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/fromg/ from general
Glowie edition
Prev >>204809704
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>giant spiders
>ghost kids

What other supernatural entities will they introduce?
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Shadow people
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The tree would have taken Dale to the center of the swimming pool, but because the trees moved, it put him in the concrete instead. That is why Victor is concerned about the trees moving.
heterosexual catholic priests
Big foot/giants
that's what moved the tent
Is this a real screenshot?
not just From though. it started with later GOT seasons. Now it spread across all shows I watched in the last five years.
yeah thanks for the quibble race ptsd on /tv/ asshole
No it’s a cabin in the woods shop
just a drawing of what Victor imagined when they roamed the houses at night as he hid. since it was dark, he couldn't see.
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Could be truth.
His whole bottle tree coordinate system is now out of sync.
Name one reason this won't work
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>”Thwre are 12 unique talismans carved from stone. the design of the talisman is very deliberate. It’s a hint for the people of from that they don’t even know is a hint yet”
From the main writer
Makes no sense. the bottles had many numbers yet he stated this tree always takes you to the lighthouse.
The numbers are a retcon since they used to be below 2000 and over 1500, making sense for an American setting, but now they scrapped that idea.
Yes, the numbers correspond to numbers on Victors map from earlier seasons, BUT they can't be linked to coordinates from that one tree. It just doesn't work. Assuming your theory is he got in, was moved, recorded the number of steps back to the tree and hung up the numbers, this would contradict with Victor's statement that this tree only has one destination. And also begs the question why he only bottled one (two) trees.
Of course, it would be part of some superweapon after which they would break the spell and go to the outside world.
It isn't attached to the ground so the froms could just tip them over
No, fromville just kills people who use them without purpose. No coincidence every time one is used and the person lives, it's after seeing the BIW.

When victor throws a stone into one in S1, it drops right out of the sky. What coordinates were 100ft in the air? Besides, the bottle tree is older than that pool is. He should have materialized above ground.
Because the talismans don't work to begin with. It's a game. And this would be considered cheating to them. The talismans probably also only work if they give the people a sense of safety, so they don't "smell" of fear or something. Fatty was able to box herself with Ellis in the corridor just because it was "roomed", however just minutes before, flower lady was able to step from the "contaminated" bathroom into the house despite the other rooms supposedly still "roomed" with a talisman. They can break the rules as they please if they can create fear with it. Sparing Fatty with Ellis was just a trick to build up hope again.
It also doesn't -really- matter if it is all sealed, because the RV had broken windows and it still worked and the cave was just covered with leafs
>Because the talismans don't work to begin with.
Retard meme backed up by nothing but trying to come up with a retarded "twist"
it's so called safe edgy, because they wouldn't dare use real swear words
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Maybe when they actually explain how they do work it'll go away.
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Those look like people
Wait, they have 6 legs
It looks native American
Native Americans had a legend about the Ant People, right?
>Live underground
>Tears people apart for sport
>Red creature in cave drawing is the Queen

I might be on to something
>the froms could just tip them
what if they're Jews?
fairy autists holocaust when?
So explain why the magic broke when she got in the locked bathroom but resumed when Fatima was in the corridor?
Would / lie to you?
faegs are worse than Ashara Dayne + Ned Stark = Jon Snow idiots
It's either this or my own theory, all dream related

The monsters only appear at night, when people sleep, so they are nightmares. Cicadas also killed people when they slept, during the day (forcing them to sleep).
The talismans how the trees around and the cycle of sun and moon, and people united like they're the same thing

