts of season 1 where Jim and Jade were working together trying to figure shit out
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Jade and Tabitha are the teamup now. Jim just...Jims.
What does he even do this season?
a phone

but for real: a huge long rope so it leads out

anyone seen that show btw? the rope. similar mystery vibes
talks on the phone for a second
he jimed he jimed hard like no other could jim as hard as jim jimed
Went with Kenny to look for Tabby and found food.
BASED Jade is the only man with balls left in fromville
Boyd is buckbroken, Randall is soon to be buckbroken, Kenny is emo, Victor will be too preoccupied with his daddy, Jim is pussywhipped and an active hinderence to plot progression

Only Jade is asking questions and getting answers. Jadechads rise up.
yell at his retard son and do a funny comedy bit:
>"Ok Tabitha you can go hug trees or whatever but only if Ethan stays with me"
>the next scene that has Ethan is him leaving the house with a stranger
This show might be dogshit, but I'm always impressed by the gore
Put the motel in a tree
Cutting off any limbs would stretch the vfx budget too much
I was pretty surprised they actually showed the little girl with her innards ripped out. Usually they conveniently skirt around that kind of thing.
Have YOU ever actually seen one of those monsters kill someone
in one of the first episodes there were two fully naked people fucking on the couch in commie house and ever since not even half a nipple
>epix vs mgm
I'll take epix.
>Once the Picts adopted Gaelic culture and their actual characteristics faded out of memory, folkloric elements filled the gaps of history. Their "sudden disappearance" was explained as a slaughter happening at a banquet given by Kenneth MacAlpin (an international folklore motif) and they were ascribed with powers like those of the fairies, brewing heather from secret recipes and living in underground chambers.
Yup, solved.
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what the fuck is his problem
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Imagine if he appeared in the s5 cliffhanger, saving everyone and bringing freedom to Fromville.
the fanbase of this show is on average a 34 years old housewife, the explanation cannot be rooted in some esoteric obscure mythology, it has to be something the normiest of normies can understand
He finds that pill from the movie he did limitless
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The two best characters.
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did they check the train tracks?
>clapping and waving around amidst victor's dead friends and family
>uses gus to distract boyd from getting home to keep his wife from going charles whitman
Fucker's evil, I'm telling you.
They'll explain it in the DVD commentary
>preview show victor goes to the tunnels with his dad, no sara
She's always getting cucked from storylines even though she's one of the most interesting characters.
They're clearly overgrown.
They've explored 0.0001% of interesting shit they've seen and just pretend every option has been exhausted so they keep going to the same 4 places every few minutes
Reminder that there is a giant spider kingdom in the woods but nobody cares.
I think more of them should go through the tree just to make sure they can't get out
why do you ask something that you already know the answer to?
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the great queen spiderrrrrr
The entire show make it seem clear they're in some kind of fantasy human vs demon realm and they just chill at home while trying to playing some cucked version of minecraft/harvest moon when they could be out demon slaying and using magic and shit.
Most of them would probably get teleported into the worst places imaginable so it would be a good way to cut the cast
Even if they get to the lighthouse the little boy wouldn't be on their side, and jumping out of the lighthouse might just kill you
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They tried to find it but Victor is probably the only person who can get there at this point
they got dragged who the hell knows where.
God, I hope they turn the demon pregnancy into some Roe v Wade soapboxing and turns From into the next culture war retardation.
Everyone collectively forgot about trying to kill the things huh
That's a discussion for another time.
Anon, the one idea they tried with the bile didn't work so what's the point of trying any more?
it's like they think they still think he is mc
Considering how slow the fromies are they could probably just decapitate them if they made a couple of swords.
They've subsequently been hit with a lot of distractions.
>the 3
>tabitha disappearing/boyd shot
>chen's murder
>food shortage
>cops show up and all that there
S2 was just last week in the show's timeline.
The Unseelie Court

>In Scottish folklore, fairies are divided into two courts: the Seelie Court (the benevolent fairies) and the Unseelie Court (the malevolent ones). The Unseelie Court is known for being cruel and mischievous, often harming humans for sport. They are believed to abduct people and lead them to their realm, where they may never return.

The Changeling

>A common belief in European folklore is that fairies would steal human babies and replace them with a changeling, a sickly fairy child. This was often used to explain developmental disabilities or other ailments in children. Families would sometimes go to great lengths to try to reclaim their stolen children, including various rituals to expose the changeling.

