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Trying to Google Anything from this Show Edition

Some Extra:

Previous: >>204761038
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>see martin kept alive for years by worms
>feel worms operate super slowly on himself
>oh, I'll just go up to this monster cause the worms will kill it immediately
Seriously, how did he know?
he didnt bro he needed to purge his blood
>purge blood by giving it to monster
>monster kills you
>ellis dies
His plan hinged on the monster dying.
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Watch out Anon-kun, the fairies are coming to get you.
theyre not fairies
Juliesimps going to become cucks soon
Why did he start rizzing Sara up the minute he met her but play so hard to get with Julie?
Can't become a cuck if I quit the show, the moment they even hint at it.
Her tits arent even that good
did you watch the newest episode?
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What if you do feel better if you come outside
disagreed, I think they're fantastic
though I agree with the notion that her bum gets too little credit in all of this
Which character has the highest IQ, Jade or Boyd?

Yes they are.
They really aren't, theyre pathetic
Well, Jade. He wrote complex quantum computing algorithms. Boyd's talents lie in leadership and setting up ragtag operations.
The worms are the dumbest shit in the show for me so far.
Anybody else feel like the cop is a plant? She cuffs Tabitha to the amberlance, allows the 2 paramedics to go into a potentially dangerous situation, leaves Tabs and Henry defenseless, shoots one of the town residents "by accident", and will likely soon start challenging Bixnoyd for dominence. Shes an agent sent in to escalate the tension
Apparently, Donna IS the mole, and her sister isn't dead, and she's going to be a recurring villain in the future seasons.

It's the same actress in the photo, too. She sent Donna into Fromville, while she stays outside. One inside, one outside.
That wasn't even part of the plan. His plan was to get rid of the worms so he could save Ellis.
Nigga, how was he going to get back inside if the monster didn't die?
Plot armor, the same way he frequently goes outside at night without dying. How'd they get Randall back inside?
they walk, just go for a run nigga like dont be slow n shit
He was surrounded.
He had a clear path to the door. He literally tells the whole audience his plan: give the worms to a monster. The worms didn't kill him, he had no reason to believe it would kill them. It was an accident.
He didn't try to go to the door. He raised his knife and slowly backed away from Smiley. I guess he figured that the monsters would slash at him if he turned and ran.
Cowboy hat was a good 10+ feet away. He had a clear path over the bushes to the door when Smiley started twitching.

He didn't plan on the monster dying.
Then why didn't he run for the door? Watch the clip on YouTube, he just stays there and accepts his fate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHS7blshZaw
He was entranced by Smiley dying, just like the monsters. He didn't plan on it.
He was staying put before Smiley started dying.
I hate Boyd
Smiley started dying 3s later.
Hello, Randall.
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Will the Cromenockle have ANY relevance to the overall mystery whatsoever, or did the writers already drop it?
Is Teacup any better of a show?
Why does a children's story have to have major relevance?

You may as well say the dropped Julie's story about the crows.
im still cheesed off that this was the big deal that the actors were talking about before the episode aired. Thats how i know nothing significant will happen in this next episode either. Nothing ever happens
Yeah. If anything does happen, it'll be the final scene and glossed over in the next ep.

Supposedly a beloved character dies.
>Why does a children's story have to have major relevance?
It's a fictional story made entirely for the show. They obviously wanted there to be some parallels between Cromenockle's quest and what happens in Fromville, which would also make Ethan a somewhat more interesting character. The Cromenockle was referenced heavily in seasons one and two... now nothing.
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No. For mystery series The Devil's Hour is the best you're going to get this year.
Teacup just blew its mystery wad in its 4th episode. I'm actually enjoying the series a lot but the path to the end looks pretty clear now. I'd recommend it regardless, it will probably only be one season since it's based on a book.
I think, if anybody significant, it will be Ellis. Its either him or Fatima dying giving birth. But i see them needing her for the baby storyline. And Harold Perineum said its something that scares him personally so I imagine its the thought of losing a child.
I'm 95% sure the FROM writers lurk these threads.

They want to see the theorizing and make sure they stay one-step ahead of the audience. The FROM Reddit is dogshit, the only good discussions happen here.

This means that what we say might actually influence the show.
doubled checked.
I just want a fun and scary show not so much human drama!
>The Cromenockle was referenced heavily in seasons one and two... now nothing.
It's almost as if Ethan has gone full doomer and doesn't believe in childhood fairy tales anymore after his mom disappeared and chinese fake aunt lady got butchered.
I think it's gonna be Ethan, desu, and it's going to somehow come back on Boyd. Supposedly everyone blames each other.

