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Most actresses wait until they have at least one hit film under their belt before they reveal how insufferable they are. Her career hasn’t even left the runway and everyone’s already sick of her.
They typically do nude scenes first too. I wouldn't want to look at this naked bitch for free. Already ruined.
She's trying the Hillary/Kamala routine. Ballsy. Let's see if it works.
Someone actually looked at this and said “That’s our Snow White”.
I really liked her in West Side Story and she eroded all the good will she generated with me over the course of this year. Sucks.
are you a gay?
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looks just like her desu
They looked at this and saw a battering ram.
If she was really nice and reverent to the source material and did everything she could to embody the character (like Inaki Godoy did for the One Piece adaptation), it would still be a dumb race-swap but the film would have a lot more good will towards it.

She’s really the worst of all worlds. She’s openly insufferable and not pretty or talented enough to make up for it. I guess she can sing but lots of people can sing. She shits on the source material and doesn’t even hide that this movie was made out of spite to “correct” the things it “got wrong”.
>young retard thrown into the limelight
>thinks their farts smell like a summer breeze
This is to be expected. Are you retarded too?
implying you don't imagine her getting facefucked
Other than not being pale, she actually does look like the Disney drawn Snow White thoughbeit, with those retarded deer eyes.
Can someone read this body language?
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the entire drama?
she's the actress for the live action snow white.
she's been unhinged in interviews, including saying bad stuff about the original snow white and about men in general.
she even ranted about politics (anti-trump tirade), which is box office poison.
the movie got delayed from 2024 to 2025, but disney probably wants to just get it over with and boot her off.
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West Side Story was really good but I don't think Zegler contributed to it much. You could have cast anyone else and it would have been as good if not better
Yeah we get you masturbate to her while pretending to hate her. Boooooring.
Why do leftists project their degeneracy so much?
Occasio-Cortez adjacent. Hopefully all these retards kill themselves and massively improve the world.
She was manufactured on the same assembly line as Amandla Stenberg.
We should really stop hiring European actresses.
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Well the Jews aren’t going to like this.
NTA but I'm a rightwinger with a femdom fetish so I definitely fapped to her multiple times while imagining that she was taking her anger out on me and making good on her statement that Trump supporters should feel no peace.
Why does /pol/ hate her?
i know she plays snow white and i know shes a libtard, but why did this become a big deal now? most of hollywood actors are like that, and why would disney be mad at her if theyre the ones pushing this shit
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you're glass bro
No, you're just a submissive faggot, which inherently makes you a lefty.
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/tv/ hates her. stop deflecting.
just why is america like that
i mean i guess i know why but goddammit
She just bought the peak of insufferable feminism, like Brie.
I don’t know your zoomer slang nor do I care to learn it, but no. I’m not masturbating to some 6/10 because she’s annoying. Maybe you are.
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ok, /pol/
Just remember, the media turned on Biden when he was hesitant to send more arms to Israel.
>just hates women because he can't... ya know
Based jews then. Fuck palestine and fuck every other BRICS shithole.
I fucking love how mohammeds went from 'muh intifada' to 'am I like being genocided???' and crying like little bitches to UN and US college troons.
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>/tv/ hates her. stop deflecting.
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Based MIGA /pol/ poster. Trump is good for Israel.
She was hoping for the Kamala presidency so her shitty character could be Satanically inverted and positioned as stunning, brave, and empowering. Without that network of evil backing up all of these lesser demons, everyone just sees them for the pieces of shit they are and rejects them. Tolkien had it completely correct. Evil is a centralized entity because it is in conflict with truth and thus needs to exercise control over its servants to ensure they don’t abandon the lie of evil for the goodness of truth. Lop off the head of the highest evil and all the underlings scatter or decay.
Seething leftard. Enjoy deportations.
she is a jew. it's fine for them
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Given the shift in demographics you're more in risk of going back than I, Pablo
Holy shit it's some unironic berniebro tranny. Your college debt forgiveness is being cancelled btw.
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WE STAND WITH ISRAEL! Also, join the Navy.
Aaaaw it shakes and cries. Did you and Hasan had a healing circle already?
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Whoa, cool it with the anti semetism.
Don't pop a vein. No ""Free"" healthcare for you after all. No more tranny pills, no more 'medicinal' marijuanu.
Makes you wonder whether the next Zegler equivalent will try to chudmax now that chuds have the upper hand, and wokemaxxing killed her career.
Bro she's from the tribe she can do whatever she wants. Hailey Steinfeld made $100 million in Hollywood before anyone even knew who the fuck she was on the 'feld alone....
>What I masturbate to is more important, politically, than immigration, taxes, education, criminal justice, and foreign policy COMBINED
I can't imagine being this much of a retarded Zoomer Coomer.
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Keep spamming, maybe you will lose even harder next time. Now go debate with fags, troons and rich socialist on twitch how to get back young men and how they are chuds who vote against their own best interests.
You might be blind. The Disney drawn Snow White has very soft and round features while the mutt has very strong and sharp features. She looks more like the witch in >>206049804
shes totally gonna off herself right
What cabinet position is the MyPillow guy getting?
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This shitty remake might be the most satisfying flop of my lifetime.
i mean i do look forward to them toning down the obvious white hate campaign long enough to get retards to sign up for ww3 because they know their precious niggers, imported browns, and fags won't do it
She's ruined her career and she'll be doing onlyfans porn (with me) very soon.
Hard for all the spics to do it once Trump spends $80 billion shipping them all to Colombia.
it'll never happen, it was just campaigning schlock
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Is there anything more embarrassing than being a person whose life is obsessing over an actress that's making a movie directed at children? The right are using leftist tactics to cancel people over free speech so they can push their own agendas now that trump is back in office. You have become the people you hate.
lot of brown muslims itt
I, also, saw West Side Story (2021), fellow West Side Story seers
What a great movie
I really enjoyed it
You for watching that trash. Nice red bars idiot.
>y-you can’t just use our own tactics against us

Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from consequences ;)
So Hollywood is like neon demon right? Bunch of gurls cannibalizing each other. Sydney was right.

I wished all those actors would realize that they are just chips in a jewish poker game.
why can't /pol/ stay in its containment board
>movie directed at children
Apply this argument to the Dumbo crows and watch leftists shit and piss themselves
West side story was a good movie
Buy a copy of west side story
West side story
Putting leftists to sleep lmao
Was she even in that movie?
I thought she was in that other spic carnival that came out at the same time to compete for biggest flop
In the heights?
You retards don't understand that you have become the people that you complained about for years. Just goes to show that once you have power all morals goes out the window.
>The right are using leftist tactics to cancel people over free speech so they can push their own agendas now that trump is back in office.

Kamala lost
And Trump won. Why are you still so mad about DEI and anti Jewish thoughts?
>if you kill him, you’ll be just like him

Turnabout is fair play, fag.
>control all of social media
>perform poll intimidation
>fight recounts
>”We won!!”
LMAO oh no, Jorge thinks he's not going back.
Mad? I’m laughing quite heartily at the collapse of DEI.
It was the most free and fair election since 2020. You’re not an election denier, are you?
You destroyed the country. For yourself too. You just don’t know it yet.
In fact, magats will have it worse than anyone else
They don't know how tariffs work. They also ignore what Trump added to the deficit back in 2016.
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>he thinks making Youtube videos mocking a dumb actress is "cancelling" someone and trying to remove free speech
Goddamn, you leftists are such disingenuous snakes.
Imagine gloating about being afraid of PoC, LGBTQ+, and women
lmaoing at ur life
I feel like zoomer actresses who have basically been celebrities since they were children have an inflated sense of their own importance and opinion in shit like politics

Obviously celebrities always delved into this kind of thing but it’s a lot more aggressive recently. From middle aged types like Beyoncé and then charli whoever which led to that cringe Kamala is brat thing (can’t believe this was considered some amazing
kek I’ve waited 4 years to be on the other side of this tactic again
How do you answer without sounding mad
So far all replies have failed
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It's all they have.
i voted for ron paul
>20M votes from 2020 go “missing”
>free and fair
It's really not and it's actually counterproductive since you fags are all about canceling people you disagree with
It's not like Elon said he would hack the election...
Good. She's irrelevant. I haven't seen anything she was in and the only thing that I KNOW she was in off the cuff is the Shazam movie, which looked like dogshit. You hit the nail on the head OP - No fucking clue why this bitch thinks she can open her big mouth and prove what a fucking ignorant cunt she is - and get away with it.
>everyone’s already sick of her.
>/pol/tards are triggered!
as opposed to leftists always being 100% genuine with good intentions?
>Jew given career by top Jew in Hollywood.
Many such cases
NPC's mad about current thing they were told to be mad about
What did he do?
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Every fucking time.
We all lost
Kamala just doesn’t have to clean up our mess anymore
What do you mean “go missing”?

