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Arthouse and classics.

Hopper edition

Prev: >>204926943
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it always cracks me up that dennis hopper said TCM2 was the worst movie he was ever in, meaning he rated The Mario Bros movie above TCM2
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Well I wish I was a catfish,
Swimming in, lord, the deep blue sea.
I'd have a, all you pretty women,
Fishin' after me, fishin' after me,
Fishin' after me. Yeah.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah.
When I went down, my girlfriends house.
And I sat down, lord, on her front step.
And she said a, come in now Jimi.
My husband just now left, just now left.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah.
Which /film/ poster is the best filmmaker?
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go watch this /film/
ai slop
First for the Peep Show
Baedolian Girl bro.
You can't, it's AI, I made it lmao
I still haven't watched all the /film/ films fully, but from what I've seen, Gapsik's film looks the most interesting
First for white girls larping as Japanese loli girls
TCM2 is pretty funny, pretty far away from the level of the first film but a good one nonetheless. Grim that Hooper thinks that way.
I loved him on Derr Amerikanisch Freund. I love Derr Amerikanisch Freund, colour and lightning go hard as fuck in that work.
Joel Haver
What a slut, I bet she is like that irl too
>niggas are so mindbroken they think a real /film/ is AI
I’ve never seen a bad Dennis Hopper film. I haven’t watched either of these, but I bet they are kino just because his presence seems to bless things.
Melody could never
member when "first for" used to mean first post in the thread overall
i member
That’s so weird. This is basically a white girl larping as an Asian girl larping as a white girl. Strange times we live in boys.
>Grim that Hooper thinks that way.
Not Hooper, but Hopper. Hooper directed, Hopper acted.
The Last Movie is a giant mess. It's an interesting topic though, like he wanted to make an American Herzog movie
Joel has the highest rated mumblecore film on Letterboxd
I would, for sure.
Chupa me la pinga, speak in english, this ain't /int/
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>Melody traditional
English only here, muchacho. Take it to /int/ if you want to use your gay JAJAJA language
>middle-left square
humanbros how can we compete
Are MUBI tote hoes the new iteration of classic arthoes?
>Strange times we live in boys.
It is a decade old video

i dont get it
Stfu Pedro, just because they hire you to mow lawns doesn't mean you're caucasian.
Todo lo que sé de Wanda lo aprendí del bananero la verdad.
No es pa tanto
If you read the rest of the post you should've noticed I meant Hopper and not Hooper, I'm just a dumb idiot.
Gomenasai senpai >___<*
what is a mubi tote
lil Taylor fell for the orientalist grift
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>title: not found
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Caveh Zahedi
>lil taylor western grifter
Evil physiognomy.
It's AI, the future of cinema
Yes, that was my point. It's okay. Don't feel bad, anon.
lil Taylor?
she's sexing with a giant spider
Evil physiognomy (the woman)
>52 replies in 15 minutes
Guys, slow down.
yea but i dont get what is supposed to be going on in middle-left

the girl in the video
i missed the arthouse and aids edition but i'm here to just say this:

pas de deux is by far norman mclaren's best work, at least as far as his film board of canada productions go. the combination of animation, the dance routine itself and the music are all flawless and by far the best art that faggot commie ever made
link related
Unnie, STAHP, I came here to avoid spoilers on /kdg/
Ah, alright, I get it.
>go to bed, threads are fine
>wake up, threads are total garbage again
Did some bans end recently? What the fuck happened?
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>Unnie, STAHP
please keep your gay roleplay shit to /trash/
im back baybeeee
isnt she bogged nowadays
>reporting for non-english
Kys faggot
Isn't this supposed to be a film discussion thread?
I watched this earlier this year, and agree that it is fantastic. it's the only thing I've seen from McLaren so far. sad to hear that none of his other work is as good
just watch her jav era
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Yeah, she isn't looking too fantastic. She should have stayed in Asia instead. The west ruined her.
Yes, that's what I made this thread for, but it doesn't seem to have gone very well.
maybe try speaking English next time, pendejo
that's what happens when you're a gay commie, you make one kino and ten other slops
really the animation stuff produced for the film board is his best work but standouts like pas are real diamonds in the rough
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why was Tezuka such a coomer?
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coincidentally her jav era also corresponds with the peak of /film/ (2020-2021 era)
because he's Japanese
You can wear any clothes you like, as long as it's Balenciaga.
IMXF bros
We're so redeemed
We're all hype beasts here.
Best movement in european /film/ history?
Melody Marks was born in Ohio. Ohayo in Japanese sounds like Ohio and means good morning. She’s probably sucked Japanese cock at least once in the morning. We are living in the matrix, aren’t we /film/? First for Tsai btw.
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as the resident Melodyfag you blew my mind. Here is a rare Melody as gratitude.
well I watched that Joseph Bernard film that made the blue chart because it looked like he made some avant-garde kino and it was short, and hoo boy. I need to go take a shower now
CNW, and it is not even close.

