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Arthouse and classics.

Olive Thomas edition

Prev: >>204801265
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DUDE OP you forgot the links
Some famous directors' favorites from 1952
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*improves upon Van Sant*
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Is Noriko's Dinner Table the best japanese film of 21s century? The only movie that comes close is Love Exposure
No, because it's an American film.
>the best japanese film of 21s century
Confessions (2010)
Sono is a coomer
I love the new captcha, looks like a film noir.
I hate the new Captcha. It's dishonest. It gives you what appears to be a completely unhidden captcha, but there is one barely discernable sliver of a letter that's hidden that you don't notice.
Is The Farewell the best japanese film of 21s century? The only movie that comes close is Love Exposure
Is Perfect Days the best japanese film of 21s century? The only movie that comes close is Love Exposure
It's basically presolved for me. Didn't even need to scroll so far.
Jack Nicholson is a GOATed writer. I was reminded of Head last thread and am rewatching it.
You only need 1 second of extra work knowing that quirk
It was directed by a German you clown
Is Lost in Translation the best japanese film of 21s century? The only movie that comes close is Love Exposure
De Palma was good but nowhere near Hitchcock or Antonioni you spastics.
Is Love Exposure the best japanese film of 21s century? The only movie that comes close is Love Exposure
what does the P stand for
You know...
We're all P here.
Love is love.
Love is where you find it.
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Kimchi Duck's heir
No, go fuck yourself
this any good?
finished the Blue chart
Correct, he’s nowhere near either- nowhere near Hitchock because his films aren’t 100% useless garbage, nowhere near Antonioni because his films aren’t 100% perfect works of art
I love Sarah Gadon
Thread is gonna be deleted again?
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Krasznahorkai (the screenwriter) isn’t
Metaphorical or allegorical at all. Everything to be understood is in the dialogue and descriptions of the scenes.
Why does South Korean cinema feel so soulless compared to the rest of East Asia?
She loves her Jewish husband.
B is for boring and P is for pretentious, I don't really know what the other letters stand for.
Following the Korean War, South Korea was Americanized even harder than Japan was post WW2.
Because you don’t have a soul.
New Zhangke status?
Thank you meganon
no real cinematic tradition
Thank you.
I know what Gadonfag posts in this thread when he’s not posting Sarah Gadon or his penis. I figured it out. I’ve penetrated the depths of his soul.
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some beautiful shots of the Icelandic countryside, but man was this film silly. is this some Icelandic fairy tale or something warning you not to fuck your sheep or what? also, the whole "A24 slowburn horror" thing really doesn't work when the majority of your film is just farming with a goat child
Fake news
Unholy mix of Hollywood and Japanese influence.
It says bad right there on the cover.
It's a random arthouse Icelandic film A24 picked up for distribution, it's not even a horror film really, they just marketed it like that cause it's somewhat creepy.
It was shit but I would still facefuck Noomi.
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it's clear you niggers didn't watch the Satantango 2 cut. best film of the 2020s
Remember, every filmmaker sees flaws in their work.

Spielberg sees his mistakes
Miyazaki is never satisfied
Kubrick wanted to fix things

Even the greatest masters of cinema.
i dont think he ever breaks character desu (except when it's to call kinski a coalburner or post his penis)
just shut the fuck up already
Are you guys gay for Gadonfag? It’s okay if you are.
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This shit finna be kino
There has never been just one Gadonposter.
Wacky line break.
>nothing but meme actors
yeah madly in love
It's a metaphor
Yeah, probably shit like >>204819132.
ari aster lmao
Ari Master
Another thread ruined.
Ari Asper
Oh yaaaa Ari faster!
Beau Is Afraid was the best film of 2023
Yikes totale
weak bait
What would beat it?
Michael Mann's Ferrari, starring Sarah Gadon.
Any other type of bait, really.
Every time she smiles, she thinks of her Jewish husband.
Noice, don't forget to make this the next OP.
It's the worst movie of 2023 so basically anything else that was released
old man yells at cloud
Her Jewish husband isn't an old man. Young and virile.
We're all yelling at clouds here.
Oppenheimer will be completely forgotten or remembered years from now as a generic biopic of absolutely no importance.
Sarah Gadon actually filmed Ferrari days after her wedding. She had her honeymoon in Italy in-between filming!
Sarah Gadon's husband is white, but he is actually 4 years younger than Sarah!
Damn, she nabbed a young Jew. She loves that semitic dick.
Youth (Spring)
Close Your Eyes
The Shadowless Tower
Only the River Flows
oh come on now
Zemeckis is fucking BACK!!!
15 minutes of blinking screen and field recording that you watch with your eyes closed.
What do you mean shitty gimmick? NO IT'S KINO IT'S KINO!
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>I love Sarah Gad-ACK!
This is still as funny as the day I first saw it.
What were they thinking?
>I drive for she
dollar store koyaanisqatsi
We're talking about the new one that was a Joe ripoff.
>we're gonna do the crash in post. it's much cheaper than doing it for real.
>oh, really?
>yeah, it's gonna be great. no one will notice a difference.
>crash in post
Best part. That ricochet off it is pure kino.
Mann is such a hack
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>Clapping as the out of control racecar spirals through the air towards them
My fucking sides. Jesus Christ.
Mann is based.