Plus it gets them out of the bind of a kid growing quickly. His voice is already starting to deepen a little.
It’s foreshadowing that they are trapped inside a story
I think that Tabitha will not have a full nudity sex scene.
If tomorrow morning you got Fromed (saw the fallen tree) and entered the town right now after episode 5, what would you do?

I'd conduct experiments using objects dropped into far-away trees to discern any pattern to their teleportation. I'd also have Jade help me build a flamethrower tank out of old vehicles. Slap a talisman in that baby and go to town mowing down monsters and running them over.

I'd ensure that each day would be spent securing supplies and exploring and mapping the area. Once the lighthouse is found, all you have to do is drive the tank there.

Boom, I'm the hero.
I kill Boyd and cuck the monsters
Teacup has one big human drama plotline and maybe one minor, but most of the focus is on the crisis at hand. The characters are essentially put on a timer earlier in the series so it's always pretty tense and scary compared to From where you know that there are always talisman houses to retreat to.
Anyways I think it's pretty good.

Good luck getting Victor to tell you anything about the faraway trees unless you're a white boy-seer
Things we haven’t seen yet from paintings and drawings
>the man in yellow
>the shadow people/person
>the Siamese twins
>the pilgrims
>The giant spider
>The one eyed thing
>The green teeth monster
I'd want to see her plant her dumper on top of my face
So who in Fromville is secretly Victor's mom. You know she's getting asspulled into the story at some point.
Create a central depository of knowledge. Encourage everyone to share what they've discovered. Give everyone the tools they need to solve the mystery.
I'd set up some group experiments. Set up some fires at intervals along the road and have people in town watch the smoke. See exactly where/how the looping works.
More forest expeditions!
Test the limits of the monsters' strength. Build a net. Block off the cave entrance.
Tabitha is Miranda from a different dimension
>You know she's getting asspulled into the story at some point.
She's so important to the mythos that there is no doubt she will appear, but I don't think she's anyone currently in the town.

There will be some major ass pull, like her having gone through time after originally going through the tree to save the children and arriving in modern Fromville--or at least something on that level of corniness.
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>Encourage everyone to share what they've discovered.
It's already a meme that they never do this, but they do need SOMEONE to put their foot down and get everyone to share their knowledge.

Victor already has this map, with numbers that could correspond to numbers from the bottle tree. But do we know for sure? Of course not, people are too retarded to actually believe Victor.--who has been in the town since he was a kid and knows more than anyone.

What do we make of his map and numbers anyway?
I think it's his sister. There was no real reason for the writers to include her otherwise
lmao you'd die on your first night and Donna would cry that she can't keep watching people die before Tabitha takes everyone's attention away by having a dream that she thinks might be important
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it can't be that bad
there's crows and spiders at least
>Jim and family show up
>Nights without incident: -1
Why did they choose From as a title? Its pretty hard to find something related of the show with such a generic name. Should have called it Fromville or Lost People
Sorry m8, but investigating and trying to get solutions is not allowed in Fromville, you'll have Boyd screaming at your face telling you to stop doing stuff in no time.
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Show jumped the shark when he died. Lets be real here.
If they are reading here please add some naked Donna scene
one trick pony
That creepy old woman
The show really needs an antagonist
Lost had Benjamin but now without red boy From lacks any interesting antagonist
>ow'd they get Randall back inside?
Because the monsters let them obviously, they want him to receive treatment and survive to cause chaos
Can Randall fly if he jumps?
>Good luck getting Victor to tell you anything about the faraway trees unless you're a white boy-seer
He tells Tabitha, too. People kind of ignore that the whole town seemed to treat Victor like shit except for Donna who for some reason thought she was entitled to his peaches.
I really hope Randall does some heroic shit in the end.

Let's remember, Randall was always one of the first people to volunteer to help others (such as Jim's house collapse).

