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Gladiator 2

Mediocre follow-up. Goes so far as to replay the first movie in its opening minutes and then plays flashbacks throughout. Also hits the very same story beats, but lacks the memorable performances. I did not care for anyone except Denzel and the Emperors.

I actually think it would've been a better movie had it no connection at all to the original. None of the ties to the previous movies did it any favours beyond borrowing the gravitas of the title. There were some nice practical effects and battles. Fun to watch once and never again.

What did you think of it?
looks like some kind of mexican soap operal. zero interest in watching
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>conquest of Numidia over a century after it was already under control
>they somehow have a stone wall facing the sea
>emperors wear makeup for some reason
>water in the arena
>sharks in that water
>Macrinus who was half-brown (Punic and Arabic) is somehow Sub-Saharan now
>oh btw, your father is the main character of the last movie, teehee :)
>What did you think of it?

Lead actor doesn't even have 1/10th of Maximus' charisma, and he's supposed to give THREE big speeches
>before the Numidia siege
>before the final arena fight
>after the last duel in front of two armies

How do you FUCK UP this bad, but then again Ridley Scott did cast zero charisma Orlando Bloom for Kingdom of Heaven so maybe this is par for the course
I think I'll watch Gladiator instead

I liked the shark scene. It was super cool. I didn’t know gladiators battled sharks like that.
thats exactly what i did. beautiful movie.
I watched Avengers 1 instead. beautiful movie.
Pretty much agree with everything you said OP
Ridley Scott seem to lost his touch. Everything since his Alien prequel has been divisive at best or completely mediocre at worst.
water was actually in the colosseum historically thoughever
A lot of people like The Martian
I unironically liked Napoleon more and I hated that one too. What a pile of shit this was, Ridley just doesn't give a fuck anymore
He just had to make Pascal's character single and bloodthirsty, and the final boss of Gladiator 3 who hated Lucius with every fiber of his being, as he was jealous of Crowe's achievements or something, including having the illegitimate son, Lucius.
Pascal's character would have been the real sucessor of the Emperors from might alone, and so Lucius' character development would emphasize merit over "legacy" and the like.
Also, Denzel's character would have never died until the next movie as the ulterior motives of ruling Rome show up over time. This would have made the movies a lot slower, but they would absolutely be morale raising like in the first movie.

Then again, there is a lot of anxiety about WWIII coming soon, so Pascal's character being concerned about the deaths of everyone from both sides is a true Hollywood anti-war liberal moment, or so.
I think making the protagonist wear a literal plot armor was a very avant garde decision. Ridley you absolute madman you did it again 8/10 dragged down by lack of memorable zingers
antiwar on film, pro-war in voting patterns IRL. No wonder movies are losing relevance in being so detached from reality
>Roman times
Arabs didn't exist in Roman times
And a lot of people like shit, what's your point
Denzel should've gotten torn apart by an angry mob at the end but no let's have a stupid boss fight at the end instead
Dont know. didnt watch and will never watch
The Numidia shit was odd because it’s way more than a century. The year in the film should be 211 as that’s when both Caracalla and Geta come to power after the death of Severus. Caracalla has Geta killed in December 211. It would also put Mescals character at roughly 19 for the events of the film if the first is set in 192. The problem is the first film covers Commodus’ entire 12 year reign as if it’s maybe one year. Ita straight up retarded how Ridley can’t even establish a basic fucking timeline.
It's not as though the first Gladiator movie was entirely historically accurate
Exactly. People tend to forget how ridiculously inaccurate and unreal it is.
The moment Maximus took off his helmet and threatened the Caesar it would be dead by dawn. Imagine Connor McGregor doing a fight in Moscow, then picking up a mic and yell to Putin that he's going to kill him.
Gladiator is well crafted and the serious tone fools the average moviegoer, but in reality is a 'historical fantasy' film in the vein of Apocalypto or King Arthur.
> I gargled semen instead. beautiful texture.

>he believes this shit
lol, I love it when people question the Bible, but take some guys ancient scribblings as fact
It's literally the force awakens but gladiator
>rap plays as denzels character rides a shark and throws a basketball through a hoop to start the games
Stopped watching right there
oh I didn't realise we had an ancient historian in the house, maybe you even wrote about Tacitcus in your PHD

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