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>entire point of the Indiana Jones movies is that it takes mythology and turns it on its head
>you're not supposed to know whether any of the mysticism is real
>it's all likely fake pseudoscience that ancient kingdoms parroted as elixirs of life when they did nothing
>fourth movie comes out
>suddenly fucking aliens, actual concrete aliens
Probably the most disappointed I've ever been in a movie direction. It utterly ruined the point of the original trilogy.
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Eh, at least I was entertained. Can't say the same about Dial.
There is no actual fucking explanation for the arc you retard.

If you're upset at the aliens and are trying to be clever you're failing.
uh what? what's the ambiguity in the previous movies? if YHWH isn't literally existing why would the ark of the covenant melt people? its just a box
and the immortal knight in the last crusade?
The arc didn't happen the way the movie suggested it did. The movie is an unreliable narrator.
Robotics/mechanics, similar to how the Egyptians had steam power.
I think it's more like you don't know if the artifact have power, but it turns out they actually do, but it still doesn't show the source of the power. Ark of the Covenant just has some spooky ghosts come out and kill everyone, the stones in Temple of Doom just magically heat up, the real and fake Holy Grails do have the power to heal/extend life or immediately kill the person using it. They don't show God or Hindu gods direct power at work.

It's why Dial of Destiny is actually the better movie though I thought they stayed a bit too long in the past which showed the "power" behind the artifact too much.
>>it's all likely fake pseudoscience that ancient kingdoms parroted as elixirs of life when they did nothing
The holy grail washed away Indie's dads gunshot wound like magic.
Troll thread
There were invisible platforms as well. In Temple chanting makes the stones turn scalding hot. It's all real, every bit of it. No matter the religion. That's how I always saw it.
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>The arc didn't happen the way the movie suggested it did
>entire point of the Indiana Jones movies is that it takes mythology and turns it on its head
>you're not supposed to know whether any of the mysticism is real
false, the movies use existing mythology as a basis to give it more seemingly legitimacy
crystal skulls are fake but there was enough mystery surrounding them that lucas and spielberg were able to craft a story with mayans and shit
this is why dial of destiny fails and is non-canon, it has no mythological basis and nobody has ever theorized that the antikythera was a time traveling device, it's just an ancient device that was used to calculate the various aspects of earth's rotation
>The arc didn't happen the way the movie suggested it did. The movie is an unreliable narrator.
you sound just as retarded as the "indiana jones is not a trilogy" nigger
>>you're not supposed to know whether any of the mysticism is real
Ark ghosts, melting nazis, magic glowing rocks, black magic human sacrifice, 873 year old knight, holy grail healing water, interdimensional beings.
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Only npcs that don't believe in ayylamos get mad about this
weak baby souls that have no experience outside of earth and are easily manipulated
probably the same kind of goy cattle that took the clott shot lol lmao
>it has no mythological basis and nobody has ever theorized that the antikythera was a time traveling device, it's just an ancient device that was used to calculate the various aspects of earth's rotation

It does have a mythology behind it as sort of a primitive computer which is why it has fascinated people for so long. All it does in the movie is predict where the time rifts are going to be. In the movie the device itself doesn't have any sort of real power.
>the arc didn't happen the way the movie suggested it did. The movie is an unreliable narrator