Randall has a bad attitude, but he clearly has good intentions. I really hope they don't turn him into a villain.
>fromville turned her from a white 9yo girl to a columbian
They didn't know that when they went out.
I sure they highly suspected it, otherwise they wouldn't have left him alive on the hood of a car right by colonyhouse
>they totally won't use a body to lure us out to attack us
It's not as if they didn't just fucking do that with the ambulance.
fair point, but then again, colonyhouse is tall, from the windows you could see how far away they are and as they don't move quickly judge how long you would have to grab Randall and bring him in
also you could consider the game they're playing with new residents different to the one they're playing with established residents
>the plot tree will move shit at random. Experimenting by throwing shit in there will do nothing because the plot demands it
>the monster are bulletproof, practically invincible, and strong enough to rip whatever materials you'll find to build a tank with. But a talisman mobile sounds neat for portable exploration.
>they said that the forest is a maze, and nightfall comes way too fast to explore the area
>more plot bullshit will happen and winter will kill your harvest and supplies
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>dressed up in a wannabe deputy sheriff halloween costume to try and keep town in order while taking care of dementia'd father
>dad dies because of some crazy bitch that Boyd refuses to put in the executive box
>that one cute nurse you liked rebounded back with gf of all people who got stuck in town and completely walled herself overnight
>mom gets killed because town was acting like retards while I was out gathering food for everyone
I look forward to seeing Kenny's neverending suffering more than any mystery ever being solved in this show
Kristi was always a dyke and engaged and he knew it, he was stupid to pine after her for so long.
His dad was pretty much dead already, Sara kind of did him a mercy.
The mom thing is awful.
I hope Kenny gets a happy ending.
I just love that out of all the dumb shows currently airing, /tv/ decided to watch the one I'm watching too
Besides Boyd will any Lost actor appear?
The place was created by kids stories
Kenny will eventually become the leader of the Fromsters
Then who was motel?
I would accept a Tania Raymonde wearing Fatima's clothes at colony house.

Perhaps the Cromenockle was just a way to establish that Ethan has an open mind and wild imagination, and as such is able to more easily relate to Victor, adapt to Fromville, and see the boy in white. Also it shows that Jim and Tabitha are decent parents when they try.

I think as far as stories go, Julie's fingerpuppets are more likely to be relevant to the overall plot.
>I look forward to seeing Kenny's neverending suffering more than any mystery ever being solved in this show
Yea I think people focus too much on the mystery. It's constant
>Nooo give us answers!! Why they don't explain everything to me?!
It's better to watch show to see how the characters cope with what shitty things are happening to them. MAybe they figure stuff out maybe not. It's not that important.
Motel was used to create new kids, they took women there
I think people focus too much on mystery because the cast is kinda ugly. Lost at least had enough charismatic and beautiful people to keep people focused on their problems
Nobody wants to see an ugly junkie dyke
>I just love that out of all the dumb shows currently airing, /tv/ decided to watch the one I'm watching too
The fun of the show comes from the shitposting. Somehow, the shitposting itself is better than the show.
that was bad direction but in paper his plan, while desperate, made sense
is made from fragments. like someone who read or heard what town might look like but nobody explained what motel is. just that there's sign that says motel there
That would not be a happy ending at all.
the major female roles are all fairly attractive though
Sara, Julie, Tabs, Kristi, Fatima, Trudy... all qts
>while I was out gathering food for everyone
Nice spin, ricecel. You volunteered to go with Jim to hunt for Tabitha. The food was just a lucky find.

You should have stayed home and protected your mom. It's your fault she's dead. KYS.
raw numbers, Jade, but Boyd is probably high up there

on the lower end of the spectrum, I say Tabitha and Victor
At this point, the writers are taking the piss with the mystery. There's still a list of things from the first season that have no answers and they just continue creating more questions with each episode. I feel that they are just making it up as they go and any real concrete answers will never satisfy what they've been building up to.

I think a good mystery is something that gives the audience clues to piece things together and come up with the answers even before they're revealed, but shows like westworld show that these type of writers hate it when that happens and would rather have something be completely unpredictable even if it makes zero sense than a satisfying answer
>Kristi Fatima
No they are gross
for you
>i can't figure it out so there are no answers
>No they are gross
you r gay
she's still alive in my heart
oh ok faggot
She's a junkie and probably going to be blacked. She's off the list.
Julie > Sara > Window Girl > Accosta > the rest
that makes her even hotter
Tabby is kinda hot.
Have some standards, coomer.
Fatima is the most attractive woman in the show.
All of the named roles for women except for Donna are at least reasonably attractive. Even Trudy despite her being kind of plump.
From what I recall the show was more or less planned according to some interview with the boyd actor.
Lots of the first season "no answers" stuff is actually stuff that's going on now. I mean lost of the new questions are actually to the old questions expanded.
Shes okay I just have latina burnout cause that's all there is where I live.
I wonder what kind of answers some are expecting. It's a fantasy show that doesn't try to hide that it's a fantasy show. Are they expecting some kind of scientific explanation for teleporting trees and magic amulets?

