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>neil gayman
>fantasy but british
its almost as bad as comedy but british, not quite tho
"cancel culture" is just a way for a studio to cut ties with someone cheaply.
>the bible
jesusisters how will we ever recover
Good job paying tribute to Terry's memory, Neil.
>serial rapist of women
>the guy that made sandman was a sex pest
I love that comic but this isn't surprising at all, he got memoryholed so fast
Lol this is the guy that just let J. K. Rowling blatantly plagiarize his work and become a billionaire and said he was fine with it and Harry Potter was "totally different" from the Books of Magic. I guess because the names were changed.
So, they are also roundabout way saying, the stuff meant for S3 was mostly padding and all the actual plot lines can be done in 30 minutes?
season 3? I didn't even realise there was a second season, they completely covered the book in one.
yeah, it's just some made up bullshit about them being gay for each other and some other lesbians that should make kiss to save the world from the apocalypse
Jon Hamm was ok
True but it's never not funny seeing one of those "ally" rules for thee not for me types getting the same treatment they absorbed up to that point
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Under the basic principles of English law, every man is innocent until speculated guilty
Pratchett was always too good for Gaiman tbqhwy. Good Omens always felt more like one of his books than what Gaiman would go on to write.
I’m fucking livid s2 was just a vehicle to make them gay, so fucking stupid. The whole plot was retarded, it should have just been vignettes of aziraphale and crowley throughout history. Fuck you gaiman
The devil isn't in the Bible.
Books of magic is nothing like HP. It's much more broody 80s foppish English. He also quite literally never goes to magic school except during a school shooting
Gaiman is Jewish, did he not hail the Zion enough?
a butthole is a butthole anon
david tennant is complicit in child abuse, so
Checked but incorrect. Read Matthew again, specifically the part right after Jesus gets baptized. He goes out into the desert for a while and somebody tempts Him.
Don't watch it, it's unnecessary.
You’re not very good at this are you?
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Yes, nothing like it. A bespectacled youth with an owl familiar gets inducted into magic from a mundane life where he finds 4 different paths of magic and is the chosen one of the magical world.

But that's the Books of Magic. I forget what Harry Potter is about. Can you remind me?

The only way Rowling could have more transparently plagiarized the Books of Magic is if she named her series "The Spooks of Blagic" and changed the owl's name to "Yong-Yong".
Satan, Lucifer, the devil, the adversary. Dont go pretending they're different guys now.
They should bring in Terry Pratchet to wrap up the series
Gaiman didn't even do anything illegal. The women were willing and consensual sexual partners who decided YEARS after the fact (and after being discarded by the famous and wealthy man, huh weird) that there were improprieties.

There desperately needs to be a "no crime? who cares" rule for these sorts of allegations having an impact on your employment.
True, women always lie. Just like they did to Roiland. But Gayman still deserves it for being a cuck.
Well, shit.
Is the gay man really going to kneel?
>A Dahl like protagonist gets a classically occult familiar, goes to a magic boarding school and has a common protagonist feature
HP is derivative, but what you posted is fucking retarded if you sincerely believe it's plagiarism. I hope for your sake you just saw someone assmad about rowling and regurgitated the talking point without bothering to think about it.
season 2 is completely pointless since the whole book is covered in the first season and it was never intended to go beyond that
Don't change your stance just because it happens to affect someone you don't like. Be a man of substance.
lmao notice how all of this only happens to the ugly ones. No me too against handsome chads
I haven't changed anything. Women are lying whores AND gayman is a retarded cuck.
It's funny you are forced to downplay the similarities, because even you admit it's open plagiarism. There are LOTS of comics about magic that Rowling DID NOT copy. Harry Potter, for instance, bears absolutely no resemblence to Doctor Strange. Or Doctor Fate for that matter.
Honestly the fact it came out initially via podcast of all things, and one of the women themselves stated that it was consensual just muddies so much.
I don't like the guy even though I like Good Omens, but I find it very fucking difficult to genuinely believe that these women aren't just regretting falling into bed with him.
Eat shit, Gayman
You made Death black, get cancelled like a chud
What exactly did gayman do?
Every show Gayman touches is filled to the brim with interracial couples, interracial gay couples, bisexual/lesbian women and tranny's.
>a jew is raping kids
what a surprise
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jesus fights him in the desert pleb
Are you legitimately retarded?
Rowling's inspirations were clearly Roald Dahl and everything else was convergent based on the style she was going for.
>There are LOTS of comics about magic that Rowling DID NOT copy. Harry Potter, for instance, bears absolutely no resemblence to Doctor Strange. Or Doctor Fate for that matter.
Again, are you actually retarded?
rowling specifically copied star wars, books of magic and wizard's hall.
Be quiet now, shill. You did your best. It wasn't good enough. Rowling blatantly plagiarized gayman and gayman endorsed it. You lost.
I don't see the Star Wars influence. What am I missing? Pedagogy?
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blew your load early, fella.
you could easily have made that last a few more rounds.
it's a beat for beat remake of the original film
Nah, fuck that.
Turnabout is fair play, fuck Gayman.
seething tranny
Funny, but that's a bit of a reach. Not much comparison between a Jedi and a sportsball player in a faggy magic game.

