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why is this considered an inferior way to experience kino ?
It Implies you are poor yet seem to be savvy enough. Which means you're lazy.
Because DisplayPort is the superior audiovisual interface.
It's less about the way and more about what it says about the person, reaching the point of paying for convenience is a sign of being a stable mature adult, while going through the hassle of torrenting and laptop cables just means you're probably a manchild, case in point this board
>Includes hdmi cable ad
most tvs dont have displayport ports though
No, you use Plex, just tell them it's a streaming service they haven't heard of before.
i'm not really sure, i think it has something to do with incels or normie adjacent kids here dating a girl they have absolutely nothing in common with who's incredibly vapid and then using the shame they expressed on to them as some sort of means to peer pressure random anons on the internet into thinking it's somehow uncool

i don't have netflix, i don't have hulu, i don't have shit. i have fucked like 25 different women and watched kino with a hand ful of them and it was only ever done with a 1080p or 4k rip of whatever the fuck i wanted to watch or using their account at their house to watch some shitty halmark film on purpose to get distracted and then fuck in the middle of. no one i have ever fucked around with ever cared how the kino was provided only that it was. but also, i only ever fucked around with women who were actually sure they liked me, rather than some socially inept retard trying to do this on the first date with a stacy who is looking for any excuse to not like a person because they haven't emotionally latched onto them yet because they haven't gotten the chance to make them cum.

television and film. i fucking hate this website.
who is they ?
I just get on a movie site and cast a kino from my phone
Easy peasy
I have an HDMI connected from my PC to my TV and almost every night I open Kodi, set the shutdown timer, turn the volume low and go to sleep with something playing.

I think that's perfectly fine because the alternative is streaming services, which I'm not doing.
The jews.
Normies think you're some kind of weirdo for not wanting to give money to streaming companies that hate you.
i started out doing hdmi laptop to tv then i just bought an external hard drive that i put kinos on from my laptop and plugged that into the tv but this year i said fuck it and went full plex. have invited 5 of my friends to it and shit is pretty cash
>that hate you.
they dont even think about you
Why would I give money to someone who doesn't care about me?
>Actively try to get as much money from the customer as possible
>Hurr they don't think about you
You're literally their source of income. They HAVE to think about you.
my nonbinary partner
what a gay term. if you're hitting that thats either your boyfriend or girlfriend dont be shy
cheap, quick, efficient, nothing to download, nothing to delete
You're using streaming services with kodi.
This. It's like normies who think that using proper punctuation and no emojis is some sort of passive-aggressive attack. They're completely insane.
women will think youre poor (you are)
I don't want to dox him/her. People give away too much personal information on the internet as it is. I'm not gonna let you fags know whether the person I care about most in the world is a boy or girl. You'll probably grow erections to that knowledge.
>You'll probably grow erections to that knowledge.
too late fag
I already have one

its because of the implications that movies on your laptop are pirated.
>the implications that movies on your laptop are pirated.
they are pirated
I use kodi with a cheap TV box I bought years ago. nowadays I just download shit on my phone and stream it on kodi
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>women will think
I'm masturbating to your post as we speak, keep going I'm gonna goon
>solving your own problems makes you a child. bending to the will of and giving in to a faceless corporation means you are a man.

lmao do you let other men cut your steak for you too?
you mind if i fap to this post? its just so erotic
>they dont even think about you
then why do they keep crying and throwing insults around when i won't watch their shit?
You motherfucker. I'm in, let's goon together
Making peace with authority is one of the essential components of being a grown man.
>taking corporate dick up your ass for a worse product and paying them for the privilege is being a man.
You're not Karl Marx for downloading free movies, you're just a jobless NEET trying to find meaning in his worthlessness, stop virtue signaling and get a job
it's about status
it's the equivalent of wearing a plain tshirt from kmart instead of the same shirt with an expensive logo on it
Jeff Bezos won't fuck you for defending Prime Video, bro.
It just gives women the ick. Same with a guy owning an android phone instead of an iPhone. Instant turnoff.
Whys it always sex analogies with you Americans? Always dicks up arses. Rapes. Odd people.
Because we don't get arrested for making rape jokes like you do 'across the pond' yet, so we're getting them out of our system while we can.
Even if we didn't live in a dystopian rainy hellhole island we wouldn't talk like that. We would just say they are robbing bastards and we aren't giving them cash.
>across the pond
Was actually discussing this earlier on, an utter reddit phrase that no one here uses. Never heard a normal civilian utter it, it's always gimpy Youtubers who want to appear all quaint and le British. It irks me too.
It's okay, we all know you're all alone.
I put movies on a usb stick and plug it into my parents smart tv so they have movies to watch.
you're a good son
>i just need everything to be done for my so i can give them money. i refuse to do the work on my own and that makes me a man!

try standing when you pee next time. learning to aim is the first step every boy must take to learn the feeling of success and accomplishing something on your own
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bitches don't care if you pirate and don't have any subscriptions. The problem is that you look like you have severe mental retardation when you're hooking up a fucking cable instead of using plex
Am I the only one who downloads kino to the phone and then casts it to the TV?
anon, jeff bezos is fucking him because hes using prime video.
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He's from Texas.
is texas gay ?
>You're not Karl Marx
>Thinking I give a shit about commie bullshit
Nigga I just don't want to give Netflix money.
well only 2 things come from texas
Ad means adaptor I guess.
They genuinely don't give a shit, faggot.
who cares
>You're not Karl Marx
Thank G-d
Because most people don't own TV screens anymore. Hell, most people under 25 don't even own a laptop.

Normal people watch movies on their phones or if they are cinephiles and take movies seriously they watch it on their laptop, in bed.

I don't know ANYONE under the age of 40 that owns a TV screen in 2024.

I'm 34 and I grew up with television but I just never bothered buying one when I started living on my own, and I guess that's a universal experience for millennials. Gen Z barely own laptops, even.
Is he a steer?
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Lol everyone ITT lives with their boomer parents that still own tvs or are 50 year old boomers themselves lmao
It sucks the soul out of putting a disk/vhs tape into your kinomachine
I think it's kinda funny how 4chan just keeps these decade old memes that don't even apply like the HDMI laptop cable or fedora tippers. Both literally don't exist anymore. The fat fedora autists stopped being a thing 15 years ago now and no person under the age of what? 45? owns a television screen anymore.
I know several people that have tvs. No clue what your talking about.

Just get a displayport/hdmi convertor cable. Easy.

It is not inferior, it is just another method. Personally, I prefer playing the physical discs even if it costs more. In fact, I bought G Gundam today and will start watching it after Halloween is over.
>paying for convenience
>Hmmm, I wanted to see that series but the 3 services I pay for don't have it
>Ok this one have only the season 1 and 4
>This one have it up to season 3 but censored
>For this one they have it but I can't see it due to some bullshit law in my country
>This one...
And ?

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