literally no one saw the "alien" but spalko and she didn't survive! no one can reliably say what happened in that room!
they are preparing us for their coming
>It does have a mythology behind it as sort of a primitive computer
that is not mythology you idiot, that's historical and archeological evidence. furthermore the one thing george lucas said indy couldn't ever be allowed to do is a fucking time travel movie because it's not feasible in any fucking way. yes the power of god and alien civilizations are far more possible and plausible than a time machine.
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I like the scene where they find the Skull, it's really eerie.
did it make you snood in pant?
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>ninja game
peak reddit
What...? The first movie had an ark melt the faces of an entire crowd on-screen, the second movie had a guy get his heart pulled out of his chest alive and then burn when he was lowered into lava and Indy being possessed by a magic potion, the last film had an immortal knight alive since the crusades. At no point has the supernatural stuff ever been ambiguous.
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I dont entirely agree with your premise because the fact is the Ark of the Covenant clearly had insane supernatural attributes and you cant explain that other than opening the fucking Bible or saying it had some high level sigil hex on it like a /x/ tard I think that scene definitely clarified things. If anything, its somewhat heretical and atypically jewish for them to retcon and say its all aliens and therefor God's covenant with manking is irrelevant alien nonsense. all this to say in my opinion aliens are retarded and a modern conception to cover up magic existing in antiquity.
>inb4 im schizo and retarded
The filmmakers are the ones who took issue with the previous films, thats why they decided to do a deus ex machina retcon with ayy lmaos anyway.
honestly pretty good b8 OP. you got a lotta retards hooked
thats fucking garbage
Ok James Mangold
op got his degree in faggotry from reddit university
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>you're not supposed to know whether any of the mysticism is re-ACK! (waited 900 seconds just to post this so I deserve a few replies please)
>you're not supposed to know whether any of the mysticism is real
Where do you retards come from?
The aliens thing is to hide ancient advanced human societies. Jewish people are especially keen on doing this because it hides the fake Moses and Jewish slaves built the pyramid myth.
Some specualation about the "arc" is it contains highly radioactive metorite fragments from antiquity and that sort of shit melts faces. Further, the heart ripping power of Mola Ram is similar to bullshit "psychic surgery" where a con man claims to be able to remove tumors without a scar and uses sleight of hand to pull chicken guts out of a rube. He also was drugging Indy and everyone in the cult. Depending on how you wanna read things, there is nothing supernatural in those movies.
Not even just advanced, there was giants and they werent particularly advanced just bloodthirsty. But if giants existed that contradicts evolution and demands a reevaluation of the human condition. They truly just want to control every aspect of your life and that includes an alternate history with the illusion of progress.
literally only you think this, the films have never expressed any doubt over whether or not the artifacts had mystical power, it's just that indy is never able to keep them afterwards and since no one would ever believe him, he's back to square one.
Not even giants just wide. There were wide people and they werent particularly advanced just hangry
No they were tall as fuck.
Giants have been mentioned constantly. Even Abraham Lincoln talked about the Giants and then now hidden or destroyed giants cities.

Hell there were impossibly advanced cities here that were co-opted to be "world fair" stuff and don't get Jr started for the real reason the grand canyon is a land mark and why mount rush ore was made or the real secret of the underground railroad.
Or negro-indians.
>indiana jones is not a trilogy
wtf. whats the QRD on that?
>you're not supposed to know whether any of the mysticism is real

The first movie had an Arc of God melt nazi faces off!
No they were wide as fuck.
The thick have been mentioned constantly. Even JFK had one as a side piece and then George Bush Sr. and Woody Harelson's dad destroyed his head.
Will the video game be good?
some absolute fuckwad of a retard years back on 8kun proudly declared that indiana jones was not a trilogy because there wasn't an arc present throughout the first three films. the idiot was promptly owned thoroughly because he didn't know how wrong he was about what a trilogy is.

read it for yourself https://archive.is/AbmPL
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kek what a retard
The swinging part was cool. The action sequences were always over the top, I don't care if it gets a bit goofy. The series is based on shitty 30s serials anyways.
what is the real reason of the Grand Canyon? I dont know, Im just stupid.
oh how i miss those days
8kun was everything 4chan should be now. multi-file posts that allowed webms with sounds on every board, customized/personalized boards (aka better tard containment), more text options, it was superior in every way. the perfect mongolian tapestry forum.
the only things tarrant accomplished were increasing NZ's gun restrictions and getting the best chan banned
i know, it's pathetic. and 9chan didn't even get to live since the prick that went after 8kun immediately targeted it
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>at-the-time disaster movies like Indie 4 are pretty much masterpieces compared to the average sequel / reboot coming out today
It feels like a distant dream. I want to go back.
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I unironically like the fridge scene and the aliens stuff
Really weird to think about how awful I thought it was.