Pajeets MAD when people acknowledge that Rowling is a plagiarizing hack.
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Truly depressing how simple allegations are enough to ruin someone and potential work for hundreds of people.
well you know if multiple people come out at the same time it can't be a coincidence and must be authentic
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>Neil Gaiman
>Kneel Gayman is a cuck and a rapist
>his fans are picking fights with Harry Potter fans
That's just basic Hero's Journey?
It's certainly never dogpiling, not at all.
Having to force in Quidditch everywhere makes this a real reach.
If you do that you're no better than woke retards who judge white people by a different standard. Morality isn't a team sport. Choose carefully what you believe in and have the strength of character to apply it universally.
Don't care, eat shit Gayman.
>picking fights
Harry Potter is dogshit and insulting to the intelligence (if you have any). Right after it became insanely popular, I picked up the first book and couldn't get through the first fucking page. It reads like it was intended for a preschool audience.
Maybe gayman shouldn't have been such a liberal faggot? He LITERALLY asked for this.
To be fair, it was marketed to kids under 10, anon.
So what British fantasy is still lined up?

>HP TV Series
>Clive Barker's Weaveworld rights sold apparently to Hallmark but probably never happening
>Discworld rights sold to an unknown company on the basis they make it faithful, Amazing Maurice came out a year or so ago and wasn't bad
>Enchanted Wood series being made
>Tolkien Tolkien and more Tolkien
Retard, he's clearly assaulted a bunch of women but got sloppy and didn't pay his public accusers off like the others. That's how Hollywood works.
And yet adult babies are its largest audience. Honestly it just speaks to the success of the dysgenic operation since the fall of Rome.
>Clive Barker's Weaveworld rights sold apparently to Hallmark
i fully believe in the outlaw system, i.e the rule of law only applies to those who follow the the rule of law, 'career criminals' are fair game. why hamstring ourselves for the sake of people who are openly our enemy and willing use the system as a bludgeon against the rule followers.
ethics is a team sport, he dug this grave for himself, its only fair we give him a push
And nothing of value was lost.
I don't know anything about this but he's innocent
>Gaiman outed as a pred
Not surprised he was always a pretentious faggot who coasted off of Pratchett.
Are you guys actually this retarded? Quidditch is the substitute for Pilot.
Wizard is the substitute for Jedi.
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Idiot. People aren't choosing to disregard him because of personal dislike, but because he fed the beast that devoured him.
Why on earth should someone deserve sympathy for facing the consequences of their own actions? If he had vocally defended people he disliked from similar such allegations out of principle it would be a different story.

Only an utter moron would take the effort to defend someone based on a principle that they will do their best to destroy.

Season 2 was already one too many. They really need to learn to differentiate shows with multiple seasons potential from limited series.
>just play by the rules while your ideological enemies lie and cheat and steal, and win and get everything they want
nah lol
This is the weak thinking of a men who stand for nothing. Honestly you are worse than liberals.
We get it. You don't. Like that other anon said, this is literally just the Hero's Journey. That's in everything. I could make tonight's newscast follow that if I changed words. LITERALLY the only fucking thing Rowling changed about the Books of Magic were the fucking names.
Law is what the one with power says it is. Are you going to do something about that? No? Then it is so.
>dont want to uphold contract and pay actor
>pay some whore instead to pretend actor assaulted her
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Agent Johnson, can you please tone down the
>how not to fit in
example for the class?
No I stand for libs getting their comeuppance. The correct response to false rape allegations by an actual man is a shallow grave and a shovel.
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The silently murdered "Patriot" so this could happen. Good fucking going, Amazon.
Think it just randomly ended up there through random studio buyouts. Looking at updates, seems the latest status of it was that CW were making a series which is still a pretty bad fit

