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what happened to anime that made them stop producing kinos and only slops?
Once shonen shit got really popular in the West around 2006, the Japs got complacent and only focused on what made the big bucks and moeshit.
Hell the last time I followed an anime as it was airing was Space Dandy, 10 years ago.
it was the Jews
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The death of cel animation.
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this. if Hitler had won we would be getting non stop kino Animes to this day
unironically hitler would've supported nuking japan.
Japan's economy shit the bed for decades and decent animation became too expensive to make.
Hirohito died.
I always doubt this because they have to be making a fucking killing just on their export sales
But they probably don't have much on the backend
>Hirohito dies
>Japan experiences prosperity rivaled by only the Romans and America in the 90s
Satoshi Kon movies stopped being made because he fucking died, you cocksucking retard
Hitler was on Japans side though
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The economy went to shit and >>206057249
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Control of projects shifted from auteurs to the studios who want to focus only on money making projects. That's why almost every new anime film is some adaption of some long running manga series rather than anything original. Only Shinkai has bucked the trend, but he makes rather audience friendly films anyways. Ghibli also doesn't fit this model since Miyzaki and brtheren are so old and respected they can go around these hurtles. But new animators don't have this luxury.

Reminder films like Perfect Blue weren't exactly money makers, and if anything they're probably better appreciated in the west than in the home country of Japan. I can't think of a single reference or allusion to Perfect Blue in any Japanese media, which is often replite with injokes and references.
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Kino of the highest order
I'm also trans btw, not sure if that's important XD
Publishers understand that there's a zero sum game every single season to be played. That game is "there's only so many studios". So they've deliberately taken to flooding the market with advertisements (adaptations) for their own Intellectual Property. If Kadokawa funds 55 TV anime in 2023 (not a number form my ass, that's the actual number for 2023) then Kadokawa has successfully prevented their competition from making 55 anime for themselves during that calendar year. And while this competition is going on original anime are on life support because no one has the time.
more anime is made today than ever before. you don't watch any so you don't have anything remotely resembling a valid opinion on it.

look at this dude >>206057172 "anime is bad lol haven't watched it in ten years" how would he know then? arrogance.

more original series are made today than ever before, chiefly because 20x the amount of anime is being made than 20-30 years ago.
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>The economy went to shit

But the asset bubble burst in 1989-1992 - you may notice that most of the shit /tv/ gushes for are from the 90's! So what gives? Sailor Moon that everyone loves because of how bright and optimistic it was started in 1992!

No one is shocked by this.
Economy doesn't recover overnight, anon.
What an absolute nothingburger reply
I never said it was bad you over sensitive weeb jfc, you sound like such a little bitch. Anime is fucking garbage compared to how it used to be and watching it now would be a waste of time.
It never stopped. It was always just a small fraction of what was produced. Inu-oh and Look Back are some recent examples that are as good as Perfect Blue.
/tv/ gushes for shit in the 90s and mid 00s because they don't keep up with the medium and watch a few things that are long established.

sailor moon isn't enormously different from precure but nobody here watches the latter. they don't pay attention to the medium and just assume it's bad despite not having watched anything made after 2006
>anime is bad now despite admitting I don't watch any
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>overly defensive anime fan enters the chat

There's more shows total, but FILMS (you may notice perfect blue is a film) are almost always adaptions of long running manga series. This is actually one of the problems: quantity goes up and quality goes DOWN. You can't have proper budgets if you're making so many shows and you can't worry about quality of all of them. It just doesn't work out mathematically.

All it means is more tripe. There's little for someone who isn't an otaku or shounen fan to watch. Anime fans have LITERALLY the worst taste ever (both in Japan and outside of it).
Alright I'll hear you out. What is there apart from derivative shonenshit, moeshit and fag pandering shit like that swim team show? Mushishi had a second season a while back that was great but how long ago was that?
>anime is bad now despite admitting I don't watch any
This is YOU saying that, retard. It's a projection. No one here is claiming that they don't watch any, it's just a argument tactic that you're using to be dismissive of differing opinion
>why doesn't japan make good OVAs anymore?!?!
because people don't rent VHS tapes anymore
>why doesn't japan make good anime movies anymore?!?!?
because people don't go to the movies anymore
>why is everything a series now?!?!?
because people binge watch series on streaming platforms

fucking retard

>quantity up quality down durrrr
do you think only one studio makes anime? the fact that you're using a hackoshi kon webm says everything, you've barely watched any and have no idea what you're talking about. hackoshi kon makes easily accessible films for western audiences, similar to ghibli. his aren't even good, unlike some ghibli movies.
Name ONE anime of the past 15 years that will go down in history as an all time great. I want to laugh and mock you so please let me see it.
>because people don't rent VHS tapes anymore
>because people binge watch series on streaming platforms
That's the same thing you fucking retard.
the anime companies want peace of mind to have a big contract with seasonal tv shows. making an 80 minute movie with the budget of 10 tv shows just isn't as enticing
seinen and shoujo is made every single season, and much more of each than was made 20-30 years ago.