The answer is ultimately going to be a wizard did it. The mystery is who the wizard is.
I'm a Kenny Missle all the way
I just hope when all is said and done the shards of glass actually fit back together into some shape, and weren’t just random debris from A magic trash can
>The mystery is who the wizard is
the wizard WAS the guy chained in the tower (his tower to be precise) and the "evil" force that chained him is tapping his magic
I don't know. I guess if you go by these threads then it's CIA/government psyop or nuclear test zone type of stuff hehe
But whatever I'd just go with magic and fantasy/mythology stuff. If wizard(s) or competing wizards did it then that's fine.
Nah I'm just boring and can't bother to solve mysteries or whatever.
More interested in why instead of how everything is happening and I assume characters will find out why sooner or later. Assuming the show won't get cancelled before that. But you can guess parts of why, If it's right or wrong that couldn't be said yet.
Who was radio?
Who was phone?
>Sara, Julie, Tabs, Kristi, Fatima, Trudy... all qts
Whi no love for Marielle? She's literally the hottest living girl there.

The hottest girl was the one nailed to a tree by the monsters, I forgot her name though. Can't believe they killed off their hottest actress in a one-off episode.
Looks worse than basically all the monsters
>She's a junkie
WTF? She smokes weed sometimes, and that makes her a junkie? What about Jade not only smoking weed but also being drunk 24/7? Is he not a junkie too?
How do they even have a neverending supply od weed in Fromville? Do they grow their own chronic and I somehow forgot about it?
Sounds like you forgot about Dre
Julie's new theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CL6n0FJZpk
smoking that fromkush sounds like a good way to permanently fuck yourself up
>and that makes her a junkie?
>Is he not a junkie too?
Yes but I'm not looking to sleep with Jade.
Weed is great in a comfortable environment.

I personally can't imagine what getting blazed would do to my mind in Fromville. The paranoia would be off the fucking charts in that place.
Maybe you should invite the Fromsters in to have a blaze sesh and hash out your difference and become frieds?
that's what I'm saying
I'm a chronic weed smoker myself, but I would never blaze up in a place like Fromville
the "it's the only thing that keeps the voices away" was such a dumb copout only a Californian could come up with
I have a theory that the monsters from the forest want to free the people of the city. Like if you get killed, you'll go back to the real world. The monsters act as sanitarians destroying the guests who came to this place, bringing them back to their world.

It may not be that simple. Like monsters can protect people from the scarier things in the forest. Boyd went into the woods and found a much scarier thing. Maybe monsters work as a defense so people don't go too far into the woods.
>the "it's the only thing that keeps the voices away" was such a dumb copout
Kek. I'm glad I'm not the only pothead to think that was ridiculous.
Boyd's wife was definitely one of the psychos who tortured prisoners at Abu Ghraib.
So, Donna “protects” people from monsters, as she wants people to stay in that place. Donna is a servant of evil.

Maybe the monsters don't know what they're doing. They're just part of this place and have a function to get people out of this place.

Boyd serves evil, too, but he doesn't realize it. Boyd hears voices, but doesn't realize they are voices and doesn't realize he is doing someone else's will, just as the girl wanted to kill the boy without realizing what she was doing. This is why evil is constantly “talking” to Boyd, using his memories, his wife, and so on.
I think things might be a little different when there are actual monster voices outside the windows at night (plus all the legit mental illnesses living in Fromville probably brings on a person, especially a teenager).
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The solution is simple
It's all just a prank
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Holy shit. Someone tells Jade to sober up in the ep 6. trailer.

Has Jade been doing hard drugs or something?
The Matthews family is a spiritual reincarnation of Victor's family. Reincarnation can go back in time.
Dale should have been teleported to the middle of the pool, but because the trees moved, he was teleported in the concrete. That is why Victor measures the trees.
Are you fully aware of all the details of the show thus far? Cuz I would take my time and try to move the tree to keep going forward. Just to see what happens
Literally nobody has tried just putting the tree back where it was
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Julie offers Randall weed in the episode 6 promo. Alone. On the bus. Will the show really go there?
BUILT for BRC (Big Randall Cicadas)
>offer the paranoid, perpetually angry guy drugs
Great idea. Fucking junkie.
>offer the guy who needs to chill the fuck out chill the fuck out drugs
Might work
You'll feel better if you wake up. Abby was right
Why the fuck do girls have that disgusting line on their heads?
>drugs chill you out
Typical degenerate.
anon... are you talking about the part in her hair?
Yep. He really is, kek.
I think shes still alive in the real world. I think she got out and tried to tell people about the town and they put her in a mental institution. She might have tried to tell them about her husband but it was a different time, so the doctors may have just assumed she was delusional, committed her, and maybe even lobotomized her. N
Idk, it sounds stupid, but then again most of the stuff in this show does
Isn't that what weed is literally known for
Is there an unedited version of the pic? How do they know what the numbers correspond to?
Also, how do the bottles help you to travel exactly? They are all up there simultaneously. Is someone supposed to pull one down and then go thru the tree? Because thats never been a thing as far as I'm aware
He arrived fucked up on acid or something. And hes been drinkin nonstop
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I hope this show turns out to be as good as Dark in the end.