>"a modern day fantasy story with strong female characters and a feminist undercurrent? Tell me more!"
>"Well, there's this scene early on where a woman has fight an aborted foetus monster with period blood magic after the lead male gets raped by an old hag... Hello? Hello?"
They could possibly try throwing money at Rihanna Pratchett but I get the feeling she doesn't want to touch his work. Not even sure she was the one who basically ghostwrote his final books.

>that time in Snuff where a swearword was used that Pratchett never used
Weird how badly that stuck out.
You see, anon, Neil is a tranny friendly fantasy author who is (or was, lol) well regarded, well known and sold well. This makes him a rallying point to social media addicts when they're seething about rowling, as they can hold him up as a real author people should read instead.
They hold up rick riordan for similar reasons, so I'm guessing it's only a matter of time before he gets outed as a sex pest.
It doesn't have to be any of them. The devil is the evil that men do, it's a purely human concept.
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fuck off retard. it's not my job or responsibility to protect these people from themselves
I stand for leftists getting shit on for their hypocrisy.
Coming to Hallmark Channel this Christmas Season...

A series by Clive Barker...

Clownworld has reached maximum NPC madness.
Unless you do, you have no grounds to claim superiority to your opponents' ideology. There is no reason anyone should side with you.
For me it's the fact that Terry always made a point to show a culture or species warts and all, even when he was being sympathetic to them, and Goblins being 100% dindu is something he would never have done.
>hava nagila intensifies
>spend a decade crying about cancel culture
>"Its okay when WE do it"
Didn't she primarily rip of Roald Dahl?
>who are JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis?
speak for yourself NPC, stop hiding behind this hypothetical "everyone" who just so happens to agree with everything you say. it's so gay and reddit lmao
And you're free to think that, but you didn't get it from the Bible.
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who's cancelling him? me? or some cunts that agree with him on most things
I accept your concession.
it's like the Marilyn Manson thing, one grifter started shopping around all of Gaiman's exes (or failed hookups, as a lot of these cases are, as he would initiate sexual contact, be rejected and respect the woman's wishes) promising them glowing media coverage as "brave activists" and lots of cushy interviews with big paydays. the media is thirsty for stories like this, and most "journalists" are just hack propagandists, so they don't do any real research and push the stories as true.
Don't get me wrong, cancel culture is fucking retarded, but so are you for caring about e-celebs. I don't give a flying fuck about some richer getting disinherited from fame and wealth. Fuck you, whore. Why is this board so full of retarded women?
Yes, the poster is an utter moron trying desperately to defend Neil by deflecting.
Since that didn't work, he's now trying the muh principles tactic, as if anyone is doing more than pointing and laughing at a problem he caused for himself.
>Cancel culture is fucking retarded but someone I don't like got cancelled so I don't care
Literal child brain.
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The BBC were literally covering up for famous pedophiles while making these shorts mocking people who were trying to expose them.
i accept that you're jewish
>Why is this board so full of retarded women?
it's a jew lol
/who/ wins again.
i don't think continuing to be destroyed by RTD's gay faggot agenda is "winning". at least Good Omens is going to be put out of its misery.
>mocking people who were trying to expose them.
They weren't though. The people they were covering were never one anyone's radar, because anyone even trying to put them on were shut down at the root.
Someone like Saville would never have been swept up by the Huntley hysteria.
There's a difference between punching someone innocent, and punching someone who has punched you. It's not the same, you dumb fucking faggot.
The true Harry Potter.
I'm honestly only vaguely aware of this shows existence.
On the other hand I'm PAINFULLY aware of a nigger being cast as Death in Sandman.
You either believe that people shouldn't lose their jobs from unsubstantiated allegations or you don't. There is no option B where you only believe it sometimes, depending on whether that person hurt your feefees. That just means you are a hypocrite and should shut your faggot mouth if the cancel mob comes after you.

I shouldn't have to be explaining this to adults. This is early childhood development shit. Toddler logic.
>straight white male lead in CY+9
anon it was destined to die
Yep, he'd always play with the history of fantasy races and make jokes around dark or weird aspects but the goblins were just bland and nothing was done with them. Pratchett never waded into issues like that if he couldn't do something interesting an unexpected with them.