literally the first post I responded to said they hadn't watched an anime in ten years yet feels completely justified in criticizing the current state of the medium.
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Here's the chart for tv anime series. As you can see you cannot make quality if you're churning out endless 12 episode shows about random shit.
houseki no kuni, vinland saga, overlord are all some easy low hanging fruit answers.
no, OVAs are not the same format whatsoever as televised series. you speak so confidently on something you know nothing of.
What are some other 90s anime kino?
So far I've watched Akira, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Jin-Roh, Ghost in the Shell, Porco Rosso, and Spirited Away.

Stuff like Attack on Titan or One Piece looks like retarded shit
>durrr one studio makes all anime durrrr *drools* druuuurrrrrurrr
There's the problem of /a/-twitter-reddit-etc (and the people commercializing localizations) being overspecialized to follow tv anime. So your average anime film is completely overlooked by localizers and then fans because fan subs are mostly dead and no one bothers.
Most anime films die on the vine as far as English speakers are concerned. Even stuff that does decent numbers in Japan most people on the English internet don't even hear about even people watching like 40 shows a year.

I definitely blame that stuff first and foremost for why anime films are totally overlooked before I start breaking down things like 'well how many of those anime films are compilation movies or teenager films' that have limited appeal to the west.
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>literally the first post I responded to said they hadn't watched an anime in ten years yet feels completely justified in criticizing the current state of the medium.

Retard. It's because nothing has appealed to them in years. You're expecting people to spend hours watching tv series for premises, characters, settings, that they have no interest in because it's gonna somehow click "oh yeah, I love this show about little girls talking about cupcakes after all" or "I love that show about the boy who screams while the camera swings around wildly and they battle another guy with a sword".

Anime isn't made for them, it's made for anime fans. In other words, it ceased to be appealing to general audiences and people outside hardcore anime otaku which just reinforces the point that it's NOT GOOD ANYMORE.

I can throw a dartboard at anything in the critereon collection and it's solid gold. I do the same to anything on crunchy roll and it's tripe.
significantly more people watch anime now than 20 years ago. it's practically become mainstream. what the fuck are you even talking about? fucking retard.
Zoomers will defend this and act like the quality of anime hasn't gone down in the past 20 years. Nowadays they cut more corners in the animation budget so they can prioritize action sequences and specific moments to put all their money into when back in the day characters were animated even when they were just standing around and talking. Now you watch an anime, and the characters don't move. They are stiff, lack fluidity. are less expressive, have less detail in general when it comes to the average designs of the characters themselves among most anime being created now. Go look at stuff like Sailor Moon, GTO, and anything from that era and see how consistently well animated they were across the board throughout the run time of the show and compare it to anything that came out this season. It's a night and day difference.
He's literally scared shitless to name a single decent anime in the past 10 years because he knows he'll just prove my point.
He doesn't know that Lazarus comes out early next year, which is Watanabe's next project. You're dealing with a fake weeb who just wants to argue.
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If someone says they're a big anime fan it usually means they're emotionally immature, literally children, or severely mentally damaged. There's a reason why "tranime" is a big word now.
streaming platforms are what direct-to-video use to be, dumbass.
>rapid camera cuts and tons of beam particles/explosions on the screen
why is modern anime like this? That's awful animation
already named three, add OPM, flip flappers, and made in abyss for "obvious classics" so up to six

completely non-sequitur response

people stream televised shows on streaming platforms, this is completely different from the 1-4 volume straight to VHS non-televised platforms meant to serve the VHS rental maket in the 80s and 90s. dunno what your point is exactly, just seems like you're being aggressive while being wrong for no reason nor gain.
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a lot of what's done today couldn't even be done 30 years ago.
ninja scroll
angel cop
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It's legitimately what anime fans like and love. more flashiness more movement. If this were a modern segment the camera would be flying around wildly to show how chatoic it is. I know that part of this is budget and technological limitations to reduce new angles, but part of it is that they're trying to replicate the look of an actual physical camera viewing these scenes. For me that gives me some grounding, but when i see the camera swinging around wildly I know I'm seeing something completely fake and made up on some computer.
Gunsmith Cats
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>a lot of what's done today couldn't even be done 30 years ago.