He directed this scene with Sarah Gadon.
Is this real
Icelandic fairy tale was my guess too.
It's a decent movie.
That's exactly how she is with her Jewish husband.
old man yells at cloud
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She slurps semitic semen.
why is lady gaga there
Almost Obayashi-ish.
beats me. I haven't actually watched it yet
Gay gimmicky shit
Off topic- everyone, you know what to do
I filmed myself taking a shit, easily a better film
tell you that you need to go back?
He doesn't know and doesn't care, adam driver is a hack and a terrible "actor", fit with the decline of hollywood
That “director” is literally upvote land
In English, doc.
not more that whining and begging for reports
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Adam Driver is based
Many people mistake Adam Driver for being Jewish, but he really isn't. Rumor suggests that Gadon converted to Judaism when marrying her Jewish husband.
Mann must have got the same Indian VFX studio as the one that did RRR
Thank you kindly for your service.
lol we should keep coming up with dumb fucking chart ideas to keep these pathetic retards busy for absolutely no reason
We're all busy here.
Bergman's worst movie along with Shame and the Touch. Any time he tried to make political films, they were awful.
you know I can post and work on charts at the same time, right retard?
Gapsik has a talent for mixing both digital and practical effects
I wasn't being sarcastic.
I've seen his last 2 films and this and while his films look beautiful and flow nicely its like he's trying too hard to be a misanthrope or a pessimist.

>Women falls in love to with her rapist and everyone treats the rapist good

>Therapist tells a suicidal client to get a friend to kill him since he can't through with it himself and he can't pay the full price for the session.


>Animal abuser/alcoholic suddenly gets a will from his dead uncle.

>Daughter dies of a random illness when he's locked up

Its just too retarded for me feels too contrived like he's trying too hard to make the world look bleak but it doesn't feel genuine.
awful taste. Shame and Serpent's Egg are both kino. haven't seen Touch yet
Get to work on another chart, bitch
We're all bitches here.
han ye
Dragon ball super heroes
Love exposure is terrible

Shame is too obvious. More in line with what the anon is saying about Balthazar trying too hard.
No baltsahar is complete horseshit trash made for absolute retards who fantasize about saving little girls who reject them while eating donkey shit. Shame is cinema at its finest, a true master perfectly innovating theater to the visual medium. God only knows what the fuck Bresson was doing with his amateur acting pedo bait cuck horse shit. Bergman, now he’s a real artist. The French equivalent is Rohmer not donkey pedo whatever the fuck Baltzahar was.
All true
It’s bleak because he’s a 60 year old cuck who can’t save the 16 year old girl who rejected him so he makes this weird rape fetish with his self insert as the helpless donkey, not to mention the dialogue sounds like frogs literally moaning on each other with that autistic dead pan style. I couldn’t fathom watching complete garbage like this over beautiful masters like Bergman, Rohmer, Dreyer, satyajit ray, and ozu
If I took a shit on the toilet and ate it, shoved my mouth in and munched on that shit it would have more cinematic quality than half the dogshit discussed here. On this thread alone: Sono, Ari Aster, Bresson, Tsai, etc.
that dudnt mean anyting lil bro
He has 3 good films: Manhunter, Heat, and Miami Vice. Everything else is mostly horrific, especially his last 2 and collateral.

Chicken run 2, fallen leaves
We're really making bold statements here tonight huh.
Spielberg is complete shit aside from about 5 films, his last decade has been putrid
Miyazaki is overrated by westerners who want Disney movies in Japanese
Kubrick mostly sucks, 2001 and Lolita are good, EWS is okay.
Lamb is good, better than that Balthazar garbage you retards eat up. Lamb and Northman are great but flawed films.

