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how was this shit ever popular
appeals to people who refuse to take responsibility in life.
so women.
It still is. It's the best tv show ever. Fact!
Attractive women being quirky in a Rockwell-esque setting.
it's a great show. you're probably too stupid to even give it a try.
what the actual fuck does this mean? what a retarded cunt you must be.
Just the 4chan equivalent of karma whoring.
S1 is absolute kino. Sadly, by S2 it devolves into complete roastie wish fulfillment. Both factors contribute to its popularity.
never saw it. is it popular among wine aunts?
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Lorelai (the older one) is the ultimate wine aunt self-insert.
But she has a daughter!?
Wine aunt fantasy of being an independent waman business owner AND a great mom!
Men who either wanted to fuck the teen slut or the milf.
for me, it was both.
I've watched some episodes with my gf, who coincidentally I'm about to dump
Basically she was born a rich wasp, then rebelled against her parents and got pregnant at ~16, the dad (white) left and she chose to bring up the daughter on her own away from her judgemental parents
16 years later she's still young and acts all quirky and immature, while her daughter is also quirky but a bit quieter and more levelheaded. So she prances around the small town where everybody chuckles at her mad japes because she's such a lovable rogue
This is why anon claimed she was the ultimate wine aunt fantasy - she gets to be a wine aunt in every way but also gets to have had a daughter, but also also is still young and attractive and well-liked and above all free-spirited and individual
It's prime womemeslop
its a fantastic show. If you dont like it, its your loss.
Women were much less annoying when this show aired.
>show that's surprisingly honest about the nature of women
>Women love it
What did they mean by this
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cause it was good
>the dad (white) left

It’s even worse than that. The white dad wanted to marry her after he found out she was pregnant but she refused.
Close but that honor goes to the lead chick in Bunheads.
>poor, underappreciated, genius dancer (stripper)
>simp comes along and begs her to marry him despite not knowing anything about her
>he just dies immediately after the wedding and leaves her everything he owns
>which just so happens to include a dance studio in a small town where everyone can praise her for being a quirky genius dancer
>rich single chads will regularly and inexplicably praise her wit and beauty
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This show considered Hillary Clinton the absolute epitome of human achievement.
Cute female leads who appeal to the oyakodon fantasy, I jerked off many times to the fantasy of Lorelai watching as I seeded Rory with her grandchild
>>fast talking quirky girls
who doesn't like that?
No it didn't. Rory just mentions her a few times as an inspiration, but her idol is clearly Barbara Walters.
>hot mom
>hot daughter
>how could this ever have been popular?
come on now son
This is the show that actually ruined screenwriting not the avengers, every line is some tryhard smartass wise crack. None of the characters feel like real people. Also the main lesson of the show is that you should have rich parents
I thought it was Christiane Amanpour?
for me its paris
The grandma is honestly one of my favorite tv characters. Any time the grandparents are on screen it’s kino. But I have a soft spot for the oldschool style of high class.
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Emily and Richard were gigabased
You are likely watching it incorrectly.

Here's how to watch Gilmore Girls:
put on Gilmore Girls
ideally season 2/3
be sitting next to your girlfriend/wife/fiance
now while you both watch your hand should be down her pants fingering her butthole while you both are enjoying the show
>Alexis Bledel and Joey King are not the same person
the CIA must be cloning people
I watched this entire series with my wife including the brutal remake One Year of Life or whatever, here's the QRD:
>Starts out as pure kino White town with White family where having a broken family is noted to be bad but also encourages the viewer to step up and maintain strong family bonds regardless of the circumstances
>Becomes progressively more Jewish as seasons go out, incorporating Hebrew words like "Kutzpah" and shit for no reason
>Eventually the grandparents are breaking up and all sort of stupid shit happens
>Rory's final love interest is a rich guy who impresses her because he has money
>The will they won't they mother and diner owner finally get together and it's rushed then they are destroyed by contrived writing
>They release a soulless Roastie-After-The-Wall remake and even my wife said it was retarded slop
you have clearly never dated a women before.
women refuse to take responsibility for anything they do.
that show is basically the podium for that.

.t sex haver.
she kind of has a mongoloid face, but not too bad
>Paris will never peg you
why live
>t. sex haver
I swear every meme created in 4chan to mock the typical jock archetype gets taken by autistic third world zoomers and used seriously.
The only people who say it's a wine aunt fantasy never finished the series. Lorelai's "I'm a retarded free spirit, I'm not your mother, I'm your ~best friend" approach completely ruins her daughter's life. The cycle of unwed young pregnancy continues and the generational wealth is almost completely squandered.
for me? it's these two sluts
You are correct that I never finished it. I could see the writing on the wall.