The nightmares of people are killing people

Even monsters in the show are credited as "Nightmares".
They probably just baited people to open doors for them once they were inside
you know, there was an episode you can rewatch and see if this is true or not. there is no probably
FUCK, FUCK! no i mean stop, no FUCK, don't do it, GO HOME! im just gonna-- NO, NO! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
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>set in America. EXCLUSIVELY America
>only established lore is a word that is not norse or any real world language
ehrmahsrhbgwrgerd it haz to be vikangz!
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Can someone explain to me how an ambulance went “into the woods” in the middle of a city? Please? Some kind of answer? I'd really appreciate it.
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>talismans don't work
>they had to give my g randall a swarm of bugs for him to drop talisman and get him
One more question (I've only finished the 4th episode of season 3 so far). How the fuck did the “monsters” get so smart all of a sudden? I mean, there's never once been a hint of it. They just walked around eating people. How did they get so smart all of a sudden? HOW CAN YOU CHANGE THE RULES EVERY SEASON
>12 unique talismans
So each are different?
The moment we're discussing didn't occur on screen, retard-kun
I'm gonna go check on the goats.
>drop the talisman
He didn't.
The monsters sleep in the caves. People have been there to see them and sneak about. Tab & Vic went there for example, looking for a little hide away from Jim.
are you nigger that said he "put it away" in his pocket while he was fucking falling down to the floor because of the bugs? lmao
If they stole the concept from Cabin in the Woods and the town is a glowie mission to sacrifice people to appease something, I will forgive all their misdeeds
No, but it's not on the ground anywhere.
That would suck, but I suspect it's a similar thing, especially with how it USA only and the rendezmove shit.
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Need the science team to get me screenshots of every talisman.
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>it wasn't CGI but it looked completely CGI

how the fuck did they manage to do that? It looked so fake but it isn't. what the fuck
>i'd love it, if it was like my reddit movie

and he is not holding it so? They did not get him while he was holding it, he had to be on the ground being a bitch because of the bugs for them to get him
If he's not holding it, and it didn't fly off into the distance in the couple seconds the bugs attacked him, it could only be in his pocket
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Oh yeah? Explain this
>general discussing again if randall was holding the amulet or not

jesus... who the fuck cares.
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>Why yes, I also put stuff in my pocket mid air while falling
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They're investing too much in meaning (and emphasizing the lack of it thereof) and mystery for it to be something as cheap as that, even though it has some merit, I don't put something like this past high-level glowies.

As far as I can tell the writers are positing:

>the problem of evil
>the problem of the one and the many
>order/chaos dichotomy
>destiny/free will dichotomy

in this realm they've created which is why it's so fitting to demand answers and laugh about them. They're stacking complexity upon complexity and if they've planned it from beginning to end, unlike Lost, I bet the resolution to all those questions will be good, and hopefully that will be the takeaway, something philosophical, spiritual, that can be exported and understood universally, regardless of one's belief system. They're building all this so they can resolve it with 'multi-dimensional telos'.
what is the context for this? I dont remember this scene.
why did the actor agree to be walled in?
yeah who cares if the stupid talisman works by holding it and not by placing it in a house
off by 1 ffs
Kenny kept a list of all the places he wants to travel to in his globe, and him and Kristy plan to go together after they get out
Julie and Randall will have HOT SEX next episode
Where did the talisman go
He fell with it in his hands
No it’s just the same symbol on 12 different rocks
The first two Boyd picks up in the hut have extremely similar if not the same design. If there are differences, they are minor.

Maybe he just means the design is unique. That being said, one of Miranda's paintings of the design is different and only looks to feature one person.
The ghouls were just locking Randall down so they could play out this trolley problem with Boyd
It's been made clear that the talismans only work in shelters, and if you breach the shelter the talisman stops having any sort of repelling power
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>the monsters could easily defeat the talismans by throwing a rock through the window
So, where's the motel?
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So you went from he put it in his pocket to he fell with it with his hands? Fact is he had it in front of it swinging it to the monsters and they had to bring him down to get him
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In the room above the gas station
>It's been made clear
Nothing has been made clear in this fucking show retard
The town is the motel. It's a cheaky play on Hotel California. The entity likes music and often uses it to troll people.
>show opens with the jukebox cuing up a song about getting out
>s1 ends with the jukebox cuing up a song saying you ain't going nowhere
>celebration after kenny's mom got killed
>kenny and ellis made aware of rebar girl by her phone playing wake up little suzie
There are a lot of things the monsters don't do that they could, like run
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Yep, those are definitely alien rocks.
She was so cute in season 1-2. And Julia, too. Why have they gotten so gross now?
I feel i can crank up the speed to 3x in the next episode.
Which is the core of the whole 'the talismans don't really work' theory. The couldn't talk until they did.
Julie is 15
16. And they are in an alternate dimension or some shit. Laws don't apply.
did they only start talking after the talismans? For example to convince people to let me thim? My ass talismans don't work
the laws of attraction do and Randy is gay
>did they only start talking after the talismans?
Yup. Clearly they could, they just didn't.
>My ass talismans don't work
Or they could just be respecting the rules of the game.
>the laws of attraction do and Randy is gay
You're probably right.
And considering Julie asked to kiss Fatima in S1, she probably is, too.
the talismans respect transitive properties
Every single character has gained chub idk what they are feeding them lmao
Yeah it could be, or they had to fucking adapt. Why? Who the fuck knows, they only kill for fun or they are ordered to do it
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You need to be holding all talismans, collected the key items Victor stole and enter the Faraway tree at the right time in order to beat the game.
>And considering Julie asked to kiss Fatima in S1, she probably is, too.
i think that was just for attention and to be cool. she was disgusted at first
and the music box?
Destroy it in act 2 for good ending, don’t destroy it for the bad ending
>or they had to fucking adapt
So they just instantaneously developed vocal chords and a grasp of the english language? Like how they suddenly developed the ability to set traps in S3?