Bottom tier is FNW BTW
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Good film for Halloween.

what else even is there
First you fall down, then you jump back up again
Find your rhythm, momentum is the key
It's so easy, anyone can trampoline
So jump on up and you can see the whole wide world
why is melody so perfect
Nouvelle vague
Left Bank

I need to know her. Anyone know of a way to contact her? Should I DM her on IG?
Looking at pictures of various pornstars, prostitutes, etc before they whored out makes me feel so depressed
nothing really. Its all downhill from the CNW
Made of American stock
Born for Asian cock
Yugoslav black (nigga) wave
On really? It wasn’t the obese girls to the left of her that made you depressed? Interesting…
It makes me feel optimistic. I like female sexuality.

Btw, the anon that reported us for speaking in spanish is such a massive gaylord.
Cinema du look
Italian neorealism? Soviet montage? German expressionism? French impressionism?
Movements are gay.

Would all three.

Based argies speaking spanish making the americans seethe.
none of these are real
if there was ever a porn star i wanted to be a snapchat video in, it would be with melody
Hungarian new wave is underrated for sure
me too anon, me too.
>Movements are gay.
makes sense some thirdie whose country has contributed nothing to film would think this way
Reminder to just ignore this bitch ass ragebaiting nigga >>204949709
/film/ is latino.
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Moviments are very fake and gay indeed, nobody takes them very seriously. Nta btw.
>average /film/ poster
>still patiently waiting for the escort agency in my network to add new latinas to the roster.
>tfw my firstie country has contributed nothing to film
Reminder that probably more than half of all 4chan is latino. That “white guy” who just called you nigger in the thread is almost 100 percent a Latino.
frogs self-exposing kek
You like literal whores? This shit is depressing as fuck
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Jean Pierre Melville-core. French crime genre inspired by american noirs, with added elements of moral bleakness and a focus on the code of the criminals, a street lifestyle and police corruption. Classics of the genre are the films of Melville, Rififi, Panique (one of the earliest polar films), and my personal favorite, Ascenseur pour l'échafaud.
100 percent a mexican*
other latinos are too busy, with latino shit
Sexdawg? Thought you'd moved awat from that.
ah, I like those. didn't realize there was a name for them
At least you have Sibelius, he wrote some nice music.
Brazil and Cuba had their own new waves (cinema novo/marginal, imperfect cinema) going back in the 60s
I knew Tsaifag was a Latino the entire time. How do I know this? I’m Latino as well, and we can sense each other with 100 percent accuracy.
Yeah, I know. I'm also not against blacks, I just got the pass btw. I'm just reminding anons to not argue with that faggot, as he will later just report you and you will get banned for spamming. He's done that to me like 2 times.

Yes, I love them. In fact, I'd like to have a whore gf. Assertive female sexuality is the shit. I don't need trad bitches making me dinner lol
Yeah, true.

I'm Finnish. I first told you people that in like 2021 or 2022.
You’d be surprised to know that I’m Colombian chico.
Can you give some directions or a link? I just wanna see them for a work project.
Ok bro we get it, you're latino, you speak spanish, move on
Sure you are. Lol. It’s okay, your secrets with me.
do you go around larping as a cracka tho?
Mexico also had the Mexican Golden Age. your point? I never said that anon was from Brazil, Cuba, or Mexico, just a third world shithole that has produced nothing
Kaurismaki, no?
Pretty much every LATAM country had it's own new wave or similar movements. The idea that latino cinema is dead or has no contributions is completely retarded.