Antonioni is useless garbage made for panty sniffers and repressed child molestors. He got completely embarrassed making a new Hollywood film. They’re far from art they’re just typical Italian degenerates being sad. Grow up. Everything about a given Hitchcock film is much more artful.
Ferrari is Michael Mann's best film easily. It has Sarah Gadon.
Passion was his best. Everything else falls short, it’s the most underrated film of the decade with Craven’s My Soul to Take. Give it another decade before people come around.
That's similar to how she takes pictures of her Jewish husband in real life.
The baiting is so weak.
I don’t know what the fuck that means. Who? It has some shitty actress? I don’t fucking care it’s a piece of shit, it’s an absolute abortion that never should have been released. It’s a little boy at the candy store saying me like Ferrari but being 80 years old. It’s a terrible film and whatever whore you think made it good now adds to my hatred of it. Fuck Mann and fuck you.

I forgot he directed this, I thought the Coens did. This was okay.
Yes everyone who likes shitty Down syndrome French cuck pedo films with abysmal acting and a shitty faux spiritual catharsis must be ‘baiting’. No it can’t be the people who like le b/w fake deep French film with sad animal and sad girl that has considerable acclaim are just lying to us and themselves. Ah yes I enjoyed watching satantango and Baltzahar now let me take my place at the kino table my good sirs. Don’t forget to wipe bressons ass after you’re doing kissing it.
dude be eating shit lmao
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I didn't like ''Irreversible'', ''Climax'' and ''Enter the Void'' (this was was pretty at least, still boring as fuck); what should I watch by him next?
You won't like any of the others.
Love in Motion
Why is Tom Hanks a thing? I have never understood it
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Gaspard Noe is based. He's a Sarah Gadon fan.
Why would you watch anything from him to begin with especially if you hate him but if you must watch Love, there are good moments in there.

Too late watching most of these films discussed makes me feel like I’m eating from the toilet. I think it’s because we’ve let so many dogs and other animals in here with their shit taste I’m developing my own.
Fuck you. Fuck you, fuck Michael Mann, fuck that whore and mostly fuck you and fuck Ferrari. Cars go vroooom. When I was boy I saw race car. Fuck you. Nobody knows your d list onlyfans model who had some acting jobs . Fuck you.
Sarah Gadon is a fan of Jewish men.
He was a mister Rodger’s type now he acts like an old lady. Weird drop off desu.
Cars go vroooom and I mean it my name is Michael Mann. Fuck him. Also fuck Ridley Scott.
Ridley Scott is a god of cinema.
was the arrival good tho?
Somebody post a cock so this thread gets nuked too.
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>Grow up.
>Everything about a given Hitchcock film is much more artful.
What does arthouse mean? Can an action movie be ''arthouse''?
>An art film, art cinema, or arthouse film is typically an independent film, aimed at a niche market rather than a mass market audience.[1] It is "intended to be a serious, artistic work, often experimental and not designed for mass appeal",[2] "made primarily for aesthetic reasons rather than commercial profit",[3] and containing "unconventional or highly symbolic content".[4]
No he’s horrible and made 2 good films. Counselor and Alien.