It's a game, anon. One side makes a move, the other counters.
>she was disgusted at first
By Ellis and the depravity.
Did the old lady nod to the crow in the card scene inviting him in? Or has that already been discussed?
>So they just instantaneously developed vocal chords and a grasp of the english language?
Who knows, they are fucking supernatural monsters. Maybe they were able to speak from the start but didn't need to as the retards were hiding in the floor. We'll never know unless they show it in the series
she nodded to fatima to continue with the session
It's a game, anon. The monsters/fromville like games. They state this more than once.
No... There was the first scene when the raven hits the glass and the next when she looks over Fatima and nods then the raven breaks the glass.
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>Taps on glass
>Where are you from?
We're in an era where the people making movies actively try to make everything look like bottom of the barrel CGI. George Miller did the same thing in Furiosa.
kinda crazy that ellis and fatima posed nude for victor in the painting
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are you ok
He only draws in crayon.
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Julie and Elgin will have an awkward but endearing kiss before the end of the season.
Do you think the tree destination changed because they took down some of the bottles?
Nah. It's established they change when they are introduced. Occam's Razor explanation is that Miranda was just wrong.
The regular trees change, but maybe the bottle trees are different
Or maybe they aren't different. Miranda didn't know everything. If she did, she'd have succeeded.

I think the other bottle tree is the important one. Boyd had that slip of paper that was in the other one and was transported back in time just going through a regular portal tree.
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damn Donna used to look good
So dumb Jade hasn't even tried to analyze these or create new ones.

Literally the only concrete clue they have are the talismans
Fromville needs to kidnap an anthropologist, an occultist or a linguist. That’s out of jades area of expertise
I knew she was a hottie

Fromville gotta have anti-ozempic in its water or something
>time travel
>time travel, maine
>time displacement produced by irish fairies
not her btw. google young Elizabeth Saunders.
or Jim. He wrote his question wall about creating new ones. I hate how he's been sidelined this season.
Jim was like the main character in s1 and 2 and then tabitha became more important for whatever reason. now he just sits down at home doing god knows what
Already confirmed by the Martin thing, anon.
russian roulette to test out the new one?
my vote is for Ethan
They made it look unrealistic on purpose to not trigger the actors (Donna and Dale are a couple IRL)
>for whatever reason
being able to act
He's at least as good an actor as the wife is. He's easily one of the better actors on the show and miles above the elgins and elliss stinking up the place.
if they work by just holding it they wouldn't be placed in the tree where they found them. Clearly the world building is telling you it's for home protection else you'd be wearing it as a necklase and be invinsible which is retarded for world building as it negates all stakes. use your fucking brain for once in your life
A better question is how it is no one knew about them, not even Victor's mom.
it's not a better question you already know the answer as it's explained in the show. They never explored their surroundings. That's literally it. Why? Because they're retards or something. Stop speed watching and try using your fucking brain. Think about shit logically for once.
>He's easily one of the better actors on the show
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Voice on the radio sounds like terry O’Quinn
>time travel
>but Martin
still no
>but fairies
lmao, no
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if anything, the phone guy was the old bearded Other from season 1 and 2
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Why don't they just bait a fromster into the empty pool and dump a bag of sugar in there to keep it occupied while they try to kill it?
Miranda painted pictures of the things.

