Yakult edition.Previous:>>205225424Yakult is full of probiotics for a healthy digestive system.
>>205328114Which kdramas have the best yakult-based plotlines?
how do we stop Americans from ruining kdramas and demanding sex scenes and over the top violence every episode?
>>205328173IIRC the goofy neighbor PIs in Zombie Detective go undercover with a yakult cart at some point.
brave yong soo jung almost finish
>>205328114I freaking love yakult! Have anyone else tried it it's healthy and so yummyWatching kdramas and drinking yakult is the best!
why is this shit on /tv/ you people already ruined /mu/ isn't that enough
>>205328396/kpg/ is only image posting. /kdg/ is discussion.
>>205328114have you all tried frozen yakult? it's annoying to peel the shell but it's a mini popsicle. or a halfway frozen yakult slushie yum
>>205328574just pour it into popsicle molds you pabo
Why didn't Eugene fight harder on the train? He should have never given up. Gu Dong Mae never gave up and went down fight-ting!
>>205329028he should have banged kim tae ri
>>205329028oops. wrong pic, meant to post this. Why didn't Eugene fight harder? Why give up on the train after fighting and working that hard.
>>205329053did he even kiss her?
yejibros we found a working torrent for My Mister but it's five times larger than the other one
So this is just the thinly veiled yellow fever/coomer thread, right?
>>205329142>mfw when coomers intrude upon the kingdom
Watching Bright Eyes in the Dark
>>205328224>how do we stop Americans from ruining kdramas and demanding sex scenes and over the top violence every episode?
>>205329142just another place for the yejibros to hang when the thread is going slow...
>"Dung Mu Deok! Remove your filthy rags and bath yourself. Then prepare the royal baths for me. You will wash every centimeter of this royal body while in the royal baths with me."
>>205329600>"N..neh? Wash you? N..mm.. but I have to run errands for Master Jang Un, Crown Prince."
>>205329698>*sighs*>"Then quickly finish my errand and bath the Crown Prince. Must I explain everything to you, slow Mu-Deok? Once you're done, you can prepare my bath and wash me too."
>>205329900>"I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill both of them. I am Naksu, the Assassin. Once I get my powers back they are BOTH dead."
>>205329632kisses are the best
>>205329929>"Dumb idiots. I put enough chaste herbs in both of their baths to create 100 eunuchs. That will teach them to treat me like this. I may have temporarily lost my powers but an assassin's greatest weapon is her mind.">*smirks deeply*
what is happening
The Smile Has Left Your Eyes is criminally underrated.
Wtf I thought Yakult was a northern European thing
>>205330570coomers being defeated
Alchemy of Souls is actually top tier story and CGI. But I bet the cuck hater anon hates it because there's cucking in the first episode.
Anyone watched 00s k-sitcoms? https://youtu.be/6eH9-QQidaU?si=uRQQZtxsy8CDLGbo
>>205332139that's a hyped track, but no. currently enjoying top tier netflix slop (rewatching Alchemy of Souls)
>>205328173Any family oriented show will have yakult unnie in the plot
>>205332322I guess I’m the only one knowing nostalgia bait shows
>>205332926i havent watched many kdramas as you. but i do know nostalgia, hence i'm rewatching AoS
Good night hyungbros. Dream of your favorite kdrama FL.
>>205333785good night. and yes i will
>>205332139Never watched any Highkick or Nonstop seasons myself. Looking back, the casts were pretty stacked but I was too busy watching terrible romcoms
I hate Dylan Wang so much