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What was the significance of this scene?
Llewellyn is a douche
I couldn't tell ya
He let his guard down.
It literally explais how he dies. He went to fuck her, drug dealers interrupted then shot him.
He got distracted by pusy
He relaxed
He lost the protection of God, up until this point he was protected by Jesus but by giving into the lust and without time to repent, he was immediately killed
God judges us and the devil lays it bait. Yuppie.
based Christfags
these sinners ITT will get their's
But the whole movie is about him giving into greed
You see the lady again by the pool and she's dead.
Your bitch of a mother
He was righteous in his actions up until that point, it's not like he stole the money - the guy was dead
This is what actual dementia looks like.
You’re being judged right now. Repent before a serious misfortune befalls you, soon
He hadn't come until before he goes give agua to the mexican. Once he emptied his balls his cognitive ability suffered a hit and he didn't notice the killers closing in.
Retain your semen
>tips fedora
It's a subversion of the usual storytelling trope that being faithful and doing the right thing will reward you. Llewlyn does the morally right thing here, and as a result the Mexicans find him where they expected to in his room and kill him.
this. the anons who are saying he fucked pool lady clearly didn’t watch the movie (they die in two separate locations).
it's just a guy hanging out
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mucho basado
>It's a subversion of the usual storytelling trope that doing the right thing will reward you
yeah, and if he didnt try to give the guy water he never wouldve got into any trouble. it comes full circle. he was presented with two ways to avoid his eventual fate, one at the beginning and one at the end, but he took the moral high road both times.
makes ya think.
being an easy cheap slut will get you killed by mexicans
Good message.
To establish that he had it coming.
Pattern of bad behaviour
He got what he deserved
He wasn't really a bad hombre
So how would that change anything if they both died anyway
Jesus fucked a literal prostitute
He did nothing wrong until this point and even went back to give the dying spic some water.
God couldn't have done that because God doesn't exist.
He was killed by God for giving in to his pedo desires with that child offering him a beer, and thus the chance to cheat on his wife with her
I have been told in the book it was different
How is it greed to take money from dead criminals? They don’t need it
that llewelyn only died once he betrayed his principles and was unfaithful to his wife. before that he was under divine protection.

the shooting happens pretty much immediately after this scene ends.
you can see the cartel guy's truck pass by in the background while he's at the pool.
He got agua
Cormac was blog posting IRL
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see >>206057281
Jews get away with it all the time.
That's a pretty good calc score. I'm retarded it took my 7 times to pass that fuckin class.
don't get distracted by pussy.
I like how the coen bros rewrote the scene to make it some poolside floozy and not a hitchhiking teen like in the book
Beer leads to more beer
The book scene makes more sense because he has an old fashioned kindness streak that gets him in trouble the whole story.

Cartel honey pot
Lots of Coen bros movies have themes of people doing something out of character or against their code and paying the ultimate price for it.

Miller's Crossing, A Serious Man, No Country, Burn After Reading, etc all have examples of this
the one moral character in the movie goes against his beliefs to help out the woman and gets killed because of it
>have sex, get mex’d
many such cases

He should have stayed a priest.
I do not care for John Malkovich
literally the movie and all of mccarthy's works are all about how God isn't real
>this was considered white
Pretty good in Con Air
I love him
Perhaps it's time to leave /tv/
My respect has shot even further through the roof for him
>Just imagine for a moment: You’re an unappreciated literary genius who has not even hit your stride before going out of print. Your novels so far have circled around dark Southern characters who do dark Southern things. You’re stalled on the draft of a fourth novel, called Suttree, which features an indeterminately young side character named Harrogate, not yet written as a runaway. You’re sitting by a pool at a cheap motel when a beautiful 16-year-old runaway sidles up to you with a stolen gun in one hand and your debut novel in the other. She reads in her closet to stay out of violence’s earshot. To survive her lonely anguish, the wound she’s been carrying since age 11, this girl has only literature to turn to: Hemingway, Faulkner, you. She flickers with comic innocence yet tragic experience beyond her years and an atavistic insistence on survival on her own terms. She has suffered more childhood violence than you can imagine, and she holds your own prose up to you for autograph, dedication, proof of provenance.
The same thing happens to Bobby in Sopranos. Uncle Jun taught him everything he knew, allowing him to become Underboss, then when Jun is going to a public asylum for his dementia he decides to by a fucking toy train instead.
God was protecting him while he stole Mexican drug money?
Keep it up.


Biggest faggots on the planet
How is giving a cartel member water "moral?" If anything, he should've left him there to rot.
First time in the film he seemed to lose focus.
Pretty much this.
>but muh nihilism
Shut up. At any rate it's a common coens theme so there.
moss was a veteran
he came face to face with the enemy lots of times
If I may quote a kubrick film: "These gooks we waste out here our the finest men we'll ever know."
Slave morality
he's decent in In The Line Of Fire because his character is supposed to be an ugly weirdo
Why would you give honor to a dishonorable man? Cartel members cause so much pain and misery not to mention the drugs they sell which wreck peoples' lives.
The Niezchian thing?
>Why would you give honor to a dishonorable man? Cartel members cause so much pain and misery not to mention the drugs they sell which wreck peoples' lives.
Cartels were kind of an up and coming phenomenon in the 80s anon and the man was dying. I'd bet Moss had some honor code thing to help the dying.
Yes inability to act in ones self interest
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More like no country for old women
Anon is right, in the book its more detailed and obvious, he starts hanging out with the girl because she's on the run and its sort of set up like she's going to become a part of the story going forward, then they both get promptly killed
>Hey grandma, here is the address to the motel I'm staying at, bring Carla-Jean and don't do anything that an old senile person might do to jeopardize or reveal my location to the dozens of cartel hitmen undoubtedly combing the streets of downtown Del Rio for any sign of me.
He's an excellent actor but too much of one, has no thoughts for himself.
Saying the US should bomb your grandma because the country felt like it is just mindblowing
Armed cartel members in the 80's were booze and electronic smugglers at most, the real deal was smuggled underground or by airplanes under US permission.
>drugs they sell which wreck peoples' lives
They sell it to bigger head honchos inside the US, cartels do not distribute on the streets here, someone else is doing the selling. People seem to retarded to understand that fact.
They were trying to cover up for McCarthy hooking up with teens in real life when he was in his 40s
Yes, you are.
>ctrl+f agua
>2 results
Special treatment. They're getting away with war crimes and a genocide right now, because muh holohoax six gorillion. And because they occupy literally every vector of power and influence in western civilization.
Which was pretty based and romantic if you take the Vanity Fair article at face value. Imagine being a more or less failed writer in your 40a at a motel pool and suddenly this runaway 16yo shows up, your first novel in one hand and a gun in the other, and asks for your autograph.

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