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Arthouse and classics.

Capeshit edition.

Prev: >>205369033
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New obscure crush unlocked.
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Announcment: we do in fact have a modern day Setsuko Hara, and her name is Park Eun Bin
ok lil bro lets see some of her actin then
post clips
Great thread so far!
Time to get diamonds rn. Are you Huppertfag?

Look bro, chaos is a reality of life, and people are gonna continue to be chaotic. Better to open the fucking Discord server with a channel for off-topic and that would be your "containment board" for Yugioh stuff. Either that or report us all.

>yes. I was 14 years old and that shit got me seething dggy.
Sucks. So you're like 27 now?
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No, disgusting bimbo imo. But here's an example of a woman that would make me diamonds.
I cannot find clips without retarded zoomer edits, sorry just watch Extraordinary Attorney Woo.
I agree with keeping the general as whats intended for but where the fuck you want people to discuss other stuff here? this is a cesspool of bbc porn, tranny selfies and us election shit. It's hard to find anons to hold a true chat with. It's over for all of us.
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She was so hot in this movie...
He never actually committed any crime. If he was put on trial, he'd get out of any charge.
>but where the fuck you want people to discuss other stuff
This ain't it, I'm sorry. Back to bimbos.

I also agree and also agree with you. If there's no Discord and no off-topic discussion allowed, you'd kill /film/. This place is just a hangout, let's be honest.
>report us all
>Either that or report us all.
>Are you Huppertfag?
Yup lol I’m also a big fan of Sissy Spacek and Julianne Moore. Think I got a type?
>but where the fuck you want people to discuss other stuff here?
I don’t give a fuck, just not here.
me as superman n lil bros on the right
Selfish hall monitor attitude, not cool. Doesn't want others to have fun, doesn't want to solve the real problems of /film/. Sucks to be you lil bro
Who isn't a fan of all three of those women? You aren't all that, pal.
>Back to bimbos.
Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
you're fucked lil costa bro
>If there's no Discord and no off-topic discussion allowed, you'd kill /film/
Wrong, been fine for years.
It's so obvious hahaha. I think we'd be good friends, you got impeccable taste in women. Fave /film/s?
You sound like a literal fucking retard.
Gadonfag stop with the cap. And it's actually like if basketball players had no court then went on to play to the football field with everyone agreeing with them that they can use it, then one (1) football player told them to go fuck themselves and tried to convince others of the same shit while giving no solution to the original problem, which was that the basketball guys had no court.
And actually, fuck this, I'm making the Discord. Any suggestions? I've never even made a server before.
What's the must watches of this year. Haven't been to here for a while
Don't ruin it by making a billion different channels.
No off-topic shit or it'll become a schizo containment zone like the previous one years ago.
A Traveller's Needs
Megalopolis, Joker 2, The Apprentice, the list goes on.
just no spam and no troon talk
i saw one of the best discord servers ruined by ewhores and trannies
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just watched Cure and absolutely loved it.
any other "dark ambient" film suggestions? Jacob's Ladder comes to mind
Wake in Fright
KK has like half a dozen other films like this
Charisma, Seance, the list goes on.
but are they any good?
Some are, some aren't. I like the two I mentioned.
original or 2017 miniseries?
He did but since he's not a legal resident of earth anymore he could only be judged by Hell's jurisdiction, and he's canonically a high ranking general. He did try to overthrow Lucifer but that's a different story.
does lil bro really need 2 ask
Don't listen to him
If anythinf, Wake in Fright is the opposite of a sombre ambient in the way Cure can be considered
just making sure family, but that serves as an answer
hell yeah its different lil bro but its dark ambient
Has Breton ever been posted in here before?
Just watch the Monster anime.
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This all started because an anon got salty over our love of Salt.
>Sissy Spacek and Julianne Moore.
Castle Rock and Maps To The Stars are my favorite kinos with them :)
I have, it doesn't make for a good anime
what are these offtopic turds lil bro
Yo guys, anyone wanna share an image for the /film/ server? Choose something that represents /film/.
gadonfag sausage
two inch sausage
More like one inch.
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what should I watch?
Shinran: Path to Purity, at bottom left
I'll wait for 20 minutes, if nothing has come up I'll just use the fucking Sarah Gadon pic lol
>if nothing has come up I'll just use the fucking Sarah Gadon pic lol
And I'm out.
Onechanbara. Old Wii game.
not gonna join them
>niggas are seriously discussing creating a trannycord
/film/ is dead
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Just use the Lee pic. Never joining Gadonjeet discords.
we all niggas need friends
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bad pic
can't even tell what the hell is going on
Makes sense. In addition to being the queen of/film/ Sarah Gadon is an avid film buff, collector of physical media and film paraphernalia and has a degree in film studies.
Not sure, I've never seen it. But that would be understandable, given she's only been in two relevant films.
I'll use whatever I want. Later on, we can make a poll and change the pic if you guys want.
not joining gadonjeet discords
If it's waifushit, never joining.
Costa Rica Man here, I agree.
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use this
Got to put more effort than this. Something of historical and or memetic relevance; this ain't cutting it. Sarah's at least funny. 8 minutes remain
>Something of historical and or memetic relevance
newfag detected
Kill yourself. Never joining off-topic waifushit spam discords.
Just shut the fuck up, no one cares. Either put up or shut up, as said yesterday. Stop the crying. The link's gonna be there for people that want in, we don't need pussy niggas in there.
>t. gadonjeet
Kill yourself. Not joining waifuspam discords.
Any posting of Sarah Gadon pictures or mentions of Sarah Gadon's name should warrant an immediate ban going forward.
Ok, Gadonfag. Live alone, papi
>calling gadonhater gadonfag
Insta ban evade
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Currently bumping Spottemgottem hit 'Beat Box 2' featuring Pooh Shiesty
/film/ for this occasion?
>gadon is more relevant than satanic tsai
The state of /film/
Here it is https://discord.gg/ZNsggKkc
Can't believe y'all niggas couldn't do this for yourselves for like 10 years straight.
>discord made by gadonjeet
No thanks.
Yeah not joining that one
Blessed server pic
the griffith-sono coalition will not be joining your discord
Don't wanna see your peen in there.
Someone else bake a 'cord
watch Dora-heita, lil bro
Off-topic shit allowed or not? Pic makes me think it's not worth joining.
There have been multiple "/film/" servers in the past, newfriend.
we got a channel for off-topic and one for /film/