Qué gonorrea parce, Germán es el man.
average dragonball fan comes from argentina, brazil, colombia or ecuador
I guess he's popular enough. Never really liked his stuff myself.
Kanal by Wajda.Good premise, having to move underground during war, not only soldiers but pedestrians. The ending is pretty good too. Watch it if you can.
Kaurismaki is Brazilian.
Nah, every LATAM country is about DBZ and old anime. Nowadays, I'd even say they are about new anime, too, fucking Kimetsu no Yaiba is everywhere.
yes every latin x country love anime but the bigger fanbases are south of mejico
Kaurismäki actually lives in Portugal most of the time and has done so for decades.
Dude trust me Tsaifag is an hombre. I can feel it in heart of hearts.
Not even close, bro, just watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOXs5hg0a5Y
I feel his coldness, I think he's really finnish.
Yeah, and his brother (who is also a director) lives in Brazil iirc.
>not even a mention of chileans
truly god's forgotten country
People just don't care, Dragon Ball is like religion in Mexico. Dragon Ball Daima will probably be another craze like that.
There’s nothing more cold than a Colombian cartel beheading.
Time zones don't match. Usually when Tsaifag misses the first post in a thread is when it's late at night or early morning in Finland (like last thread)
He’s neet. Time means nothing to him.
La wea cuática weón. Chilean telenovelas aren't it, man. Recommend some modern chilean films you think are good. I already know all of the old shit about Pinochet.
complete derailed this "arthouse" thread, go back to /int/ my guys
Watch "Matar a un hombre", pretty good film. Pretty short too, like 80 minutes.
Coming from a chilean, the characters are TRULY well done, they really represent a metropolitan chilean person unlike most national productions.
Tsaifag post vocaroo speaking finnish to settle this
Bitch got fat.
Mexicans go harder, for sure.

I think it's asians that are honorary latinos; you know, the ice bridge stuff and shit. That's why they look so similar to native american indians. And anyway, culturally speaking, I think the portuguese might be the most similar to us, like CR7.
Why would you consider native americans to be latinos? If some americans are latin(o)s, that is because of their European, utimately Roman, heritage. But this monicker is very fake and gay, even Canada was considered to be Latin America in the time of Napoleon.
Art can come from anywhere, if you want to discuss exclusively USA productions please go back
Big if true.
Let's talk about classics and arthouse then, what have you watched lately?
Ok, ok, I'll check it out. I'm more interested in, as you said, the metropolitan chilean person of today rather than all of the historical war stuff, so I'm excited about Matar a un hombre.
for me, it's the Surreal16 Collective, aka New Nollywood
Jodorowsky and Ruiz are Chilean. They just had to leave Chile in order not to get helicoptered
I'm cumskinned and latino man, don't do me like that.
I really dislike the heroic status that people that left the country hold till these days while those that had to actively suffer and fight back the systematic opression are now seen as "senile boomers"
But not /film/ so let it slide
Jodo is a rootless cosmopolitan jew. I doubt he genuinely feels allegiance to any country in specific.
Maybe I was meant to be latino and God played a cruel trick on me. Who knows.

I feel watched.

>North euros are too cold and ugly and cumskinned.
I am beautiful though.
what am I in for?
I mean like latinos = Euros + Native Americans. I've read that some people who migrated to America from Siberia were mostly Caucasoid and resembled those ancient North Eurasians. I said that Finns are honorary latinos because they have more genes from that population than anyone else in Europe
Reminder the last thread is still up.
What have you watched by Kaurismäki? I feel honored to be speaking to a real fin. What else should I watch from your country?
for me, it's Remodernist film
>I think it's asians that are honorary latinos; you know, the ice bridge stuff and shit. That's why they look so similar to native american indians
you're close to it, mexicans are the result of spaniards and the injuns that crossed over breeding
so really the latinos are honorary asians
Not a real movement
Movie name?

Finns had a banger death metal scene back in the 90s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_8XfamXcmw&list=PLC30A423F069AF7A6
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>I never said that anon was from Brazil
I am that anon and i am in fact from Brazil.
for me, it's Proto-Mumblecore, aka Neo-No-Wave
looks comfy, i'll have to watch this
unsimulated kino is the best
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Thai latino, finn latino, pinoy latino, serb latino
Still latino
Portugal is just a brazilian colony anyway.
I took a hiatus of 3 months. I got myself under control, and am not so impulsive and drunkenly indulgent as I was earlier this year and last. Thank you for the concern though, it is nice to know there are anons who listen.
but they have a manifesto and everything
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The japanese also adopted our fashion.
You should write a movie about your life, seems interesting, for real.
We're all listening here.
this is all I will give out. sorry, but it took me several years to get accepted (it is like KG in a way), I have already seen plenty of providers back in my 'dark period' but now I just choose one girl I like and repeat.
for me, it's Mudpunk
I've seen about a third of his features, I think. Most of them many years ago when I was getting into cinema, so my memory of them isn't the strongest.