The Fairy Host

>The Fairy Host is a procession of fairies that travels through the land, often at night. Encountering this host could lead to dire consequences, such as being cursed or enchanted. It was believed that if a human were to join the host, they might be taken away to the fairy realm for years or even centuries.

Mischief and Retribution

>Fairies are often known for their mischievous behavior, which can quickly turn malevolent. They may cause illness, misfortune, or even death as retribution for perceived slights. This can include damaging crops, causing livestock to fall ill, or leading travelers astray.

The Cailleach and the Fearsome Fairies

>In certain Celtic traditions, the Cailleach, a goddess associated with winter and death, is linked to fairies. Some tales suggest that fairies are her minions, and they can bring about harsh winters or disasters as a form of punishment.
An iron fire poker
because the writers lurk here
what did they mean by this?
That fatima and ellis have a very high opinion of themselves.
Neanderthal cave paintings
Who do you think reads that book series A Court of Thorns and Roses??
>Henry meets his son for the first time in 50 years
>Lets both go into the tunnels
If they kill Henry, I swear to God...
>worms were already in the town with sara despite never coming into contact with the chained up hobo
>boyd gets worms from the chained up hobo
>forest nymphs get pissed that he brought the worms back into town and killed one of the monsters
>Boyd gets cursed and has to destroy the music box despite the forest telling him that really bad shit will happen
>All of the worms are magically gone despite being around before the boyd shizo arc
>None of the really bad shit the forest warned about has happened
>Everyone has since unanimously chose to never mention any of this ever again
>Nobody ever stops to think "Hey maybe we should double check the situation regarding those fucking worm things"
There is no way they're all gone, it's actually shocking how quickly all the characters stopped caring about the literal magic worms. I guess we're fucking with cicadas now so maybe those will be some way of killing the things.
it's be a sacrificial moment saving Victor, if it happens at all, but it won't be this early.
Honestly, not a single fuckin nerd has thought to try and throw some iron at something yet or burn one
They've never thought to use ACTUAL silver bullets
I am just worried he will be the one to die in Episode 8.
Fatima’s baby is a changling and will die but then later a monster will see her and call her momma
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This season is amazing.
Sara didn't have worms, retard.
Well, she has butt worms anyway
She had the worm mind curse but not the blood
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>”why would a little kid be drawing the civil war soldiers that I saw?”
>”the pictures came from the stories his mother used to tell”
>”I thought the pictures were dreams, but they were all real”
Solved. It’s all from victors head
the cicadas are the new worms at this point
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Now that trad wife ghoul is gone do we have a new favorite brapper?
The worms became the cicadas. They are still lingering in the plot. Julie's comments and everything with Randall indicates they are very much still in play.

Remember that season 2 was a week ago and they were dealing with the food shortage, Tabitha, and the ambulance shit.
The stories his mother used to tell were also about the town so she's actually patient zero
this isnt the 19th century. there is no train coming
Plus it is snowing in Fromville for the first time anyone present there was alive.
Bro nobody had ever been in the forest for decades before Boyd showed up
>s3 ends
>a whole fucking amtrak train full of people arrive
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>nobody has thought to try and move the tree
like you guys have pretty much made minimal progress, just try it
If the monsters/entity was smart it'd stop focusing on buckbreaking Boyd and realize Jade is the true threat. When bad shit happens to the other character it just fucks them up but bad shit happens to Jade it just fuels his autism even more.
It should be fucking scared of him.
they wont pull a mist ending. they just wont.
Victor literally has a map of the whole fucking place, including the lighthouse.

Boyd is like Miranda and Tabitha. Bad case of main character syndrome.
Last seconds of the finale will zoom out camera and show that they've been in Victor's brain the entire time, and Victor's been hook up to some futuristic machine.
I live in Dartmouth and around April last year a bunch of the streets were closed off for filming, I had no idea till now they were filming Tabitha's scenes I didn't bother checking the news to see what was going on
and the motel magically materialize?
That would unrionically make me laugh
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can the monsters get in if you have a talisman in it? could you roll around town at night knocking over the forest NPCs
>plane crash
lmao they'll just roll you around
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a plane crashes
She came in with one...hasn't removed it yet

I'd be the guy that makes things worse, because I'd have already spent a whole day siphoning gas and walking out onto the woods setting imas much on fire as I could
He made soup and then spilled it.
It's the Abstergo thing from Assassin's Creed lmfao what if
I'd imagine it would be like boyd and sara's tent. They'd spend the night playing volleyball with you.

