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Will the MCU ever reach Endgame's popularity level again?
It took them 10 years to build their brand up for that success
They've now successfully torn that brand way the fuck up
It'd take a lot of work. I suppose it's not impossible, but I find it highly unlikely
No. Those movies became exhausting and now it’s just played out. They’ll keep making capeshit because there will always be children and man children
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the avengers aren't looking so hot these days
scarlett johansson would never call your
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Do normies actually care what their favorite actor’s political opinions are? Do these tactics actually work?
What about Trump? Why are you telling us who to vote for you bunch of clowns.
They need to wait a decade at least and start completely from scratch with a new style and vision then it could be popular again. The RDJ Dr Doom movie will fail.
Considering how shit Deadpool vs Wolverine was and it made a billion who knows. People have been conditioned to accept low effort slop.
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>Men dont hit the wa-
Jesus fucking christ what the fuck happened to robert downey junior?
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Wtf normies are based now?
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I wonder what Avenger member is missing from this cast....
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I dunno… I feel like the MCU’s greatest days are long behind it. Now it’s just a shambling mess. An embarrassment.
I swear don cheadle has cancer or a parasite cause he looks like death
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There should be a documentary about how Demonrats and glowies control dancing monkeys

I always wonder what they have on them
A lot of male actors are on Ozempic which has a major side effect of making your skull visible.
Downey is a junkie entering his twilight years. I'd be more wary of the nigger given what kind of shirt he wore.
>Chris Hemsworth not there
Why would anyone take something that makes you look like a ghoul?
>I always wonder what they have on them
Nothing. People forget that these actors are not the tough guys they play on screen. They are manlet closeted faggots who took theater in highschool.
A vote for Daniel's is vote for freedom.
>A lot of male actors are on Ozempic which has a major side effect of making your skull visible.
No retard that's a side effect of losing a lot of weight period no matter how you do it
And it's totally organic they all share the identical opinions
They're smart enough to know a foreigner telling Americans how to vote is a bad look, Bettany gets a pass since he has US citizenship.
lol you’re so confidently wrong
That he's almost 60.
Go anywhere and all the theater kids have these opinions too lol
where can I watch and downvote this shit?
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rdj fell for the vegan meme
most people forgot about it but he looked like absolute shit before oppenheimer
he actually looks way better now
good thing they do this or there would be the chance kamala is not going to win
>le ratface slavjew
I decline.
X-men movies will probably be just as popular
Nah Ozempic makes your skull extra visible, much more than regular weight loss.
Yes, feminine men tend to lean hard left. I’m surprised you didn’t know this.
They picked all the low-hanging fruit. Now they have to dig deeper for the good stories in comic history. They are choosing the brainlet route of introducing new characters, which no one gives a shit about.
I've found it, it's on the Robert Manlet Jr's Instagram page
WTF is that. Is that real?
Seethe more faglet he already won his Oscars. His legacy and estate are set for hundreds of years now.
>he already won his Oscars.
Literally who cares. What good will those oscars do him when he's 6 feet under the ground and the maggots start feasting on his nutsack
Can this British nigger even vote?
>when he's 6 feet under the ground
he could use lifts and be at 5'9 under the ground
because his wife is jennifer connelly
this is retarded

she was just on pol the other day and endorsed trump

>I feel like the MCU’s greatest days are long behind it. Now it’s just a shambling mess. An embarrassment.
It was already falling apart with the end of Phase 3. It just went out with a bang with Infinity War, and a sort of final goodbye with Endgame. The rest is Disney milking it to death.
>hi everyone hi avengers
>whoa whoa whoa, maybe you mean assembling!
>don thats pretty good
>no i think thats funny!
Literal cancer, nobody irl speak marvel quips like this, joss whedon need to be put in a guillotine and get his fat fucking neck cut off in there. No, not in minecraft nor roblox, but in real life
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But where is Hawkeye?
I was gonna vote for Trump but now that I know the actress that plays Oyoke from Black Panther and Black Panther: Wakanda Forever endorses Kamala Harris I've changed my mind.
It's so fake. You can tell it's social media acting and not acting.
it was time for his daily dick de-flattening
They could if they'd let me take a crack at it.
He literally said he filed for citizenship after Trump's victory so that he could vote against him in the future.

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