>people stream televised shows on streaming platforms, this is completely different from the 1-4 volume straight to VHS non-televised platforms meant to serve the VHS rental maket in the 80s and 90s. dunno what your point is exactly, just seems like you're being aggressive while being wrong for no reason nor gain.
The whole point of the argument is that you said they don't make OVAs anymore because people don't rent VHS anymore then you said people binge series on streaming platforms but streaming platforms are what original non-TV animations use to be. People watched Legend of the Galactic Heroes (a 100+ episode OVA) through tapes. The equivalent of that now is streaming. It's the same shit and doesn't prevent something from being made. How you haven't figured this out is beyond me.
You could misstime 3d environments to 2d character art and puke 3d vfx over the lineart 20 years ago. It was just more expensive then.
I mean KnK is 17 years old.
Initial D
4 part Kenshin OVA from 99
Moe and Isekai. They figured out that sad, lonely men have the most disposable income.
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You mean something that incredibly ugly couldn't have been made 30 years ago? Sherlock Hound came out 40 years ago and it looks a billion times better.
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A better question to ask modern anime fans is to ask them what non-anime media they like since they mostly just consume anime. They absolutely do NOT watch old ass movies for one.

Yeah, it's Moe, Iseki, and Shounen. They can appeal to children while also digging into the pockets of adult men.
Idol culture too. Idol culture has infected Japan.
Maximalist visual noise for people who are constantly looking to one-up the last over-the-top action show that came out the year prior.
Modern character designs are so unbelievably lazy.
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Forgot to say I liked Cowboy Bebop, but thanks for the suggestion.

I dont know why, but it seems like up until the 90s, anime was treated as a serious and respected art form. I watched Jin Roh expecting some corny power fantasy sort of thing and was surprised at how beautiful and human the story was. I always try to watch subs too because usually the anime dubs voice actors are really bad. It seems like for whatever reason, anime turned into conveyer belt style capeshit slop.
I think the main thing is holding shots longer with little or no camera movement as it's following rules of staging and direction created in live action films.

I look at something like that and say "it'd be good if..." and then list off a bunch of improvements to it. I really can't stand these generic anime designs that could be any character now.

>more naturalistic faces
>no snout-noses
>actual details to the face
>heads not as round
>bodies that don't look like twigs
>less cuts
>more long angle shots than close in to show the context of the action.
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Last point is key. Jackie says it's super important to shoot from afar so the audience can follow everything and to show you're not using trickery. The more cuts and the closer the camera is, the more proof they can't pull off these stunts.
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it's even more baffling than that. I guarentee you the show on the right has 10x the budget as City Hunter. It's just that Otaku fans absolutely love minimalistic child-like faces for their heroes. They don't even look human to me.

You pop in 70's anime and there's some stylization and such, but more attention to make kids look like actual kids. Oh and actual god damn noses. Japan has had a 20 plus long year on noses for some reason, thinking they're not kawaii or some shit.
It was respected in the 00s when I was growing up, it was seen as exciting and cutting edge
Tarantino had his lil anime sequence in Kill Bill, it was practically pop culture
And then fucking Naruto came along and fucked everything up
not by choice. he wanted to ally with england and thought they would just have to fight the 'yellow peril' later anyway
The average episode of Lupin III from the 70s has more stylization and detail than a modern day Oscar flick
That's why no matter how crazy new Dragon Ball gets, it can never really one-up the best parts of the original. Key frames and flowing action will always trump quick cuts and spectacle.
>up until the 90s, anime was treated as a serious and respected art form
lol no
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>The average episode of Lupin III from the 70s has more stylization and detail than a modern day Oscar flick
That's actually true funny enough.
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1971 Lupin is peak anime.
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I have a fetish for seeing animated sequences where they actually use the ejector rod. It's one of the proofs that someone has some experience with the firearms or did their research, versus someone who hasn't. In so many anime series they just flick the wrist and the casings just fly out effortlessly. Though that CAN happen, more often than not there's a slight expansion and you need to apply some pressure to remove them.