Besides, Kristi says if the talisman falls, you're fucked. So it has to stay mounted somewhere.
>plane mind
Nah, I think the theory it'll end with daylight disappearing is probably legit. Victor will starting notice the nights are longer or something. Fromville probably moved to the arctic circle, hence the cold.
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>Victors mom tells victor stories not knowing he has powers to create worlds with his thoughts
>victor starts manifesting the stories into the seed of a pocket dimension subconsciously
>victors mom makes contact with the pocket dimension on acid and eventually gets sucked into it
>She goes to save the kids in the tower because that’s how the story she told victor is supposed to go (cromenockle type hero’s journey but in this story the the hero is anghkooey)
>dies to monsters and now victor is stuck in his own creation alone with corrupted versions of stories, fairies and faraway trees and bottle traps and civil war era spooky tales
>other inter dimensional forces find the dimension and set up shop like a pest infestation
>the government finds out about this and sends people from all over the world into from land in the hope that one of them can put an end to the dimension and prevent it from spilling out into the real world
Would be a lot fucking colder than it is
This would fucking suck and ruin it all
If its just perpetually rolling around it will technically be hanging
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Realistically how could the monsters even respond
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Jesus, is he ever going to stop whining or not
>>Victors mom tells victor stories not knowing he has powers to create worlds with his thoughts
No but she was telling victor about what she was hearing, the town existed before victor was told the stories unless you want to turn the whole plot into a time travel thing again
>As long as the music from the box plays, you're safe, but you have to hurry while it's playing.

> A couple episodes later

>Oh, forget it.

I hate this fucking show
>dead dad
>cucked by boyd and sara
>dead mom
cut him some slack bro
>pretends to be a cop
>people only gave him attention because his mom was based as hell and he was always just repeating whatever boyd said
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>diner scene
>all those extras that sit around the town doing nothing

Send them all into the tree
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The duality of gaylords
>If you don't stop the music bad things will happen
>No not like that
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You don't make the rules.

Depends on the time of year.
The two paramedics, Khatri, the coomer guy. Probably more that I forgot about.
>It doesnt work that way
>They couldn't touch him while he had the talisman
fuck you monster bitch
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>tfw the forest starts projecting images into everyone's showing my favorited hentai tags and jav codes
>didn't even watch the pilot
>You don't make the rules.
you're one of them
be honest

do you know anyone who watches this show? Or on that level, anyone who knows what epix/mgm is?
>the town existed before victor was told the stories
We don’t know if victors mom started hearing stuff before she told victors stories. There hasn’t been enough flashbacks or information. All we know is victors mom told him stories, and she started seeing fromville after taking acid. There’s no confirmed chronology of events
The season will end with a train whistle and a whole train of people show up in town. The next season will have a plane land on the tracks.
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>do you know anyone who watches this show?
No, and every time it is brought up in conversation people always respond with "from what?"
Just trying to think of theories that aren’t just fairies
>>dead mom
She wasn't dead in this scene. Thanks for the spoiler, asshole.
everyone knows father jeet is still alive
Is that the bunda lady?
I didn't get that either.

Why do they need so many extras who do nothing?