Small gods had fun with slavery, to the extent where the empire that forced the abolition of slavery were the bad guys.
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>advocate people should lose their jobs
>lose your job
>wtf why aren't you defending me?! You said you were anti job loss!
nah fuck him lol

i can believe whatever i want and there's nothing you can do about it hahahahaha
Season 2 was kind of shit anyway
You can think that you do, but you actually don't believe in anything. You stand for nothing. Nobody will ever respect you.
>There desperately needs to be a "no crime? who cares" rule for these sorts of allegations having an impact on your employment.
He has been a feminist for decades while using his position to prey upon starry-eyed young women who are overly impressed by media whoredom. he built this metoo golem and it turned on him, turn up the heat and let him burn.
these tactics are old and tired Goldstein, don't you have any new material?
How dare he have consensual sex with those legal adults. You make such a good point.
Having a sliding scale instead of a moral compass is the most Jewish thing you can do, Shlomo.
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>>Morality isn't a team sport
>You want to win.. but you want your enemies to lose... Isnt that a bit... Hypocritical?????
No, fag. The plagiarism is abundant and obvious. I realize Rowling is a billionaire and pays online shills, but can you be less fucking annoying?
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>the weak thinking of a men who
tell your masters to cut your 20 rupee salary, you're not worth it
>They weren't though. The people they were covering were never one anyone's radar

>The reports found that BBC staff were “more worried about reputation than the safety of children” and that although the criminal behaviour was largely the fault of the perpetrator, the corporation “could have stopped it but failed to do so”.
>A report by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) in 2013 found that “numerous police failings” left Savile free to sexually abuse “hundreds of young people over five decades”. The disgraced presenter “could have been stopped as early as 1964 but police mishandled evidence and dismissed victims”, the same paper reported.
It's pathetic that you can't even conceive of just having a belief in something without putting it in the context of "us vs them." Literally the kind of tribal thinking that has ruined the discourse in this country.
I don't like any of you retards and never have. I'm not a woman. I hope the entirety of pedowood gets cancelled into a mass grave.
I thought I would comment as everyone has seemingly forgotten that HP was ripped of from a Russian authors work.
Did this just get memory holed?
>I'm not a woman
You think and argue like one.
Not him, but if we're going by the Bible, yes they're different guys.
>Satan is a title that means the Adversary
>Lucifer is the name of a human king, referenced once (maybe twice?)
>the Devil turns up in Revelation
Has any American author ever finished a work of fantasy that they started?
>I c-c-can't finish because fascism exists in the world.
Always thought that too. Kind of a shame I haven't been wild about what his daughter's written but I'm glad I got as much Pratchett as I did. Wish they made more of the miniseries for Discworld, too. They did a great job with Going Postal, really wish they went on into Making Money since it dovetails with it so well
>New writer
They should bring in Terry Pratchett. I'm sure he'd do a better job than whatever clown they hire even given his current situation.
I always felt like all of the discworld adaptations were a bit shit and they never really got the feeling right.
Maybe with the advent of AI, we'll eventually get to see an amazing version.
Name an American author other than GRRM and Robert Jordan who has a reputation for not finishing their works of fantasy.
I don't care what women are told to "think" by kikes.
>finds 4 different paths of magic
Wanna run this by me champ? I only read Gaimain's original miniseries. Sure, there are 4 people who serve as his guide through the DC Universe's Magical Mystery Tour but it is never implied that each of them represent a different 'path' of magic nor that there are only 4 'paths' of magic.

Harry Potter is about the last survivor of a noble family being hidden away to protect him from an ancient evil. This unfortunately results in him living a shitty life of borderline abuse before being brought to a school life where he learns to make friends with people his own age after living a life full of nothing but disappointment and abuse. Along the way he takes a train and plays some chess. Seems pretty different to me
It ain't that weird. Pretty sure Cronenberg got involved in a particularly mundane movie about a drunk driver as a producer or some shit. The only distinctly Cronenberg thing about it I remember is a guy getting shot with a shotgun and getting sent across the room with enough blood squibs to drown a horse.
This is almost every modern show
I mean they were made for TV with a limited budget and roughly 3 hours each which would necessitate trimming. I really liked Hogfather and Going Postal, and Color of Magic was alright other than fucky casting. And to be fair Color of Magic is weaker in general since it's the first one. Never did watch the Watch show which still chaps my ass because doing the guards/Vimes stories would be awesome
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>How dare he have consensual sex with those legal adults.
There was a power imbalance so it by definition can't be consensual
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Patrick Rothfuss.
There was always something that just seemed off for me. A lot had to do with the casting, but there were always changes that I didn't rate as if they were being dumbed down too much.
I can't for the life of me understand why he became so fucking popular.
The Name of the Wind is hailed as this masterpiece, but it really isn't anything special.
There was second season?
This was even a series? I thought it was two-part streaming movie at most.