The movie looks great
My problem is that aliens go against the whole "mystical and legendary macguffin from ancient human history" thing. He's a fucking Archeologist that hunts for relics.
It looks really good for the most part. It's the out of place cgi cartoons that show up here and there that most people shit on with good reason.
This was considered a trash sequel at the time. o_0
I like threads like this. Makes me feel better about myself. Thanks OP.
Holy shit
Same here
I feel like every Indy movie has a comfy spooky scene like this
I always had a soft spot for it. On one hand it's because I was a little kid when I saw it in theaters and on the other it's because "bad" Spielberg is still better than most films.
>Depending on how you wanna read things, there is nothing supernatural in those movies.
We saw him rip a guys heart out while he was still alive, we saw the wound heal, we saw his heart burst in to flames when his body hit the lava, we saw the heat and light coming out of the stones. Indy, shorty and willy all saw this as well before indy was drugged.
Kill yourself
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>unreliable narrator
>>you're not supposed to know whether any of the mysticism is real
what the fuck are you talking about you dumb nigger?
the ark literally killed the nazis
the holy grail literally healed indy's dad
>Probably the most disappointed I've ever been in a movie direction. It utterly ruined the point of the original trilogy.
George Lucas sucks.
Yeah I liked it too, I was a teenager at the time and didnt rageshit over bad CGI
KEK no fun allowed!!!!
>the ark literally killed the nazis
>the holy grail literally healed indy's dad
There's no actual proof that happened. The only witnesses were Indy snd his group of friends
Irrelevant, we witnessed it.
the reason this fell flat was more because of the ugly obnoxious cgi that felt dishonest and disrespectful. if they had gone all practical and kept the alien subtle instead of doing "le close-up cg grimace >:(", it could have been the highlight of the movie.
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>entire point of the Indiana Jones movies is that it takes mythology and turns it on its head
The entire point of Indiana Jones movies is brainless entertainment for burgers who have been eating nothing but slop their entire life. Anyone who dislikes part 4 is actually dumber than anyone who enjoyed it.
that's because people don't understand lucas
they confused him for an auteur and not an autist
>Anyone who dislikes part 4 is actually dumber than anyone who enjoyed it.
i hope you don't feel this way about dial as well
>first movie ends with the wrath of god literally melting some dude's face off
>"you're not supposed to know whether any of the mysticism is real"
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This is the true spiritual successor. And it's pure utter kino.
>Le alien didn't like le nazi because... ??????????????
I wish Peter Jackson would get off his fat kiwi ass and make the sequel like he promised.
The aliens would be fine if they were just extinct and kept mysterious, actually showing them at the end alive is when it goes full retard
>suddenly fucking aliens, actual concrete aliens
You can't really turn Mesoamerican mythology on its head like the other films, because the inversion of their cultures is just modern American Nihilism
and the Kali ritual in temple of doom?
>first person view
What do you think?
Thing is, an Indiana Jones with an anticlimactic ending is just as bad, but from the "Is that it?" point of view
How butthurt would archeologists be if AI said the idea of the Industrial Revolution being exclusive to the post-renaissance western world was dumb and infrastructurally illogical
We're supposed to get actual gameplay on the 29th of this month. I'm honestly intrigued by everything they've described about it.
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i understand ur intention op
yes i agree
>you're not supposed to know whether any of the mysticism is real
the ark of the covenant melts people's faces in the first one
>Ford already looked too old for this shit in this film
>they STILL went ahead and made another sequel 15 years later
Same happened with Uncharted, just opposite. Suddenly there was no mysticism and lost its edge because of it.
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What am I still doing wasting my life on this retarded site?
Same type of brainlet who makes a 5 hour long video about how nothing supernatural happend in the Shining
This. With all that, why are aliens suddenly so unbelievable?
>The arc didn't happen the way the movie suggested it did. The movie is an unreliable narrator.
Indy and Marion close their eyes so as not to witness what comes out of the arc, which means the audience is seeing things from beyond the characters point of view. Given that the film never attempts to distort the viewer's understanding of reality throughout the rest of the film, then that means the film is present objective truth in that specific moment, you total mong.
>unreliable narrator
you're a reliable dicksucker
The aliens were already dead, they just magically came alive after the skull was returned

I'll be honest with you, I liked the movie back then and still do. It was cool to see the series going from WWII setting to the Cold War era. The soviets researching paranormal tech and all that is kino and very entertaining
Technically the ghost lady spook is from Belloc's pov but you're still right for the part where everyone dies and Belloc's head explodes.
>>you're not supposed to know whether any of the mysticism is real
No it's not, it was never this and the only people who think this watched them once maybe or just watched an essay on youtube by someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. In all three films the mystic powers of the artifacts are clearly showcased and never at any point are they explained away with drugs, toxins, exhaustion, hallucinations, etc. The only time this might work is the one stone heating up in Mola Rahm's hand, but before this Indy say Mola Eahm pull out a man's heart.

Crystal Skyll still isn't good but aliens existing isn't out of the realm of the setting like some critics claim (I would personally argue it tying into Roswell and 1950s hysteria fits the pulp vibe very well). There are plenty of other flaws to point out in the movie, aliens being a thing isn't one of them.

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