Just leave the ones who are actually characters. A busload of new people arrive in season two and that's more than enough.
We haven't seen the monsters psychologically fuck with someone in a little bit
I think we need another commie house purge, too many randos walking around
It's just not fair.
She will when I get through with her.
Yeah, I enjoy the show, but the need for all the dayplayers is dumb.
>weed out a bunch of wastes of budget and time with the colony massacre
>immediately replace them with a bus
You can spend that money better.
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I thought it was this one but she has different clothes so idk, random monster
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>Someone scrapes their knee
>*has a fucking breakdown*
I cried at this scene. Legitimately didn't think this retarded show would ever make me cry, but this shit did it.
>Living literally nowhere with nothing
>New clothes every day
>boyd finally fucking calls her on her bullshit in ep 2
I love the boyd flipping out scenes. Her and Ellis were my favorites so far. The cop needed a dressing down, but he was a little unfair.
>cut him some slack bro
no cuz he was a whiny faggy bitch from the very beginning
Just watched the latest episode. I thought it was quite good. It was a little uneventful, but the writing was much much better than it usually is, and seems to be setting the show to be way more focused moving forward. People actually told people about stuff.
whoever claimed that From was like the watchers is a complete dumbass
I'm convinced now that it isn't faeries
So fucking tired of this bloated old hag. Boyd did the right thing trying to catch the animals to ensure they had food to survive, but this cunt had to complain because one person died.
I don't know if they've already dropped it, but there's left-right political sub theme going on with colony house vs the town.
No shit. I don't know why people feed that troll.
Jade is John Locke, man of faith to Boyd's Jack/man of science from Lost. Jade has a connection to Fromville and the show will be about Boyd realizing they are there for a reason, and then Boyd will be the hero at the end.
The final season will have a cruise ship arrive in the swimming pool.
They only get paid like $8/hour. Apparently being an extra is more of a hobby for people my dad used to do it for the walking dead.
the talisman needs to be hanging by the entrance
no way you could keep one upright in a zorb
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what's she up to nowadays
Before that it shows the captain and then first mate enters the bridge.
>sir there is a tree in the way
>a flock of seagulls start swooping in menacingly
>They only get paid like $8/hour.
>x10 on screen
>it takes roughly an hour to shoot 1 min of screentime
That's money that could be better spent.
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>townsfolk hear a horn in the distance
>Donna starts to have a panic attack and starts screaming about family
>Boyd is black
>Everyone makes their way towards the tracks
>15 car train carrying 200 jeets slowly creeps to a halt
>32 jeets get killed by the train before it fully stops
>camera zooms out
>Shows everyone's faces
>Boyd is still black
>Jade says "My team..."
Kek, Kino.
>32 jeets get killed by the train before it fully stops
I'll explain later
>do you know anyone who watches this show?
I tried to make my friend watch an episode on my twitch stream
>mfw he logged out of all platforms 15 mins in
>Over one hundred jeets die in the first night trying to rape the female monsters
Useless eaters.
The spin off will have a cruise ship sail into the lake
Actually love Boyd, not sure if it's how the character is written, or it just how he plays him or even if it's intentional or not, but the way this supposedly cliche stoic selfless authority figure character archetype every once in a while breaks down in histerics like a 15 year old girl is such a breath of fresh air for a show like this.
I don't get the hate, that mythology is pretty interesting and not the same old stories with a different lemon garnish that I've seen a million times before. Especially if they go even deeper into it.
they just want to get out man
They organise the orgies
>Donna and friends go off on a boat
>It is called Fear the From
Aww cute waitress Julie.
She won't have an asshole for them to live in by the time I'm finished
>trying to
Anon, rape is like the one thing they are good at. There is no try.
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>Spinoff called Young Victor
It will ramp up for the cliff hanger finale
But who was Motel
Hey guys I'm starting to think that this season is going to end in a massive cliffhanger that barely answers anything that was just shown
Surely they won't do it again right?
Could be kino desu
Figuring out how to be more like Kristi so she can seduce Kenny into his death
this time we'll get answers
you'll see
What do you think the screaming/music box/worm mindrape torture of 3 thing is about
We can talk about this later
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Based. Bottoms up.
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I'm a firm believer in john locke showing up theory
imagine the flurry of slashes, guts and limbs flying in the air
Steve Piezcenik has been real quiet these past couple of years
That is to be expected, I was just more commenting on how much more cohesive the episode was. It was probably one of, if not most cohesive episodes in the series, with a clear direction (hopefully). The bottles, symbol, and tree will hopefully be elaborated on in some interesting way, and hopefully Boyd will be involved because the town has been accusing him of inaction.
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The movie will have a Space X ship land in town
Being tortured to death by monsters is tame because you die after. every so often, the entity demands 3 sacrifices, and it steals their souls to be tortured in a hellish nightmare forever
what are we exactly? Are we Frommers? From Bums? Fromcels?
Elon walks out, starts talking about Neuralink
It's a good role for him. I really enjoy him and Jade both in this
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Hope it's Desmond desu.
this show is literally LOST all over again. they're just making shit up on the whim.
>not ghost Christian
And you're blackpilling?!
Omletté du Fromáges
Tell me what LOST didn't answer right now
>Boyd hears a boat in the distance
>A man is slowly crawling ashore
>"Herro? Herro?"
>"...I'm Rost™"
>/tv/ is keeping MGM+ alive
Frombots? Fromboners? Fromites? Fromians?
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>you wanna try to trap one of those things? YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT, YOU'RE GOING TO PUT PEOPLE IN DANGER, HOW DARE YOU?
>you don't want people to step through teleportation trees? YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT, YOU AREN'T TRYING TO DO ANYTHING TO HELP PEOPLE!