A cute /film/ waifu smiling, holding a bundle of /film/ dvds and snacks, posing in front of a collection of classic /film/.

Whats not to love? It sums up the best parts of this general.
So you wanna ruin it like the previous discord, huh. I'll stay out.
He's right
You guys aren't still in the lbg cord? How do you keep up on what amaranth is watching?
>Pic makes me think it's not worth joining.
Same. Sad to see newfags taking gadonjeet seriously. As much as I hate to admit it, gadonjeet won, and those faggots are to blame.
then what the fuck is even the point when it's the same shit as in here
Mfs asked for no off-topic in here, so we went there. Easy fix to an easy to fix problem
You are one dumb motherfucker if you think a discord server will help with off-topic spam here. Should've been the other way around where the discord is all on-topic. You're a newfag who learned nothing from the previous failed discords.
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We, the members of the discord, have declared it a lean night in this thread. Please do not post again until you have watched at least one (1) david lean feature. Thank you and see you after the movie (film).
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>Who isn't a fan of all three of those women?
Speaking from experience, unfortunately a lot of people aren’t.

>I think we'd be good friends, you got impeccable taste in women. Fave /film/s?
I appreciate it, anon. Have this chart I made a few months back.

How did you not post a picture of her, Gadonfag? Shocking.
Canadian actress Sarah Gadon watched David Lean's film Brief Encounter while readying for her role in the film A Royal Night Out.