fkn kek

Terry's Revenge.
Eat shit, Gayman
You made Death black, get cancelled like a chud
>There is no option B where you only believe it sometimes,
Yes there is. Bad thing should happen to my enemies, Good things should happen to my friends.
he voted for it
careful homie, after 30 days rent free i get squatters rights
goo goo ga ga
Eat shit, Gayman
You made Death black, get cancelled like a chud
exactly. we're gonna watch it consume those who nurtured it. and do nothing to help.

we're already cancelled. "Deplorables" remember?

and no, you can't sit with us like you're one of the kool kids now.
I hope you're only pretending to be retarded
“In one incident, the pain “was so painful and so violent” that she lost consciousness. “The pain was celestial,”

This is obviously made up because I know she didn’t “pass out from pain” but I love seeing these woke fags getting their just desserts.
I really fucking liked those books and then it became patently obvious that Rothfuss has no fucking clue how to finish a story and is actually just the Damon Lindelof of fantasy writing.
Maybe it's a Stephen King situation like with The Dark Tower, where it's better off that he never finished them anyway.
That's definitely understandable. I'd think one easy example of something feeling off would be the lack of little footnotes and tangential bits that the Discworld books are full of. You get some narrator blurbs in Hogfather but not nearly as much as in a regular Discworld where he'd like to flesh shit out more, do little side jokes, etc. But that would also be difficult to translate to a show, you'd have to do something like the old BBC Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy with little interludes and you wouldn't have as convenient a reason/tool for doing it in a show as the guide, so a narrator would probably be the closest. Just something that works well in books that I'm not sure how it could work well in show-form
there are text messages between them where she is absolutely rabid for his dick, she's full of shit
Actually (ackchulleh), I can see the CW treatment being very close to the way Supernatural made every demon just a buff dude or hot chick. Occasionally a character actor if they needed someone to project a lot of charm/charisma.

I hope they do it. That would be the funniest shit ever. Cleaning up Barker for the CW audience would be fkn headspinning.
>And to be fair Color of Magic is weaker in general since it's the first one.
As in "the first book"? Agreed.
As in "the first live-action TV adaptation"? That was Hogfather.
last season felt like a movie padded to a miniseries, so perhaps a movie will be just right for the finale
reminder he pushes his asian diversity replacement candidate under a bus in the first episode.
Not the anon you're talking to (And never read the Rothfuss books. Heard they were good but since gurm's blueballing me I didn't feel like diving in on another unfinished series) but I will say in defense of the Dark Tower that it at least makes reading King's OTHER books a bit more fun because you can look at all that shit through the lens of the Dark Tower. I'd largely agree reading the Dark Tower itself isn't worth it even though there were some parts I liked, but the main salvagable moment for me was thinking about his other stories in that context too
That's the Hero's Journey.
You can replace Luke and Harry for King Arthur and it would still make sense.
>Nooo, if you kill your enemies, they win!
Oy Gevalt.
It has really good prose without being overly dense and an extremely well realised universe.

It's biggest problem, aside from the lying name of the series, is having an insufferably perfect protagonist and it endlessly teasing events that probably will never be covered.

Sandman canned too
Is it?
It's tough with such a long-running series with a world that's so deeply ingrained in the minds of the fans.
It's like "no motherfucker, I do not want your vision or interpretation, I want the author's vision that was clearly laid out across dozens of books"

I don't want a black/gay/female Captain Carrot.
It's not perfect and it suffered from being an adaptation of one of his simpler books but the Amazing Maurice is the first time someone really "got" Pratchett's humour in film/tv.