Dark managed to make its time travel shenanigans make somewhat logical sense, so Fom writers should be able to make a cohesive narrative like Dark.
Ok but where is the Motel
If they want to free the people then why did Martin say the monsters were the tip of the spear? I don't think they were talking about others mobs
Its sounds like some dumb shit the thots her age would say when i was a teen. They think it sounds cool
Actually sounds right on par for policewomen

I'm confused about the asian lady behind Boyd in the diner last episode, I thought the only chinese in town were Kenny's family.
>as good as Dark in the end.
so a total retconned shitshow with a more than underwhelming ending that was both unimaginative and an insult to the potential it had in the first season?
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and now in s3 he's trying to solve the mystery of the symbol
Her bra is definitely doing a lot of heavy lifting
Nope. Hopefully Randall throws her out. Junkies are liabilities. Just look at what happened to Colony House.
They are terrible parents
Dropped it after the 4th episode.
Because after looking up info, it seems they intend to stretch the story out over multiple seasons. I just have no tolerance for the every episode is a cliff hanger meme anymore.
Summaries seem kinda boring, desu.

Episode 6: Scar Tissue

Fatima and Ellis make a big decision about her pregnancy; Boyd fears for the future of his family; Tensions rise in the Matthews house; Randall opens up to Marielle about his fears.

Episode 7: These Fragile Lives

The edges begin to fray as concerns about Fatima's pregnancy deepen; Jade follows a clue trail into the forest; Julie and Randall seek a bit of normalcy.

Episode 8: Tresholds

Accusations start flying and truths come to light in the aftermath of a tragedy; Victor struggles to recover long-buried memories about the town's past; Julie and Ethan search for answers about the mysterious ruins in the woods.
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The white clawed monster
>aftermath of a tragedy
Whats it gonna be Frombros?
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Seen eating yellow. Ethan’s yellow coat, Fatima’s yellow sweater, victors yellow sheet fort. And the man in yellow. The enemy of the white clawed creature perhaps?
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Could just be a monster.
Fatima probably dies and we're supposed to care for some reason.
That thing has one eye
>Accusations start flying and truths come to light in the aftermath of a tragedy
Boyd takes away Fatima's abortion rights and commiehouse accidently burns itself down trying to riot
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Probably means nothing. For an "artist", Miranda was pretty shitty at art. Victor is better.
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>does literally nothing for 3 seasons except smoke, drink, impregnate bitches, and have fights with his dad

and when he inevitably dies they really expect us to feel some kind of sympathy for him. shitty writing 101.
He saves the Matthews family on their first day.
>Fatima probably dies and we're supposed to care for some reason.
Nah, it'll be more dramatic. Baby monster rips open fatima from the inside, leaps out, slits Ellis' throat, then runs into the woods like the xenomorph in Alien to become a new type of evil hunting them.
That wouldn't lead to blame and accusations. One leaker fag said Jade kills her when she tries to go through the tree or some shit. Probably BS, but interesting to say the least.
Calling it now, Fatima starts to go all monster and to complete the transformation she'll kill him in the season finale in some hacky dramatic scene we'll all just be expected to give a shit about. That or he'll have to make some big dramatic decision/sacrifice to save Fatima/their child, and the writers will be equally confused as to why no one gives a fuck.
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That will be the ultimate buckbreak for Boyd. They've been messing with him since her wife's death
No, but I think most of the townspeople are being manipulated by voices/phonecalls that they just never talk about, like the main cast. We just aren't shown any of it. I think one or more of the townspeople are actively working with the monsters/forest entity thing either intentionally or without even realizing it.
I would rape julie
Started watching season 3. So, it's actually about what happens when the Russians come into your city.
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>"from what"
>"wtf is epix?"
>"wtf is mgm+? I only have netflix and hulu. What other shows do they have?"