>They never explored their surroundings.
They knew about bottle trees and towers and symbols. They were finding wild foods in the woods. Victor has a map of the whole damned area.
I think those who die there have their souls sent imprisoned or taken somewhere. Gnosticism is pretty popular nowadays, and judging from Father Khatri's demeanour, he has effectively signed an NDA to not talk about certain things but hint. Imagine if those who have been killed can be brought back.
the best actor is Victor, followed by boyd. no one else is that good in the cast
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This mine hasn't been investigated at all, Jade should go back and break the door.
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How would Sam and Dean fare in Fromville?
If this is all fairies, time travel, or VR, explain the lack of bibles in the town, especially in a town with so many objects all over the place, and a fucking chapel

I seriously hope this isn't some garbage catholic thing.

Resurrection, curses and child sacrifices are the only reasonable answers

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Are they all being punished?
What tree retard? Boyd found then on some sort of cave and some fucking leaves were acting as a door. No one has ever tried to use it by holding it because they already know they work on houses/makeshift shelters so why bother
that's not a mine. it's a wine cellar. everyone calls it a wine cellar. they even showed how big it is (its just a room)
Maybe that’s what all the screaming people keep hearing is. And what Randal means by dying isnt the worst thing there.
>bag of sugar
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>Jade drank all the wine offscreen
With their usual plot armor? They would figure it out in 2-3 episodes, kill everything and go home .
Without plot armor? Dead or gravely injured at the first contact with one of the ghouls. One of them gets too close and gets captured, the other tries to save him and they both die.
>fucking chapel
he is ridiculously hot
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>”the huldufolk folk live in hidden crevices and rocks, and hate churches, crosses, and electricity.”
Explains the no wire and no bibles
there's a church with a cross in the town

it's something that hates bibles, tarot and sunlight
nta, I have only watched S1 of Supernatural but does that mean that From monsters btfo everything in Supernatural?
Not saying Jim's better. What I'm saying he's not terrible, either. Certain no worse than Moreno.
That’s just an old building turned into a makeshift church. It’s not a chapel
>engaging with the fairy fag
No, it means that it's canon that the brothers have plot armor. As in literal plot armor from God/Chuck.
Without that Dean dies 1 year later from a random vampire and the ghouls are tougher then Supernatural vampires.
Probably Leviathan level
because i also believe it's fairies
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>dean is angry because there's a fucking tree blocking the impala on the road and it's the middle of the night
>sam suggests going back and see if there's another way
>they get to the town and they see the monsters
>sam gets out to ask for directions
>fucking crossroads demon deal to get him back doesn't work
>cass smites everything and brings him back
The boys have literal biblical plot armor and they aren't lazy retarded feebs like everyone else in Fromistan. They'd have every monster dead and burned except for one that they'd keep chained up, in iron blessed by an Irish priest, that they could question. I bet THEY'D have built a fucking moat day one. They'd probably have killed Donna off, too, since she's obviously working with the monsters.
Do fairies hate motels, too?
They've dealt with things far deadlier than the slow walking ghouls of from. More likely that day 1 they would figure out what the creatures actually are, weaponize the talismans and explore the town properly.
People in from should've done that too by now but they're retarded
I don’t think it hates tarot. The crow in the window was just an ill omen to Fatima, the cards worked as intended
garbage bin bradley cooper looking ass
Have we tried making a tiny net
It seemed like the town didn't want the future to be read
No, but the glowies need a secret base to observe stuff
Someone shoved my talisman up their ass I need a replacement
They'd have to call up Chuck and have him break the fourth wall to fuck up the writers first. Otherwise they'd just get sidetracked in every episode like everyone else in town when they try to move the plot forward at any pace faster than a mentally challenged snail.
Hard mode. No gay angel to help them because Fromville cuts off any other sort of heavenly or demonic interference.
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From is a sequel to Cabin in the Woods. It explains the idiocy, constantly getting new questions with few or no answers to previous ones, and why they can't get out.
Kenny's actor is serviceable, he just has utter dogshit to work with.
Black people
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>Thomas is on a magical quest
>and if I try I can help him save the kingdom