this was like two episodes apart. i hate this faggot so much. he's done literally NOTHING for 3 seasons except impregnate that ugly tranny. just kill him off already, we all know he's going to die in this show.
You think I'm paying for this?
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>I tell you, honey, if we just sit here like this, no one will notice us.
They teased us with the stab. Maybe his baby will kill him at the finale
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>umm mr musk sir you are not going to believe this

>Fatima has twins confirmed
Elgin and Julie as the final two.
I call you fromfriends in my head. Never said it in a post yet.
Isn't it made by some of the same people?
it's ellis and fartima though
top kek

>Turn the ship around and we'll go another way
>Hold on, that cloud looks the same as the cloud back there...
>Land in that town and ask for directions
>Propulsion systems hit the spike strip still in the road that Lenny left in Season 1
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Forgot this
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>We're Fromily
>Propulsion systems hit the spike strip still in the road that Lenny left in Season 1
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are they inside the bermuda triangle
fuck off kenny is tops
No that would be dumb
This is clearly a government conspiracy, I'll explain when we get there
nigga that's season 5 material

basically we can go though all transportation types, than we mix up colors n shit. this is a gold mine
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>faster than ghouls
>stronger than ghouls
>smarter than ghouls
>has more sex than ghouls
>plays tony hawk pro skater better than ghouls
>steals blurays instead of vcrs
The whole origin story of the monster and jacob makes absolutely no sense, or is inconsistent
sucking ghoul dick obviously, they have to get it on
Grab a cerveza, you can have any brew you want as long as it's corona.
I rewatched it and I thought he went to the heart of the island himself but Jacob just threw him into it for no reason
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>oops sorry for shooting one of your colony hippies lol
What will Julie's photo reveal next episode?
Prime milkers
Do the monsters have loving families?
Woopsie! Hehehe
Never apologize for shooting hippies.
her mooning the audience
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S1E01, the Sun isn't real
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I don't know anymore
That stupid ghost in white Elgin keeps seeing
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schizo time
oy vey
Bros, what free ai video generator makes the kino?
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-drone shot, camera tracks white RV
-suddenly there's no more cars on the road
-camera lingers on woods for a second as RV goes out of frame
-cut to Julie doing a puppet show for Ethan

Norman, you're gonna be okay.
The secret fairies are on their way back from the Lake of Tears.
They're gonna fix you! No.
The monster's claws went too deep.
Tell my friends I'll miss them.
Tell my parents I said goodbye.
Norman! Norman! No, please! You're my best friend! Please, please, Norman, no! But the fairies are coming from the Lake of Tears, right? They're gonna make him better.
Sorry, buddy.
Norman's dead, and when you're dead, you're gone.
Bring him back! You have to bring him back! Yeah.
Sometimes, life is hard, kid.