But tell me this, does Lorelai ever receive her comeuppance? Do the Stars Hollow folk turn on her and shame her for what she’s done? To Luke? To Rory? Or does Lorelai remain the beloved quirk chungus darling of the town?
>how was this shit ever popular
Women, anon, they watch things too. Both my mother and sister love this show.
Lorelai remains a complete retard oblivious to what a retard she is, but that's intentional. All the "wine aunt fantasy" shit happened when the creator stepped away from the show and other writers tried to make her and Rory into good people.

The sequel miniseries that was by the original creator and shows the way she first had it end makes it very clear what she thinks of them. Loreali's parenting style results in Rory being a retard who never learned how to navigate the real world and gives up at the first setback, completely gives up on her life because it's too hard, and breaks up with the guy who actually loved her to have an affair with a married man who then knocks her up and wants nothing to do with her. She moves back home in with her mother and the series ends with her sobbing in Lorelai's arms about what a stupid retarded slut she is with nothing to show for the past few decades.
imagine if america was as white as this show
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Once upon a time, it was.
Same, had to watch it with my ex and her mom at the time, went form pretty good early on to really shit by the end.
Its a good show
>season after season about how rory is smart as fuck and has a great future ahead of her.
>ends up as a broke single mom who lives with her parents.
someone post their new webm if you know what I mean
she was cute, imagine loving her in high school and finding out she's 10 years older than you
saar post bitufil girl kiss

No in all seriousness India and Israel should be permanently rangebanned.
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for me its le gay man
He was straight, the Netflix trash retconned him into a fag
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>Veronica Mars
>Gilmore Girls
>Desperate Housewives
Damn, white girls was eatin' good
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as were 13 yo boys
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Is he wrong? The show is all about entitled rich women being little shits to everyone else and it's played as a fantasy for other women to watch for entertainment
>Lorelai and Rory both walled
>Emily looks the same

Truly the best Gilmore Girl.
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Don't forget...
>came back to town and now just ones the biggest most successful hotel/B&B
>has the best chefs ever working in her kitchen
>has a stereotypical french butler working there
>rich af parents are willing to bale her out at any time, so there's never any real peril
>but oh no! What will this week's drama be? She has to have breakfast with her mum whom she doesn't like before asking her for money. Awkwaaaaaaard!
But isn't that stuff just from the continuation series that came out a decade later?
cutegirlsdoingcutethings dot png
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as a 45 year old boomer im proud to say that I never switched from wanting to fuck rory to wanting to fuck lorelai
i have always been a rory wanna fucker
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Sookie is bestgirl, followed by Lane
Any good AI of Rory/Lorelai/Sookie/Lanie kissing/fucking/whatever? Any of them really.

Only role she was ever hot in.
>early episodes where it was obvious that the actress playing rory had bigger boobs then the actress playing lorelai
>at one point its obvious the actress playing lorelai had work done on her boobs and she starts showing it.
Boob envy, a real first world problem.
It’s true though.
this. where are the ai coomers
All the korean mom drama was kind of boring after a while.
that's why they replaced it with boyfriend/rock band drama
Now that I think of it I would just marry Lanie and Sookie, the main two bitches are really annoying compared to those two.
It’s good aspects are trampled on by it’s insufferable quirkiness and empty story. It’s the same thing over and over and over again, the “will they won’t they”between Hag and Backwards Hat Guy is the worst part, as because it’s written by a self impressed Jewish feminist, it’s easy to see from the earliest point they’ll never actually be together for longer than a couple episodes. The fucking show is completely delusional, and I regret ever having watched it.
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I didn't care much for the story line. It's just that she was cute, had a cute voice and is one of the best people in the GGs' lives.
Sookie and Lanie maybe came across as a bit boring due to them not have a bunch of needless drama in their lives on account of them being two of just a few decent people in that entire PoS town
>But isn't that stuff just from the continuation series that came out a decade later?
Which is what the show was originally building towards. The creator and her husband basically got ousted from their own show - she's outright said that A Day In The Life is the original planned ending of the show.
yeah they clearly mishandled the foreshadowing and tone, though, or this wouldn't have been quite as totally buried in the subtext.
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I was gonna call you a based GILF appreciator but then I found out she answered the call :(
>on account of them being two of just a few decent people in that entire PoS town
Pretty much.
All I know of it is that my wife said that the kid is supposed to be a good girl but then she cause her teacher to cheat with her or something and becomes a terrible person
simp piece of shit idiot
i dont watch n*tflix revivals of anything. is stars hollow full of blacks, browns, and troons now

thought you were describing your gf at first and was about to roast you
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Many such cases.
Someone AI kiss this right fucking now
reminder that jessfags NEVER EVER
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All I remember is that lesbian incest episode
>Desperate Housewives