That said the Discworld game managed to capture it best, having Twoflower narrate the footnotes was genuis and it's a shame Eric Idle never got cast as Rincewind when he was still young enough to pull it off.
>With Diana Rigg and Tim Curry
I will watch your 1986 TV movie.
>lying name of the series
Wind = Mind in the sense of Zeitgeist/Spirit of the Age.

"Aquarius" or something like that. Look for a clue in dialogue etc. It may be linked to "Hyperborea" or a similar Age.

Japs have the "Kamikaze" The Great Wind = The Great Change. So it's often relating to the changing of one Age to another. The story likely involves the battle to define the "Name" (type/nature) of this new coming age.
But Claire added that on the call, Gaiman claimed she kissed him first and blamed his autism diagnosis for not properly picking up her body language and cues.
One of us! One of us!
Just imagine, 2000s Brendan Fraser as Captain Carrot...

Not sure what current actor you'd cast. Need a handsome, drippy but charismatic 6tf+ actor
>>Mom. why do they keep casting me as a witch!?
Uh, your bubbly personality?
The name of the series is the Kingkiller Chronicles.

2 books in and there's not even been a king mentioned in passing, let alone looked like being met and killed by the main character.
These are the same people that didn't think writing down their Rights were needed.
They operated on a "trust me bro" philosophy and its worked out amazingly for them.
In all seriousness.
Henry Cavill.
Not my gay angel demon show
>a Russian author
Also A Wizard of Earthsea, which had the first, and far superior, school of magic.
Just seen someone suggest Tom Hopper. That's a good shout, he's already played that kind of character before
>an extremely well realised universe.
It's basically this.
It weaved a lot of really cool fantasy shit together really nicely but it was incredibly obvious after the second book that it was impossible to make this a trilogy because all the author had done was create multiple new pathways for the beginning of stories.
There was no fucking way that the story could be wrapped up in a third book because the story hadn't even begun.
Kvothe was set to become a legendary hero, but he hadn't even completed his training yet.
Yeah, first book. Like I said I actually quite liked the Hogfather adaptation even with the clunkiness and some jokes that just can't really translate well to the screen like Nobby. Even Kidby's art of him doesn't have him as weird and greasy as he's written, but trying to make him not even identifiable as human without throwing off people watching who've never read the books would be hard

It is strange because even though I'm not anti-woke in the slightest the fucking Guards TV show looked and sounded so fucking bad. Like Cheery Littlebottom's whole thing is a dwarf going against their societal norms and all that jazz by wanting to look recognizably female when it's a running joke that all the dwarves, men and women, look so masculine that they even have trouble telling which is which themselves. So you get a well done in-setting character and story and joke (Especially the humans not giving much of a shit but other dwarves being scandalized) that can be applicable to a variety of different viewpoints and then the show apparently just went "CHEERY IS TRANS" which removed all the nuance and fun

Huh, I didn't even know they did an Amazing Maurice. Thanks for bringing that up, I'll have to check it out
Elric and Moorcock's other fantasy books like Hawkmoon stuff are apparently getting a series/film
Narnia is getting a new series I think
fuck this gay earth, I guess
should i watch season 1 of this, can't tolerate gay shit fyi. i know anons said thats the 2nd season but idk if its 1st too.
season1 is fine just watch that one and stop
>dig up Pratchett's rotting corpse
>plop it in the writer's chair
>magic happens
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I think Alan Ritchson would be great.
He's huge and has the right features.
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>The relationship continued for another month before Gaiman left New Zealand for the UK, the woman said.

>During that time, she sent him numerous messages indicating that she consented to the sexual activity.


You can't bang him for another month, acknowledge it was consensual, then claim the opposite later. Well you can, but fuck you if you do.

Same thing with the second accuser - she chases his dick for 4 years, he eventually gives it too her, then 20 years later she accuses him of rape despite staying in contact with him in those intervening 20 years?

>She maintained friendly contact with Gaiman after their relationship ended in 2008

I fucking hate this shit.

The only reason this is "news" is because of a journalist with no morals wanting a "takedown". Like, this is entirely career furthering shit for the journo and nothing more.
>don’t vote for it
>get automatically canceled
Nothing retarded about it, you'd know if you'd actually read the Bible.
Yep, Cheery is Pratchett doing his usual subversion of modern issues.

>Gender roles have been completely eradicated in this society... but that just means everything is actually just one gender which sucks if you really want to embrace your gender.