More people voted in 2020 because states signed up their entire registered population to vote and sent them mail in ballots. Something that’s not been done in any other election

I’m baffled how people don’t see why less people voted this time. 2020 was the outlier
but... Trump is the one who wants that? Democrats want open borders and mass migration from the third world.

Lmao, leftists
Yeah... but hey, Kid Rock will soon be Secretary of the Interior and require every national park will house one of his shitty country bars. Imagine being able to listen to Cowboy and eating Bawitdaba Potato Skins in Yosemite?
Trump is about to flood the US with H1B visa workers from India lmao
Jews will never be based tho
Fuck BRICS but Hamas is kino
Linda McMahon will surely fix this.
>listen to Cowboy and eating Bawitdaba Potato Skins in Yosemite?
This sounds fun
You had stated like Georgia, Florida, and North Carolina purging voting roles weeks before a national election
All of a sudden, people who didn’t have time to pay attention to every piece of news around the election were denied the right to vote
You end up with stomach churning spectacles like the PA Supreme Court ordering poll workers to stop counting valid votes so Cheeto Hitler can have his senate
Republicans love illegal immigrants, they're the ones who are hiring them after all
> muh fairness
> muh principles
There's nothing wrong with cancelling leftists and also being against cancel culture.
Brilliant move by the MAGAs. Spend years bitching about stolen elections with no proof, then steal an election and complain Democrats are just sad and mad 'orange man bad won'. Of course, they now sold their souls to Elon and Theil. That'll end well for them just as it did surrendering to Trump.
>all about canceling people you disagree with
Deporting them is more important.
Fuck off back to /pol/
Seriously. What the fuck are you even doing on my board?
As a Kamala voter, I really hope Trump does this.
He watched west side story do you really have to ask?
imagine making something up about someone to justify your sanctimonious delusions while being a total loser
>They don't know how tariffs work
The Reddit leftist take that "tariffs are just paid by the consumer" is a retarded massive oversimplification of an extremely complex topic. You should go back to plebbit.
Why are you retards obsessed with this bitch? Yet again multiple threads about her. So she was miscast as snow-white. So fucking what? she probably needs the money. Is it all just because the Critical Grifter made a video about her? Who fucking cares about this? Holy of keks, I just don't fucking get /tv/ sometimes. You literally sound like a bunch of lefties now. They also throw tantrums because they don't get what they want. It's pathetic.
Yes it is. People deserve what they’ve done to others.
How do you determine who is appropriate to cancel? Sorting everyone into "leftist" or "not a leftist" is not a reliable system and is as we've already seen historically susceptible to manipulation.
"everyone" You mean incels?
You better let Forbes know you are the authority then.
There's already companies cutting bonuses and hiring in preparation lol
>Hamas is kino
>You had stated like Georgia, Florida, and North Carolina purging voting roles weeks before a national election

I just checked Georgia and MORE people voted this year than in 2020 there.

Where exactly are the millions of “missing” votes located? Because my guess is a shit load are in California and it wouldn’t have mattered anyway lmao
where's her back hair?
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You asked why people are posting about someone, then said why people post about her.

You’re smart enough to be retarded lmao
>forbes is the authority because…
>they just are

This is the same publication that just makes up peoples net worth.
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2d > 3d

This has been true since the 30s.
Are you implying the Walmart CFO didn't say that and Forbes made it up?
> Forbes
kek next you're going to post MSNBC
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>Johnny Depp is a leftist
>Therefore it was fine for Depp to lose his career over false allegations
Again, are you implying the Walmart CFO didn't state that?
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>Forbes is now a Demonrat controlled rag funded by George Soros using AI Deepfakes to spread fake news about tariffs because they are mad Trump won and will make anime real
>sad chud keeps quoting his own post as a reply
I dunno man. maybe there was something more to this that I missed. Guess not.
You’re the one saying we need to let Forbes know we are the authority.