I was in love with Eva Longoria when that came out
Can we AI the hand going up the skirt
was it a rule that they had to cram in 25 pop culture references per episone?
>black man
Choose one and only one, fagmo.
Lane 2024
I fapped to the cover feature on TV Guide.
you mean (((USofA)))
>she's outright said that A Day In The Life is the original planned ending
Every creator who comes out with a late sequel or director's cut says that though. It's a PR trick
stopped reading your blog post with the over-emphasis on skin color in the first sentence
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Picrel was the original choice to play Lorelai. Thoughts?
The wincest would have been better.
weird how everyone thinks they know what the show is about or what the main point is. I get thinking it’s shit and not watching it, but why pretend like you know in that case?
the show gets more and more miserable as it goes on. s7 was a sanitized whitewash when the creators were fired. the 2016 continuation showed that it was end miserably.
it’s a fantasy that slowly turns into a nightmare. Don’t think the creator, who admits Lorelei is a self insert, realizes she’s critiquing her own narcissism. but the fact that things slowly get more miserable and self sabotaged until Rory is meant to also ruin her own life and get pregnant don’t mean it’s some wish fulfillment with 0 consequences.
the Netflix season was how s7 was meant to go down, for whatever that’s worth.
Audrey is best girl. I am glad Sherilyn wasn’t cast as the roastoid.
You didn’t understand the concept of time when you were in high school?
Why is no one doing AI?
It's the best girl show since Dawson's Creek.
The kid was beautiful.
Amy Sherman hates White people, small towns, the well-to-do, traditional values, etc.

PS For me it's Paris
If only they dyked out with each other.
It was a time before widely accessible internet porn and featured two attractive women of different ages that you could fantasize about and masturbate to during the day
Just imagine the oyakodon
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>It was a time before widely accessible internet porn
internet porn was already in full swing by then, zoomie
it's the best tv show ever made
I’ve tried to watch it and couldn’t. And I like cozy shows and shitty dramas
Lane canonically says sex hurts and doesn't do it with her husband. You don't want that man.
Skill issue.
She's a big thicc girl
Watch Detectorists instead
Anal it is then
i was told this was prime comfy kino so i torrented the whole series but i literally could not make it through the first episode and deleted it all and just watched northern exposure again for prime tomboy pixie kino
I like the show but man is season 5/6 hard to watch at times due to Rory. I actually like season 7 despite it being an almost studio course correction. My gf and I can hardly get through the Netflix season. Rory is god awful in it, cheating and home wrecking and being a loser all at once, all while being smug and shitting on people in her small town
Yeah but Amy Palladino is actually on record talking about the details of her planned ending years before A Day in the Life ever came out.
for 30 years i thought gilmore girls and golden girls was the same thing
WASPkino. Would never be allowed to be made today
i like their house it was comfy
i never finished the series but watched the first 4-5 seasons when it was on tv and thought they were fantastic, not even good for a girl show but actually good. then they started airing on a different channel and i didn't keep up.
W*men liked it.
I always hated the fast talking and the carefully constructed conversations.
This is funnier than any line ever in the show.
why does screwball dialogue filter so many faggots?
I never minded it at the time. Buffy, Gilmore Girls, etc. all did that sort of dialogue fairly cleverly while the gimmick was fresh, from roughly the mid 90s to the mid 00s. The problem is that variations of this style have stuck around for over a decade after the novelty wore off, and to make it worse millennial writers can't even do it competently.
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I still don't mind it because Buffy, Gilmore Girls, Dawson's Creek did this in a fun entertaining way. The problem isn't the use of the gimmick, it's that modern tv shows just suck dick
this man is an abuse victim that thinks he is better than other abuse victims because he doesn’t complain and is therefore “one of the good ones.” He also very likely has a survivor bias judging by his presence on 4chan.
Post tits.
Weird post. You forget your meds today?
Did you take offense to the idea that all faggots do that and had to say you're one of the faggots that doesn't? You're still a faggot.
4channers love Gilmore Girls
OP a fag
>refuse to take responsibility in life
Is exactly the sort of thing that an abuse victim that hates other abuse victims would say. It’s a whole thing, there’s the self hating aspect that leads to projection and the whole “weak vs strong” dichotomy, then it’s this spiraling narcissistic hatred that builds until you hate everything and yourself because nothing lives up to the ideal of strength you couldn’t reach yourself, because you were broken, and it could have been better, but now it will never be, because you’re broken now, and that sucks, and it doesn’t make you better than everyone else to pretend that you don’t have problems. Women are actually superior to men for their ability to verbalize these things, show their vulnerabilities, and act like adults, instead of acting like your average 4chan poster, who is a fucking child
You're misrepresenting it. The original ending was supposed to be Rory living a normal married life and telling Lorelei "Mom, I'm pregnant..." but in a happy way unlike the circumstances in which Lorelei had to tell Emily. Then the creators got brainrot and turned Rory into a whole but gave Lorelei a little more maturity at least.
Dude, women don't want to take responsibility to the point they kill their own children to avoid having anything to do with them!