>Gadon’s methods for getting into the past aren’t different from what she does with any other kind of film. For one thing she watches a lot of movies on set. “I’m not one of those people who can’t watch movies while we work. I love to find movies for films and periods,” she explains. A big film for every actor was David Lean’s “Brief Encounter,” Gadon says, “for the pacing and the feeling and the accent.”
thx 4 the info lil Sanjay
Obviously not a fan of this fag’s showboating. Make the picture something neutral.
>asking gadonjeet to remove gadon
good luck
I've seen 4 and like 3 of the 4 I've seen. Nice to see Suspiria representation.
Kek, what a bizarre selection of films.
>Heaven's Gate
Goddamnit, Harperbro, i knew you were the man from day 1.
Nope, join the server and then we'll discuss about the next pic for the server when time comes. I want to make it a monthly thing.
Don't think I will with that pic.
Whats so special about Heaven's Gate?
Name one thing.
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What’s been going on with /tv/ lately bros? Isn’t this number typically 2,800? No wonder threads have been staying up longer, when they aren’t getting deleted at least kek.
there were literal bots during the election season
now that election is over bots are no longer on 4chan
it's that simple
The 15-minute long cooldown might also have something to do with it.
The film.
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Yusaku Matsuda
have all the waifufaga finally fucked off? can we discuss /films/ again?
>have all the waifufaga finally fucked off?
how many IMDB rating before something is for normalfags?
5 000
Watching Vase de noces right now, feeling intellectual.
Omg! Sarah Gadon is in the server!!! Omg!!
>invaded by newfags who can't recognize historic 2021 /film/ memes
it's over
I just personally don't find it that funny anymore. Microdick was a more recent historical time imo
I don't believe you, newfag.
End yourself, spamming jeet.
Been here for over a year, so I am a newfag, but not that new as to not know of satanic Tsai.

Imagine thinking that Gadonfag would allow these kind of responses without spamming his shitty coal pics.
>Been here for over a year
Newfag invasion.
>Been here for over a year
Wow, a whole year?
Waifuposters are in every thread, didn’t you know?
'fraid so
We need a discord.
We have one.
I meant one without off-topic spam. I've been talking about it for months!
Dude make the pic literally anything other than Sarah Gadon and I’ll probably join.
2 separate channels, what the fuck are you even talking about lol. Your argument is like saying "we need a new /film/ without /tv/ spam" kek
I won't. Just wait until december and we'll vote for the new pic.
One off-topic channel too many.

We need a discord.
Alright lol
Looking at the fate of previous /film/cords, good luck keeping it alive until then. Kek
That's on /film/ really. The Discord is for /film/'s usage; it's not a vanity project made for me.
No one wants a discord with off-topic spam.

We need a (better) discord.
Good fucking riddance- stay there and keep all your offtopic garbage there too
All waifu posters- please go to this discord and post all waifu related stuff there instead of these threads
One of the most ignorant attempts at an analogy I’ve ever seen in these threads, and that’s saying a lot
Interesting- I created this image, and I’m honored that you think of it, but I vehemently object to discord use, along with any/all waifu posting and off-topic posting
this thread is nothing but discord spam holy fuck
Way worse than waifuposting.
Hell yeah, it’s my favorite film!

It’s a bizarre selection because I just sat down and thought of nine of my favorites. I could’ve added three more but 3x3s look better.
both are bad lol
It's only you anti Discord guys that are obsessed with the topic. Now, talk about arthouse and classics.

Good shit, I'm stealing that bitch off your wall.
That picture’s from outside the theater, not my room haha I don’t even have a poster.
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There ain't nothin in the archives of this thread, ya hear me? Ain't nothin', so STAY OUT!
can you stop posting your asshole?
>but where the fuck you want people to discuss other stuff here?
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Anyone here watched the Iranian film that Marty said inspired him for Taxi Driver?
filename has the title
it's on ok.ru
Marty didn't say it but he picked it for some festival shit, sorry I misremembered
Interesting, I didn’t know this.
Hate movies with babies/kids, so I won’t be watching, but curious how much Scorsese took from it.

go back to discord
Just opened pornhub
what's some /film/ approved video?
your wife's sex tape
The uncredited dance double for Shirley MacLaine [Sweet Charity 1969] later became a famous porn actress under the stage name of Georgina Spelvin.
any of the following
I'm going back to mumblecore, alex ross perry, joe swanberg, aaron katz, the list goes on
>Melody fucks a Yasujiro Ozu looking guy
Good, leave forever
go back to discord, fucking tranny
It’s a kino movie desu worth a fap to every scene
What's with /film/'s mumblecore hateboner?
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Murder à la Mod is gimmicky in the worst way possible, way too le quirky and silly goose. De Palma really only got good with Sisters, but you can tell he was an auteur from day one, even in a bad movie like this it's all him.
lol, my exact reply that day.
The real /film/ discord is here guys
>why do people hate worthless shit?
What a mystery

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