It's literally a character forced to be trans who doesn't want to be. I also like that he allowed Carrot to be "wrong" on this issue and showed that he wasn't just a perfect self insert for liberals.
I haven't watched more than S1.
S1 was fine. It sticks fairly closely to the book and the book is good.
I think he was planning on using the unreliable narrator angle a lot more initially.
Most of Kvothe being insufferable would be forgiven if every now and then a canny reader could spot a contradiction that made it clear he was full of shit, rather than the author flat out saying
>some of it is bullshit, but I'm not telling you what
thanks bros, got some halloween kino then
>That said the Discworld game managed to capture it best
This is what I wanted from a Discworld adaptation.
>Guards TV show looked and sounded so fucking bad
Just looking at the trailer is appalling. The only similarity is that there's a troll in it. Nothing else is recognisably Discworld.
It's the ugly side of the whole metoo movement.
Any woman can just go "oh, that thing that happened 10+ years ago, that I never told anyone about, that's too late to prove or disprove, that I can't report to the police anymore - that thing was sexual assault". And people will 100% believe them, because everyone has been conditioned to believe all women and think that any time a woman claims she felt discomfort she was raped.
Eat shit, Gayman
You made Death black, get cancelled like a chud
Womp-womp motherfucker.
Ah, I can't comment on that without going X-tier.

"King Kill" is what something like the Titanic being sunk is. 100% tied to "Changing of Era". But it's super-masonic shit.

Look for imagery relating to Crowns and Coronas (moon and sun overlapping etc). May provide a clue.

As an adjunct:
The Name of the Rose is about a murder in a monastery, and the title refers to a chick the Jesuit Padawan narrator has sex with - BUT that's really about a deeply deeply esoteric concept. About a fundamental choice all masons and other knowledge seekers have to make regarding their path.

If your boi is writing the story properly, there will be a whole world of meaning just below the surface. Figure out what the "King" is referring to and the story will flip on it's axis and you'll find yourself reading something completely different (which, in it's way is also part of this King Kill stuff - certain things have to be sacrificed/shed in order to gain new understanding: meaning your personal "Era" will shift and other stuff will open up to you, but you lose the "old you" in the process).

Perhaps something about the MC will need to be let go of so he can become a master. It will break something important, but then he'll find a way to "fix" it by creating something new. Look out for tropes like a dead mentor or loved one returning in another form, either obviously or subtly. Sometimes the other is reborn in the MC. They'll start taking on some of their identifying behaviors/attitudes etc.
I never really liked the fact they made Moist more sympathetic and Adora more soft in the adaption of going postal.
It was enjoyable overall, but those always niggled at me.
BF of today would be a good Vimes I think. He's got dat world weary thing in spades now.
But oy veeeey my fellow little kikel, I am not breaking any principles in letting this thing run its course! Oh no no, see our little dear brother, through his own actions showed he enjoys and wholeheartedly supports that whole process so OH OYYY VEEEY who am I to deny him his pleasure? OYYY VEEEYYYY!
but Neil such a nice guy and a trans ally, I just can't believe it
another show about to get a piss poor rushed ending
You still need someone who's pretty lean, needs to be someone who's looks like he walks a tour of a city every day.

It's really hard to think of an actor. 50+ lean cockney who looks and sounds like he's seen it all.
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Just bring Pete Postlethwaite back from the dead. He's who Pratchett wanted anyways
even in his grumpy roles his voice is just too chipper for me to see if working.
I am more saddened by the fact that Miricle Man will never be finished now
It is hard to imagine how Netflix could further poz Game of You, his Sandman story starring five women (two of them lesbians, one a witch) and a tranny, he wrote 30 years ago, but they'll try.
>It has really good prose
no it doesn't
There is a silence of three parts and in every part, you're wrong.
Gaiman's Death was a cute Goth girl with bone white skin. Kat Dennings did a good job voicing her in the audio version. Netflix made her black.
>Laughs in Joseph Campbell
>Wish they made more of the miniseries for Discworld, too
Not in the current era, maybe in ten years, when they can deliver more kino like Going Postal instead of picrel slop.
Live by the troon, die by the troon, ya leftoid cocksucker
oh so the alt right is cancelling Neil Gayman? I thought it was his woke allies doing that?
don't care lol, leftoids getting ACKed by their own retarded ideology is always funny
Season 1's fine and reasonably close to the book. And actually was the book. 2 wasn't completely horrible garbage but it was absolutely worse than 1/the book. It might be worth it if you never read the book and/or if you're a sweaty fujo shipper and want ABSOLUTE ROMANCE for your demon and angel rather than them just being good friends, but personally I'd say you're better off just sticking to season 1 since it's a completely self contained story anyway