City Hunter is also pretty derivative of Lupin III, especially the car segments. Oh he drives a turbo equipped Mini too.
>they have to be making a fucking killing just on their export sales
Everybody pirates. I don't know a single person who pays for anime.
When Lupin III first aired, the character of Arsen Lupin was NOT actually public domain yet. Since then it has.
gundam stardust memory
I was talking more of automobile and gaming sales by their exports. Guy I was replying to was talmbout Japan always being broke which I think is kikery and complete hogwash.
City Hunter was still such a fucking thrill to watch, I was raised on this sort of fast paced 80s action comedy stuff like Beverly Hills Cop and was privileged enough to get to watch City Hunter for the first time as an adult
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What happened to anime?
Actual talent killed it.
China is eating their lunch now, exports are more competitive now and their domestic consumption is decreasing, hence why they have pivoted hard to tourism to stay afloat.
retarded trannies with zero taste took it over
Ironic coming from the world's most xenophobic nation. It was over before it had the chance to even begin.
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i find kaori more beautiful than these moe midgets that anime shits out now. Apparently I'm an adult woman fetishist. ie not a pedophile.
>the world's most xenophobic nation
I've been all over the place and they aren't even the most xenophobic nation in their neighborhood.
kdrama already surpassed anime
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You will watch ze slop
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For me, it's Hanii.
I'm just yanking their chain I know the Japs are hospitable, I'll just always seem them as my enemy. They are my enemy.
>caually murders 3 men
Well, good news for you: It's incredibly grim for them. Their fate was sealed in the 1930s. They're a zombie state kept alive by American capital as a buffer against the communist states. The rise of US isolationism means they are going to be a puppet to China or just die.
I only watch good anime.
>all the Tencent MOBA money in the world and yet it still couldn't afford to replace its most cancerous writers before season 2
lol, lmao
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Is G Gundam your favorite?
You say China is eating their lunch but we're having their dinner and dessert, the way I see it. To be totally and utterly reliant on a nation you tried to kill only to be relying on our chump change. That shitty Corolla your pops got you for 3k? That changed a Japs life. That pack of YuGiOh cards your parents bought you for 5 bucks? That fed a Jap family.
takes too long to make, not enough money in return.
much easier and cheaper to cgi slop some 12 episode moeshit and push merch to autistic weebs every 12 weeks.
movies like The Boy and the Beast or In This Corner of the World are becoming less and less worth it.
>because people don't go to the movies anymore
>starshit/capeshit breaking 1 billion box office
ok doomer
it's based you have shit taste. sorry!
I know, but what I'm saying is that China is undercutting them in everything so now they have absolutely nothing left to exploit since China will do it faster and cheaper for comparable quality. It's ogre.
Outlaw Star started off really strong and slowly turned into throwaway drek as it went on.
It's been a while since I watched something that frustrated me so much as I continued to watch it.
Good riddance. What exactly does the world lose? More moeshit, more soulless idols? You think the Japan that the oldfags worship even exists anymore?
Dunno man. I only posted this because I felt like dabbing on some weebs lmao
Enjoy your lesbian melodrama with horrible pacing and nothing characters.
i did as has the globe. keep having shit taste, tardo. perhaps plebbit would be more your speed?
Outlaw Star is as mid as it gets but in typical 90s fashion, the op/ed's go hard.
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>what happened to anime that made them stop producing kinos
Outdated information. Look Back has saved anime
Pom Poko
Princess Mononoke
Perfect Blue
Patlabor 1 & 2
Martian Successor Nadesico & The Movie
Gundam Char's Counterattack & F91
Gundam 8th MS Team
Detonator Orgun
Gunbuster & Diebuster
Serial Experiments Lain
>Japan always being broke
But they are, by all objective measures. Their whole economy is just robbing Peter to pay Paul and kicking the can down the road until the inevitable collapse.
not only retarded but also shit taste.
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The live action adaptation is Anno-sama's crowning achievement.
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I make sure that I only actively watch things I know are good and avoid all slop.
Hitler had massive respect for Japan but thought they'd inevitably turn on him because they had a history of being absolutely insane.
Literally makes no sense to do it this way when you can just animate that entire scene and it would look a billion times better and more cinematic.
FLCL began production in 99, they didn't release ep1 til 2000, and didn't finish ep6 til 2001.
sorry as an official 4chan judicator, i am not giving you that.
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heh speaking of jews, have you watched angel cop?
dilate and seethe.
it started in the era of 90s anime, with the 90s anime style.
just the same as i'd say a show that came out in 90/91 but had the 80s style would be a 80s anime.
just the same as 'MILF' category in porn doesn't mean a "mother i'd like to fuck", it's an age bracket/look. there are no 18 year old milfs just because they've had a kid.

90s anime is a style, not a release date.
FLCL is clearly 90s anime.
whats wrong with astro boy? too violent for the time?
>most generic anime character ever right on the poster
i can already tell its shit
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perfect blue was so kino that america couldnt help but completely rip it off.
except not as good and with gay shit in it of course because its america.

