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Would you agree with this chart? Is nu-The Simpsons actually that bad?
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>Is nu-The Simpsons actually that bad?
No, it's even worse. There's no fucking way season 34 has even a single 8/10 episode.
What's the deal with Season 6, Ep 5?
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>Season 34
I try to watch a new episode out of curiosity every once in a while but they're all terrible in every aspect (writing, jokes, animation, voice acting...). it's really sad at this point.
the season 13-20 era of zombie Simpsons was still bad, but you could find a decent episode here and there. after 20 it's just garbage
that's the episode where Sideshow Bob runs for mayor as a republican against Quimby
What do you mean? QRD?
What could they realistically do to make a mostly green season again? Even half light green?
Look at the OP image where S6, E5 should be
unironically it's way worse than these ratings. divide those ratings in half then minus a point
I wonder if it's barneyfag bait. Is that guy even still alive?
I tried to watch recent simpsons episode last night and it was pretty bad
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Is that not accurate? Should the score be lower?
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You can't.
Simpsons are medium of its time. Summary of writers, era, television and of course audience. All these things changed, sometimes even twice since "golden era" of Simpsons.
Treehouse of horror in 33 and 34 were awful and s33 e7 was trash, anyone who actually thought they were good is sucking up some quality copium
This hasn't explained anything. Are you trolling me? Fuck off.

zombie simpsons
Who is still watching this show? How can it be worth it to produce still?
probably third worlders and out of touch boomers with Facebook level of humor who still think that the Simpsons are relevant
Simpsons has been garbage for more DECADES than it was good.
It's probably like SNL where it's either people who left their TVs on or people who cling on to a time when it was funny and desperately want to believe it will be funny again.
Or it's like popular music where people will just listen to something because it is popular regardless of the quality.
Maybe it just speaks to my bubble, but I have never even heard of let alone met someone who watches ZomB Simpsons.
My wife watches it and I honestly dont know why other than it's probably habit.
I've literally never heard her laugh except for when an old episode is on.
There's some special as-yet-undefined form of autism where people filter their every waking experience through Simpsons or Family guy skits. Like every conversation invariably they'll squeak out a quote from one of these shows that is barely related to the topic at hand.
I really do think it's a real phenomenon where something in their brain can relate to the limited facial expressions of animated characters and the additional context provided by laugh tracks and silly music to teach them "this was a silly or inappropriate response to a situation".
At a certain point I think Simpsons or the equivalent will permanently be on network TV and free streaming as a service by the government to give our increasingly autistic population more social training to at least be able to hold down a grocery store job.
There shouldn't be any green under any double-digit season.
>The first string of consecutive bad episodes happens the moment the 2000's begin

What kind of score is Jigsaw's eye?
The Simpsons died with the 90s. The 2000s was the decade of Family Guy and South Park. The Simpsons Movie was pretty fun though.
What the fuck are you talking about?
1-3 were the only good seasons. 4+ is when it turned into reddit tier dogshit
Final season should've been in 99, movie in 2000
Those episodes didn’t pass your muster? Or is this opinion based in ignorance?
No. There should be far less yellows and more reds. There is no way in hell there are new episodes that are considered good.
I fucking hate these sort of people. Memes are for the internet. Please just talk to me like a real person.
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I don't see this in OP. Why are you gaslighting me?