Baby brother is in From confirmed, he could be the BIW or his accomplice behind the scenes.
The road magically looping and people getting teleported isn't Cabin in the Woods type shit, though. There are no force fields in Fromville either.
But vikings traveled to North America.
Then as soon as they see the monsters they would know something's wrong and they would jump back to the car and gtfo. Probably try to get someone to open the door to hang until morning then start asking questions. I bet my retarded ass they would try to hit them with iron stuff, salt or whatever the fuck until something works
Thomas is a changeling. They took him into fromville as an infant and replaced him with the fake baby that died
Also they would 100% go to the fucking tunnels
We don't have a view from the backroom like we did in Cabin. We are simply not seeing because we only have as much awareness as those inside. They could have some kind of Escher style street thing that moves around.
So did natives. Stop acting like a nog. If you can. We wuzzing might be a real chronic medical condition.
For what? There's nothing there.
I'm not "we wuzzing." I'm just saying that they did go to N.A.
That's pretty horrific actually, but don't you have to be driving on the road in order to be taken? How did they teleport-kidnap a baby from its home? Unless Jim or Tabitha are working for From but that's absurd.
>everyone ITT has MGM+
Are you niggas serious?
Do Fae, Time Travel, and Cabin the Woods posters all come from the same retarded family?
I think it was jade that said he saw no monsters after the tabitha but no one has explored those things. Something has to be there
>This nigga doesn't know how to torrent.
You have to be 18+ to post here, nu anon
So did plenty of other people.
I don't pay any subscription at all nor will I ever pay
Well in my experience as a paramedic, if your patient needs a more tertiary hospital you would likely transport them to it even if it means bypassing smaller hospitals (generally in smaller towns). They could have feasibly left Camden (idk if that's a city or not) to get to a more appropriate hospital
That's the only realistic thing about it though. Never in my life would I (or any other paramedic I know) transport two unconscious patients with one just sitting upright in a chair after a bad crash
Yes, Jade said so. We were shown so. Next episode Victor and his dad are gallivanting around the tunnels like an amusement park.

No monsters there, kiddo.
Maybe only the “victims” in their “game” need to drive there, but the way they reproduce is by kidnapping infants from the real world. We do know the monsters have human anatomy, and unless Fatima or her baby turn into a monster that’s the only explanation I can think of
If I could I'd support the show so it keeps going
Are you a cityfag? Rural areas typically only have 1 regional hospital. My local hospital is 15 miles away and you have to travel through farmland and forest to get there.
Where did I say otherwise?
We weren't shown crap, just a couple seconds. Stop acting like a mongoloid as if you had answers that not even the writers have
>torrenting weekly episodes
Legitimately disgusting thirdie behavior, not even kidding
“Hoh boy!! Gotta get home from work and check on my seeds and torrents!!! Hackerman is ONLINE boys!!!!!”
“Hey did you see that new episode?”
“Oh it’s in the pipe man!! Gotta wait till my download finishes but you all go on and talk about it!! I-I’ll see you guys next week at the bar, r-right..?”
No, most people are too poor to subscribe to even one service. So they pirate.

Reminder - there are only 2 reasons to pirate. You're in a country/location where the media isn't available, or your a coping poor fag.
So why keep bringing it up?
Jade is standing there for a long while.
>get 7 day free trial and then cancel
>make new email
oh did you get the ick, so sorry
Why don't they just set em in fire while they sleep
You exposed your own turd world internet. It takes a couple minutes to download an episode.
You're very savvy, don't forgot to bring your coupons to whatever shithole grocery store you shop at.
>I'd love it if they were completely unoriginal
based retard
Dont forget the talking dummy. God of Fromtown.
So you don't know how to torrent. Thanks for confirming.
you type like a woman and you pine for approval like one
lmao jade didn't even find the paintings victor and tabitha found in the tunnels, we don't know shit if the monsters are gone from there
Im not sure if she ever shows up again but im the very first episode theres Bride Ghoul with a dress and vail that looks similar to that picture. Victor has probably seen that Ghoul a few times and drew her. I heard shes a slut
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>>order/chaos dichotomy

Khatri to Boyd:
Victor had the boy dressed in cum help him move inside the tunnels to get to tabitha. She even asks after victor sees that doll which way to go because there's like 2 or 3 ways. Jade walked up a couple of feet where he saw the symbol and immediately ran out. Stop being retarded.
It's a crow
It's a pretty obvious inclusion to the old superstition that a crow entering your house (+ or - dying) is a very bad omen
I love how they made no effort to hide the fact that somebody was hiding behind the chair controlling the puppet with their arm.
The monsters were all were jade was, dumbass. There were none at the paintings.