Not really, Hitchcock doesn’t write his scripts so stuff like Vertigo and Psycho and Rope being glorified Twilight zone episodes maybe even lesser ones still makes them fun. His great films like the wrong man and shadow of a doubt and Torn Curtain, Notorious, Lady Vanishes, and Jamaica inn are uniquely clever fantastic films. Antonioni is always various forms of pity shot tediously and overly banal to impress. He exposes this in zabriskie point by making an overly tedious film that can’t rely on ‘oh this is Italian it’s so dignified’ and it’s just dirty hippies and a north by north west homage. Genuinely a baffling claim on your part.
Gladiator is a masterpiece and so will be Gladiator II.
So an action movie cannot be arthouse
>glorified Twilight zone episodes
>uniquely clever fantastic films
lmao grow up kiddo, these threads are for the big boys
No it’s not it’s a complete piece of shit for YouTube male soccer moms in t shirts with sweat stains and fatty food fan fiction types to larp as heroes. It’s a mind numbingly simple film, so stupid in its approach to history while also demeaning the time period with its stupidity. How can you compare that piffle with the I Claudius miniseries.
It's possible to make an action film that fits the definition of arthouse.
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>I Claudius miniseries
Very bad. Britbong fools mugging for the camera like they're in a high school play.
Quit horsin around…
It needs an AI version…
Yeah the big boy Antonioni who literally does an homage to North by northwest in the film. Yeah the high and mighty Antonioni who was so inspired by Hitchcock he put one of his scenes in his own film. You’ve built a castle out of dog shit and now you’re stuck with it. Twilight zone has unique plots that aren’t referential, and Antonioni makes bad Hitchcock films (blow up, Zabriskie point)
Oh okay so you’re impressed with a bunch of people playing dress up with no concern for plot or accuracy or intelligence in script. If that’s the case then you must love 300 since gladiator would be a shitty version of that by your own standard.
Of course he's a plotfag.
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Adam Driver seen here discussing a scene with the director.
If I’m a ‘plotfag’ then you’re a dress up fake since the only good thing about gladiator is that they’re wearing costumes, and those costumes are worse than 300. ‘Don’t be a plot fag just consume this absolutely terrible script because I like costumes’
The Gladiator is shit and the action scenes in the Colisseum are an absolute mess where you cannot tell wtf is going on because it cuts more than a MTV videoclip from the early 00s
>where you cannot tell wtf is going on
Wow, you must be really stupid. It's very easy to tell what's going on.
I hate both films, they’re both complete shit, but 300 is better than gladiator
>The first time Hitchcock saw Blowup, he was struck dumb. “My God!” Hitchcock blurted to screenwriter Howard Fast. “I've just seen Michelangelo Antonioni's Blowup. These Italian directors are a century ahead of me in terms of technique. What have I been doing all this time?''
It's a jumbled incoherent mess of fast cuts, horrible action sequences
Not at all. You seem very stupid.
Nice try
However, the movie was shelved and Hitchcock worked his ideas into something slightly different – a movie which would become Frenzy, set in central London. However, after multiple rewatches of Antonioni’s stunning film – and after Kaleidoscope was dropped – Hitchcock claimed to no longer be much of a fan.

Hitchcock doesn’t write the scripts anyway, so again is mostly saved by his writers. Once the novelty of technique fades to blow up there is nothing there.
I just went re-watching one of the fighting scenes on youtube, literally most of the shots last 2 seconds lol during it, it's even worse than the MTV videoclips from the 00s, it feels like a fucking lobotomy
And despite all that, Scott achieves absolute visual clarity. Truly a master.
He’s like the David fincher of his day, he’s fine with competent writers, but he usually uses complete hacks.

>Hitchcock claimed to no longer be much of a fan
When you’re publicly embarrassed and humiliated, what else can you claim? He already gaped his obese asshole far wider than he ever had before and was left with nothing but bloody fingers and prolapse. The question I leave to you is- would that sight have indeed been better to watch than any of his films? As a worshipping, paying audience fan of his, you know the answer- they’re one and the same.
They’re one and the same.
anything good on sitges this year?
of course, it has Parker Posey
What is this guy’s claim? That Hitchcock is a poor director because HE thinks so? Is he that stupid?
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New Sarah Gadon sighting tonight /film/!

Let's discuss!
Also why does it always end with him fantasizing about Hitchcock spreading his asshole? Wtf?
Get the help you need. I say this as someone who has gone through similar mental disturbances. It gets better friend.
The Hitchcocksuckers are out and about tonight I see, and they’re desperately craving a show…Hope you all brought enough food and lube for Big Alfy, he works up quite the appetite for both…I’d say it’s scarier than any of his films if I’m being quite honest! A true horror master indeed!!
sanctimonious gen x drivel
Another pic.
you're completely right about my soul to take but black dahlia mogs passion.
this thread is really dead in euro hours. latinX we won
it's 9AM my man
Nobody won, this thread was terrible.
She looks the best when her face is covered in her Jewish husband's cum.
I've nothing important to say right now.
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Since /film/ is so slow this morning in let's take a look at a pic of Sarah Gadon with her immediate family.

Left to right:
>Linda Gadon (Mother)
>James Gadon (Brother)
>Sarah Podemski (Sister-in-law)
>Sarah Gadon
>Max Fine (Husband)
>Michael Gadon (Father)
But who was phone?
I wonder what her family thinks of her marrying of Jewish man.
She makes for a fine Jew seed receptor.
Nice interracial couple. She loves getting Jewed.
What the fuck is this thread? Discuss cinema!
Gadonfag thread. He will probably post his micropenis again soon.
*Sarah "semitic semen sucker" Gadon
Phantom of the Opera (1925) > Nosferatu (1922)