It's an uphill battle
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>her wife
Randall does not have a bad attitude. His problems were with people taking his shit, from day 1. Imagine your life is abruptly put on hold because you're in a hell dimension and you have to share the place with a bunch of self righteous thieves who punish you for having an issue with their thievery.
The monsters. Duh. The voices Sarah and Jim hear and the ghosts Jade sees are also the monsters/their master fucking with them.
>jim comes to thank him
>immediately insults him and calls him a fag
Come on, anon. He's a dick to people who don't hassle him.
I don't understand how Boyd hasn't realized that the Father Khatri ghost is just the monsters fucking with him. Do the writers want me to think he's genuinely mentally retarded?
nta but if anyone confronts me I can just tell them "I gotta go" or "I don't wanna talk about this right now" and they're legally obligated by the fae contracts to respect my wishes and leave me alone.
Where is the Matthew's house? If you push too hard the town/monsters react. Someone in the motel did something they were told not to do. The motel is probably in the caves, with the puppet inside it.
He does.
>that thing wasn't my wife
>so what are you
What gets at you is that everything "Abby" and "Khatri" say is pretty truthful.
The rubble of the house is still there. The motel is just absent.
Boyd “doesn't get it.” Doesn't realize. The viewer does. But not Boyd. That's the point. It's the same voices in your head. Why do you listen to the voices in your head? Isn't that stupid?
That was AFTER they berated him for existing and took his shit. He notices patterns and is distrustful of strangers. The man is the hero we need.
the motel is underground
you'll see
If the puppet and its owner were inside the motel, it sunk a long ass time ago. And whatever Victor's pal did in that motel was worse than what Tabitha did.
That was colony house, not Jim. His anger at Donna and Boyd is justified. He lashes out at everyone.
The puppet was in Jade's house, which was Christopher's. The tunnels aren't a sunken motel, anon.
Maybe you're right. But I never said the motel WAS the tunnels, I just said it probably sunk into the tunnels. If the motel collapsed before Victor got there, or while Victor was a kid, then it's been gone long enough that it could have grown over, or whatever remained above ground was moved or used elsewhere.
Maybe. I'm sure it'll come up at some point. The writers have said it was very deliberate.

But I suspect it's just a cheeky Hotel California reference.
To an outsider, they're all part of the same little community and no one took Randall's side when they screwed him. In his shoes I'd treat all those people pretty poorly too. Also, I'd have murdered Donna by now.
Donna will be dead by the end of this season
mark my words
Donna keeps a stash of snacks hidden from the others. Thats her hand with bugles on her fingertips.
All of the angkhooie kids were born in Fromland. It traps people there trying to get 2 people to mate and create a Fromchild. It then eats the Fromchildren, it has eaten all the ones before Fatima's and hers is the last child it needs to eat so it can break free from space jail.
wait so do we think it's aliens?
Nah. The cave pictograph shows children coming in boats.

I think we're looking at a deal with the devil scenario. Long ago some people sacrificed children for forever fair weather and bountiful harvests. Boyd subsequently fucked it up by not replacing Martin with himself, nor the 3, so suddenly the weather has gotten cold and the crops rotted.
Annooee = tree in Beothuk
Beothuk were from newfandland [where from is filmed)
Vikings discover Newfoundland and make settlement
John Cabot later discovers these Viking ruins
Beothuk covered themselves in red ochre
Stones stained red where jade sees the one eyed man = where early Viking settlers sacrificed natives to Odin
Vengeful spirits kill Spanish explorers in revenge for earlier Vikings by torturing them at the ritual site and impaling one through the the to the tree in mockery of Odin
And how does that explain the power lines going nowhere?
Do not engage odin or fae fags.
>impaled through eye to a tree, drinking from a skull
Ya no Odin symbolism there at all . DOOFUS
Doesn't explain why they are finding crops in that abandoned village/scout camp
The Viking ruins in Newfoundland are located in a place called “boyds cove”
>being spiked to a tree is the same as giving your eye for wisdom
>drinking blood from a skull is also odin
What next, eating peoples organs and scalping them is also Odin?
>He saves the Matthews family on their first day.
And thats a good thing? (Except for Julie ofcourse)
Kenny is the worst character. HIs only trajectory is to be lesbo cucked now
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Is this young Martin?
>Kenny is the worst character
no that spot's reserved for Ethan
Oh also crows and norse runes
90% of the reason i see this show is boobs, i need more boobs. If any writer is reading this, add more boobs. That is all.
I noticed a distinct lack of Julie's tita in these threads. I know some of you mother fuckers have a collection so why aren't you dumping it?

And if any of you smartasses say something like 'we'll talk about her tits later, gotta go' I will personally put you in Fromtown.
Just finished the show after seeing a thread here a few days ago.

Did they just toss aside the whole "Choosing day" ceremony thing? It was retarded to begin with, but it seems like new residents basically all default to the colony house.