The forest influenced her to tell this story and program / prep Ethan. If the two puppets represent him and his best friend, that could be Victor passing the torch to Ethan.
>4 chins
no wonder she is popular with yall
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I'm just happy. This is my first general thread. I hope you had a good day and the world gets better. And I hope the missiles stop falling on us someday.
Wait so this was all Julie's fault?
when was the last time Boyd rang the bell?
Last air alert was a couple hours ago.
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What kind of panties do you think she was wearing?
we'll discuss this later
her breasts are of more importance as of now
The eldtritch gods took partial control of her mind as soon as they crossed the barrier and went into the loop. Maybe it's foreshadowing for what happens to her in the tower with the complete mindrape. The next scene makes this clear where Julie's headphones are all staticky and they end up at the tree in the middle of the road.
I genuinely didn’t know mgm+ existed before this show. There’s no way there’s a single person who’s subscribed to it
I mean the next scene makes it clear that they're already inside fromville as she's doing the puppet show
did you watch it?
the watchers was really not good at all
that shill better not be indian
>Elgin mysteriously disappears for another 4 episodes
>when he shows up again, a character finds him passed out in a shoddily-constructed goon cave with a comically-muscular forearm
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because father Katri did a funeral procession and prayed for the souls of the first family that was killed, they actually had peace and didn't haunt people
He can be like that guy from twin peaks s3 with the gardening glove and punch the ghouls to death.
killing Katri was a mistake
>Jeets get eventually killed off during the rape surge
>Townfolk start falling ill due to the stench of fecal matter after the jeets are killed.
>Creatures begin to avoid the place where the jeets died.
someone halfway important had to die in the colony house massacre
mgm is owned by amazon.
essentially mgm has a blank check to make whatever they want.
idk about subscribers but you can subscribe via amazon. HOWEVER, I'm pretty sure they had from for free a while ago, not sure if it's free now.
should have been Ellis and Fatima they're useless
>townfolk catch on and start shitting everywhere
>closeup of donna blasting mad dumps
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" Hey! You know there's a name for what those crows did back there, when they all, like, got in a group like that? It's called a murder.
What? No, it's not.
Yeah, it is.
It's called a murder of crows.
'Cause when they gather like that, it means they're looking for a victim.
And if you see them doing it, then you're the one they murder.
Shut up.
You're making that up.
I'm not.
Once they see you, they won't stop hunting you.
And one night when you're sleeping, they'll come into your room and crawl under your sheets, and they'll peck at your face - Stop it! - And your eyes - Stop it! - And your ears.
Hear me out
Sacrifice fatima just to see what happens
this is true, we will discuss this in the next thread
sacrifice her just for the heck of it
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now if the crows are the fae during daytime...
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what did he mean by that
Hear me out
Sacrifice Fatima just because she is brown and stinky
Her breasts have not left my mind this entire time. Even when I'm thinking about something else it's something else involving her breasts.
she's actually one of the prettiest girls in the show
I don't know why /tv/ is always shitting on her so much
yeah her character kinda does suck, but she's still a baddie
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I for one think Persians are SEXO
>I don't know why /tv/ is always shitting on her so much
I don't either but I've been doing it for so long I just keep going out of habit.
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>Sunset found the jeet squatting in the new patch of grass, groaning. Every patch was browner than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the monsters came up and caught him, he was shitting brown water. The more they stab him the more he shat, the more he shat, the more they stabbed
Julie is the hottest and nobody is close
julie is a close third place
>we're out of cowmilk
>enter donna
>not anymore we're not
It's scientifically factually proven because women can start lactating when they are around other women who are prenant. Fatima's demon baby will ironically save the town.
Not to bolster the fae fag, but there was curiously a crow in the tunnels when Tabitha and Victor were down there.
>donna walks up with a fistful of vague paste
>at least they brought food with them
Eaten by rats too
satellite phone with gps
>Cow dies because the jeets start raping them
I saw a webm posted here yesterday and that will not stop them.
why does nobody have a phone
They do. They just curiously don't use them
>no reception
But they still have cameras and shit.
might as well use it to hammer nails
Kinda useless without any access to service
In the show's time, yesterday
You could take pictures of the things you see. The monsters. Pretty sure some photos of the cave drawings might be of interest to Jade. They can help make maps.
anyone baking?
I can get it
They are captured under a truman dome. soon they will force the days to be shorter like in hunger games
Who you gonna call? Invisible man, sleeping in your bed.
all you
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unironically a high quality working drone with long battery life with camera and laptop to scout the area and take images
Ahe should have brought back a predator drone
almost done
Say that to my gigs of porn.
I wouldn't want to disrespect it
I wish that they still had the box and used it several times a season. It could have tied in to them unknowingly participating in a ritual of giving the forest/creatures sacrifices and they don't realize until it's too late
>train shows up in town
>arthur promptly robs it
>ends up with a giant sack of shit
I would think with all the rune stuff, monsters, electrical wizardry, totems, portal trees, cave paintings, visions...like somebody might try to do SOME kind of magic ritual
Seriously, what the fuck was going on with that scene
>Ethan clearly wants to know where the tree is
>He's done stupid shit like run off before
>"Oh I'll just leave him unsupervised and trust he doesn't go looking for them in the woods"
Jim is doing nothing this season
It is pretty lame ngl.
Julie's fat milkers
New Thread
Get your answers
>because father Katri did a funeral procession and prayed for the souls of the first family that was killed, they actually had peace and didn't haunt people
only named/relevant characters get to haunt people.
I wish that the people would accept that things are clearly supernatural, and start thinking about mythology and different methods to try
>We know that a gun won't work
>What about silver? What about wooden stakes, what about fire, ect
>We know the talismans keep them at bay, why has no one tried writing the symbols on the side of houses or carving them into the ground, ect
>Do other symbols work, would a cross repel them?
Like I want to see them experiment even if it leads to failure. Instead we just see them refusing to try anything
Any theory involving the government is fucking stupid, because there's no chance they wouldn't at least have one agent on the inside trying to figure things out
Fromville outlets and cords are not compatible with normal ones. Everyone's devices run out of charge shortly after arrival in town.

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