>What else should I watch from your country?
I posted a number of titles some threads back, so here they are again in case you missed them:

Maa on syntinen laulu / The Earth Is a Sinful Song (1973)
Valkoinen peura / White Reindeer (1952)
Kahdeksan surmanluotia / Eight Deadly Shots (1972)
Jäniksen vuosi / The Year of the Hare (1977)
Käpy selän alla / Under Your Skin (1966)
Naisenkuvia / Portraits of Women (1970)
Tuulinen päivä / Windy Day (1962)
Neitoperho / The Collector (1997)
Shit man, you must have a lot of money. Those kind of escort catalogues are so expensive.
>it took me several years to get accepted
Respect the dedication.
Harmful Insect
what the fuck in the melting pot is this lmao
japs should stop taking western stuff into their own culture, it's a cringe hellenistic mashup
thank you anon, I do write lots of scripts, the problem is I am a nobody without many film connections so starting up a project is a considerable challenge.
tattoos as well
lol I got lucky with stocks and crypto back in 2020, plus my regular income, so yeah I have enough money to hobby, but still not enough to break the ceiling to break into film without risking a major loss (though I've tried and lost almost several thousand on a feature that never got made)
I'd watch your film. You're also one of the friendliest anons in here, you should have no problem making friends in the film world.


>what the fuck in the melting pot is this lmao
Eh, it's kind of cool in a way. It's just the way the world works, latinos in America adopted japanese culture like anime and made it their own way, and japs did the same. It's creative. And btw, implants are baller. Bimbo aesthetic or nothing, man.
>Big if true.
It is true, all that ancient migration stuff is pretty interesting
>In Finnic mythology, there are two different theories on the creation of the universe and the earth. This includes the Sukeltajamyytti [fi], in which the god sent a Black-throated loon into the Alkumeri (Finnish: Primeval sea) to collect mud and sand to build the earth. This myth is common in various Siberian (Chukchi, Yugaghir and Ainu), Tatar and North American native folklore.
>and North American native folklore.
women can have tattoos so long as they aren't excessive or ridiculous
like i won't fault a woman for the typical rose on the ankle, but if she has a sleeve, tramp stamp or anywhere outside of a body part that is typically covered (i.e. neck and head or hands) then i dip
tattoo sleeves in general are just ridiculous, not to mention a waste of money, time and eventually cancer
>You're also one of the friendliest anons in here, you should have no problem making friends in the film world.
Thank you anon, for what its worth I consider a good amount of you here to be genuine friends.
alright /film/, I want you to take inspiration from Tsaibro and rec me some films from your country. I want to see what anons from different countries actually watch and consider kino instead of just the same festivalbait slop that make all the "best of" lists
Wake in Fright
>serb latino
realer than you think
Thank you! Long live Finland!
Next time use a Kleenex.
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>He doesn't know of Suicide Girls.

Damn, that's good man. I wish I had financial freedom.
>Thank you anon, for what its worth I consider a good amount of you here to be genuine friends.
but who are your best /film/ friends?
We're all genuine friends here.
>Damn, that's good man. I wish I had financial freedom.
never give up anon, I've lost lots of money too, the trick is to just never accept defeat from life.
I actually do consider all of you my friends.
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>for what its worth I consider a good amount of you here to be genuine friends.
I do too, against all odds.

I've already recommended them, but here you go (Costa Rica):
>Tengo sueños eléctricos
We should be discord friends.
>but who are your best /film/ friends?
the anons who listen
i don't consider anyone here a friend but i do know i'm in good company because i can speak my mind without worry, i have very few friends irl i can do that with.
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I would jump to the bullet, given the situation, to save my nigga sexdawg's life
Would Abel Ferrara exist without him? Serious question?
Big loss for cinema. Unironically, one of my favorite directors from my country. It’s a shame they put the title like that. According to him, Warhol didn’t do much to help besides put his name on it.
I too would back you up in a knife fight any day my G
These all seem very new. Not complaining though. Do you not have many great classics?
I don't like discord, these threads are fine for me.