Why did we not get Jade confronting Sara? We got 10 scenes of people shitting on Sara for opening the door but no one seems to give a fuck that she shanked Jade's friend in the neck, not even Jade himself.
Also the lack of answers is annoying me to no end at this point. Usually shows introduce small things to be answered in a short time and longer mysteries that can take more seasons to resolve, but this show literally just keeps piling shit and doesn't give a flying fuck. Hopefully the last 2 episodes of this season (named Revelations parts I and II) can be somewhat satisfying and answer a few things.
>named Revelations parts I and II
They'll answer questions like never before. New mysteries will be revealed... it's going to be crazy!
The kimono lady was likely from the crew of Japanese merchants led by Tanaka Shōsuke, the first recorded Japanese to travel to America, where they traded with new Spain. He disappears from history after 1613 after coming to America for the second time
Choosing day was dropped after colony house massacre.
>Why did we not get Jade confronting Sara? We got 10 scenes of people shitting on Sara for opening the door but no one seems to give a fuck that she shanked Jade's friend in the neck, not even Jade himself.
You have to understand, it's almost been 3 weeks. You have to get over these sorts of things and move forward
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Is Teacup any good?
It's Odin.
Everyone thinks the monsters killed him. The voices instructed her to make it look like they did it. Try watching the show, m'kay?
She admitted to Kenny that she took the talisman and let the monsters in
julie makes me so fucking hard bros. everytime she's on my screen i lust for her entire body and bite my lips. she's so fucking sexy. mama milf ain't too shabby either.

also this show will never answer questions and the writing is retarded overall.

I'm just watching for the slim chance of a Tabs nude scene
But not that she cut the guy's throat and took out his tongue.
julie booba?
>took out his tongue
I forgot she did that. I wonder what that was about
In my face
She took his tongue so that his ghost couldn’t talk to jade and help figure out how to escape
To make it look like the monsters did it. They the organs and tongues.
When Kevin lets the monster in the first thing it does is bite out his tongue.
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what an amazing season
We only see the monsters take the tongue once, and that was to fuck with him after kissing him. Tongue removal doesn’t seem fit the MO of the monsters, it’s a rare occurrence like skinning Donna’s sisters face when they usually keep the face intact. It would make more sense for the voices to tell Sara to gut him, so I think the ghost thing is more likely
She's a child in the show you sick fuck
Will jade go psycho like Christopher or is that too predictable
She literally said the voices told her to make it look like the monsters did it. It's why she opened the door.
>it’s a rare occurrence like skinning Donna’s sisters face when they usually keep the face intact.

Another hint that Donna is a mole? Did anyone else even see her sister?
One of the promo arts have a Jade with a clouded eye with monsters hands on his shoulders. Could be he's mind controlled into killing someone/more people.

It could tie into the discussion about Sara. Maybe he finds out she killed Tobey deliberately.

>Accusations start flying and truths come to light in the aftermath of a tragedy
I think it’s a hint. Donna appears every time someone is close to a break through to distract them, just like Randal said. Just in the last episode she shut Henry up right as we was gonna mention the original bottle tree to the group. I think Donna’s sister will show up at one point, maybe working with some glowies

>fairy tales
Oh shit. jade is fucked
Donna has long been suspect. I don't think her sister is mentioned on her missing poster, either.
The Fromsters are robots and this whole thing is being run by an AI.
Also she mentions seeing the motel on her first night. I think the motel is where the flowers live to secretly monitor
Yea, and I think it’s deliberate that Tabitha didn’t remember Donna’s name to look up her up online
Not flowers
Oh snap
Found it. Shitty, 10th-grade photoshop tier in quality, but I assume official.
The town moves
>Have you seen that mystery box show called FROM?
>Same guys who made Lost did it.
>What's it on? Fuck if I know, I just stream it from the same place that has literally every fucking show and movie ever for free
Donna and tillie and fat girl with eyepatch are rosemaries babying Fatima
>Same guys who made Lost did it.
Not even true, though.
I think that’s AI. Indian YouTubers are always making weird AI generated thumbnails for their from videos
Could be. Can't remember where I saved it.
John Locke arrives in Fromville in a crashed Cessna end of season 4
>but I assume official.
Why? That's obviously not fuckin official
Well I'm retarded so
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Writers desperately trying to throw us off the fairy-theory desu. They really got spooked after The Watchers basically exposed the story.
Why torture?
The guy who created from never worked on Lost (which was run by Lindelof and Cuse). Some of the money people are the same and about 2 eps were written by some journeymen who wrote an ep or 2 of early Lost. That's it.

It's just a way to sell the show to genre fans, but aside from the obvious premise similarities, it's not Lost people working on it.
The Watchers came out after this entire season had been written anon.
>90% of the reason i see this show is boobs, i need more boobs. If any writer is reading this, add more boobs. That is all.
writer from From here. Acknowledged.
>from from
Who writes this shit?
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julie is my waifu
Julie is a trashy pothead that smells. Embrace the Officer Acosta movement.
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Julie is superior because she just likes to have fun and not murder people.
I love this show but I just know it's going to fall flat on it's face sooner or later.