the only good thing about it was that i got to see natalie portman's armpits for almost 2 hours straight
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vampire hunter D and vampiter huner D bloodlust
It was the 1950/60s. People still carried a lot of hate and resentment for anything Japanese because of the war.
hell, even in the 2011 tsunami, a vocal minority of the US public thought it was good news. "Remember Pearl Harbor" and "karma" were trending keywords on Twitter on that day.
>Gundam Char's Counterattack
love that movie but is not 90s
because movies a like perfect blue cost a lot of money to make
woah how did she do that?
You're the exact kind of retard who would unironically argue that The Shining is a 70's film despite releasing in 1980. We date the existence of a product based on it's release, not the period of time when it was thought of, penned, or in the process of being made. That's a retarded mentality to have. FLCL is a 2000's anime because that's when people watched it. It's not rocket science.
>90s anime is a style, with the 90s anime style.
which is also a retarded thing to say because that's like saying FLCL is the same in it's "style" as Berserk, Trigun, or anything else from that era which are completely different from one another.
Hosoda also makes kino. Better than the others at visual spectacle.
>fist of the north star
ahh im so jealous
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im not gonna tell you its great but i personally would recommend genocyber, its a 5 episode ova and i would recommended mainly because of the animation and action scenes, but its very gory so you may not like that.

again im not saying its good, im saying i liked it
you're just wrong.
if you hear a song that's clearly 80s music but you learn it came out in 79 or 90 or even 2020, you'd still call it 80s music.
they love the 80's and 90's shit because they grew up with it, this is all just nostalgia, its all it ever fucking is
>ur wrong... j..just because
>here is my unrelated music trend goalpost comparison
Perfect blue
Death note
Ghost in the shell
These three ruined anime
>Death Note
last 13 episodes are complete dogshit.
Okay, explain.
>sees examples given
>can't argue against them
>pretend they don't exist
dilate tranny janny
I'd argue Evangelion did more damage to anime than anything. Also Naruto to some extent.
They have zero soul, these are anime that wanted to look like real life, they have no reasons to be anime and they are edgy for the sake of it.
You are ignoring the original question, which does have the meaning of what is similarly great in the late 90's style?; of which FLCL is obviously included.
he really didn't. even the term honorary aryan was only born out of political necessity because nips were complaining about nazi racial theory
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>One Piece
>Death note
>Elfien Lied
>Madoka Magica
THESE Ruined anime- it all became formulaic slop that's either zany shounen, grim dark shoujo, moeblob cuteshit, or ultra generic isekai trash. We still get the odd gem like Little Witch Academia and Cyberpunk Edgerunners (both made by Trigger I might add) but for the most part every anime made in the last 15 years looks, feels, and tastes completely vapid and uninspired. It's the same thing that happened, to some extent, with capeshit being done to death by lazy, greedy, film studios in the US.
Your stupid shit doesn't even make sense
>if you hear a song that's clearly 80s music but you learn it came out in 79 or 90 or even 2020, you'd still call it 80s music.
If it came out in 2020, you would be calling it 2020's music you dumbfuck LMAO. You can use instrumentations that were trendy in the 80's such as synth for example but that doesn't make it 80's because it didn't release in the 80's. That's like calling Stranger Things a TV show from the 80's LMAO
The 90s are full of cheap, poorly animated garbage compared to the 70s and 80s. That era is like weeb repellant though so they just fixate on muh 90s anime. Which is a good thing, they can fuck off and leave Showa kino alone.
It really was only out of convenience.
I like the part where the Germans tried to spread Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and other works in Japan and the Japanese response was "...Interesting. We need to ally with the Jews in the future."
Name one anime in the late 90's that similar in style to FLCL that weren't made by the exact same people. I'll wait.
Yeah it's easy to forget that anime girls used to be attractive.
Ghost in the Shell has a realiztic style, but also does a better job displaying the uncanny valley than any live action media I've seen. Even the live action movie didn't really get it right. With that in mind I would say it sued its art style effectively and was thus justified in using animation to peruse realism.
As for Deathnote, I don't know if I'd call it realistic. It's full of anime pretty boys. I will agree that it sucks though, and that it's popularity cause a lot of imitators to suck similarly, but a lot of its peculiarities wouldn't really work in live action.
Perfect Blue could have just been a live action movie, yeah. But it was also good, so whatever.
Ghost in the Shell (95) was kino af
Ghost in the Shell (SAC) was unwatchable.
if anything dragon ball did more damage hell its the reason why naruto became so utterly retarded because the author couldnt help himself and wanted to make it more like dragon ball
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god early gundam was full of hot women, why is everything these days full of pedo bait?
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Remember Cutie Honey? She's back! In gacha form!
>The 90s are full of cheap, poorly animated garbage compared to the 70s and 80s
You're a fucking retard who doesn't know what you're talking about. The 1990's had the most money and creativity on average for shows than any era of anime by far. The industry was in a good spot and benefitting from the success of the previous decade while reaching the pinnacle of technological advancements for animation prior to the digital age. People making anime were creating more ambitious projects that wouldn't have been made in previous decades. Something like Lain for example is so off-beat and anti-mainstream that it wouldn't even have been considered as an actual anime in 10 years earlier. Evangelion deconstructed the entire mecha genre which had become stale and repetitive at the time. Bebop which fused genres while grasping the themes of existentialism and loneliness in a mature way which wasn't that prevalent at the time in anime. I just don't get how you can shit on 90's anime by calling it cheap and poorly animated while sucking the dick of 70's anime which were quite literally barely even animated for the most part. I don't hold it against them because of the limitations of the time, but are this stupid to actually believe it had better animation than a typical 90's show? That's just objectively wrong.
cutie honey shows up in violence jack her group helps defeat the bad guy towards the end, they all die but they do some real damage to slum king by destroying his castle.