>Do you not have many great classics?
Not that I know of, I'm too young to know, and I doubt there are, really. The film industry is just beginning to show some progress in here. Another big film that came out this year was Memorias de un cuerpo que arde, but I disliked it. It won prizes in festivals, though. It's actually kind of a cool time to be alive, because the kinomaking in here is so independent and the country so small that I actually have had personal contact with some of the people involved in kino.
For off topic posts- you know what to do
not either of these anons, but I do like these kinds of posts
Yes it is, great film
What happened to the /film/ discord that was in the making?
anon got cold feet
hopefully whoever was in charge of it killed themselves. I will NEVER post on a discord
I'm farting too much. In fact I think I'LL poop myself anytime soon.
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How do we feel about Bresson's Arthurian romp?
Going asocial, so I must make sure I keep my taste in films esoteric. I’m using Letterboxd as a benchmark for this. What’s the maximum amount of logs a film can have before it’s no longer obscure, /film/ ?
/film/s for this feel?
In all honesty I'd say 10 000
>break into film without risking a major loss (though I've tried and lost almost several thousand on a feature that never got made)
Typical dumbfuck way to look at art. You should treat this as helping an artist realize his vision and being a part of creating something beautiful that will last forever. Not a fucking crypto investment that you need massive returns on. Your shitty attitude probably contributed to the film never getting made.
Try again with another filmmaker with a better attitude.
>10 000
I'd say 1000 is more apt. 10,000 is a pretty popular film
I wish I was in your shoes. I feel like bloated as fuck.

Btw man, I don't know that much about costa rican kino, but I do know a lot about costa rican literature. We got a fuck ton of classics, I could give you some recs if you'd like, though most will be in spanish only.
Limite (1931)
Ganga bruta (1934)
Absolutamente certo (1957)
O pagador de promessas (1962)
Boca de ouro (1963)
A hora e a vez de Augusto Matraga (1965)
O caso dos irmãos Naves (1967)
A margem (1967)
O bandido da luz vermelha (1968)
A mulher de todos (1969)
O dragão da maldade contra o santo guerreiro (1969)
Matou a senpaiília e foi ao cinema (1969)
O pornógrafo (1970)
Copacabana mon amour (1970)
Sem essa, aranha (1970)
A herança (1970)
A idade da terra (1980)
Filme demência (1986)
Alma corsária (1997)
O viajante (1999)
O signo do caos (2005)
Falsa loura (2007)

I'm obviously forgetting a ton of stuff, this was off the dome.
Is John the Violent obscure? I feel privileged being one of the first 248 to "log" it.
I'll take any recs that have been translated. Can't read Spanish.
NTA but i'm interested in the literature.
>treat this as helping an artist realize his vision and being a part of creating something beautiful that will last forever.
anon, I did exactly that except it was from a script I wrote myself. And I tried producing and directing it myself as well, however I had sunk $10,000USD on the project and it was going nowhere, none of the actors I really wanted called me back, and my backups were being fickle. I tried looking for grants, but at my level they only give decent grants to documentary film, not narrative features. I took the L and am now back at the drawing board having lost 10k for nothing.
The bitter lesson I had to learn is that as producer/director I DO have to think about return on investment.
Oh, Brazil btw if that's not obvious.
>10,000 is a pretty popular film
We have a very different view of what's popular.
I'd say so, it has one single rating on RYM.
Fuck! I forgot Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, add:
O padre e a moça (1966)
Macunaíma (1969)
Guerra conjugal (1975)
Vereda tropical (1977)
O homem do pau brasil (1981)

Forgot Coutinho too, add:
Cabra marcado para morrer (1984)
Matar a un hombre
Taxi para tres
I don't really watch kino from my cuntree
I just went and looked at films I've seen and I'm surprised how many films I consider fairly obscure are pushing up on the 5k-10k mark, so I guess I concede. there are way more people on letterboxd now than I realized. I'm still in the 2014-2016 mindset
Too much commie bullshit
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watch this right fucking nOW
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No Orfeu negro or Pagador da promesas, the big Cannes winners?
Oh fuck I have to watch it
Might as well do it on thursday for my epic consooming of halloween stuff

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