I think the positive votes must be astroturfed in the later seasons.
>Season 8, episode 23
>Homer's Enemy is the highest-rated Simpsons episode
I'm okay with this. Also this chart confirms my priors that seasons 5-7 were the series absolute peak.
I knew guys like that in High School, but it was South Park and Family Guy instead of The Simpsons.
it's been years and I still don't understand who's barneyfag and what is he mad about
I don't know but it has an 8.2 on imdb.
That is what it says in OP.
The green ones on the newer seasons are anti Trump episodes aren't they?
The ones in season 34 are Treehouse of Horror episodes. In 33 they are a parody of prestige TV.
Looking further, I don't think any of the Trump episodes are the highly rated ones.
Is she mentally disabled?
It’s a clip show.
Well yes but the same mental disability they all have, she is a woman.
is that what the little face means?
The voice actors that are left literally sound like theyre either dying (marge) or doing it at gunpoint or something (everyone not Dan C.)
iirc 6-5 is a clip show.
No thats the family guy chart, wrong thread chudfuck
Hit the nail on the head
Apparently in third world countries the people doing the translations and dubs rewrite the jokes and it's unironically funny for people living there. I don't speak anything other than English so I can't confirm this.
And "boomer humor" is exactly how I would describe nu-Simpsons. "Homer get iPad" is the perfect one-line summary of most episodes.
>the people doing the translations and dubs rewrite the jokes
very fucking unlikely
who would believe this?
This is inaccurate. The episode is an original story focusing on politics.
>very fucking unlikely
What's unlikely about it?
>be team of writers and VAs in some African shithole
>Have to translate American jokes that won't land at all
>Write jokes that Africans would find funny instead
It's literally as simple as "write your own joke instead of the actual translation".
should I watch the green ones from season 20+ or are they still shit and voted higher by redditors because there's tranny representation or something like that?
i still watch the simpsons. i would say the last three seasons have had attempts of good episodes with some shitty ones peppered in still. theres actually some episodes i like from around season 24-26. but otherwise i just keep up with it to see where it goes. i will say its better than family guy just because modern family guy gets randomly angry at shit and break the 4th wall about random shit like not getting an emmy and quagmire turned into a bitter faggot in later seasons. it feels like they’re being held hostage to make episodes while the simpsons is just unfunny because of bad writers
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The merchandise value of Simpsons from plastic toys to fortnite skins is worth so much that the moribund show acts like an ongoing commercial for its relevance.
It’s better to keep making the show to cash in on the merch than if it’s cancelled and you have to build brand awareness for a dead show.
SNL is still funny
my sample size for that is cherrypicked youtube shorts of the best of colin and che but those are funny, except when the topic comes round to abortion and humor suddenly goes right out the window
has the simpsons done an anti abortion episode yet?
I'm italian and I can confirm. sometimes the jokes can be very different from the original, usually because they can't be easily translated in another language.
In the italian version of the Simpsons some of the characters even speak with a different regional accent (eg. Wiggum is neapolitan, Lovejoy is calabrian, Groundskeeper Willie is sardinian, Carl is venetian, Otto is milanese....)
SNL was never funny. You are a deranged ape.
there was nothing above a 7 after season 8 and nothing above a 4 by season 12. chart is also way too generous to season 1
it costs $100 million per season and 30 second spots go for $150k and it sells $250 million worth of merchandise each year
absolutely insane claim
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schmitts gay and the ambiguous gay duo were always funny
if conan o brien was still writing episodes this wouldn't happen
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every second with norm was a treasure
I don't know that much about SNLs past and i've certainly never actually seen an episode of it but King Tut was SNL right? you couldn't possibly say it was never funny when it has King Tut
why does season 6 episode 5 have that wierd picture instead of a score?
Normie boomer laughtrack slop. I bet you think Friends is funny.

It is 8.2. Where are you schizos getting this picture stuff?
I hear people say that the recent seasons are better than they've been in a long time, but judging from this picture if I hated seasons 11 though 13 I really should hate the ones after.
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Maraka was probably my favorite TV Funhouse
>memes have only existed since the internet
>people haven't been using quotes from works before
>mot justes/winged words do not exist
Go touch some grass, terminally online retard
Have you actually watched it?
modern Simpsons is that they politicized it too much it's just one big propaganda piece for the mainstream Democrats
Take away all the propaganda and it's not terrible.. nothing like the golden year but not terrible.. watchable even
It's the episode where sideshow Bob runs for mail
It doesn't make any sense why it would be that low any episode with Frasier is great
You are misunderstanding what I mean on purpose. Please take your nonsense elsewhere.
No, I have perfectly fine understood what you mean, and replied to you in an appropriate fashion that your post deserved.
>The Simpsons
j*wish propaganda from day 1
>Who is still watching this show?
this faggot >>204817508 how the fuck do you still watch it?
Kill yourself, Seth. It's hilarious how you have to hide from your constant bans now.
King Tut might be boomer kino but norm was Gen x/millennial kino
Contrarianism is not a real personality

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