i love go nagai, all his mangas are fucking insane
Imo anime started to be really good at some point in the 80s and stopped being much good in the late 2000s. There was a solid 20-30 years of good content being made, lots of really great stuff came out in each decade prior to 2010. That was the point that it all kind of went downhill imho.
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GitS has always been pseud shit.
I don't think you have any idea what an attractive anime girl looks like.
You're wrong. There was nothing like DBZ. It changed the game, the culture, and how you could go about telling a story like that. Naruto was a problem because it took all the elements that made DBZ good and made it stale and showed that you can become successful off of bare minimum effort and just copying the basic formula without improving upon it in any way.

Halloween changed the horror genre because it was great but spawned a lot of shitty Halloween slasher clones. Does that make Halloween bad? No, it makes the lazy ripoffs bad.
I think Devilman also makes an appearance in Cutie Honey iirc. Go Nagai is definitely one of the GOAT as far as mangaka are concerned.
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Great series. Great cast. Great wold-building.
Its vibes can never be matched.
a lot of his characters make appearances in violence jack, devilman and satan also show up in the final arc

turns out all the three jacks are devilman but separated or something, slum king was actually xenon and the dog person that looked like satan was, well satan, he was basically punishing himself because he felt bad about killing akira at the end of devilman
but yeah go nagai is fucking based he just made fun mangas and didnt give a fuck
Your redhead has a good design but I remember her just being a boring tsundere girl.
Where's her nose?
I saw Apocalypse of Devilman like 25 years after watching The Birth and Demonbird. Ngl it confused the shit out of me, but it was fairly enjoyable. Animation quality wasn't nearly as good as the OVA though. Devilman is one of my all time favorites. I also love Cutie Honey and Violence Jack but didn't see them until more recently.
Amen, brother.
i feel like the movies (or ovas i dont remember that they were) dont do violence jack justice, you should read the manga but unfortunately it isnt full translated in english.
She's actually very well made character. She's not just a tsundere.
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Anime as a legitimate art form can be traced back to 1970, specifically with the release of Ashita no Joe which is not only a masterpiece even now, but was so significant, that it changed the culture of Japan itself. Started with the manga but it showed that you can tell mature sophisticated storylines involving the physical consequences of competing in contact sports while also dealing with social inequality and class struggle Something of that magnitude was released at a time when the biggest cartoon in the world was Scooby-Doo. Anime became good in the early 70's with the release of shows like Joe, Lupin III, Aim for the Ace, ect.. There are too many great examples for that era.
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AnJ is kino
I'm sure it is good, but I have trouble getting past the animation style and the rather slow pace content. I'm sure it's not much different than most zoomers not being able to watch anything that isn't cel-shaded and changing frame every 15 seconds to keep their tik-tok brains engaged. For me though the golden age of anime is late 80s through late 00s.
dictatorships don't have allies
The 80s through late 00s is coincidentally the era with the biggest budgets.
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Because modern consumers are goycattle of the highest degree. The art didn't sell, so they changed business plans
AnJ introduced something that I don't think had been in cartoons at point: The grittiness of life as the underclass. From the very first episode you see a community in abject poverty in Tokyo's slums and it's not romanticized. Instead, you can kind of see the tragic beauty of people trying to be resilient and escape their circumstances.
It's a very slow story and rough-looking but I don't want to imagine what anime would have become without it.
Ah, good ol' Honeymayonnaise.
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Zoomers happened.
It just feels the most soulful to me. I loved anime up until maybe 2008, but then everything coming out people were getting hyped on just seemed worse and worse and worse. Now it all looks like a video game, just so obviously computer animated, I really don't like it.
God I haven't seen this since the 5am block on Adult Swim, probably 20 years ago.
Sounds Marxist af ngl. Hard pass.
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The series turned 25 like a month ago and we're getting some new merch.
It was one of the few anime I wouldn't bother watching back then, as well as S-Cry-ed, Detective conan and a few others that just bored me to death.
>trying to survive and be hopeful as a poor person after a war is Marxist
Okay, culture warrior.
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it's animation as a whole really. It took a different kind of spirit
Macross Plus. Great music too. Yoko Kanno did not disappoint.
Modern anime will destroy everything you love.
woah, i didnt know the big O was a mech anime, i was planning to watch it at some point but now i will watch it as soon as i can
I can never get behind these threads because even old anime is pure kitsch aesthetics wise, and the writing is terrible and unsubtle. It's made by and for autistic people, that's why every show and film has no complexity and tells you exactly how to feel, why everything needs to be explained, every internal monologue, villain's reasoning, flashback flashback flashback, etc.