Also are we seriously expected to believe that the rest of the town would simply milk Julie? She could feed the whole town with those things!
>implying murder isn't fun
Nothing ever happens, the show.
I don't understand why no one talks to each other or why everyone isn't spending every waking minute trying to figure out how to escape like Jade? I mean so many plotlines could be resolved if the characters just fucking talked to each other. And why do people always not believe each others outlandish claims? As soon as you're there and you know for a fact magic is real, literally nothing would be able to surprise you anymore.
Jade's the only one with a reason to leave.
Just finished one and a half season. Jfc the runtime in s2 is padded like shit. Why everyone is acting so cheesy and goofy now?
Surprisingly there's very little research on how murdered people feel about murder.
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She would have to be breed daily and kept pregnant to keep those milkers in peak operating condition if she's going to feed the whole town.
Can't you see the army of hobos lady trump is bossing around with hands in jeans pocket XD
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Realistically speaking, why aren't the characters doing this? Seriously. How has no one been Graped in this scenario?
Daily reminder that the writers of the show do read these threads and have influenced the show based on them multiple times. Notice how Julie never shows cleavage anymore in season 3? That's because of you creeps.
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This bitch has a terminal case of fish-mouth and it makes the show unwatchable whenever she's on screen.
Also because it's cold.

I'm buying the theory that Abby was Eloise, though.
Fay are fairies, you dumb cunt.
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>How has no one been Graped in this scenario?
I guess you could say they have sour grapes!
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It's obvious that dying is the way to get out right? Like they clearly escape when they die. Why the fuck didn't Tabitha immediately just upload a video about her situation to the internet? Even though people would find it hard to believe her, if she named all of the people in the village then all of the families would go crazy and the video would go viral, enough people would believe her. She had a golden opportunity and she really did just fucking waste it, the people in the diner were right to get mad at her. If I ever got out of Fromtown I would never get in a car or drive on a back road again.

Eloise died though, Victor said he found her body.
>Seriously. How has no one been Graped in this scenario?
You'd pretty much HAVE to kill the person after, unless you want to end up being tied to a tree at night
Yeah and why wouldn't you? What are they gonna do? Call the cops?
>Victor said he found her body.
No, he didn't. He found his mother's body. He never said he found his sister's. The writers didn't retcon her in just to unceremoniously kill her off screen.

Anyway, what sells me on the theory is Abby says she had a dream about such a place as a kid. Victor repeats pretty much the same thing except referencing his life back at home as a dream in the last episode.

If the BIW shoved her out the lighthouse back then and she woke up in the hospital, it could be why she thought you had to die to wake up.
She called her mom. I think that's how you get attention from the outside world
You're right I could have sworn he said she died, I still don't think Abby was her though

>she called her mom
And told her nothing, literally nothing. No one in the outside world has any idea where they are or that they're all together and she took the one person who ended up believing her back with her by being retarded and grabbing the wheel.
>Trying to Google Anything from this Show
They did this on purpose to stop people from gathering and solving mysteries before the show revealed them
I want her mother desu
Well it wasn't that smart, people jsut Google

>epix From series
Yeah I fucking hate this, whenever I want to look up pictures of Julies tits I have to do searches like "From TV Series 2022 Julie Cleavage"
>Shes an agent sent in to escalate the tension
Sent in by the writers
>why didn't he run for the door?
Wasnt in the script
>he said she died
He did. But he just could be presuming. I just don't buy they retconned her in to do absolutely nothing with her.

>these are the tits people are going crazy for
There's nothing fucking there
Its literally the only thing the show has to offer
I haven't impregnated her yet anon. Jesus give me more time.
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>introduce real qt character
>kill her
fuck you
I think I missed something but where did Julie get the weed from? Do the Froms have a crop somewhere?
Yes, someone had seeds to plant. I think its mentioned in S1. They may not have anymore though.
Is she just offering everyone Ellis' weed?
Yea like the little shit she is
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I don't know man, she's got some jumbo yumyums. She's titted up.
Fatima had weed on her when she got From'd and she's good at growing it. This is part of why she is beloved at colony house.
>It's obvious that dying is the way to get out right?

Ok Abby
>when they try.
so like never
Looks like I woke up just in time to bake
New Thread
Colony house tenants are all thieves, it's to be expected living there
>Julie and Randall seek a bit of normalcy.
so what was the point of the Elgin scenes in this episode then?

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