Why do you think the CFO of Walmart has the best interests of anyone but their bottom line at heart? Are you stupid?

I thought leftists were suspicious of mega corporations at least. I guess not as long as they throw fag parades and say trump is evil.
>he did it again
Trump won because people want lower egg prices (even though they are low, the media scared them into thinking inflation is still a thing because they want more bombs for Israel), so tanking the economy to push a nationalist bent is pretty fucking stupid and will negatively affect the poor idiots who voted for Trump. Walmart, Dollar General, CVS, etc. will all jack up their prices now like they did during the pandemic to profiteer.
I don’t follow this any more than you do, this is a board about tv and film. Including actors. I’m not sure why you expected some hidden depth about an actress being retarded and thus people disliking her

Here’s a hint. Next time you see a thread with an actress posted who is nearly nude. It’s not actually a discussion about her acting range
>too scared to reply directly

You okay, Jason?
>he keeps doing it
oda has said luffy is a hue mutt
>too scared to reply directly

You okay, Jason?
The long form answer that the Walmart CEO gave, which Forbes tries to hide, was far more complex than that. He said that tariffs will certainly vary based on country and product and that tariffs will be focused primarily on China. He also said that this will not increase prices on the vast majority of items because manufacturing will simply move to other low cost countries, which has already been happening for years. In his opinion it will have a negligible short term effect but would be a huge win long term because it reduces China's global economic power.

The Walmart consumer will not be affected much but Forbes tries to simplify the CEOs opinion to "WALMART CEO SAYS PRICES WILL INCREASE" in order to push their agenda.
>he keeps giving people (You)s because he has to reply to every post
>lower egg prices
>even though they are low, the media scared them into thinking inflation is still a thing

I know you think voters are just human cattle you can manipulate into somehow not remembering things were much cheaper five years ago.

But if you legitimately follow this line of thought. That voters are effectively retarded and easily persuaded…

Why did you fail to persuade them?

You’re so much smarter, right? Should have been easy as fuck

If your answer is some crying about easy answers from blumpf etc etc. don’t bother

All that raises is why the fuck you were so stupid you didn’t offer easy answers too.

You’re a bigger retard than the voters you look down on. You always will be
>too scared to reply directly

You okay, Jason?
The problem is the shift in the supply chain. We already saw how dependent we are on China during the pandemic. Nothing had changed since then.
Yes. I am fully willing to give leftists (and only leftists) things they want, like 90% tax or guns ban.
>he literally cannot resist the compulsion to reply to every single post, because he has no agency
>too scared to reply directly

You okay, Jason?
Most people thought Trump was running against Biden lol
>he's a delusional schizophrenic in the middle of a mental breakdown
>too scared to reply directly

You okay, Jason?
I am a leftist, voted for Kamala, and I am a proud gun owner.
>he's so mad because the only person quoting his post is himself
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>but why did this become a big deal now?
she's a celebrity lolcow.
but aside that, she insulted trump supporters after trump won, so she's in the news more recently.
Wow. Harris was that shit? Guess she should’ve gotten on Joe Rogan after all. Instead of being a scared little bitch
Why are we pretending now that the jews who run Hollywood aren't rapidbly anti White and anti American like her, and will only reward her?
>too scared to reply directly

You okay, Jason?
>Nothing had changed since then.
This is false. Tons of manufacturing has moved. Even if it caused some small short term pain it would be well worth it in the long run because China, not Russia like Democrats would have you believe, is our biggest rival by a huge margin.
Yup. The Democrats were running like it's 2008.
>in real life he wouldn't last 10 minutes before he has a public meltdown and gets 5150'd
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Why do only democrats hate Mike Pence?
>too scared to reply directly

You okay, Jason?
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wokeness has lost
>he thinks everyone hasn't caught on yet that you can just keep doing this and he has no choice but to reply because he's compelled to do so
>being anti-Jew in (((Hollywood)))

umm yikes
We hate the shithead MAGAs failed to hang him.
>too scared to reply directly

You okay, Jason?