This issue only became worse with time where anime in the 2000s and 10s are pure retard slop, with terrible digital effects.

I think the only anime that are the exception to this rule is stuff like Angel's Egg, Belladonna of Sadness, and Cat Soup; art for arts sake released for the direct to video market. These are the anime that are more important than mainstream trash like Ghibli films and whatever bullshit was on Toonami in the 90s.
as much as i love berserk its pretty overrated and its only popular with normies because le hecking souls game are full of berserk references
you clearly havent watched enough old anime because you are clearly talking out of your ass
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Based kaori enjoyer.
>its only popular with normies because le hecking souls game are full of berserk references
the fuck are you talking about. It was popular before Souls was even a thing lmao
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Of course the redditspacing redditfag is spewing his retarded reddit opinions
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Good animanger's don't work like animated 3d kino's. There's a certain, substantial, charm to them. They can feel uniquley genuine, in a way few medium's can match, it can disproportionately elevate a baser work.
There's probably some psychology/philosophy discussion on the nipponese soul you can read about
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I can never get behind these threads because even old anime is pure kitsch aesthetics wise, and the writing is terrible and unsubtle. It's made by and for autistic people, that's why every show and film has no complexity and tells you exactly how to feel, why everything needs to be explained, every internal monologue, villain's reasoning, flashback flashback flashback, etc.
Of course anon here will ignore this movie.
They also ignore elusive samurai and dandadan when those anime clearly have 80's/90's aesthetic.
I actually feel like the mech aspects diminish it somewhat. There's so many episodes that go all in on the moody noir detective aspects only to have an out of nowhere giant robot battle at the end.
I think I would have been better if the robots were brought out every once in a while when the stakes are at their highest, but I guess it's silly to want for less mechs in a mecha anime.
i haven't seen the chainsaw man movie but
>those anime clearly have 80's/90's aesthetic
You don't belong in any artistic discussion
CSM is trash, fujimoto is a hack and no one cares about his shitty one shot adaptation.
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>no one cares about his shitty one shot adaptation.
This is why you'll get nothing but slop that looks like this for all eternity

>80's/90's aesthetic.
I wouldn't go that far but they look much better than the majority of recent anime, I hope the trend continues
Watch Pluto
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>those anime clearly have 80's/90's aesthetic.
People need to stop saying dumb shit like this. There's no such thing as a specific aesthetic for an era you retards. Dragon Ball Z came out in 1989. You know what else came out that year? Ranma. Jushin liger, and Akira. None of these things even look remotely similar to one another. You cannot boil down a decade of animation to a specific aesthetic because they are not represented by one style. That's like when retards think all 90's shows look like Slayers but then you quickly notice... Oh Slayers looks nothing like Cowboy Bebop... or Evangelion.. or Sailor Moon. or Detective Conan, or Nadia, or Trigun, or 98% of other anime from that time.
It's like when idiots think all 80's shows look like Fist of the North Star when there's like less than 5 things that actually look similar and one of them is JoJo.
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>those anime clearly have 80's/90's aesthetic.
You're trolling. It very obviously looks like modern slop.
>mc is le weak nerdy betamale who gets a hot female gf
I'm so tired of this shit.
The real problem is that those 80/90's anime's were natural developments, fresh (some more than others of course) ideas. Compare that to to a spiritually dry modern artist who sees that 80/90's anime were popular, and replicates it. Obviously it won't compare.

I wanted to add that "quest for excellency" webm, but it was over 4mb :( can someone else post it?
I'm reading this thread and cannot fucking believe this one nigger who thinks that just because more Brazilians watch anime than ever before that this somehow solidifies his godawful shonen shit as a merit of quality
That a bunch of fucking spics and Russians have access to the Internet and can pirate anime that it's like some amazing thing
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Sure thing, nigger.
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>he will defend this trash
it's bait, faggot
Hitler was trans
This looks good retard. The background is soulless but the shading on the characters and rough outlines makes them actually look hand drawn. Not perfect but a step in the right direction