Just because you want your dumb little plan to work doesn't mean the story isn't what it is.
>wait till my download finishes
You do know your tv streams are also downloaded, right? Your Netflix subscription doesn't just magically teleport your gay show into your tv, it's till downloaded first
Why don't you dumbasses actually watch the show? He didn't walk a couple feet. The spool of string he had was half gone. The room he was in was full of monsters when Victor and Tabitha were in there.
>it's glowies like Cabin in the Woods
How did the glowies design Faraway trees then?
when someone enter the trees they wack the head and move them through underground tunnels
I'd like to see what soldier boy could do to some ghouls
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Reminder that it's aliens and everything in the show can be explained through aliens
did you watch the end of CITW anon
True, i can't believe they didn't hire a possessed puppet. Always cutting corners.
>it's a ghetto magic-tree, gangstalking street-theater episode
I hate those
they spent all the season budget paying lawyers to get rid of Dale's actor family. they're angry because they walled and murdered the guy in set
>So why keep bringing it up?
I brought it up one time.
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Who was dog?
heh no
They did something to stop the end of the world - creating Fromville.
They must have been pretty fucking quick considering a giant angry hand came up and started mashing the world
But who made the aliens?
Why bring it up once?
the fairies
Things that worked that arent attached to the ground include: a tent, the rv, the bus, a boxtruck, your moms house.

In order for the talismans to be effective they need to be placed on an inner wall of any enclosure that does not have an opeming large enough for the creatures to pass through. We've seen multiple examples of enclosures with broken windows, holes, etc.. but the talismans still kept them out. It is only when the hole is big enough for them to enter the talisman loses its effect. In the case of the foyer in the colony house only that room became protected because it became a singular enclosure. When placed on a main wall in the front entrance the entire house becomes the enclosure.
Why is Ethan still roaming free, he risked everyone so many times he should be locked up in the fucking wine cellar forever

I think that's what anghookey kids are. Retarded kids that came to town and were annoying as fuck and were trapped forever preventing them for doing stupid things but they're hollywood retarded kids so they keep doing it through visions
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>Victor, what are you doing you're freaking people out
>I was just trying to get a head start this time
you'll never be this cool
I hate burst your butthole but the symbol for Odin only has 2 sticks while the symbol on the talisman has 3. Details matter, chief.
Why not just pirate at that point...?
Because, retard, this >>204842173
comment implied vikings never came over. That is the comment I replied to.
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>Gotta wait till my download finishes
Or you can just watch as it's being downloaded
when did everyone in the town become retarded
It’s not going to have anything to do with natives or their folklore. If anything they’ll just be the victims of the white explorers who came to america and did some heinous shit. It’s not wendigos. That would be insensitive to endangered cultures, and the Injuns would protest and get the show cancelled. So just face it, they’re Viking fairies
That’s illegal
>a tent
Don't know that.
Don't know that.
He didn't imply that.
I think it's made up shit, I agree.
>”tell mr fish and loaves I was wrong”
You think the voice is talking about Boyd, but she’s actually talking about some other guy from the past who’s nickname was also Mr fish and loaves, in a wild coincidence like the bracelet and Brian Kelly
The twist is going to be that khatri/abby/the voices have been right about everything.
Ok, I'm speaking with a literal retard. Got it.
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we'll talk about this later
Where did he imply it.
fish and loaves
could mean anything
someone who got buns and has fishy smell.
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the sun is fake
The sun is the lighthouse
Cave painting says there's something up with the sun. It's got two of them hooked together. Suns, man. Being weird.
Do you have a screencap?
Praise Sol
It's a Jesus reference.
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Carcossa….black stars…
Hivemind says this is an infinity symbol.
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Sorry, clearly that's some fairy rune.
Thank you, these are pretty high res, are they upscaled or from a 4K source?
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Dunno about the other anon, but I got mine from the mgm press site. Original is way bigger.
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The yella king…
Julie's boobs confirmed