You’re the one who needs to type something new each time. I’m just hitting paste with one hand lmao

You’re stuck in here with me.
>Tons of manufacturing has moved.
Based Biden rebuilding America. Why did the Jews turn on him?
>he's really upset that the only person quoting his posts is himself
>This thread
Wow! It's like i'm on /pol/ and /int/!
>too scared to reply directly

You okay, Jason?
>he's still trying to force his meme
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He was literally 100% correct about everything though?
>too scared to reply directly

You okay, Jason?
>he keeps arguing with himself and losing
she looks like a contrarian kindergartner
>bug eyed 5head goblina mutt
really makes you think
>It wasn't a surprise so... you shouldn't complain!
pseud faggot
>too scared to reply directly

You okay, Jason?
she has zero charisma, is unattractive and she hasnt been in a movie people like
All leftists should be disarmed. We can call it Common Sense Gun Control.
Biden just continued the tariffs that Trump initially placed on them. If Biden didn't continue gibs long after covid was over, and long after his own economists were telling him it needed to stop, we probably wouldn't have seen such rampant inflation.
>he's still having a melty
>too scared to reply directly

You okay, Jason?
Inflation was caused by corporate greed, not thru tax payouts.
She is hot and I am not American, so idc.
Come and take it.
I his face, couldn't they find another brazilian that doesn't look evil?
Post gf
Gibs and government overspending played a far bigger role than "corporate greed."
>source: Trust some guy on Fox News
It's why inflation didn't affect corporate profits or stock prices, and now multiple companies have admitted to price gouging.
ugly ass caveman looking bitch
Ok redditor fag, explain how "corporate greed" caused massive inflation? Be specific.
>She is hot

>Johnny Depp is a leftist
>Therefore it was fine for Depp to lose his career over false allegations
Exactly. Shit humans with dogshit beliefs and dogshit "values" deserve the worse at every turn. Be a bad person, suffer the consequences for it. Too bad, so sad. Just stop being a mentally-ill subhuman retard with mentally-ill subhuman ideology, and people would stop wishing and wanting to fuck you in the ass. It's THAT simple and easy.
Etc etc. They were openly admitting they were price gouging for years, anon. That's why the stock market kept going up, corporations were posting record profits, all the while inflation kept climbing. The one error Biden made was letting it slide to promote economic recovery post Trump's COVID failures.
>he's still having a melty
>too scared to reply directly

You okay, Jason?
Embarrassing reply.
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thread theme:
Just admit you don't know how to read.
>noooo we need to increase prices due to inflation!!1
>2023 saw a return to volume growth and gross margin expansion, however our competitiveness was disappointing. We are now focused on executing the Growth Action Plan, to realise Unilever's full potential. Fernando Fernandez Chief Financial Officer
>noooo we need to increase prices due to inflation
No they needed to increase prices because the cost of absolutely everything in their entire supply chain went up massively. The difference doesn't account for even a small fraction of the inflation we saw.
And yet, despite 'having to spend more', they made even more money! How does that work?
Accounting for inflation they didn't make much more.
Someone post the link
>Is there anything more embarrassing than being a person whose life is obsessing over an actress that's making a movie directed at children?
Acting like your better than those people?
Tariffs finna eat u alive bru
How so?
I have far more money than I'll ever need and don't give the slightest fuck about tariffs. Trump can put 1000% tariffs on everything and I wouldn't care.
Hahahaha ok bru we believe you
Spielberg chose wrongly
>this person disagrees with me politically
>omg they are so insufferable
For someone that hates jews, trannies, and brown people you sure let them dictate a lot about your life.
Disagreeing with the Left is treason and fascist now though.
Not really. I just make fun of them and don’t see their movies.
> bru
Just go back to playing NBA2K.
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>For someone that hates jews, trannies, and brown people
yet you said they hate them for their opinion? or is it because they're brown? why would someone who hates brown people care about their opinions? what's wrong with your brain yakub? is there nothing but air in that giant ballsack skull or just shit? take your time to think about it
How exactly do leftist dumbfucks like this girl rationalize being pro-Palestine yet co-starring in a movie with a former IDF soldier
her agent told her to tweet that
damnit she a qt3.14 but I hate her wokeness.
she is unbelievably mid and a dime a dozen.
woke faggotry lost.
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>damnit she a qt3.14
Regardless of her politics, how do you find a chick gesticulating her head and fake smirking like that attractive? Even with no sound or subs it's clear she's saying something bitchy and likely unnecessary.
idk man, she cute, petit, nice feet. drives me insane. I guess I'm crazy
These things are not mutually exclusive you fucking retard. You can hate or like someone for multiple reasons at the same time. Fuck, you can even hate someone for one reason and like them for another.