Checkd and kino. I haven't seen Dandadan but I'll check it out when the seasons finished
>This looks good retard.
Bro is lying for no fucking reason.
the artist doesn't know how to draw hands apparently
>Bro is
You don't know what good anime looks like ironic weeb zoomer, go watch your mappaslop
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Megalo Box is the only example of a modern anime that specifically tried to look old school. None of the other anime mentioned is replicating something retro but rather are just the style of the original artist and how they like to draw.
>crying zoomer while defending zoomer shit
>zoomer shit he admitted to not even watching
Insecure retard.
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>"bro is lying"
>not a zoomer
This paints an unsettling image of a middle aged man with a broccoli perm. I just said the characters in the image looked good, some clips and the OP do too
So you have no argument or rebuttal for anything stated and instead are just defending yourself for having shit taste? It looks like trash and the original person who commented claiming it looks like an old aesthetic is objectively wrong which you are choosing to defend for some reason.
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Pretty flashing colours and gratuitous camera movement anon, it's the coolest thing ever. Just ignore the fact you can't tell what the fuck is going on.
can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
I gave an argument and you just said "bro is lying" retard. I didn't agree that it looks like a cell drawn anime either just that it's a step in the right direction
Weird that Mappa is your go-to studio to shit on when it's one of the lesser offensive studios in animation.
>le sad because the demon tells you a sad story so you believe them
This is what Frieren warns everyone
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I'm not being sarcastic, don't you think amorphous blobs of colour flying across the screen is cool? Don't you think giving people an epileptic fit is awesome? Look at how much stuff is happening on the screen! It means the fight is more intense! Forget the fact that it looks like a methed up LSD trip! It's so cool!
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Shut the fuck up retard
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It looks bad. The backgrounds are as bland as they come, the character designs are minimalist & uninspired, the shading or lack-thereof makes the characters look flat and lifeless, the color palette is dull and reminiscent of a lot of other shows that come out now. It's not impressive in the slightest or a step in the right direction.
>wow bad anime based on shitty manga is le bad so it must be the studio!
It could have been made by Madhouse, TMS, or Sunrise and it would still be a bad anime. Makes no difference who made it. Mappa is mid but there are tons of worse studios out there.
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>shitty CGI is only bad because of uhhh the 2D drawing it was adapted from isn't good enough
Kill yourself

>the shading or lack-thereof makes the characters look flat and lifeless, the color palette is dull
It looks better than drenching everything in shitty digital lighting which is why it's a step in the right direction
>reminiscent of a lot of other shows that come out now
Name any
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It's a good thing I only watch good anime instead
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>Name any
literally any of them. We're not short of anime nowadays with extremely boring washed out colors.
western/global markets happened. there's far less anime aimed at an older audience, isekais and battle shonen are the things that catch on when it comes to series, with the occasional romcom. for movies, it is almost exclusively comedies for existing franchises (conan, shin-chan), sports, or romances. there's still lots of random, obscure anime that come out that are interesting, but low budgets and shorter seasons means they are rarely amazing and, more often than not, get left unfinished.
shows from the last ~2 years that i like:
apothecary diaries
the witch and the beat
undead girl murder farce
kamonohashi ron
home hero
heavenly delusion
elusive samurai
the fable
dark gathering
dungeon meshi
migi and dali

few others i still need to check out, but looking forward to lazarus the most.
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>he watches nu-anime
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Here you go bro
Wait... are you claiming that the Chainsaw Man manga is good?
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No you dumb nigger I claimed that terrible CGI can't be blamed on the drawings it's adapted from, Fujimoto had another one of his manga adapted this year and it looks 1000x better than the Chainsaw Man anime, because MAPPA didn't make it. Donate your body to scientific research so someone can study your fucking brain please
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The isekai menace needs to be stopped. Return to traditional fantasy.
even old isekai would be okay. shit like escaflowne, inyuasha, or space jam. this current form that isekais take where they are all playing off of dragon quest/rpg tropes is just embarrassing.
>shonen shit got really popular in the West around 2006
Shonen was popular since the early 90's in the west, amerimutts only got to know it around 2006
YES this, both movies are awesome

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But anon, you made the isekai happen.
>what happened to anime that made them stop producing kinos and only slops?
Their anime reflects their country.
Their country is dying, so is their anime. It's simple.
no choreography whatsoever just two guys slashing at each other yelling like retards and a bunch of random explosions for some fucking reason
not amongst normies it wasnt, now you see a bunch of faggots with brand of sacrifice tattoos or guts profile pics
why is he walking like a retard?
That's just so sad. Glad I never watched the new ones, not Super or even the "Remastered" DBZ because they totally destroyed all the good moments, even changing iconic music.
Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Record of Loddoss War
Golden Boy
Vampire Hunter D
Perfect Blue

Recommend me something, please.
A nice dinner
angel cop, but watch in japanese with subtitles, the dub changes some stuff because its apparently anti Semitic and that make the villain's motivation make no sense in the english dub
Didn't it crash right after he died?
I mean you can just watch the shows Tylor was making fun of pretty easily.

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