He was a big fan of the Thief games, he'll be like a haunt. It'll be fine. IT'LL BE FINE

>I also like that he allowed Carrot to be "wrong" on this issue and showed that he wasn't just a perfect self insert for liberals.
It's because Terry Pratchett's great. Absolutely was/is my favorite author to the point that I've probably spent an ungodly amount on Discworld books over the years. Got something like two copies of all the main ones, and then a lot of the random spinoff things like Science of Discworld, and even got the old Discworld GURPS. Even still have a character on the Discworld MUD I made like 25 years ago

That was a bummer, yeah. I assume it's because they wanted a more presentable protagonist for the show since you aren't getting any of his thoughts or anything and it's a fine line to tread when your protagonist is a sleazeball being pressured into doing the right thing and slightly enjoys the feeling of actually doing the right thing (Or more specifically, scamming people into buying his bullshit which also leads to doing the right thing because he can't stop bullshitting and has to back it up or die) while still wanting to slip off. With a book you get a lot more breathing room for getting nuances in the characters. And I want to say Adora had one semi-"Hard" scene in the show and the rest pretty soft which is wrong but so it goes
They akways cite "power dynamics", as though they have zero agency themselves. I get it, he's done well for himself, but something tells me that willingly consenting to a relationship that isn't abusive, and staying in touch with him afterwards doesn't scream to me that he did anything wrong.

Is there a point where a woman can actually own up to the fact that she banged him, liked it, and just now regrets it?
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By the powers vested in me by a text vote on Sky news, I pronounce you... a paedophile
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not when they can leverage it depending on the situation
I was on tumblr when the allegations came out. Most people didn't even read up on it and just lynched Neil publicly. I was worried they were going to cancel season 3. I don't know if I should be happy or sad gaiman butchered good omens in season 2 but at the same time I like the extra episodes. Based on what we know he didn't do anything illegal the "fans" overreacted.
Predictable but disappointing.
t.woke fag
>not 'kneel'
You had one job
I watched the first or second episode of this and I thought it was pretty cringe desu
live by the sword - die by the sword, you stupid cocksucker. i have zero sympathy for a faggot who was perpetuating faggotry suddenly get dicked to death by the very same faggotry he encouraged.
He helped build this fucking retarded system so him being affected by it is then completely fair.

I don't think you anyone should kill people. Though I won't feel bad for you if you start killing people and one of them kills you.
How is this a difficult concept to understand?

No, you shouldn't rape.
But will I feel sorry for you when you get raped in prison after being locked up for your own raping? No.

It's called facing the consequences of your own actions and that's what makes it justice.
I don't support cancel culture, but cancelling the people who make cancel culture a thing is both good for everyone else AND it teaches the cunt a lesson about what he's been doing to others.

But you're a kike so you won't admit this even if it makes perfect sense and everyone else agrees.
Based Monkey Dust posters
>He helped build this fucking retarded system so him being affected by it is then completely fair.
This never happened. >>204810445 still stands.
Except it absolutely fucking did.

>But you're a kike so you won't admit this even if it makes perfect sense and everyone else agrees
Told you, lmao. This pilpul is hilarious and disgusting at the same time
>frances mcdormand as voice of god
stopped right there desu senpai
>Except it absolutely fucking did.
Never happened.
Good Omen should have ended with one season
I refuse to watch the second because it fells unnecessary
You can't be this fucking dumb for real. Everyone itt can see that you're full of shit so just stop already
You're not missing out
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>You claim to be these children's "teacher"?
>I teach P.E...
It did and everyone knows it did since he made it very fucking blatant and even fought for the shit on twitter and in interviews

You're simply lying at this point. Weren't you the one trying to talk about morals and codes a minute ago? lelmao
Fuck yourself, rabbi
of course they are, he was a degenerate long before it became fashionable
Is something only a gay man would say.
Gay man’s Jewish. It all makes sense.
Top kek

would feel bad if gaiman wasn't such a pos before the allegations

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