Your black and white thinking is exactly why you incels are so fucking retarded.
if you hate someone for the way then what they think is irrelevant and sure as shit wouldn't "dictate your life" you tranny faggot
I suspect the JIDF co-star got jealous at being second-billing to an upstart, so she goaded her to sabotage her career.
she sabotaged her own career by acting like a cunt
That's not true at all. Democrats are the ones who want to replace us with illegals, Repubs just want to replace us legally. To them it's totally cool to invite the entire 3rd world street shitters over as long as they doing it in a way that makes them nearly impossible and super expensive to get rid of, but on paper, completely legal.
If that's not true then why do the Republicans keep hiring them?
I hope a nice coomer like yourself finds your matching BPD lady sweetheart that's just absolutely crazy about you one of these days. You really deserve it.
Imagine believing this
I dunno, why don't you put forward an argument as to why they do.
"I'm ok with immigrants as long as they do it legally" has been the Repub stance since forever.
sigh, I'm so lonely
>I dunno, why don't you put forward an argument as to why they do.
Because it's cheaper than paying American workers
How much coke do you have to do to squirrelmax? Her twitch muscle movements look like stop-motion animation.

nta, but I will. It’s so they can continue to use it as a wedge issue and treat illegals as cheap disposable labor. That’s the whole plan - scare their base with bullshit about all these “criminals,” make huge headlines with the one out of thousands that truly is a bad actor, then go right back to hiring them and paying them under the table, knowing full well that once those get rounded up, there’s more waiting to get hired in the Home Depot parking lot. They don’t want to actually fix anything or give them a path to citizenship. Why would they? What they’ve got going is working well for them.
your mom does she told me while I was fucking her
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cool story
Can you post projection 1 through 9?
If they're here you might as well get cheap labor out of them. Using them for cheap labor doesn't necessarily mean you support them being here.
>it's okay to compromise my principles if it's for money
Me and other anons talked about this in a waifu thread yesterday. Physiognomy is everything. Look at her visage, her complexion, everything about her existence. This is a deeply, deeply evil person.
How is it compromising your principles exactly? Getting rid of them isn't an option so you might as well put them to work.
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As a shitskin sub, I NEED to hold her hand while big fat bearded anglo boomer BWC colonizes her worthless ethnic pussy
She's legitimately the most hateable actress I've come across in decades and she's not even attractive or talented. How the fuck is she this much of a narcissist?
>Kamala lost
god damn, this bitch is ugly
I have a femdom fetish as well but this bitch is so insufferable i've never even thought about getting into it with her. There's something really off about her muttface, it's not exactly ugly it just doesn't looks misdeveloped. Almost did brie larson once but couldn't finish.
>control all of social media
The DNC could've easily tried to stop this if it was a real problem
I think shed taken LSD somewhat recently
>Rachel Zeigler (lalo face) sucks
>Some fag losing his mind about Donald Trump
Kino thread.
You know what, you've made some good points here.
Extremely low quality thread
the power of sucking producer cock
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>control all of social media
But I'm not sick of her at all.
Nah. John Boyega and that guy who played Cyborg did the same, some of these fuckers are just divas.
Are they? John Boyega started to become insufferable during the TLJ/Pacific Rim Uprising period which are after TFA, and Ray Fisher is during the announcement of ZSJL
They were already making waves bts, also this bitch did West Side Story and Hunger Games before Snow White
Zegler thinks she's already an A-list AFTER West Side Story came out. Even J-Law didn't act like a diva during the Hunger Games days and only after the shitty Oscar selfie.
lol at the webm
>when the indian girl got made the boss but you didn't start doing what she says
The Witch bitch from Wicked is much, much worse.
>-The wokesters awoke
>-Do nothing
The negress? What does she do? Can't say I know anything about her.
>extremist chud
>into CP
How does one's brain rot so fast? Normal men wait until they're about 30 to have their fascist phase.

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