Is that a rookery they're dancing around?
it's a fucking field. colony house.
Could be from the set photographer, this >>204849440
looks way too crisp to be a screenshot.
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It can't be, those stickmen are too skinny.
Maybe not colony house. It probably predates it. But the story on the cave wall is pretty clear, I think. A bunch of people came to the area via boats, sacrificed others (kids, likely) to the from god in exchange for bountiful crops and good weather.
The red men are the natives, they painted themselves in red ochre. From the paintings, the gist of the story looks like this: a European parent and child came to fromland by sea with a fleet of explorers, and were the lone survivors of some mass sacrifice
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btw the town has houses that look like 50s houses and next to them there's houses that look like they're from the 1500s. The church and one or two others.
Could be, but I really, really doubt the writers are going to have natives sacrificing whites, especially kids.
I think it's clear the town sits atop something way, way older. The question is where it all came from.
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I think you're right, it's probably ancient.
True. thats why I’m thinkin the white mother initiated the sacrifice of her own people, to spare the life of her child somehow
Not going to be a woman, ,either. Miranda's paintings have a couple pilgrim-looking guys. I'm guess he's the original bad guy (aside from the child-eating Fromgod, of course).
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100% real quotes from the last three threads
The tent kept whatever was outside of it from coming in. The ghouls were right outside the box truck but didn't come in.
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Could be either tbf
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>good weather
this is honestly the first sound theory here. Because the biggest oddity was that the season never changes and basically is stuck in harvest season.
According to the "rules", if the talisman falls, it's useless. That's why Kristi was so worried about it in the RV. The talisman fell in the tent. It could be whatever drug them wasn't a monster.
I mean, that isn't that unusual. Not all towns are cardboard cutout planned neighbourhoods like in Los Angeles, even in the US

My theory is that when Boyd didn't offer the sacrifices to replace Martin, the spell or whatever wore off. When Martin died, the leaves started changing, it turned cold and the crops started rotting.
I know. The fucks that got to do with what I said?
so what made the new crops be good?
Martin wasn't a sacrifice. but the cicadas could be linked to a crop eating plague.
I think the fouled food was just to help along Fattymama's transformation, because she couldn't eat anything else.
The season change began way sooner.
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You're making me want to rewatch the show and actually pay attention now
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>Father Khatri: Chaos and faith, that is the duality of our existence, from the moment we first arrive, and not simply here in this town... ...but in this world, in this life. From the moment we open our newborn eyes, we are faced with a chaos we cannot even begin to understand. And how do we respond? What is the very first sound we make? We cry out. We plead for answers, before we even have words to give voice to the questions. That's how we begin our journey through this world - terrified, confused. And so, we search, and we strive, and we stumble through the chaos. We spend our lives looking for signs that somewhere, somehow there's a meaning, a purpose to it all. And then, one day, we find our faith. Our faith that we are each here in this world, in this place, as part of God's mysterious plan. In our faith, we understand the chaos is the meaning. It is in our struggle, in our search, that we find our purpose. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding." Amen.
If you're not autistically paying attention to every detail of this show why are you even here?
I'm pretty sure the talismans don't work, it's just the fear that the monsters thrive on. The people believe the talismans work, so they aren't afraid, so they do.
Holy shit. I never thought about his prayer being "the answer from episode 1". He even says From twice at the beginning of the prayer, that pretty much settles it.
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I don't know if you're referring to Prague or something but not even in Europe you have centuries old buildings next to modern ones. Not to get Tartarian/mudfloodian but you know, it's a little anomalous even in the show or 'anachronistic'.
That’s the theme of the show but it’s not really an answer to any of the mysteries
Idk. It could be interpreted in a lot of ways but it could be an implication that God brought them into this world for some reason. As much as I hate the purgatory theory it could be something like that.
Based schizo retards cracked the case
>not even in Europe you have centuries old buildings next to modern ones
My neighbour's house is literally 400 odd years old, while ours was built in the last century and the town is a collage of buildings from 800 up to modern day.
You think old buildings just vanish or towns are just allowed to be built in one century and then nothing is added or removed?
New >>204850941

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