They've aborted so many kids over the decades they've SURPASSED ALL DEATHS CAUSED BY WAR which is 1 fucking billion.

Yes, women are now the #1 fucking killers on the planet, that's how shitty they are when not being held to any kind of code. They're at 1.6 billion killed and still going.
If anon hates Gilmore Girls it means he never had a positive relationship with a woman in his life, whatever it may be his mother, sister or girlfriend, he never had it.
>wish I was Luke
>become Luke
>am miserable
I don’t know what I expected.
Get yourself some gingko biloba
You're stuck in your own little time bubble and that's fine, for you
Kek based
Both Barbara Walters, who defended all the pedos in hollywood, and Hillary Clinton are horrible women who do nothing to help humanity.
Honestly the left one has a thing I like, reminds me heavily of early Tara Reid

Also Kirk was the mainstay
he was clearly portrayed as a fag in the original
she was 26 during season 1.
does your weight start with a 2 or a 3
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>Rory looks exceedingly worse now compared to her fictional mother's age at the start of the series
Oh no no no no
I guess women can suffer twink death too
twinks can convert to a new aesthetic
hags have no options
It's cute, comfy and funny
She's Latinx, and they age like milk.
jesus christ she's a few years older than me and looks 20 year older
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people clung to the hope of the mom and the daughter going lesbian on each other
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I like the story and like where all the girls ended up. but most of all I like the seethe the shows ending caused for all the girls that watched it. it was like a seinfeld ending for millennial white girls.

I mean the seethe for the lane kim ending is the perfect example. there is so much seethe but lets be real. it was always going to end that way. I mean she dropped out of college to start a punk rock band. did people really think that was going to end well in any way? she was never going to make it in the modern music industry where they push acts like Taylor Swift Ariana Grande, and Rihanna. And Lanes family would never have the financials to ever buy her in as an industry plant. And guys like Dave don't Marry college drop outs. she should have just listened to her mom and just finished college. and if she still really wanted to enter the music industry she could have later gone in as a producer or manager at one of these major studios and built connections.

Anyway kim should just be happy at this point the guy she married and got knocked up with didn't ditch her to be some single mom so he could go mess with groupies like some Dave Grohl wannabe
shows like these are Isekai for women
fucking for the ugly jew to live vicariously through them. they characters are whore's and they cheat on everyone. the grandma's probably the most honorable woman out of all of them and they hate her

I too liked Emily. I'm also surprised she didn't try to sue to get custody of Rory when she was a child with her financial resources. I know parents who did that to their kids to make sure that that kid doesn't fuck up the grand kids with their stupidity because they got knocked up as teens. and they had less resources than Emily. just goes to show how lenient she was with Lorelai compared to other people.
Interesting that they actually followed through on that. But what did they make, 8 seasons? There'd be few souls round these parts with the fortitude or self hatred to sit through 8 seasons of gilmore girls
Loved the town. Loved Alexis.
He was an effeminate straight dude, who talks numerous times about the women he's fucking
>t-this guy who is always banging hot girls is actually gay my dudes because he talks funny
Is that why Barbara Walters never got a sticky?
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Your suggestion sounds equally stupid. Getting a college degree doesn't mean she would go from a cap and gown to being a producer at some record label. More like join the line to become an intern and then if lucky eventually a staffer
ugh this is what happens when women don't be chubby
I want a Gilmore Girls/Sons of Anarchy crossover
we need to get coffee from white to give to yellow
How the fuck is this anything like Rockwell Files?
>There'd be few souls round these parts with the fortitude or self hatred to sit through 8 seasons of gilmore girls
haha yeah...
*doesn't make eye contact*
Jess joins the mob
Luke's being a front for cocaine would be funny
Sons of Anarchy don't deal drugs, they're an anti-racist anti-drug motorcycle gang

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