More interesting and orginal story, much more ambitious, and just as creepy if not more so.
I rewatched The Searchers last night for the first time in a decade and for the first time in my 30s and it hit me like a truck. One of the most heartbreaking films I've ever seen.
Reading Godard has made me painfully aware of how far behind I am in life. It also has convinced me that we are all low iq retards aping cinema. Goodbye /film/.
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>films 'native man bad' movies for almost 40 years
>until he makes one film that says: shiiiieeet, I guess they weren't THAT bad after all
You may laugh at Gadonfag, but at least he is content and aware of his monkey brain. Goodbye Gadonfag, you are my only friend here.
Good riddance.
tryhard contrarian
Have you at least seen Fort Apache? Or Wagon Master?
Serpent's Egg was OK at best.
Do you love Sarah Gadon?
The epitome of /film/ discussion.
Anon 1: “Gallo good!”
Anon 2: “Nuh uh. Gallo very bad!”
Anon 1: “Filtered”
Anon 2: “Nuh uh. You’re retarded!”
Anon 1: “No you are!”
Gallo good!
>Opera film
>it's silent
Who the hell comes up with this shit?
Uh huh. Gallo based!
Gadon good!
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Gallo Genius
Gallo God!
We're all geniuses here.
Gadon Goddess!
Goddess of Jewish cock
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Every now and then I'll just remember L'eclisse and how great it was and get an urge to rewatch it. Probably seen it 5 or 6 times over the years.
This will be my first rewatch since both Vitti and Delon died though.
>lists with over 150 films
and into the trash they go.
>lists with less than 1500 films
I’m sincerely sorry for gimmick posting and will try to make more substantive posts from now on. I’m sorry for influencing the current state of affairs.
We're all sorry here.
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profile me based on my ten favorites
10 or 60
ten? that is at least fiddy lil bro
25 yo male. Maybe French or otherwise European? Had a web phase.
Either a troon already or will troon out in your late 30s
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hurrr durrr: the post
Has anyone read Susan Sontag’s Against Interpretation? She seems to be the ultimate vibefag. If you are a vibefag, I suggest reading her. She’d probably coom upon watch WKW.
Well, I guess that wouldn’t be entirely true, because some vibefags interpret the vibes they feel. What she suggests is that we shouldn’t watch films for their content, but appreciate the form instead. When one talks about a film, one should talk about what it is, not what it means.
>Goodbye Gadonfag
Sounds like a good title for a film
I am going to find Sarah Gadon in real life and kill her.
Im sending this to the fbi lmao
If you’re reading this Mr. Gallo, please tell the crew to get their act together and drop The Policeman. Thank you.
>james franco
this project will stay forever in post
>The year 1978 was particularly devastating for film archives when both the United States National Archives and Records Administration and George Eastman House had their nitrate film vaults auto-ignite. Eastman House lost the original camera negatives for 329 films, while the National Archives lost 12.6 million feet of newsreel footage.
329 films!! AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least three of them must've been great!
There's no use crying over burned film.
Only Sarah Gadon would post such a thing.
She's too busy sucking Jewish penis.
lil bro these burned up before lil marty was even born
He’s only 81
Whenever you read about a '20s/'30s actress. They always started as a Ziegfeld Follies showgirl. And then you read about the Ziegfeld Follies, It's pretty clear the whole thing was just a casting couch harem pretending to be a stage show. And see Alfred Cheney Johnston's photos and they're all flapper dimes. Awooga. Do any of the Ziegfeld biopics truly capture the vibe?
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Here's what I've seen so far, what shall I watch next from this list?
Interesting. Never heard of this fella before. Thanks, gigaboomer investigator.
Carnival of Souls, a big favorite of mine
I don't know, a bunch of absolute classics there. Seconding Carnival of Souls I guess
I shall check it out thanks.
Peeping Tom
Depressed, don't want to watch anything. Downloaded Paris, Texas and still haven't watch it
The Avenging Conscience
>too depressed to sit and look at a screen
Seek help anon. I've been there.
Watch the film that anon between you told that other anon to watch. There is significance in you watching it
Maybe I will.
I’m depressed too. I haven’t got out of bed in two months. Typing this right now just made me realize how bad that looks and sounds.
I love you anon. I hope you enjoy the movie.
Depression is a choice.
Eat well, get your vitamins, sleep enough, go outside regularly, work out every day, read books, set up a source of passive income online, invest, socialize, have sex.
I’ve done all of this besides setting up a source of passive income, and that ended with me attempting suicide by drowning and losing my job.
Find Jesus.
We’re all depressed here.
You’re right.
We're all found here.
bakin rn
We're all rn here.
Fuck you.


Wrong OP image.
No, I like it.
Also too early.
>one hour later
>still not page 10

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